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1967-01-13 Council (Regular) Minutes
County of Newell Nox 4 County Council January 1$th, 1967 The regular monthly meeting of the County Council was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a•mR on Friday, January 13, 19678 Members present, • x • R R • R R R a Reeve JR Hajash' Councillors CR Larsen A R ChruL-nka- T• Musgrove% F . Mandev i I le ~' R• Armstrong F • Bergen PR Bartlett' Sec.-Treasx Ha Scammell • • a x • R • R x R The minutes of the previous meeting of December 9, 1966 and the Statutory Meeting of January 3rd, 1967 were read and adopted. • R • i R R R R • R Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the Secretary's Ai~nthly Statement of Receipts and Payments for the month of December be accepted, CarriedR R R R • R R R R R R Advice was received from the Provincial Planning Director that the proposed subdivision NW 8-19-14-4 (BxA. Oil) was not approved, • i R • i • R x • R Advice was received from the Provincial Planning Director, that the proposed subdivision of NE 5-19-14-4 (Chris Beck) was not approved. R . • x , . x i . x Moved by Councillor Larsen, that Bylaw NoR 315 to donate $25x00 to the - Alberta Heart Foundation be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed• Carried Unan• • R • x . • R A letter from the Brooks Chamber of Commerce, re Bounty representation on their Committee was read discussed and ordered filedR • • • x • . • • Copies of 2 letters from the Department of Highways to Underwood & McLellan re the County Road Study were read, discussed, and ordered filedR • R • • a R a • . a Advice was received from Local Authorities Board and the Town of Brooks of the meeting to be held at the Town Office in Brooks 10:00 a.m• February 7th, 1967 to hear discussions on the application for annexationR • R • x R • R R • R Correspondence etcR from the Board of Transpe,-t Commissioners and the Alberta Wheat Pool, re the Branch Line abandonment was read discussed and ordered filedR R R a • x • R R x Moved by Councillor Bergen, that Bylaw Nox 316 to donate $50800 to the Canadian Mental Health Assoca be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passeda Carried Unanx • • i • i R R R x R Adjourned for Lunch, 1:00 to 2:30 pmx R R i . R . R f R Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that Councillor Bartlett be appointed tc represent the County on the Brooks Recreational Boarda Carried, _ ...~.- Q ~' v y ~~ -r.; ~~zrtered ~, 148-P SPECIAL 'AL SU PPL~ES LTD. • R R x R • s R R x Moved by Councillor Bergen, that the County request 'l'enders for the supplying of Fuel for County machines. Tenders to be opened at the March MeetingR Carried, • • x • R R • R M R Reports of Committees: _Munici_pa1 Committee: NToved by Councillor Bergen, that the report of the Municipal Committee be acceptedR CarriedR R R R R R R R R • R -2- Moved by Councillor Bergen, that tenders be called for the supplying of the recommended School Busses, Carriedi Agricultural Committee: Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the report of the Agricultural Committee be accepted, Carriedi H_ospita_1_Com_mittee: Moved by Councillor Bergen, that the report of the Bassano Hospital