HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-12 Council (Regular) Minutes:~
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County of Newell No. n
County Council
December 12, 1969
The regular County Council Meeting of the County of Newell No. 4
was held in the County Office at 10:00 a.m. Friday, December 12,
Members Present Reeve
Mun. Sec.
. .
J. Hajash
G. Larsen
V . Fabian
T. rlusgrove
C. Andrews
D . Ha 11
N. Tautfest
P. Bartlett
G. Douglass
D. James
Mr. G. Kuntz of Kuntz Construction and Mr. J. Shanskin of Willow
Creek Sand & Gravel, met with Council to discuss the Gravel Bids.
. .
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we accept the bid from Willow
Creek Sand & Gravel. Motion Lost.
. .
Moved by Councillor Hall that we accept the bid from Kuntz Construction
Co. Ltd. Carried.
. .
The minutes of the County Council meeting of November 14, 1969 were
read and adopted.
. .
Rdjourn for lunch 12:15 to 2:00 p.m.
. .
The minutes of the C.U.P.E. meeting of December 2, 1969 were read
and adopted.
. .
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The minutes of the Organizational meeting of December S, 1969 were
adopted as presented.
. .
Moved by Councillor Hajash that we approve the application of
Kornelson Feed Lot subject to all other regulations being met.
. .
/ ,.
IA Thank You note from Mrs. L. Douglass and family was presented to
. .
Tender from J. Hussar Construction for the purchase of the cheque
protector was read. The Secretary was advised that this item will
be advertised for sale with other equipment before sale is made.
. .
Letter from the Department of Health re abandoned cemeteries was
read, and the Secretary was advised to obtain a list of all abandoned
'...cemeteries within the County.
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Mr. A.B. Cooper from the Department of Social Service met with Council
to discuss the Social Service Program within the County.
. .
Letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs re purchase of extra
land by the Hutterian Brethern of Bow City was read. 1~Ioved by Councillor
Andrews that this letter be filed. Carried.
. . .
Letter from the A.A.P4.D. re comments on the November Convention was
read and passed to Council for their comments.
Letter from Calgary Power Ltd. re line extension in 26-16-12-4 and
/ 6-35-16-4 was read. Moved by Councillor Fabian that we approve this
application subject to all other regulations being met. Carried.
Letter from Alberta Gas Trunk Line re application for 6" mallow
latteral and road crossings was presented. Moved by Councillor
/ Douglass that we approve this application subject to all other
regulations being met. Carried.
. .
Letter from Crerar, Lutes & Noonan re I. Wigemyer and purchase of
/ gravel pit was presented.
. .
Letter from the Licensing Branch re application of Ken Lynn of
Brooks, Alberta to operate a service station in SE of 8-19-14-4 was
~ read. Moved by Councillor Hajash that we approve this application
subject to all other regulations being met. Carried.
. .
Letter from Rice, Prowse, MacLean and Babki re taxes in the NE 25-14-14
and the WZ of 30-14-13-4 requesting reduction in the taxes owing was
v read. Moved by Councillor Tautfest that no rebato or reduction be
made in regard to these taxes. Carried.
. .
Letter from Calgary Power Ltd. re line extension in 20-18-15-4 and
~ 16-18_15-4 was read. Moved by Councillor Bartlett that we approve
this application subject to all other regulations being met. Carried.
Letter from the Department of Highways re proposed irrigation project
in the SE 11 and SW 12-21-12-4 was read. Moved by Councillor Musgrove
that we approve this application subject to all other regulations being
met. Carried.
r I ///
:' ;.
. .
Application 69M106 from Medicine Hat Regional Planning Commission
re Village of Rosemary Garbage Disposal Field was presented. Moved
/ by Councillor Tautfest that we approve this application subject to
all other regulations being met. Carried.
. .
Letter from McLean et al re W. Kirschenman statement of claim re
injurious effects regarding construction of road on expropriated land
1/ was read. Moved by Councillor Douglass that we hire Mr. K. Lutes of
Brooks to act on behalf of the County o~i this matter. Carried.
. .
Letter from A.A.M.D. re special Co-op Trade Meetings to be held was
read and ordered filed pending the meetings being held in Brooks.
Letters from United Grain Growers Ltd. and Horne & Pitfield Foods Ltd.
~/ re quotations on salt prices were read and referred to the Public Works
Letter from Mr. Harold Burkholder of Duchess re his claims as to
Alberta Blue Cross Membership with our Group was read. Moved by
~/ Councillor Hajash that the County has no responsibility in this
matter and that Mr. Burkholder be advised in this regard. Carried.
