HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-07-05 Council (Regular) MinutesCounty of Newell No, 4
Council Meeting
July 5, 1968
The regular Council Meeting of the County Of Newell No. 4 was
held in the County Office, Brooks, Alberta on July 5, 1968 at
10:00 a.m.
Members present
J. Hajash
G, Larsen
A. Chrumka.
T. Musgrove
F. Mandeville
R. Hall
F. Bergen
P. Bartlett
G. Douglass
D,N. James .
Minutes of the June 13th meeting ~-Jere read and adopted.
Subject to the Senior Citizens Home Report to read Moved
by Councillor Musgrove that ti~~e accept this report.
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that the following employees
C. Trifanenko, N. Fakas,M, Seely, `U . Lawrence, J.D. M~.yer,
and Gus Fode be placed on the list of Permanent Employees
for U.I.C. purposes, and also the Reeve and Secretary-Treasurer
have signing authority in regards to the forms required for
this purpose.
Moved by Councillor Mandeville,
Ton of Brooks in the amount of
area adjacent to Block V on 6th
requested to draw up the necess:
favour of the County of Newell.
that we accept the offer from the
X1.00 for the purchase of the
Street East and that they be
pry transfer for this land in
Moved by Councillor Larsen, that we accept the Secretarys S~;:atement
of Receipts & Disbursements for the month of June.
Moved by Councillor I~.,_d~ville, that we accept the Secretarys
Statement of Estimates & Expenditures for the month of June.
Letters from the Ca~_gary Power Ltd. re: extentions to the
Power service in L.S.D, 13-28_17-12-4 and L.S.D. 8-31-18_13-4
wire read.
Moved by Councillor Chrumka that ~.e approve these applications
subject to all other regulations ?.~eing met.
Letter from the Licensing Branch.re: .Application .for a garage
at Sandia, Alberta was read.
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that we approve this application
subject to all other regulations being met.
Letter from Medicine Hat Health Unit re: NL eting on September
10, to discuss the proposed Regional Health Units read and
ordered filed. ~ _
Letter from Medicine Hat Health Unit re: office rent ..-as read and
the Secretary advised to give them more information as to our thinking
in the increase of this rent.
Letter from Medicine Hat Health Unit regarding disposal grounds within
the County of Newell was read.~~_'
Moved by Councillor Musgrove that these reports be turned over to the
Pablic Works Supervisor for further action where required.
Letter from Canadian Western Natural Gas Co. Ltd. re: Scandia-Rainier
proposed gas line pipe service was read and ordered filed.
Adjourned for lunch
12:30 to 2;00 p.m.
Letter from the Torn of Bassano regarding Bassano Centennial Grant
ti~Tas read.
Moved by Councillor Hall that we approve the ~~a-ment of $500.00 to the
Centennial Grant at Bassano as previously discussed.
Letter from Canadian Transport Commission regarding the Canadian
Pacific Railway Co. customer service plan at Medicine Hat was read
and ordered filed.
Mr. R. Daniels, Mr. R. White, Mr. Stan Saunders of the E.I.D. Board
met kith the Committee~`discuss~} gravel leases within the County.
After discussion on this matter it was agreed that leases be drawn
up by the E.I.D. for their pits i~~ithin the County at a rate of 10¢
per cubic yard. The .matter of drainage between the E.I.D., County
and Water Resources was also disucessed~it was agreed that the
E.I,D. take this situation kx~ck to their board with the proposal
that two local bodies contact the Drainage Dept. i~rith the possibility
of setting up a form of grant system within the County to operate
the drainage program.
Mr, V. Zacharias met Tsrith the Council to discuss the purchase of a
new school bus.
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that due to regulations that we do
not participate in this matter,
ce .. ,
Letter from the Alberta Hospitalization Benifits Plan re: Brooks
Hospital District boundary changes was read and tabled until ;
futher information is obtained, on this.
A letter from the Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd. re: Trawn of
Brooks sewer outfall and lagoon station ti,as read.
Moved by Councillor Hall that ti~se approve their proposed plan with
the follo~ing conditions. That the To-:rn of Brooks maintain the
por~ion of County road for a period of three years and that it be
kept open at all times to public traffic, that any portion of the
County road be gravelled after a period ;of three years, that work
done on this road by the County will be charged back to the ToT~-n
of Brooks fora period of three :years, and that the County will
not be responsible for any future damage to the line.