be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Chrurnka, that the report of the Brooks Hospital be accepted. Carried. t i R R ^ R [ i R . Civil Defence E.MRO. No Report . i = _ _ _ _ Farm_Purchase Committee: Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the report of the Farm Purchase Committee be accepted, CarriedR Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the applications of J.Folkerts & Marinus Smit be approved. Carriedi # i R s # R s • # 1 Moved by Councillor Larsen, that applicationbe made for a Contingency Grant ` of $200,000 for completing the hardsurfacing of the Highway 36 to Brooks (Eassils Road) Project, and the start of 5 miles hardsurfacing on the Rolling Hills Road South from the Trans Canada Highway. Carriedi . i # R R R i R . . Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that application be made for a Natural Resources Grant of $200,000 for the rebuilding and regravelling of D#H. #026;2 from its junction with the Brooks-Duchess Road easterly to the East Boundary of the Countyl Carried. School_Conunittee: Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the report of the School Committee be accepted. Carried, Senior Citizens Committee Moved by Councillor Musgrove,that the report of the Senior Citizens Committee be accepted. Carried. Nursing Home_Committee: No Report. _ # • R • • R i Moved by Councillor Chrumka that the accounts for payment, as per list, beincr cheques 3430 to 4278 be p~s~ed for p~.ymentR Carried# • R i R ^ . R R # Y Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that Stanley Benson be p~.id the sum or $325100 for road allowance thru his land as per signed agreement dated Dec. 10, 1966 Carried. i R # # R R R # 1 R The Secretary was directed to invite a review of the County Insurance by Jubilee Insurance, Y • i R • # • • i f Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that a new 3 M Model 107 Photo-Copier Machine b be purchased for the office at an approximate cost of $350,00. Carried# ~. R • R # R . # R i Y '~ 7 ` ~ Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the following increases in Office Staff 1 Salaries be approved, Ch~'{Fy f _ _ _ .--"'~ D#N.James 578#80 to 625#00 per month N. Fakas 350100 to 400100 per month,- Mrsi M# Seely 225.00 to 275.00 per month Mrs. F# Denesik 250,00 to 275.00 per month C # R # # . . . Carried# i 149-P SPECIAL PAL SUPPLIES LTD. ' ~0~~ -3- Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that the salary of H.C. Scammell be increased from $771.75 to'$830.00 per month. Carried. . . . . . . . ... . Moved by Councillor Mandeville that Bylaw No. 314 receive 2nd Reading. Carried. Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the Court of Revision to hear complaints against assessment be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 16th, 1967 in the County Office. N Carried. . . . . . . . . . . Me~t~.iTg~;~dj ourned at, 6:00 pm w '~fr k2,~.ountan~ R~;, i SECRETARY-7REKSURER. SPECIAL ruEa Lm. Cheques Payable January, 1967, No. Payable To For: Amount 3430 E, Walde P,O,M, Rep, & Repl to Grds o 16,00 3431 W. Van Bergen P,O,M. Repl & Repl to Grds 22.00 3432 ~. Annis Admin, Del to Conv, B 125.00 3433 Beaver Lumber P.O.M. Repl & Repl to Bldgs, ~` 1.42 3434 H. Berg Instr, Other = 50,00 3435 Brks Garage P,W, Fuel & Repl - 12,00 3436 Tovan of Brooks Gen. Gov't Office Expense o 79,7 3437 Century Sales P.