HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-02-20 Council (Regular) MinutesCOUNTY OF NEWELL MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL February 20, 2025 The regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell was held in the County Office and livestreamed to the public on Thursday, February 20, 2025 commencing at 10:32 a.m. Notice was posted at the front entrance advising the public of the meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCILLORS: ABSENT: K. Christman, Deputy Reeve A. Skanderup L. Kopp H.Johnson G. Skriver E. Unruh (via Microsoft Teams) A. Philpott N. Johnson A. Doerksen, Reeve D. Short STAFF: M. Fenske, Chief Administrative Officer S. Luchies, Newell Regional Fire Chief L. Johnson, Director of Corporate Services J. Nesbitt, Municipal Enforcement Supervisor R. Burgess, Community Peace Officer M. Harbicht, Director of Municipal Services T. Green, Director of Agricultural Services M. Jackson, Planning and Development Supervisor G. Tiffin, Manager of Planning, Development and Engineering C. Siakaluk, Communications Officer (Moderator) A. Nielsen, Executive Assistant OTHERS IN S. Stanway, Brooks Bulletin ATTENDANCE: Sgt. D. Searle, RCMP - Brooks Sgt. J. Schmidt, RCMP - Bassano Laurie Lunseth, Ratepayer (Bylaw 2088-25) Les Lunseth, Ratepayer (Bylaw 2088-25) 1. 2. C-48/25 CALL TO ORDER Deputy Reeve K. Christman called the meeting to order at 10:32 a.m. EXCUSED FROM MEETING MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that Reeve A. Doerksen, Councillor D. Short, and Councillor N. Johnson be excused from the meeting. MOTION CARRIED Regular Council February 20, 2025 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3.1 Minutes - Council (February 6, 2025) Council requested that it be noted that Councillor N. Johnson arrived at 1:06 p.m. in the list of Members Present on page 1. C-49/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that the February 6, 2025 Council Meeting minutes be adopted as amended. MOTION CARRIED 4. CALL FOR POST AGENDA ITEMS Deputy Reeve K. Christman called for post agenda items. 5. ADOPTION OF AGENDA C-50/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR AMANDA PHILPOTT that the agenda be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 6. QUESTION PERIOD/NOTICE OF MOTION A question period and notice of motion was held. No County Ratepayers were in attendance. The moderator indicated that there were no questions from the public. 8. BYLAWS 8.2 Bylaw 2089-25 Fire The Newell Regional Fire Chief provided background information on this item, including a summary of significant changes included in the proposed bylaw. ARRIVED AT MEETING Councillor N. Johnson arrived at 10:36 a.m. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. Council suggested rewording article 14 to make it clear that Burn Barrels are not allowed within hamlets. The Newell Regional Fire Chief responded to questions regarding recreational fire pits, indicating that the purpose of the mesh screen is to prevent sparks from escaping. Discussion followed regarding Burn Barrel Permits. The Newell Regional Fire Chief indicated that the landowner would be responsible for ensuring their Burn Barrel meets the standards outlined in the bylaw. Council suggested an education campaign on recreational fire pits and burn barrels rather than requiring permits. The Director of Corporate Services acknowledged that there are a large number of burn barrels in use and noted that enforcement would be complaint-driven. Page 2 of 10 Regular Council February 20, 2025 C-51/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that Administration be directed to amend Bylaw 2089-25 as follows: • remove the provisions requiring permits for Burn Barrels • reword article 14 to clearly state that Burn Barrels are not allowed within hamlets • include more detail regarding the mesh screen required for recreational fire pits. MOTION CARRIED LEFT THE MEETING S. Luchies and L. Johnson left the meeting at 10:54 a.m. 12. MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUSINESS 12.1 Policy Review - Municipal Enforcement Polices to be Rescinded The Municipal Enforcement Supervisor provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-52/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that the following policies be RESCINDED: • 2016-CPO-001 Code of Conduct • 2016-CPO-002 Complaints Against CPOs • 2016-CPO-003 OC Spray - Use Of • 2016-CPO-004 Baton • 2016-CPO-005 Records Management System, Operation Records System & Records Retention • 2016-CPO-006 Emergency Response — Pursuit • 2020-CPO-007 Enforcement on One- and Two-Digit Highways. MOTION CARRIED 8. BYLAWS — continued 8.3 Bylaw 2093-25 Traffic The Community Peace Officer provided background information on this item, noting that the significant changes include a definition for School Bus and provisions allowing them to park on private property within hamlets. ARRIVED AT MEETING Sgt. D. Searle and Sgt. J. Schmidt arrived at 10:59 a.m. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. The Chief Administrative Officer responded to questions regarding condominium association bylaws, indicating that they are separate legal entities and condominium associations are responsible for enforcing their own bylaws. Page 3 of 10 Regular Council February 20, 2025 C-53/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Bylaw 2093-25, being a bylaw for the purpose of controlling and providing regulations and penalties pertaining to highways, roadways, streets, sidewalks, and pathways for the orderly and safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and for the parking of vehicles on the said highways, roadways and streets, be given FIRST reading. MOTION CARRIED 9. DELEGATIONS 9.1 RCMP Quarterly Reports — Brooks Sgt. D. Searle presented the Brooks RCMP Quarterly Report to Council, including an overview of statistics and significant events. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. 