Committee reports
Moved by Councillor Chrumka that we accept the School Committee report.
Moved by Councillor Bergen that tine appro,~%e the purchase of the
Sheepfoot p~.cker in the amount of $575.00 from Allied Distributors
Ltd. of Lethbridge.
Moved by Coun illor Bergen that we accept this report.
Moved by Councillor Larsen that we accept this report.
Brooks Hospital
Moved Councillor Bartlett that we accept this report.
Bassano Hospital
Moved by Councillor Hall that we accept this report.
Health Unit
Moved by Councillor Bartlett that we accept this report.
Farm Purchase ~ +
No report .
Senior Citizens
No} report.
Nursing Home
No report
Recreation .
No report.
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that we approve cheques 9312 to
9507 as per list fox payment.
Moved by Councillor Larsen, that Bylatil 354 received third
+ and final reading.
Carried Unanimously.
Tenders were reviewed on sale of teacherages. Tenders received
Urere as follo.~s: Scandia J-3 G. Timko $205,00
Rolling Hills E.$ J. Simo $50.00
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that Tf~e do not accept the bid on
J-3 at this t_me.
Moved by Councillor Larsen that ti~re do not accept the bid
on E_8 at this time.
~6 ~~
Moved. by Coun illor Musgrove that by-law 358 to prohibit certain
~/ construction public roads receive 1st, 2nd and 3rd readings
and finally passed.
Carried Unanimously
Moved by Councillor Hajash, that we pay our share of contributions
/ in the amount of $500..00 to the Brooks - Bassano and District
V Industrial Board.
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that we approve appointment of
/ W. Ducksbury as clerk at a Starting salary of $320.00 per month.
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adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
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County of Newell No.4
By and under authority of the Unemployment Insurance Act,
the County of Newell No. 4 Brooks, Alberta, hereby
certify the following employees as permanent staff
for the purpose of this act.
C. Trifanenko
N. Faka s
M. Seely
V.H. Lawrence
J.D. Mayer
G. Fode
It is further resolved that the Reeve and Secretary-
Treasurer, have authority to sign all certificates
for these employees and any future employees, who
may qualify under this Act.
Done and passed by County Council, this 5th dory of
July, 1968.
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County of Newell No. 4
A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4, Brooks, Alberta to
be presented to the Alberta Association of Munici~l Districts,
annual convention, for consideration and presentation to the
Federal Government.
Whereas, Part XII Section 1 (b) of the Excise Tam Act reads:
Certain goods sold to or imported by municipalities
for their own use and not for resale, as follows:
Equipment, at a price in excess of five hundred
dollars per unit, specially designed for use
directly for road making, road cleaning'or fire
fighting, but not including automobile or ordinary
motor trucks.
Whereas, Municipalities and Counties make purchases of trucks
chassis which are then designed for the sole use of
road building and not for resa'.le by the municipality.
But due to the wording of the act ~hat'they'are not
designed for this use at time of purchase, the sales
tax is not allowed on the purchase of these chassis.
Therefore Be It Resolved: that the Alberta Association of
Municipal Districts make application to the Federal
Government to have the Act amended as follows:
1. Delete the wording specially designed"
2. Delete the wording but not including`,
automobile or ordinary motor trucks."
As any automobile or ordinary motor trucks purchased
by a Municipality or County are for the sole use
or Toad building and are not for resale.
Done and passed with the unanimo7a.s.vote of Council this
5th day of July, 1968.
