HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-01-03 Council (Organizational) Minutes. ~ i~
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County of Newell No. 4
Statutory Meeting
January 3, 1968
The Statutory Meeting of the County of Newell No. 4, was held in.
the County Office, Brooks, Alberta on Wednesday, January 3, 1968r
at 10:00 a.m.
. • • • ^
Members present Councillors G. Larsen
A• Chrumka
T. Musgrove
F• Mandeville
J. HaJash
R, Ha 11
F. Bergin
P. Bartlett
'. ^ • ^ w • • • ^ • D.N. James
Councillor Douglass was absent due to illness and being in Calgary
General Hospital^
s ^ • s ^ • ^ s •
.All Councillors were sworn, and signed the required Oath of Office.
l~iominations for Reeve
James Hajash by A^ Chrumka
.Cease by T. Musgrove Carried^
Nomination for Deputy Reeve
A^ Chrumka by G. Larsen
Cease by F• Mandeville Carried.
Appointment of Committees
Noved by Councillor Bergen, that all C ouncillors be appointed as
Municipal Committee^
School Committee
Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that all Councillors be appointed
as S}zhool Committee •
. • ^ ^ .
School Committee Chairman
A. Chrumka by F. Mandeville
F. Mandeville by P. Bartlett (withdrawn)
Cease by P^ Bartlett
. ^
Municipal Committee Chairman
F, Bergen by F. Mandeville
Cease by G. Larsen
School Committee Vice Chairman
F. Mandeville by A• Chrumka
Cease by R. Hall
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Hospital .Committee
Brooks Hospital
P, Bartelett by T• Musgrove
G, Larsen by A, Chru~lca
Cease by F. Mandeville
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Bassano Hospital
R. Hell by F^ Bergen
F. Bergen by T. Musgrove
Cease by A. Chrumka
. . Carried.
Agricultural Committee
G. Douc~'~.ass by G.~ Larsen
G. Larsen by T. Musgrove
T. Musgrove by F. Mandeville
Cease by A. Chrumka
Agricultural Committee Chairman
G. Larsen by F. Musgrove
Cease by R, Hall
Medicine Ha.t Health Unit
P. Bartlett by F. Mandeville
Cease by G. Larsen
. „
Civil Defence (E.M.O)
Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that this position be tabled.
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a s s a • a s a • Carried.
,~ Farm Puzzchase Committee
°~~ G. Larsen by F. Bergen
V Cease T, Musgrove
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Senior Citizens (Newbrook Lodge)
T. Musgrove by A. Chrumka
R. Hall by G. Larsen
Cease by A. Chrumka
Result of Vote was T. Musgrove as member
R, Hall as alternate.
. . .
Nursing Home
Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the Nursing Home Committee of
G. Larsen, J. Hajash, F~ Bergen be re appointed for 1968.
. . .
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Drainage Committee
R. Hall by P. Bartlett
F. Bergen by T. Musgrove
P. Bartlett by A. Chrumka
J. Hajash by F. Bergen
Cease by F. Mandeville
• r s ^ s ^ ^ • s
J. Hajash by A. Chrumka
P. Bartlett by F. Mandeville
AR 8hrumka by ff. Hall
F. Bergen by J. Hajash
j Cease by G. Larsen.
Result of Vote was J. Hajaah
P. Bartlett
F. Bergen.
. .
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Teachers Salary Committee
A. Chrumka by F. Mandeville
P. Bartlett by Ts Musgrove
F. Bergen by A: Chrumka
T, Schaffer by F. Bergen
Cease by As 6hrumka
s s s s s s s s•
Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the Teachers Salary Committee
consist of'four members.
. .
School Committee Tpwn and Village Members
Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the following Town and Village
members be accepted ,for 1968s
Mr, T, Schaffer Bassano
' Mrs., M. Wittig Rosemary
Mrs. B. Hiebert Duchess
Meeting Days
Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the regular meetings of the County
Council, and Committee be held in the first full week of each month
of the year.
w•• s a s s••
Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the resolution with regard to
~ Remuneration to Councillors be the sames~as last year. Copy
t attached to and forming art of these minutes.
s••• ~ s s s s
Signing Authorities '
Moved by Councillor Bergen, that the signing authorities for the
County remain the same as in 1967, namely, the Reeve or Deputy
Reeve, together with the Secretary-Treasurer or Assistant
Court-of Revision
J. Hajash by F, Mandeville
G„ Larsen by A. Chrumka
P., Bartlett by R^ Hall
R. Hall by P. Bartlett
T„ Musgrove by J. Hajash
Cease by F. Mandeville.
. .
Welfare Officer
Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that D.N. James be appointed as
Welfare Officer for 1968s
. .
The Bonds for the Secretary and Office staff were presented and
inspected by each Councillor and approved.
s w s s^ s s^^
', Moved by-Councillor Chrumka, that Bevan, Hutch & Cos Brooks be
appointed as Auditors for the County at a fee of approximately
Carried ~. ~~;~:. + ~•
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Moved by Councillor I"jandeveille, that Bylaw 338 to authorize
the borrowing of up to $300,000,00 by the County be given
lst, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed.
Carried Unanimously
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Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the Statutory Meeting
be adjourned, and that Council reconvine at 2:OQ p,m. for
County Council business,
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County of Newell No. 4
Be it resolved that in accordance with Section 55 of the Municipal
Districts Act, the following remuneaations 3ne paid to the Chairman,
Councillors and Members of the School Committee, Agricultural
Committee, Farm Purchase Board, and Court of Revision for the
year 1968.
$20.00 per day for each Councillor or member for each meeting
10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in coming to
an returning from meetings of the Council or Committee.
$20,00 per day for the Chairman for each day necessarily spent
in the discharge of his duties as Chairman other than attendance
at Council meetings.
10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in discharge of
his duties as Chairman.
$20.00 per day to each Councillor or member for the time necessarily
occupied in laying out or inspecting word performed or to be
performed for the County.
10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in respect of the
laying out or inspection of work performed or to be performed
for the County.
$20.00 per day to each Councillor or member attendmng Committee
10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in respect of
Committee meetings.
$20.00 per day to the Reeve for each day served in performing
his duties as Reeve of the County.
10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled inrrespect
of his duties as Reeve.
Done and passed with the unanimous consent of the Council this
3rd day of January, 1968. ~
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