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HomeMy WebLinkAbout09. 8x11 P LO MB 2025 - County Wide - 80 pagesc.1 � P. P. 4 14-1.2 14-14 P. 5 1 q � 13-13 M . D . T A B E ------------- 5km O Current Pane r'' Surrounding Counties N so\ 12,500,000 A ]8 A O km ] ]a 9 ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 COUNTY • 7I'7 COUNTY 69 70 71 7273 OF 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 6L 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 N 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 TW P 13 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 , T ' • L R G E 1 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �/ , 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Currenta 7 9 10 Township 11 12 13 S 2 � Map Book ; 4 6 ] Page FmPn n r osra al 4 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 8 P. 9 N 80\ 12,500,000 a km ' 15-16 15-15 A ,4 ,5'; 0 10 2000UNTY OF I 7F COUNTY I 69 70 71 7273 OF NEWELL 61 62 63 64 65 iN 66 1 68 NEWE11 6P. 3 52 53 64 55 56 57 T A113 E R 58 59 fi0 14-15 TWP 14 j P. 2 43 44 45 46 4] 48 49 so fit N I 14-16 35 36 37 38 39 40 4, 42 I 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 W � E RG E 1 6 20 24 2� 22 23 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 ,0 „ 12 ,3 S Township O Map Book 3 4 5 6 7 5 km Page , �e 2 O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O 0•5 1 O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) km Tak Fed qCo Takeda Feeding Co Takeda Feeding Co Takeda, W. 1 o 5 0 00 0 Takeda Takeda Feeding Co Feeding Co Takeda Feeding Co M D . OF T A B E R Takeda Takeda Feeding Co Feeding Co Takeda Feeding Co 6 Takeda Feeding Co Takeda Takeda Feeding Co Feeding Co m 4 2 6 2 O er Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 1N dl a1 R d P. 8 15-16 P. 8 10 15-1515=14 1�a4_1,6O�14-15 P d 11 14 M . U . O F T A B E R 5km m O Current Pane O Surrounding Counties N 80� 1:2,500,000 A ]8 i av km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 s8 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 10 11 12 13 Township I� Map Book 3 4 s 6 ] Page 1 COUNTY OF COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 14 W + E RG E 15 S mtA Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions M dl S1 R d P. 9 15-15 P. 10 15-14 P. 11 15-13 P. 3 14,-15 P 4 14-14 P. 5 14-13 P. 1 1*3q3 5km m O Current Pane O Surrounding Counties N 80 1:2,500,000 ]9 A 78 ` O km y` ]4 ]5 ]6 t 0 �L) ZD 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 6L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 31 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 Township 10 11 12 13 O 2'3 Map Book 4 s s T Page --0 COUNTY UA COUNTY OF N TWP 14 W + E RGE 14 S n E7 A ipman Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions I N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cur ent a 9 10 11 12 13 Township Q Map Book 4 5 6 ] Page N W E S Page 11mmmmm== km COUNJOFNW TWP 14 RG E 13 Ps�a 5 HiIIS VeJ.&Ben Versteegen, Sereda, K .Sereda Farms Ve J&Ben, Ve J&Ben.--,'IlCoulee 12 Mlle e r Farms 11`9 Scnu= 109 114 100 r-r s r:_� -� r U _�stwood Meeuwsen Versteegen, rsteegen, Sereda, -Hirch, R. Sereda, R. Versteegen, Vers en, MDOUM Farms o E J & B R. J.& B. E Fasrsarms o stwood JE Eastwood Hirch, R. 40 Versteegen, Versteegen, Sereda, Versteegearms Farms J & B o J.& B. DA J. JA 3138 mistek, Hirch, R. Meeuwsen Meeuwsen Meeuwsen 30 Versteegen, G.W. Murray & W Farms Farms Farms J.& B. Ranch. Chomistek, o CA W. Giesbrecht, Eastwood Meeuwsen Meeuwsen Versteegen, Versteegen, No Hills G.W. Murray 2113541 Chomistek, PA J. Farms Farms Farms EA C. E Farms Ranch. AB Z CA W. _ 42 Fehr, J.& M. Wennekers, Wennekers, homistek, t Versteegen, Versteegen, C. C. CA W. No Hills J.& B. J.& B. � Baumgarten, � Baumgarten, Farms D. D. V l Versteegen, Wennekers, HalsE. Hirch, AB. C. Krause, G. L. / Baumgarten, Halsema-Bernstein, 32 D. E. — — 2871— emsi T Giesbrecht, No Hills Giesbrecht, Versteegen, Versteegen, Krause, G. Nannt, R.& K. 2113533 AB Nuip PA J. Farms PA J. J.& B. J.&' A .919% % 0- A A A — also a, HK E. Lan Giesbrecht, No Hills Giesbrecht, 1883524 AB Verst egen, Versteegen, Versteegen, 2113525 AB & _ P.& J. Farms G.& L. J B J & B Halsema-Bernstein, J & B ,aft] o E Gutfriend, W. Hirch, R. Lethbridge, 1883518 AB Giesbrecht, o Nannt R.& K. Krause, HA C. 2113506 AB 2113522 AB Murray, GA G. 1 Holt R.& 1883532 A� 3s CO 2B K. D PA J Lethbridge, 1883518 AB Giesbrecht, Nannt, Krause, 1883532 ABGutfriend, I Hirch, S. D. Hirch, � . RRA K. H.& J & C. 2113516AB BA S � Giesbrecht, ` Giesbrecht, L��27 39 PA S. PA J. Krause, H. Giesbrecht, PA J. Gutfriend, Gutfriend, Tilma, J. Giesbrecht, Krause, = BA S. BA S. Timmermans, PA S. H. E 3 41 Tilma, J. y o Gutfriend, B.& S. Timmermans, Giesbrecht, ",epbrecht,sGutfriend, J. E. rama, J. PA J. .& Whittaker, Whittaker, 0. o W Timmermans, E. _ '-0/ B&°e�' Gutfriend, ma,J. �✓ M C Y P R E S S B.& S. Timmermans E. OF T A B E R ~ C O U NTY A Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 11 15-13 P. 12 15-12 P. 13 15-11 ` P.5 P.6 P7 14-13 14-12 14-11 13-13 M. D. O F C O U N T Y Skm O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 �' ` O km ]9 A Ya ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 ,,.7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township Q Map Book 2 ; 4 5 s T Page 1 "Page __0 COUNTY OF COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 14 W + E AGE 12 S 0 0.5 1 Pate �km C04" Meeuwsen Farms Meeuwsen Farms Meeuwsen Farms Meeuwsen Farms 2113541 AB 2113543 ABBraaten, J. ' r i I I l i � I — Thacker II & Sons Dale Thacker H. Thacker & H. Thacker & Farms H. Thacker & Specialty Sons Farms Sons Farms Sons Farms Crops I H. Thacker & H. Thacker & H. Thacker & H. Thacker & Dale Thacker Specialty H. Thacker & H. Thacker & H. 'Racket Sons Farms Sons Farms Sans Farms Sons Farms Crops Sons Farms Sons Farms Sons fa s Murray Hill H. Thacker & H. Thacker & Thacker, L. Dale Thacker Specialty Thacker, K. Thacker, G. ale, Lynn Ranch. Sons Farms Sons Farms ThackerAg Crops p D Dale Thacker Murray Hill H. Thacker & H. Thacker & Lynn Lynn acker, Specialty Thacker, K. Thacker, G. Ranch. Sons Farms Sons Farms ThackerA ThackerA p g g Crops C Y P R E S S C O U N T Y Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 12 1 R 13 15-12 15-11 14-12 14-11 Er vi N T e 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 ],.I 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 68 52 63 64 55 56 5] 58 59 60 4344 45 46 4] 48 49 50 51 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Cur ent a 9 10 11 12 13 Township , Map Book 4 5 6 ] Page 1 Page 13 i COUNTY OF N TWP 14 W + E RGE 11 S 0 0.5 1 Pate11 mommo==km t 4 ;PIG JU 43 I v A ft AL A A 12- . hackHer&'l H. Thacker & Dale Thacker Sons Sons Farms Specialty farm Crops Thacker, Thacker, D. G. Thacker, B. Ncker, Thacker, D. Thacker, B. CYPRESS COU NTY Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions V U L C A K P.14 P.15 C0UNTY 16-16 16-15 P. 8 15-16 P. 9 15-15 Pt3" 1�a4�1,6�14-1'S 5km m O Current Pane O Surrounding Counties N 8o\ 1:2,500,000 A ]e A O km a -a ]4 ]5 ]6 t 0 �L) 2" • • ]I'I COUNTY 69 70 71 ]2 ]3 OF 61 62 63 64 65 67Z a 52 63 64 55 56 57 s8 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 fit ` ' N T W P 1 5 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 , T ' • L R G E 1 6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �/ , 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cur ent 7 Township I-lims 10 11 1 12 13 s _ Map Book �.3 4 s s ] Fmpm&ia Page 1 n n r_ 4 A P. 14 16-16 • P. 15 16-15 P. 16 Ni l4 P. 8 15-16 P.9 "P.10 15-15 1'5-14 �R 2 P. 3 14-16��14-� P. 4 14-14 D . i/� - 15 km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A 78 ` O km 7a 79 � 75 76l 0 10 20 7e7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current 9 10 11 12 13 Township Map Book 4 5 6 7 Page 1 "Page --0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF N TWP 15 W + E RGE 15 S O 0 0.5 1 Pate mommolkm GL Graham; S & K Farms Motokado S-Scan Farm Takeda Takeda Rolling Hills Reservoir C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnso ° Farms Feeding Feeding S-Scan Farms & Sons sons Faros - - Co � Co . � _ & Sons anch. Van --++-riTYY.3i1 - Hall 1627169 AB � vinge, S-Scan S & K Farms S & K Farms Kanegawa 1� 1 � C 0. Johnson & C. 0. Johnso hn o Cattle J.& G. Farms Farms Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranc Sons Co. nd. Z7 C. 0. Van IR Kanegawa Hall, J. Ovinge, S & K Farms Scan rms Kanegawa Kanegawa Kanegawa Kanegawa Farms C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnso va"aai C.& P. Farms Farms Farms Farms &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Soro C meCo_; Ranch. 48 71 Kanegawa Kanegawa C. 0. Johnson C. 0. C. 0. Johnson Johns homiso,' Chomistek, Ovinge, Ovinge, Kanegawa M. J.& S. T& S. S& Farms Farms Farms/1-1. Kanegawa & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. &Sons M Farms Ranch. Hofmann, Casper Kanegawa Kanegawa Kanegawa Farms Faros Kanegawa C. 0. Johnson S & K S & K Farms C, 0. C. 0. Johnson Johnsor S & K Farms S & K Farms c� Farms M. Farms Cattle Stenger, Farms Farms Farms Kanegawa &Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. &Sons v3 Co D Fax Farms Ranch. 68 7.5 NMI, S-Scan Farms Kanegawa CO. S&K nders n Crop 61 Takeda, S & K Farms S & K Farms Farms S-Scan C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Jerson Farms Prod ction County N Farms a� &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons A of Newell Kanegawa Kanegawa Ranch. 0"2arms Farms edersm Takeda, C. C.O. N& Ovi T.& ge, T Ross, R.& B. Pedersen, Takeda, S & K;r- S & K S & K S & K 5s Farms Casper C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson g&B .& E.& D. N. Farms Farms Cattle Co. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. &Sons I, , Takeda, C. sz Randy. Gopher O 55 Slenders, Hammergren, e C. 0. PedemmTakeda, N8 QV.& M. Ovinge, Ovinge, Bouchard, A.lPayne, Gopher Land nd La & Cattle Hofmann, S & K Farms S & K B.& M.& Slenders, C.0 Johnson& C. 0. Johnso 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson B&B S.& D. T& S. T& S. B & K & Cattle Co. C M. Farms W.& C S& & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. &Sons ss ' M.&W.&C Sons Ranch. Rand PQrefsen� Aron Farms 64 eson Jacobson Jacobs C. 0. Jo son 59 Co 0. Johnson 14 C. 0. 66 JohnsonJohnson, C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C O. Am Farms Ovinge, G. J Stock Farms Stock F ms &$0&Boos Ran Johnson & Sons &SonsB.& H. & Sons Ranch. &Sons 85&SoJ.& Ranch. Rant 67 - Ranch72 4D8,63 76 Takeda Tateson Jacobson ,Johnson & C. 0.Takeda Takeda, N. Slenders, Feeding Feeding Co H. B.& M. D.& K. D K Son Johnson& 54 Co Ranch. so Sons Ranch. Co 69 57 Takeda Takeda Feedin g� Co Feeding Takeda Feeding Co Tateson, H. Tateson, H. 956807 AB Slenders, W.& C. 74 956807 AB Takeda Feeding Co Takeda, N. � Co akeda Bruce Feeding W.T.T. W.T.T. W.T.T. Slenders, alked Co Livestock Livestock Livestock Tateson, J. Tateson, J. 956816 AB F.ISlenders, Takeda, N. C ttlea W.& C. CO. 47 dr Takeda Slanders, Tateson, Jacobson Pe rsen, Feeding Takeda,W Tateson,J. 956816AB F.ISlenders, Fmdr6z F"°d1py Co Livestock H.& M. B & M. Stock Farms & D. Co Takeda Takeda Tahada Tateson, H. Feeding Feeding FeeliTateson, Tateson, Tateson, Takeda, Meeuwse Stamp Farms Jacobson ng a Ca H.& K. H. H. M. M. Farms Fa ms Stock Farms Co Co Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions I P. 15 16-15 P. 16 16-14 P. 17 16-1 P. 9 P. 10 P. 11 15-15 15-14 I Ilii 15-13 Ili II P. 3 P. 4 P. 5 14- 15 M �, 14-14 _ 14-13 5km O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page �11 Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O khn ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 16L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 5,1-1 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 1 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 p current a 9 10 11 12 13 Townshi 2 O Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 16 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 15 W + E RGE 14 S 0 0.5 1 �® ao mmmmn===km Co. 11 C. 0. '� - 0. Johnson .0 C. O. C. 0. Johnson C 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson � Johnson & C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson & Sons Johnson Johnson & C. 0. Johnson & Sons C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson &Sons &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. BSons & Sons Ranch. &Sans Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &sons Ranch. ons Ranch. Ranch. ch. Soasftanch Ranch. Ranch. C. 0. - -87 88 C 0. C. 0. C. 0. Johnson ohnson Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C.O. Johnson c 0 Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. O.Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson 2113560 &Sons & Sons & Sons & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Joh6n & Sons & Sons Ranch. & Sons & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. 2113560 AB AS Ranch. Ranch. 83 Ranch. Ranch. &sars Ranch. Ranch. Rim. -_ - Im C. 0. Johnson C 0 C. 0.18A Johnson Johnson C. 0. Jolson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. C. 0. Johnson Johnson &sons C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. C. 0. Johnson Johnso & Sons & Sons& Sons anch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons &Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & SonsSons & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. C O C. 0. f C. C. 0nson Johnson" Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. ,`ohnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Meyer y 82 &Sons &Sons & Sons &Son Ranch. 8uSoug Ranch. &Sans &Sons &Sons Ranch. & Sons & Sons &Sons & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. Farms Rand. Ranch. -Ranch.- _ - Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. C O. C. 0. Johnson C.O.Johnsan &Sons C. O Johnson C0 C. 0. C. 0. Johnson Johnson & Sons C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson &Sons C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson Johnson &Sons C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Meyer Y &Sons C.O. Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sore &Sons &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. Farms Ranch 11 Ranch. Jahno&& Ranch. P"d Ranch. SomRand Ranch. Bs ' C O. 80 C. 0. C. 0. Johnson at C. 0. C. 0. Johnson Kropfmuller, Parker Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson &Sons C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson & & Sons C. 0. Johnson Meeuwsen M. I Klemen, V.&V. &Sons & Sons Ranch. Johnson & & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. Farms Ranch. Sons Ranch. Ranch. Sons Ranch. Ranch. WA J. an P&H. C O. C. 0 Braun, Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson Van Dyk, PA L. Lengyel, hiessen. &Sons & Sons Ranch. & Sons & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons MA A. Braun, PA L. A. P.&H. Braun, Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. C O. C. 0. C 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson Van Van Dyk, Meeuwsen Giesbrecht, Lengyel, Lengyel, Van &Sons & Sons Ranch. & Sons &Sons & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Dyk, MA A. Farms GAL. H. A. Dyk, Ranch. Ranch. 79 Ranch. Ranch. M.&A &A o� oo C. 0. Johnson C. p. 78 C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Van Johnson Dyk, Van Dyk, Skrove Agro Holshire Hemsing Van Dyk, eule, 85 Sons & Sons Johnson & &Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons M.&A. M.& A. Services Farms Farms M.& C. Rao& Ranch. Sons Ranch. Ranch. A & B. HWY530 95 n HWY530 J6nler, J. 11� Duine Hemsing Hemsing, 5 65561 H. Meyer Farms Farms T.& M. Dickinson, G. AB _ A8 89 94 G. W. Count 98 Skrove, C. Reule, CA S. HT Dickinson I Of &si M. Farms 1565567 AB lNewell 93 971 Shackleton, Lester, Lester, Davids0 Hemsin g I M.1 2262510 so CA S. CA S. Fami Farms Kappler, I AB F C 92 o ''•:91 Lester, Tilma, J. Eastwood Lester. Lester, S. CA S. Reule, C.& S. TimmeEons, Farms III-ester, D. 96 99 74 72., Lester Lester, Reule, Ranch. T-1 1� 7 1565567 AB A. I N 1565567 AB 1565567 AB CA S. r� At Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 1 yT:T�/ This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. (��^^""CCCJJJ"^^^^ �� deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 16 P. 17t16 18 16-14 16-13-12 P.10 P.11�1215-14 15-13-1F'.�dlii Ili R 4 P. 5 P. 6 14-14 , ' 14-13 - , 14-12 s km O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 68 52 53 54 55 56 57 s8 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 9 111 12 13 Township 0 O Map Book 4 s s ] Page 1 Page 17 M, COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 15 W + E RG E 13 S 0 0.5 1 P8gf) 09 mmmmm==km C' 0. C. 0. Johnson ns Johnson & &So N Ranch. 1:1 Sons Ranch. 18Y 2113560 C.O. — AS 2 113560 AB Johnson = & Sons Ranch. -116 it 11 Co. ahoson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson &Sons & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch Latham Cattle \112 Ranch_ CO. ohoson Meyer Farms &Sons Meyer Farms Lathom Cattle Lathom Cattle Ranch CO. \LathomCattle Johnson Meyer Farms & Sons Meyer Farms Latham Cattle Lathom Cattle Ranch. 121 105 '106 Parker, M V.& V. 117 \ �! a, ersteegen, NJ � Thiessen, J.& B. sl,l Thiessen, Versteegen, S-Scan Farms Versteegen, Lundquist, L. A I PA H. J.& B. E. II 103 Lundquist, L. Ongye1,l Van Dyk Van Dyk, M.&A. S-Scar Farms Versteegen, E. Lunduist, q L. Van Dyk, M.&A. R` MA A.' .107 'as 7E11.8 No Van I Ed J. Reule, CAVan Dyk, I Meyer Farms S-Scan Farms Dyk, Versteegen, Versteegen, E. Lundquist Ed J. Lundquist S & B &A.I M.&A. E. Farms Farms EdJ LundquistFa�ms� _ �_- ky'530 - 1565567AB Butkiewic7� Ln Meyer Rosedale Marzolf, D. Hemsing, Ed Lundgw t Ed J. Lundquist q Ed J. Lundquist Versteegen, q —" W. n Farms Const. Aeeuwsen L Farms Farms Farms E Versteegen, J.& B. 7 2 Farms 101 122 4 = 108 � 5fi55671 County of Newell Meyer Farms S-Scan Farms Versteegen, Meeuwsen Wolf, J.& K` Versteegen, Versteegen, Versteegen, ersleegeo, J8B p m AB I E. Farms J.& B. J.& B. J.& B. 971 102 115 SaHabo,� 2262510 AB Versteegen, EA C. Meyer Farms Schuett, R.& D. Martens, A.& A. S-Scan Farms S-Scan Farms Versteegen, J.& B. Versteegen, J.& 120 Sereda Farms LJO B. 120 ' Ea RO I I I n g Hill Versteegen, Versteegen, good Lester, Fans I A.& D. O Meyer Farms Versteegen, Versteegen, Sereda, K. Sereda Farms E J & B J.& B. tog- 1<�a= HWys 126 +,;hVe 1565567 Eastwood Meeuwsen3419 ,22 Hirch, L.Versteege egen, Vers gen, Sereda, R. Sereda, R.100Versteegen, , AB Fiset, R. is Farms Farms . J.& B. 21 N Labelledparcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions ld >D1 R d P.17 ,- P.18 P.19:- 16-13 ! ',..; 16-12 16-11 P.11 P.12 P.13 15-13 15-12 1"5=11 P., 5 P. 6 14-13 14-12 14 11. km Current D Current Page 0Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page �11 Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 1 49 50 51 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township O Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 18 --0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 15 W + E RGE 12 S 0 0.5 1 P84o 22 mmmmm=z= km — - L I i I In A I I I co e Jq `�0��, 26 ¢uwsea fans Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 18 P. 19 16-12 16-11 `)i P. 12 P. 13 ', x 15-12 15-11 U � P. 6 P. 7 14-12 14-11: ° 5km O Current Page 0 Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 ]' ` km O ]9y` A ]4 75 ]6 t 0 ,0 2" ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 6L 52 63 54 55 56 5] 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 1 11 1 12 13 T ownship , Map Book 4 5 6 ] Page 1 Page 19 COUNTY• i OUNTY OF NEWELL NEwEll N TWP 15 W + E RGE 11 S 0.5 1 Pie �km ra 32 0 i i i I U W OC a U 123 C124 A. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.20 P.21 P.22 17-17 17-16 17-15 P.14 P.'15 16-16 16-15 P. 8 o F' 15-16 15-15 5 km m s�ndia O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page �11 Contours (SOm interval) �IN A O Current Township r, Map Book 1:2,500,000 p km 0 10 20 •idbil!" Gubbins, MA L. I Gubbins, MA L. Swenson, W.& S. 2s5 Davidson, R.& W. 11 Davidson, C Wayne McColl, Schmidt, R. Schmidt, R. Swenson Holdings RAJ. Gubbins, MA L. Closs, McColl, L Schmidt, R. Sturch, B. R.