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County of Newell No. 4
Accounts Payable
Ju;.1e, 196 8
No. t_c
Accounts Payable ~; For : Amount
9312 Tony Porter A.S.B. :Su?~dry 29.00
9313 Bassa:lo Sand ~ 7raval POM fences ~ Grounds 39.00
931 BYOOE~S Esso Service Aux. Serv, vans 3.00
9315 Ralph Bishal A.ux. Serv. repair 20.00
9316 Brooks Salavage PWW Fuel ~ Re~~.ir 2.00
9317 Budd's Roya.laite Service Aux, Serv. repair 39.50
9318 Centennial_ Service P%T ljuel & R~~rx~it 11,25
9319 Alex Chogi Aux. Sex-v. re~ir 20,00
9320 Russel Co:~.lklin Aux. Serv, rep. 20.00
i Corner Service Aux. Serv. ti_r~s 38.70
9322 County of Newell No, 4 PW Purchase of rd. allo°~,r. 155.62
9323 Maurice Grimshaw Aux. Ser-~ . ren. 20.00
9324 Jim Gol;~ Aar. Serv. rep. 20,00
9325 Henry I-Iarrison PWW p~~.rchase of rd. <~110.. 205.50
9326 Mrs. R. Hiebert Admin. Del. to cony, 125,00
9327 IMr. Albert I:rwiil Aux. Serv. trap & 1~~~in. 52.50
9328 M, Hoerle Aux. Sc:rv. repair 20.00
9329 Steve Jit!1as Ovary id taxes 100 .00
9330 1, Yle,~t~per Aux. Serv. rep. 20.00
933_ R. tiristianson Aux. Serv. rep. 20.00
9332 Rinze Kuipers P.W. Purchase of rd. allovT. 308.84
9333 I`'k~c -ends POM x =:~~. ~ r =p1. to bldgs . 136.23
9334 Jo T~1-rinyak Aux. Serv. rep. 20.00
9335 Jim Neely Aux. Serv. rep. 20.00
9336 J.J. Penner Aux. Serv. redo. 20.00
9337 Penner Service Aux. Serv. rep. 17.05
9338 E. Pelchat lux. Serv. rep. 20.00
9339 Ross McKay Aux, Serv. rap, 20.00
9340 Dennis Peyton Aux. Serv, rep. 20.00
9341 Richard Peyton Aux. Serv. rep. 20,00
9342 Provincial Treasurer H.O.D, 50.00
9343 S-tanley Reeves H.O.D. 50.00
9344 Red S__11ito Aux. Serv. rep. 20.00
93-~5 Tilley Welding
A.S.B. Sundry
9346 Pate Wallace Aux. Serv. rep. 20.00
8347 Bill in1sieeler Aux. Serv. rep. 20.00
8348 Bill Willard A~~.x. Serv. rep. 20.00
9349 Henry J. Penner P.T~T. hir~-~ of .n:~c' finery 414.44
9350 L. Bartlett 632.80
9351 F. Bergen 707.50
9352 Alex Ch.rumka 566.40
9353 '0. Joalgass 760.00
03 54 Jim Ha jash 5`; ~ .20
9355 D.R. Ha 11 642.50
9356 Mrs. R, Hiebert 226.00
9357 G, Larsen 713.00
9353 F. I~'Landeville 372.00
9359 T.N. Musgrove 624.00
9360 Mr. E._R . Scahfi~er 338.00
9361 Mrs. M. Wittig 236.00
9362 Alberta Blue Cross Plan Acc. Rcc. ABC 26„60
9363 Alberta TeacTzers .Assoc, Acc. Rec. A.T.A. 604.1')
936? Board o~~ _~dlinistrat~rs Arc. Rer_. A.T.A. 25 _9.45
9365 Medical Services Acc. Rec. M.S.i. 975.09:
9366 Receiver ~~en~~r~l Acc. Rec, Rec. Gei't. 13879.3)
9367 Receiver Gena1 al Gen. Goy' c. ?J,I.C. 437.24
9368 Receiver '~enral A.cc. Rec._~nF'. Doyle 35.00
9369 Bank of Nova Scotia Revenue rent 85.00
9370 Tre~.sury Br.~nch Aux. Serv. Sc-;c~lr 500.')0
9371 M. Miedinge.r Aux. Serv. V,-~.ns 1350.00
9372 Bank of ova Sr.otia Aux. Serv. V. Zacharias 565.00
9373 Bank ov ov-~ Scotia Aux. Serv. LeY~p 450.00
93'74 Treasury"Branc;a Aux. Serv. Tor'Kelson 420.00
9375 Bank of Nova Scotia Aux. Serv. Neufeld 43L.00
93 79
93 96
94 O l
9 ~ 16
94 21
942 7
942 8
94 32
B~3nk of Nova Scotia
County of Necrell No. 4
Rolling Hills Savings & ~;r~ed` t
Royal &ink of Canada
Rolling Hills St~.vings & Cred:.t
Brooks Savings & Credit
County of Newell N~.~.4
Provinr.ial Treasurer
Brooks S.D.
Motore Vechir_le Branch
Mervin G, Kopperud
D,N, Ja.-nes
D.N. ,T~mes Petty cash
James Adcock
Stan Cameron
Kenneth Green
Heinz Karnapke
Nick Landgraf
Erick Larsen
Bryon Lassi'_er
Andrew Link
Morris Skrove
George Stimson
Aron Thiessen
Auburn Tillack
Edwin Tobler
Olaf Ulricksen
Henry Urban
Acme Novelty
Alberta Book & Novelty
Alberta Wheat Pool
Anderberg Equipment Ltd.
