HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-23 Council (Regular) MinutesCOUNTY OF NEWELL
February 23, 2023
The regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell was held in the County Office and
livestreamed to the public via Lifesize on Thursday, February 23, 2023 commencing at 10:06 a.m.
Notice was posted at the front entrance advising the public of the meeting.
MEMBERS A. Doerksen, Reeve
A. Skanderup
H. Johnson
G. Skriver
K. Christman
E. Unruh (via Lifesize)
A. Philpott
N. Johnson
STAFF: M. Fenske, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Green, Director of Agricultural Services (Moderator)
G. Tiffin, Manager of Planning, Development and Engineering
Z. Forest, Municipal Intern - Planning
S. Simpson, Development Officer
S. Hanson, Controller
L. Johnson, Director of Corporate Services
R. Fernell, Director of Information and Technology
A. Nielsen, Executive Assistant
S. Page, Planning and Development Administrative Assistant
C. Groom, Medicine Hat College Workplace Practicum Student
OTHERS IN S. Stanway, Brooks Bulletin
ATTENDANCE: W. MacKenzie, Alberta Utilities Commission (via Lifesize)
G. Scotton, Alberta Utilities Commission (via Lifesize)
JP Mousseau, Alberta Utilities Commission (via Lifesize)
E. Wilson, Canadian Renewable Energy Association (via Lifesize)
A. Ming, RemedX Remediation Services Inc. (23 LUA 004)
C. Wantono, RemedX Remediation Services Inc. (23 LUA 004)
A. Wang, Bossco EnviroTech Canada Limited (23 LUA 004)
48 County Ratepayers
Reeve A. Doerksen called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.
Regular Council
February 23, 2023
C-56/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Councillor L. Kopp be excused from
the meeting.
3.1 Minutes - Council (February 9, 2023)
C-57/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that the February 9, 2023 Council
Meeting minutes be adopted as presented.
Reeve A. Doerksen called for post agenda items. Question Period will be deferred until
after the delegations.
C-58/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR AMANDA PHILPOTT that the agenda be adopted as
7.1 Bylaw 2049-23 23 LUA 004 (SW 4-23-18-W4 - A-GEN to I-GEN)
The Municipal Intern - Planning provided background information on this item. The
applicants were present to respond to questions. C. Wantono responded to
questions regarding the type of waste involved to be stored. A. Hofer responded
to questions, indicating that Newell Colony is diversifying their operations into a
new industry in response to demand from the oil and gas industry. Adjacent
landowners will be notified and given an opportunity to provide feedback prior to
the public hearing. C. Wantono responded to further questions.
C-59/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that Bylaw 2049-23, being a bylaw to
amend Land Use Bylaw 2016-21 by redesignating a 104.73-acre portion of
SW 4-23-18-W4 from Agriculture - General (A-GEN) District to Industrial - General (I-GEN)
District, be given FIRST reading.
A. Ming, C. Wantono, A. Wang, and 4 County Ratepayers left the meeting at 10:22 a.m.
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Regular Council
February 23, 2023
9.1 Policy Review - POL-014-23 Restricted Surplus
The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item and
an overview of the significant proposed changes to the policy. Council was given
the opportunity to ask questions. The Chief Administrative Officer responded to
questions regarding funding carried forward for capital expenditures and whether
investments keep up with inflation. He also provided an explanation of funding
sources and responded to further guestions.
C-60/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that Policy POL-014-23 (Restricted
Surplus) be adopted as presented.
9.2 Restricted Surplus Review & Approval of Year-End Transfers
The Controller provided background information on this item and responded to
questions from Council. The Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions
regarding funding for Recreation Boards and the Regional Enhancement Reserve.
C-61/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that the year-end transfer of
unrestricted net assets to the restricted surplus funds as proposed by Finance be
approved as presented.
S. Hanson left the meeting at 10:41 a.m.
9.3 Electoral Division Boundaries Community Engagement Initiative
The Director of Corporate Services provided background information on this item,
indicating Council is being asked to confirm the content and process for the public
engagement initiative to gather feedback regarding municipal electoral division
boundaries. The Director of Corporate Services indicated that the information
presented is a draft and extensive revisions are expected prior to releasing it to the
public. He outlined the proposed process for gathering public feedback, which will
include information on Newell Notify and the Newell Connect app which can be
used to submit feedback in addition to traditional methods.
Discussion followed. The Director of Corporate Services responded to questions
from Council regarding current divisional boundaries, indicating that achieving an
even population distribution across ten divisions will significantly alter the existing
boundaries. Council provided feedback regarding the proposed content, indicating
it should be limited to two pages with some pictures, include costs associated with
electoral boundary redistribution, and provide information on why there are
currently ten divisions.
