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1968-02-09 Council (Regular) Minutes
County of Newell No, 4 Council Meeting February 9, 1968 The Regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell No„ 4 was held in the County Office, Brooks, Alberta on Friday, February 9, 1968 at 10:00 a.ms • 1 s • Y R ^ R % Members present Reeve Councillors Sec.-Treas. Assistant Sec.-Treas. s w s s s s s s ^ J. Hajash! C. Larsen, A. Chrumka~` T. Musgrove / F. Nk.ndeville ~' R„ Hall F. Bergen.. P. Bartlett`;: G, Douglass/ DxN. James N. Fakas The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. s s s s s s r s s Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the Secretaries Statement of Receipts and Payments be approved. CarriedY s s s s s s s s s Mr. G„ Whitehead and Mr, J. Edworthy of the Association met with Council to discuss the Association program and Insurance, s s s s x ^ s s : Adjourned for lunch 1:00 to 2:30 p.m, ..=.r.x.l Mr. Rs Barnes of the Treasury Branch met with the Council to discuss Banking Poiices: i ^ i R l Y Y ll R The Secretary was directed to rrbake a study of our banking as to earning better interest earnings. i i i • C Q Y C !i Letter from HiD. Upshaw re authority to unload fertilizer a~' Gem was read. Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that we approve this application subject to all regulations being met, and that there will be no liability on the County. Carried. s s s • s s s s s The Secretary was directed to contact Smith & Stark Insurance Agencies and have them give us prices on our insurance as was presented by the Association, s • s s • , • s s Moved by Canncillor Chrumka, that we obtain Accident Insurance for Council, School Committee members, Secretary and Assitant Sec.- ~ Treas. and Supervisor of Schools. Carried. % , Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that we nominate a member to attend the Industrial Board meeting on February 14, 1968, Carr ied. s s s s : . s k a Fs Bergen nominated by Rs Hall J. Hajash nominated by F, Bergen Cease by Ax Chrumkax As a result of vote J. Hajash was elected. s e ^ s x s a s s Letter from Department of Highways re approval of increased load limits on District Highways was read and ordered filed. s s s ^ s s s s s Bid from Dra Reynar on old electric motor was read, and he was to be advised that this would be listed in forth coming sales s R x x i • i R ^ Letter from Russell & Needham, re Bassano School was read and ordered filed. s s s s s a s a s Letter from Alberta Advisory Committee on Education, re donation was read, Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that no donation be made. Carried. s s s x s a : s x Letter from the Salvation Army re donation was read. Moved by Ctuncillor Douglass, that by-law 346 to donate $300x00 to the Salvation Army, receive lst, 2nd, 3rd, readings and finally ~.ssedx Carried Unanimouslyx s s a s s s x a s Letter from Farmers Union re donation was reads Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that no donation be madex Carriedx s s x s a s : s s Letter from the Bridge Branch re bridge in NG~T 19-23-16-4 was read and ordered filedx s s a s x a s x s Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that we pay the Registration and Expensed to any School Committee member wishing to attend the ASIA Seminars in Calgary or Red Deer on March 6 and April 8x Carried. s s x s•^ s s s Committee Reports Agriculture: Moved by Councillor Larsen, that Ds Patterson, be appointed to the Industrial Board to represent,~he County Agriculture Advisory Boardx Carried: x s s x s s x s s Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the term of office for members of the Advisory Committee be for a period of three years with the option to resign at any time, end that their appointments be made to correspond with Division electio~ax Carried. x: x x..• s s Moved by Councillor Hajash, that Advisory Committee members receive $20,00 per meeting plus 10¢ per mile, while attending Advisory Committee Meetings. Carriedx a s w s s s x s s x u i_ a ~i a~i ~~ Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the Service Board enter into the ~ roadside landscaping program, as set out in the Agriculture Fieldznans report. Carried. , s Moved by Councillor I.~.rsen, that the purchase of spike cultivator, ~ and two sets of harrows for $370.00 be approved. Carried. Moved by Councillor Lassen, that a fire pump be purchased for ~,% tree spraying, in conjunefrfon with the Town and E.I.D. Sharing cost. Carried Moved by Councillor Larsen, that Potoato Growers having Ring-rat, must obtain certified seed the first year, and seed. ~" from a grower who has been cleans for a period of three years, for the second year seed. Carried. . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Lassen,. that the Agriculture Report be accepted. Carried. . .. . . / Mewed by Councillor Bartlett, that we adjourn at 6:00 p.m. to reconvene at 1,0:30 a.m. on N&anday February 12, 1968. Carried. T RE I z ,,;;:_~ R ~~ a A,;;;ountants ~~t.;;ar..