HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-10-11 2024 HVAC Contract 2024 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 2024 HVAC Contract County of Newell Issue Date: September 6, 2024 Request for Proposal County of Newell REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL / ADVERTISEMENT Sealed Proposals for: 2024 HVAC Contract (the “Project”) Proposal Number: HVAC092024 Will be received by: County of Newell (the “COUNTY ”) at: 183037 Range Road 145 Brooks, AB T1R 1B2 Attention: Joe Entz, Maintenance Supervisor – AS & Facilities Time and date for Proposal Closing is: 2:00:00 p.m. MST on October 11, 2024 (the “RFP Closing”) 1. The work to be undertaken generally involves, but is not necessarily limited to: HVAC List (the “Work”): 2. All written inquiries regarding the technical aspects of the specifications for the Work shall be emailed to Joe Entz, Maintenance Supervisor – AS & Facilities, however the proponent(s) acknowledge and agree that the COUNTY does not have any obligation to provide a response to any written inquiry and that it is in the sole and unfettered discretion of the COUNTY to provide any written response to a written inquiry. Telephone inquiries will not be replied to. 3. Submission of a proposal by a Proponent gives the COUNTY the right to require the Proponent to execute the contract to perform the Work as set out within the proposal documents. Proposals may not be withdrawn after the Proposal Closing and will be irrevocable and open for acceptance by the COUNTY for a period of sixty (60) days following the end of the day of the Request for Proposal Closing. The Successful Proponent will be notified in writing of the award of the Proposal when the COUNTY delivers a letter of intent to the Successful Proponent. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS County of Newell INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 1 BACKGROUND The County of Newell (the “COUNTY”) is seeking proposals from qualified bidders to provide HVAC services for our facilities. The buildings consist of roughly 71,000 sq. feet of area. Primarily the HVAC system includes boilers, cooling tower, condenser, domestic hot water, domestic water backflow preventers, in-slab heating, unit heaters, MUA units, ERV units, humidifiers, tube heaters, exhaust fans and a multitude of heat exchangers and pumps. Because of the nature of the units needing service, the qualified supplier will be responsible for working with the Maintenance Supervisor – AS & Facilities as needed to maintain the functional operation of the facility. In addition to our facilities listed above the County owns and operates 7 rural fire halls that will be included in this contract for a once per year PM on its HVAC systems. Hourly rate for Journeymen and apprentice technicians for repairs and services not under this contract. Companies with experience in HVAC maintenance work in like structures are invited to submit a proposal outlining their experience, deliverables, work capabilities, performance, warranty and overall price in compliance with the specifications of this specific RFP document. The tentative date that we would anticipate starting the contract and utilizing the HVAC services is January 1, 2025. 1.1 (the “Work”) as more particularly set out in HVAC Equipment List” attached to these Instructions to Proponents 1.2 The COUNTY will receive sealed proposals until 2:00:00 p.m. MST on October 11, 2024 (“Proposal Closing”). Faxed proposals will not be accepted and will be returned to the Proponent. 1.3 A tour of the County Facilities that fall under this contract is recommended prior to submitting a proposal for a tour of these Facilities please contact. Joe Entz entzj@newellmail.ca or 403-794-2348. 2 SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS 2.1 Each Proposal shall be addressed to the COUNTY in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the Proponent’s name, address and proposal number. The sealed envelope containing the Proposal shall be delivered before the Proposal Closing to the COUNTY in accordance with the Invitation to Proposal and the Instructions to Proponents at: County of Newell 183037 Range Road 145 Brooks, AB T1R 1B2 Attention: Joe Entz, Maintenance Supervisor – AS & Facilities 2.2 In the event of a dispute or issue about whether or not a proposal complies with the Instructions to Proponents, the COUNTY reserves the right to retain and open a copy INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 3 of the proposal in question in order to seek and obtain a legal opinion in relation thereto. The opening of a proposal does not in any way constitute an admission by the COUNTY as to the compliance, or not, of the subject proposal. 3 PROPOSAL FORM 3.1 Each Proponent shall submit a complete proposal on the Proposal Form which forms part of the Proposal Documents with the blank spaces filled in. The proposal sum must be written in words as well as figures, and must be for a sum in Canadian Dollars including all tariffs, freight, duties and taxes other than the Goods and Services Tax which must be shown as a separate amount unless otherwise specifically stipulated (hereinafter referred to as the “Proposal Sum”). In the event of a discrepancy between an amount written in words and an amount written in figures, the amount written in words shall be deemed the intended amount. Proposals shall be written in English. 3.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the COUNTY shall be entitled to accept a Proposal in such form as the COUNTY in its sole and unfettered discretion deems acceptable irrespective of irregularities whether of a trivial or substantial nature, or whether the Proposal is noncompliant in a trivial or substantial manner. 