~ri, Fuel & Rep ~~ 61,97 3438 Co-op Book Centre Instr, Aid Lib & Ref 70,39 3439 L, Dunn P,W, Hire of Machines '~ 28,00 3440 V. Fabian P,C.M, Caretakers Sal, ~ 164,00 3441 Friendly Store P.O,M, Caretakers Supp ~ 33.42 3442 Mrs, A, George Instr. Sub Teach. ~ 15.00 3443 W.E. Greer P,O,M, Caretakers Supp ~ 231.00 3444 Hectors Ltd,, P,W. Fuel & Rep o 207,77 3445 Ken's Plumbing & Heating Gen Gov't Office Exp ~ 31.98 3446 Kleenbirn Colleries P,O.M. H,L,W, 228,60 3447 Mrs, L,K, Koleyak Bursary ~ 150,00 3448 Lethbridge Herald P,W, Gravelling ~ 12.65 3449 Minnesota Minning Acc, Rec, Scheureman & Burkholder Di 82,00 3450 Municipal Supplies Gen, Gov't Prtg, & Stat, 9,01 3451 Pete's Garage P,W, Fuel & Rep = 3.00 3452 Mary Plumer Instr, Sub Teach, - 7.50 3453 Rosdale Constr. P.W, Hire T'lachines 12888.00 3454 Little Chief Const, Ltd, Cap. Duchess Sch, Addition ~ 8725,70 3455 School Book Branch Instr, Aids Texts ~. 263.01 3456 T Line chemical P,O,M, Caretaker Supp 128.19 3457 Waterous Equipment Ltd., P,W, fuel & Rep 479,19 3458 A,E,Tateson H,0, Disc, ~ 50.00 3459 Mike Suchy H,0, Disc, fl 50,00 3460 S, Gazadaricia H,0, Disc. -' 50.00 3461 Jack Vossepoel H,0, Disc, ~ 50,00 3462 George Calpas H,0, Disc. ~ 50.00 3463 Otto Stickell H,0, Disc. '` 49,22 3464 Alex Chrumka H,0, Disc. 25,66 3465 W.C, Shanks H.0, Disc, 50,00 3466 B. Owen H,0, Disc, - 46.12 3467 D. Owen H,0, Disc. 50.00 3468 R.J. I"jcIssac H,O, Disc, 50.00 3469 J,A, Sears H.O. Disc. : 50.00 3470 J, Gold H,O, Disc„ - 50,00 3471 Mrs, Ann 'T'homas H,0, Disc, =X50,00 3472 A, Owens H,O, Disc, ~ 45,74 3473 J,N, Neely H.0, Disc. ~ 50,00 3474 Steve Lelek H,0. Disc. - 50.00+ 3475 George Neely H,0, Disc, 50,00+ 3476 John Pahl H,0, Disc, 50.00 3477 John Beattie H.0, Disc„ t 50.00 3478 Herman Wahl H,0, Disc. -50.00 3479 John P, Skuban H,0, Disc. 50,00 3480 Henry Nannt H,0, Disc. 50,00 3481 Arthur Drake H,0, Disc, ~ 50,00 3482 Amos Grue H,0, Disc. D50,00 3483 Harland Hofmann H,0, Disc. = 50.00 3484 C,W, Hendrickson H,0. Disc. X50.00 3485 P,N, Flatla H,0, Disc. 50.00 3486 J.V. Anderson H,0, Disc. X50,00 3487 Harry Hendrickson H.O. Disc, 50,00 3488 E,E, Muschiel H,0, Disc, X50,00 3489 H,K, Hjorth H,0, Disc. ~ 50,00 3490 D. H. Petterson H,0, Disc, 50,00 3491 S, S. Stillinger H,0. Disc, =50„00 3492 W,D, Booth H,0, Disc, -50.00 3493 J.A. Buday H,C, Disc. -50.00 3494 William Kimuk H,0, Disc, - ~ 50.00 3495 M, Koza ~ 1iUTC}i ~ H,0, Disc, =50,00 3496 J. Jac~~bson y AUDITEp c~ H.0, Disc m 12 a 50.00 3497 W,A, Wickert H,0, Disc. Ghartere4Accaunhnts 50.00 3498 F, J, Buday H,0, Disc. 50,00 3499 A. P, Chrumka H,0, Disc. 50,00 149-P SPECIAL AL SUPPLIES LTD. -2- 3500 Karol Chrumka H.O. Disc, 3501 John Dunaj H,O, Disc, 3502 W,E, Mortenson H.O. Disc, 3503 Jorgen Larsen H.0„ Disc. 3504 Joe Buday HRO, Disc, 3505 Glen Johnson H.O, Disc. 3506 HRCR Johnson H.O. Disc, 3507 E,K, Weiss H,O, Disc, 3508 E,J, Christianson H,O, Disc, 3509 ARK,WR Jepperson H,O, Disc, 3510 S, Zelina H,O, Disc, 3511 C.F, Russell H.O. Disc, 3512 V,F, Fabian H,O, Disc. 3513 C, Van Wert H,O, Disc, 3514 S,M, Gleddie H,O, Disc, 3515 J, Vanek H.O, Disc, 3516 