HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-07 Council (Regular) MinutesCounty of Newell No. 4
County Council
July 7, 1967
The regular monthly meeting of the County Council was held in the County
Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, July 7, 1967.
Members Present Chairman f J. Hajash~'
C. Larsen,/
A. Chrumka /
T. P~Zusgroveo
F. Mandeville-
RR Axmstrong~
P. Bartlett'
C, Douglassy
Sec.-Treas. H. Sca~mell
Assistant Sec.-TreasR D. JamesR
. . R
Minutes of June 16 and June 21 meetings were read and adopted.
Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the Secretaries Statement of Receipts
and Payments be acceptedR
R • R • • R R R R
Letters were read from Alberta Farm Purchase Board regarding applications
of: Mr. Henry Urban Brooks refused
Mr. G.C. Kuetbach ~ refused
and letters ordered filed.
Letter from Board of Transport Commissioners regarding meeting on
Unportected Railway Lines was read and ordered filed.
R • • R R • R
Letter from ubilee Insurance regarding Group Insurance was read and
it was requested that more information be obtained before the next
Committee Reports
School Committee
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that the motion regarding rental purchase
of furniture be amended to read '"furniture from our present inventory".
Adjourned for lunch 12:45 to 2:00 p.m.
. .
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that B. Dickson, salary be based on highest
rate of the salary schedule, plus maximum supervision ($1500800) and also
that he receive an annual vacation of three (3) weeks,
R R • t R i • • ^
Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the request of B. Dickson to attend
the four day Seminar be refusedR
I~ioved by Councillor Mandeville that the School Committee report be approved.
r _, , ~,'
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Munici~.l Committee
Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that MrR Shuttleworth call for tenders
on a 2 ton truckR
Moved by Councillor Douglass, that for the purpose of road widening
the County will supply the posts plus $200800 per mile labor for
moving the fence+ And that the farmer will receive the sum of four
times the assessed value per acre of his land for the amount of road
allowance required after the completion of a legal survey.
• • • • R R R . s
Moved by Councillor Larsen, that further investigation be made into the
gravel find in Sec• 30-`13-12-4R
Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the Municip~.l Committee report be accepted.
R R • R R . i R R
Agriculture Committee
Moved by Councillor Larsen, that G8 Philpott be allowed to assist the
Hort Station in moving a rock, and that the County Back Hoe, Loader
and Low boy may be usedi
i ^ • R R i i R R
Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the plzDposed Directory sign for the
County Office be approvedR
r r r r r r r r r
Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the ptzt7posed construction of Agriculture
storage building be cancelled for this yea r
R i i • Y 4 R t R
Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the Agriculture Report be approved•
Bassano Hospital Committee
No report
• R i + M Y i • R
brooks Hospital Committee
No report.
R i • R . . •
E .M+O
No report
t . t R . • . . i
Farm Purchase Committee
Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the new statement of Affairs for
Wm Tansonny be approved and re-submitted to Edmonton for further
No report
Senior Citizens
. R R R R ^ ^ R .
j i
Nursing Home
No report
~Y~ -~
Z HUTCH R^ :,.. ,.;;~~
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Recreation Board
N~ report
. .. . . . . . . .
. . .
;~ J a~.
Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that cheques as listed 544fi to 5666 be
approved for payment.
. ..
Moved by Councillor Hajssh that -thy drair~ge,.agraement with W.D. Hay
be approved.
Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that,Cou~tcillor $rmstrong be allowed to
dispose •f the old Bridge located South of Bassano in NNW 9-21-18-4.
Moved by Councillor hirmstrong"that A. Bieilers position as Road
Foreman be filled by Mr. E. Franko.
. ..
Moved by Ceuncillor Musgrove, that C. Trifenr~nko be alla~wed t~ attend
the Mechanics Ceurse in Calgary and that he be.paid $100.00 per month
while attending this course, and that his obligation to the County be
a further four years of service.
. . . ....
Moved by Councillor Ha.jash, that Mrs. Hilda Penner be hired as extra
Janitorial help at the Rosemary School for a maximum of 80 hrs. per month.