~ ~E -TREFiSURER. accounts Payable for January 1968 No, Payable to: For: Amount: 7157 Lawrence L. Adams Home Owners Discount 50.00 7158 Sam Alberts 50xb0 7159 Edward Albright 50.00 7160 Gust Albush 50,00 7162 Gail Alcock 34.40 716 Sam Alock 50,00 716J. ERnest Alcock 50.00 7164 William Amlung 50,00 7165 Lester P, Anderberg 50.00 7166 Daniel Alderson 37,02 7167 Fred W. Anderson 50,00 7168 J,Vtt Anderson 50,00 7169 Kermith Anderson 50.00 7170 Nels Anderson 50.00 7171 Paul Adnersori 50.00 7172 Robert E, Anderson 50,00 7173 Jacob Armentrout 50.00 7174 Arnold Armstrong ~ 50,00 7175 Robert Armstrong 50.00 7176 Arthur Arrison 50,00 7177 Alan Acelson "~ 50.00 7178 Alex Baby 48,49 7179 Leslie L. Bailly " 50,00 7180 James Baksa 5000 7181 George Barg ~ 50,00 7182 Werner Barg " 50.00 7183 John Baron 50.00 7184 Paul N, Bartlett 50=00 7185 August Baumann 50,00 7186 Swen Bayer 50,00 7187 Floyd Beasley 50.00 7188 LEE C. Beasley 50.00 7189 Verlin Beasley 50,00 7190 Harold S, Beattie 50.00 7191 John S, Beattie 50.00 7192 Carl Beck.. 50,00 7193 William A. Beck 50,00 7194 Dassie Belanger 31,12 7195 Charles Bell 50.00 7196 William J, Bell "" 50,00 7197 A.V. Bennett 50,00 7198 Nels S, Benson 50,00 7199 William Benton 47,51 7200 John Beck 50,00 7201 .A.be H, Berg 50.00 7202 Arvid S. Berg 50,00 7203 Bern H, Berg 50,00 7204 Don E. Berg " 50,00 7205 Henry A, Berg 50.00 7206 John H, Berg 50,00 7207 Frank Bergen 50,00 7208 John Bergen 50„00 7209 George Bernhardsgrutter 50.00 7210 Alma T, Betts 50.00 7211 Joe Bildersheim Jr, 50,00 7212 Ralph B, shel __. 50.00 7213 ___y Mrs .Elizabeth Blair ~ __ ~~~_'~ 40„30 7214 Jens Block F = 4 50.00 7215 Agnes G, Bloomquist ! ! 50.00 7216 Grant E. Bodmer ~~_ i' 50,00 7217 Johannes h, Boehme ~ 50.00 7218 John Bog8 50,00 7219 Lindon Bone 50.00 7220 William D, Booth 50.00 7221 Dietrich Boschmann 50.00 7222 Cecil Botkin 50,00 7223 William J. Bourne Home Owners Discount 50,00 7224 John D. Bradshaw 50,00 7225 Fred Bragg " 50.00 7226 Henry W, Brau1 50,00 7227 Frank Braun 50.00 7228 James Brodie 41.61 7229 Robert Brodie 50,00 7230 Rolf Brodin 50,00 7231 Carl Brown 50.00 7232 Syndey A, Brown " 9=49 7233 E~dema M, Bruekx.ker 50.00 7234 -larlin Bruebaker Sr. 5.0,00 7235 Elmour L, Buck 32.43 7236 George Buck 50.00 7237 Frank Buday " 50.00 7238 Jo®eph Buday Jr. 50.00 7239 Austin Bunney " 50„00 7240 Daniel A, Bunney 50.00 7241 Adolph Burk 50,00 7242 Arthur Burton 50,00 7243 James Burton 50,00 7244 James F, Bra:r.ton 50.00 7245 Paul Butkiewi~z 50,00 7246 Clifford Buzogan 50,00 7247 Dan Buzogan 50.00 7248 Georg Calpas Jr, 50.00 7249 John G, Calpas 50.00 7250 George F. Carratt 50.00 7251 Robert Cariney 49.10 7252 Laurencia Charest 50.00 7253 George Charlton 50„00 7254 Tyrone Charlton 50,00 7255 Arthur Chelete 50.00 7256 Mildred & Geroge Ghizik 50.00 7257 A, Chogi 50.00 7258 Paul Chomistek 50.00 7259 Carl Christinsen 50.00 7260 Christian Christensen 50,00 7261 Er land Christiansen 50.00 7262 Mrs. Leona Christensen 50,00 7263 Chris J, Christianson 50.00 7264 Loyce E, Christianson 50.00 7265 Ronn Tod Christianson 50,00 7266 William J. Christianson 50,00 7267 Phillip Christman 50,00 7268 Alex P, Chrumka Jr. 50.00 7269 A Chrumka Sr. 50,00 7270 Karol Chrumka 50.00 7271 Rufus Chudleigh 50.00 7272 Angus Clyne 50.00 7273 Ben Colbens 50.00 7274 Floyd Collins 50.00 7275 i"Larven V, Compton 50.00 7276 Russell Conklin 50,00 7277 Raymond G, Conner 50,00 7278 Clarence L, Conners 50,00 7279 William Conners 50.00 7280 J.L. Corciveau 50.00 7281 Fred W, Cotton .. ._. 50.00 7282 County of Newell No, 4 1000.00 7283 kenneth H. Cowan 2:28 7284 Geor, Csoszor Jr, 50,00 7285 Cecil R, Daniels 50.00 7286 Donal W, Daniels 50,00 7287 Dorothy W. ,I?aniels 50.00 7288 Robert C. D niels 50,00 7289 Wm, DaragoJ~r, 50.00 7290 Wm„ Darago Sr, 50.00 7291 Karin Davidson 29.81 7292 Roy W. Davidson Home O~~aners Discount 50.00 7293 John M. bawling 50.00 7294 James E. Deans 50.00 7295 Fortunato De Blaise 50.00 7296 Theodore W. DeJong 50,00 7297 Oliver E. Deschamps 50.00 7298 Edward Dickinson 50.00 7L99 George W. Dickinson Jr 50.00 7300 Leslie Dickinson 50.00 7301 H.J. Dixon # 50.00 7302 John Dobo 50.00 ~~~~x ~1~~ ~ ~~~~ 7303 Jacob P. Doerksen 50,00 7304 Paul Donovan 50.00 7305 Merle ~7ortch 50.00 7306 Charles E. Douglas 50.00 7307 Dorien Douglas 50.00 7308 Gordon M. Douglas 50.00 7309 Jacob Douglas 50.00 7310 Redrew Dovichak 50.00 7311 P.E. Duby 50.00 7312 Rrchie Duckette X0.00 7313 Jack Dueck 46.52 X314 Gerhard E. Duerksen 50.00 7315 John Dumka 50.00 7316 John Dun3J 50.00 7317 Geo. Dunbar 50.00 7318 Clio B. Dunn 50.00 7319 Rrthur Drake 50.00 7320 Joseph Drotos Jr. 50.00 7321 Joseph Drotos ;5~. 