& J. Bros. Fleming Farms Coyne, RAC. Christensen, Schmidt, R. J. Graham, J. --0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF N TWP 16 W + E RG E 16 S o 0 0.5 1 mommo== km 1 Ventures Graham Ventures G Lan & JSG Land1184989AB 26 Cattle Co, Cattle CoL 1 1 1184989 AB GCG Van Den Nielsen, .en, K. Cattle Hoek ms A.& D- Co. JSG Land & _ a Cattle Co. Wiebe, PA E. R.& C. Christens , >I Schmidt, Schmidt, CA ' Graham 2310 Nielsen, Weibe, BA J. CA M. CA M. Ventures AA D. � P.& E. Sc idt EE HPar'�'on, Dafoe,Coyne, Christns bounty DA R. R.& C. B. J. Newell lDafoe, Dafoe, DA R. Schmi t, R. Jones, A. /f DA R. Dafoe, Dafoe, Schmidt, Schmidt, DA R. D.& R. CA M. CA M. Nielsen, Nielsen, Rosen, K. Graham, D. A.& D. A.& D. � AL 25 159 Christensen, Schmidt, Graham Grahamt G Land & GCG Blan d D. CA M. Ventures Venturesattle Co. Cattle Farms 137 Co. - ' 139- H_ Wl(873— 138 1a2 1XC t�..i 125 150 152 Christensen, ' South GL Graham BA J Rosen, EA B. WR Farms 48 1 zs GLGraham Slope � Farms GIL Feeders sham Farms Farms Rosen, GL Graham GL Graham GL Graham Wildeboer R Rosen, R. Rosen, D. Farms Farms Farms Farms t<' 4 1 i 156 135 GL Graham 1158 Dafoe, D.& R. I Schmidt, R & . 764002 AB 764002 AB Schmidt, P.&be R0 R' Wild Fa msef GL . Farms �} 764002 AB Farms GL Graham - ��afoe, D.& R. I Schmidt, North Bend Cattle J GLGraham GLGraham �' 764002 AB R.& J. 13o Farms Farms 146 157 \V Schmidt, V U LCAN RA J. Link, K.& D. Haag, MA V. Van Den Haag, M. Sion r, COUNTY Hoek Farms g D. Van Den M By, Meurs 154 oek Farms & L. Meurs 145 ms Meurs Farms 1A Haag, .& E. , Farms \\ 01 Sonnenberg,'. Casper D. Wo10 uk Cattle Co. 131 Far S Meurs Farms Dahlman, L. Haag, B.& E. arms rJ Casper North Bend GL Graham Cattle 627169 1627169 AB Cattle Farms S & K Farms Co. AB 129 F T A B E R Nodh Bend Cattle Van Hall Cattle Co. IVan Hall Cattle Co. 1627169 AB Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 21 P. 22 P.23 17-16 17-15 P. 15 17-14 1'. ," P. 14 P. 16 16-16 16-15 16-14 VUb.CAN 0 U N T Y 15-16 P. s P. 10 u ."",15-15 15-14 5 km m -OR, O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A 78 ` km 79 74 75 7� O 0 10 20 7V7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current 11 12 13 Township 9 10 LMap Book 4 s 6 7 Page 1 "Page --0 COUNTY UA COUNTY OF N TWP 16 W + E RGE 15 S io O o 0 0.5 1 ° o mommo==km SG iandl 1184989 1184989 Cattle AB 269 AB 1184989 AB — -� Nielsen, o J0 0 A.&D._ JSG Land & c 0 0 Cattle 3 Co. Self-Hamilton,T. Dahlman, �amilton, G. Nielsen, A&D. L. Haag, B. A Bl Dahlman, L. Dahlman, Wiebe, PA E. � Haag, B. L. I Haag, B. ' Lake" Newell Reservoir 160 South Plielsegl Weibe, A&D.1 PA E. JSG Land & Cattle Land Haag, M. Slope Haag, M. Feeder I I - -- 2� GCG1159 . ao. , Bla rd Haa 9, Haa 9. CI'Farms Graham,J. M. M. 16a .138 i 1 63 ♦ 162 1 •. South 1 HWY873 _ _ _ GL Graham Slope I Haag, Haag, Feeders) Farms M. M.0000000 NWY873 Ar. WM 21 22 GL I Wildeboer Gmhaml Wildeboe , Farms it, Farms Farms Bonnefield Bonnefield GP V GP IV Bonnefield IV -) 158 G D Graham) 764002 AB 764002 AB 0 Farms I 1 15 GL 1 Graham AB Bonne eld Bonnefield GP Bonnefield _ \64002 764002 ABL GP IV GP IV Farms I b57 'o 167 Haag,i Spri er, M. & D. 393646A6 1 ss' Takeda Bonnefield onnefield Feeding Co G,P IV IV Vuq 9 10 Del 1 165 .143 Haag, .& E. 393646 AB Takeda ITakeda Feeding Cc C 0 i — — C. 0. Co — — Uahlmagl � 1 Haag, B.& E. Haag, B. Meurs Farms Johnson ! I% C. 0. Johnson Johnson & Sons ` & Sons Ranch. &Sons — Ranch. Ranch. — 4 3 GS 168 Takeda Takeda CO. Gorham! S & K Farms Motokado S-Scan Farm Feeding Co Feeding Co S-Scan Farms C. 0. C. 0. Johnson Johnson Fammsl Farms Johnson & Sons Ranch. &Sons Ovi ' S-Scan Farms S & K Farms S & K Farms Kanegawa & Sons Ranch. Ranch. c. o. n. ponm5om an Hall Castle 1627169 AB = Johnson & C. 0. Johns0 hasRan & G. Farms Sons Ranch. & Sans A an,h. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.22 P.23 P.24 17-15 17-14 17-13 P. 15 R 16 P. 17 16-15 16-14 16-13 r� r' P. 9 P. 10 P. 11 15-15 15-14 15-13 5km m- O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 6L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cur ent a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2 ; � Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 23 M, COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 16 W + E RG E 14 S 0 0.5 1 �km Benson Cattle271 Benson I IL Benson Benson O Cattle Co. Benson Don Petersen Don Petersen se°son Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Farms Farms caraec°. HWY535 Benson Cattle 169 ropf, co / Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson, M. Lake Newell Reseruair Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. EA f p R. . - - 31 N 0 00 0 Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Kropf, Kropf, 0 Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. EA R. - R. Benson Cattle Benson VBenson,Cattle Co. Benson Benson '' Cattle Benson, etlerse Q Cattle Co. Benson Cattle Co. Co. M. Jones,F. -9 Co. Benson Cattle Co. Benson Cattle Benson Benson, Weaver, <7-7 Co. Cattle K. Benson, M. > °�� Benson C0 ' G. 873 Cattle Co. S & J j�sklanrder.pMeyerams 174 - . 176 ,-173 1 Farm f / S & Van Dyk, Meye D 0 J M.&A. 0 Skanderup Farms j Farms j 175 SUS & J �ntlem Skanderup (alms F� Farms 18 S&J Skanderup SU Farms _�Skaodemp fams pf,�'72 C C.O. C 0. C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson ry ry j�K,optf, Johnson & Jah�oo & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. 171 J.& Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. '7' c.o.�hnsn &Sons C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C.0 Johnson SU Ranch & Sons &.SOtls Raneh & Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. Imem Ranch. &Sons Farms Ranch. C O. C. 0. Johnson & C O C. O. C. O. C. 0, ohnsoo C. 0. Johnson C p C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson Johnson C. 0. Johnson Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson hnsan &Sons & Sons Ranch. Sons Johnson& & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. &Sons & Sons & Sons Ranch. & So & Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. Sons Ranch. Ranch. Sons Ranch. Rash Ranch. Ranch. rch. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. C O Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnso C. 0. Johnson C. 0. C. 0. Johnson Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. C. 0. Johnson Johnson &Sans & Sons Ranch. Johnso & � &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &�5ons Ranch. &Som &Sons Johnson Johnson &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sohn Ranch. Sons Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. & Sons Ranch. rd. 87 88 Johnson JohOnson & C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson Jon�� Johnson & C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson C. 0. Johnson 0. Johnson 2113560 AB113RO 6soos Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. & Sons Ranch. aso^5 R�. Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &Sons Ranch. &g Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.23 P.24 P.25 17-14 17-13 17-12 P. 16 P. 17 P. 18 16-14 16-13 16;92 P. 10 P. 11 o P. 12 15-14 15-13�. 15-12 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page , Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cur ent a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2-3� Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 24 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 16 W + E RGE 13 S 0 0.5 1 Pfte aw �km Don Don I Petersen Hendricksen, Weaver, Skanderup Skanderup, Bonnefleld Bonnefield Skanderu P an Bonnefi d Schroeder, Skanderup,t Wert, Urban, �zn AI Petoi aca Farms W. A.& C. S.& J. I- , D.&M GP IV GP IV 31. D.& M. D.& M. J.& S, z IV - E.& I.& B. 327 - HW ,535 R. wmkak ad HWY535 201 191 enson�J Kropf, Hendricksen, Meyer Farms Flatla, Bantry Seed Bantry Seed Nielsen, Hjorth, Bonnefield 179 1s3 Bonnefield GP 768976 AB Bonnefeld Bonnefleld Amn M E.& R. W. A.& A. Farms Farms P.& B. H.& D. Aron Farms GP IV GP IV GP IV Farms ' 17.8 Wester, 1 s'5 Ham, Kropf, Kropf, ES Hendricksen, Meyer Farms Jaspersgq, Skandemp, Muschiol, Muschiol, R. Petersen, ha Fit Hjorth, Schroeder, L. MdGan 199 Bonnefeld Bonnefield E.& , R. 1 E.& R. W. N.& R. D.&M. R. D.& L H.& D. E.& L& T. GP IV GPIV 1iam, 1 r92 & K. Bonnefield Pedersen ensogl Pedersen Jakobsen, Maldaner, M.& Petersen, Don Colbens, Colbens, Bantry GP V Bonnefield Doui hak, M 1 Jones, Jones, F. 2 M.& S. Flatla, D. J D.& I Petersen M.& D. M.& D. Seed Farms GP V B&M. 1 F. M Farms Bantry 1 O0 20o Seed Farms Bantry Bantry Benson, Weaver, Torkelson, ielsen, Nielsen, Petersen, Muschiol, Metcalf, Metcalf, Seed Farms Seed Farms Tateson, Dovichak, M L.& G. S.& B. .= P.& B. P.& B. Volek, R.& G. D.& I. G.& S. S.& S. R.& S. Bantry Seed Tateson, A. 1 B&M. 180 2027823 AB FarmsA.yFarms +73 7 Gies - Brecht19s 197 215 afafeSOn Burton Meeuwsen Meeuwsen Dueck, P. I (Ranch. Meyer Farms MeyerMe er Farms MeyerMe L S.Van Volek, R.& G. Stern, C.& T.FMeeen Farms Farms WaI D. ker, A./ 188 1 Dyk ---� — 19s M&A. Meyer Farms Meyer Farms Meyer Farms Burton, Christensen, Butkiewicz, ITatesooS.& L. , J. I Ranch. E.& C. 184 1 194 1 195 (Tateson a I S & J S & J Skanderup Skriver, Skriver, Christ nsen, Christensen, Wolf Ranch Butkiewicz, (Ranch. — Skanderup E.& C. E.& C. E. C. E.& C. &Farms J. Farms Farms 193 SU 14 h°tl� Fa s S& J Skanderup S& J Skanderup Elliott, Andrew, Andrew, G.& L. Andrew, Giesbrecht, Butkiewicz, Tolson Ranch. 72 Kropf, Farms Farms D.& E. G.& L. G.& L. D.& M. B_& A. .&C. 190 186 Kropf 1 S & J d & gantry I Skriver, Elliott, Skanderup C Seed Farms I E.& C C. D.& E. Farms 1'$2] 12 i S & J Bantry Virostek, Skanderup Seed Farms D.& L. Farms n Weaver, _ 203 Johnson C.O N.& C. Johnson Weaver, &Sons Sons N.& C. Rant. Ranch. C. 0. C. 0. ip Johnson sJohnson & Ranch. Sons Ranch. 181 3 JaOsan& A — — 2113560 AB SosRanch.�I2113560AB Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.24 P.25 P.26 17-13 17-12 17-11 P.17 P.18 P.19 16-13 16-12 1641 1 k, P. 11 P. 12 P. 13 15-13 15-12 15-11 5 km m-- O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I. Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A 78 ` O km ]9 Ya 76 ]s l 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 s8 59 60 43 44 4s 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 11 18 19 Township Current a 9 10 11 12 13 2 ; Map Book 4 s 6 7 Page 1 Page 25 7 M, COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 16 w + E RGE 12 S o0 0 0.5 '1 mmmmm==km n 3Dov chA�B, Suchy, Vossepoel, i R A.& S. DA V. Vossepoel, JNMI I y�Y Amn Farms Suchy, A.& S. Amn Farms t r Amn Farms Ham, EA K. z09 NilGazdarica, Gazdarica, Dovichak, M. M. i Ham, E.& K. A.& M:, zos zoa Dovichak, Dovichak, Gazdarica, Rath, D. A.& MA M B.& M. J.& M. zm aim,, Dovichak, M Lary S Vossepoel, M. Vossepoe)'i i BAM. Land Co. A 0 C> Bantry #2 Reservo z15 _ ateson 216 —� Ranch. 205 (�" Tateson Tateson Tateson Ranch. 214 Ranch. Ranch. 211 ° - 21 213 204 9._ Tateson = -- t R'ser�t�tr Ranch. Bantry' Tateson - Ranch. Tateson Ranch. Tateson Tateson Ranch. Ranch. 210 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 25 P. 26 17-12 17-11 A Y i" �Py1'8 P. 19 z 16-12 16-11 o c U U P. 12 P. 13 15-12 1 15-11 5kmm O Current Page a Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A 78 km ` O ]9y ]4 ]5 ]6 t o 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2 ; O Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 "Page --0 COUNTY UA COUNTY OF N TWP 16 W + E RGE 11 S 0 0.5 1 Pate Pi mommo==km _ I I - V- 0 020 ti � e � H r Z Al n I - W Ce 18 Timko, MA J. a 4 12- i I J D f® L-elled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. 1�' � QD deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions D 7$ 1+8-18 �18-17 18-16 17-17 17-16 J16P.45km m 6 N 80 1:2,500,000 7' ` O km 79 A 7a 75 76 0 10 20 7V7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6L 52 63 54 55 56 57 s8 59 6 0 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 0 Map Book �-.3 24 s 6 7 Page 1 --0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF N TWP 17 W + E RG E 17 S LpO Current Page O Surrounding Counties 0 0.5 1 pe ZO O Map Book Page - Contours (50m interval) mmmmr==km A Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. HutJBret. Sow Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Boiutt. 3ret' Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hut Land Tanner Land Bow Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City BoTenner Bewi City Holdim 3ret.11' Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. 30w'' Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Tanner Land Tanner City Andrews, II Roy Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. R.& Roy Brewin Bra Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City 21g S. Holdings 111 uu Hutt. Bret. I Huff. Bret. 1� Huff. Bret. Huff. Bret. 11 Huff. Bret. Huff. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Huff. Bret. I I Huff. Bret. Calvert, Calvert, Rol Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City I Bow City I Ketchmark, B. B.& L. I B.& L. IINIBem Hutt. Bret. Coal Creek Ray Bow City Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. utt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Coal Creek Calvert, Roy B win Rol Blow Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Ranching Ranching 21 K.& F. Holdin 30 eldm9 Hutt. Bret. Bow Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Coal Creek Calvert, alvert, �Calued, 1885723 AB B.& City Bow City Bow City Bow Ci Bow City Bow City Bow City Ranching K. K.& o t 1228 Hutt. Bret. Y539 Hutt. Bret. � Bow City H ft. Bret. Hutt. Bretd2,0 load, 0 Bow City 7LazyA LazyAFarms/e.1ercq,CalBo ity Bow City Farms C. Calvert. F. Bow CI 218 Hutt. Br Hutt. Bret. Bow a I Bow City Hutt. Miller, J. Milder, J. ' B w City 1 Ellefson, C. IElleG Bret. Bow Le Bastard Hutt. Hutt. Bret. � ��� Le Bastard Bow City 221 Ranchesl Ranches rat. Bow City 231 Smith, C.& T. �w// 17 cif' 5 1 Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. 227 Smith, 230 n y� Bow City 232 C.&T. BOW ,Cl/t�y, 224 B13W \,B O AA 2232-29 222 R V e r City VULCAN COUNTY Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.28 P.29 P.30 18-17 18-16 18-15 P. 20 17-17 P.21 P.22 17-16 17-15 C O U N T Y P. 14 P. 16-16 16-15 5 km m Ran a ,6 O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]s ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a Township 9 10 11 12 13 O 2'3 Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 29 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 17 W + E RGE 16 S 0 0.5 1 Pfte 211 mmnmff==km Tanner Roy Brewin Roy Brewin Roy Brewin Roy ewin Roy Brewin Land Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdi s Holdings Roy Roy Brewin 240 BiNn Roy Brewin Roy Brewin Roy Brewin Roy Brewin Holdings j Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings Calvet, B.& 3C. 263 Caluerl, Roy Brewin Roy Brewin Roy Brewin Roy rewin Calvert, B&L. Holdings Holdings Holdings oldings BA LA C. 000 239 238 y39 Roy Brewin B Roy Br in Ketchmark, B. Holdings Ho ngs etchnnark, Calvert, J. B.& LA C. 24a N Cal tert, Ketc mark, Ketch Calvert, Calvert, BA Calvert, K.& B. L. o Ketchmark, B.& LA C. LA C. B. CLA — r HWY539 - Calued,- Cal - eft, 267 Ketchmark, 253 `Calvert, �l Ketchmark, Ketchmark, Ketchmark, i F Ketch ark, J. GA A. /HI B.& L.& C. J.& T. J.& T. JA T. 241 266 API -- Ellefson, Ellefson, 1 Ellefson, G. Ketchmark, 237 Calvert, B. L.& C. �� Ketchmark, z'ss Ketchmark, Ketchmark, t C. , G. G.&A. J.&T J.&T. J.&T. — 1 e (Ellefson, G. 249 257 _ o _ 234 254 255 260 Bstartll 7 Raxhas Ellefson, '; G. Ellefson, G. Ketchmark,'- J_& T. rum elhuis, _ 261 Ketchmark, 26a Calvert, Calvert, 1 _O 256 J.& S. 435 B.& 24 J B.& L. 25.0 \ Ellefson, Brummelhuis, 21 r 243 GCG GCG Cattle Co. G. � J.& S. Brummelhuis, J.& S. 764002 AB Calvert, B.& L. Cattle 264 248\ Co. GCG GCG � - 233 attle Co. Cattle Co. \ \246 764002 AB 764002 AB 764002 AB Kennedy, R. Graham, GCG Cottle GCG Cattle Graham Graham GA C. Ventures Venturesr 8 26 GCG GCG 764002 1 V U L C A N AB 764002AB 764002AB Ket mark,7QS on, =' Cattle Cattle Graham JSG Land& Fleming, 1 J.& T. .& A. Co.Co Ventures Cattle Co. T COUNTY zsz 1 1 Gubbins, Dyck .& K. GrahamJ. Davidson,: S= Graham Graham JSG Land & ubbins, JSG Land & 118498 MA L. MA L. , , . Ventures Ventures Cattle Co. Cattle Co. AB 5 Gubbins, Gubbins, Swenson, Davidson, Davidson, Graham 242 Graham JSG Land & JSG Land & M989 MA L. MA L. WA S. R.& W. C. 0. Ventures Ventures Cattle Co. Cattle Co. AB 265 � Gubbins, Van Den Nielsen,Schmidt, R. T14WI Schmidt, Renson Wayne McColl,GCMG cC 11 Rosen, K. C�att�le MA L.g Haldin s Co. Hoek Far Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.29 P.30 P.31 18-16 18-15 18-14 P.21 P.22 P.23 17-16 17-15 17-14 P.14 P.15 P.16 16-16 16-15 16-14 5km m -- - O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]s ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2 ; c Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 30 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 17 W + E RGE 15 Sifu 0 0.5 1 Pate 22 mmmmr==km Q HWY- - -- �t 13 Is. Q Q, Q � ° 25 Kitsim ResetZZ i Z 1 Y$- - os GnhJ Jeotu�es� 268 �0-- SG a Al Catle ` Fleming, T. 0 0 v SG La d �a� 1 1184989 AB 1184989 AB - 2 - SGlard 1184989AB 1184989 ac AB o 0 0 fA. 269 'ti elseq ,-, 1184989 AB — an at fD W Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N N dt a1 R d P.30 18-15 P.31 18-14 P.32 18-13 P.22 P.23 P.24 17-15 17-14 17-13 P. 15 P. 16 16-15 16-14 16-13 5kmm i,_ O Current Pane O Surrounding Cnunties N 1:2,500,000 � ��' ` p km ]9- A l 41,6 I �.l 0 10 20 NEWELL N TWP 17 W + E RGE 14 S nr A F, i M--d M 12-21 fD N L-0ed parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 31 P.32 P.33 18-14 18-13 18-12 P.23 P.24 P.25 17-14 17-13 17-12 .5 P. 16 P. 17 P. 18 16-14 16-13 16-12 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 ]' ` O km ]9 A ]a ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 ],.7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 6L 52 63 64 55 56 57 SB 59 60 4344 45 46 4] 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township O Map Book 2 ; 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 32 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 17 W + E RGE 13 S 0 0.5 1 pftG mommE==km 16a3496Fa 1883496 AB G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray Murray 519 Van Wert, Wert 534 Ranch. Ranch. 51a Ranch. Ranch. J.& S. J.& S.- 1 1 3 319 Tr Cardinal I Kropf, 329 L. Folkerts Energy299 G.W.mko, G.W. Murray Folton Murray & P. L.& � Farms Farms o Ranch. Rai W o A a. . 4469 Dovichak, Larorque, 317 R. Steiner, o 'D3 Reservoiry, y 3 Triangle 3 Triangle G.W. I R. Land And Land And unay AB M.& J. Drumm-Larocque, T Livestock Livestock nch. J. t0 Folkerts PS 00 aosen,l -1 Norden, P& 325 3z3 Norden, Steiner, R. Farms Timko, M. Ifer, Tateson, Tateson, -1�361 1 H.& K. H.& K. Wolfer, A MA C. M.& C. _ AB 331 Will, D.& K. 347 � Hansen Folkerts Folkerts Ln Will, Miller, Miller, o C Over Christman, Tateson, M.& C. Wmu. Tateson, w P&I }}1 Farms 1% Steiner, R. Farms pp D.& K. I E.& J. M.& J. Diamond Wolfer, J.' Christman, D. C. M.& C. W 309 29f', t _. 321 O �' Amn Farms .. 290 Murr �Y m. �. 3340 287345 280 344 = illeAB Forage J.& Farming AB Forage Farming Timko, E.& D. Torkelson, R.& D. Timko, E.& D. Timko, M. Toth, J.& J. Timko, M. Penner, A & J Amn Farms Virovec, D 304 Fabian, `! R,.-r33 i - 310 333 G 307 A.^�O 359 Dolter, Dolter, _ a crs B. g kY� _� B. Folkerts Torkelson, Timko, 332 Stroeder, Toth, J.& Van Wert, Emmenay Amn Farms Skanderup, E. Fabian, Benci, HE Farms R.& D.& D. E.& D. D.& 0. J.& J. J.& S. Farms P. Chm 303 292 1- _R.& M. P42 339 326 farms Dolter, Benci, 314 335 Maldaner, Onda, Ipas, zs1 a&E B. R.& M. 293 Kruszelnicki, Benson, Van N.& J.& Torkelson, G.& B. Skanderup, Chrumka Skanderup, R &E F. M.& C. Benson, Wert, M. Toth, J.& J. B.& F. Skanderup, B.& A. Farms B.& A. (1987) Ipas, Christiansen, Christiansen, R.& K. Wzma , r K.& M. J.& K. 312 B.&A. R. R.& K. 294 1 341 im37 2m9Aa 3 Christiansen, R.& K. 301 Christiansen, Bonnefield Torkelson, Benson, Van Wert, Hollenzer, Hollenzer, Skanderu , p Vossepoel, S. Dunay, E. Farms CFarms R. GP IV K.