HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-12 Council (Regular) MinutesCounty of Newell No, 4 Council Meeting June 12, 1980 The regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office at Brooks, Alberta on Thursday, June 12, 1980, commencing at 10:15 a.m, Members Present Reeve Councillors T. Musgrove A. Vogel V. Fabian L. Brockelsby J. Hajash W. Christensen J. Boehme E. Grosfield H. Janzen D. James Administrator 1. Minutes 2. Minutes of the May 22, 1980 meeting were presented to the Council. Moved by Councillor Vogel that we adopt these minutes. Carried. Minutes Minutes of the Court of Revision of May 23,26 & 27 were presented to the Council. Moved by Councillor Christensen that these minutes be adopted. Carried. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes 10-3 - County Crest B~-1aw 699-80 Moved by Councillor Fabian that By-law 699-80, approving the proposed County Crest, receive first reading. Carried Unanimously, Moved by Councillor Grosfield that By-law 699-80 receive second reading. *~ Carried Unanimously.. r ~ Moved by Councillor Vogel that By-law 699-80 receive consent of Council ~~" for third and final reading. Carried Unanimously. i ~ --~ Moved by Councillor Boehme that By-law 699-80 receive third and final reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ 7-3 - Utility & Development Control-Officer The Selection Committee for this position reported to the Council and recommended the hiring of Doug Coffey. Moved by Councillor Hajash that we approve the hiring of Mr. Doug Coffey as Utility & Development Control Officer for the County. Carried. Moved. by Councillor Christensen that we allow Mr. Coffey $500.00 moving expenses, Carried. Municipal Planning Commission The Administrator presented the names that had been presented for the Municipal Planning Commission and after reviewing these names, it was moved by Councillor Brockelsby that we appoint Mr. Steve Merkl, of Brooks, and Mr, Ed Willms, of Scandia as members to the Municipal Planning Commission. Carried. Page 53 Municipal Appeal Board The Administrator presented the names to the Council that were submitted to him for this Board, Moved by Councillor Grosfield that we appoint Mr, Wally Wells and Mr. Fred Barg as representatives to the Municipal 1 Appeal Board, Carried, ~ ® . 3~$ ~ A:A:M:.p: & C, Councillor's Pension Plan This item was tabled upon further information in regard to a starting date of this plan,. 3-11 - J, VQlek Drainage Claim '' Further discussion took place on this matter and Councillor Fabian moved that this request be approved, Carried. 3-12 - Alberta Transportation Hamlet Street Grant No report was available at this meeting. 7--2 - Street LigYit Application - R; Zubot ~ Councillor Vogel recommended that this application be referred to the Hamlet. Committee, 7-5 - .I. Dueck -• Application for Closing & Purchase of Road Allowance ;Moved by Councillor Ha,~ash that we proceed with the necessary advertisin fox the closing and sale of. this road allowance, Carried. i ~ . m , , 4, Correspoxidexice 1. Alberta Traxis~ortation ~- By-law 688-80 The Administrator advised that this Bylaw has now received the approval of the Minister of Transportation and is to receive third and final reading, Moved by Councillor Vogel that By-law 688-80 .receive third and final reading, Carried Unanimously, 2, CanadiariLiTestern. Natural Gas Co, - Rate Increase Information was. presented tp the Council concerning the Public Hearing in regard to the Gas Companies proposed rate increases to be held in Calgary on June 26th, 3. ,ATb erta Environment Grants information was presented to the Council in regard to Grants available for water & sewage treatment facilities for Municipalities. 4 . ' Ea T:.D w = Kitsizn Reser~ioir .letter from the E,I~D, in reply to a request from .the Bow City residents for a possible park in this area was presented to the Council. A copy of this letter is to be forwarded to the Bow City residents. 5, Starlite. Restaurant - Business Application Application from Starlte ~,estaurant for the establishment of a restaura at Bud's.Se.rvice. at Bassano was presented to the Council, Moved by ..Councillor Christensen that we approve this application. Carried. 6.: E:,I:D:'Land Fill Site ~ Rosemary Letter from the E.I,Da advising that the Board did not approve the sale. of this land site. to the County, was presented to the Council for their information. Page 54 7. Alberta Gas Trunk Line - Road Crossin Lettex from Alberta Gas Trunk Line concerning road crossing in NE 11-19-15-4 was presented to the Council, and a representative of Alberta Gas Trunk Line is to be invited to the next Municipal Committee Meeting to discuss this matter further.. . . 8. A.A.M.D. & C. Letter from the A.A,M.D. & C, concerning Intensive Agro Business gpexations was presented to the Council and tabled .for further study. . . 9. Calgary Power Ltd, Letter from Calgary Power Ltd. advising of the County's portion of costs for line move in SZ 15 & 16-15-15-4 was presented to the Council. Moved by Councillor Brockelsby that we approve the cost of $2559.00 as set out in their letter. Carried. Lunch Adjourned for lunch 12:00 - 1:30 p,m. 10. Municipal Affairs -- Interest Stabilization Grants The Administrator reported on the Interest Stabilization Grants for Debentures for the Hamlets of Patricia & Scandia. After discussion on this matter, it was moved by Councillor Brockelsby that we set up Reserve Accounts for these two funds, for future expenditures towards the sewer. systems in these Hamlets, Carried. 11. Rolling HiT1s Advisory Committee Letter from the Rolling Hills Advisory Committee concerning their meeting of May 21, 1980 was presented to the Council for their information. 12. Cade Hunter w Letter from Code Hunter, Barristers .& Solicitors, concerning the Drake Insurance Case, was presented to the Council, and advice that the Examiniaton Board Discovery would be held in Medicine Hat on September 16, 1980. In this regard, it was moved by Councillor Grasfield that the Municipal Chairman, Public Works Supervisor and the Administrator attend this Examination for Discovery. Carried. 