Moved by Councillor Larsen, that we purchase Lots 11 & 12 Block 23
Plan 2660 AM from the Town of Bassano for $120.00 for the pnuptse of
constructing a teacherage.
. .
Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the County obtain information and cost
of an Efficiency Expert to review the ~eperations of this County.
. . .
Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
. . .... .
Accounts Payable for July, 1967
No. Payable to: For:
5446 D.N. James Ger., govt. .
5447 Postmaster Gen. Gov't. Postage
5448 County Of Newell No. 4 Petty Cash
5449 Alta. Assoc. of Mun, Distr. F1[n1 fuel & rep~.ir
5450 A.G«~'. POM Telephone
5451 The Albertan Aidmi.n. A:.dv.
5452 Allied Distributors Ltd. PW repair
5453 Bassano `Sand & Gravel PW Gravelling
5454 Bassano Transport POM Trues & Cartage
5455 Fred Betton Inst. supt« expense
5456 R. Bishel A;ux. Sere. rep~.ir
5457 Mrs. A.. Bloomquist Aux. Serv« fuel
5458 Brooks Co-op Assoc« Ltd. PW fuel & repair
5459 Brooks Garage (Brooks) Ltd. P;4~T fuel & repair
5460 Brooks N.~. Mutual Telephone ~ Sundry
5461 Brooks Radiator Shop PW fuel & repair
5462 Brown, Maclean, 'Inleedemann &Lutes Gen. Gov't legal fees
5463 Mrs. Joanne Buteau Aux. Serv. main. of pupils
5464 Burrough'S Bus mess Nk~.chine Gen. Gov't. office expense
5465 'Ihe Calgary Herald A.dm. Advertising
5466 Canadian Gov't. Immigration
Service Adm« Advertising
5467 Canadian L,inen;Supply Co. Ltd.8 FW sundry
5468 Canadian Lundia Ltd. PONT rep. & repl. to bldgs.
5469 Canadian Marconi'Co« dux. Serv. repair
5470 Canadian Pacific Telecommunicat ions
Department Adm. Telegrams
5471 Canada West Products Co. ASB pests & weeds
5472 Centennial Service Aux. Serv. tires
5473 Central Sales Service Aux. `Serv. fuel
54-74'7 Century 'Sales Ltd. A;ux« Serv. rep~.ir
5475 Jerry Ch'kowski POM caretakers supplies
5476 Alex Chogi ,~.ux. Serv. repair
5477 Mrs. L.E. Christianson Instr. Other
5478 Coleman Plumbing & Heating PW hire of machinery
5479 !Coneco PW fuel & repair
5480 Corner Service Aux. Serv. fuel
5481 Crown 'Zellerbach Paper Co. Ltd. POM caretakers supplies
5482 E.S. Dickinson Aux. Serv. repair
5483 The Edmonton Journal PW Hardsurfacing
5484 Emco Ltd. PCM rep & reel. to bldgs
5485 Robert Endersby Aux. Serv. repair
5486 Franklins Tires Ltd. ~ fuel & repair
5487 Wi11ma Fxiesen Aux. Serv. repair
5488 John Galicz Aux. Serv. repair
5489 Gem General Store Aux. Serv. fuel
5490 G. Ceske 1~.ux. Serv. repair
5491 Gestetner (Canada) Ltd« Instr. Aid sup. & equip.
5492 Mr« F. Gilroy l~.ux. `Serv. main of pupils
5493 Jim Gold Aux. `Serv. repair
5494 W.E. Greer Ltd. POM Caretakers supplies
5495 M. Grimshaw A:.ux. Serv. repair
5496 Grosser Automotive Sup. Ltd. PW fuel & repair
5497 Hectors Ltd. F~ fuel & repair
5498 Mrs. S. Heron Inst. Other
5499 Elsie G. Hoerle Instr. Other
5500 Holt, Rinehart, Winston Instr. Aid sup. & Equp.
5501 Imperial Oil Ltd. PW fuel & repair
5502 Industrial and Road Equip. Ltd. PW `Sundry
5503 The Kleenbrin Collieries Ltd. POM heat light
5504 E. Kleopper A.ux. Serv. repair
5505 Mrs. E. Kramer Instr. Other
5506 Ralph Kristinson PW Sundry
5507 The Leader Post Adm. A.dv. for teachers
t- 1~1
~\ r
~, .