C_F. -Annie
Athletes ti~~ear
T.R. Baxter
Bassano Trailer Court
Beaver Lumber Co, Ltd.
Blue Bird Bus Sales
The Bolt Supply House
Boti~~ Slope Mutual
Brooks Iron Works
Brooks Pharmacy Ltd.
Elmer Buck
H. Burkholder
The Ca~,gary Herald
Stamp & Stencil 1963
Canadian Bitumis
Canadian Laboratory
Canadian Pacific Merchandise
Canadian Pacific Rail~~~ay
Canadian Propane Consolidated
Coleman Plubming
Noel E. Crapo
Cro°:~n Lumber Co. Ltd.
D & D Oilfield Service
D & J Transport i, ~~ ~~' -- ~ ~ ~~-"
Bob C. Dickson C °z r+ ~~ ' ~ r'
University of Edm r~ton
Evergreen Impleme t,i,C~:~ ~`~`"~°'~''nc;
Jubilee Insurance
Mr. C.L. Kadey
D.W. (Bill) Kinniburgh
D.L. Miller
W. Kimura
Dept. of Lands & forests
L.G. Service
K.N. Lintott
Aux. Serv. Due~;'r 425.00
A,.cc. Rec, R.S. Kristians on 23.42
Acc. Rec, H. Green 55,00
Acc. Rec. Christianson 90.00
Acc. Rec. G. Tim~:o 25.00
Acc. Rec, G. Tim~_o 100.00
Payroll 63'736.45
Gen. Gov't . Pension 210.29
Requisition 1535.54
Aux. Serv, re,:x~.ir 135.00
Trans . & i~L--i in of pupils 362 .50
Gen.Gov't. Mileage 31.80
Fu1 Fuel & repair 88.'3
Home Oweers Discount 50.00
Home Own ers Discount 50.00~~.
Home Own ers Discount 50.00-
Home Owners Discount 50.00
Home o-,.~ers Discount 50.00"
Home Ov;ners Discount - 50.00 `°
Home OUmers Discount 50.00
Home QL~ners Discount 50.00 '`
Home O;,mers Discount 50.00
Home O~~~ners Discount 50.00
Home Owners Discount 50.00`
Home Owners Discount 50,00
Home Owners Discount 50.00
Home Owners Discount 50.00
Home Oi-~ners Discount __
Instr. Aid Other 21.88
POM Trucks & Cartage 3.50
ASB Sundry 672.03`
P W Fuel & rep. 1.25
Instr. Aid Other 158.80
PW hire of machinery 15.00 '
POM Teacherage 30.00'
PW fuel & rep. .68
Capital Busses 20037.00
PW fuel & repair 50.99 '
POM Telephone 12.78
PW fuel & repair 135.95`
Instr. Aid Other 1.45
Au Ser. rep. 20.00
Instr. Other 25.00
Admin. A.dv. 8 57.72 -
Gent. Gov't. Office exp. 19:.50 -
PW fuel &rep. 27.45
Instr. Aid sup. & equip. 42.51~-
PW Sundry 14.50'-
PW Sundry 222.35
POM Teacherages 22 .~,~h ''
P'OM 131dgs . 38.97
Instr. Other 44.00'
PW Sundry 81.41 ``
PW Hire of machinery 718.00''
Gen. Cov't office exp. 1.25'"
Instr. of er 178,20
Instr Aid Other 8.98~~
Aus. Ser, rep, 2.40`'`
Instr. Other 50.00 "~
PW small tools & shop 3.50 ~'
Instr. Other 42.55'
PW purchase of rd. alloy. 150.00'"'
Pd,~1 Sundry 6 9.90 '
PW Fuel & repair 7.50`
FOM Trucks & cartage 21.60
9443 Mr. Lee Little Admin. Postage 5.00'"
944": MY-s. K.Y. McKay Instr. Other 50.60'"
9445 R. McLachlan POM rep, & re pl. to bldg. 2.10'
9446 Maclean Hunter Publ, PW sundry 8.00 ''
9447 Karl Maldaner A,u.,. Serv. trans. & main. 13L25'~
9448 M, Hat & Distr. Association Aux. Serv. trans. & Main. 84.00'"
9450 Mr. Miller Aux. Serv. trans & main. 105.00'
9451 Minnesota & mining Instr, Aid sup. & equip. 52,12 '
9~'S2 Modern Auto Ltd. Capital Trucks & cart. 833,76 ^