. .
The Financi$1 Statement for the month of November was presentedf
~ Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we approve this report. Carried.
Committee Repoxts:
School Committee
Moved by Councillor Bartlett tlmt we authorize the Bassano School
Building Committee to approve the accounts of the contractor and the
architect upon clearance of the three items as set out in the School
Committee Meeting of Monday, December 8, 1969. Carried.
. .
Moved by Councillor Bartlett that we accept the School Committee Report.
. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we approve the purchase of the
front end loader and backhoe from Pardee Equiisnent Ltd, in the amount
of $8704.00. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that by-law 388 re purchase of front end
loader and backhoe receive first, second, third and final reading.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we accept the Tender from Ferguson
Supply Ltd. on the purchase of two new motor graders. Carried.
. .
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that by-law 389 re purchase of two new
motor graders receive first, second, third and final readings.
Carried Unanimously.
. .
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we table the motion of recommendation
re $15,000.00 extra road work for Div. 5 for 1 month. Carried.
. .
Moved by Councillor Tautfest that we approve the $100.00 deposit for
phone installation in the teacherage at Patricia H-3 for a County
motor grader operator with the stipulation that the final phone bill
will be deducted from his wages upon him leaving the Patricia teacherage.
^ • • r
r' ~
~! ',
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we approve the rental of this
teacherage at the rental schedule rate to Mr. George Hemsing. Carried.
• . • •
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we approve the final payment on the
1969 Hardsurfacing account. Carried.
. .
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we approve this report.
. .
Nbved by Councillor Larsen that we accept this report.
. .
Brooks Hospital
No report.
. .
:_ . .
Bassano Hospital
Moved by Councillor Douglass that we accept this report.
. .
Health Unit
Senior Citizens Home
~;, Moved by Councillor P'Iusgrove that we accept this report. Carried.
. .
Nursing Home
,; ~ No report.
Farm Purchase Board
„' Moved by Councillor Larsen that we accept this report. Carried.
• • f .
Industrial Board
/ ~ No report.
~ ~ No report.
. .
Moved by Councillor i'Iusgrove that we approve cheques 2307-2485, for
payment. Carried.
. .
Moved by Councillor Tautfest that by-law 385 receive third and final
reading. Carried Unanimously.
. .
Moved by Councillor Bartlett that by-law 390 re purchase of Airport
receive first, second, third and final reading. Carried Unanimously.
. .
~ Moved by Councillor Musgrove that by-law 391 re purchase .of Air Compressor
receive first, second, third and final reading. Carried Unanimously.
. .
Moved by Councillor Andrews that by-law 392 re purchase of ~ligemyer
gravel pit receive first, second, third and final reading. Carried
. .
Moved by Councillor Douglass that road agreements for E. Schaffer and
/ Joe Bildershein Jr. be approved. Carried.
. .
Moved by Councillor Bartlett that Mr. H. Grosfield of Duchess be
/ appointed to the Agriculture Advisory Board for Div. 8. Carried.
. .
Moved by Councillor Hajash that all of Div. 5 be advertised for
/ inclusion into the Brooks and area recreation board. Carried.
. .
Letter from Rolling Hills-Bantry Recreation Board re the establishment
of the Tilley Recreation Board-.-was read and the Secretary was advised
/ to refer this matter to the Tilley and area recreation board, for their
. .
Nbved by Councillor Musgrove that extra mileage for 1969 be mid to
the following: D.N.James - $150.00, C. Trifanenko - $100.00, and
Ken Lintott - $50.00. Carried Unanimously.
. .
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
. .