5508 Bob Lee A.ux. Serv. repair 20.00
5509 K.N. Linton POM `Truck & Cartage 34.20
5510 M & P. Bulk `Services PW fuel & repair 20.00
5511 Joe Martinyak A.ux, Serv. repair 20.OQ '
5512 Macleods POM rep. & repl. to bldgs 275.97 i
5513 McCabes Grain Gen. Gov't yard. 2.14
5514 Ross McKay Aux. Serv. repair 20.00
5515 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturin g
of Canada Ltd. Instr. A.id supp. & equip. 225.18 ~
5516 Modern Auto 'Service Ltd. ~=.r~X'Capital Trucks 1`7.65 y
5517 Nesbitt Publishing Co. Ltd. Gen. Gov't prt. & stat. 266.49 °~
5518 J.D. Nigel POM fences & grds. 14.00
5519 cancelled '~
5520 Olson's service Ltd. Aux. 'Serv. repair 305.86
5521 E. Pelchat ~ A ux. Serv, repair 20.00,.
5522 J.P. Penner Aux. Serv. repair 20.00~ ~
5523 Petroleum Rubber Ltd. PW fuel & repair 78.12
5524 Dennis Peyton Aux.nServ. repair 20,00
5525 Richard Peyton A.ux, Serv. repair 20.00
5526 Pheasant ;Sales Ltd. P'UT fuel & repair 1219.00 ~`
5527 Princess Auto & Machinery Ltd. ~ fuel & rep~.ir 6.25
5528 J.L, Rawleigh & Sor. ~ ~~ v ft~eL: ~ 110.30
5529 Leroy Rawleigh A.ux. 'Serv, red„a i_. ~ ti
`,530 The Registrar Land Titles Office 100.00 .
5531 `.Willy Reimer dux. Serv, main of pupils 52.50 ~`
5532 L. Roth Aux. 'Serv, rep~.ir 2Q.00
5533 Revelstoke Bldg. Material Ltd. POM fences & grds. 26.00
5534 Mrs. Sylvia Rust Inst. Other 103.30'.
5535 C, Screibner Aux. Serv. main of pupils 52.50
5536 L. Scheibner Aux. Serv. main of pupils 52.50 ':
5537 Abe ,Schellenberg Social Welfare Unemployables 8.37
5538 N.A. Shuttleworth PW mileage 36.60
5539 Earl Sietz A.ux. Serv. repair 20.00
5540 Larry Metz 1~.u1,. 5:::-v. ropai~- 2u.U0
5541 R. Sillito Aux. Serv. repair 20,0
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5543 John S~.rry ASB Sundry 17, 80
5544 S~ar2dard Auto Parts L,td. Pw fuel & repair 263.96
5545 T-Line Chemicals Ltd. POM caretakers supplies ~,-" 204.88
5546 John H. 'Hessen Trans & main of pupils
~ 52.50
5547 Tilley Gas Co. Ltd. POM heat, light, teacherage". 97.70
5548 George Trekoski Axu. Serv. repair 20. 00
5549 Town of Brooks Gen, Gov't. Taxes 356.56
5550 Town of Brooks Gen.Gov't, Utilities 79.11
5551 C. Uan'Wert Aux. Serv. repair 20.00
5552 N. Wallace Axu `Serv, main of upils 52.50
5553 Wallys Paint & Hardware POM teacherage 420.64
5554 Peter Wallace Aux. Serv. repair 20.00
5555 Welders ;Supplies Ltd. P!Gd fuel & repair 5~ ,38
5556 Bill 'Willard Aux. 'Serv. repair 20,00
5557 Bill 't~Theeler A_u~Y. .`Serv. repair 20.00
5558 `Willson ,`Stationers Ltd„ Inst. Aids sup. & equip. 140.93
5559 John P. Wittig Instr. Aids supp. & equip. 4.15
5560 Wittmiers General :Store POM caretakers sup. 3.33
5561 'Wyant & Co, Ltd. POM caretakers sup. 56.55
5562 Mrs. L.E. Christianson Instr. Aid lib. & ref. 6,50
5563 'W.J. Rawleigh Aux. 'Serv. repair 20.00
5564 Revelstoke Bldg. Materials Gen. Gov't, grounds 9,45
5565 Clar~:e Travel Agency Gen. Gov't, delegates to conv ention 104.00
5567 Noble Cultivators Ltd. ~ fuel & repair 49.92
5566 Niagra Brand Chemicals ASB pests & weeds 34198.50
5568 C.F. Annis Asm. R:dv.for teachers 260.00
5569 Wayne Bus .Sales Ltd. Capital Busess 35000.00
5570 Cancelled ~<°
5571 Rolling Hills Cr. & Savings UNI ON A:.cc. Rec. Geo. Timko 25.00
5572 County of Newell No. 4 Acc. Rec. P, 'Wallace 15.00'
5573 Brooks 'Savings & credit Union Acc. Rec. Geo, Timko 100.00
y5574 Bank of Nova 'Scotia Aux, Serv, contract of van 435.00 '