Discussion followed. The Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions
from Council, indicating that the Municipal Government Act does not require
municipalities to distribute the population evenly across electoral divisions. The
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Regular Council
February 23, 2023
Director of Corporate Services responded to further questions from Council and
suggested that including potential boundaries could create confusion at this
time. Administration was directed to condense the information package to a
maximum of two pages. Council was asked to submit further changes to the
information package. This item will be brought back to a future Council meeting
for further discussion.
L. Johnson and R. Fernell left the meeting at 11:00 a.m.
Council RECESSED at 11:00 a.m. and RECONVENED at 11:05 a.m.
W. MacKenzie, JP Mousseau, and G. Scotton arrived at 11:05 a.m.
44 County Ratepayers were in attendance.
8.1 Alberta Utilities Commission -(W. MacKenzie, JP Mousseau, & G. Scotton)
W. MacKenzie provided background information on the Alberta Utilities
Commission (AUC), outlined the responsibilities of commission members and staff,
and gave an overview of the application process. Municipalities can get involved
at the AUC review step when staff are gathering information for large
developments. W. MacKenzie indicated that the level of AUC involvement
depends on the size of the development, but even small projects are reguired to
meet certain conditions. He provided an overview of rules for power plants that
applicants must follow, noting that Rule 007 includes requirements for public
consultation. W. MacKenzie provided information regarding decommissioning and
reclamation of a project and indicated that the AUC is looking at the issue in greater
detail as many municipalities have raised concerns. He provided information
regarding how municipalities can participate in a proceeding and explained the
difference between being granted standing versus participation rights.
W. MacKenzie indicated that Section 619 of the Municipal Government Act gives
AUC decisions paramountcy over municipal decisions, noting this only applies to
issues considered by the AUC and not municipal requirements for development
permits, road use agreements, etc.
Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. W. MacKenzie responded to
questions regarding reclamation requirements. Currently, reclamation costs are
covered in private agreements with landowners. The AUC is reviewing Rule 007
to gain a better understanding of these agreements and costs associated with
reclamation. Council expressed concerns with a lack of a clear plan for
reclamation and how that affects economic impact. W. MacKenzie indicated that
Alberta Environment and the AUC have requirements for reclamation and
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Regular Council
February 23, 2023
decommissioning. Requirements for security are addressed in the /ease
agreements with private landowners and the AUC is working to understand the
W. MacKenzie, JP Mousseau, and G. Scotton left the meeting at 11:41 a.m.
E. Wilson arrived at 11:41 a.m.
8.2 Canadian Renewable Energy Association (E. Wilson)
E. Wilson provided background information on the Canadian Renewab/e Energy
Association and the number of active members investing in Alberta. He provided
information regarding the number of so/ar and wind energy projects currently in
Alberta and displayed maps showing the best areas for so/ar and wind
resources. Additional favourable opportunities in Alberta come from a deregulated
energy market, the Technology Innovation & Emissions Reduction regime, and the
Transmission Regulation. E. Wilson showed graphs indicating the decreasing
price of wind and solar power worldwide and in Alberta. He gave an overview of
permitting and regulation of renewable energy developments in Alberta, indicating
that landowners can reject /ease agreements for renewable energy developments
if they do not agree with the terms. He a/so noted that repowering or upgrading is
an option in addition to reclamation and decommissioning.
Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. E. Wilson responded to
questions regarding costs associated with recycling so/ar panels, indicating that
best practices are being developed as solar energy developments in Canada have
not reached the reclamation stage. He responded to questions regarding energy
A question period and notice of motion was held. 44 County Ratepayers were in
attendance. The moderator indicated that there were no questions from the public on the
T. Dahl indicated that she had not received responses to questions regarding the County's
Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and expressed concerns regarding the level of public
consultation associated with the MDP review. She questioned why the information on the
MDP review included references to the United Nations and a quote suggesting that the
County of Newell transition away from fossil fuels sooner than later. She asked whether
the County of Newell was knowingly doing business with the United Nations. T. Dahl
requested information regarding the County's contracts with the Miistakis Institute and ISL
Engineering and asked how long the Chief Administrative Officer and the Municipal Intern
- Planning had been County ratepayers.
Reeve A. Doerksen indicated that the County of Newell is not working with the United
Nations. The Chief Administrative Officer replied that the United Nations was referenced
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Regular Council
February 23, 2023
on the topic sheets that were issued to engage the public in conversation regarding the
MDP. He indicated that public consultation is ongoing. When a draft MDP document is
available, the public will have an opportunity to provide feedback. The Chief
Administrative Officer expressed concerns with information being taken out of
context. The County is not reviewing the Land Use Bylaw at this time, but the MDP is
being updated and the public is asked to submit feedback.
Reeve A. Doerksen provided additional information regarding the MDP and encouraged
the public to provide feedback on what they would like to see in that document. He
expressed appreciation for the concerns brought forward, indicating that many of them are
shared concerns and efforts should be made to influence where we can, which include
protecting landowner rights to develop how they want without compromising the rights of
others or the environment.