9453 Momar (Canada.) Ltd. FOM Caretaker supplies 35.00 "
9454 Miss Mary Mykelbust Instr. Other 25.00
9455 Gene Nichols Aux, Serv. rep. 20.OOi'
9456 Altha Nielson Instr. Other 41,80
9457 Noble Cultivators PW fuel & rep. 3994.57
9'_58 C.W. O'~rian Agencies Ltd. POM Caretaker supplies 6.18 ~"'
9459 F.E. Osborne Ltd. Instr, Aid Other .50~'
9~-60 County of NeZ^Tell No. =_ Payroll 1~ 858.70 `'
9'61 Pallesen Suppliers Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 110.92'"
9462 G. Philpott ASB Sundry 116.x.0"
94.63 Public Service pension Board Gen. Gov't. Pension 159,06
9~~64 Office of Queen's Printer Gen. Gov't. Office exp. 4.90
9465 Feguson Supplies PW hire of machinery 5000.00"
9466 Fix It Upholstery PW fuel & rep. 12.50
9467 E.H. Gabert Instr. Other 14.10'
9468 Robert Fleury Enterpiizes POM Teacher~ges 171,00~~
969 Franklin's Tires Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 507Q15°'"
9.70 Fruehaul Trailer PW fuel ~ repo . 53.84 `"`
9471 Wilma Friesen Aux. Serv, rep. 20.00
9472 Lyle E. Garbe Instr. Other `
9473 Gem Home & School Instr, Aids Other 60.32'
9474 Golden West Seeds ASB Sundry 42.50~`
9475 Grolier Enterprize Instr. Aids lib. & ref. 54.22 ,
9476 Mr. Tony Hauck Social Welfare TJnemploy. 11.40
9477 Christian H~ugaard Instr. Aid sup, & equip. 278.50
9478 The Hughes-O;rens Co. Ltd, PW fuel & rep. ~~0.93 `~
~~a7~x ~~~~~x~~~~x~~~~~~~x ~~~~~~x~~~~ x~xxxx
9.79 Ingram's Hardware FW fuel & rep. 9.08 ~'
9480 Iwaasa Industries Aux. Serv. rep. 62.55"
9`81 R & B Wheel Alignment PW fuel & rep. 20.00
9^_82 Ressler Motors Ltd. ~. PW fuel & rep. 14.00`'
9483 Revelstoke Bldg. Materials POM Teacherages 98,72
948a Roberts & Hall Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 80.93''
9485 L. Roth Aux. Serv. rep. 20.00
9486 Russell & Need.~am Capital Bassano School 13686,00 ~'
' 9487 Sylvia Rust Instr. Other 86.00 ~`
-9~-8-8 _ -- -~s,. Sates PW _Sun~l~__ ___-.~ ~~ _ _ _ _ _ g `i~1~,~ ..
91:89 Simples International Instr. Other 68.78`
9490 Sinclair Service PW fuel & rep. 3.71`
9491 Larry Seitz Aux. Serv. rep. 20,00'
9:92 Smith & Stark Agencies 2121.70
9493 Snap On Tools PW Small ~-ools & shop 2.95 `'
9494 Sproule Bearing Supply PW fuel & rep. 88.3''
9495 J.C. Stauffer POM h, 1r~,,, 2.00 ``
9496 Stiles "The Durggist" Instr. Aids sup. 2.55
9497 Tilley Excavator PW hire of machinery 990.00
9498 Tirol Gas Co. PW Sundry. 73.06`
9499 Tunney's Body Shop ~v~T fuel <x~ep, 14.50 ~"
9500 Village of Tilley FOM H, L, ~W. 138.00 '
9501 Town of Bassano POM Teacherages 280,02'-
9502 Underwood McLellan & Associates PW Hardsurfacing 3591.00
9503 Clifford Van-Gene ASB Sundry 30.00 '
9504 Arthur A Voice PW fuel & rep. 147.86-
9505 Welders Supplies Ltd. PW fuel & rep. 33.75
9506 World Book Childcraft Instr. Aid, lib. & ref. 166.00
9507 ______.__,
Postmaster G
n. Gov't, Postage 95.00
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