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Accounts Payable November, 1969
~~ ~
2307 John Juergensen 596.74 T
2308 iKen's Plumbing & Heating 2.30 >'
2309 ~Kirk's Heating (1968) Ltd. 1.00 ~
2310 ~~;Roy Koch 4.25 t
2311 'Ted Koropczak 30.40 ~"
2312 ! Kost Fire Equi~cnent 15.50 fi'
2313 !, R. Kuipers 32.00 T
2314 ~I;C.E. Laverty 6.39 ~'
2315 IV.H. Lawrence 68.40 T
2316 ', K.N. Lintott 27.60 ~
2317 (Lutes Building Centre Ltd. 1.35 ~
2318 'Macleods 33.51 7
2319 ~~,The Macmillan Co. of Can. Ltd. 3.80 T
2320 iMarshall Wells Stores 2.85 T
2321 (Marshall Wells Stores 40.85 i
2322 !M.L. Massey 1110.90 "~
2323 McCabe Seeds Ltd. 6.03
2324 Medicine Hat News 5.76 T
2325 George Miller 15.40
2326 IM nnesota Mining & N~nufacturing 249.02 "%
2327 (Modern Auto Service 629.16
2328 Momar 150.42 ~
2329 iMoyer Division 365.14
2330 ~Mumford Medland Ltd. 119.79 ~`"
2331 ;Glyn Murphy 30.60 T
2332 D.F. Murray & Sons Mach. Ltd. 33.44 T
2333 :Cancelled ~l~
2334 National Geographic Society 17.30 ~
2335 National Geographic Society 8.6 5 7
2336 Office of the Queens Printer 20.60 ~
2337 Office of the Queens Printer .50 ~
2338 (Oliver Industrial Supply 33.76 -t'
2339 R.C. Oliver 1135.00
2340 Pardee Equi~cnent Ltd. 1323.83 '7_
2341 ;Park Sales & Service 18.30 ~'
2342 ~R. Pearson 608.70 ~"
2343 Pheasant Sales Ltd. 104.63 `~
2344 ~G. Philpott 6.85 T
2345 iPrincess Auto & Machinery Ltd. 19.95 'T
2346 ~IQuadra Steel Ltd. 76.70
2347 (Tom Charlton 15.06 ~
2348 jRrt Redelback 1093.80
2349 iR. Redelback 1092.00 T
2350 ;Reidy Ford Sales Ltd. 2.68 ~
2351 Revelstoke Building Materials Ltd. 139.98 ~
2352 Village of Rosemary 125.00 fi'
2353 Mrs. Sylvia F. Rust 93.50 7
2354 iSargent-Welch Scientific Co. of Can. 122.00 i
2355 E.B. Schnieder 1022.30 T
2356 iWalter Schnieder 993.90 T
2357 The School Bo®k Branch 1329.05 T
2358 Sieg's Motors 14.30 ~"
2359 'Silver Automotive 309.79 T
2360 Sisco Schientific Ltd. 114.54 `T
2361 IMr. F.D.G. Smith 50.00
Smith Trucking
984.70 ~
2363 Erwin Standar 35.30 ~
2364 Mr. J.A. Stauffer 4.00
2365 L.E. Stenger 966.20 7
2366 Sturdie Oils Ltd. 607:70 ~
2367 George Sweep Excavating 40.00 ~
2368 Tatems Store 96,79
2369 N.V. Tautfest 426.04 ~
2370 Taylor, Pearson & Carson 135.01 T
2371 Thomas Nelson & Sons (Canada) Ltd. 17.44 ~'
2372 Tilley Gas Co. Ltd. 137.95 -~'
2373 Tonys Welding 34.00 7
2374 K.L. Torkelson 25.40 ~
2375 Transmission Supplies Ltd. 38001 ~
2376 Tunney's Body Shop 95.65 ~
2377 Underwood, McLellan & Assoc. Ltd. 2268.83
2378 Union Tractor-Ltd. 26.92 1
2379 United News (WholesalersX Ltd. 200.10 '~`~
2380 Unser's Tire Service 24.75 ~"
2381 Kris Vikedal 57.80 i
2382 aterous G.M. Diesel l.td. 3110.35 ~
2383 Ron Wiebe 10.00 i
2384 M~ Mary Wittig 108.00
2385 M~. Mary Wittig 137.94 /
~L ,~ -~-
I -2- .S
a ~'L
2386 Wyant & Co. Ltd. 71.88 ~
2387 ~ George Carratt 50.00 .~_
2388 i R.G. Gibb 50.00 •-T-
2389 i C.R. Andrews 181.38 ~~-
2390 To3n Musgrove 213.66 ~`
2 3 91 ', C~.e~
9~R-c~ 4~8~ ; 06 -~' ~ `~"
2392 .
Alberta Assoc. of M.D.'s 13170.90"%~
2393 Alberta Health Care Insurance Commission 2225.00
2394 ,! Allied Distributors ( Brooks) Ltd. 448.33 .r
2395 ~; R. Bishel 4.20 •~
2396 ~ Book Service of Canada .73 '~~~
2397 'i The Book Society of Canada Ltd. 10.40 .~
2398 ~ Bow Slope Shipping Assoc. 923.40~T"
2399 I, Town of Brooks 365.80 '%'
2400 ', Brooks Stationers 38.09 "l
2401 Brooks Tire Service Ltd. 34.50
2402 ' Calgary Power Ltd. 58.19 '~
2403 ~~ Central Scientific Co. of Can. Ltd. 8.42 `%~
2404 ~ Co_operative Book Centre of Can. Ltd, 251.71 -~
2405 ~, Dean's Radio & T.V. 2.00 •>~
2406 i Dinny's 37.90 .r
2407 '; Educational Record Sales Ltd. 53.94 "~.