5575 Bank of Nova Scotia Aux. `Serv, contract of van 365,00 ~
5576 M. Miedinger Aux, Serv. contract of van 1350'.00 Y
5577 Bank of Nova Scotia Aux. Serv. contract of van 450.00 Y
5578 County of Newell No.4 Payroll 56521.37 '~
5579 Bank of Nova Scotia Aux. Serv. contract of van 385.00 °~
5580 Rolling Hills Savings & Cr, Acc, Rec, H. Green 55'.0 f
5581 Royal Bank of Canada Acc. Rec. L..E. Christianson 90.00,.
5582 Treasury Branch Aux, Serv. contract of van 500.00
5583 Prov. Treas, A?Pension Bd. Gen, Gov't Pension 209.57 ~,
5584 MSI Acc, Rec. MSI 740.00
5585 Treasury Branch Aux. Serv. contract of van 343,20
5586 G. Larsen Councillor fees 730.r~9
5587 A Chrumka Councillor fees 602.01
5588 T, Musgrove Councillor fees 618,56 =
5589 F, Mandeville Councillor fees 565.59 ;
5590 J, Hajash Councillor fees 620.59 ,
5591 R. Afmstrong Councillor Fees 661.87
5592 F. Bergen Councillor fees 592.22
5593 G. Douglass Councillor fees 836,71
5594 P. Bartlett Councillor fees 534.66
5595 A.T. Johnson Farm Purchase Board 40.00
559e J. Mortensen Farm Purchase Board 40.00
5597 E.A. ;Schaffer School Meetings 180.38
5598 E.E. Tatem School Meetings 274.98 .
5599 Nits. M. Wittig School Meetings 187,17
5600 Art Arrison Agric. Meetings (Advisory) 26.00 ~
56(Ql H. Grosfie~d Agric. Meetings (Advisory) 11.40
5602 D, Haven Agric, Meetings (Advisory) 14.00
5603 D, Patterson Agric. Meetings (Advisory) 16.00 '*'
5604 A. Peltier Agric. Meetings (Advisory) 14y'~ '"
5605 K. Tiegs Agric. Meetings (Advisory) 10, 0 ~
5606 Town of Bassano POM Teacherage 899.45 ~'
5607 Athletics Wear Co. Ltd. Instr. Aid Other (Sport) 21.-~ ~
5609 Mr. T.A. Betts Aux. Serv. repair 23.00 ~
5608 Mr. H.C. Betts POM Caretakers supplies 15.00 `
5610 Botir Slope Mutual Telephone Acc. Rec. George Timkc 10,54 -"
5611 Mrs. Patricia Botisen Instr. Other 10.80
5612 Brake Drome PW fuel & repair 35.28
5613 Brooks `Co-op Asson Ltd. F~nT fuel &nrepair 2640.90 ~
5614 Brooks Iron Wor.~s PW fuel & repair 15.00
5615 Canadian Lundia Ltd. POM True=:s & Cartage 16.63
5616 Mr. N.E. Crapo Instr. Aid supplies & equipment 37.00 f
5617 E.A. Cruickshank Ltd. Gen. Gov't grounds 4.21 `
5618 Dept. of Agriculture PPP pests & weeds 98.40 ,
5619 Village of Duchess POM Teacherages 334.90
5620 Duchess Garage Aux. Serv. cty. §an repair 233.03 `
5621 N. Dueck Aux. Serv. contract van 15.00