3.3 The COUNTY shall not be obligated to accept Proposals that are unsigned, incomplete, conditional, illegible, unbalanced, obscure, contain irregularities of any kind, or contain mathematical or calculation errors of any kind. On Unit Price Proposals, if there is a discrepancy found between the unit price and the extended amount, the unit price shall be deemed to represent the intention of the Proponent. Discrepancies between words and figures will be resolved in favor of the words. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. Any discrepancies between the Proposal Form and a post Proposal Closing submission required by the Proposal Documents will be resolved in favor of the post Proposal Closing submission. 3.4 Proposals shall not be withdrawn, modified or clarified after being delivered in accordance with the Proposal Documents unless such withdrawal, modification or clarification is made in writing and actually received by Joe Entz, Maintenance Supervisor – AS & Facilities of the COUNTY prior to the Proposal Closing. Any withdrawal, modification or clarification of the Proposal must be followed by a letter of confirmation signed and sealed in the same manner as the Proposal and delivered to the address for the COUNTY in the Invitation to Proposal within 48 hours of the Notice of the Withdrawal, Modification or Clarification. 4 THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT 4.1 All documents submitted to the COUNTY will be subject to the protection and disclosure provisions of Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIP”). FOIP allows persons a right of access to records in the COUNTY’s custody or control. It also prohibits the COUNTY from disclosing the Proponent’s personal or business information where disclosure would be harmful to the Proponent’s business interests or would be an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy as defined in sections 16 and 17 of FOIP. Proponents are encouraged to identify what portions of their submissions are confidential and what harm could reasonably be expected from its disclosure. However, the COUNTY cannot assure INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 4 Proponents that any portion of the Proponent’s documents can be kept confidential under FOIP. 5 PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS 5.1 The documents for the Proposal are: o Request for Proposal o Instructions to Proponents o Proposal Form o HVAC Equipment List (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Proposal Documents”) By submitting its Proposal, the Proponent acknowledges and agrees that it has received and reviewed the Proposal Documents. 6 VARIATION IN PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS AND NO IMPLIED OBLIGATIONS 6.1 The Proponent shall carefully examine the Proposal Documents. Any errors, omissions, discrepancies or clauses requiring clarification shall be reported in writing to the COUNTY at least 10 calendar days prior to the Proposal Closing. Where necessary the COUNTY shall respond to reported errors, omissions, discrepancies or clauses requiring clarification by way of Addenda. 6.2 Should a Proponent fail to report any such errors, omissions, discrepancies or clauses requiring clarification at least 10 calendar days prior to the Proposal Closing, the COUNTY shall be the sole judge as to the intent of the Proposal Documents. 6.3 No implied obligation of any kind by or on behalf of the COUNTY shall arise from anything in the Proposal Documents, and the express covenants and agreements contained in the Proposal Documents and made by the COUNTY, are and shall be the only covenants and agreements that apply. 6.4 Without limiting the generality of Article 6.3, the Proposal Documents supersede all communications, negotiations, agreements, representations and warranties either written or oral relating to the subject matter of the Proposal made prior to the Proposal Closing, and no changes shall be made to the Proposal Documents except by written Addenda. 7 ADDENDA 7.1 Any changes to the Proposal shall be in writing in the form of Addenda. Any Addenda issued to the Proposal shall form part of the Proposal Documents, whether or not the receipt of same has been acknowledged by a Proponent, and the cost for doing the work therein shall be included in the Proposal Sum. Verbal representations shall not be binding on the COUNTY nor form part of the Proposal Documents. Technical inquiries into the meaning or intent of the Proposal Documents must be submitted in writing to the person identified in Article 2.1 of the Instructions to Proponents. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 5 8 PROPOSAL 8.1 Proponents submitting Proposals shall be actively engaged in the line of work required by the Proposal Documents and shall be able to refer to work of a similar nature performed by them. They shall be fully conversant with the general technical phraseology in the English language of the lines of work covered by the Proposal Documents. 8.2 Proponents must be fully qualified to carry out the Work in accordance with legislated standards. 8.3 Contractors, Subcontractors and suppliers may be required to submit evidence of their ability to do the work. 8.4 The Owner reserves the right to award the work or portions thereof, irrespective of low bid based on ability to complete the work, experience, and related relevant factors in the owner. 8.5 Each Proponent shall review the Proposal Documents provided by the COUNTY and confirm that it is in possession of a full set of Proposal Documents when preparing its Proposal. 