The Chief Administrative Officer and the Manager of Planning, Development &
Engineering responded to questions regarding the County's involvement with the Miistakis
Institute and ISL Engineering. Information regarding these contracts will be provided to
T. Dahl after the meeting.
C. Sieberer indicated that she had received notice from the AUC regarding a proposed
so/ar development near her property in October but none of the other residents of the
subdivision had received the notice. She expressed concerns with the lack of specific
reclamation plans for renewab/e power developments required by the AUC and stressed
the importance of municipalities getting their autonomy back to make decisions for their
ratepayers. Reeve A. Doerksen indicated that Council has similar concerns regarding
reclamation of renewable energy developments and has raised them with the Rural
Municipalities of Alberta. He indicated that the County has also joined an initiative with
other municipalities that will be working to get a better understanding of and direction for
Reeve A. Doerksen thanked the ratepayers in attendance for bringing forward their
concerns and encouraged further questions to be submitted to Administration.
44 County Ratepayers left the meeting at 12:26 p.m.
Council RECESSED for lunch at 12:26 p.m. and RECONVENED at 1:32 p.m.
9.4 International Federation of Ag Journalists - Congress & Farm Tour
The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this
item. The Joint Services Committee passed a motion to seek Platinum
Sponsorship with the funding request to be considered by each
Council. Discussion followed the County committing $40, 000 and inviting the other
municipalities in the region and the Eastern Irrigation District to participate. The
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Regular Council
February 23, 2023
Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions, suggesting that it would be
best for Brooks Newell Region Economic Development to be involved. Council
agreed with the importance of working together as a region and suggested that
videos or other marketing tools be developed that can be used for other projects
going forward. Discussion followed. The Chief Administrative Officer indicated
that Council could fund up to $40, 000 with the assumption that other partners
would join the initiative. Cost sharing levels and details for planning the event
would be determined later. Further discussion followed.
C-62/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that the County of Newell join the regional
sponsorship of the International Federation of Ag Journalists (IFAJ) and Tour for up to
$40,000 with funding from the Regional Enhancement Fund with cost sharing partnerships
and details for the event to be determined.
9.5 Councillor Payment Sheets (January 2023)
Councillor D. Short provided background information on this item and responded
to questions from Council.
C-63/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that the January 2023 Councillor
Payment Sheets be accepted with the amendments recommended by the Councillor
Compensation Review Committee.
9.6 Requests for Functions of Council
There were no requests for functions of Council to discuss at this meeting.
10.1 Alberta Irrigation Districts Association Conference
Councillor H. Johnson and Councillor K. Christman submitted written
reports. Reeve A. Doerksen provided additional information.
10.2 Newell Housing Foundation
Councillor A. Philpott submitted a written report.
10.3 RMA Asset Management Workshop
Councillor K. Christman submitted a written report.
10.4 Airport Commission
Councillor D. Short reported that the Airport Commission is seeking volunteers to
help with a pancake breakfast as part of an Alberta Air Tour event in June 2023.
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Regular Council
February 23, 2023
10.5 Southern Alberta Energy From Waste Association
Councillor N. Johnson reported that a meeting will be held February 28, 2023 to
discuss the recent funding announcement.
10.6 Grasslands Regional FCSS
Councillor K. Christman provided an update on a transition to a new Executive
Director that was reported at a recent City of Brooks Council meeting. Discussion
followed. Councillor K. Christman responded to questions from Council.
12.1 Payment Registers
The Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions from Council. This item
was accepted as information.
12.2 Strategic Priorities Chart
This item was accepted as rnformation.
12.3 Bassano RCMP Report
This item was accepted as information.
12.4 Request to Review Newell Regional Landfill Hours of Operation
Discussion followed. Councillor N. Johnson indicated that he would bring the letter
to the Newell Regional Solid Waste Management Authority and discuss hours of
operation. The Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions from Council.
12.5 2022 Q4 Financial Information Package
The Chief Administrative Officer indicated that the audit has been scheduled and
some Councillors may be called for interviews. This item was accepted as
11.1 Alberta Land Trust Grant Program for Conservation Easements
Councillor N. Johnson reported that the Brooks & District Chamber of Commerce
had recently distributed information regarding a grant program available for
landowners interested in conservation easements. Discussion followed and
Council indicated that they are not opposed to conservation easements but are
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Regular Council
February 23, 2023
suggesting that they be reviewed periodically or include sunset c/auses. This item
was accepted as information.
C-64/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR AMANDA PHILPOTT that we move in camera at 2:00 p.m.
to discuss the following matters:
• Intergovernmental Relations — FOIPP Act Section 21.
C-65/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that we move out of camera at
2:18 p.m.
Being that the agenda matters have been concluded, the meeting adjourned at 2:18 p.m.
Signed this ��day of �C� , 2023
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County Administrator
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