& C. K.& J. J.& K. D.& C. D.& C. B.& A. (1987) 6AB 273 AB 311 _ O 1 I i4D _ 300 308 Buday, E. of Bonnefield Bonnefield Benson, Wolf Ranch & Farms Bon field Fabian, Buday, F. Buday, F. Calpas, L. Dunay, E. Amn I� GP IV GP IV K.& M. G IV P.& P. arm 0 •95 r 343 Buday, 324 298 338 Amn Don 1 Drost Seed Pelelsen J-& A. Buday, E. Klimuk, P. Jakobsen, Jakobsen, Wolf B.&M. Ranch Benson, Fabian, P. Van Wert, Amn Farms fi Bonnefield arm arms Potatoes Buday, B & M &Farms K.& J. J & S LAmnms GP _ J.&A. �315 n&V - Doo O Jakobsen, Wert, P� Skanderu ete p Hauck, Hauck, Weay�r, H. Jakobsen, B.& M. Jas erson, p Fabian, P. Bonnefield Van Wert, J.& Daniels, Simo, J.& L. Simo, o&V Farms Farms M.& S. M.& S. B.& C. Skanderup, N.& R. GP IV J.& S. S. RA R J.& L. DA M. 322 Schroeder, 3za 37` ' Bonnefielc EA I.8 B 306 305 Don Don ele[A Petersen Hendricksen, Weaver, Skanderup, Skanderup, DA M. Bonnefield nderup, GP IV Van Wert, Schroeder, J & S Bonne Id Urban, R. 394211 AB Farms Farms W. A.& C. S.& J. I Bonnefield GP IV D E.& I.& B. SkDa & M.. GPI 6W RBJ, HWY535 29s GP IV 31 s' 3z7 — Bonnefeld Bonnefield Berson zo1 Hendricksen, 191 Meyer Farms Flat an an�HWY535 Seed Bantry ry Seed Seed Nielsen, Hjorth, I Bonnefield ` 179 '' I Amn Farms Bonnefeld Wester 768976 AB Naa M 'Kropf, E.& R. W A.& A. Farms Farms P.& B. H.& D. GP IV 183 G� I I GP IV GP IV an Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources f��""CCCJJY Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. q^u deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N d) a1 R d P.32 P.33 P.34 18-13 18-12 18-11 V � V P 25 P.26, e, 17-13 17-12 17-11 P. 17 P. 18 P. 19 16-13 1 16-12 16-11 5 km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A ]' ` km ]9y` O ]4 75 ]6 t o ,o 2 0 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 6s 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 ss 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a Township 9 10 11 12 13 2 ; O Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 "Page --0 COUNTY UA COUNTY OF N TWP 17 W + E RGE 12 S 0 0.5 1 Pate 251 mmmmr==km �V/ 0 535 GW Timko, uq JA P. V G.W. Murray G.W. Murray Ranch. Ranch. 354; n Murrayy .W. Murray G.W. Murray G. = Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Murray Ranch. 364 III I a&3n, 1883512 AB 1883503 AB G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G. Mac Ranch. Ranch. o Murray o Ranch. O 355 356 Jr G.W. Murray Ranch. a�oo, Mac G.W. Murray Ranch. as2 357 G.W. Murray A •352• Ranch. 363 360 — Giesbrecht, 359 361 J. Fabian p Farrmsms(1981987) 351 358 r Calpas, R. 36a Calpas? Calpas, 367 R. A es R. 366 353 350 faP Dovichak, 370 369 _vY 4 349 1�71 10227 AB A.& J. 365 371� Du E ii Amin Farms Amin Farmsdb 37a Amn Farms 375 qP if Vossepoel, 00 Vossepoel, D.& V. Vossepoel, y�q 3 DA V. DA V. Z Vossepoel, " Vossepoel, Simo, D.& V. Vossepoel DA V. Vossepoel, DA V. 373 &L Cattle Co. 37i6 3a8 1 394211 AB Vossepoel, � RIrb R Dovichak, Suchy, AA S. D'8 V. t AA J. Vossepoel, DAV. Amn Farms 1 Suchy Amin Farms � AA S. Farms Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Levelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 36 19-1 19-17 P.27 f Z 18-18 7 f o P. 28 Z �j18-17 P. 20 17-17 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page �11 Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L52 63 64 55 56 57 58 6 59 0 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 H2] 8 29 30 31 32 33 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Cur ent a 13 9 10 11 12 13 Township ,2�-.3 0 Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 35 --0 COUNTY UA COUNTY OF N TWP 18 W + E RG E 18 S 0 0.5 1 LrPaww 27] mommo==km 82599 AB 2382599 AB I 2382599 AB 2378329 AB I 2378329 AB 11 2378329 AB , 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 2 78329 1 AB AB 0 36 — — 2 78329 2378329 AB ABBAB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 I W8 2378329 AB ® 6 2378329 AB 238002b AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 2378329 AB AB � I 379 377 2378329AB � 2380029 AB I 2380029 AB t 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 9 2380029 2380029 AB AB AB -J `J VULCAN COUNTY 14 Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. r Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. 38�3 Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City 3�81 -Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. 382 Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City 38o Hutt. Bret. Bow Ci A Bret. Bow City Hutt. Bret. Bow City Hutt. Bret. Bow City Huh. Bref. BawCty Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]s ]s l 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a T ""'hip 9 10 11 12 13 2 ; O Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 36 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 18 W + E RGE 17 S 0 0.5 1 Pate 281 ammolkm Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB Breth. Breth. Breth. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom 2378329 Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 12378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom I 30 2__ _, JBreth. 23783 I Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378p29 AB 2378329 AB Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom 3800 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 38002 AB I 2380029 AB 1 I 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 238A0B029 2380021 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB 2380029 AB r 2380029 AB 2380029 AB Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Bow Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City City Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Bow Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Cirtyl� Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. j Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret Ray Bow Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City . Bow City Termer Land Termer Land BRoy City i Holding Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Roy Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Termer Land Termer Land Bewin CityBow l Holdings Bet Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. '' Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Andrews, Roy Brewin Bari City,' Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City Bow City R.& S. Beals Holdings di s s9 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 36 +9-17" P. 37 19-16 P. 38 19-15E P. 28 � P. 29 P. 30 18-17.$ 18-16 18-15 P. 20 P. 21 P. 22 17-17 17-16 17-15 5km m O Current Pane O Surroundinn Cnunties N 80 12,500,000 7' ` O km ]9 A Ta 75 ]s l 0 10 20 %% 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township O Map Book 2'3 4 s 6 T Page 1 --0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF N TWP 18 W + E RGE 16 S FIPS&IM 2111 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions n P.37 P.38 P.39 19-16 19-11 5 19-14 P.29 P.30 B, ,, P.31 18-16 18-15 18-14 P. a P. 22 P. , 17-16 17-15 17-14 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 SB 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township :Map Book 44 6 ] Page 1 Page 38 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 18 W + E RGE 15 S 0 0.5 1 LrP-4%W SO mmnmm==km Gile J. c ellar, 5. elmer' dersheim, Bildersheim, ommens Rommens Bildersr gi sheim, Fodin,ch shidgekes • Aleman z4 Jackson 591 593 R. 6;17 63r 630. � o3f635 R R� R. Bildersheim, L • ♦ & J. Cattle Co. 5 423 44 422 437 613 I r o 425 434 428 q3 '420 , 426 HWY542 Wenner, M. ,R ss2 , . NlZolk, & BA 432 43Farms 429 43839 1 41.0 Guo, D. 45 $ Jackson 0 Cattle Cc Electric MB BBJ. B,&J. hodesm 4Ge W8P (: � Annett, R.T-Down Cattle Co. CattDown le Co. T-Down 443 Cattle Co. aaa 415 Bildersheim, W.& 418 B. Bildersheim, Bildersheim, 413 409 405 417 WA B. R. Rettie, 3 Shantz, Nlzoik, Snyders, 4A2 453. WA C. G&G8 GSR.B I J.& M. Bildersheim, Smith, naJ 'p6 17196 00 AB dderSheim, W & B Bildersheim, Bil sheim, , Buhler, BAM. 3s7� 119660 B. WA B416 WA B. R. `' P&L N9 42 449 Sharpe, � Shantz, 435 Bildersheim, Hokanson, 42� 448 w2 a24 K.&A. Rao 1719660 AB 1719660 B. Bildersheim, Bildersheim,�Blclersheinl K.& T. Ranch. WA B. Bildersheim, W & BWilson, B.& C. Kruszelnicl i, AB W.& B. & B. rner, W. F. 433 Q° Bremner,IN Rojo 719660 AB 1719660 AB Bildersheim, Bildersheim, L.& B. 446 Good, K.& S. Strach, Takeda art, — K. Ranch. W & B W & B Feeding Co qpq 414 447 445, - 4 4:5403 43s Toren 2125538 nergy 1719660 455 1719660 AB 2125538 AB 2125538 AB Tak a Takeda Fe asa AB AB 22 CoFeeding Co 407 421 Bruce 1719660 1719660 AB 2125538 K52 Takeda Takeda Bruce Taked AB AB Feeding Co Feeding Co Cattle C . CaRle Co. M Procknow, Bruce o C. Procknow, C. Bruce Takeda Takeda Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Bruce 441 Procknow, Bruce Takeda Takeda C. Cattle Co. Cagle Co. 419 Bruce Takeda Newell Bruce land Cattle Co. Takeda Cattle Co. Atco Electric &aTakeda CCaleCo Bruce Takeda Cattle Co. Lake Nowell'12ps�r# J� 0 0 . 0 0 HWY539 — — — — --_ — — Make Newell Reservoir. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 0. P.38 P.39 P. 40 19-15 19-14 19-13 P.30 P.31 P.32 18-15 18-14 1-8-13 P. 22 17-15 P. 233 L 17-1<4 P. -' 17-13 5kmm °a �J, O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A 78 ` O km 79� 74 75 76l 0 10 20 7p7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 52 63 54 55 56 57 s8 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cur ent a 9 10 11 12 13 Township ,2 3 0 Map Book 4 s 6 7 Page 1 1ks Soil T Dola, 96 G 859362 673 D. ,42 491 473 Dick, D. 47a G.W. Murray G Goldade, W R. — 1201469 AB Bandura, 9 Ranch. Murray Ranch. M & K. uNesther HoldingsFBaotlu�a Dick, G.W. Murray I'� G.W. Murray M.&K D. 475 Ranch. Ranch. G.W. Murray una _ Ranch. V, G. G.W. G.W. Murray Town of Town of Murray Ranch. Brooks Brooks Rauch. Dick, D. t 481 Town of Town of G.W. �1861270 AB Murray Gie a a76 Dick, D. Brooks Brooks Ranch. �RF R.& M. ass— Tmkq �484 D&o, 1-466 463 48 Dick, G.W. Murray G.W. Murray GW. Hart, K. Sewall, C. Tirl Timko, D Dick, D. Ranch. Ranch. Murray D.& P. D.& P. 487 502 Ranch. I 49oa.69 HWY1A495 467 49V 4797482 u 4s8 Fabian Seed Dick, D. / G.W. Cressman, / G.W. M Back Forty Murray 111943AB 1720961 'N Ente rises 500 S Snyder, Farms l anch. Murray n �o rp D.&P 4♦� - 0 ° ° 478 Ranch. 3 _ 11,17 E e 2 Oliver, Res er, J. 2 ° 1211943 AB hl;eca Bruce Takeda County of L& M. Redel k, so1 Webb, R & A. R M ski, _ Carla Cattle Co. Newell Friesen„ � L Co I.& D � / & 494 Bruce Sanford, 49f Takeda Bruce Takeda L.& Ca eron, 1211943 AB ' Cameron, Cattle Cattle Co. E. v�' C.&�& C. C.& E.& C. CO. ����___��____JJ 465 Brunei anford, Bruce Takeda ? & E Green, T. akobsen, C. Takeda Cattle Co. q"g2 Andrew, Andrew, 1211943 AB Jakobsen, Cameron, C. Catlle Town of oward, 488 C.& K. C.& K. Co. sp �z Brooks C 493 & M. Lake Newell G 'C' _1115DIN Land 470 Greer, Veenutra, a J �- C.&D. J.&J. L j Re r us, Zagorsky, Skretting, 1719660 AB 1719660 AB Thompson o Gietz, & M. y AA P. 461 RAN, F. p� M.& A.& F.& M. C.& D. db 466 Qa Bruce 0 Takeda 510 Mdmschak Veenstra, Veenstra, J.& Veenstra, Vee tra, Skretting Land�Skreo Gietz, Cattle 1719660 AB 1719660 AB W.&W. J.& J. J. J.& J. J.& J. & Cattle Co. Cattle Co. R.& M. Co. 462 504497 489 Zagorsky, h Dick, DA, D. V.& ZagorsV.& sky Selman D.r° L Riaz Prof. C. 0 ♦ 496 Andruschak, Dick, D. Dick, Zag rsky, Zagorsky, Weaver, IM Redelback; Lake Newell Reservoir R�,tl. 2s6285 r W. W.& W Dick D. Christman, K.& C. D 472 V L V.& L. ---- Renaud, C. N.& C. — 724863AB :1-----------� A Kropf, 313 L.& B. 3z9 eschner, D.&T Rekautl, C. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Bandura, MA K. Murray V, G. P.39 P. 40 P.41 19-14 19-13 19-12 P.31 P. 32 P.33 18-14 18-13 18-12 P 3 P 23 CN l �,17-14 P. 24 17-13 � P. 25 17-12 5km m O N 80 1:2,500,000 A 78 ` O km 79� 7a 75 76l 0 10 20 7Vq 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6L 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 re Curnt a Township 9 10 11 12 13 ED 2'3 Map Book 4 s s 7 Page 1 Current Page 7 Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (SOm interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A 78 ` O km 79� 7a 75 76l 0 10 20 7Vq 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6L 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 re Curnt a Township 9 10 11 12 13 ED 2'3 Map Book 4 s s 7 Page 1 ura, G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray 750 Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Murray V, G.W. Murray G.W. Murray 1883417 AB 1883417 AB 1883417 AB G. Ranch. Ranch. --0 COUNTY CIA COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 18 W + E RG E 13 S 0 0.5 1 Me 32 mommoc=km Town G.W. Murray of --0 COUNTY CIA COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 18 W + E RG E 13 S 0 0.5 1 Me 32 mommoc=km Town G.W. Murray of Murray V, G. G.W. Murray G.W. Murray 1883417 AB 1883417 AB 1883417 AB 1 G.W. Murray ro Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. 529 \\ hooks y TG. own G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murr 1883443 AB 1883443 AB Murra C. 0p Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch y kooks _ — — — t Ranch. co ti GW. uray y 1883443 AB G.W. < anch.i —� G.W. Murray Ranch. G W. Murray r' Ranch. G.W. Murray Ranch. G.W. Murray Ranch. G.W. Murray Ranch. G.W. Murray Ranch. Martens, A. G .Murray Ranch. 1883443 AB Murray Ranch. o t 1883443 AB GW' G.W. Murray Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray 1883460 AB 1883460 AB G.W. Murr G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray . v Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. ch. . . ch Ranch. Ranch. Ranch.) Ranch. o c o• G . .W. Murray Muray' Ranch. G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray 1883460 AB 1883460 AB G.W. Murray 1883 63 AB G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray Rand. G.W. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. sza urray Ranc . G.W. Murray 527 t S Ranch. G W G.W. Murray anch. G.W. Murray.W. Y Murray Ranch. G.W. Murray.W. Y Murray.W. Y Murray.W. Y Murray.W. Y Murray G.W. MurrayG.W. Y Murray Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Murra Ch 2338005 AB Ranch. 525 533 Ranch. G.W. Murray 52s Ranch. G.W. Murray.W. Y G W W. Murray anch. G�15 G.W. Murray G.W. Murray 1 G. Murray 1883491 AB 18$3491 AB G.W. Murray G.W. Mur y Ranch Murray Ranch. Ranch. rich. Ranch. Ranch. urch.ray Ranch. Ranch. 24 530 G.W. Murra ti 522 G.W. Murray Ranch. G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray anch. G.W. Murray 1883491 AB 1883491 AB G.W. Murray Martens, A. h rRRancIn. Ranch. Ranch. G.. Ranch. Ranch. CO Murray Ranc . 511523i.x G.W. , = MurrayG.W. Murray G.W. 1883491 AB 1883491 768976 768976 Ranch. 1883496 AB 1883496 AB Ranch. Murray AB 768976 AB AB AB _ Ranch. 512 1 768976 AB szo 516 Drotos Ranch. 521 1883496 AB 1883496 AB G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Drotos Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Murray Ranch. J31= Ranch. 517Ab 515 1883496 518 532 531' AB 1883496 AB G.W.Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Murray G.W. Mur Van Wert, Van Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. s1s J.& S. Wen' s14 534 -31 K'Farmson FFar — ' y �'4 G.W.MtRancnray MurrayG.Ra L& 3z5 Farms 302 Energy2ss Rio Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.40 P.41 P.42 19-13 19-12 19-11 P.32 P.33 P.34 18-13 18-12 18-11 P.24 P.25 P.26 17-13 17-12 17-11 5km m IO Current Page O Surrounding Counties 0 Map Book Page �11 Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A O km ]9 ]a ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cur nship ent a C3 9 10 11 12 13 Tow 2 ; O Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 41 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 18 W + E RGE 12 S 0 0.5 1 Pate SOONER:::=km 82A6B67 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB I ®® CF o 30 I u� - -- TilleyB,23 h L -- - - - - ! - - I� / �l I I z ` V 01 ISO G.W. uRay R oh. I VAN o — — A1-4 -A. aO ° � o 7 1 � 16891 AB o o 2 —o- \ RIGS e arch 4 535 W. uffa Timk K . JA P. Murta Rao Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 41 P. 42 19-12 19-11 P. 33 P. 34 18-12 18-11 '.-25 P.26 i=1.22- 17-11 O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interva N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 6s 66 67Z L s2 63 64 ss s6 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 Township 10 11 12 13 O 2'3 Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 42 NEWELL N TWP 18 W + E RGE 11 S 0 0.5 1 �e mmmmKz=km Ink - lays - - --- -- - - A - I - - I L Z i F-2 O U ' a I 13 U V-T-T-] F--- ---------------------------- 1 -1 I�T Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 119 P. 44 - 20-18 P. 35 19-18 L 4 4 P. 27 1�81 5km m O Current Pane 10 Surroundinn Counties 20-17 P. 36 19-17 P. 28 18-17 N 80 1:2,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 6L 52 63 54 55 56 5] s8 59 60 4344 4s 46 47 48 49 50 61 3 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 Township 10 11 12 13 � Map Book 2-34 s s ] Page 1 --0 COUNTY UA COUNTY OF N TWP 19 W + E RG E 18 S ripman Mal Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 44 P. 45 20-18, " 20-17 P. 35 19-18 P. 36 19-17 z J P.27 — ' 118; j � 18-1r7 5kmm O Current Page Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interva P. 46 20-16 P. 37 19-16 18-16 N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 s8 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 3 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 11 12 13 Township 9 10 13 Map Book 4 s 6 ] PagerE:1 1 lft"qe45 --0 COUNTY UA COUNTY OF N TWP 19 W + E RG E 17 S 0 0.5 1 Me 00 mmmmm=z=km Veripath i 4 D.U. Serfas Serfas eopa on Veripath Veripath \ NRIC4 Selas Farmland Canada Farms Serfas Farms Farms sz� FarmUR)land Farmland 826 \ Farms U R G ( p 835 (arm Gp (UR) Gp M. & Veripath Veripath Serfas Farms 546 L. Farmland Farmland Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Bothi, Bothi, gothi, aka R se J _ // Farms (UR) Gp (UR) Gp S. S - Moir � 544 Edge, Veripath Veripath P. Farmland Farmland Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Bothi, S. Bothi, S. Bothi, S. Bothi, S. Bothi, (UR) Gp (UR) Gp Bothi, S. S. 549 Edge, Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. I Hutt.l Hutt. P. Carr, RA L. Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Breth. Breth. Broth. Broth. Breth. Breth. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom I Lathom Edge, Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt.I Hutt. W.& Carr, RA L. Carr, RA L. Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. P. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Y Hutt. Hull. NixdA C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Bemer,L. I Berner, L. I Berner, L. I Berner, L. I Berner, L. I Berner, L. Berner, Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. I Breth. eth. L. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom I Lathom thorn Nixdof, Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. A C.I I Berner, L. I Berner, Berner, I Berner, L. I Berner, L. I Berner, L. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. .BreW.— retL Beoe,L. L L Latham Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom tho rr Nixdan C. N4Cdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Berner, Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. A Berne I Bemer, L. I Berner, L. I Berner, L. I Berner, L. I Berner, L. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. mth. L. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom thorn \ 545 Nixdorff, Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Nixdorff, C. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Berner, L. I Berner, I Berner, L. I Berner, L. I Berner, I Berner, L Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. L L Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hult. 2�g� Hutt. M9 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Broth. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lotho 1 1 3B25 Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt, AT 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 ¢B 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Broth. 