8.6 Proposals shall be properly executed in full compliance with the following requirements: 8.6.1 The signatures of persons executing the Proposal must be in their respective handwriting; and 8.6.2 If the Proposal is made by a limited company, the full name of the company shall be accurately printed immediately above the signatures of its duly authorized officers. 8.6.3 If the Proposal is made by a partnership, the firm name or business name shall be accurately printed above the signature of the firm and the Proposal shall be signed by a partner or partners who have authority to sign for the partnership; 8.6.4 If the Proposal is made by an individual carrying on business under the name other than its own, its business name together with its name shall be printed immediately above its signature or 8.6.5 If the Proposal is made by a sole proprietor who carries on business in its own name, the proprietor shall print its name immediately below its signature. 8.7 Proposals received from agents representing principals must be accompanied by a Power of Attorney signed by the said principals showing that the agents are duly authorized to sign and submit the Proposal and have full power to execute the Contract on behalf of their principals. The execution of the Contract will bind the principals and have the same effect as if it were duly signed by the principals. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 6 9 INSURANCE 9.1 The Proposal shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Insurance, certifying that the insurance as required by the Contract, is in place or, if the required insurance is not in place, by a Letter of Insurability or Undertaking of Insurance in standard form from the Proponent’s Insurance Broker certifying that the required insurance will be issued to the Proponent if the Proponent is the Successful Proponent. 9.2 The Successful Proponent shall be required to secure and maintain at its own expense the insurance provided for in the Contract. 9.3 The Successful Proponent shall provide all required insurance to the COUNTY no later than 10 working days after receipt of a Letter of Intent from the COUNTY provided in accordance with Article 13. 10 COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION OF WORK 10.1 The Successful Proponent shall commence the Contract on January 1, 2025 and shall extend to December 31, 2028 11 PRIME COST AND CONTINGENCY SUMS 11.1 The Proponent shall include in its Proposal Sum any prime cost sums or contingency sums. The Goods and Services Tax shall be shown as a separate amount. 12 SUCCESSFUL PROPONENT 12.1 Award of Contract by the COUNTY occurs once the Proponent receives a Letter of Intent duly executed by Todd Green, Director of Agricultural Services the COUNTY after Todd Green has been duly and legally authorized by the COUNTY to send such Letter of Intent. 12.2 Within 15 working days of receipt of the Contract from the COUNTY, the Successful Proponent shall duly execute the Contract and return the Contract to the COUNTY. 13 PROPOSAL EVALUATION CRITERIA 13.1 Each Proposal will be evaluated on the basis of the criteria listed below and the COUNTY will have the sole and unfettered discretion to award up to the maximum number of points for each criteria as listed below. By submitting a Proposal, the Proponent acknowledges and agrees that the COUNTY has, and it is hereby entitled to exercise, the sole and unfettered discretion to award the points for the evaluation of the noted criteria. 13.2 By submitting its Proposal, each Proponent acknowledges and agrees that it waives any right to contest in any legal proceedings, the decision of the COUNTY to award points in respect of the criteria noted below. The criteria and the maximum number of points for each criteria are as follows: Company Profile/Capacity – 30% Demonstrated relevant experience INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 7 Capacity for meeting schedule Bondable Criminal Record Checks Safety – 20% Ability to meet standards, have WCB number and Insurance References – 20% Satisfactory reviews Cost –30% Payment terms Total price 14 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION 14.1 Each Proponent is to submit with its Proposal, a letter of account from the Workers’ Compensation Board – Alberta. This letter is to be current and not dated 14 calendar days prior to the Proposal Closing. 14.2 The Proponents who do not have an account with the Workers’ Compensation Board- Alberta shall provide with their Proposal evidence of a subcontractor or other company that will carry such coverage on their behalf. 14.3 If the Proponent is performing work in any exempt industry within the meaning of the Workers Compensation Board Act (the “WCB Act”) and does not carry coverage, the Proponent acknowledges that 14.3.1 the COUNTY is subject to a deeming order under s. 14(2) of the WCB Act (the “Deeming Order”); and 14.3.2 the Deeming Order states that all of the Proponent’s employees, directors, proprietors, partners or employees are deemed to be COUNTY employees for the purposes of the WCB Act while performing work for the COUNTY; and 14.3.3 the effect of the Deeming Order is that the Proponent’s employees, directors, proprietors and partners who are injured while performing work for the COUNTY under the Contract, have no right to sue anyone and are limited to a claim under the WCB Act. 14.4 The Proponent shall communicate the existence and effect of the Deeming Order to all of its employees, directors, proprietors, partners or employees. 