50.00 7322 David ~y~ck 50.00 7323 Dietrick Dyck 50.00 7324 Henry D~c~ 50.00 7325 John Dyck 50.00 7326 Jacob R. Dyck 50,00 7322 Jacob W. Dyck 50.00 7328 Quo Duck 50 , 00 7329 Peter R Dyck 50.00 7330 N.W. Easter 50.00 7331 Roland Eastman 50.00 7332 Jacob H. Eckert 50.00 7333 Norman F. Edge " 50.00 7334 Richard. L. Edwards 50.00 7335 Marvel EIRE 50.00 7336 William Eigeard 48.16 7337 Bernard Elsbett 50.00 7338 Victor Thomas Elsbett 50.00 7339 Roy Emil 50.00 7340 Cancelled 7341 Jack G. Endersby 50.00 7342 James Endersby 50.00 7343 William R. Enders=day 50.00 7344 Ewald Engel 50.00 7345 Jacob Enns 50.00 7346 Jacob Enns 50.00 7347 Theodor Enas 50.00 7348 Helmut Entrup 50.00 7349 Rrthur A. Evans 50.00 7350 Barry E. Evana 50,00 7351 Harold P. Eveson 50.00 7352 Vince Fabian 50.00 7353 D.J. Feguson 50.00 7354 Francis Featherstone 50.00 7355 Kennth L. Ferguson 50.00 7356 Ellen S. Fieldberg 50.00 7357 Melvin O. Fieldber~ 50.00 7358 M~.ry Figesc~ki 50.00 7359 earl Finley 50.00 7360 Lars Flatla 50.00 7361 Peder H. Flatla 50.00 7362 Clarence Fleming 50.00 7363 John Folkerts 60.00 7364 Wallace E. Frazer Home Owners Discount 50.00 7365 William A. Freeman 50,00 7366 ~ickolai Zagorsky # 50.00 7367 Frank Zahenaiko 50.00 736 John ~ahenaiko 50.00 7369 'Steve 'Zelina 50.00 7370 Albert Zwaac~stra 50.00 7371 Donald G. Galarneau 50.00 7372 Fred A. Galarneau 50.00 7373 Max A. Galarneau 50.00 7374 John Galicz 50.00 7375 L. Gallup 50.00 7376 Darrel S. Gamble 50.00 7377 James D. Gamble 50.00 7378 William M. Gordon 50.00 7379 S. Gazdarica ~ 50.00 7380 Frank Genouse 50.00 7381 Nellie Palmer Gibb 50.00 7382 Fred W. Gilroy 50.00 7383 Felix P. Girdauckis 50.00 7384 Stein Gled~lie 50.00 7385 Trygue Gleddie 50.00 7386 Adrienne Gobeil 50.00 7387 Treffle Gobeil 50.00 7388 James L. Gold 50.00 7389 Louis Gongal 50.00 7390 Albert R. Gosling 50.00 7391 Sidney Codling 50.00 7392 Clarence E. Gray 50.00 7393 Douglas Grayson 50.00 739~~ Hugh G. Green 50.00 7395 Joseph G. Green 50.00 7396 Dona A. Grosfield 50.00 7397 Herm F. Grosfield 50.00 7398 Amos H. Grue 50 .00 7399 Charles E. Hale 50.00 7400 Sohn Hale 20.63 7401 David R. Hall 50.00 702 James Hajash Jr. 50.00 7403 Joseph Hajash 50.00 7404 Herbert S. Hammergreen 50.00 7405 Kathleen Hanke 50.00 • 7406 H. Hansen 5~ 0.00 7407 Otto Hansen 50.00 7408 Gustav Harder 50.00 7409 Perceval A. Hargrave 50.00 7410 Robert G. Harstead 50.00 7411 Dempster Haven 50.00 7412 .`Susan Hawkins 50.00 7413 Bernard Heinricks 50.00 7414 Douglas F. Heggie 50.00 7415 Alex Hellmer 50.00 7416 Marven Hellmer 50.00 7417 Joseph Hemsing 50.00 7418 S.B. Hemsing 50.00 741® Lawrence Heron 50.00 7420 John Heron 50.00 7421 H.S. Hery~ord 50.00 7422 C.N. Hendricksen 50.00 7423 Ewald Hendricksen 50.00 7424 Bryce M. Hendricson 50.00 7425 Clinton Hendrickson 50.00 7~-26 Dcuglas Hendrickson 50.00 7427 Harry Hendricson 50.00 7428 Keifh Hendrickson 50.00 7429 Ben Hiebert 50.00 7430 Carmen Hiebert 50.00 7431 l~kiro Hirenaka 50.00 7432 Kaisuki Hironaka 50.00 7433 Harry Knud Hjorth 50.00 7434 N~ rius Hjorth 50.00 7435 Harland S. Hofman Home Owners Discount 50.00 7436 Donald R, Hofman 50,00 7437 Earl CQ. Hofmann 50.00 7438 Ralph A. Hofmann 50.00 7439 Raymond E. Hofmann "5 50.00 7440 John Holinda 50.00 7441 John Hollenszer Jr, 50.00 79.42 Robert Hol,ms 50.00 7443 John Holdt 50.00 7444_ Jack Hutchison 50.00 7445 Eyre Huff 24.57 7446 Geo. R, Hughes 50.00 7447 Tony Hulsrran " 50.00 7448 R. Irwin 50.00 7449 Henry Isaac 50.00 7450 Allan Jacob 50.00 7451 Chris Jacobsen 50,00 7452 Niels P. Jacobsen 50.00 7453 Douglas L, Jacobson 50.00 7454 Jorgen Jokobsen 50.00 7455 Reuben Janke 50.00 7456 Henry Janzen 50.00 7457 John H. Janzen 50.00 7458 Peter Janzen 50.00 7459 Niels V. Jasperson 50.00 7460 Kurt Jensen 50.00 746 Phillip Jensen 50.00 7462 A.K.M. Jepperrson 50.00 7463 Chris Jessen 50.00 7464 Emil Jesse 50.00 7465 Albert Jersak 50,00 7466 Hans P, Johansen 50.00 7467 13urton Johnsen 50.00 7468 Edward Johnson 50.00 7469 G.R. Johnson 50.00 7470 Linnea Johnson 50.00 7471 R.E. Jones 50.00 7472 Ove H. Jorgensen 50.00 7473 Eva E . Kadey 50.00 7474 Joseph Kato 50.00 7475 Joe Kalvaites 50.00 7476 Gordon Karaki 50.00 7477 5~~.~eHd Kargard 50.00 7478 Alfred H, Kerr 50.00 7479 Geo. L. Ketch~rk 50.00 7480 Helen G. Ketchrrx~rk ~~ 50.00 7481 Rudolph Koch 50.00 7482 Frank Kocisis 50.00 7483 Donald Kondo 50.00 7484 Garry A. Kopperud 50.00 7'85 John Kornelson 50.00 74 86 Martin Koza 50.00 7487 Matthew K. Koza 50.00 7488 Raymond Kimmell 50.00 7489 Yoshits Kimura 50.00 7490 Mildred M.G. King 50.00 7491 Steve Kipta 50.00 7492 Herbert Wm. Kirschenrran "" ~' 50.00 7492 Aron J. Klassen °° 50.00 7494 Cornelius Klassen 50.00 7495 John W. Klassen 50.00 7496 William Klimuk 50.00 7497 Emil Klautt 50.00 7498 Ralph L. Klautt 50.00 7499 Robert C. Knight 50.00 7500 Michael Kolyta 50.00 7501 Edward Kramer 50.00 7502 Elizabeth Kramer 50.00 7503 Henry Kramer Jr. 50.00 7504 Kenry Kraus 50.00 7505 Karl Kraus 50.00 7506 Alfred Kruse 50.0(93 7507 Almer Kristianson Ho::e Owners Pisoun~ 50.00 7508 Winter P. Lake 50.00 7509 Lcrne Landree 50.00 7510 A,lvis Lang " 50.00 7511 Geo. 1~., Larsen 50.00 7512 Arthur Larson 50.00 751`3 ~~~~~ Jorgen Larson 50.00 7514 Wendall J. Larson 50,00 7515 Ray 0. Ledene 50.00 7516 Sideny F. Leggin 50.00 7517 StevelLelek 50.00 7518 Edgar Lelond 50.00 7519 Henry Lepp Jr. 50.00 7520 Leonard 0, Leroux ~~ 50.00 7521 Albert E, Lester "" 50,00 7522 David Lester 50.00 7523 John Lester 50.00 7524 Joseph Lester 50.00 7525 Wm. G. Lett-~r 50.00 7526 Johann W. Lindquist 50.00 757 G.G. Lowewen 50.00 7528 Wm. Russell Lokier 50.00 7529 Robert 'Z. Lore 50 .00 7530 Sammuel D. Lo~nery 16.70 7531 Clark M. Lund 50.00 7532 Ersel 0. Lund 50.00 7533 Lecnard G. Lundquist 50.00 7534 William Lyzenga 50.00 752,5 Rlbert Macdonald 50.00 7536 NTaneuel Maderious 50.00 7537 Tonny Man Jul Maden "" 50.00 7538 Marikiyo Makoto 50.00 7539 Jchn Manchn~z " 50.00 7540 FFed Mandeville " 50.00 7541 James M, March 40.30 7542 Loyd F, i"~rcy 50.00 7543 Dale Edward Martin 50.00 7544 William Martin 50.00 7545 Chris F. Mathiesen 14.73 7546 Elrner Meidinger 50,00 7547 Stephen Merkel Jr. 50.00 7548 Stephen Merkel S~. 