1 Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom 382599 Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 23825g9 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. 1 1 Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom K22378329 1 1 Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Nutt. A3 AB 1 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378V9 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Broth. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Latham , — — Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Broth. Hutt. 2378329 AB 2378 29 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.45 P.46 P.47 20-17 2046 20-15 P.36 P.37 P.38 19-17 19-16 19-15 P. 2- P. 29 Z18-17 18-16 T18-15 5km COUNTY OF N TWP 19 W + E RG E 16 S 7 P O Current Page O Surrounding Counties 0 0.5 1 na® 10 O Map Book Page I. Contours (50m interval) �km Velipat Serfas Farms amlaod Serfas Farms Serfas Farms /m KLIHale, a D Hale, Hale, Hale, Hale, Breezewood 5825 5AB 582525AB D. D. D. D. Ranch i 844 547 Hale, 82525 A D. U. Canada D_ Breezewood Breezewood Breezewood Breezewood Breezewood ee 555 Ranch Ranch stanch Ranch Ranch Breezew .Y w w wIA- t w w w w R�nrh v v vv N 561 Both, NO - D U Breezewood greez wood Breezewood Breezewood BreezewoodSM S 5a9; ' , e D. U. Canada Ranch Ranch Ranch Ranch AH, Canada Ranch reezewood I Ranch 8reezewaod r Hutt Ranch Breth. D. U. Canad Canada Breezewood Breezewood Breezewood Breezewood Breezewood Lathom D. U. Ranch Ranch Ranch Ranch Ranch 8H pz� Canada Huh. 553 Breezewood Breth. - D. U. Can a D. U. Canada Ranch Breezewood Breezewood Breezewood Breezewood ;. Lathom Ranch Ranch Ranch Ranch &H, Ca da 554 552 H. �55C Hull. Hutt. Okell, H. Okell, White Breth. Breth. Hutt WBreezewood White, i Okell, H. Okell, H. Okell, H. I Okell H M Okell, H. 1 Breezewood Breezewood Breezewood 1- m Lathom Breth. White, M. White, M. White, M. Ranch Ranch Ranch Ranch ... LathoLathom tvl, White, M. White, M. 20 173 Okell, H. HA Hutt. Hutt. Okell, H. � Okell, H. Okell, H. W to 551 Breezewood Breezewood Breezewood Hatiasoa, n P' Breth-_ .. Breth. Okell, White, White, Okell, Okell, H. kell, H. Lu'r:m Lathom Lathom ` H. M. M. White, M. H.I White, M. te, M. Ranch Ranch Ranch &t White, M. White, M. Hutt. T Okell, H. Giles, MA ` Hutt. Hutt. W ite, M. M.& J. Breth. m� Okell, H. � Okell, H. � Giles, M.& Giles, M.& aM athomtl' Lathom Latham J +J Ir White, M. White, M. While M. M.& J. M.& J. c&H. \ aAox Hit Hutt. H. Okell, H. Okell, HGiles, M.& — c 6reth. Breth. 564 Okell, H. Okell, H. Giles, M.& H. White, M. Lathom White, M. White, M. White, M.& J. M.& J Lathom M. 570 ` Okell, H. " 559 Hid Hutt. White, Okell, H. � Giles, M.& Giles, Breth. HI Whit Breth. 562 - White, H. H. I M.& J MA La:r�ar Lathom M White, M. White, M. A 9 10 5 8 569 568 Ok�I,H.I 1 dr. 560 el¢s,MlB Hutt. Hutt. 56,3 Sanfrancisco Lake hie'M. Giles; Bre Breth. Giles, D. Lath Lathom pipe Alberta Fish And M.& J. t I MdGamekwc Game Assoc. 596 Albe to Fish And Alberta Fish And Alberta Fish And i':: Hutt. Game Assoc. GameA oc. Bah Breth. GameAssoc. Lathom Lathom 556 Giles, M. Giles, M. c'das m. -at Hutt_ Breth. '; Giles, 6ret` Lathom d ` Giles, J. M Giles, M. Giles, athom M. F 565 566 567 unik,G8BB8K.8B.8d._Hutt. Hutt. 384 Niznik, Niznik, G.& rK.& znik, G.& Niznik, Niznik, Niznik, Niznik, Niznik, Niznik,Breth. Breth. ik, G. Niznik, G. G.& B.& B.& B.& B.& B.& B.& Lathom Lathom J. J. G.& J. B. B.& B. B.& B. K.& B.& J. K.& B.& J. B.& J. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. 0=0 deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.46 P.47 P.48 20-16 20-15 20-14 P.37 P.38 P.39 19-16 19-15 19-14 P.29 P.30 P.31 18-16 18-15 18-14 s km O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2 3 O Map Book 4 5 6 ] Page 1 Page 47 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 19 W + E RGE 15 S 0 0.5 1 Pate 381 mommo==km 582525 582525AB 582525A6 JIBS Food Praie' insan AB — — Canada Ulc. Bnt. Land 582525 AB Harbinson, Harbinson, Green Green C.& H. 6& H Prairie Prairie Green Ra�dl- 598 Land Land rain Land 602 Newell Reg. Newell Reg. :621[ Green ere'wd Harbinson, Solid Waste Solid Waste Green Green Prairie Harbinson, as^rh C.& H. Prairie Prairie 'Land C.& H. Harbinson, Newell Reg. Land Land C.& H. 599 .Y Solid Waste kGreen arbinson 586 Bildersheim, erwmxd HarbinsonC.& H Harbinson, Harbinson, Bildersheim, R. Bildersheim ildersheim, Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Green bn6 CA H. C.& H. C.& H. R Bildersheim, R. R. R. R. Prairie Prairie R' Land Land Ift es Bildersheim, R 58, ob 582- 02. Iftliff ce � Harbinson, Harbinson Harbinson, Harbinson, Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Bildersheim Bild ersheim, Bildersheim, Green Green braid Pa6d C.& H. C.& H. C.& H. C.& H. R. R. R. R. Bildersheim, R. R Prairie 585 R. Land (Land 583 580 5so Bildersheim ie:sh Harbinson, Harbinson,603 Brezinski, Reimer, P. Bildersheim, Seaton, Bildersheim, R. Bildersheim, Bildersheim, 633 M AS food a1 d J.& T. J.& T. B.& C_ R. P.& M. R. R. R Caoada r!kNershen, 0%0620 R 581 dle. Harbin n, Ne�shei '?fir 6881 acol Harbinson, J soo Workes, Worke Bildersheim, Seaton, Bildersheim, R Bildersheim, Bildersheim, ak J.& T. M.& L. M.& L. R. P.& M. R. R. R. 574 dersheim, dsr . Giles. sot Galbraith, 63' Seaton, Bildersheim, aKe 578 R. 2203972 AB 20n P;L& Harbinson, C.& H. Harbinso C.& P. Galbraith 609 P.& M. on n Son 2203972 AB 2203972 AB as pig p M & J .H. C& H . C& R Bildersheim, ildersheim, 2203972 AB N8 595 Seaton, P.& M. R 2203972 AB s Harbinson, 11110 Galbraith, ' 625 reed Cbi Giles, M.& ; Harbinson, Harbinson, 627 e594 Giles, M. P Seaton, aton, Bildersheim, rs Bildersheim, 2203972 AB airie Land M.&J. Galbraith, P.& M. P.&on Prairie 2203972 AB 2203972 AB 629 575 628 C.& P. 579 Land 626 576 614 665 Giles, Bildersheim M.& Giles, M.& Giles, & Giles, M. Irwin, R. dersheim, Bildersheim, R. Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Bilder m, Albers, Albers Family MAJ. M.& J. o M 63s2 larke-Irwin, L. R. R. 577 R. R. R. T. 686 Holding 560 Giles, M.& L Bildersheim MA J. Irwin, Twin, R. I R. obal Giles, D. C.& C rke-1 Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Kalo, K. C. Kalo, Giles Giles, D. 611 L L R. R. R. R. R. K.& C. — IT MA J. 596 608 �1� idesham, McKellar, S1, 64� 22. 607 63, 623 R. 63 6 Wbeda Fish S rin er P 9 dsa�a R. Reimer, Bildersheim, Bildersheim, -L&P. Rommens Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Gr en Green Green Giles, Penner, D. DA N. eimer, R. R. ommens Farms R. R. Pr ine Prairie Prairie & N. Farms La d Land land es, Ile , J. 615� C-assils 605 Gil Giles, Gil J. _ >� Reimer;: McKellar, 588 Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Rommens Bildersheim, Bildersheim, Fortin, 677 T eson Ranch. C.& M. M. , R. J ommens skid? ' 609 573 "- R. R. Farms Bilde sheim, R. L. � Aleman,62a 7a mo • 606 8 6303f635'• Farms R 592 •.. J. & J. ` 591 1 ., rznik, i G.& 42g 430 429 4zs HWY542 GUO, D. Wenner, M.& ♦ ; ,42-243793 44423 432� T-DOWn ......434 & B.& B. B.& B.& Win W.9 Annett, R. T Down 410 �attle 43143839 420 S. Marios Electric 458 KA i J. K.& B.& J. P 5� G , K. Co. Cattle Co. — — Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.47 P.48 P.49 20-15 20-14 20-13 P.38 P. 39 P. 40 19-15 it ,, 19-14 19-13 P.30 B«• A P.31 P.32 18-15 18=14 184 3 s km O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 8o\ 1:2,500,000 ]9 A ]6 A O km ]4 75 76 t 0 �a Zo • • ]rI COUNTY 69 70 71 ]2 ]3 OF 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 6L 52 63 64 55 56 57 56 59 60 4344 45 46 47 46 49 50 51 N T W P 19 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 , T ' • R G E 1 4 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �/ , L 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Cur ent • C3 9 10 11 12 13 S 0 0.5 1 2�-1 Township Map Book 4 Page 1 5 6 ] Lp-a'-e 39 -km 1 Green Prairiel Cinsan Ent. Rocklak Dai ry Barg, Barg, D. . 957 Adams, Cinsan Ent. Hansen, Cinsan Ent. Smith, R.& T Smith, Torkelson, R.& H.&A. Rommens, Swenson, S. 1049 Land 960Galbra 1011 P.& s71 J. P. -963 R.& L. nt Cinsan 652 654 Es5s-. .r.. Green) Paul, P. C.& P. Gray, W.& y gartman970�D J Cust , Scherger38 North Creek North �06Rommens, Q10 ming Prai el Land I Green Prairie 651 L Barg, D. `76 J.& P. 699 Farm g B. Ranch. Creek Ranch. C Marks, S. dings l Land 728 I 3 739 — C 721 656 Green) Green Prairie Prairie Green 20234 D.L.M. 1717875 AB 1 10378 AB Elliott, North Creek North Creek Ranch. Dovichak, D. Olson, J4 l Land Land Prairie � 613 Feeders D.& B. Ranch. North R.& Y. anch Land Green 713 661723 709 670 707 Creek Ranch. � s5o Plumer, G.& 649 Green Green Prairie Land 2 2343$ D. AB 17 B 1717868 Johnson, Curran, D.&North North(05 Creek Stadnicki, 469 Prairiel Prairie 678 �Iumer, G. 1717875 AB AB RA K. L. I McNal Creek Ranch. 1790005 AB R.& A. nch. Land Land D Ranch. _ 15 101 2 Osa czuk, 712 0 704 - Ci of S. H. Curran, Curran, North Stenger, Green Green Brooks Green Gre S.& D. S.& D. Curran, D.& Curran, North Creek North Creek p.& Hans hurch, Prairie Prairie � County Prairie Pre ie 698 L. McNab, D.& L. Ranch. Creek Ranch. TIStenger, C. D. Land l Land of Newell Land La d 6a 1717868 AB D. Mcl D. Ranch. D. 691 :.' JBS Food JBS Food Canada Green Gr n M 1717866 AB 1717875 1717875 North Creek North Torkelson, Torkelson, nsen Canada Ulc. Ulc. Prairie P it n Baksa, T. AB Ranch. Ra J702 K. K. &W Land Land `� , 1717866 AB Baron, WA C. North all%C 68s JBS Food Green = 724 Creek 703r3 ansen J Canada JBS Food Prairie Green Prairie Bearspaw 1717868 AB 1717866 AB Ranch. North CreekAB Schmge B.& fGFarming g Forag C.&W. 765 57a Lk Canada Ulc. Land Land Mgmt Ranch. Farming — 689 i � JBS Food JBS Food Canada 203 Green Prairie C 690 AB Canada — Ulc. Land Green 42 Bro side aMen Ulc Prairie 2005623 AB 1717866 1717866 AB 1717866AB arms Airth Farms C&W 203912 69k Cann Land 641 AB Brookside AB 203972 AB 720 , Lake Farms 2039T, AB Green Prairie Land 734 Green Jamis n 1717866 AB Dyck, I 76a Met, 29 Green Prairie Green 735 Prairie 0 7zs Altwasser, Prairie 2005623 La k AB 1717866 AB 1717875 AB yck, J. Y J Airth Farms Melt, 3s7 665 Land 7,g8.8,: Land -'' F Land 643 ��' 639 692 6g2 719ti � _ 658 733 730 675 681 Dyck,-- 683 Airth Farms H ansen, Smith, Smith, �Shipgng s4a 2005627 AB 17 866 AB Brookside 31 862 AB J Rasmussen C Albers 686 K. AssombonCoUp 0u o 6s4 Farms Simkin, Holdings I W. Famiy Holding DDF Legacy l Lostt Rentals 701, sail Ma ramig 366 �� Inter Lake � S. Z16 12 648 766 D.V 645 663 _ 647 75 Kalo Green D.V. (Butch) 6ss (Butch) Wall, 1717853 Brookside kside Rasmussen Airth 7 K.&- Global IT Prairie Martin 700 Martin 71 � E. AB Farms Far Simkin, S. Holdings Barr, L Farms — Land Farmin 9 Farmin 9 7U 758 737736 674 Green Green Green 6 6949�656801096 etersen,J. 725 Visser,D. Peters�eh, J. Christman, 727 Prain Prairie Prairie • harlton, Stafford Lake & M. 1717853A6 Strach, _ Haash,J. petersen,J. Yisser, D. Visser, D. Haja , J. E.& E. Land Land Land R.& E. IHajash,J. Hajash, J. Christman, 05 68� 711r �p � 638all IM 684 E.& E. - fi77 �. """"' O rooks Solar Brooks • ♦ s71369 Goldade, 743 '60a 62a Jackson 7 Cattle Co. `a6 1 O O Solar II Dole, D. 71831 R. 120146 man, ♦ 1 AB GP G.W. G VV AB J& 542 659362 673 �: 67s Murray Ranch. Murray Ranch,`' -� XHIW�Y543 Jackson n t: as1 Dick, D. Dick, D. G.W. Murray G.W. Munn ay Cattle Co. 473 Ranch. Ranch. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.48 P.49 P.50 20-14 20-13 20-12 P.39 P.40 P.41 19-14 19-13 19-12 P. 31 P. 32 P. 3 3 18-14\ 18-13 18-12 5 km COUNTY OF N TWP 19 W + E RGE 13 S P 40 O Current Page O Surrounding Counties 0 0.5 1 e O Map Book Page ntou Cors (50m interval) nommommoor ------ 1km 11 Swenson, The Albert to4s Manufacturers AlbertSnyders Snyders S S. Holdings s 1038Life Ins. Co.;1029 Holdings Hemsing Redelback, LMKAgra I Holdings R.& M. C & L Beasley C & L Beasley, Henrickson, C & L Beasley asle Beasley 1482622 AB4)Cattle (2014) J. D.& T. Cattle (2014) t.&C CattIe12014) �no3 I III ! II // II AGWW son LMKAgra t&y J4 Ranch J4 Ranch Karlin Farms Karlin s5o Farms 769 649 459 Ranch. W.B. Alberts K. r Slomp, K.& L. Torkelson,bdr c, Beasley, Produce Co.orkelson, R & J B.& D. Kozma, C.& G. Slomp, lacser 459 )Church,Ranch. W.B. Alberts Charlton, I K.& L. Torkelson, Beasley, Kozma, &W. Produce Co. T& G. Charlton, B.& D. C.& G. r 740 T.& G. o 7u3 The The The Ads" Hansen, Hansen, Manufacturers Manufacturers Manufacturers Beasley, Kozma, K C. W. C.& W. 7a5 Life Ins. Life Ins. Life Ins. A. C.& G. Co. Co. Co. Rasmusser E Hansen, Razmussan Holdings Holdings 767 Charlton, _ Tobler, Endersby, X Endersby, y. Co oki C & Rasmussen J W.& F. D.& E. D.& E. F mint all n W. Farming Holdings Endersby ndersby, rlihh Hansen, Rasmussen quared D & E Endersby, Endersby, & E. Endersby aim C.& W. Holdings Fa s D.& E. D.& E. G.W. D.& E. Endersby Murray Ranch. DAE. �772 75'1 764 770 7Twisted 746 Endersby, Merkl, F.& 742 T Ranch 748 747 G.W. G.W. MurrayA E. Al th J Merkl, Merkl, T-Squared Mortensen, J. y G.W. Murray arm I. Murray Ranch. Ranch. G.W. I_ Farms Ranch. 749 760 Murray Ranch. 76� G.W. Murray Airlh 755 G.W. Murray Ranch. G.W. Murray :arms Hansen, Merkl, F.& tin actin Farms Ranch. Ranch. � C.& W. J.JMerkl, I. Far Kozma, C. is\r7,fifi 2d� 756 r% Hansen, C.& W. � G.W. Murray I G.W. Murray G.W. Murray Ranch. I Ranch. Ranch. g - Rasmu�e"Hdlir�s 763 _ - 762 Rasmussen .asmussen Holdings Zoerb, G.W. Murray G.W. Murray Holdings Ranrl" I.& J. Ranch. Ranch. Bandura, 1201469 AB Band M.& K. M.& 1 .1, �RanchIG.W.Mum�R 7'eh MurrayV,(�„ MurrayV,( Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. n 0 0 A 2 9 M.& K. G.W. G.W. Murray G.W. Murray V Murray Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. G.W. Murray Ranch. urray G.W. Murry G.W. Murray �' Ranoh. Ranch. 1883417 AB 1883417 AB 1883417 AB G. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 49 P. 50 ° P. 51 20-13 20-12 20-11 P.40 P.41 P.42 19-13 19-12 19-11 P.32 P.33 P.34 18-13 18-12 18-11 s km O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A 78 ` O km 79 7a 75 76l 0 10 20 7Vq 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 52 63 54 55 56 57 s8 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township � 2-33 Map Book 4 s s 7 Page 1 Page 50 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 19 W + E RGE 12 S 0 0.5 1 Page � km �. C & L 126167 Basle Beasley, C Beasley CA LA C. Caattlle (2014) 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167AB AN l (2014) 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 82616-7AB 826167 AB an o e ed oir 1 826167 AB 826167 AB i 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 B 826167 AB 826167 AB t0 n Go826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 A 826167 AB 826167 AB I 3 77,4775 = 826167 AB 77671, 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB t AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 82Q167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 777 IL 82616 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB t0 n 00 778 3 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 2 o �O � 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 - 6 AB D m 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 1= 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.50t P.51 20-1220-11 V1 Ln P. 41 P. 42 19-12 19-11 r Y U P. 33 P. 34 18-12 18-11 s km O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 s8 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 111 12 13 Township 0 2 O ; Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 51 --0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF N TWP 19 W + E RGE 11 S J 0.5 1 �e mommozz=km 1 1097 Riste, EA S. Riste, EA S. HWY544 Riste, EA S. RisteEEA S. , Stensrud Cattle Co. Stensrud Cattle Co. HWY544 Z I � O ou 16 16 Ar. %V U W a U I.. > p. 779 I I ( Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 52 1-19 lJmpnir, PJ;rnry�id! P.43 Z 20-19 :S Jl�A.IJ Ili U Z Q U J 5km m r O Current Pane O Surrounding Cnuntie P. 53 21-18 P. 44 20-18 P. 35 19-1 & N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 43 4 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a Township 9 10 11 12 13 � Map Book 4 5 6 ] Page 1 n n r_ 4, COUNTY O NEWELL TWP 20 I 1PONFIS 42 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 52 P. 53 P. 54 N 80 12,500,000 78y 21-19 `' 21-18 21-17 n v km A 14 75 76 t o 10 20 COUNTY 04 - ]r7 COUNTY 69 70 71 7273 OF / j — 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 8 201-19 P. 44 P. 45 92 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4 44 46 46 47 48 49 50 61 N 20-18 20-17 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 T W P 2 0 2] 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 , T ' • L R G E 1 8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �/ , 14 15 16 17 18 19 P. ` " P. 35 Current a O 9 10 11 12 13 O 19-18 19-17 Township r O Book 2�3 4 5 6 ] l� 5 km m Pap 1 0 0.5 1 [page O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) ctip mmomm==km Rabadan,C. IRabadan,C. aoney, Chizik �Fe� Sundial suodiai I K S Armstrong Christman, 358645AB '' Holdings Chizik Livestock sock Ranch. 1137 I -AG,. atss Holdings Feeders Feeders M. & L. 170147 � •• 7�ae7 Armstrong Evans, Armstrong Evans, G.& Evans, G.& 1755782 AB Chizik Farms B 217M n Rahaha; Evans, G.& Ranch. Ranch. S.& K. S.& K. ,_ Holdings 2378329 AB M. & L. Farms AB &&c K. H. M. & L. ' 5 arms Evans, Evans, GA G.& Evans, H. Armstrong Armstrong Evans, G.& Evans, G.& 1755782 AB Chizik M. & L. 2378329 AB Farms M. & L. Far S.& K.! K. Ranch. Ranch. S.& K. S.& K. Holdings 2378329 AB 2170141 1 � 788 I AB I — L GaryKeM varrsb" Evans, K.& M. Evans, Armstrong Armstrong Chizik I M. & L. M. & L. M. & M. & M. & Ga Ir — K.& M. Ranch. Ranch. Holdin s g 1755782 AB 1755782 AB 1755782 AB 2378329 AB 23 8329 AB L. L Farms Farms L. saK Farms Farms Farm G6ykt °a:� Evans, Chizik M. & M. & L. GasdK K.& M. Evans, K.& M. Evans, K.& M. Evans, K.& M. Holdings 1755782 AB 1755782 AB 1755782 AB 2378329 AB 2378329 AB L. M. & L. SteinGac r• Chizik Farms Farms Farms arms Armstrong' Ranch, Armstrong Ranch. Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong 1755782 AB 1755782 AB Chizik s I Chizik Chizik Chizik M.& M. & L. Farms L. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Holdings Holdings I Holdings Foldings Holdings Farms cnstnmg Armstrong ArmstrongArmstrong 9 Armstrong 9 Chizik Chizik Chizik Chizik Chizik M. & Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. 1755782 AB 1755782AB Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings M. & L. Farms L. li Farm Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Evans, G.& S. Lorne S. Lorne S. Lome S. Lorne S. Lorne S. Lorne S. Steinbach. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Rabadan,C. Farms Farms Farms i Lorne S.Farms Farms Farms Farms A. m Uong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Lorne S. Lome S. all Lome S. Lorne S. 1-4 Lorne S. Lorne S. 13 Lorne S. Lorne S. Steinba h Ranch Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. FWS.Lorne Farms Farms Farms Farms Farms Farms A Armstr Ran Armstrong Armstlong Armstrong Steinlocti Ranch. Ranh. Ranch. RancM. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms B maha�g Armstrong I Armgtrong Armstrong Armstrong Lorne S. Lome S. 12 Steinbach aaocn. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Farms Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms B. rmstrag Armstrong a n Ranch. Armstrong Veripath Ranch. Armstrong Armstrong Lorne S. Lorne S. M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms Farmland Ranch. Ranch. Farms Farms (UR�Gld Q ~ U Z Armstrong Armstrong Lome S. Lorne S. M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms M. & L. Farms Veripath M. & L. Farms NOV' J = rmstrong Ranch. Ranch. Farms Farms (UR)Gp Ranch. � — Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong strong fR Armstrong rr Burnsr Edge, M. & Vedpah M. & L. Farms L. Farmland Burns, Edge, > �r Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. anch. Ranch. C. C. P. P. Farms UR)G Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]s ]s l 0 10 20 ]r] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a T ""'hip 9 10 11 12 13 2 ; O Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 54 WRM � COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 20 W + E RGE 17 S 0 0.5 1 Pate 451 mommozz=km Sundial Sundial Sundial Livestock Livestock Livestock Hironaka, M. Hironaka, M. Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Endersby nd sby s.akt it°m'"9a Feeders Feeders1116?,i63 Feeders 1 M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. — M.& R. M.& R. Cattle Co. attle o. J Tetreault, _ 2170147 AB 2170147 AB C. En:rsby Endersb Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Declercq, Ca e Co. Cattle C Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. ydersby2170147 atlle D. Co. M. & B Steinbach Endersby 2170147 AB attle Endersby Cattle Co. Endersby Endersby Y Y Endersby Y — -� Gun rson, Endersb 80S Co Cattle Co. Endersby Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Gunderson, A. -derson, A. Gunderson, A. CCole rms 2170147 AB M. & M. M. & L. & L. Situ, Steinbach 111�8AB 1111815AB 793 Endersby Cattle Hutt. Endersb Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. L Farms Farms M. & X. Cattle Co 1717868AB o. Endersby Endersby Cattle Co. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. rattle Farms L. Farms 1717875A8 7s6 � 7s4 Cattle Co. Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom CA. 1717868AB 1717875 d 1717868 790 811 813 M. & Lome AB 1717868 AB AB 1717868 AB Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Huh. L. Steinbach S. 822 1717875 AB 1717 1717868 1717868 AB Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Farms Farms Steinbach 821 Farms 624 B 1717875 ABI � 791 Lathom Lathom Lathom Lathom Latham 1 arms 82a = 1717875AB AB 1717875 AB Hums M. & 812 1717868 AB1717871 1717868 806 Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Huh. L M. & L. Farms/Steinba Farms A. Lorne S. Farms Lorne AB As AB 1 1717868 AB 1717868 AB Hutt Breth. athom Breth. Breth. Breth. S. Farms 1717875 AB Breth. Lathom Lathom Lathom 797 7ss 4807 r' 11118fi8A Stein ach, Lome S. Farmsog Hutt. Bret M & ^ A. �� Lorne S. Farms �1717875 AB 1717868 1117868 1717868A6 Hutt. Breth. Hutt. . athom Hutt. Huh. L M. & L. Farms Farms `�- Lorne S. AB � 171787 ' 8 1117815 1717868 AB Lathom Breth. Breth. Breth. Steinbach, A. Farms Steinbach; AB AB Lathom Hutt. Lathom Lathom 810 A. 792 - 1717868AB Veripath ' 1717875AB 833 Breth. Latho Lorne 1717868 AB 805 Hutt. 804 Fndersty rA S Steinbach, A. Steinbach, A. Major Trading 815 2289994 Steinbach, land 1717875AB Btho Huff. Farms AB A AB (UR) Gp 1117868AB 1717875 AB Sundial Sundia Lathom Breth. 1111815AB Livestock Livestock Feeders 830 Lathom 8 816 _ 832 SariLiveslak 803 Lorne Steinbach, Major Trading Veripath Vern ath Veripath seders Sudial Hutt. Breth: S A Fa Steinbach, A. ans;_, K. teinbach, A. Farmland armland 829 (UR) UR G Farmland Serfas Farms \ Livestock Feeders ale Lathom D ns 801 p � P (UR) Gp Serfas Farms O 828 --, 831 814802 Veripath Veripath Roen, Veripath Veripath Farmland Veripath Veripath Veripath Steinbach, B. Steinbach, B Farmland A.& R`' Farmland Farmland Farmland Farmland Serfas Farms Farms (UR) Gp 83s (UR) Gp ( ) Gp Gp (UR) Gp (UR) Gp (UR) Gp Serfas Farms erfas arms P,1 & Veripath p Veripath Veripath Veripath Veripath Veripath Veripath Steinbach, B. Steinbach, B. Farmland Farmland a18 Farmland Farmland Veripath Farmland • Farmland Farmland Serfas Farms Serfas Farms eda Farms (UR) Gp (UR) Gp (UR) Gp (UR) Gp armland (UR) Gp (UR) Gp (UR) Gp arm 81-, 1819 7ss son (UR) Gp Veripath Veripath ago 7,98 i,1 & Veripath Edge, _. Veripath Veripath P Famlland(UR)Gp Farmland Veripath Veripath Veripath L Farmland Farmland Farmland Roen, W. Lau, R& D. T. (UR) Farmland Farmland Farmland erfa Farms (UR) Gp (UR) Gp N (UR) Gp (UR) Gp (UR) Gp (UR) Gp arm j Gp $09 834• Veripath all Veripath Farmland Veripath (UR) Gp Serfas Serfas ` Farmland Veripath Veripath Farmland D U Farms Serfas Farms Farms fake (UR) Farmland erfa Farmland (UR) Gp 835 D. U. Canada D. U._Canada Canada 827 Re Gp 826 I� S'2o�. (UR) Gp arms (UR) Gp M & Verl Farmland path Farmland i Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Bothif Serfas Farms I Bothi, Serfas Farms 546 Farms (UR) Gp (UR) Gp S. S. 3othi, S. + 1--i u parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.54 P.55 P.56 21-17 21-16 R=-m,21-15 P.46 P.47 20-17 20-16 20-15 P.36 P.37 �P.�38 19-17 19-16 19-15 5knnm O Current Page D Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 ]9 A ]' ` O km y` ]4 ]5 ]6 t 0 �L) ZD 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 a8 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township ED Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 lft"qe55 --0 COUNTY 04 COUNTY OF N TWP 20 W + E RGE 16 S 0 0.5 1 rl mommolkm Saddleridge Eird by Saddleridge Ron Wiebe Saddleridge addleridge Kasdorf Cattle Co. I Kasd Cattle C Wiebe, Wiebe, C s Critters rifle's Farming Co. Farming Wiebe, R. Farms I� Farming Co. Farming Kasdorf, Ka6dorf, ro228 M.& S. M.& S. Crop &Crops & Co. _ CO.-.� aP Co. H.& L. H.& L. "� amps Eutle Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby End by Homberger, Homberger, Wiebe, A. Norton, yRck, 1786088 AB ' a81eCo. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle R.& G. R.& G. 714296 AB 714296 AB G.& P. J. 866 86736 865 Dyck, Guoda,a,, Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Janke, ;nZkeR&S. Rose ary HiFarms tA ) &J. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. R.& S.dings Wiebe, M.& S. Zach Farms Farms ne 9 farms Hutt Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Phillips, _ \ l 6.4 Braul Agri. } e Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle C Phillips, R. R Lutes,. Lutes, A. Braul Agri. Farms Lot Lat . 843 855 Hutl. Hutt. Broth. Breth. Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby (ndersby Lutes, A. Lutes, A. Lutes, A. Lutes, $,69. Unruh, v Braul°9Latham LathomCattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. o. R. H. farms 1 I 853 Wilson, D.& Hutt. Hutt. Broth. Broth. Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby EndersbyPetker, Pet r, ` Petker, J.&D. Lye a n 9' Lathom Lathom Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. V.& M. V. M. & M. Petker. - Lyzenga, T. T V.& M. Hutt. a52' EndersbyI Ar Broth Broth. Broth. Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Y Cattle Petker, Petker, Pe Petker, Wilson, Wilson, 66 Latham Lathom Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. ao. V.& M. V.& M. V.& M. V.& M. D.& J.& D. D.& J.& D. Ranch 854 Endersby Cattle Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby 85o Endersby/etki PV&rWilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, 66 B efh. 0 Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle M D.& J.& D. D.& J.& D. D.& J.& D. & J.& D. Ranch Lathorm 8" 851 ndemby Cattle 873 H I Endersby Endersby 848 849 Wilson, D.& J.& D. Wilson, D.& 872 F ° t Hale, D. Hale, Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Endersb Y FdsEndersb Endersby 874 J.& D. 582525 AB 582525 L hm D Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. AB 840 839; 857 ass Hale, 845 Endersby 582525 _ Hale, D. p aas Cattle Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby AB > `- 38252 erfas Hale, D. dt CO. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. 58252 525 AB `59'2525 AB AB Farms Serfas Farms Hale, D. Hale, D. AB 87o 86D 85s ndersby Cattle Hale, D. 0. Sollars Serfas Farms Farms Serfas Farms Hale, D. Hale, 847 Endersby Cattle Co. EndersbyEndersb Y a38.582525 582525 AB 582525 AB 582525 Serfas D. Hale Cattle Co. Cattle Co. AB Farms D 861 \ Hale, ndersby Cattle 582525 Vei-path D. D o. AB 582525 amland Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Hal , Hale, D. Hale, D. 5k525 AB 58252 B 582525 AB A Gp Farms Hale, D. 58 5 / Al 856 `r 837 Hale, 582525AB p Hale, D. D IA2.5B2' aanaod Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Serfas Farms Farmms Hale, D. Hale, D. Hale, Breezewood 582525AB (582525ABp1RIGp D Ranch 844 11-� VA//Z D. U. Canada Hale, D. Breezewood Breezewood oreezewood Breeze Sa'.7 Breezewoo 82525 AB Hatirsao, Snake:Lake Reservo'r Ranch Ranch Ranch Ranch C&H. I( , IRanch Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.55 P.56 P.57 21-16 21-15 21-14 R 46 P. 47 P. 48 20-16 20-15 20-14 P. 37 --P-.` P. t 19-16 19-15" 19-14 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]s ]s l 0 10 20 ],.T 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2 ; O Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 56 � COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 20 W + E RGE 15 S 0 0.5 1 [Pa�o G 47 MINNOW==km Rae& R&1 Re B,R 1266 M. R.&E. Petker, V.& M. erg, R.& J. Dyck, Dyck, C.& A. D.L.M. Feeders D.L.M. Feeders Kraus, V Jad Jack Jxk Jensen Kraus, Endersby ndersb Emm, E- 12a2 C.& A D.L.M. Feeders 1,247 �' �`- - Farm Farmsy Farms HWY550 HWY550 901ass - 883 7Retzlaff, bI-, tABR.& Retzlaff 894Retzla La1008 R&E. Dyck, A.& L. Dyck, A.& L. Fams D.L.M. Anchor Kraus,Jense, R.& M. Retzlaff Feeders H Farms V. Kraus, V. E. 893 , ,- 914 877 88a9o4 Farms 899 879 880 �♦ .�� 94 865 Dyck, 882 Loewen, 896 900 895 Zach R. Retzlaff Be rg, Dyck, D.& M. Lyzenga Martin, G. Kraus, V. Kraus, V. Kr Bear, J. 08 7s Loewen, arms Lyzenga Farms R. J, A.& L. Farms V. eterson, 913 IPA - Farms —903 D.& M. 906 T& I. L936 905 907= Bear, � Loewen, Lyzenga Braul Lyzenga, Farms W Ne H feld Lyzenga, L.& D. Martin, G. Martin, B. Torkelson, Bear, J.& M. J.& Martin, M. 930 714296 AB Agri. T.& A. 886 Fa ms D.& M. H.& D. G.& R. 843 926 Martin, 855 G.& R. Braul Lyzenga Farms/ Dyck, D.& H. Lyzenga, Lyzenga, W & H Neufeld Neufeld, W. Martin, Torkelson, 923 Anchor H Farms Mar Martin, Madio R&G. 714296 AB Ag . Lyzenga, L.& D. L.& D. Faurrrsd Dyck Farms G.& R. Martin, R. 14296 / 927 GA R. AB 1 • 892 s_18 1 Martin, G.& R. Torkelson, H.& t zeo a, L zen a, 9 Y 9 Dyck, P.& E. Y Dyck, Dyck, F.& F. Rutschmann, T. Dyck, F.& E Kraus, D. Kraus, Kraus, V. Kraus V. Ramer Ranch. Plumer, T. DNH Farms P.& E. Morishita, L. V. Kraus, V. V. D&C 885 897 876 amer2 Nilson, Dyck, P.& E. Y Rutschmann, Dyck, F.& Kraus, Kraus, V. Ranch. Plumer, Dh 66 Ranch 66 Ranch s28 E.& L. Dyck, F& V. Kraus, V. Kraus, V. Kraus, V. Ramer Ranch. D&C. &D 890 Hanson, H. Wilson. 4 9 Retzlaff, 915 Dh 66 Ranch s,10 66 Ranch Lyzenga, Retzlaff, A.& L Kraus, V. Kraus, V. Kraus, amer Ranch. Plume. Ramer Ranch. J.&D. T.&A. A.& L. Retzlaff; V. D.&C. A.& L. ( 875 _ Ramer Ranch. 66 Ranch Lyzenga, Retzlaff, - 13 82525 T.& A. A.& L. 916 sit / Kraus, Ramer Ranch. Kraus, V. j995 AB 582525 AB 582525 AB Kraus, V. V. soa FaT� �921881 � Gavael, \., g09 VVY544 582525 6 \ Kraus, V. Kraus, V. Kraus, ♦ V. 902 Lalrace, a TremhecB,R.8T.0 s��mseskl 582525 A8 582525 AB J.& D. -Greertf�Faitie i c. t 911 Land Green Prairiekernsori, 10 2 Rock Lake Reservoir Land k 582525 AB 582525 AB 888 _ 1946 Green J Prairie Land ) Gr 82 582525 AB 582525 AB j� // — — — �nreenDJ Prair Prairie Land Land Green custom airie Fa�miog O!/ I I _ La 889 92021 A582525 AB 582525 AB JBS Food ee san � Canada Ulc. Prai Ent � — _ — e- Ent. Land Harbinson, Harbinson, Green • 11 Gre en C.& H. C.& H. Prairie Prairie Land Land Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 56 P. 57 21-15 21-14 P. 47 P. 48 20-15 20-14 P. 58 21-13 P., .419 20-13 P.38 P.39 e 19=1.5 1 19-1,4 19-13 1 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I. Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 68 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2 ; 0 Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 5I --0 COUNTY 04 COUNTY OF N TWP 20 W + E RGE 14 S 0 0.5 1 LP—ft—e �km x Jack Endersby Endersby, Endersb Y, Wylie, Martin, Martin, Bandura, Bandura,�L�awson,Moeller, -570895AB 708012AB Neufeld, Kay Fatm Farms D.& D. D. ` 12sa W W J & S 1,278 J & J. D.& K. K.& C. Cattle 1o1s -ssz sas ss6130e, � _ - 990 948 oa Libe 95453% O'Hara, / Endersb Y Count of y Bunney, Rommenbutte R mmenbu tte Murphy, a000erai Trucking � o T Ranch. Newell ," Sug D.& B. Dairy I Dairy Y Lawson, J. W & L SP'r 944 - 942 951 O S S. .Bandura, - J.& S. 1006, 949 36 - C & L 947 . 950 Ma a 9' 2 Beasley 708012 AB ' � Torkelson, Adams, T Jense me utte Burney, Banafinl s13 Cattle (2014) sal Marti & D. D.& Dairy D.& B. cvv L9s6 1 YYAL4�X 1000 o W. 1001 o Martin, 964 sss Rommenbutte Martin, Torkelson, DA D. R.& G. 96a Martin, 933 W Adams, V. Jerin, Dairy 714296s3o AB R.& G. Fulton, Wal , C. D. E Six A Farms Six A Farms Martin, 30 935 T& J. Village _ $ofDuches � Musgrove, 979 L.& S. 39 1• ss7 114296 R.& G. sa1 99s Ramer Ranch. McMahon, D.& M. 976 962 Williams, North Butte North Butte Martin, 934 AB Rame ch. Ramer R rich. �" Lauber, Berth Farms Be tita M.& N. Grove, T.& J.I Land &Cattle Land &Cattle R.& G. - 959 Lauber, RA S. � R.& S. sas Farms _994 983� o n 982 777- Torkelson, Ramer Plu er, Plumer, 84 842723 AB Dr. Kenton Rommens orkelson, Rommenbutte Rommenbutt l 66 Ranch 66 Rommenbutte lRanc Ranch. D. C. D.& C. H.& A. Prof. K.& M. Dairy Dairy 66 Ra s37 ;arrer Plumer, Plumes, A ams, T. 961 Will & Rob & Rob Romme fries sss Palsma Rommenb a Rommenbutte Chinook l 1 Beig cafe Ranh D.& C. D.& C. Adams, T Rommens Will &Rob Dairies Dai Dairy Y Cattle C 66 Ranch 66 Ranch TPar. Dairies . 939 Rommens Dairies 1 100a 1 Ramer Plumer, Plumer, Burk, Burk, H. Will & Rob Palsma Will & Rob Will & Rob Davidson, 1102 Ranch. � D.& C. D.& C. H.& C. C.BurkAdams, T. , ' 1M Rommens Dairies Rommens ; Rommens 66 arch 66 Ran . ' B. n Dairies Dairies Dairies a2.�, t 978 1' 1 Plumer, s7T 3 989 "js95 1 Rommens, D.& arisen, Freimark, M. Iskiw, 2312439 ON ams, = Adams, Martin o Grosfeld Drake, G.& K. Rommens Kirsc a, sss pai s:",).nman,66 E81 Ranch 1 pi0 - � Granger, R. K.& E. L. V. Adams, T. � � D.& C. Farms �1o4 srsss' S E.& S. D.& E. 1 a 974 `�r 975 929 966 H WY544 H WY544 '• ' -_ 967 1'003 Kirschenman, 969 mu 919, araXn, , . Trembecki, G. D.L.M. Philpott, Kuffner, Grosfeld Ivy Livestock J Alberta Forage Cinsan Cinse E.& S. Kirschenman, _ Seeley, Griffith ))airy Cattle Feeders DA T Fariits FarmingEnt. Ent. Albert Sn ders E.& S. H.& B. Company Panel' saa7 gas Holding _ Ferguson, ir AlbedaFoage O ,,Lrd r Greenl946 K Rocklake D.V. ( tch) Farmin 9 J - ath, Dyck, pyck ; Drost Seed pmst Dairy Mart Ivy Livestock Cinsan Ent. Cinsan Ent. Cinsan Ent. K. J.& G. J_& G. Rath, K. Potatoes Sep aidel Farm, g ( 1009 al0e Land 1 1013 T006' D J Custom 993 _ Smith, Green) Farming Praioei Rocklake Green, .& H. Cinsan Ent Barg, D. Cinsan Ent. Hansen, P. orkelson, Smith, R.& T R.& T Torkelson, Rath, S.& rost Seed , Land Dairy ss17 M.& T H.& A. M& K .K. tatoes 940 � -984 1002 1010 1'012 o Torkelson, "�� Cinsan Ent. Rocklake Barg, P.& A. Adams, Cinsan Ent. Hansen, P. Cinsan Ent. Smith, R.& T H.&A. Smith, Rommens oson SGreen Swenson, S.Dairy ABaU7 J. R.& L. 104R.& ss4 1011 980 9 3— 938 T.10 Green Prairie ul, P. North '' _ Rommens, Marks, Galbrai 652 65a _ _ Cinsan Ent Gra Bartman97 _ asa 67 Scher er, D J Custo g _ _ North Creek C.& P. Barg, sss W.& 1. J.& P. �699 Farming B Ranch. Creek 706 C. an Ranch. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 57, ° P. 58 P. 59 r214 21-13 21-12 P 48 P 49 P. 50 20-14 20-13 " 20-12 P.39 P. 40 P.41 19-14 19-13 19-12 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page �11 Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A 78 ` O km 79 ]4 75 7� 0 10 20 7V7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 52 63 54 55 56 57 s8 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township O 2,3 Map Book 4 s s 7 Page 1 Page 58 � COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 20 W + E RGE 13 S 0 0.5 1 �e mmmm:==km Jeufeld, Kay Cattle Kay, Kay Cattle Springside AB Forage AB Forage Bandura, Bandura, ertaerta Foraagege Foraagege K&C. J. Hutt. Breth. Farming Farming J. J. Farming Farming Alberta Alberta Bonnefield GP V Torkelson, K. Kay Cattle Springside Hutt. Breth. Bandura, J Bandura, J. Bandura, J. Bandura, J Forage Forage 3 Farming Farming = Alberta Alberta Bonnefield Springside Springside Forage Farming Forage Farming GP V Torkelson, K. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Bandura, J. Bandura, J. Bandura, J. Bandura, J. Alberta Forage Sewall, 1oaa- 0 I } Springside Springside F;i 1017 g Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Bandura, J Torkelson, Torkelson, Torkelson, Sewall, Musgrove, Westwick, J. Torkelson, R.& S. R.& S. R.& S. One D. G. 1059 R.& S. 1057 lvsa-Torkelson, Tree Ranch. Co 2: y R. Torkelson, fJodh Butte Torkelson, Torkelson, Torkelson, Torkelson, S. R.& S. Torkelson, One Tree Tamura, _, Deschamps ck, tR and & R.& S. R.& S. R.& S. R.& S. Torkelson, R.&Ranch. Co. J. Ranch.Wes Cattle R.& S. 1056 S. - o 1, 66 1034 Ranchl 66 Charlton, Charlton, 1022 1026 Charlton, Hen 1025 One Tree Musgrove, Musgrove, D. Mus rove, ¢�aBmp Ranch T& 7 C.& S.& D. T.& G. W. Ranch. Co. D. Ranch Ss"Rnchl 7 '?054— ti055 1 ),3 1045 1024 Warren & KI rich , Berg1028 66 I Cattle Berg Cattle 1oz11os� �023 1oz7 Charlton, T& G. 1035 Janet C & L easley Packham, Musgrove, JA E. _ RanchlCompany Company Kopp, Torkelson, Fletcher, Henry Cattle 014) S. D. M rave, 9 D. C.& L. L W II, C. Ranching G.& J. 1042 1040 1039-c 1047 Musgrove, D. 1oz7 Daa�a,102o I Henke, 1041 Q M Hitchcock, R. D. I y, J. Quint airy Henrickson, : Henrickson, F. Henrickson, Henrickson 1018 - 1 10 wen _ Poncelet-Henke, Fletche , G. T. Hen ckson, A 992 Hit cock, R. C F. D.& T. d 1019 & B. I � 1060 Jueegl I Torkelson, K. Sewall, 459 Ranch. Albert Conacher, Snyders Conacher, Henrickson, Sewall, D Henrickson, M rris, Morris, wen, D.&E C.& S. R& E. Holdings R& E. Henrickson, A.& C. A.& C. A. R. _ �os2 HW 1544 1051, A&C. HWY544 1043 lost 103'6 Bolhoven, R. C&t Drab Quintus Dairy all, Duchess Ent. Mus rove Ent. 9 Musgrove Ent. 1 Forchert, Sewall, L Rath, Sewall, D. K Henrickson, W.& S. a Fkson, C & L Beasley Cattle (2014) easle Catlle D 1oa6 C.& S. 2014� Com Dmst Drost S 1053 Henrickson, Henrickson, Henrickson, 1050 Henrickson Henry, Henry, Henrickson, W. He rickson, C & L Beasley C & L Beasley _ an, Po es A.& C. A.& C. F. Quintus Dairy Ranching J. J. & S. Cattle (2014) Cattle (2014) R. platy 10411 Did The The The IbM Snyders Tobi'er; 1030 ♦ C&t Seed Manufacturers Manufacturers Albert Torkelson, R Henry, Morris, E & G Tobler, W.& F C & L sle Pp Life Ins. Life Ins. Snyders Henry, J. C.& P. Livestock .& F. 32Cattle(2014) Beasley Catlle Co. Co. Holdings 1 �14) 1'012 1� waasm Swenson, The Manufacturers Albert Snyders Albert Sn ders C & L Beasley Y C & L Beasley Henrickson, asley, C & L Beasley s 1049 S. Life Ins. Holdings Holdings 1016 Cattle (2014) 1482622 AB Cattle (2014) Beasley, J. D.& T Cattle (2014) 1038 Co.0 102.9 759o. / /1031 00 Marks , Hemsing Redelback, LMKAgra S. Holdings R.&M. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 58 P. 59 21-13 21-12 P. 21-11 1 P.49 P.50 P.51 20-13 20-12 2041 t P. 40 P.41 P.42 19-13 19-12 19-11 5kmm O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page �11 Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A 78 ` O km 79y 74 75 76 ` t 0 0 20 7,7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6L 52 63 54 55 56 57 s8 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2 ; O Map Book 4 s s 7 Page 1 J. Irwin, J.& K. Irwin, Owen, Owen, J.& K. rr D. D. I1088 Irwin, J.& K. Irwin, Owen, J.& K. Owen, D. D. Irvin, J. Irwin, J.& K. I Irwin, J.& K. R Irwin, J.& K. I Ywin, J.& K. 11 Irwin, J. * Musgrove, I 1 Deschamps, I Irwin, Fukuda, d / F Irwin, K. Conners, E. O Irwin, J. J G.& W. Deschamps, Irwin, BA Musgrove, Coyote Tree McLaughlin, Fukuda, R. J. B.& J. Ranching Irwin, J. R.& A. GA W. J.& K)083 Musgrove, g "108 B.& J. 1090 1065078 --0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF N TWP 20 W + E RGE 12 S r05e k 0 0.5 1 501 �m Irwin, T I Irwin, T. 11 Irwin, T. I Irwin T Deschamps i Musgrove, Tobler, Ranch. Irwin, T. Irwin, J. BA J r, D. WA F. Fukuda, G. Fukuda, G. 070 1 Dinosaur Proui CCial Park an6e A- 1076 Brad & Kelly ' Friessen, Deschamps Marks, S. Tobler, Tobler, Fukuda, Fukuda, S W & F. W.& F. G E Livestock Brad & Kelly11�— Friessen, S. 0 eschampsLivestock Drader, D. Fuku a, to7a Fukuda, G. G Owen, Owen, C & L Beasley R.