HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-07-11 Council (Regular) MinutesCOUNTY OF NEWELL MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL July 77, 2024 The regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell was held in the County Office and livestreamed to the public on Thursday, July 11, 2024 commencing at 10:01 a.m. Notice was posted at the front entrance advising the public of the meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILLORS: A. Doerksen, Reeve D. Short (via Microsoft Teams) A. Skanderup L. Kopp H.Johnson G. Skriver K. Christman E. Unruh A. Philpott N.Johnson STAFF: M. Fenske, ChiefAdministrative Officer T. Green, Director ofAgricultural Seroices M. Harbicht, Director of Municipal Services C. Siakaluk, Communications Officer (Moderator) A. Nielsen, Executive Assistant OTHERS IN S. Stanway, Brooks Bulletin ATTENDANCE: V. Muhlbeier, Grasslands Regional FCSS 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. 3. C-227/24 Reeve A. Doerksen called the meeting to order at 10.•01 a.m. EXCUSED FROM MEETING All members were in attendance at this meeting. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3.7 Minutes - Council (June 20, 2024) MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that the June 20, 2024 Council Meeting minutes be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 4. CALL FOR POST AGENDA ITEMS Reeve A. Doerksen called for post agenda items. Regular Council July 11, 2024 5. ADOPTION OF AGENDA C-228/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 6. QUESTION PERIOD/NOTICE OF MOTION A question period and notice of motion was held. No County Ratepayers were in attendance. The moderator indicated that there were no questions from the public. 9. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 9.1 Veteran's Memorial Highway Association Membership Council was provided with background information on memdership in the Veteran's Memorial HighwayAssociation (VMHA). ARRIVED AT MEETING T. Green arrived at 10:04 a.m. Reeve A. Doerksen and Councillor G. Skriver provided information from the VMHA Annual General Meeting, indicating that the VMHA has some initiatives in development and will be seeking to increase their membership. Discussion followed. C-229/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that the County of Newell join the Veteran's Memorial Highway Association with additional spending of $376.20 approved from the Municipal Membership Fees account to cover the 2024 prorated cost of membership, further that Councillor G. Skriver be appointed to represent the County at the Veteran's Memorial Highway Association. MOTION CARRIED 9.2 Alberta Municipalities Convention (September 25-27, 2024) The Executive Assistant provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. Councillor G. Skriver indicated that he attended the Alberta Municipalities Convention in place of Councillor D. Short in 2023. The Executive Assistant will follow up with the delegates and complete the registration process. 8. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES BUSINESS 8.1 Downy Brome Control The Director ofAgricultural Services provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. He indicated that recent meetings with the Eastern Irrigation District have allowed both parties to share information on their respective weed control programs. The Director of Agricultural Services responded to questions regarding identifying downy brome, indicating that it is best to control it at the stage where the heads are silver in color. He responded to Page 2 of 6 Regular Council July 11, 2024 further questions regarding the County's weed school and weed inspection services. Council suggested placing an advertisement about downy brome control in the newspaper. C-230/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that a letter, signed by the Reeve, be sent to the Eastern Irrigation District Board of Directors expressing thanks for their efforts to control Downy Brome and providing a summary of the County's Weed Control program and specific response to Downy Brome pressures in 2024, further, that Weed Control be added to the list of topics to discuss at the next EID Board/County Council meeting. MOTION CARRIED 8.2 ASB Update The Director of Agricultural Services presented an update on the recent activities of the Agricultural Services Department. He responded to questions regarding the roadside mowing program and provided an update on Emerson Bridge Park. Council suggested improvements to Emerson Bridge Park, including updating the information on the bulletin board and a spray park. LEFT THE MEETING T. Green left the meeting at 10:32 a.m. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS — continued 9.3 Councillor Payment Sheets (May 2024) C-231/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that the May 2024 Councillor Payment Sheets be accepted with the amendments recommended by the Councillor Compensation Review Committee. MOTION CARRIED 9.4 Requests for Functions of Council 9.4.7 Brooks Regional Communities in Bloom Judges Mix & Mingle (July 18, 2024) Discussion followed. Reeve A. Doerksen indicated that he would attend this event. 