F,V, Virovec H,O, Disc. 3517 S, Juhas H,O, Disc, 3518 Robert Holms HRO, Disc„ 3519 Kasper Unser H,O, Disc. 3520 Edmond Tessman H,O, Disc, 3521 Eugene Jesse HRO, Disc. 3522 Adolph Wahl H,O, Disc, 3523 R.CR Daniels H,O, Disc, 3524 G, Larson H,O, Disc, 3525 C.B, Dunn H,O, Disc. 3526 R,A, Hofmann HRO, Disc„ 3527 H,G, Green H,O, Disc, 3528 Llias Sereda H.O, Disc. 3529 E,G, Nygaard H,O, Disc. 3530 M, M, Miller H,O, Disc. 3531 Edward Schuett H,O. Disc, 3532 Alfred Nygaard H.O, Disc. 3533 Joseph Lester H,O, Disc, 3534 Ruth Storehouse H,O. Disc, 3535 SRA. Hagen HRO, Disc, 3536 J. Hemsing H,O, DiscR 3537 D,J, Lester H,O, Disc, 3538 Susan Hawkins H,O, Disc, 3539 Lilly Hirschkorn H.O, Disc, 3540 S,R, Larson H,O, Disc, 3541 J,LR Lundquist H.O, Disc, 3542 L,G, Lundquist HRO, Disc. 3543 N,V, Jas person H,O, Disc. 3544 J,A, Burton H.O, Disc, 3545 Paul Butkrewsiz H,O, Disc, 3546 Anne Pokorney H,O, Disc, 3547 C,P, Christianson H,O, Disc. 3548 Mike Skuban H.O, Disc, 3549 Otto Hansen H,O, Disc„ 3550 Tom Nosterud H,O, Disc. 3551 Oscar Schnieder H,O, Disc, 3552 .?~,T, Burton H.O, Disc, 3553 JRP, Volek H,O, DiscR 3554 VRJR Mrakava HRO, Disc. 3555 B. 0, Colbens H,O, Disc. 3556 M, Hjorth H,O, Disc. 3557 H,P, Johanson; H,O, Disc, 3558 Peter Petersen H,O, Disc. 3559 SRG, Petersen HRO, Disc, 3560 John Volek H,O, Disc. 3561 Lars Flat la H,O, Disc, 3562 Gordon Neilson HRO, DiscR8 3563 Peter Voroney H,O, Disc. 3564 Ewald Hendrickson H,O, Disc, 3565 William Amulung H.O, Disc„ 3566 G.O, Stojke H,O, Disc. 3567 Steve Kipta H,O, Disc, 3568 Joseph Hajash H.O, Disc, 3569 James Baksa H,O, Disc, 3570 Robert Strach H,O, Disc, 3571 Carles Bell H,O, Disc, :.' `1Y ED n '~r~ ~ ~:1!!U:1!38iS ~ 50,00 50,00 ~ 50,00 50.00 ~ 50,00 ~ 50,00 50.00 50,00 `" 50,00 50R00 x`50,00 ~ 50.00 D 50.00 X50,00 ~' 50.00 `'50.00 ~ 50,00 ~'S0R00 ~' 50,00 50,00 50„00 50,00 ~'S0,00 LI 50R0o 50,00 50, 00 50,00 50,00 ~ 50,00 50.00 50,00 0 50,00 =50,00 X50,00 X50.00 > 50,00 "= 50,00 G50.00 X50.00 `50,00 ~ 50, 00 ~~~ 50R00 a 50R00 X50,00 50,00 50,00 50.00 50,00 ,~ 50.00 50.00 50,00 50,00 50.00 50.00 50R00 5Q,00 J 50.00 ~% 50,00 50,00 50,00 0 50.00 ~ 5000 50,00 50.00 50,00 50.00 50,00 v 50,00 ~ 50,00 50,00 u 50, 00 ?~ 50,00 14~J-P SPECIAL AL SUPPLIER LiD. -3- 3572 John A. Reynar H.O, Disc, U 50.00 36 ~ 3573 Cris Beck H.O. Disc, 49, 3574 Ivan Russel H,O. Disc. ;~ 9,54 3575 M,K, Koza H.O, Disc. 50,00 3576 Joseph Ka 1o Jr, H.O. Disc. "`50.00 3577 G.W, Tomlinson H.O. Disc. .50,00 3578 Laurie Fleury H,O. Disc. ~ 50,00 3579 P,D. Hargraves H.O, Disc. ,~ 31.86 3580 Henry Charlton H.O. Disc. 50„00 3581 John Barg H.O. Disc. U50,00 3582 Clarence Fleming H.O, Disc, -=50.00 ' 3583 Harold P, Eveson H,O, Disc, '50.00 3584 Bt~'ton Johnson H.O, Disc, 050,00 3585 James Marcy H,O. Disc, 038,.0© 3586 Jan Snyder H.C, Disc, =?50,00 3587 Joe Kalvaitis H.O. Disc. ~'S0.00 3588 S. Peterson H.O. Disc, '50,00 3589 B.H. Berg H,O, Disc, ~ 50.00 3590 John Vekasi H.O, Disc„ `50,00 00 5 3591 D.A. Douglas H,O. Disc, 0, 3592 Victor Saunders H.O. Disc. '50.00 ' 3593 Charles E, Douglas H,O, Disc, 50,00 ' 0 © 3594 John Niemans H,O, Disc. 50,0 00 5 3595 Fred Cotton H.O. Disc. 0. 00 °50 3596 Fred Bragg H.O. Disc. . 