& B. R. Cattle(2014) cateeeseY anie(2m4) 1062 110-8nUm dorris, en, Owen, & L Beasle y C & L Beasley gjelland, D. etz 1079C Fukuda, to:72 Fukuda, G.A. 1os9 R. R. Cattle (2014) Cattle (2014) Turne G 1os'2 1089 1 1 Tobler, B. 1082 C.N.R.L. C&L — 10JK HW 411111111111111111 1081 1os8 Basle C & L Beasley W. Morris, C. West Stadnicki St�niii C& L BeasleyHenry, C&L Beasley Cattle 1'0:71 C.N.R.L. C.N.R.L. Callle MIA11 Cattle (2014) J & Cattle 2000 Ca0 Cattle (2014) (2014) Owen, R. Owen, D.& M. Morris, 1091 Owen, J. McAleese, S S. 826167 Caflle 120141 C.& P. AB �' T82616 a�s�y C & L Beasley C & L Beasley 826167 AB 826167 AB i 826167 AB AB 826167 cama Cattle (2014) Cattle (2014) AB 12014) . ,, . , I 826167 Cal AB Beasley Beasley, C & L Beasley 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB Catle I -A C. Cattle (2014) 2014I n 826167 AB i 00 L os� — — >-- 14" 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 826167 AB 2 ---1 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N C.N.R.L. C.N?R.L,3� C.N.R.L. Nova i This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 6L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 141516174 Cur ent a 9 10 Township - -3 O Map Book 4 Page 1 Page 60 5 4 COUNTY O NEWEL N TWP 20 W + E RGE 11 S 0 0.5 1 Inwe za mmmmm=z=km iwm, �i! is • ♦•� •� * ,' ' r ♦ I ♦ ♦ ♦+ ♦ «' �lr � D o 0 0 4� I ® ♦ I ♦I I♦" .�I i I I \'095— p I Nova 109.3 Gas Trans , 1094 Z O U Riste, L. 1098 W Stensrud Stensrud d t "e Riste, Cattle Co. Cattle Co. t E.& S. U t e Riste, EA S. Riste, EA S. Stensrud Cattle Co. Stensrud Cattle Co. - Riste, EA S. Riste, EA S. - T096 1097 HWY544 - - H�NY544 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]s ]s l 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2 ; O Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 61 M, COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 21 W + E RG E 19 S 0 0.5 1 �e 52 mommo==km Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. CMDOt deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 61 P. 62 P: 63 22-19 22-18 22-17 P.52 P.53 P.54 21-19 21-18 21-17 � P 43 P. 44 P. 45 20-19 20-18 20-17 Skm m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page _ , Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A 78 ` O km 79 7a 75 76 0 10 20 7Vq 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6L 52 63 54 55 56 57 s8 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 Township 10 11 12 13 � Map Book 2'3 4 s s 7 Page 1 Page 62 M, COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 21 W + E RGE 18 S 0 0.5 1 Pmaw mmmmm=z=km Chizik Chizik Chizik Chizik Chizik cod Holding Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings rms D.R.W. Farms D.R.W. ' J12 Farms Bell, ' Hale, R & L. Farms & L. G.W.K. Kim, G.W.K. Farms G.W.K. Farms G.W.K. Farms G.W.K. Farm G.W.K. Farms Bell, B.& K. g.&M. K. Chit Hoding Farms Farms ilcup, 31 1148 S.& C. 1105i G.W.K. Haled Haled Sieben arms G.W.K. Miller, Kilcup, 1L Bell, B.& K. Hale, OutAgro Out Agro Holdings G.W.K. Farms G.W.K. Farms Kelly Farms Farms R.& T S.& C. Bell, R. Christma Bronson, B.& K. Bell, Chizik K.& M. D.& M. B.& K. Holding LomeS Kelly Farms Farms Haled Out Agro Hiller, K. Fladhamer, S. Douglass Chizik, J. Farms Douglass Kelly Farms �1as Miller, i er, Bell, B.& K. Chizik Bell, B.& K. Hiller, O Farms Kelly Farms R.& T. R.& T. Holtlin s g & K Ome S. 1147 Farms - Lome S. Lorne S. Fladhamer, Chizik, J. Douglass Douglass Kelly Farms Kelly Farms Kilcu p' Bell , S.& L. Two Bell Chizik 109 Farms Farms S. Farms Farms 1797575 AB S.& C. Ranch Holtliogs 1126 113'I Lorne Lunseth � - "1 �' 1119 mtmaq ,- Housen a 9 . 1118� S Steinbach, Steinbach, L.. Douglass Douglass AK R. Two all, S.& L. Farms S.&L. L 2235395AB 2235395AB Farms Farms Wickenheiser, Bell Ranch Hall, E. Hall, E. Hall, E. E Lorne Puffer, C. Ac Hen ry ' Hous nga, R. S. Steinbach, Dl upessis Douglass K.� � Wicken iser, M. Farms L.& S. G.& E. ouglass Farms Chauvet-Hen n rY, Two Bell Ranch Hall, E. Hall, E. Hall, all, E. E. Baer, A.& IJL"JIA:�AJ Aarms 1117h9 h M. 11:50 M. & L. Farms n 1921922 AB M Hironaka, 1921922 AB Sawatsky, J. Town of Hall, E. Baxt all, gassano E. 11 9 I 1146 1143 MacLean, 1004000 Chlzlk, 1144-. 1124 1159 Town of r• 1142 J. Town of 1156 B Schaffer, all, B ter, M J. Krahn, G.&A. 1133 gassano 1'145 Bassano Sawatsky, J. Schaffer, DAC. D.& Hall, E. T.& � r MacLean, J. 1141 1140 1151 1158 ` * C. � 1152 C HwYS 50 homson, RESER E #146 cLean, 2382599 AB 2382599 1115 J. 2382599 382599 AB Armstrong Armstrong • Sage D.& K.n " 1132J S Hale, AB 1i6 Ranch. Ranch. Bluff MacLean, J Sundial Wigemyr, Smit , W. L Christman, K.& _ Farms 1151, wsod Fevers 1155 M.& D.& K. B.IN 1135 `.' 1138 Sundial 11130 O roll W. 1 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB 2382599 AB M.W.A. Farms M.W.A. Farms Sage Bluff Livestock Sage Bluff 1154 eedeis Sundial Livestock Sundia s Sundial Farms Farms Feeders Livestock Livestock ale, 1136 1127 Feeders Feeders R. Sundial 2382599 AB Rabadan, Armstrong g Armstrong 9 M.W.A. Farms 1134 B rns, C. Burns, Evans, Livestock Sundial Sundial Sundial Livestock C.& J. Ranch. Ranch. M.W.A. Farms Burns, C o K.& M. eeders Livestock Evans, Feeders Livestock Feeders l Feeders C. K. Sundial - Rabadan, 1114 ArmstrongMaloney . Maloney, y JA W. 1123 1122 Rabadan, C. C. ; - . : Ranch. J & W. e 21 - Chizik Livestock Sundial Sundial P Resew '�' '> Holdings eders Livestock Livestock ArmstrongChristman,�--� _.-- 1137 358645'''B `. Chizik Feeders Feeders L& G� 1153 Holdin.Ls f Armstrong Armstrong Evans, G.& Evans, G.& » Chizik 7a'7 M. & L. 170147 2170147 Evans, H. Ranch. Ranch. S.& K. S.& K. 1755782 AB Holdings 2378329 AB M. & L. Farms Farms ua B AB Evans, G.& K. 2378329P9 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 62 P. 63 P. 64 22-18 22-17 22-16 P.53 P.54 P.55 21-18 21-17 21-16 P.44 — P.46 P.46 20-18 20U`147 20-16 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A 78 ` O km 7a 79 7s 76 0 10 20 7r7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 Township 10 11 12 13 2 ; � Map Book 4 s 6 7 Page 1 Page 63 M, COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 21 W + E RGE 17 S 0 0.5 1 LP e �km Wood, Wood,rairie White, V. I White, V. I White, V. I ite, . White, V. I o, lBerg, Hiebert, Wood, D Wood, D. Wood, D. D Neuman, S. Neuman, S. I Neuman, S. I Neuman, S. I Neuman, S. I _ MS ssano) Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. T.& E. J.& W. L Bell B & r �� K , Chizik Holdin Chizik Chizik Chizik Prairie White, V. White, V. I White, V. White, V. I I White, V. Klassen, 11429 s Bell6&K Holdings Holdings Holdings Feeders Neuman, S. Neuman, S. I Neuma S. Neuman, S. I I Neuman, S. I A.& N. Stim n, B. I AB Bassano ( ) � Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. � Bell, B.& , I K. Chizik Chizik `'� Chizik Chizik Moss, T. Prairie White, V. I Feeders Neuman, S. I White, V. I Neuman, S. I -VMte-V.,, Neuman, S. I White, V. Neuman, S. I Klassen, ebe, St son, B. Bell, Holdings Holdings. oldings Holdings (Bassano) Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. A.& N. M.&S. B.& Bell,, Chizik Chizik Chizik West GemI rs iebe, M.& K. Wiebe, Highplains Highplains Klassen, Klassen, rrr K. ypldings Holdings Chizik Holdings Ranching o) M.& K. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. N A.& N. oudem A.& N. Consuk I oldings 00 Chizik 3-- - Two Bell I Chizik Holdings Hale, Chizik, H. West Gem2 s Highplains Highplains Klassen, Klassen, L&t Ranch � Holdings J� M Ranching o) Wiebe, M.& K. Moss, T. aFnld Cattle Co. Cattle Co. A.& N. A.& N. Cans Terry,A. 1182 White, V. Hall, Hall, E. E. T1ssT� 165 H II, E.l De P oli, J. De Paoli, J. De Paoli, J. , J. White, V. I Neuman, S. I Neuman, S. I Highplains Hale, Kern, Hale, M. CA �r177 Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Cattle Co. M. 1191 �� AII -22 Hall, E Hall. E. 1d 76 Hall, E. De Paoli, De Paoli, J. De Paoli, J.Neuman, J. White, V. I S. I W . man, S. Kern, Highplains Hale, M. C.& Hall, J Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Cattle Co. Andrus, P. Highplai S E. 1188 hing Cattle C . J Baa r,n 1178 Hall, Aimoto, L 1172 Hale, 1187 Ge White, V. I White, V. I Highplains Highplains Speargrass J V Land Harder, Hall, E. Hal T.& C. Neuman, S. I Neuman, S. I T& C. J.& M. Ranc m9 Latim r, D. Latimer, D. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. & Cattle W. _ oto, L. _ 1189 1174 j 1173 WeStGem Ranching 11921,1`84a3190 1181 Baxter, Hall, Van Di k, Aimoto, L. Aim to Aimoto Farms Hale, J.& M. 1 Neumag3 e Rei r, C. ran on, W. Hale, J.& M. Laz attle Klasen, G. T.& C. rms ensen, M.& R. Jorgensen, Andrus, P. Jorgen Company _ H r550 1160 1170/ gnsen,M.& — — M.&R 117s Fi - _ SSO - - 1.1'6�1 omsm, O Hale, Hale, D. .z ��s4 1185 S. Hale, D. D. D. U. Canada Jorge en, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, — — gjpeIlsen orgensen, J gensen, Jor nsen, Smith D.& L. i M. R. M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. .& R. Mdefi & R. Lazy MC I��dle ioe Jmosea, Hale, R. U. Canada Cattle Company n q E 11'75 1171� Su del ae Hale, R. D. U. Car Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, 1169 Jorgensen, 9 Gr am, p 1186 Lazy MC !9dla* Cattle 11 ralm Cmestok ' D U. M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. q Company feeders Canada 1180 Scodial fl ak Sundial Livestock Sundial Livestock Hale, R. Hale, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, JaTgensen, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Gra Wiebe H.& Lazy MC Saldkddq Feeders Feeders M.& R. Y &R. M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. g J. n Brecht,��n n Cattle arming Co Jorgensen, sundial Sundial Livestock Sundial Livestock Hironaka, M. Hironaka, M. M.& R. Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Jorgensen, Endersby ersby saddlaaq feed' Feeders Feeders Jorgensen, M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. M.& R. Cattle Co. aft Co. Fang 11�61�63 M.& R. IDI41 2170147 A Tetreault, C. 2170147 AB Endersby Endersb Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Er dersby ndersby -ho LAB I Declercq, D. Cage Co. Cattle C Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. the Co. CA NOD Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.63 1 P.64 1 P.65 22-17 22-16 22-15 P.54 P.55 P.56 21-17 21-16 21-15 P.45 P.46 7 20A 7 20-16 20-15 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 A 78 ` O km 79y` 74 75 76 t 0 10 20 7V7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 6L 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a Township 9 10 11 12 1 13 O Map Book 4 s s 7 Page 1 lft"qe64 --0 COUNTY OF COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 21 W + E RGE 16 S 0 0.5 1 Pate ra I moomm==km Hieberf, Berg, M.& L Berg, M.& L. Doerksen Hieberf, R. Heibert, New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. Hiebert, Hiebert, New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. Parker. J&W Farms 1392 H. R.& H: R.& H. _ T Stimson, ie e , B. ' 714296 AB 714296 AB Ted Ennis Ted Ennis TwoBits5 Harder, W. Harder, Eastman, T Eastman, T. EA 66 rich 66 Ranch Farms Farm Farms W. A Ift - / 1ts9 Hieberf, R. T. &T. Stimsoa, Wiebe, MA S. Ron Wiebe 1225 U. of A. Hopp, LA L. Janzen, 1206 Janzen, i A.& D. Janzen, cr Eastman, V. Eastman, V. Hiebert, R. 66�e 66 Ranch B. Farms A.& D. A.& D. Klassen,) R.&N. L & L Oilfield_ ( L & L Oilfield Ron Wiebe Ron Wiebe Janzen C Wiebe, LA D. Wiebe, L.& D. Watson, Hiro aka, M. Wiens, Wiens, yck, Wiens, H.& Consulting Consulting Farms Farms Farms M.& M In Cattle Co. es M.& V. E.& K. E.&K. E.& K. _ C Klassen, L & L Oilfield . L fi L pis Ron Wiebe Ron Wiebe Dyc , Dyck, J. Wiebe, L.& D. Wiebe, Watson, 66 Ranch Wiens, E.& Wiens, E.& K. yc k, Flat 160 � HA A.&N. Consulting Consultiulting Farms Farms J LA D. MA V. K. C. 12001 1 z07 Skyline Hale,) M. Kern, CA S. Wall, C. '- Dyck, CA T. y Wie = Klassen Klassen, G. Kasdorf 2424831 AB Dyck, Hironaka, T, Wiebe, M.& Land& S. I Ron Norton, GA P. Catle Seeds Brown, M. Cattle Co. W.& J. 11 s5 1 zv Wiebe Farms Co. 123A2.74 1202 C' 1231� L&S Hale, Kern, Hare , Dyck, Dyck, W.& J. Wiebe, Janzen, Baxter, Wiebe, LA D. Wieas farms L & Eastman, T. Eastman, ickel, Wiens, EA K. M. _ C.& S. C.& T. L. M.& M. G. S Wiens A.& S. B.& L. 1203 1193 Farms �12oa Imo, Dyck, C.& T. JY Land& Hard Hader, W & W Klassen, L.& J en,T. Dyck, P & S Dyck, P.& S. Kasdorf Cattle Co. Wiens, 725973 AB Dyck, C.& T. LA S. 123 11 sas Eastman, 1261" A.& S. L & S A?ss Cattle L. baste, - � Wiens 1197i �1 �255 48 L.&L 121.-6 120 1212 1235 1226 1209 Farms 1221 azyMC` Berg, J. & S Wiens Farms atlle � Klassen, Klassen, Klassen, Klassen, Ho p, , ters, Lepp, Lepp Hay Wiens, � �lighmauo om an L. K.& A. LA L. L.& L L.& G.& C. S. Baer , Farms L.& S. Rosecroft' Mdway p yi JA R.& J. 1210 ` Farm �T215 1200 HWY550 1z18 -119,4 HWY550 23o aWiebe, ryWiebe, MC MCC,atRIA H.& I.& R. H.& Wiebe, R. 17 Re ehr, g Kasdorf, 725973 AB 24248 AB 1238 Wiens,112,1 Petker, 242483 AB 57T 7Col, R. D. MA K- D. s J. akeda olding AB ompao1205 1,220 1211 T23i (R emary 9 1.233 Regehr, D. Kasdorf, Wiens, Kasdorf Retrlaff, 7 1239 ary CCa Saddleridge Saddleridge Hale, J. Ron Wiebe ,- Dyck, H.& H. Dyck, M.& K. DA Cattle Co. K.& K. J. Ta da Hall, Petker Hay Hol in s g &K. m Farming Co. Farming Co. Farms HA H. Kasdorf Cattle KasdoifCahle Farms (Ros mary)z23 Co. � Kasdorf, L. Retzlaff, K & K. Co. I Kasdorf, L. 1.z2a 1219 etkerHayFann 121a° CaCade Saddleridge Saddleridge Wiebe, R. Ron Wiebe Sa dleri ge Saddleridge Ka orf Cattle orf Cattle Co. Preston, M. 1222 ' 1213258 mpao Farming Co. Farming Co. Farms Fa" ing Co. Farming Co. Kasdorf, Kasdorf, Pres n, M. Saddleridge HA L. IL. Farming Co. eafl, Kasdorf Kasdorf 1232 RAR. —" Elesby Saddleridge Caala Saddleridge Wiebe, Ron Wiebe Saddleridge addleridge Cattle Co. Cattl o. Wiebe, Wiebe, Critt Critters Critter Co. Farming Co. Farming Co. R. Farms Farming Co. rming Co. Kasdorf, Ka sd , r MA S. MA S. ro s & Crops & HA L. HA L 1228 'Crops 868-' -842 Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby Endersby ersby Hornberger, Hornberger,T714296 Wiebe, A. 714296 AB Dyck, 1786088 AB Cattle Co! Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Cattle Co. Catt Co. R.& G. R.& G. AB Norton, G.& P. JtoO fD Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.64 P.65 P. 22-16 22-15 22-14 P.55 P.56 P.57 21-16 21-15 21-14 P. 46 P. 47 20-16 20-15 20-14 5km m O Current Page 7 Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (SOm interval) N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a ]s ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 11 12 13 Township 10 2 O 3 Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 M, COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 21 W + E RGE 15 S 0 0.5 1 Me 56 wmmmKz=km New rants, Parker, T. I 66 Ranch iRRaaoh Ranch Inv. - . r ` 1407 _. 1416 66 Pack r, Parker, Parker, 66 Ranch T.& L.& S. L.& S. 66 Ranch 66 Ranch and Crooked 1275 66 Parker, Ranch L.& S. Creek66 Ranch 66 Ranch Ranching eer C.& I. ear, 1252 Takeda Wiens, Dyck, Feeding Norton, Norton, Hirona C. E.& K. H.& C. Co G.& P. G.& P. M. 66 Ranch 66 Ranch 125 _31:270 Flag Dyck, Takeda Norton, 160� H.& C. Dyck, Feeding Co GA P. Hironaka, M. Peltzer, R. 66 Ranch 66 Ranch H.& C. � 1240 Hironaka, M. — j Culligan, g 66 Rant Noll G.& P. Skyline Land Takeda 66 Ranch Hironaka, G. Hironaka, M. Hironaka, T Kokay Far s 66 Ra ch 66 Ranch Culligan, g Culligan g & Cattle Co. Feeding Co J.& J. J.& J. J&J. 123417,4 1262: Take a fliens, Nickel, Fee ing 1919655 AB Hironaka, Neufeld, W. Hironaka, Hironaka, Ma in, 66 Ranch Tamura, G. Culligan, Culligan, Culligan E.&K. B.& L. o �2s9 M. M. T R. L. J.& J. J.& J. J&J 20,4 1981-261 Parker, 1257 1256 j Johnson, I Gallup, A. T Parker, T. Hironaka, M. I Hironaka, Hironaka, Hironaka, M. onaka, Cormack, Cormack, Corma , J. Cormack, \ G.& C. Parker, Himark Farms M. J.& J. J. J.&J. 2211255 Highmount 1986034 AB - T Peltzer, 1271 311111 Kern, C. Kern, Crosst Zad Hironaka, M. Peltzer, Hironaka, T C ack, Cormack, J. C rni Coma Fan Midway Spragg; C. Co ction D.& K. D.& K. J & J &J B.&C. amchelle,W. Afar Farms 1241 1'244 2483 571576 qB 1243 - - Jxh AD Miller, Miller, E & Kem,�'S- Afar Farms Peltzer, tzer, Tamura, G. Ta ra, G. 12as Con ck, J. Jack Endersb y Endersb am aloe E.& R. Hacmys R Afar Farm Farms Rmem True 1zA Hall, B.& ° o Hucm: Rem Hall, B.& K. K. Afar Farms us, Peltzer, Kraus, Tamura, Jack 1z90 Deschamps, Peltzer, R. Afar Farms Afar Farm V G. Cormack, J. Endersby BA SA L. 1264 DA K. Tamura, 3R Farms „m 1223 1250 1273' 1249 12a8 1263 G 1260 Farms , 213 ass 1W2/ �sdampa, Deschamps, _ utschmari .L.M. Fe ra Tamura, G. Jack M Jac —; B&S&L B.& S.& L. Dyck, E. Dyck, C.& A. Oke L T. D.L.M. Feeders 124s D.L.M. Kraus, V. Tamura, Tamura, G. Endersby emb Retzlaff, 1267R&MARA Retzlaff, Morishita, L. Feeders G. Farms 125s far 1265 R.& R. Redd, 1251 Okell, D.& L. Rutschmain,T.� Kraus, Jack — CriRe R.&M.& Retzlaff, R.& lzss Morishita,t. D M. V. Endersb ak & R.&E. M.& R. E. Petker, V.& Baer g, R.& J. 1254 Dyck, Feeders Feeders Kraus, V. Jensen, E. Farms Jack Fndemb litters M Dyck, C.& Kraus, rRkrsby fa as Craps Crops 12ssL C.& A. A. D.L.M. Feeders Famrs _ HWY550' 124z 12a7 HWY550 01 r0 n�oas ' Dyck, t917 Retzla , Dyck, 883 Dyck, Retzlaff, Retzlaff Retzla D.L.M. Anchor 898 894 922 891 B R.& J. 887 R.& E. A.& L. A.& L. R.& M. Feeders H Farms Kraus, V. ra �. 1008 Farms V. nase IfD V Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 65 R 66 22-15 22-14 P..67 22-13 P.56 P.57 P.58 21-15 21-14 21-13 P. A7 R 48- P. 49 20-15 20-14 20-13 5 km m mraa�M O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I. Contours (50m interval) N So"' 0 12,500,000 ` A ]' O km ]9 ]a 15 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 s8 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 Township 13 2 ; � Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 66 M, COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 21 W + E RGE 14 S 0 0.5 1 W" 57 wmmmKz=km 66 66 Ranch o. o —425 Ranch 141gal 078828 AB 1078828 AB ma ~ Springside 1416 �Hult. v Brefh. aun.a,arl� 66 anc Endersby Endersby, Endersby Springside Springside spri pid Ranch dersby Ranch. DA D. Ranch. Hutt. Breth. eun. Hutt. Breth. areth. Ranc 1221871 AB d2261ft 30 2 1275 66 Zeer, Zeer, Culligan, Culligan, Cross Cross Coulee Cross Coulee Cross Springside Springside * Fi Hut. Ranch' C.& I. R. Coulee Ranch. /Ranch. Coulee Cross BHutt. Hutt. Breth. Breth. smm Ranch. r Ranch. Coulee Ranch. 12a2 1303 1r2.'- — Springside 66 Zeer, Culligan 9 Culligan, Gross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Hutl. Springside Springside same Zeer, C.& I. Ranchll CA I. 1311 R& E. R.& E. Coulee Coulee Coulee Coulee Coulee Coulee Breth. Hutt. Breth. H n. Hutt. Breth. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. In s� Iin- Douglass, 66 MGD 12218711221871 Cross Roberts, Cross Bearspaw Cross Cross rso2 �� Springside Springside 4s'0' J.& Ranch AB AB Coulee E& J. Coulee Beasley, A. y Mgmt Coulee Coulee Hutt. Breth. Hu Hutt. Breth. 66 M.& M. ��ing Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Bud Ranc 1291 12,79 1307 ulligan, Wiens, Douglass, b281 Bearspaw Bearspaw Bearspaw Bearspaw Bearspaw Bearspaw Bearspaw Bearspaw Springside Springside 4N0e J. D A MA M. �, Mgmt Mgmt Mgmt Mgmt Mgmt Mgmt Mgmt Mgmt Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. srem. Culliga JA J. Springside sr Culligan, aMa Douglass, Bearspaw Bearspaw Neigu Bearspaw Bearspaw Eckert, D.& Bearspaw Springside Hutt. Breth. C0000ts, &J J.& J. M J.& M.& M. g I& B. 129� i� Mgmt g Mgmt g Eckert, S. Eckert, J. D. I Lauber, M mt 9 Hutt. Breth.A&S. Springside �I / 1298 i1276 J.& S. Hutt. Breth. W 0 Cormack, Cormack, Bearspaw Bearspaw Bearspaw Bearspaw Eckert, Eckert, McKnight, Endersby McKnight, ooneis. J.& J. 1277 J.& J. Mgmt Mgmt Mgmt Mgmt S.& J. DA D. 708012 AB R.& J. Ranch. R.& J. A&S. Cormack Donets Sotmad, J.& J. Cormack, Bearspaw Bearspaw Sugden, Eckert, Eckert, McKnight, McKnight, Endersby Cc ers, A&S. d ormack, J.& J. Mgmt Mgmt g S. Sugden, A.& DA D. R.& J. R.& J. Ranch. & S. cRoght A J. �p 1285 1 j305 End¢tsb Er:=.rau Jack Endersby, Endersby, Endersby y Martin Martin Eckert, 708012 AB ro2s7 Springside Springside 611876A6 611876 AB°H�a' as. fatm ndersby C. C. Farms Cattle Co. Cattle J 708012 AB Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Farms Cc 61 876 AB 1-31 708012 12 12ss 290 Jack Endersby Martin Sugden, S. AB 1301 Springside 130s Kay Cattle Kay Endersby Endersby, C. Endersby, C. Farms Cattle Co. 1295 McKnight g Hutt. Breth. ` Kay Cattle Cattle armr�es arms Farms 1304 Sugden, S.. Endersby, D. Ranch. 