13. Alberta Exivironmen.t - Hamlet Water Supplies Letter addressed to Mr. Ray Speaker, from the Minister of Alberta Envlxon'ntent concerning Hamlet Water Supplies in the Hamlets of Rainier, Rolling Hills and Scandia was presented to the Council for their information. 14. Dinosaur Gas Co-op .Application fox road crossing from Dinosaur Gas Co-op in Secs. 20 & 29- 18-16-4 was presented to the Council. Moved by Councillor Hajash that we approve this application, Carried. 15. PanCanadian Petroleums Ltd. Application from PanCanadian ~?etxoleums Ltd. to purchase 2400 yds. of crushed gravel from the Steveville Pit was presented to the Council. Moved by Councillor Hajash than we approve this request. Carried. 16, N1id West Surveys Application from Mid West Surveys for road approach in LSD 5-10-23-16-4 was presented to the Council. Moved by Councillor ,Tanzen that we approve this application. Carred.- Page 55 17. Zander Surveys Ltd. A report from Zander Surveys Ltd. for establishment of the fence lines on Lot 9 Block 2 Plan 1732 L.K, was presented to the Council for their information. 18. Medicine Hat Health Unit Letter from the Medicine Hat Health Unit concerning the chlorination of water in the Hamlet of Rainier was presented to the Council. A copy of this letter is to be referred to Councillor Brockelsby. 19. Ross Arnett Application from Ross Arnett for road approach in the NE 31-18-15-4 was presented to the Council. Moved by Councillor Hajash that we approve this application. Carried. i 5. Cheques for Payment Moved by Councillor Brockelsby that cheques 7502 - 7934, as per attached list, be approved for payment. Carried. i 6. Delegation Mr. Steve Hagberg met with the Council to discuss the establishment of his proposed hog operation in the Countess area. After hearing the presented from Mr. Hagberg, it was moved by Councillor Brockelsby that we advise him that we have no objections to the setting up of this operation subject to all other regulations being met. Carried. . . Mr. E. Za~ider, of the Brooks Elks Club, met with the Council to present a presentation and a request for a letter from the .Council supporting the Club's request to the Attorney General far a larger share of the fund raising programs run by the Lodge in order that these funds may be used for the up-dating of the Community Hall. Moved by Councillor Hajash that we send a letter to the Club giving the Council's support in regard to this proposal. Carried. Planning Commission Application 79 SE 113 - Knutson No report at this meeting. Application $0 SE 69 - D. Wiens A further review was made of this application. Moved by Councillor Janzen that we refuse this application. Carried. Application 80 SE 79 - A. Irwin Moved by Councillor Christensen that we approve this application subject to cash in-lieu-of being set at $2000.00 per acre market value, that an approved road approach be established at this subdivision. Carried. Application 80 SE 81 - J. Day Moved by Councillor Hajash that we table this application. Carried. Application 80 SE 67 - Town of Brooks Letter from the Town of Brooks Planning Commission giving their comments on the application 80 SE 67 was presented to the Council for their information. Crerar, Lutes & Shantz Letter from Crerar, Lutes & Shantz asking for the lifting of the Caveat on the subdivision in LSD 9 NE 7-19-14-4 was presented to the Council. This item was tabled for further review. Page 56 Jerant Holdings - Road Agreement A request from Jerant Holdings Ltd, for amendment to the Road Servicing Agreement was presented to the Council. Moved by Councillor Hajash that we approve the relocation of the South road approach as requested subjec to the one road approach being removed and, secondly, that the completio date of this Service Road be extended to September 30, 1980. Carried. Lakeside Feeders Subdivision A request from the Developer on this subdivision concerning the location of his building from the road allowance was presented to the Council. Moved by Councillor Hajash that we waive our regulations under the By-law on the 125" set-back for that portion of undeveloped road allowance along this subdivision. Carried, Application 80 SE 85 - B. Berg Moved by Councillor Hajash that we approve this application. Carried. Application 80 SE 90 - L. Meyer Moved by Councillor Hajash that we approve this application subject to dedication of the Service Road as shown on the plan and a Service Agreement with the County, a further dedication of service road for the balance of the quarter section and cash in-lieu-of being set at $3000.00 per acre market value. Carried. 8. Assessor"s Report The Assessor"s Report .for the month of May was presented to the Council. Moved by Councillor Fabian that we approve the request of the Assessor to wof'k with the Provincial Assessors in Taber on farmland assessment for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. Carried. r Committee Reports Agriculture The Agriculture Committee Report was presented by Councillor Hajash. Municipal The Municipal Committee Report was presented by Councillor Chiistensen. . . . Board of Education The Board of Education Report was presented by Councillor Janzen. Moved by Councillor Janzen that we apply to the Minister of Education for the sale of the trailer used for teacherage purposes at Gem, Carried, 10. Oilier Business 1. Accounts Receivable Moved by Councillor Christensen that we approve the write-off for Accounts Receivable for Alan Day in the amount of $135.00.. Carried. 2. Palardid Cameras Moved by Councillor Janzen that we approve the purchase of four Polaroid Cameras for: the Assessment Department, Agriculture Department the Shop and the P.W. Department. Carried. Page 57 3. Land Agreement loved by Councillor Crosfield that we approve the Land Acquisition Agreement for David Gingerich.for the purchase of dirt. Carried. 4. Acknowledgement of Appreciation ~QVed by Councillor Gxosfield that letters of acknowledgement of appreciation be sent to the Community Co-ordinators for the 75th Anniversary Program. Carried. Ad~purn Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Page 58