9.4.2 Mattheis Research Ranch Field Tour (July 24, 2024) Discussion followed. C-232/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that any Councillor be permitted to attend the Mattheis Research Ranch Field tour on July 24, 2024 as a function of Council. MOTION CARRIED Page 3 of 6 Regular Council July 11, 2024 9.4.3 Canadian Emergency Preparedness & Climate Adaptation Convention (September 24-26, 2024) The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item. Discussion followed. ARRIVEDAT MEETING M. Harbicht returned at 10:38 a.m. C-233/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Reeve A. Doerksen be permitted to attend the Canadian Emergency Preparedness & Climate Adaptation Convention in Ottawa, ON on September 24-26, 2024 as a function of Council. Further discussion occurred. The Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions regarding the Council Conventions budget. VOTE ON MOTION C-233/24 — MOTION CARRIED Discussion followed regarding sending an additional delegate. C-234/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that Councillor G. Skriver be permitted to attend the Canadian Emergency Preparedness & Climate Adaptation Convention in Ottawa, ON on September 24-26, 2024 as a function of Council. MOTION DEFEATED RECESS Council RECESSED at 10:47 a.m. and RECONVENED at 10:58 a.m. ARRIVED AT MEETING V. Muhlbeier arrived at 10:58 a.m. 70. MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUSINESS 10.1 Director of Municipal Services Report The Director of Munrcipal Services presented his report to Council, giving an overview of the highlights. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. The Director of Municipal Services indicated that he would follow up with the Manager of Planning, Development & Engineering Services to ensure the County of Newell Water Project information is updated on the web site. He responded to questions regarding municipal enforcement, crack sealing, and a recent water main break west of Rosemary. C-235/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that the Director of Municipal Services Report for June 2024 be APPROVED as presented. MOTION CARRIED Page 4 of 6 Regular Council July 11, 2024 DELEGATIONS 7.7 Grasslands Regional FCSS — Strategic Plan 2024-2028 V. Muhlbeier provided background information on Grasslands Regional FCSS and presented the strategic plan for 2024-2028. She gave an overview of the organizational structure, which includes representation from the municipal members included in the FCSS agreement. She explained each of the goals and strategies outlined in the strategic plan, indicating that Grass/ands Regional FCSS will work to raise awareness of what they do for the community and become more directly involved in delivering programs and services, especially in rural areas. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. V. Muhlbeier responded to questions regarding funding, indicating that Grasslands Regional FCSS regularly provides core funding (over $5,000 per year) to nine funding partners. Microgrant funding (under $5, 000) is available as well. Grass/ands Regional FCSS receives 80% of their funding from the provincial government and 20% from the member municipalities. V. Muhlbeier responded to questions regarding Bassano FCSS, which receives funding through Grasslands FCSS. She indicated that the board will be discussing having Bassano FCSS use the Grasslands FCSS logo to recognize the funding source in the future. Councillor H. Johnson reported that some of the funding partners and microgrant funding recipients made presentations during the Grasslands Regional FCSS Annual General Meeting. She also indicated that microgrant funding is still available. LEFT THE MEETING V. Muhlbeier left the meeting at 1123 a.m. ARRIVED AT MEETING M. Harbicht returned at 11:23 a.m. 11. POST AGENDA ITEMS There were no post agenda items to discuss at this meeting. 12. INFORMATION ITEMS 12.1 Payment Registers This item was accepted as information. 13.2 Strategic Priorities Chart This item was accepted as information. Page 5 of 6 Regular Council July 11, 2024 13. IN CAMERA C-236/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ELLEN UNRUH that we move in camera at 11:23 a.m. to discuss the following matters: • Intergovernmental Relations — FOIPAct Section 21. MOTION CARRIED C-237/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that we move out of camera at 12:18 p.m. MOTION CARRIED C-238/24 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that the County administer the engineering and construction contracts for the Township Road 192 N connection to Highway 1 and Highway 873 transportation project as requested by the Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors. MOTION CARRIED 14. ADJOURN Being that the agenda matters have been concluded, the meeting adjourned at 12:19 p.m. Signed this �' day of J , 2024 ��. �' � � � � 1 :-- - -�—'� County Administrator Page 6 of 6