HomeMy WebLinkAboutTerms_of_Reference_-_2025_Councillor_Compensation_Advisory_Committee
183037 Rge Rd 145 (Box 130), Brooks, AB T1R 1B2 Check us out on social media
Phone: 403-362-3266
Email: administration@newellmail.ca
Web: www.countyofnewell.ab.ca
Councillor’s Compensation Advisory Committee
Terms of Reference
The County of Newell recognizes the importance of citizen involvement in determining Councillor compensation.
To ensure transparency and fairness, a committee of up to three (3) members of the public will be established
from time to time to review and recommend the honorarium and per diem rates for Elected Officials.
Ensure public input into setting appropriate levels of compensation for Elected Officials of the County of Newell.
The following guidelines will serve as the terms of reference for the Councillor’s Compensation Advisory
1) The Committee is an Ad Hoc Committee tasked with reviewing, reporting, and making recommendations on
the honorarium and per diem rates for County Council.
2) The Committee may also recommend or advise on other Councillor compensation items, such as
communication allowances, training and development allowances, mileage, meal allowances, or any other
items it deems appropriate.
3) To fulfill this mandate, the Committee shall consider the following when reviewing Councillor compensation:
a) Compensation should be set a level that will attract community-minded citizens as candidates for public
b) The responsibilities and time commitment of County Council.
c) The current and anticipated economic environment.
d) Compensation relative to comparative municipalities in Alberta.
4) The Committee shall be established as directed by County Council through policy.
5) The Committee shall consist of three members of the public, all of whom must be residents of the County of
Newell over the age of 18.
6) The Committee shall elect a Chair from among its members at its first meeting.
7) Each time the Committee is formed, public members shall be recruited through an advertised call for
applications and selected by the CAO through a random draw when more than 3 applications are received.
183037 Rge Rd 145 (Box 130), Brooks, AB T1R 1B2 Check us out on social media
Phone: 403-362-3266
Email: administration@newellmail.ca
Web: www.countyofnewell.ab.ca
8) The Committee shall consist of three members, with two members constituting a quorum.
9) Compensation paid to individuals serving on the Committee will be limited to mileage paid at the current
provincial government approved rate.
10) The CAO will designate member(s) of staff to assist the Committee.
11) The Committee may conduct any research it deems necessary to enable it to make recommendations to
Council. As part of its research, the Committee may seek input from members of Council.
12) Committee decisions shall require the support of a majority of members present. The Chair shall be
considered a member and shall be entitled to vote on all motions.
13) Committee meetings shall not be open to the public. Progress reports will be provided to Council as required,
through the Chair or designated staff members.
14) The Committee shall submit its final report to Council no later than September 1st of the year it is formed.
15) The recommendations outlined in the final report are not binding upon Council and may be amended or set
aside as Council deems appropriate.