1287 r2s3 30( Jack / 1300 1292 Endersby 1)"R59 Endersby, C. Endersby, C. Endersby Martin Bandura, ugden, S. McKnight, 66 Ranch y C le Kay Farms Farms Cattle Co. J.& S. R& J. 570895 AB Kay Cattle Cattle 1289 ^� 1288 A. 1�3A0 1286 10 Jack Endersby, IP Martin, Bandura I Eoders6y, Endersby C Endersby, C. Wylie, Martin, J & Bandura, W. Lawson, J. Moeller, 570895 AB 708012 AB Neufeld, Kay famx Farms Endersby, D. W. S. J & J DA K. K.& C. Cattle 1;308, DA D. ;' 1294 1278 1:095 952 LibertyQ53 9.45- 956— �" - O'Hara, s5a Endersby County of 1 -- - - sso Bunney, 948 Sugden, Rommenbutte omm mbutte Lawson, Murphy, W_& Bandura, kwu Rommenbutte loos Trucking T. Ranch. Newell D.& B. Dai Dairy J. L. J.& S. Dairy cPv at 2 0 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 66 22-14 P. s� P. 68 22-13 22-12 P.57 P.58 P.59 21-14 21-13 21-12 P.48 P.49 P.50 20-14 20-13 20-12 5 km m Mies O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page ,11 Contours (SOm interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 A O km 79 7a 75 76 0 10 20 7p7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 8 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a Township 9 10 11 12 13 2 ; � Map Book 4 s s 7 Page 1 Page 67 M, COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 21 W + E RG E 13 S 0 0.5 1 �e momilliIikm Springside 6 Springside Springside 1442 Springside 1 Springside Springside Canners, Conners, Lelek, 1435 Conn rs, G. Dale, mese d. sk9. SprmgsideHuft.Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. G.& N. G. S. R.& M. ns4 Hutt.Breth. 1436 '`� 1338 340 o side Springside Springside ga n Springside Springside Springside I Springside Springside Conners, G. Neely Agro 1339 Conners, G. wadzki, Neel Radford, S. 6reM. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. \Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. D & M. Agro 1331 1333 [,1314 1337 - g""3S'� Hd1. Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside Neely, y NeelyAgro t0 Zawadzki, Neel Genovese, J. srz,n Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Huff. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Neel L. X J.& S. PS. 00 DA M. Agro Springside 3 Neely, _ Hutt. Breth. P'H'its�' Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside L. pringside Springside NeelyAgro NeelyAgro Neely, Springside s,zh Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. utt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. J,&S. Hutt. Breth. SpringMeHu6. - - — Springside Springside Springside Breth. Springside Springside Springsi TSingside Springside Springside NeelyAgro NeelyAgro NeelyHutt. sen Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Springside Hutt. Bre Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. &S. 1330 Hutt. Breth. stle Hut Springside Springsideside deth. KHLPtt Springsidea Hutt. Breth. Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside Neely, J.& J. Neely, J.& J. Neely, Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. J. r - 1332 _ _ Spirigstle Hit �,32s Springside I se Connors, Connors, 1,317 Hutt. Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside Neely, Neely, J.& J. Neely, A.& S. A.& S. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hut Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. J.& J. J �� tr. 13151328 � a Conners, 13131,326 Spnngu a Springside Springside Springside S rin side p g Springside S Springside side p g Hutt. Breth. Springside Hutt. Breth Neely, J. Neely, Neely, J. y VeX. A.& S. 1312f Hult. Hutt.-Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. cKnight,Bnh JAS. 1323 1324 R.& J. pringsideConners, S. Andrus, Springside Springside Springside Hutt. Breth.A.& McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, Lawson, Lawson Lawson, J. A&S. McKnight, Koleyac,G. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. cKnight, R.& J R.& J. R.& J. J J. 1318 T. - 1325 R.& J. _ _ _ 611616 Davidson, McKni AB T.& K. R.& J. McKnight, McK McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, Lawson, awson, LawsonJ cKnight, R.& J. & J. R.& J. R.& J. R.& J. R.& J. R.& J. R.& J. J , . J 1176P17.. 1316 1319 Kay 13 0 Kay Cattle 1awsln, Kay Cattle McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, McKnight, Lawson, J. Lawson, J. J Cattle R.& J. R.& J. R.& J. R.& J. R.& J. R.& J. R.& J. R.& J. III Kay Cattle Kay 'roar, r'293 Cattle _ H 1.322 1321 Kay Kay Cattle Ka Cattle y Kay Cattle Springside g AB Forage g _ AB Forage — g McKnight McKnight Alberta Forage Alberta Forage Owen J Cattle Hutt. Breth. Farming Farming Cattle Co Cattle Co Farming Farming 1336 6 �o Neufeld, Kay Cattle Kay, J. Kay Cattle Springside AB Forage AB Forage Farming Bandura, J. Bandura, J. Alberta Forage Alberta OD Forage K&C. Hutt. Breth. Farming Bandura, Farming Farming Alberta Forag \ Bonnefield Torkelson, Kay Cattle Springside Bandura, Bandura, Bandura, I Alberta Forage GP V K. Hutt. Breth. J. J. J J. Farming Farming Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions — P.68 22-13 22-12 6 1, F C 1 A L AREA 5 BOAR 6 ( A R E A N O. 2 P. 58 21-13 P• 59 21-12 P. 60 21-11 P.49 P.50 P.51 20-133 20-12 20-11 k O Current Pace O Surroundinc Cnunties N 80 1:2,500,000 A 78 km O ]9 Ya 75 ]s l 0 10 20 Tr4 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 52 63 54 55 56 5] s8 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 Township 10 11 12 13 2 � Map Book 13 4 s 6 T Page 1 --0 COUNTY a. COUNTY OF N TWP 21 W + E RGE 12 S n n r_ n FPS&IM Bill SO C� 0 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.68 N 80\ 1:2,500,000 %22-12 s km ]9 �a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 IM 7I'7i COUNTY 69 70 71 7273 OF 61 62 63 64 65 66NEw E�� 67 68 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 P. 59 60 TW P 21 P. 60 4344 45 46 47 48 45 50 N 2 1 -1 2 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 21-11 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 2, 22 23 24 25 26 RG E 1 1 W+E P. 50 P. 51 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,6 „ 20-12 20-11 O Current a Township I 9 ,0 11 12 13 w O Map Book 2�3 4 5 6 7 Pfte 601 5 km m Page 1 O Current Page O Surrounding Counties 0 0.5 1 O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) mmmmn=z=km Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions I P.69 23-18 P. 61 22-19 P. 52 -21-19 5 km m C A N—N O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page - Contours (50m interval) P. 62 22-18 P. 53 21A8 N 80 12,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 ]r] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 ss 56 a] 58 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 156 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2 ; E__I Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 __0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF N TWP 22 W + E RG E 19 S 0 0.5 1 km Pfte 61 � Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. W H EATLAN D COUNTY Newell Yewell 91L— Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Toth, Co -Dirt Farms Co -Dirt Farms Smillie Farms Smillie Farms Green Acres Green Acres Mitchell, S. I Mitchell, S. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. M_ Okee Dokee Co -Dirt Farms Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Hutt. Hutt. Farms Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Smillie Farms illie Farms Smillie Farms Smillie Farms Breth. Breth. Hufl, ;SqJII.LF_arms Newell Newell Breth Newell Co -Dirt Farms Okee Co -Dirt Farms Fairville Hutt. Breth. Fairville Hutt. Breth. Smillie Farms Douglass Farms Smillie Farms Smillie Drr)Ls milliAFatms. D.R.W. Farms D.R.W. Farms R.W. Dokee FarmsFarms Kargard, M. Kargard, M. Fairville Hutt. Breth. Fairville Hutt. Breth. Smillie Farms Smillie Farms Smillie Farms 71 Smillie Farms Smillie Farms Smillie Farms D.R.W. Farms D.R.W—Farm R.W. arms 136Q Kargard, M. Kargard, Kargard, Kargard, Smillie Farms Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville irill M. M. M Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. A mth. Green 1360 Kargard, M. Acres Green Acres Hutt. Green Acres Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Ville Hutt. 1363 Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. A Breth. reth. Kargard, Fairville S.& Green Acres Green Acres Green Acres Fairville Fairville Hutt. Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville iville E.lK rgard, Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. eN M. G,�enAcres Kelly Farms Kelly Farms Kelly Farms Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairvill I .itt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. tt. HuHutt. reh. Chizik M. & L. Farms Kelly Farms Kelly Farms Kelly Farms Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Holdin Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. ding Breth. (gtin Crowfoot Land Kelly Farms Kelly Farms ey Farms Kelly Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Hold' Chizik Livestock & Li Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Idings Breth. Kelly Farms Kelly Farms Kelly Farms Kelly Farms Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville J. ClarkJ ar, J. Clark, J Chizik Chizik hizik Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. , Holdings Holdings oldin; Barlow, Barlow, J. -Kelly Farms Kelly Farms Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Clark, Clark, Chizik Chizik hizik J. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. J. J. Holdings Holdings olding 1362 i Kelly Farms Kelly Farms Fairville Fairville Fairville Fairville Beringer, Beringer, Hale, Hale, R. M & Hutt. Breth. Hutt, Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. C. C. R. Farm J(D Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.69 P.70 23-18 23-17 P.61 P.62 P.63 22-19 22-18 22-17 P.52 P.53 P.54 - 21-19 21-18 21-17 5 km MM=n mw� O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N So"' 0 12,500,000 ` A ]' O km ]9 ]a 15 ]s l 0 10 20 7F 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 Township 13 ED Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 69 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 22 W + E RGE 18 S 0 0.5 1 Pate 62 mommozz=km Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. utt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Newell Newell Breth. 148o Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Newell II Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Mitchell, Toth, M. Toth, M. S. Hutt. I Hutt. Hutt. Breth. 1 Breth. Breth. Newell Newell Newell D.R.W. Farms R.W. Farms D.R.W. Farms D.R.W Farm R.W. Farms D.R.W. Farms Fairville Hutt. Fairville Fairville Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. P 44 , ailville tth HA Fairville Fairville Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. �S MA S B. Fairville Fairville Huh. Fairville r, Hutt. Breth. Breth. Hutt. Breth. w tV FaiNille Fairville Fairville �� fi Val Weser fir Hutt Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Chizik Chizik Chizik Chizik Chizik Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings b Chizik l Holdings Chizik Chizik Chizik Chizik 1 Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings D.R.W. D.R.W i Farms Farms Chizik D.R.W. Chizik Chizik Fairville Chizik Holdings Farm ood Holtliogs Holdings Hutt. Breth. Holdings D.R.W. Farms D.R.W. D. a3 D.R.W. Farms Farms N D.R.W. 4Chizik Chizik Chizik Chizik Chizik D.R.W. Farms Farms 13.4 npI Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings D.R.W. Farms cod, r i Kilcup,' Bell, D. Bell, B. K. M. ale, Kim,I M. & L. Farms KI & G.W.K. G.W.K. G.W.K. Farm W.K. Farms G.W.K. Farms G.W.K. Farrns1128112o R. & L. Farms & F Farms Farms S.& C. B.& K. Idings fD W Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.`69 P.70 P.71 23-18 23-17 23-16 P.62 P.63 P.64 22-18 22-17 22-16 P.53 P.54 P.55 21-18 21-17 21-16 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 8o\ 1:2,500,000 A 78 ` O km 79� 7a 75 76 \ 0 10 20 7Vq 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 Township 10 11 12 13 2 ; 0 Map Book 4 s 6 7 Page 1 Page 70 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 22 W + E RG E 17 S 0 0.5 1 Pate 63 momow--ikm d _ - Blue Blue Rock Blue Rock blue Fraser, Rock Blue Rock Walde, o Ranc H' Ranch. Ranch. WA Ranch. Ranch. MA C.& M. DA B. 1g79 138,85 Fraser, W.& r._. 13�74 1388 Pickett Pickett Pickett Blue Rock Blue Rock lue Rock Fay M.& Fraser, WA Blue Rock Rase, Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. w.a DA � MADAB. Ranch. p I 31 6B Masse Bee,K. Pankratz, �_ Q1368 Pickett Pickett Pickett, Blue Rock Blue Rock Fraser, fa¢f, W.&M.& Klassen, Klassen, A.& S. esh, p 13ao Plett, Pickett Ranch. Ranch. L.& S. Ranch. Ranch. W& MA AA N. Biieie k. Ranch. DA B. J.& S. Pickett 1379 - 140 �? io Pickett Pickett Pickett Pickett Pickett Ranch. Klassen, N Klassen, 1386 Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Klassen, A.& N. 1381 Braun, D. GA R. � Braun, D � � _ 30 1370 N _28 A.& N. � Gem � Pickett Land U " Pickett Pickett Pickett Pickett Ranch. Klassen, Klasse Plett, & Cattle Braun, erg, " ` Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Klassen, DA T. A.& N. L& Plett, GA L. Braun, A. A L. 1387 - — A.& N. 138*3, 1396 Hale, 7Ha, B. M.& B. 1142559AB Hale, DA L. 1078828AB West Gem Ranching Willms, pickelt S. Klassen DA T. Plett, G. L. Doerksen, T.& Y Pickett, R.& D. etkau, _ A Ranch. 22 YI Hale, Hale, MA B Hale B. Hale, DA L. 11078828AB West 1371 Gem West Gem Willms, A. Willms, A. 1367 Filkohazy, ckett, Braun M.& B. Ranching Ranching Willms, B.& D. 1142559 AB R.& D. Farm � A. 1378 1390 Psketl, o Hale Hale, M g B M.& B. Pickett, Hale, D.& L. 1078828 AB Willms, Willms, 1142559 AB Filkohazy, Pi eft, Pickett, R& 136s L.& S. W. W. B.& D. & D. R.& D. D. o - 1391 1398 1366 JKCattleCo. JKCattleCo. 5591142559 mr 114255 B Walde, �I Hale, Hale, M.& B. Pickett, Hale, D.& L. L.& S. Walde, C.& MIckell R.& Hale, M.& B. AB AB = C.& M. M.& B. 137+7 1373 137.. 13761389 D.R.W.Farms _ 138P � D. Hale, Hale, M.& Hale, M.& B. � b B. MA B. D.R.W. Farms D.R.W. Farms Wood, D. Walde, DA K. Walde, Walde, C.& Wal Walde, Walde, C.& M. ihompsm R.W. DA K. CA M. CA M. i NT 1372 Farms D.R.W.4 D.R.W. Farms Wood, D. Wood, D. Wood, D. k Wood, D. Wood, D. Walde, DA K. Walde, DA K. -41 Walde, CA M. Walde, CA M. Stim n, B. Stimson, B. Farms C.&T D.R.W. Wood, D. Wood, D. Wood, D. Wood, D. Wood, D.Walde, XdFarms DA K. Walde, DA K. Walde, CA M. Walde, CA M. Stim Paetkau,P.& K. P.& K. 1364 Wood, D White, V. I White, V. � White, V. � White, V. � White, V. I Berg, I Wood, D. Wood, D. Wood, D. Wood, D. Prairie Neuman, S. I Neuman, S. Neuma , S. Neuman, S. Neuman, S. Simo Hiebert, & \. Feeders Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latim �, D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. J.& W. L. (Bassano) Chizik Chizik Chizik Chizik Prairie White, V. White, V. White, V� Whde, V Klassen, A.& 42 �IB H gs Holdings Holdings Holdings Feeders Neuman, S. Neuman, S. Neuman, S. Neuman, S. Neuman, S. N. Sti son, B. AB (Bassano Latimer D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latimer, D. Latimer D. r Al Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.70 P.71 P.72 23-17 23-16 23-15 P. 63 P.64 P.65 22-17 22-16 22-15 P. c. t P. 55 21-17 21-16 21-15 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours i 50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 ]' ` O km ]9 A ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 7F 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 6L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 1a 19 Current a 11 12 13 9 16 Township 0 Map Book2'3 4 5 6 ] Page 1 Page 71 --0 COUNTY OF N TWP 22 W + E RG E 16 S 0�e .5 1 mmmmKz=km Walde, yck, .& emLand Gem Land Willms, L.IWalde, Walde, A.& C. Doerksen, A. Willms, E. CA M. � Catlle & Cattle E. I 1384' HWY862 HWY556 I395 Blue Fraser, D.1397 Doer sen, Doerksen, Rock '� griere, K. Walde, A.& C. A & W. Deld Agro Plett, . T.& Y. Ranch Pank 1394 US. Fraser, D. Braun, Doerksen, Plett, Briere, K. Berg, MA L. , Geo ge, W. Doerksen, T. RA R. I& Y. nDoerksen,_ &9 1403 A402 Paetkau, G Stewart, A.& L. PA K. Wiebe, StmA Doerksen Braun, Gem. MA K. Farms R.& R. Land ° A. .d & 14T4 Cattlel 1393 1 Berg, MA L. Berg, MA L. Berg, A.& M. Berg, A.& a M. 1396 Paetkau, 591155AB ckot,l R& D. A. Pae u, A. T Paetkau, A. 591155 AB 591155 AB fi- 11ao1 i 22 Picked RAD.'Braun Braun Farms M.W.A. Farms M.W.A. Farms M.W.A. Farms[New 91155AB 5911551E 591155AB 591155 AB 100 _. Pickedi 591155 A6 1399 UD.l Pickett, R.& D. M.W.A. Farm M.W.A. Farms M.W.A. Farms 591155 AB 591155 AB 591155 AB [pI Inv. New Inv. 1398 13 a aIda. Pickett � & M. R.& D � M.W.A. Farms M.W.A. Farms M.W.A. Farms New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. I New Inv. New Inv. L Waldo,, Thompson, Thompson, Christianson, Wolfman UM.� C.& T. C.& T. W.& C. D.& A. New Inv. F. New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. Stimsnnj Thompson, Plett, Doerksen Wolfman, New Inv. Hiebert, S. CA T. V Farms DA A. New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. RA HA New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. — New Inv. New Inv. New Inv. Hiebert, Hiebert, Robert, New Inv. 14 Paetkau, Paetkau, P&K.1 Doerksen, Regehr, New Inv. P. K. DA K F.& GA N. R.& H. R.& H. R.& H. Francis, 13A S. Hieberl' Berg,MA L. DoerksenTHiebert,R. Berg, .& L. Farmseibert, H New Inv. ,Hiebert11 rtNew Inv. New Inv. New Inv.&N. New Inv. R.& LN. Pacer, Hiebert,Parker, 66 Ranch 66 Ranch nsoq 714296 AB Ted Enns 714296 AS Ted Enns5 Harder, W. Harder, n Eastman, l Eastman, T. Farms Farms W EA A. T&T. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 73 P.71 P.72 23-14 23-16 23-15 P ARC P.64 P.65 P.66 22-16 22-15 22-14 P.55 P.56 1 P. 21-16 21-15 21-14 5km m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 ]' ` O km ]9 A ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 ]r, 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 6L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 1613 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township O Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 72 --0 COUNTY UA COUNTY OF N TWP 22 W + E RGE 15 S 0.5 1 �e mmmmm==km o� �o L ARE A Riverbend Pnd °6 Riverbend J o a lass Ranch las8 B O A R D Ranch HWY556 HWY556 n 1aclalo (A R N p Riverbend \ Ranch Riverbend Riverbend Riverbend U.ofA. U Ranch Ranch Ranch of A. \ Riverbend \ ISO arch Riverbend Riverbend U. f U. of A. U. of A. Ranch Ranch of U. of A. A. 1412 1413 loos Riverbend 1 U. of arch Allisoq U A. U. of A. U. of A. U. of A. C.& K. of A. U. of A. J.ofA, 4 U. of U. U. of A. A. U. of A. U. of A. U. of A. of U. of A. A. — — UOf A. I U. FUof U. ,r 1-0 VV of A. R U. of A. A. U. of A. of 1 a41 U A. U. of A- U U. U. of U. of A. of U. of A. U. of A. of A. A of A. A. I 66 66 Ranch Q o 66 Ranch 66 Ranch eo 66 Ranch 66 Ranch U. 66 Ranch of anch ® i LPd 66 A. d 66 Ranch 66 Ranch 0 Ranch 66 Ranch 66 Ranch 66 Ranch 66 Ranch U of I O 1405 0 J' A. O 66 Ranch n 66 Ranch 66 Ranch 66 Ranch U. of o O A. U. 66 Ranch 66 Ranch 66 Ranch of New po 66 R2d A. Inv. loos I New Francis, I 66 Ranch a 6�Ranch U Inv. BA S of A. li 6 IInv 66 Parker, T. 66 Ranch 66 Ranch Ranch 1 1407 EE Parker, Parker.. Parker, 66 Ranch T.& T. L.& S. L.& S. 66 Ranch 66 Ranch anch Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 22-14 S P E C I A L A R E A S B O A R v 22-13 21-14 21-13 P• 5s' 21-12 5kmYm O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I. Contours (50m interval) N 80 12,500,000 ]' ` O km ]9 A ]a ]s ]s l 0 10 20 ]p7 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 52 63 54 55 56 57 L 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township O Map Book 2 ; 4 s 6 ] Page 1 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 22 W + E RG E 13 S 0 0.5 1 Me �7 mmmmr==km S P E C I A L A R EAS BOA R D (A REA N O 2) 1��!.Nenner, M.& Eide, �1G✓� S. G. L pnngside \ . elek, S Wenner, MA S. 7awadAu Eide, d4 dutt. Breth. G. Conners, G. G. n Lelek, 4s9 Springside Hutt. Breth.- Conners, G. Conners, G. S. Dale, R. Eide, G. A ��lside Lelek, S: 1443 pringsideHutt.Breth 14dott. Breth. 