HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-06 Municipal Planning Commission (Regular) MinutesCOUNTY OF NEWELL MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION June 6, 2024 The regular Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) Meeting of the County of Newell was held in the County Office at Brooks, AB and livestreamed to the public on Thursday, June 6, 2024 commencing at 10:00 a.m. A notice was posted at the front entrance advising the public of the meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: K. Christman, Councillor, MPC Chair H. Johnson, Councillor, MPC Vice Chair A. Philpott, Councillor L. Kopp, Councillor E. Unruh, Councillor N. Johnson, Councillor ABSENT: G. Skriver, Councilior D. Short, Councillor A. Skanderup, Councillor A. Doerksen, Reeve STAFF: M. Fenske, ChiefAdministrative Officer G. Tiffin, Manager of Planning, Development and Engineering M. Jackson, Planning and Development Supervisor S. Simpson, Development Officer C. Siakaluk, Communications Officer (Moderator) S. Page, Planning and DevelopmentAdministrativeAssistant OTHERS IN A. Bergman DP 2024013 ATTENDANCE: � 2. CALL TO ORDER The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. EXCUSED FROM MEETING P-26/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Reeve A. Doerksen, CouncillorA. Skanderup and Councilior D. Short and Councillor G. Skriver be excused from the meeting. ,� �Ti[��� .PL _d1:7:71�7 Municipal Planning Commission lune 6, 2024 3. MINUTES 3.1 Minutes - Municipal Planning Commission (May 23, 2024) P-27/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that the minutes of the May 23, 2024 Municipal Planning Commission meeting be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 4. CALL FOR POST AGENDA ITEMS The Chair called for post agenda items. There were no post agenda items. 5. ADOPTION OF AGENDA P-28/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR AMANDA PHILPOTT the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 6. DEVELOPMENT REPORT The Development Officer presented the Development Report and responded to questions from Council. This item was accepted as information. DEVELOPMENT PERMITS 7.1 DP 2024013 - Operation of a self storage business, including the installation of shipping containers and recreation vehicle storage. The Development Officer provided background on this item to MPC. MPC was given the opportunity to ask questions. Landowner, A. Bergman, was present to answer questions. MPC inquired as to the wetlands on fhe property and the landowner advised he is in the process of getting an aerial assessment completed to confirm if the land is a wetland and then will work wifh Alberta Environment to ensure the appropriate steps are followed. P-29/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that the Municipal Planning Commission APPROVE Development Permit 2024013 for the operation of a self storage business, including the installation of up to thirty 15 mz (160 ft2) shipping containers and the storage of up to 30 recreational vehicles with a variance to the setback, on lands legally described as Block 7, Plan 7510619, NE 8-19-14 W4. This development approval is subject to the conditions outlined below. DP 2024013 is APPROVED for the following reasons: The proposed development complies with the Municipal Development Plan. Municipal Planning Commission lune 6, 2024 2. The Development Authority is satisfied that the proposed development is suitable for the purpose for which it is intended under the Industrial General District (Schedule 2) Section 3, General Regulations and Section 4, Specific Uses, and Activities. as specified in the County of Newell Land Use Bylaw 2016-21. 3. Adjacent landowners and referral agencies have been notified and have the opportunity to comment. Any comments or concerns should be received by the County administration by May 3, 2024 Conditions of approvai: a) This approval is effective as of June 26, 2024 (21-day appeal period). b) The development must be located as shown on the site plan approved with the application and submitted February 28, 2024. It must be built according to the description provided with this approval. Any changes shall require the written approval of the Development Authority. c) The applicanUowner must obtain all construction permits applicable to development and is responsible to ensure all permits are closed with work complying to the building code. d) That the proposed development complies with all Federal, Provincial, and Municipal statutes, regulations, codes, and standards, including but not limited to the presence of wetlands on the parcel. e) Any additionai development shall require prior approval of a separate permit application. � That the shipping containers are only used for storage. g) No combustible products or dangerous goods are to be stored in the shipping containers. h) That the following setbacks are maintained for this development: Front (west): 9 m(30 ft) variance from 30 m(100 ft) Side (north): 1.5 m(5 ft) variance from 3 m(10 ft) Rear (east): 3 m (10 ft) Side (south): 3 m (10 ft) i) That the applicant must install a temporary rural address sign at the road approach to the site as soon as construction starts. The sign must display the rural address as assigned by the County in the letter that will be mailed to the applicant after the permit has been approved. No other address may be displayed on the site. The sign must remain in place and in full view until it is replaced by a County of Newell issued rural address sign. MOTION CARRIED LEFT THE MEETING M. Harbicht and G. Tiffin left the meeting at 10:10 a.m. � � Municipal Planning Commission lune 6, 2024 8. OTHER BUSINESS There were no other business items to discuss. 9. POST AGENDA ITEMS There were no post agenda items to discuss at this meeting. 10. IN CAMERA There were no in camera items to discuss af this meeting. 11. QUESTION PERIOD A question period was held. No County ratepayers were in attendance. The moderator indicated that there were no questions from the public. 12. ADJOURN Being that the agenda matters have been concluded the meeting adjourned at 10:11 a. m. Signed this � day of ��� , 2024. s � '.� r � ,L ii� sf.7�_, -..i� �� County Administrator