2408 ~ Nick Fakas 20.00-fi
2409 '~~ Fearon Publishers 42.15
2410 ~ Franklins Tires Ltd. 51.00 "T
2411 W.J. Gage Ltd. 5.51 ".~-
2412 ~ Ginn & Company 95.43 '7"-
2413 '; Hectors Ltd. 5.97 -%~
2414 i Hold, Rihehart & Winston of Can. Ltd. 12.82 ~i"
2415 ~ Imperial Oil Ltd. 8.59 '7~
2416 ~ Iwaasa Industries 51.41 •7-
2417 Keith 0. Lake 3.55 `~
2418 Lewiscraft 24.83
249 Moyer Division 48.90 -/
2420 ~'~ Municipal Supplies 1.15 -%
2421 Newell Vet. Clinic 23.50 "/"
2422 I Newell Vet. Clinic 6.00 -%
2423 Mr. D. Plumer 30.00 '%
2424 ~ Premier Sports Ltd. 583.25 -i
2425 Prentice-Hall of Canada Ltd. 100.92 "
2426 Safety Supply Co. 14.76 ~7"
Sangamo Co. Ltd.
- *'_--
~ _
2428 _~_
~ `
-- -35.4,-0.0-~t
24.29 Schelske's Welding Shop 53.55`
2430 ~ The School Book Branch 72.40 "
2431 Marlene Seely 10.00 "i-
2432 Sisco Scientific Ltd. 138.04 '.7-
2433 ~ Texaco Canada Ltd. 448.80 ~~"
2434 I Texaco Canada Ltd. 5749.14 i~
2435 Tilley Welding 298.48
2436 I Lilliam Wiebe 12.00 "~
2437 ~i The Workmen's Compensation Act 21.76 '~
2438 !Wyant & Co. Ltd. 212.09 '~
2439 Alberta Government Telephones 346.09 '~
2440 Henrickson Ranching Ltd. 12.00 ~i
2441 ;The Hughes-Owens ~o. (Ltd.) 25.86 `T
2442 !The Kleenbirn Collieries Ltd. 214.15 -i._
2443 D.N. James (Petty Cash) 16.57 '%
2444 D.N. James 112.15 -i~
2445 Jim Hajash 300.00 'T
2446 Postmaster, Brooks 95.00 `"J"
2447 T.R. Baxter 1723.30
2448 F. Duby 1171.90 "%
2449 R. Pearson 1487.20 7-
2450 R.C. Oliver 1632.60
2451 R. Redelback 1555.50 "i
2452 A. Redelback 1739.50 ~,.
2453 E.B. Schneider 1819.00 "_T
2454 F. Hughes 1627.10 '%
2455 M.L. Massey 1554,80'%
2456 Willow Creek Sand & Gravel 1763.70
2457 Smith Trucking 1186.20
2458 L.E. Stenger 615.40'
2459 W. Schneider.- 1785.60 ~%~
2460 jWm. Peterson 150.00'"%
2461 Elsbett & Son Feeding Ltd. 217.12 -1-
2462 Bennett Owens 102.40 ---7
Henrickson Ranching Co.
Sun Oil Co.
Erwin Stander
Herman Grosfield
Dorothy Trimmer
Nick Fakas
County of Newell No. 4
Bank of Nova Scotia (A. Lepp)
M. Miedinger
Bank of Nova Scotia (H.D. Neufeld)
Bank of Nova Scotia (V. Zacharias)
Treasury Branch (K. Torkelson)
Treasury Branch (D.F. Seely)
Bank of Nova Scotia (N. Dueck)
D.N. James
D. N. James (Coyote Bounty)
County of Newell #4
Provincial Treasurer
Faculty Club of the University of Alberta
Chateau Lacombe
G.W. Philpott
Receiver General of Ca nada
Ivan Wigemyr
~~~ Y
106.72 ~
435.97 ~'
25.00 'f
25.00 ~
15.00 ~
25.00 ~
61774.40 T
465.00 ~
1660.00 ~
481.00 ~
440.00 ~
200.00 ~
12126.59 T
193.00 ?
74.25 ~
1196.35 ~
116.60 T
15532.30 J
540.00 ?