50.00 7549 lndrew Mikula 50.00 7550 l~lexander Miller 50.00 7551 M.M. Miller 50.00 7552 Steve Molnar 50.00 7553 Henry Monroe 50.00 7554 Myle Moriarty 50.00 7555 Douglas H, Morishita 50.00 7556 Norman Morishita 50.00 7557 Mark C. Morris 50.00 7558 Gilbert R. Morrow 50.00 7559 Donald Mortensen 50.00 7560 Marie Mortensen 50.00 7561 William Mortenseon 50.00 7562 Richard Motokado 50.00 7563 Steve Mrakava Jr. 50.00 7564 Valentine J. Mrakav~ 50.00 7565 Geo. W. Murray 50.00 50.00 X566 Fredereick Td. Musgrove ~~ 50.00 7567 `T'homas T~1. Musgrove ~~ ~~ 3 2 .12 7568 John F. McMillian ~. 50.0C 756° Alexina MacKay » ~~ 50.00 7570 Heinrick Nannt 50.00 7571 Oscar Nashiem ~~ ~~ 5 0 .0 0 7572 Waiter Nasse 7573 Arthur Neely Home Owners Discount 50.00 7574 James Neely 50.00 7575 Arthur L. Nelson 50.00 7576 Ar~hur L. Nelson 50.00 7677 Edgar Nelson 50.00 7678 Gordon Neilson 50.00 7679 Jake ~. Neufeld 50.00 7580 H.D. Neufeld 50.00 7581 Arth~i' Nichols 50.00 7582 Sohn Nickel 50.00 7583 ~ rtin Nielson 50.00 7`~8~i John Niert~ns 50.00 7585 John Niznik 50.00 7586 Charles Northcott 50.00 7587 Tom Nosterud 50.00 7588 Alfred Nygard 50.00 7589 E.G. Nygaard 50.00 7590 Albert Olafson 50,00 7591 Walter Olafson 50.00 7592 harles H. C~ldenberg 50.00 7593 Donald I Olson "" 28.50 7594 Harold Olson 50.00 7595 Sonny Ohama 50.00 7596 Tono Oharra 50.00 7597 Axel Ostergaard 50.00 7598 Thomas Ovinge 50.00 7599 Alvin A. Owen "" °' 50.00 7600 Bennett Owen 50.00 7601 Donald L. Owen 5 .00 7602 Gerhard G. Paeka u 50.00 7603 Henry Paetkau ~ 50.00 7604 Peter Paetkau 50.00 7605 John Palko 50.00 7606 Stanley R. Parker 50.00 7607 pale Patterson `° 50.00 7608 Henry Peake 50.00 7609 Richard Pearson 50.00 7610 Rudolf Peltier 50.00 7611 David Penner Jr. 50.00 7612 Bert L. Perry ~~ 50.00 7613 Bertman Perry ~, •, 5 0.0 0 7614 Henry Peters ~~ 50.00 7615 Peter J. Peters 50.00 7616 Soren G. Petersen "" 50.00 7617 Elhardt Peterson 50.00 7618 Peter H. Peterson 50.00 7619 Seth Peterson 50.00 7620 William Peterson 50.00 7621 1~ennis R. Peyton 50.00 7622 E. G. Phillips 50.00 7823 Francis Phillips 50.00 7624 Kenneth W. Pickett 50.00 7625 Tommy K. Pickett 50.00 7626 Lawrence L. Pierson " " 50.00 7627 John Pimvicska 50.00 7628 George Plett 50.00 7629 Peter P. Pleutt 50.00 7630 William W. Plumber 50.00 7631 Gabriel Prochazka 50.00 7632 Steve Prochazka 50.00 7633 Jv;~ce K. Purcell 50.00 7634 Charles E. Ramer 50.00 7635 Clarence J. Ramer 50.00 7636 Leonard Rasmuson " 50.00 7637 Cancelled __-..- 7638 Stanley Rath ~ 50.00 7639 Abraham Redekopp °' 50.00 7640 Reuben Redelback i 50.00 7641 Robert Redelback _ ._ _ _-----~---' 50.00 7642 Ernest Reghr 50.00 7643 lvlartin W. Regehr 50.00 7644 Jacob Reimer Home o-~ners Discount 50.00' 7645 Jacob Rempel 50.00 7646 Herbert Reule 50.00 7647 l~dam Richter 50.00 7648 Lawrence B. Roen `0.00 7649 Hugh W. Robertson 50.00 7650 Elvin Robinson 50.00 7651 Anthony Rommens 50.00 7652 La Vern A. Ro®e 50.00 7653 Levoy Roth 50.00 7654 'Curtis Royer 50.00 7655 Elsie M. Rumohr 50.00 7656 Peter Runner 50.00 7657 Calvin Russell 50.00 7658 Walter Ruth 500 0 7659 Alfred H. cyan 50.00 7660 Harland Ryan 50.00 7661 Pdilton J. Ryan 50.00 7662 George ~. Salser 50.00 7663 Victor G, Saunders 50.00 7664 Geo. Sawatsky Jr. 50.00 7665 Geo. Sawatsky 50,00 7666 ~Ienry Sati~~atsky 50.00 7667 larence Scheeiner 50.00 7668 Lawrence `Scheeider 50.00 7669 Bernard 'Scheuermzn "" 50.00 7670 Adolph Schieve 12.11 7671. Heldman Schienman 50.00 7672 Reinhold Schiemann 50,00 7673 l~.R. Schindeler 50.00 7674 Floyd N, Schindeler "" 50.00 7675 Walter 'Schlossberger " 50.00 7676 Chris Schmidt 50.00 7677 Douglas Schneider 50.00 7678 Gott Leib Schneider 50.00 7679 Oscar Schneider 50.00 7680 John Schneimer 50.00 7681 Edward Schvett 50.00 7682 Bernhard Schultz 50.00 7683 John A. Sears 50.00 7684 Leroy See 1y 19.98 7685 Mildred M. Seitz 50.00 7686 Viria~il Selk 50.00 7687 Lionel G. Senecal 50.00 7688 M.K. Shacke$on 50.00 7689 K. Shackletcr, 50.00 7690 William Shan':a 50.00 7691 Walter Shepaard 50.00 7692 Elwood Sherman 50.00 7693 Keith E. Shuttleworth 50.00 7694 William Sinclair 50.00 7695 Irene Skaaning 50.00 7696 Alvin J. Skanderup 50.00 7697 Clifford Skanderup " "" 50.00 7698 Jens Jensen Skow 50.00 7699 Anna Skuban 50.00 7700 John P. Sl_uban 50.00 7701 Jospeh Skuban 50,00 7702 Paul Skuban 50.00 7703 Rasmus Skaiver 50.00 7704 James 'Smallbones 50.00 7705 Albeit H. Smith ~" 50.00 7706 Mrs. Bertha Smith 50.00 7707 George smith 50,00 7708 John W. 