14.5 The COUNTY will reject any Proposal which fails to comply with the provisions set out in Article 15. INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 8 15 REGISTRATION 15.1 Prior to commencing the Work, the Successful Proponent shall obtain all authorizations required by the laws of the Province of Alberta and of the Country of Canada enabling it to carry on business to complete the Work required under the Contract. Failure to be properly authorized shall entitle the COUNTY to forthwith terminate the Contract without compensation. 16 PROPOSALS EXCEEDING BUDGET 16.1 In addition to the rights contained within Article 17 herein, if the Proposal Sum of every Proponent exceeds the amount the COUNTY has budgeted for the Work, the COUNTY may reject all Proposals or attempt to negotiate a lower price with the Proponent who, in the sole and unfettered discretion of the COUNTY, has submitted the most advantageous Proposal. 16.2 Each Proponent acknowledges and agrees that the COUNTY has the sole and unfettered discretion to employ any criteria in order to determine the Proposal most advantageous to the COUNTY, that the COUNTY has no obligation to neither disclose such criteria nor employ the criteria listed outlined in Article 14 Proposal Evaluation Criteria. 16.3 By submitting its Proposal, each Proponent waives its right to contest in any action, application, case or legal proceeding in any court, the decision which the COUNTY may pursue under Article 17.1 and 17.2 herein. 16.4 If the Proposal Sum of every Proponent exceeds the amount budgeted for the Work and the COUNTY negotiates with the Proponent who has submitted the Proposal considered most advantageous to the COUNTY: 16.4.1 All statements made by either side in the course of negotiation are without prejudice and confidential. 16.4.2 In particular, the COUNTY’s attempt to negotiate with such Proponent does not constitute a rejection of its Proposal; and 16.4.3 The COUNTY will not attempt to obtain a lower price for the same work that the Proponent originally bid on but may attempt to obtain a lower price for an altered scope of work. In no event will the COUNTY be obliged to disclose the amount budgeted for the Work. 17 CONTRACTOR SAFETY PROGRAM 17.1 The Successful proponent will be required to complete The County of Newell’s Contractor General Health & Safety Orientation. 18 ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF PROPOSALS 18.1 As it is the purpose of the COUNTY to obtain the Proposal most suitable and most advantageous to the interests of the COUNTY, notwithstanding anything else contained within the Proposal Documents, the COUNTY reserves the right, in its sole INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 9 and unfettered discretion, to reject or accept any Proposal, including the right to reject all Proposals. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any Proposal which a) is incomplete, obscure, irregular or unrealistic; b) is non-compliant in a trivial/immaterial or substantial/material manner, or conditional; c) has erasures or corrections; d) omits a price on any one or more items in the Proposal; e) fails to complete the information required in the Proposal; may at the COUNTY’s sole and unfettered discretion be rejected or accepted. Further, a Proposal may be rejected or accepted on the basis of the COUNTY’s unfettered assessment of its best interest, which includes the COUNTY’s unfettered assessment as to a Proponent’s past work performance for the COUNTY or for anyone else or as to a Proponent’s financial capabilities, completion schedule, or ability to perform the Work, or the COUNTY’s desire to reduce the number of different contractors on the location of the Work at any given time. The COUNTY reserves the right to negotiate after Proposal Closing time with the Proponent that the COUNTY deems has provided the most advantageous Proposal; in no event will the COUNTY be required to offer any modified terms to any other Proponent prior to entering into a Contract with the successful Proponent and the COUNTY shall incur no liability to any other Proponents as a result of such negotiation or modification. 19 LAW AND FORUM OF PROPOSAL 19.1 The law to be applied in respect of the Proposal Documents and the Contract shall be the law of the Province of Alberta and all civil actions commenced in relation to the Proposal Documents or Contract shall be adjudicated by the Courts of the Province of Alberta and by submitting Proposals, Proponents are taken to have agreed to attorn to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the said Province. 20 ACCEPTANCE PERIOD 20.1 The Proposal shall be irrevocable and open for acceptance by the COUNTY for the period of time contained in the Invitation to Proposal, namely, sixty (60) days following the end of the day of the Proposal Closing. The time and date of the Proposal Closing is as defined in the Invitation to Proposal. PROPOSAL FORM PROPOSAL FORM County of Newell PROPOSAL FORM PROPOSAL FORM Proposal Number: HVAC092024 We, (Company) of (Business Address) having examined the Proposal Documents as issued by: the County of Newell (the “COUNTY”), and having visited the site(s) of where the Work is required to be undertaken; hereby offer to enter into a Contract to perform the Work required by the Proposal Documents for the Proposal Sum as follows: 1. Price Sub-Total (excluding GST) $_____________________ GST $_____________________ Total $_____________________ in Canadian funds, which price includes any specified cash and contingency allowances and the applicable taxes in force at this date and except as may be otherwise provided in the Proposal Documents. 