5622 F.B Dunsmcre Excavating PW hire of mar_hinery 168.00 i;
5623 Gary Dyck Aux. Serv. cty van wages 6.00
5624 Educational Film Distributors Instr. Aids lib. & ref. books 28.10
5625 Educational Record Sales Inc. Instr. Aids lib. & ref. books 131.70
5626 Flame Master POM rep. & repl. to bldgs. 31.30
5627 Gem Lumber Yard POM Caretakers supplies 21.97
5628 R B Gibb rep. & repl. to bldgs. 22.60
5629 Eye Gate House Inc. Instr. Aid Lib. & ref. books 61.28 Y
5630 Growers Supply Ltd. PPP pests & weeds 156.75 Y
5631 Holt, Rinehart, & Winstron Instr. Aid supp. & equip. 53.22 ~^
5632 Harrisons & Crosfield (Can) Lt d.PPP pests & weeds 45.00 ~
5633 Iwassa Industries ADV. ptrg. & stat. 16.55 E,
5634 The Jam Handy organizations Instr. Aid lib & ref. books 5.15 ~
5635 Joe's Blacksmith Welding PW fuel & rep. 7.00
5636 Robert E, Lee Aux. Serv. Cty. van fuel 234.71
5637 Kost Fire Equipment POM rep. & repl. to bldgs. 39.38 =_
5638 DW (Bill) Kinniburgh PW fuel & repair 30.50
5639 N'arshall Wells Stores PPP Magpie bounty 62.00 `
5640 M.L. Nt~ssey PW Gravelling 516.00
5641 J.D. Miller PW Mileage 5.00 tt
5642 McFarlane & Wilson Instr. Aid Other (Sports) 32.55 ~
5643 Newell Feed & Supply Ltd. Gen. Gov't grounds 17.50
5644 Noble Cultivators Ltd. PW fuel & repair 3658.39
5645 Park Wiles & Service POM rep. & repl. to grds. 10.90 ~
5646 Patricia Garage I~ux. Serv. cty. van fuel 147.54
5647 Dick Pearson PW Gravelling 442.00 •~
5648 G.W. Philpott PPP ~LSB Sundry 117.60{
5649 Queens Printex Gen. Gov't. prtg. & stat. ~-~ !°
5650 Receiver General Rec. Gen. 10210.13'
5651 Robinson Stores Gen. Gov't grds. 20.26
5652 The Royal Canadian Geographical
Society Instr. Rid lib. & ref. 21.80
5653 Shaw GMC Trucla Aux. Serv. cty. van repair 775.00
5654 Stree-Robins-Morrow PW fuel & repair 519.90 ~,~
5655 Village of Tilley POM Teacherages 1348.05 `~'-
5656 Tunneys Body Shop PW fuel & repair 33.00
5657 Russell Uasselin Capital Shop 616.59
5658 Mrs. T. Young Adm. Postage 6.00
5659 Board of Administrators Acc. Rec. A.T.A. 1991.37
5660 Alberta Teachers Assoc. Acc. Rec. A.T.A. 579.00
5661 N.A... Shuttleworth PW Mileage 61.60 1~%.a
~ ~
5663 Alberta Gov't. Telephones Adm. Telephone 449.52
5664 Costello Equip. Co. Ltd. __ ._ PW fuel & rep. 651.00 '
5666 Wescab Nk~.nufacturing Ltd. POM rep. & repl. to furn. & fixtures 1116.00'
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