'Smidstrup 50.00 7709 ~.K. Smith 50.00 7710 us W. Sonnic 50.00 7711 Ingerm~n Sorenson 50.00 7712 William Squirell :,50.00 7713 Rae Stafford -~ 50.00 771='< Bernard 'SteinkxZCk 50.00 7715 Herman Steinback 50.00 7716 Peter Steinbsk Home Oti~ners Discount 50.00 7717 Lewis Stenger 50.00 7718 Frank Stevens 50.00 7719 James Stevens 50.00 7720 Ken Stevens 50.00 7721 Donald Steti7art 50.00 7722 John Stica 50.00 7723 Otto Stikel 50.00 7724 Steve Stellinger 5C.00 7725 Arthur St=ojke 50.00 7726 Otco Stojke 50.00 7727 Ruthh C. Storehouse 50.00 7728 1Zran~ Stoye 50.00 7729 Robert Strach 50.00 7730 Wallace A. Strawsed 50.00 7731 Mike Suc~~- 50.00 7732 John S. Sugden 50.00 7733 Roland Sugden 50.00 7734 G.V. Swenson 50.00 7735 Izorens A. Swenson 50.00 7736 flex Syryda 50.00 7737 Hiroski Takeda 50.00 7738 Jubei Tamura 50.00 7739 Morkiyo Tamura 50.00 770 Yukio Tamura 50.00 7741 Archie Tateson 50.00 7742 Nello Tautfest 50.00 7743 Margaret Tell 50.00 7744 Edward Tessarcx~n "" 50.00 7745 Wilhelm Tiessen 50.00 77x_6 Ronald Tiffin 50.00 7747 John Till 50.00 7748 Martin Timm 50.00 7749 Jacob Theisen 50.00 7750 A nnThomas 50.00 7751 'Claude Thompson 50.00 7752 R.G. Thompson 50,00 7753 Terry Thompson 50.00 7754 Alfred Tobler ,~ t 50.00 7755 Geor. W. Tomlinson " 50.00 7756 C.B. Tooke "" 50.00 7757 Anthony Toplensky 50.00 7758 Ben Torkelson 50.00 7759 J. T1~th 50.00 7760 Charles L. Turner 50.00 7761 J.B. T-~_~rner 50.00 7762 Geo. E. Trekofski X0.00 7763 Robert Timmer 50.00 7764 John W. Trotter 50.00 7765 Steve Ulrick 50.00 7766 Henry Unrau 50.00 7767 Peter Unrau 50.00 7768 John Unser 50.00 7769 Kasper Unser 50.00 7770 Joseph B. ~a larian 50 .00 t 7771 Marie A. V lli 50.00 7772 John Van Bergen 50.00 7773 Cornelius Van Wert 50.00 7774 Ronald Van Wert 50.00 7775 Ilona Julia Varga 22.92 7776 Fred Virostek 50.00 7778 Michael Virovec 50.00 779 Amur Vogel 50.00 7780 Jospeh Volk 50.00 7781 Joseph P. Volk 50.00 7782 John I Voroney 50.00 7783 Peter Voroney 50.00 7784 Adolph Wahl 50.00 7785 Herman Wahl 50.00 7786 Ernest Wa1de 50.00 7787 H.H. Walde 50.00 7788 John J. Walde 50.00 7789 Gordon Walker 50.00 7790 Neil Wallace 50.00 7777 Joe Virovec " " " ~~'~-~10 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7797 7798 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807 7808 'i 8 0 9 7810 7 811. 7812 7813 7814 7815 7816 7817 7818 7819 7820 7821 7822 7823 7824 7825 7826 7827 7828 7829 7830 7831 7832 7833 7834 7835 7836 7837 7838 7839 7840 7841 7842 7843 7844 7845 7846 7847 784 7849 7850 7851 7852 7853 7854 7855 7856 7857 7858 759 7860 Thomas Wallace Will Wallace William P. Wallace OttowWallewein Redmond J. Walsh August ~,~heninger Emil K. Weis Cecil G, We~~ Erick Werner Cirnc Wester Norman Wester Cladd Wester J.J. ~testwick James R. Westwick Sigfreid Wetteskinc~l Cancelled David R. White Evertte White Lindon V, White Eckardt Wiebe Helmut Wiebe Henry H. Wiebe Jacob Wiebe Kurt Wiebe Walter Wiebe Ernest Wiehleer David Wiens Jacob Wiens William Willa re Arthur Williczo Edwin P. Willms Frank Willms Henry Willms John Willms Floyd Wilson Fr~dericl WilsoN Elizabeht E. Wipf Joe Wircvec Albert & William Wittmier John Wolfe Albert Workes C~~~~~~~~ R. Renard William H. Wheller Alfred D. Lawson Prov. Treasur per 3J'S Construction & R.J. Schaffer 3J's construction & H. Lowewen Postrrr~ ster Tilley Gas Co. Ltd. Dunford Con. vtd. Andretiv Airth Editor of Alta, School Trustees Allied Equipment Ltd. Alta. Gov't. Telephones Alta. Gov't. Telephones Alta. Gov't. Telephones Allied Distributros Ltd. Alberta Assoc. of MD. Arnold T"~ chine Shop Ltd. Bantry Grazing Assn. Bassano Royalited (1965) Bassano Sand & gravel Bassano Trailer -Court Blue Bird Bus Sales Bow 'Slope Mutual Tel. Brake-Drome Brooks Co-op Assoc. Brooks Esso Service Brooks Motcrs Brooks N.E. Mutual Home O~,~mers Discount 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50,00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 ., ., 50.00 " 5 .00 " 50.00 " 50,00 " 50.00 " 60.00 ,• •• 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 50,00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 50,00 " 5©.00 " 50,00 ,.., ., 12.7 7 .. ., 49.37 .~~ " 50.00 50.00 " 50.00 " 50.00 I~nT Hire of machinery 1044.00 H.O.D. 50.00 H.O.D 50.00 Health Hospital Requ. 38537.44 Capital l~assano teach. 830.00 1000.00 Gen. Gov't. Postatre 95.00 POM Teacherages 247.85 Capital Bassano teach 5810.22 PW Sundry 10.0 A dmin, Other 37.50 PW Hire of m~ chinery 172 .50 Acc. Rec. L, Little , , ; ,'1 3, 87 PW Sundry 4,13 Acc. Rec. J.J. Trekofski 9,04 PW Fuel & repair 654.18 PW Fuel & repair 6328.30 PW Fuel & Repair 792.11 PW Sundry 50,00 PW Fuel & repair 1. ~0 PW hire of r~chinery 137.50' POM Teacherages 31.00 Aux, `Serv. repair 115.20 POM Tel. 19.03 PW fuel&repair 3.43 POM rep. & repl. to bldgs2343.39 Aux, Serv. repair 5.35 Aux. Serv. repair 931.52 PW Sundry 460.94 7861 7862 7863 7864 7865 7866 7867 7888 7869 7870 7871 7872 7873 7874 7875 7876 -7877 7878 7879 7880 7881 7x82 7883 7884 7885 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 781 7892 7893 7894 7895 7896 7897 7898 7899 7900 7901 7902 7903 7904 7905 7906 7907 7908 7909 7910 7911 7912 7~~13 7914 7915 7916 7917 7918 7919 7920 7921 7922 7923 7924 7925 7926 7927 7 928 7929 Brooks N.E. Mutual Brooks Pharmacy Ltd. Brooks Stationers Brooks Radiator Shop Brooks Tire `Service Ltd. Bud's ,Service (1960) Bud's Royalite Service The Calgary Herald Canadian Laboratory Canadian Liquid fir Ltd. Candian Liquid A,ir Ltd. Canadian Pacific Merchandis Canadian Pacif is Rlway Canadian Pacific Rlway Canadian Propane Consolidated O.W. Carlson Central Sales & Service Central Sales & Service L. Chaest Mr. C.F. Annis Coleman Plubming & Heating Mr. R. Con~~in Cancelled County of Newell No. 4 Noel E. Crapo Cro.Jn Lumber Co . Ltd. Cummins Diesel Sales Calgary Stamp & Stencil Deldays Brooks Transport Bob.C. Dickson Electric Crafts Ltd. Victor T. Elsbett Nici_ Fakers Flanagan Brother Ltd. Franklins Tires Ltd. Friednly Stc>~es E.H. Cabert Mr. Lyle E. Carbe Gay's Friednly Soore Gem Community Gem General Store Mrs. Carol A. Gibb R.B. Gib:b Grolier Ltd. Pete Harder The Head Hu}lters Diesel Heads Mrs. Antra endricksen Imr~erial Oil Agent Imperial Oil Agent Imprer is I Oi 1 I-~gen~ Ingrams Hardware Dan W. Ireland h~.,assa Industries Mr . DN Ja me s John Snyders Auto Wrecking Johnson Bros. Sawmills Howard J. Hohnson Jubilees Insurance Kaz's Service Ltd. Gary Kirk - - The Kleenbring CollQries Klemm Electric Ltd.; Robert Fleury ,,, W . H . Fr e e ma n & C o . ` ' ya, ,,. _ ...~.--~----~• `~.~..- Acme Novelty Bell & Ho~rell Can. Ltd. Bruce Robinson Electric Capital Gals Ltd. Coutts Machinery Co. Lid. POM Telephone 5.50 PW. Fuel & repair 2.75 POM rep. & rep.to bldg.s 3.87 Aux. Serv repair 18.00 PW fuel & repair 12.59 Aux. Serv. fuel 3.70 PW fuel & repair 6.00 PW Sundry 15 . ~_ 0 Instr. Aids supp. & equi p 18.8 8 PW fuel & repair 14.88 PW fuel & repair 14.40 POM Trucks & Cart age 3.50 PW gravelling 20.00 Admin. Postage & tel. 5.51 POM teacheragee 76.42 PW Gravelling 22.09 Aux. Serv fuel 346.48 PW fuel & repair 17.33 Instr. Other 4.50 Assist. sup. expe nse 26.85 Pom rep. &y reel. to b1d .~~~~cTdO 2805.80 Trans. & Main of pupil 210.00 PW fuel & repair 61.14 Instr. Other 3~0Or POm rep. & reel. tc b1dg .182.40 PW fuel & rep. 460.42 Gen. Gov. office exo. 2.35 PW fuel & rep. 33.38 Instr. Assist supt. 103.89 Pom rep. & rep. to olds. 5.60 Aux. Serv. rep. 10.00 keen. Gov't mileage 5.00 Pom Caretaker supp. 26.16 Fvd fuel & rep. 503.96 Pom caretaker supplies 29.04 INSTR. Other 6.00 Instr. Other 25.28 FOM caretaker supplies 21.30 Gen. Gov't. Elections 10.00 Aux. Serv. fuel 181.82' Buusaries 450.00 Instr. Other 3.00 Instr. Aids Lib. & ref. 189.00 Aux. Serv, fuel 101.22 PW fuel & repair 68.00 Instr. Other 6.00 Welfare Unemployalbe 19.3 PW Fuel & re~ir 1135.84 Social Welfare Unemply. 11.40 ASB Sundry 26.40 Bursaries 225.00 POM trucks & ca rate 7.5. ~_3 Gen. Gov't. Mileage 5.00 PW fuel & repair `i.50 PW material 440. 83 PW Nhterial 24.00 PW Insurance 961.68 PW fuel & repair 1.00 A dmin Other 28.00 POM H.L.W. 267.10 POM rep. & reel. to bld. 2U.c5 Pw Sundry 117.23 Instr. Aids Other 34.16 Instr .Other 13.26 Instr. bids supp. & equi pl59.95 POM rep. & reel. to bldg .l65.84 PW Fuel & rep. 14.20 PW fuel ~ repair 12.00' 7930 Keith 0. Lake Aux« Sers Fuel 461,66 7931 Robert E. Lee Aux. Serv. fuel 131,95 7932 The Lethbridge Herald PW Sundry 8,40 7933 Lewis Stationery (L961) Gen« Gov't. office exp« 25,20 7934 Mr. K. Lintott POM Trues & cartage 20«40 7935 Mrs Lee Little Instr Other 13,50 7936 Lloyd Dunn PW hire of machinery 90.00 7937 Top Notch Construction PW hire of machinery 1620,00 7938 Macleods PW Fuel & repair 172,68 7939 Mr, T, Ma.cP}.ail Inst« Other 12.00 7940 Mrs, K.Y. McKay Instr« Other 46,00 7941 T'Iaple Leaf Service Aux, Ser. fuel 88,52 7942 Marshall Wells Store PW Sundry 10,00 7943 Marshall's Book Store Ltd. Instr. Aids sup, & equip, 3110,28 7944 Medicine Hat Health Unit Health Health Unit Requs 2641,63 7945 The Medicinehia.t News PW Sundry 6,24 7946 Med, Hat School Dist, #76 Tuition fees 120,00 7947 Cancelled 7948 J.D. Miller '.i' DPW mileage 10,00 7949 Mr. MsMiller Tran« & Mann of pupils 52,50' 7950 Modern Auto Service PW fuel & repair 10,65 7951 D.F. Murray & Sons Machinery ASB Sundry 155,80 7952 Niagara Branh Chemicals A SB pests & weeds 81,50 7953 Asbestonos Corporation Ltd, PW fuel & rep. 166,02 7954 T~'Ir. B.L. perry ASB Sundry 65,73 7955 Plew's Service PW fuel & repair 7.89 7956 Premier Cartage Gen, Gov't, prt, & Stat« 1,50 7957 J.L. Rawlei~h & Son Aux. Serv, fuel 129,00 7958 Canceil~d 7959 Revelstoke.. Bldg, Material POM rep. & reel, to bldgs. 31,90 7960 Revenue Accounting PW sundry 500,00 7961 Roberts & Hall td. A u.x Serv. repair 19,84 7962 Revelstoke Bldg Material POM rep. & re pl. to bldgss 6,84 7963 Rosemary Bldg« Material POM Rep. & rep1. to bldgs, 3.83 7964 Mrs, S.F. Rust Instr. Other 64,50' 7965 Schelske's Welding Shop POM reps & repls to bldgs. 