9.2 RCMP Quarterly Reports — Bassano Sgt. J. Schmidt presented the Bassano RCMP Quarterly Report to Council, including an overview of statistics and significant events. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. ARRIVED AT MEETING T. Green arrived at 11:16 a.m. LEFT THE MEETING J. Nesbitt and R. Burgess left the meeting at 11:16 a.m. Sgt. D. Searle and Sgt. J. Schmidt responded to further questions regarding staffing levels and school visits. LEFT THE MEETING Sgt. D. Searle and Sgt. J. Schmidt left the meeting at 11:19 a.m. 10. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES BUSINESS 10.1 Policy Review - Agricultural Services The Director of Agricultural Services provided background on this item, including an ove►view of significant changes made to each of the policies. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. Council indicated that the 100 Year Farm Awards program should continue and requested that it be advertised to the public. C-54/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that Policy POL-056-25 (Soil Conservation) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED Page 4 of 10 Regular Council February 20, 2025 C-55/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that Policy POL-057-25 (Seed Cleaning Plant Inspections) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED C-56/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that Policy POL-058-25 (Sale of Phostoxin) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED ARRIVED AT MEETING Len Lunseth and Laurie Lunseth arrived at 11:25 a.m. C-57/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Policy POL-059-25 (Roadside Brush Control) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED ARRIVED AT MEETING G. Tiffin and M. Jackson arrived at 11:26 a.m. C-58/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR AMANDA PHILPOTT that Policy POL-060-25 (Mowing) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED C-59/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Policy POL-061-25 (100 Year Farm Awards) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED LEFT THE MEETING T. Green left the meeting at 11:31 a.m. C-60/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that we move into Public Hearings at 11:32 a.m. MOTION CARRIED 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7.1 Bylaw 2088-25 Bassano Airport (N 20-21-18-W4 - B-RUR & S-PPS to DC) Deputy Reeve K. Christman called the Public Hearing to order at 11:32 a.m. Deputy Reeve K. Christman reviewed the procedures that would be followed for the hearing. The Planning & Development Supervisor stated that the intent of the Public Hearing is to hear representations on Bylaw 2088-25. The intent of this bylaw is to amend Land Use Bylaw 2016-21 by redesignating the lands at the Bassano Airport from Business - Rural District and Special - Parks and Public Service to Page 5 of 10 Regular Council February 20, 2025 Direct Control District and to establish the uses and rules for the Direct Control District pertaining to the above noted described lands. The Planning & Development Supervisor provided background information on this item indicating that a copy of the document had been circulated to adjacent landowners and to a list of affected agencies. None of the affected agencies have indicated any objections. One letter was received from an adjacent landowner in opposition to the proposed bylaw. The concerns expressed in the letter include the potential for airport development to increase noise, impact viewscapes, and lower property values. The Planning & Development Supervisor outlined methods that the County can use to mitigate these concerns. There were no persons in attendance speaking in favor of the proposed bylaw. Laurie Lunseth, an adjacent landowner, spoke in opposition to the proposed bylaw, suggesting that scheduling times when pilots can operate could help reduce the nuisance factor. She expressed concerns regarding the Bassano Airport remaining attractive and requested rules be established regarding the placement and color of storage containers on the property. She a/so expressed concerns regarding the potential for increased development to reduce property values. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. C-61/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR AMANDA PHILPOTT that we move out of Public Hearings at 11:47 a.m. MOTION CARRIED LEFT THE MEETING Les Lunseth and Laurie Lunseth left the meeting at 11:48 a.m. 8. BYLAWS — continued 8.1 Bylaw 2088-25 Bassano Airport (N 20-21-18-W4 - B-RUR & S-PPS to DC) The Planning & Development Supervisor provided additional background information on this item, indicating that the matter of shipping containers had been discussed with the Town of Bassano and a hangar must be established before a shipping container can be placed. Discussion followed and Council requested an amendment to Schedule 8 to require shipping containers to be painted. The Planning & Development Supervisor responded to additional questions regarding noise control, indicating that she would gather more information regarding federal airport regulations. C-62/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Bylaw 2088-25, being a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw 2016-21 by redesignating portions of N 20-21-18-W4 at the Bassano Airport from B-RUR Business - Rural District and S-PPS Special - Parks & Public Service to DC Direct Control District, be given SECOND reading as amended. MOTION CARRIED Page 6 of 10 Regular Council February 20, 2025 LEFT THE MEETING M. Jackson and G. Tiffin left the meeting at 11:53 a.m. 11. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 11.1 Policy Review - 2009-PLG-005 Salary Negotiating Committee (to be rescinded) The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-63/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that Policy 2009-PLG-005 (Salary Negotiating Committee) be RESCINDED. MOTION CARRIED 11.2 Rural Municipalities ofAlberta (RMA) Spring 2025 Convention Update The Executive Assistant provided background information on this item. Reeve A. Doerksen, Councillor A. Skanderup, and Councillor H. Johnson will attend the meeting with the Minister of Environment & Protected Areas. Discussion followed regarding meeting with the Minister of Transportation & Economic Corridors and sending a letter requesting consideration of a speed reduction to 80km/h on Highway 1 west of Highway 36 through east of RR150 if a meeting with the Minister is not secured. The Chief Administrative Officer suggested that Council could ask the Minister to look into a speed reduction as an option to increase safety. Further discussion followed. Council indicated that a meeting with the Commanding Officer of RCMP "K" Division is not required. LUNCH Council RECESSED for lunch at 12:08 p.m. and RECONVENED at 12:59 p.m. 12. MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUSINESS — continued 12.2 Tender Award - Lake Newell Resort Pathway This item was not lifted from the table. 11. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS — continued 11.3 Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) Ministry Dinner The Executive Assistant provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. It was noted that the event is the same day as the County's Annual Organizational Meeting as well as the first regular MPC and Council meetings after the 2025 Municipal Election. Councillor Page 7 of 10 Regular Council February 20, 2025 11.4 G. Skriver provided an overview of last year's EDA Ministry Dinner, indicating that it was good to have representation from Southern Alberta and suggested that Economic Development staff attend. Councillor H. Johnson indicated that the Palliser Economic Partnership attends this event. Council delegates will not attend the 2025 EDA Ministry Dinner. Requests for Functions of Council 11.4.1 Explore Circularity Day (March 10, 2025) Councillor L. Kopp provided background information on this event which is presented by the Recycling Council of Alberta. C-64/25 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that Councillor A. Skanderup and Councillor L. Kopp be permitted to attend Explore Circularity Day 2025 in Edmonton, AB on March 10, 2025 as a function of Council. MOTION CARRIED 13. COMMITTEE REPORTS 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Newell Housing Foundation CouncillorA. Skanderup and CouncillorA. Philpott submitted a written report. Veteran's Memorial Highway Association Councillor G. Skriver reported that a special meeting was held on February 19, 2025 to review financial statements and vote to register the Veteran's Memorial Highway Association as a society with the provincial government. Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association Councillor N. Johnson reported that the Memorandum of Agreement with Global Green has been signed and the Energy from Waste project wil/ proceed. Vulcan County is no longer a member of SAEWA. Newell Regional Solid Waste Management Authority Councillor N. Johnson reported that that the minutes from the previous responded to questions regarding Newell Recycling Association. NRSWMA would meet this afternoon and meeting were forwarded to Council. He discussions between NRSWMA and the Newell Recycling Association Councillor L. Kopp reported that the Newell Recycling Association met to discuss what information to present to NRSWMA. Once paperwork is finalized, all board Page 8 of 10 Regular Council February 20, 2025 members will receive a copy. Newell Recycling Association needs stable funding. 13.6 Grasslands Regional FCSS Councillor H. Johnson reported that a strategic planning session is planned for February 22, 2025. 13.7 City of Brooks Recreation & Parks Board Councillor G. Skriver reported that the board met yesterday to discuss a policy change where requests for grant funding in the form of things like swim passes for groups in amounts totalling up to $500 must be approved by City Council rather than the Board. He provided additional information on this item, indicating that several of these requests are received every meeting. Other items discussed included the skateboard park and lighting around the Lake Stafford pathway. Councillor G. Skriver responded to questions from Council. 13.8 Brooks Region Tourism Association Councillor A. Skanderup reported that funding for experiences is available. The "Fishing the Wild West" television show will be coming to the area in the summer. Topics for discussion at today's meeting include strategic priorities and the "Best of Brooks Region" survey results. 13.9 Joint Services Committee Councillor K. Christman reported that there is an opportunity to advocate for revitalization of the Brooks Aqueduct. The Joint Se►vices Committee terms of reference will be presented at the next meeting. The Alberta Chamber of Commerce 2025 Convention will be held in Medicine Hat in May. 13.10 Shortgrass Library System Councillor L. Kopp reported that the Canopy streaming service is now available to library users through the library card. She a/so provided information regarding the L2U program which provides library resources to users who are physically unable to access a library. 14. POST AGENDA ITEMS There were no post agenda items to discuss at this meeting. Page 9 of 10 Regular Council February 20, 2025 15. INFORMATION ITEMS 15.1 Strategic Priorities Chart This item was accepted as information. 15.2 Bassano RCMP Monthly Report This item was accepted as information. 15.3 Safe Communities Report This item was accepted as information. 16. QUESTION PERIOD A question period was held. No County Ratepayers were in attendance. The moderator indicated that there were no questions from the public. 17. IN CAMERA There were no in camera items to discuss at this meeting. 18. ADJOURN Being that the agenda matters have been concluded, the meeting adjourned at 1:26 p.m. Signed this ��day of �� � , 2025 `/ � -'` ..;� County Administrator Page 10 of 10