HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-20 Council (Regular) MinutesCOUNTY OF NEWELL MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL June 20, 2024 The regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell was held in the County Office and livestreamed to the public on Thursday, June 20, 2024 commencing at 10:00 a.m. Notice was posted at the front entrance advising the public of the meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILLORS: ABSENT: A. Doerksen, Reeve D. Short A. Skanderup L. Kopp H.Johnson G. Skriver K. Christman E. Unruh N.Johnson A. Philpott STAFF: M. Fenske, ChiefAdministrative Officer T. Green, Director of Agricultural Services M. Harbicht, Director of Municipal Services T. Schroeder, Manager of Operations G. Tiffin, Manager of Planning, Development and Engineering Services L. Johnson, Director of Corporate Services S. Luchies, Newell Regional Fire Chief S. Yokoyama, Information and Technology Administrative Assistant (Moderator) A. Nielsen, Executive Assistant OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: 2. C-201 /24 S. L. B. G M J. Stanway, Brooks Bulletin Hunt, AgKnow (via Microsoft Teams) Bietz, IEPS Canada Ltd. Baden, IEPS Canada Ltd. Iwaasa, Brooks Newell Region Economic Development de Jong, Christ the Redeemer Schools CALL TO ORDER Reeve A. Doerksen called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. EXCUSED FROM MEETING MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that Councillor A. Philpott be excused from the meeting. MOTION CARRIED Regular Council June 20, 2024 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3.1 Minutes - Council (June 6, 2024) C-202/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that the June 6, 2024 Council Meeting minutes be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 4. CALL FOR POST AGENDA ITEMS Reeve A. Doerksen called for post agenda items. 5. ADOPTION OF AGENDA C-203/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that the agenda be adopted as amended. 6. QUESTION PERIOD/NOTICE OF MOTION MOTION CARRIED A question period and notice of motion was held. No County Ratepayers were in attendance. The moderator indicated that there were no questions from the public. 12. MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUSINESS 12.1 Tender Award - Twp Rd 192 & Rge Rd 155 — Road Grading & Drainage Improvements The Director of Municipal Services provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-204/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that Council awards the contract for road and drainage improvements on TR192 & RR155 to Broersen Construction Ltd. for a value of $723,956.52, plus GST. MOTION CARRIED 10. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES BUSINESS 10.1 ASB Update The Director of Agricultural Services presented an update on the recent activities of the Agricultural Services Department. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. The Director of Agricultural Services responded to questions regarding knapweed, mowing pathways at Lake Newell Resort, and gopher control at the Bassano Cemetery. 10.2 2024 ASB Resolution Report Card The Director of Agricultural Services provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. Page 2 of 12 Regular Council June 20, 2024 ARRIVED AT MEETING M. Iwaasa arrived at 10:22 a.m. Discussion followed regarding implementing a wild boar bylaw. The Director of Agricultura! Services provided additional information, indicating that these bylaws have been implemented in areas where there are wild boars and wild boar farms. He responded to further questions from Council. C-205/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that Council accepts the report card recommendations from the ASB Provincial Committee. MOTION CARRIED RECESS Council RECESSED at 10:26 a.m. and RECONVENED at 10:31 a.m. ARRIVED AT MEETING L. Hunt arrived at 10:31 a.m. 9. DELEGATIONS 9.1 Funding Request—AgKnow � L. Hunt gave an overview of AgKnow, which provides farm specific mental health resources and services. Farmers are experiencing elevating levels of anxiety and depression, and a needs assessment determined the following focus areas: livestock depopulation, farm transition, and farm family resilience. L. Hunt provided details regarding a program that offered free counselling sessions, indicating that they are working with the provincial government to extend funding and keep the program open. She a/so reported that professional development webinars on the focus area topics were well-attended, and a new series is planned for the fall. She gave an overview of specific courses in development, noting that funding remains a challenge. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. Council agreed that the need for mental health supports is increasing and suggested that Family & Community Support Services organizations could be a partner. ARRIVED AT MEETING L. Johnson, B. Bietz, and G. Baden arrived at 10:54 a.m. L. Hunt responded to questions from Council and provided examples of the programs that are available. LEFT THE MEETING L. Hunt left the meeting at 10:58 a.m. Page 3 of 12 Regular Council June 20, 2024 The Chief Administrative Officer provided additional background information and further discussion followed. Council suggested that Grass/ands Regional FCSS connect with AgKnow. C-206/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that Council APPROVES additional spending in the amount of $2,000 from the Agricultural Services Grants & Donations account for a donation to AgKnow. MOTION CARRIED ARRIVED AT MEETING M. Harbicht and T. Schroeder arrived at 11:00 a.m. 9.2 Newell Regional Hydrogen Hub Initiative - Memorandum ofAgreement The Director of Corporate Services provided background information on this item, indicating that the purpose of the Memorandum of Agreement is to outline the responsibilities of the parties involved in the project. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. The Director of Corporate Services indicated that they anticipate having a similar conversation with the City of Brooks Council. G. Baden responded to questions regarding the use of new and existing infrastructure, indicating that hydrogen would be imported during the testing phase. If the test is successful, permanent hydrogen production, storage, and fuelling stations will be developed and consideration will be given to also distributing hydrogen. ARRIVED AT MEETING S. Simpson arrived at 11:07 a.m. The Director of Corporate Services responded to further questions, indicating that the first phase of the project includes an application for funding and the installation of hydrogen conversion kits on some diesel powered trucks and equipment. 8. Bietz provided additional information, indicating that the goa/ is to present hydrogen as a viable fuel option for local industry. Discussion followed. 8. Bietz and G. Baden responded to further questions from Council. C-207/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR DAN SHORT that Council APPROVES the Newell Hydrogen Hub Memorandum of Agreement between the County of Newell, the City of Brooks, and IEPS Canada as submitted. MOTION CARRIED ARRIVED AT MEETING G. Tiffin arrived at 11:19 a.m. 9.3 Newell Regional Hydrogen Hub - Summarizing Key Messages for Meeting with Premier/MLA D. Smith The Director of Corporate Services provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. M. /waasa provided additional information, indicating that the City of Brooks Council is aware of the project and Page 4 of 12 Regular Council June 20. 2024 has provided a memorandum of support. 8. Bietz responded to questions from Council regarding the estimated project budget. LEFT THE MEETING L. Johnson, B. Bietz and G. Baden left the meeting at 11:26 a.m. RECESS Council RECESSED at 11:26 a.m. and RECONVENED at 11:32 a.m. C-208/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that we move into Public Hearings at 11:32 a.m. MOTION CARRIED 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7.1 Bylaw 2075-24 24 Land Use Bylaw Text Amendments Reeve A. Doerksen called the Public Hearing to order at 11:32 a.m. Reeve A. Doerksen reviewed the procedures that would be followed for the hearing. The Development Officer stated that the intent of the Public Hearing is to hear representations on Bylaw 2075-24. The intent of this bylaw is to amend Land Use Bylaw 2016-21 to include provisions for additional uses and clarifications on Dwellings, Secondary Suites, and LiveM/ork Units. The Development Officer provided background information on this item indicating that a copy of the document had been circulated to adjacent landowners and to a list of affected agencies. No responses have been received from adjacent landowners. None of the affected agencies have indicated any objections. There were no persons in attendance speaking either in favor of or in opposition to the proposed bylaw. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. 