2.50 7966 School Book Branch lnstr. Aid Textbooks 2507,80" 7967 School Book Branch jnstr. Aid Lib. & refs 469,85 7968 Shannon Glass Ltds Gen, Gov't, office exp. 8.50 7969 Noel Sharp Instr« Other 9,00 7970 Sharp's Theatre Supplies Instr« supp« & equips 686,48 7971 Wm. Sheldrake A SB Sundry 111sc80~~ 7972 ~imples International Time Pom rep. & rep, to bldgss 157:50 7973 Stiles The Druggist Ltds Instr« Other 9,64 7974 Smith's Trucking PW S ndry 50,00 7975 WH Smith & S ne Wholesale Instr. Aid lib. & ref, 2«82 7976 Standard Auto Parts PW fuel & reps 64«80 7977 Don G« Tarney Inst. Other 5.62 7978 Taylor Pearson & Carson PW fuel & reps 127,56 7979 Taylor Plastics Ltd, PW fuel ~ rep, 177,42 7980 George Timko Instr Other 14,40 _ 7981 Transmission Sups Lte, PW fuel & reps 22:82 7982 Joe Trekofski Instr, Other 4,50 7983 Eleanor Trotter Instx, Other 8,47 7984 Tunney`s Bo~1y Shop PW fuel ~ reps 20x50 7985 Underwood McLellan PW Sureveys 6340«90 7986 Universal Bindery Ltd, ~~nts. Other 72,25 7987 p Valley Lumber Ltds ,,.~---~`"'" .~ ~ , ~,I~OM rep, & repl, to bldgs « 6.85 7988 'i Village of Duches ~ ~ z P~M H.L.Ws 92,25 7989 Village of Rosemary `'' i P M HsLsTal, 132x50 7990 Village of Tilley PS~'I H.L.W. 134x00 7991 N~rs. Ms Vossler `~, .-~-- "" ~ Trans, main of pupils 210x00 7992 Wally's Paint & Hardware Pom rep, & rep. to bldgss 19,96 7993 Bayne Bus Sales Ltd. A ux. Serv rep. 16,50 7994 Welders Supplies Ltd, PW Fuel & reps 38,75 7995 Welders Supplies Ltd. PW Fuel & rep, 132.27 7996 Mr. J, White Instr« Other 100x00 7997 David Wiens Instr« Other 12x00 7998 John Ps Wittig Instr, Aid sups & equip, 13,13" 79~g Thea Young ~nstr, Other 9,30 8000 D.L. Miller nstr, Other ~. 4,50 8001 Central Scientific Of Can, Instr, ids sup, & equip. 5.,05 8002 Coneco Equip. Ltd, PW Fuel & rip, 294,70 8003 Co-op Book Centre Instr, Aid, lib, & ref, 270:32 8004 W. E, Greer Ltd. POM Caretake supplies 328,50 8005 Municipal Supplies PW Sundry 6,05 800r3 Pheasant Sales Ltd, Aux, Ser, repair 337,39 8007 T.H. Peacock Distr, Ltd, PW fuel & re~.ir 111,94 8008 Universal Bindary Ltd, Instr. Aids, lib,&ref, 166,20 8009 Century Sales & Serv, PW fuel `rep, 16,91 80L0 A & C Propane POM Teacherages 27,00 8011 Bow Valley Vet, Clinic ASB Burcellosis 1930,00 8012 Brooks Tom Boy Store POM Caretaker supplies 6,35 8013 Eastern Irrigation Dist, PW Gravelling 520,70 8014 Sewell Vet, Clinic ASB Burcellosis 2470,00 8015 3 J's Construction Ltd, Capital Bass. teacherage 3993,00' 8016 A,c~lands Ltd, PW fuel & repair 731,79 8017 Acme Novelty Gen, Gov't, office expense. 24.88 ' 8018 AGT POM Telpe~nhones 10,30 8019 Bailleys Store POM Caretaker supplies 20tt92' 8020 Century Sales & Service PW Fuel &repair 16,91 8022 Costello Equipment Co, Ltd, PW Fuel & rep, 160,80 8021 Correspondence School Branch Corespondence Courses 12,00'' 8023 Llyod Dunn PW Hire of machinery 85,00`' " 8024 Flanagan Bros, Ltd, POM Caretaker supplies 17,53 " 8025 Gem Lumber Yard POM Caretaker supplies 18,47'' 8026 Georges B.A. Service A ux, Serv, repair 28„20'° 8027 Nesbitt Publishing ASB Sundry 324,34 8028 Pardee Equipment PW Fuel & rep, 216.31 ` 8029 Rec, Gen. Debenture 10016.44;' 8030 Gen, Receiver Acc. Rec, Rec, Gen, 279,99 8031 ~ Ressler Motors Aux, Serv, repr~.~r 33.10' 8032 Russel & Needham Cap, Bassano School 260,00 8033 Tilley Gas Co, Ltd, PW Sundry 1719,63 8034 GaW. Philpott 135,00 8035 Muscular Dystrophy Donation 25,00 _- 8036 The Alberta Heart Fund Donation 25.00 " 8037 EID PW Hire of machinery 546,00`" 5038 Rosemary Skating Rink Instr, Other 100.0©`• 8039 Duchess Skating Rink Instr, Other 100,00 8040 Tilley Skating Rink Instr, Other 100,00`' 8041 Bassano Arena Instr. Other 20Q,00'" 8042 Bank of Nova Scotia Aux, Serv•contract van 431.00 8043 Bank of Nova Scotia Aux, Serv, contract van 425x00 ` 8044 Treasury Branch A ux, Serv, Contract Van, 420,00` 8045 Bank of Nova Soc~ia Aux. Serv, Contract van, 450,00' 8046 Bank of Nova Scotia A ux, Serv, Contrast van, 565.00' 8047 M, Miedinger ~uXs Serv, Contract van. 1350.00" 8048 Treasury Branch A ux, Serv, Contract van 500,00' 8049 Brooks Savings & credit Union Acc. Rec, G, Timko 100,00` 8050 Royal Bank of Canada Acc, Rec, L,~,. Christianson 90,00 8051 R. Hills Savings & Credit Un ion Acc, Rec, G, Timko 25,00 8052 Bank of Nova Scotia Revenue rent 85,00 8053 Coutny of Newell No , 4 1~fcc, Rec, R.S, Kristianson 30A00 ` ' 8054 R, Hills Saving & Credit Acc, Rec, 13. ~g~~n 25.00 8055 Receiver Cenral of Ca~~ada Acc. Rec, F, Doyle 35,00 ' 8056 R, H. Saving & Credit Acc, Rec, H. Green 55,00 8057 Receiver General of Canada 245,96 8058 Alberta Blue Cross Acc, Rec, ABC 22,80 8059 MSI Acc, Rec, MSI 909,40 8060 Payroll A.cc. Cty of Newell Payroll 56858tt61 l 8061 Mrs. Albert Irwin Trans, & Main of pupils 52,50 ~, 8062 8063 Dept. of Lands & Forests Anthony Porter -- ~~ ~ PW Gravel A SB Sundry 10,00 ` 15,80 8064 .john Galciz ~ ~ ~ g1zx. Ser. drivers ~~?,?5 •- ~. ` i ..~ `'~~ , ,,. 