2. Three examples of previous experience on similar projects: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL FORM 3. A list of personnel that will be assigned to County tasks with their qualifications pertaining to this work: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Outline your Safety Program: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. List your Refences to Similar Contracts ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Other: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL FORM Appendices to Proposal Form: The information required by the Instructions to Proponents is provided in the attached Appendices and forms an integral part of this Proposal. Declarations: We hereby acknowledge and declare that: (a) we agree to perform the Work in compliance with the required Maintenance schedule stated in the Contract; (b) no person, firm or corporation other than the undersigned has any interest in this Tender or in the proposed Contract for which this Tender is made (c) we hereby acknowledge and confirm that the COUNTY has the right to accept any tender or to reject any or all tenders in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers. (d) this Tender is open to acceptance for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of Tender Closing. Signatures: Signed, sealed and submitted for and on behalf of: Company: (Name) ________________________________________ (Street Address or Postal Box Number) (City, Province & Postal Code) Signature: Name &Title: (Please Print or Type) Witness: Dated at this day of , 20 ___ Equipment Service need TIMES PER YEAR Comments Boilers (2) 1 - Operational - Routine checks for common issues 2 - Preventative maintenance to extend the useful life 3 - Legislated and Certification requirements 4 - Cleaning (heat exchanger and general) 1 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Air handling units (ERV, 2) 1 - Operational inspection 2 - Trouble shooting and repair 3 - Seasonal inspections 4 - Preventative Maintenance (not including filters ) 2 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Supply Air units (MUA, 4) 1 - Operational inspection 2 - Trouble shooting and repair 3 - Seasonal inspections 4 - Preventative Maintenance (not including filters ) 2 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Exhaust Fans (10) 1 - Operational inspection 2 - Trouble shooting and repair 3 - Seasonal inspections 4 - Preventative Maintenance (not including filters ) 2 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation I.T. Closet Air conditioning unit 1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Preventative Maintenance (not including filters ) 3 - Refrigerant testing and top up as required 2 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Chiller air cooler 1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 2 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation A/C condenser 1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 3 - Refrigerant testing and top up as required 2 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Cooling tower 1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 2 Seasonal maintenance, check operation, grease bearings and check belts 3 - Descale and reseal (3rd party descale, our cost)Every Second year Glycol heating system 1 - Preventive maintenance 2 - Seasonal start up and shut down (including programming)2 Circulating pumps in shop, main pumps in mechanical room Domestic HW heaters (3)1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 2 Mechanical Room, Chemical Storage, Storage Building Tube heaters (18)1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 1 Main shop and Storage Building HVAC EQUIPMENT TO BE SERVICED Expansion tanks (4)1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 2 Mechanical room, Chemical Storage, Storage Building Unit Heaters (Electric, 11)1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 1 Vestibules, Shop, Storage Building Forced Air Furnace (2)1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 2 Storage Building Pumps - Water, Glycol (electric)1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 1 Mechanical/Utility room Back Flow Preventers (Domestic Water) (4)1 - Annual testing and verification 1 Humidifier 1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 3 - Replace cannister (1 per year) 2 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Metasys BMS Knowledge of the system is required for troubleshooting and sequencing Ductless A/C Units IT Closets (3) 1 - Operational Inspection 2 - Troubleshooting and repair 2 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Miscellaneous: Louvers and Louver motors, Pumps, Glycol balancing, VFD (5), Metasys programming and sequencing ad hoc maintenance and inspection based on a failure. Program Days We anticipate that this program would provide roughly 18 days or 160 hours per year of professional services to the County from the Service provider BMS system 1, Check programming , Reprogram as required or requested 1 Scandia Fire Hall 1, Unit heater 1 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Rolling Hills Fire Hall 2, tube heates , 1 hot water tank 1 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Bow City Fire Hall 1, forced air furance (propane) 1 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Tilley Fire hall 3 - Tube heaters, 1 MUA unit and exhuast fans,1 water heater, 1, forced air furnace and A/C unit. 1 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Patricia Fire Hall 2 unit heaters,, 1 MUA unit and exhuast fans,1 water heater, 1, forced air furnace and A/C unit. 1 back flow preventor.1 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Gem Fire Hall 2 Tube heaters , 1 hot water tank, 1, boiler , 1 back flow preventor.1 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation Bassanno Fire Hall 3, Boilers/on demand , 1 hot water tank, 1 A/C unit 2 tube heaters , 1 back flow preventor. Air exchange systems 1 Seasonal Maintenance, Check operation