7.2 Bylaw 2078-24 Road Closure & LEASE (W 30-21-12-W4 & W 19-21-12-W4) Reeve A. Doerksen called the Public Hearing to order at 11:35 a.m. Reeve A. Doerksen did not review the procedures that would be followed for the hearing as there were no new persons in attendance. The Manager of Planning, Development & Engineering Services stated that the intent of the Public Hearing is to hear representations on Bylaw 2078-24. The intent of this bylaw is to close and LEASE those portions of government road allowance adjacent to W 30-21-12-W4 and W 19-29-12-W4. Page 5 of 12 Regular Council June 20, 2024 The Manager of Planning, Development & Engineering Services provided background information on this item, indicating that a copy of the document had been circulated to all adjacent landowners as well as to a list of affected agencies. No responses were received from adjacent landowners. All responses have been received from the required referrals and none have indicated any objections. There were no persons in attendance speaking either in favor of or in opposition to the proposed bylaw. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. C-209/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that we move out of Public Hearings at 11:36 a.m. MOTION CARRIED 8. BYLAWS 8.1 Bylaw 2075-24 Land Use Bylaw Text Amendments C-210/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that Bylaw 2075-24, being a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw 2016-21 to include provisions for additional uses and clarifications on Dwellings, Secondary Suites, and Live/Work Units, be given SECOND reading. MOTION CARRIED C-211/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Bylaw 2075-24 be given THIRD and FINAL reading. MOTION CARRIED 8.2 Bylaw 2078-24 Road Closure & LEASE (W 30-21-12-W4 & W 19-21-12-W4) The Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions from Council. C-212/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR DAN SHORT that Bylaw 2078-24 being a bylaw for the purpose of closing to public travel and LEASING the following described roadway: 1. All those portions of government road allowance adjacent to W 30-21-12-W4 (COT 231 104 060) 2. All those portions of government road allowance adjacent to W 19-21-12-W4 (COT 981 146 298), be given FIRST reading. 11. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 11.1 Update on Alberta Utilities Commission Inquiry MOTION CARRIED The Manager of Planning, Development & Engineering Services provided background information on this item, outlining interim changes made to Rule 007. Page 6 of 12 Regular Council June 20, 2024 ARRIVED AT MEETING L. Johnson returned at 11:41 a.m. The Manager of Planning, Development & Engineering reported that the Alberta Utilities Commission continues to collect feedback on the rules for power plant development. He gave an overview of the timeline for engagement on Rule 007. Discussion followed. Council indicated that all forms of energy development should follow the same rules. The Manager of Planning, Development & Engineering responded to questions from Council. C-213/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Council accepts the update on the Alberta Utilities Commission Inquiry as information and directs Administration to provide a synopsis of the Rule 007 blackline version, once it is available. MOTION CARRIED LEFT THE MEETING G. Tiffin and S. Simpson left the meeting at 11:53 a.m. 11.2 Cassils Cemetery Upgrade The Director of Corporate Services provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council regarding the size of the parcel. He indicated that the extent of the improvement plans has not yet been discussed and the records containing the names of those buried in the Cassi/s Cemetery were destroyed in a house fire. The Director of Corporate Services responded to further questions from Council. C-214/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that Council approve a request for the County to obtain Administrator status over the Cassils cemetery in accordance with Section 66 of the Cemeteries Act, followed by direction to enter into an arrangement with the Cassils Community Association for certain work to be undertaken within the Cassils Cemetery. MOTION CARRIED LUNCH Council RECESSED for lunch at 12:01 p.m. and RECONVENED at 12:46 p.m. ARRIVED AT MEETING J. de Jong arrived at 12:46 p.m. 9. DELEGATIONS — continued 9.4 Christ the Redeemer Schools J. de Jong provided background information on this item, indicating that Christ the Redeemer Catholic Separate School Division is requesting support for an additional high school in Brooks as the current schools are full. He gave additional details regarding the size of the proposed school and potential partnerships. Page 7 of 12 Regular Council June 20, 2024 Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. J. de Jong responded to questions regarding the possibility of a mechanic shop and provided details on successful programs at nearby schools. LEFT THE MEETING J. de Jong left the meeting at 1:00 p.m. C-215/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that Administration draft a letter in support of the proposal for a new high school for Christ the Redeemer Catholic Separate School Division in Brooks, AB. MOTION CARRIED ARRIVED AT MEETING S. Luchies arrived at 1:02 p.m. 11. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS — continued 11.3 Director of Corporate Services Report (January - May 2024) The Director of Corporate Services presented the Q1 2024 report to Council. S. Luchies responded to questions regarding the final costs for the Patricia Fire Hall and the first responders recognition event held in 2023. Discussion followed regarding the HALO Fundraiser/First Responders Recognition Night planned for 2024. C-216/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that the Director of Corporate Services Report for January - May 2024 be accepted as information. MOTION CARRIED 11.4 Fire Protection Services Agreement (County of Newell/Town of Bassano) The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-217/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that the 2024 Fire Protection Services Agreement between the Town of Bassano and the County of Newell be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED LEFT THE MEETING L. Johnson and S. Luchies left the meeting at 1:13 p.m. 11.5 Proposed Changes to Grasslands Regional FCSS Agreement The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. Page 8 of 12 Regular Council June 20, 2024 C-218/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that the updated Grasslands Regional FCSS Agreement be approved as presented. MOTION CARRIED 11.6 Request for Letter of Support — Belly River Reservoir The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item and responded to guestions from Council. Discussion followed. C-219/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR DAN SHORT that a letter of support for the Belly River Reservoir Proposal be provided to the United Irrigation District and signed by the Reeve. MOTION CARRIED 11.7 Meeting with Premier/MLA D. Smith (June 25, 2024) -Agenda Items The Executive Assistant provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. Discussion followed regarding the proposed discussion topics, which are as follows: 1. Crop Diversification Centre South Revitalization 2. Newell Regional Hydrogen Hub Initiative 3. Newell Housing Foundation Continuing Care Capital Program Application — Connection Flats Independent Living Village 4. Agricultural Economic Development Opportunities 5. Highway 873 from City of Brooks limits to Kinbrook Island Access and potential cost sharing opportunities Other potential items include: • Ask Premier to consider relaxing regulations and promoting solar development locally • Update on health zone needs assessment • Update Premier about County of Newell Water Project Phase 2 progress 11.7 Requests for Functions of Council 11.7.1 MD of Taber 70th Anniversary Celebrations (June 20 & 27, 2024) Reeve A. Doerksen provided background information on this item. C-220/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that any Councillor be permitted to attend the MD of Taber 70th Anniversary BBQs in Taber, AB on June 20, 2024 and in Enchant, AB on June 27, 2024 as a function of Council. MOTION CARRIED 11.7.2 2024 Rural Community Health Provider Attraction & Retention Conference (October 8-10, 2024) Reeve A. Doerksen provided background information on this item. Discussion followed. Page 9 of 12 Regular Council June 20, 2024 C-221/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that any Councillor be permitted to attend the 2024 Rural Community Health Provider Attraction & Retention Conference in Wainwright, AB on October 8-10, 2024 as a function of Council. MOTION CARRIED 13. COMMITTEE REPORTS 13.1 Newell Housing Foundation Councillor A. Philpott and Councillor A. Skanderup submitted a written report. CouncillorA. Skanderup responded to questions from Council. 13.2 County of Newell Library Board Councillor L. Kopp reported that D. Armstrong has rep/aced S. Steinbach as the member-at-large representing Division 6. They are still seeking a member-at-large from Division 5 or 10. The County of Newell Library Board will invite a member of the Brooks Public Library Board to attend meetings. 13.3 Newell Recycling Association Councillor L. Kopp reported that the two shredding events held this year were well- attended. A third shredding event is planned for the fall. Councillor L. Kopp responded to questions from Council regarding the give-and-take shed at the Newell Recycling Centre. 13.4 Grasslands Regional FCSS Councillor H. Johnson reported on microgrants allocated to local organizations. 13.5 Palliser Economic Partnership Councillor H. Johnson reported that the Pallier Economic Partnership Annual General Meeting was held in Rolling Hills, AB on June 14, 2024. She provided the results of the election. Palliser Economic Partnership is the lead Regional Economic Development Alliance (REDA) working on a significant housing and infrastructure grant. 13.6 Joint Services Committee Councillor G. Skriver reported that updates were provided by Grass/ands Public Schools, Christ the Redeemer, and Ecole Le Ruisseau. The One Clinic model was discussed, and the Joint Services Committee will request a proposal from the doctors as they need to agree on a recommended model. Councillor K. Christman provided information on a presentation by APEX Regional Innovation Network of Southeast Alberta and the support they provide to entrepreneurs. Councillor G. Skriver responded to further questions regarding schools. Page 10 of 12 Regular Council June 20, 2024 13.7 13.8 Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association Councillor N. Johnson provided an update on the vendor interviews, indicating that a recommendation is expected from SAEWA soon. Discussion followed. The Chief Administrative Officer indicated that the motion by Council following the SAEWA delegation during the May 9, 2024 Council meeting postpones a decision on redirecting funding previously approved for developing a detailed Memorandum of Understanding with Hitachi Zosen Inova Canada until after the vender interview process is complete. Discussion followed and Council expressed concerns that the project focus has shifted to multiple microplants instead of one large plant. Councillor N. Johnson and the Chief Administrative Officer responded to further questions from Council. City of Brooks Parks & Recreation Board Councillor G. Skriver reported that the City of Brooks Parks & Recreation Board received a presentation from Grasslands Regional FCSS regarding their youth and volunteer programs. The board approved a non-permanent mural by Big Brothers & Big Sisters to be installed at the JBS Canada Centre. The Grass/ands Soccer Association has proposed installing and maintaining more soccer pitches at the old rodeo grounds. Councillor G. Skriver responded to questions from Council. 14. POST AGENDA ITEMS 14.1 Participation in Veteran's Memorial Highway Association Reeve A. Doerksen provided background information on this item. Discussion followed. Some members of Council indicated that they would attend the Annual Genera/ Meeting on June 28, 2024. Discussion regarding rejoining the Veteran's Memorial HighwayAssociation will occur at a future Council meeting. C-222/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that two (2) Councillors be permitted to attend the Veteran's Memorial Highway Association Annual General Meeting in Castor, AB on June 28, 2024 as a function of Council. MOTION CARRIED 14.2 Request for Letter of Support - Rural Community Immigration Pilot The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-223/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON tha Brooks Newell Region Economic Development's Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP) program. t Council provides a letter in support of application for funding under the Rural MOTION CARRIED 15. INFORMATION ITEMS 15.1 Payment Registers This item was accepted as information. Page 11 of 12 Regular Council June 20, 2024 15.2 Mini Bus Monthly Report (May 2024) This item was accepted as information. 15.3 Strategic Priorities Chart This item was accepted as information. 15.4 Letter from Alberta Municipal Affairs - Canada Community-Building Fund This item was accepted as information. 16. IN CAMERA C-224/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that we move in camera at 2:06 p.m. to discuss the following matters: • Land - FOIPAct Section 25; • Intergovernmental Relations - FOIPAct Section 21. MOTION CARRIED C-225/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that we move out of camera at 3:10 p.m. MOTION CARRIED C-226/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that County Council approve the purchase of +/- 44.35 acres of excess lands in the hamlet of Lake Newell Resort from the EID for $2500/acre, totalling $110,875 plus GST, plus costs associated to subdivision, legal surveying, and registration with Alberta Land Titles funded from the infrastructure fund for stormwater management and the Lake Newell Resort Community pathway, further, that County Council acknowledge the EID Board of Directors donation of +/- 2.45 acres (approx. value $6,125) to accommodate the pathway itself. MOTION CARRIED 17. ADJOURN Being that the agenda matters have been concluded, the meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m. Signed this �(�day of �J"� , 2024 , _/ ,_L,. --- �✓' V� ��.h"�iQ.��f% County Administrato � Page 12 of 12