1437 1438> Springside Springside Springside 1442 Springside Springside Conners, Conners, G. Lelek, S. Coning Dale, R.& M. °09¢ f�Springside Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. G.& N. 1435 ' Splrir;., eHut.Brelh. Hutt. Breth. r 1436 1338 H WY8.7.6 9339 1340 ;i,dside Springside Hutt Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside Conners, G. NeelyAgro Conners, G. I wadzki, Neel Radford, S. &eN Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. M Hutt. Breth. ..Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. D.& M. Agro 1331 t 1333 1314 'Ju ip 1337 ...�/ tlo Itl¢ q r Hut rin side Springside" p g(Neely, Springside Springside Springside Springside Breth. Neely, L.y J.& S. Neel A ro g Zawadzki, Neel Genovese, J. Bretd. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hdtt.-Br*. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. DA M. Agro — — — — 1`-334 Springside Neely, Hutt. Breth. °pdogside Hon Hutt Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside ''�� pringside Springside NeelyAgro NeelyAgro Neely, Springside Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. utt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. AS. Hutt. Breth. Im PHurltl¢ HctSpringside Springside SpringsideSpringside Z Springside Spnrgsi S ingside Springside Springside NeelyAgro NeelyAgroNeely, Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Bre Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. u .Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. J.&S. 1330 • .. pn°gsida Springside Springside 1327 3p6rigide tng de Springside Springside Springside Springside Springside Neely, Neely, J.& Neely Breth Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Springside Hutt. r�th. tt..8reth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. J.& J. J. J. Hutt. Breth. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N 80 12,500,000 A 78 km av ]9 �a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 COUNTY • 7I'7NEWELL i COUNTY SPECIAL ARE 69 90 71 7273 OF B 0 A R D - 61 62 63 64 65 66 IN 0 67 NEWE111 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 6'0 N P. 68 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 fit T W P 2 2 22-13 22-12 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ,.,.i.i2120 29 30 31 32 33 34 W � E RG E 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �/ P. 58 P. 59 14 15 +6 ,a " Current a 21-13 21-12 Township ^3 10 11 12 13 S O Map Book 4 5 6 �.J 5 km Page68 O Current Page O Surrounding Counties 0 0.5 1 O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) km Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. H EATLAN S 24-17 C O U ' P.69 P.70' 23-18 23-17 22-19 22,-rl 22-17 5kmm '' ... O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) N 8o\ 1:2,500,000 A ]' ` O km ]9y` ]4 75 7 6l 0 fir) 2" ]r] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 s8 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a Township 9 10 11 12 13 2 � �-3 Map Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 __0 COUNTY•' COUNTY OF N TWP 23 W + E RGE 18 S r 0 0.5 1 ame 691 �km Hut WHEATLAND Bret. COUNTY spring HWY561 HWY561 145$ 1463 1462 Clearview Clearview Cl arvlew Clearvlew Lan -Bar Clearview Clearview Hutt. Bret. Clearview Clearvlew 11aNii Sage Farms 2060484 AB Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hut . Breth. H. Breth. Farms Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Spring Vew Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hun. 1 � Breth. Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Hutt. Bret. Huff .rBret. Clearview Clearview �geami Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hut. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Spring View ing Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. View 'Hut Breth. Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Clearview V Clearview Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Spring Spring Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. ' View View Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview I Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Hutt. Bretth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Clearview Hutt. Br th. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. T Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearvt w Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Hutt. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. w Hutt. Breth. 7Huft. Hutt. B th. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Breth. th. I —23 1457 Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Clearview Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. 1456 Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Clearview Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt.1 Hutt. Clearview Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Brethl Breth. Hutt. Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Breth. Hutt. I Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Breth. BBreth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. CA Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Hutt. Breth.— Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. 2 Newell Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell . , 146t rawlin • alley -Reservoir Hutt. IHuff. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Breth. breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Hutt. HuBiett. Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell rNewell Newell 1458 1459 III r IA 6 _ Hutt. LLHuff Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. I Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt. Hutt, Hutt. Hutt. Breth. Breth. Breth. I Breth. Breth. I Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Breth. Newell t Newell Newell Newg11 1461, Newell lNewell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Newell Mitchell, S. MitcJSToth, Toth, M. M. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 74 P. 75 24-17 24-16 P. 70 P. 71 23-18 23-17 23-16 P. 62 P. 63 22-18 22-17 22-16 Skm m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page 1 Contours (50m interval) N 80 1:2,500,000 ]' ` O km ]9y` A ]4 75 ]6l 0 1L) ZD ],.I 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Cur ent a 9 10 11 12 13 Ili Township � Map Book 2 ; 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 74 __0 COUNTY UA COUNTY OF N TWP 23 W + E RGE 17 S 0.5 1 Pate 701 mmommikm Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Spring Spring Spring Spring �1461 View HWY561 last Clearview Clearview Hutl. 'Bret. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Spring I View Hutl Clearview Clearview Bret Brett. Hutt. Breth. Hutt. Breth. Spring View Cleamew Hutt. Bret. Huh. Broth. Spring View Hutl. Clearview Bret. Hut. Bret. piing Yew 14¢9 - — --— — CaMew k Cu vft. - Hutl. Bret. i Spring S View Huff 1 ass Bret. Spring Vie 1467 / � I 1466 it Blue Rock 1464 r I Blue Rock Blue Rock Blue Rock Rgrrch. 6oihnei / I Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. 1465 GA1lip. / - D Blue Rock Blue Rock Blue Rock Blue deihai, a +/ Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Rock _ C. Ranch. ravel g Valley Reservoir racer, Blue Rock Ranch. Blue Rock Ranch. Blue Rock Blue Rock Ranch. Ranch. 8MA All Hull. Breth. Blue Rork Blue Rock Blue Rock glue Blue Rock aser, Newell Randy Ranch. Ranch. Rock Ranch. B.& B. !- AB. n Ranch. Pickett Pickett Pickett Blue Rock Blue Rock lue Rock Fraser, W Fraser, W.& Sal Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. Ranch. WA MA MA DA B. O (D V Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P.74 24-17 P.75 24-16 P.76 24-15 P.70 P.71 P.72 23-17 23-16 23-15 P.63 P.64 P.65 22-17 22-16 22-15 5km m p COUNTY A COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 23 W + E RGE 16 S - ; T- O Current Page O Surrounding Counties 0 0.5 1 p® (� 1 O Map Book Page I Contours (50m interval) MtM mommu=km Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Song iew Hutt. Bret. Spring Spring H WY567. View View HWY862 Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. rasz Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. ia8o Douglass Spring Spring Spring Spring View Spring Spring S rin Douglass, Douglass, Agro Douglass Ag4 View View View 1a8s View View View R. B. Galameau, �gBss R.& C. Igrougl atl.Bret.Spq tt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. 1490 Hutt. View Hutt. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Douglass View S rin 9 Bret. Bret. S rin P g Spring Holdin s g Dou lass, g 9P Dou lassing Douglas View Spring Spring View View AgroDouglassAgro View View 149- 1476 LHutt. DouglassAgro Agro [.Huff. Bret. Bret. Spring Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Christian on Agro Spring P g View View Hutt. Bret. Spring P g View Bret. Spring Spring View Spring View Spring D and 1477, Christianson Spring View Viewes View 1474 Agro 1471 �1488 Hutt. Bret. Spring Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Chrldiaroan hristianson Chostanson View Spring Spring Spring View Spring Spring Spring DFL nd m Douglass, Agro Agro 9 1469 1487 View View View View 1484 View 1 L.& T. 1478 1485 1486 Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. 1475 - 1472 �'� eI Spring Bret. pn Fladhamer, Dou lass George nt. George Ent. Geor Douglass, Christianson Christianson 1a82 a Vewg View D.& B.& S. Cattl Co. B Agro Agro SpringVew — Ar I Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. dir a� Spring View Spring View Fladhamer, D. Wallace, R. Scheibner, L. Reid, D.& C. � eorge Ent. Douglass Agro Christianson Agro George Ent. 6 b O 1470 00 3 1481 Charmar Douglass, Doerksen, Reid, Reid, Reid, C. = Douglass George Ent. Ch L. - DouglassAgro aro a L.& K. D.& C. D.& C. Kunka, C. Agro Cross Scheibner, Braun, George Antler Dyck, N.& L. G.& L. Walde, D. R.& R. Reid, D.& C. George Ent. Ent. Hill '� 1 1TD 14sa Scheibner,JPaetkau,Scheibner, Walde, D.& K. Walde, Lepp,65, G.& L. G.& L. Wald , D.& M. S.& J. Blue Rock Scheibner, C.� Scheibner, C. Quinn, S. S C.& .&r ,� Walde, D. Walde, E.&A.� D.& M. Wald ianM� Blue Quinn, Rods Fraser, W.& Hiebert, Dyck, N.& S. Plett, Gem Star Doerksen, Doerksen, Walde, D.& M. Ranch M.& D.& B. J.& W. L.IWalde, A.& A. Farms T.& Y B.& K. _ A.&C. em Blued Dyck, NA and Fraser, W.& Gem La Doerksen, Willms, Rock I M.& D.& B. Walde, C.& M. L.�Walde, attle &Cattle Walde, A.& C. A E. Willms, E. Ranch j AA C. 1479 1',JT4 Blue A FraserW.& Walde, Pleft Doerksen, M.& D.& B. RockFraser,D.1397 A.& C. A.& W. a gro T.& YRanch.Briere, K. Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 75 P. 76 24-16 24-15 P.77 24-14 P. 73 P. 71 P. 72 23, -14.. 23-16 23-15 P. P.65 P.66 -16 22-15 22-14 s km 2!!EJ D Current Page Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (SOm interval) N 80 ]' • 1:215001000 km A v ]9 ]a ]5 ]s \ 0 10 20 69 70 71 72 3 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 68 52 63 54 55 56 57 s8 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Current a 9 10 �- 11 12 13 Township ,23 O Map Book 4 s s ] Page 1 Page 76 --0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF N TWP 23 W + E RGE 15 S 0 0.5 1 Pate 721 mmmmm==km Nielsen, Milne, R.& S. Milne, HWY862 LA L. R.& S. 1.533 1.53z, -,L- o ne ro Milne, R.& S. R.& S. Douglass 3 1496 Agro glass Agro mile E-1 — — Christianson, Christianson, Christianson, R. R.& J. R.& J. to Christianson, Christianson, J s R.& J. R.& J. f) Christianson I R. n C> Qo Christianson, 495 R. qvp Christianson, Christianson, R. R. o 0 d� N q Riverbend Christianson, o Ranch R o� b 1500 0 4 K 1497 Riverbend m Z � ° Riverbend Ranch Q It o Ranch Fi Q UQW J Riverbend Riverbend W W Qo d o 0 6 d 0 I Ranch Ranch 1498 Q n 1499 HWY556 t 1a9 -1 Riverbend 71' Riverbend \ anch of A. Ranch Riverbend Ranch fD CV W Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions P. 76 P. +7 24-15 24-14 P.73 "mz 23-14 P. 72 a 23-15 {/1Wdr �a a .. 5km m O Current Pane O Surrounding Counties N 80 1:2,500,000 A O km ]9 Ya ]5 ]s l 0 10 20 69 70 71 l 3 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 6L 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17' 18 19 Cur ent a 9 10 11 12 13 Township ,2-3 � Map Book 4 s 6 T Page 1 n --0 COUNTY UA COUNTY NEWELL OF N TWP 23 W + E RGE 14 S Finch 721 Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N 80 12,500,000 ]9 km ]a 75 ]s \ 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 6L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 4] 48 49 50 61 35 36 3] 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cur ent a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 0 Map Book 2-3 4 s 6 ] Page 1 y, COUNTY O NEWELL N TWP 24 W + E RG E 17 S 0 0.5 1 ipffl,�G mmmmm=z= km WHEATLAND - Debi• U N T Y S Fams IT Hutt. Bret. Spring View H4tt. Bret. Spring View I Hutt. Bret. Spring Vievi Hutt. Bret. Spring View - 1 1 Hutt. Bret. Spring View I Hutt. Bret. Spring View Hutt. Blet. Sprint Vievl Hutt. Bret. Spring View Hutt. Bret. Spring View Hutt. Bret. Spring View I Hutt. Bret. Spring View Hutt. Bret. Spring View 1 � Hutt. Bret. Spring View Hltt. Bret. Gpring (View Hutt. Bret. Spring View Hutt. Bret. Spring View A. 1482 IClearview 'M HWY561 HWY561 Hutt. Breth. Clearview Hutt. Breth. Huh. BtVI¢w pdo9 c>z M(D V C N Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC, projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions NDR78 `25-16 (a p P. 75 P. 76 24-17 I 24-16 24-15 .P. 70 P. 71 P. 72 "�23-17 23-16 / 23-15 Skm m O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page I Contours (SOm interval) N 8o\ 12,500,000 A 78 km O 9 ]a 75 ]s l 0 10 20 ]V] 69 70 71 7273 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 156 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township 2 ; 01 Book 4 s 6 ] Page 1 lft"qe78 --0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF N TWP 24 W + E RG E 16 S 0 0.5 1 Pate 75� mommogz::=km Double Double 358645 AB Double Double Double 2 S Farms S Farms S Farms S Farms S Farms Nf Douglass 1518, it — — — Ranches Douglass RanchesIL Douglass Ranches Douglass 58W qui Ranches AB A 631-- Douglass, L.& Douglass, L. ouglas, r. � `Hutt. Bret. Bret. Hutt. Bret. rprIng Spring Spring View iew [5-43 vew Hutt. — Hull. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Spring Spring View Bret. View pring View Hutt. George Ent. D Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Bret. 5fi5 Spring View Spring View Spring View 7 Finnegan Hutt. Bret. Huff. Farming 1 S g Hutt. Bret. Bret. M Co Vie View 1519 Spring View Spring View 1�4 Hutt. Hutt. Milne, C. Bret. Hutt. Bret. in Hutt. Bret. r. Spring Spring View 1eW Spring View View Hutt. Bret. Spring Hutt. Bret. Hutt. B t. Hutt. Bret. Spring Douglass, View Spring View Spring iew View 1,517 1518 Hutt. Bret. Spring View Hutt. Bret. Hutt. B t. Spring View Spring V w Hutt. Bret. Spring Vie Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Hutt. Bret. Spring p g Spring Spring View View View Hutt. Bret. Spring _ utt. Bret. 149p Hutt. Bret. Douglass, Hutt. Bret. Spring HWY561 utt. Bret. TH Hutt. Bret. Spring Hutt. re . Spring HWY862 DouglassAgro ouglas Douglass, Douglass �auglass Spring View Spring View` Spring R. B. laso Galameau, Agro Agra View View View View View R.& C. A Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N 8o 1:2,500,000 ]' A ]4 75 76 0 10 20 69 70 71 72 % 61 62 63 64 65 66 67Z 68 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 Cur ent a 9 10 11 12 13 Township O Map Book 2 ; 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 79 5 COUNTY O NEWEL N TWP 24 W + E RGE 15 S 0 0.5 1 pfpil�G 0 mmmmmlkm -i - - C_ L- 7 - SPECIAL AREA S B O A R D (A REA N O . 2 ) ` 35 516 10.111166 Douglas: Ranches, 1358645 AB 1530 i 26 ouglass: Douglas, 1531 aaD L. Douglas, L. 25 HWY862 —rs2z utt. Hutt. Bret. Bret. Spring p g Finnegan Farming 1524 Finegan pring� View — View Co Farming Co AA D. 1529 1523 2 Janzen, Huff Bret Hutt. Bret. 1'S25 Finnegan Finn an Finnegan e9 Farming Farming Farming t Springy Spring View Co Finnegan CO Co AA 1528 View A arming Co D HUI. Bret. Huti �. Douglass," Janzen, 1527 A.& Spring Spring J & E Douglass, J. D View View / C524 7 J Hutt. PaetkauPaetkau, Bret/Spring RA W.' RA / ViewW. Jaoz 1535 A.&D. J Janzen, Milne, CAT. Milne, C.& T JWD Ranching Jaozeo 1 s26 D15-2o U D. D� Milne, L. "Milne, Jacao, AaD. L. � Washada Holdings Nielsen, 0 L.& L. 1534 Nielsen, Milne, RA S. Milne, R.& S. 3 F1 �532` �15 Milne, Milne, Cao;a Douglass Agro RA S. RA S. L -_::__: parcels are larger than 40 AC. projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions J Q . P 7600 24-15 mZ ,yf VI Q !ItC n n W P.77 24-14 a P.72 I P.73 211-15 21-1 d 5 km O Current Page IO Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) N 8o 1:2,500,000 A s km ]9 74 75 76 0 10 20 a a COUNTY 69 70 71 7273 OF 61 62 63 64 65 66NEWE�� 6] 6L 52 63 64 55 56 57 58 59 60 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 fit N 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 TW P 24 2] 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 W � E RG E 1 4 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 15 16 1] 18 19 Current a 1 9 10 11 12 13 Township 1 S 2 ; 0 Map Book 4 5 6 ] Page 1 Me 77 0 0.5 1 km Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N 1:2,500,000 ]8 v km 9� A ]a ]s ]s l o 10 20 7F 69 70 71 7273 65 66 67Z L 56 57 58 61 62 63 64 52 63 64 55 59 60 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 156 1] 18 19 Current a 9 10 11 12 13 Township O Map Book 2 ; 4 s 6 ] Page 1 Page 80 __0 COUNTY• COUNTY OF NEWELL N TWP 25 W + E RG E 16 S 0.5 1 Pate 781 mmmmr==km Adams Ranch Adams Ranch, ]'" Adams Ranch Adams Ranch As a Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch 3 Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch 34 S P E C I A L A R EAS BOA R D _ Adams Ranch ( A R E A N O 2) Douglass Douglass Gillespie, D.& Gillespie, D.& Cattle Co. Farms M.I Gilles ie, C.& L. M.IGilles ie, C.& L. Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Douglass Gillespie, D.& Gillespie, D.& Douglass Douglass 2 Adams Ranch O\� Cattle Co. Cattle Co. M.lGillespie, C.& L. . , MGillesie P C.& L. Farms Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch 2 Z Adams L Ranch Heimbecker, Heimbecker, Heimbecker, Heimbecker, Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch D. D. D. D. U Heimbecker, Heimbecker, . Heimbecker, Heimbecker, Z D. D. D. D. Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch\y J Sage, S. Sage, S. Sage Farms Sage Farms Douglass Douglass Douglass Douglass Farms Farms Farms Cattle Co a W is I = Sage, S. Sage, S Sage Farms Sage Farms Douglass Douglass Douglass 1 3 Farms Farms Farms — Double Double G S Farms S Farms Cox, P. _ Double Double S Farms S Farms Double Double 358645 AB Double Double Double S Farms S Farms S Farms S Farms S Farms No Double Double 358645 AB Double Double Double S Farms S Farms S Farms S Farms S Farms Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N 80 1:2,500,000 A ]6 s km ]a ]6 76 0 10 20 • • ..,.�.��. �.� 7 COUNTY 69 70 71 7273 OF S P E C I A L A R E A S B O A R D 61 62 63 64 65 66 6] 6LNEWE�� ;km - �' `' 52 63 64 55 56 5] 58 60 TWP 25 4344 45 46 47 46 49 59 fi, N 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 P. 79 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 25-15 29 21 22 23 24 25 26 WE RG E 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 P. 76 O Current 9 10 „ 1z 13 5 Township 24-15 Map Book 4 5 6 Page 1 Pate 79 O Current Page O Surrounding Counties 0 0.5 1 O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) km =CIAL AREr A R D ( A R E P. 80 :� 26-16 P. 78 25-16 5 km O Current Page O Surrounding Counties O Map Book Page Contours (50m interval) Adams Ranch i i 7 Adams Ranch O V IO Z a J Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch 1540 Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch AF,-. COUNTY OF, COUNTY OF NEWELLI NEw Ella N TWP 26 W + E RGE 16 S 0 0.5 1 km S P E C I A L A REAS BOA R D (AREA NO . 2 ) Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Adams Ranch Labelled parcels are larger than 40 AC. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources Excludes Hamlets and Subdivisions. deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions