HomeMy WebLinkAboutCanadian Sustainability Standards Board - Briefing Notes (1)The Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) is rushing the development of “sustainability- and climate-related disclosures” for Canadian businesses – also known as the Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards (CSDSs)1. These proposed standards will set a new benchmark for Canadian businesses to disclose their exposure to climate related risks as well as their carbon dioxide (CO2), or carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e), footprint in their financial statements. This will help financial institutions determine which businesses to back and which to avoid in the pursuit of a net-zero future. Why the rush? The CSSBs public consultation is only open for 90 days. They state they are aiming to strike a balance between the urgency of global sustainability demands and the needs of entities, to foster a more effective and manageable implementation of the CSDSs. Who is behind “global sustainability demands”? The demand for sustainability- and climate-related disclosures is driven largely by climate activist groups2 with ambitions to limit humanity’s impact on nature3, and institutional investors4 who are responding to the uncertainty of the climate transition risks purposefully created by the net-zero policies of governments like Justin Trudeau’s Liberals. What are shareholders demanding? Initiatives such as Climate Action 100+ are flagging and tracking key shareholder proposals and management votes during proxy season 5. Shareholder voting results typically defeat climate activist shareholder proposals that would erode a company’s value6. The CSDSs will be voluntary until they are made mandatory by Legislators and Securities Regulators. Canada’s regulators and legislators would determine whether to mandate the CSDSs, who would need to apply the standards, and when. The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) said it would consider the final CSSB standards for incorporation into a CSA rule, to become mandatory under Canadian securities legislation7. The CSSB states that the proposed CSDS 1 and CSDS 2 are intended for use by publicly accountable enterprises, do private companies have anything to worry about? Others in supply chains may need to comply as they get caught with Scope 3 reporting requirements. Call to Action. Submit a response letter to the CSSB public consultation by their June 10, 2024 deadline, cc your MLA and MP. 1 https://www.frascanada.ca/en/sustainability/projects/adoption-csds1-csds2/cssb-in-brief-csds-1-and- csds-2 2 Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero About Us | Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (gfanzero.com) 3 Mark Carney COP15 Speec, available at https://assets.bbhub.io/company/sites/63/2022/12/Mark- Carney_COP15-Speech.pdf 4 2022 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis, available at https://theinvestoragenda.org/focus-areas/policy-advocacy/ 5 https://www.climateaction100.org/approach/proxy-season/ 6 2023 Proxy Season: More Proposals, Lower Support, available at https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2023/06/01/2023-proxy-season-more-proposals-lower-support/ 7 https://www.securities-administrators.ca/news/canadian-securities-regulators-issue-statements-on- proposed-sustainability-disclosure-standards-and-ongoing-climate-consultation/ Want to Learn More?  On-demand Webinar – Proposed Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards and Criteria for Modification Framework8  KPMG ESG Reporting Update – April 20249  The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard10 8 https://www.frascanada.ca/en/sustainability/projects/adoption-csds1-csds2/webinar-proposed- canadian-sustainability-disclosure-standards 9 https://kpmg.com/ca/en/home/events/2024/04/esg-reporting-update.html 10 https://ghgprotocol.org/corporate-value-chain-scope-3-standard