8065 Alta. Teachers Assoc, Acc, Rec. A,T.A 558.76' 8066 Bd, of Administration Acc, Rec, A.T,A. 3145,62 8067 Allied Chemical A SB pests & weeds 72,00-" 8068 Miss Cecilia Barich Bursary 225,00' 8069 Central Scientific Co, Instr, Aids supp, & equip, 56,59" 8070 Coneco Equipment Pw fuel & reel 54,51'" 8071 Mr, R, Kuiper PW Purchase of road allow, 600,00`' 8072 Mr, David Miller POM trucks & cartage 7,00~~ 8073 Mrs, A. Neilson Instr, Other 35,20 8074 Provincial Treasurer Gen. Gov't. Pension 292,72-` 8075 Simpson-sears Ltd, POM rep. & repl, to bldgs, 163,29'' 8076 Mr, Joe Vosis PW rd, Allowance 555,00 8077 Nick Fakas Gen. Gov't, Mileage 10,00 8078 Marelen Seely Gen, Gov't, Mileage 5,00 8079 D.DT, James Cep, Gov't. Mileage 28,20' 3030 Petty cash Gen. Gov't, office expense 88,00 8081 Alberta Gov't, Telephone A dmin.Telephones 342,26 808 Arnold A mstrong H,O,D. 50,00- 8083 Arnold Machine Shop A ux, Serv, repair 247,82` 8084 Swen Bayer H.O.D. 50,00'" 8085 Beaver Lumber Co, Ltd, POM Rep, & repl, to gr~s, 7,29" 8086 Alma A, Betts H,O,D, 50,00 807 Joe Bildersheim H.O,D, 39,22 '" 8088 Jens V, Block H.{D,D, 50,00 8089 Blue Bird Sales A ux, Serv, repair 7,48 8090 Dietrich Boschman H,O,D. 50,00 8091 Bow Slope Mutual POM Telephone 16.68 8092 Frank Braun H.O,D. 50,00 8093 Otto Breitkreutz H.O.D. 50,00 8094 Brooks Pharmacy Gen, Gov't, off, expense 4.15 " 8095 The Calgary Herald Gen. Gov't Advertising 56,00 8096 Calgary Herald x~~ ~r1 Sundry 42,48 1~~~ 8097 Canadian Good Roads PW Sundry 11.50 ~ 8098 Canadian Liquid Air PW Fuel & repair 14.88 `~ 8099 Canadian Lundia Ltd, POM rep, & rep, to bldgs, 2310,22-~ 8100 Canadian Prop~.ne Cons, POM Teacherage 64.14 -' 8101 Floyd Coliins H.O.D, 50,00'` 8102 Crearar & Lutes Cen, Gov't, legal fees 7,00 8103 Arnold Cyr PW Material 27,50-~ 8104 Phillip Descner H.O.D. 50,00 8105 Dinny's Restaurant Gen, Gov't, Convetions 130,00 8106 Domo Construction Ltd, PTrd hire of machinery 575,00~~ 8107 Duchess Cafe Instr. Other 5,00 , 8108 `I`he Edmonton Journal PW Sundry 35.08 8109 L Electric Equipment (A tal) Acc, Payable 107,79' 8110 Ewald Engel H,O.D. 50,00 `~ 8111 Frank Cenavese H,O.D. 50,00 8112 S, Gleddie PPP Pests & Weeds 65.00 " 8113 Raymond C, Crosfield H.O,D. 50,00 8114 Charles E, Hale H,O,D, 50.00 °° 8115 Tannis K. Hale Instr, Cor~espondenc Crs, 33,00` 8116 Herbert S, Hammergreen H.O,D, 50,00' 8117 Douglas F, Reggie H,O.D. 50,00° 8118 Geo, L, Hemsing H.O.D. 50.00 A 8119 Abraham A, Hiebert HO ,D 50,00 ``` 8120 Imperial Oil Ltd. Acc, Payable 822,01 '~ 8121 Imperial Oil Ltd. PW Fuel & re~.ir 3.09 '•- 8122 Irrigano Publishers Ltd. PPP Sundry 50.00 '"' 8123 Iwaasa Industries gen, govt, prtg, & stat, 55,80 `` 8124 Henry Janzen H.O.D. 50,00 8125 Eugene Kornels~n Instr, Correspondence 11,00 ' 8126 Lorne Landree H.O,D. 50.00 8127 Arthur Larsen ; - "'---- __ H.O.D, 50,00 '' 8128 Julius A. Lengyel ~ ~_, ' l'r Q• H.O.D, 50.00 '' 8129 8130 Henry A, Lepp Jr. ~ - Lethbrid e Herald L t~l :~ -, H,O.D. ~ Ad i Ad ti i 50.00 9 90 `~ g j . -.: <,,, ,,,,,,;, « n, m ver ng s , 8131 Lloyd Douney Enterprises"° ~ "`~~^- PW fuel &rep~.ir 67:,96 `` 8131 . Mrs. Larry Lund Instr, Aids supp, & equip, 26.98 '~ 8133 McCabe Seeds Ltd, POM Rep, & reel, to bldgs, 3,05 8134 G.E. Maxted Can, Gov't, office expense 6,25 8135 Manuel B. Madeiros H.O.D. 50,00 8136 8137 8138 8139 8140 8141 8142 8143 8144 8145 8146 8147 8148 814 9 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 8155 8156 8157 8158 8159 8160 8161 8162 8163 8164 8165 Cadey Morris Geo, Murray ~Tohn S, Niznik ark Plaza Motor Hotel ~.W. Philpott G.W. Philpott Premier Cycle & sports The Provincal Treasurer roberts & Hall Ltd. Henry's Sawatsky Scandia Curling Club Bernard Sche~zrman Simplex Internation Smalley's Radio Ltd, Su. W, Sonnie Frank Stoye Tilley Hotel Ltd, J1~hn Timko Maritn Timko Tom Boy Sure Bennett Torkelson POM rep, & repl. to bldgw, H.O.D. H.O.D. ASB Sundry PPP Sundry PPPSundry Acc, Payable Gen, Gov't. Prg, & slat, PW Fue1 & repair H.O.D, Acc Rec. Scandia Red, H.O,D Time POM Rep, & reel, to funr, POM rep, & reel, to bldgs, H,O,D. PW Labor POM Teacherages H.O.D, H,O.D. Transmission Sup. Ltd, Village of Duchess Village of Rosemary William P. Wallace Frank Winters Michael Woods D, Wiens Frank Azhenaiko Receiver Cenral POM Caretaker supplies H.O.D, PW Fuel & rep, POM H, It w. POM H, 1, ~~: H,O.D. P.W. Fuel `~` rep~.ir H,O,D, Instr, Aids sup, & equip, H,O.D. Acc, Rec. Rec. Gen, ~ 4i~ b f ~~ ^ ~ i~ r ~ o..r a 10,00 50,00 50,00 90,15 26 , 80 °` 25,00•-~ 12,75 - 20r00 58,10" 50,00"' 25,00 50,00" 157,50 68,30`° 50,00'•' 66,65'' 28.00'" 50,00 50,00 2,25 50.00 9,6b" 92,25' 132,50 50,00 11,25 50,00 ` 68,41 50,00' 12138,35 -., 8093 50.00 8094 4.15 8095 56.00 8096 42.48 8097 11.50 8098 14.88 8099 2310.22 8100 64.14 8101 50.00 8102 7.00 8103 27.50 8104 50.00 8105 130.00 8106 575.00 8107 5.00 8108 35.08 8109 .107.79 8110 50.00 8111 50.00 8112 65.00 8113 50.00 8114 50.00 811 33.00 8116 50.00 8117 50.00 8118 50.00 8119 50.00 8120 822.01 8121 3.09 8122 50.00 8123 55.80 8124 50.00 8125 11.00 8126 50.00 8127 50.00 8128 50,00 8129 50.00 8130 9.90 8131 67.96 8132 26.98 8133 3.05 8134 6.25 8135 50.00 8136 10.00 8137 50.00 8138 50.00 8139 90.15 8140 26.80 8141 25.00 $142 12.75 8143 20.00 8144 58.10 8145 50.00 8146 25.00 8147 50.00 8148 157.50 8149 68.30 8150 50.00 8151 66.65 8152 28.00 8153 50.00 8154 50.00 8155 2.25 8156 50.00 8157 9.66 8158 92..25 8159 132.50 8160 50.00 8161 11.25 8162 50.00 8163 68.x'1 8164 50.00 8165 12138.35 38084.61