3597 George Barg H,O~,Disc, "50.00 3598 A,D. Lawson H.O. Disc, ~ 13.26 3599 C.D. Beck H.O, Disc. X50,00 3600 1Kartin Regehr H,O. Disc. ~ 50,00 3601 M, Sander H,O. Disc, ~ 50.00 3602 A.S. Berg H,O. Disc, =°50.00 3603 C,L. Conners H.O. Disc. =l 50.00 3604- F,C, Carstairs H.O, Disc. ~'S0,00 3605 J,A. Holt H,O, Disc, x50.00 3606 C,R, Daniels H.O. Disc. ''50.00 3607 W,M. Garden H,O. Disc. X50.00 3608 Jack Hutchison H.O. Disc, ~ 50,00 3609 S.B. Hemsing H,O. Disc, =~~ 50,00 3610 R.R. Hofmann H,O. Disc, 50.00 3611 W. G, Sinclair H.O. Disc, J 50,00 3612 Leslie Dickenson H.O. Disc, 50,00 3613 Arthur Vogel H.O. Disc, 50,00 3614 Claude 'Thompson H.O, Disc. 50,00 3615 James Stevens H,O. Disc. D 50.00 3616 W.J. Bell H.O. Disc. `-'50,00 3617 F'xank Stevens H.O, Disc. - 50.00 3618 A,H. Kerr H,O, Disc. J 50,00 3619 Alfred Krause H.O, Disc, 50,00 3620 Ruk~en Redelback H.O, Disc, cz 50,00 D 3621 Steve Molnar H,O. Disc. 50,00 3622 Robert Redelback H.O. Disc. ='13,26 3623 Lewis Stenger H.O. Disc, ~~='20,70 3624 Richard L. Edwards H.O. Disc, - 30,62 3625 John Pa,lko H.O, Disc. -'50,00 3626 E. Albright H.O. Disc, .a 50.00 3627 Frances Featherstone H.O. Disc, 650.00 3628 John Piniviska H,O. Disc. X50,00 3629 William Benton H.O. Disc. 44.88 3630 James Hajash H.O. Disc, 50„00 3631 J. Perry Olson H,O. Disc. 50,00 3632 Z^lerner Barg H,O, Disc, X50.00 3633 Herman Grosfield H,O, Disc. :50.00 3634 Robert Harstead H,O. Disc. •:50.00 3635 Alfred Olset H.O. Disc. a 50.00 3636 Lawrence L, Pierson H.O, Disc, b50.00 3637 Lindon Bone H.O, Disc. 50.00 3638 William R„ Harstead H.O, Disc. ~_..,a.------~"4 50.00 3639 Don Grosfield H.O, Disc. '"~ ' '' ' 50.00 3640 James J. Smallbones H.O. Disc, ~~- `~`~ ~ 50,00 3641 Philip Jenson H.O. Disc. ~ j` „,.,;15 50,00 3642 Stan Rath H.O. Disc, RM 149-P SPECIAL NICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. -4- 364~ Adolf Burk H,O. Disc, u 50.00 3644 C, M, Jackobson H,O, Disc, ,, 50.00 3645 W,P. Schlossberger H.O. Disc, ~~50,00 3646 Alex Chogi H,O, Disc, v 50.00 3647 D, E, Penner Jr. H,O, Disc. ~> 50.00 3648 William H„ Wheeler H,O, Disc. -:' S0p00 3649 Paul Anderson H,O, Disc. `0,00 3650 John Schreiner H,O, Disc, ~~~50.00 3651 James Green H.O. Disc. u50,00 3652 Mildred Sietz H,O, Dis c, ~'S0,00 3653 Jchn Hansen H,O, Disc, 50,00 3654 John Till Jr. H,O, Disc. ' 50,00 3655 Adrian Rommens H,C, Disc. `' 50,00 3656 Don E. Berg H,O, Disc. 50.00 3657 L,H, Rassmuson H,O, Disc, X350,00 3658 Joseph Martin H,O, Disc, 50,00 3659 Ruth E, Martin H,O. Disc. 0,00 3660 Walter Ruth H.O. Disc, `'50,00 3661 D,A, Bunney H,O, Disc, ~ 50.00 3662 Elizabeth E. Wipf H,O, Disc. ! 43,02 3663 Roland Sugdon H,O, Disc, 50.00 3664 Dale E, Martin H,O, Disc, x50,00 3665 S,F, Husty H,O, Disc. `'50,00 3666 G,C, Salser H,O. Disc. ='50,00 3667 Jens P, Hansen H,O, Disc. -50,00 3668 George Buck H,O, Disc. X50,00 3669 John Dowling H,O, Disc, u 50,00 3670 Henry Issac H,O, Disc, d 50.00 3671 Herbert Kirschemma.n H.O, Disc. ~= 50,00 3672 Rufus Chudleigh H,O, Disc. '50,00 3673 Walter Shepherd H,O.Di~sc, p50,00 3674 E,P, Sherman H.O, Disc. 50,00 3675 John E, Sugden H,O, Disc. '50,00 3676 Ralph Klautt H.O. Disc. :.50.00 3677 Kenneth McKnight H.O. Disc, 50.00 3678 T'~.P, Roen H,O, Disc, '-'26.28 3679 Jacob Eckert H,O, Disc. ='20,70 3680 Aus±in Bur;l:~;r F~,O. Disc„ 50„00 3681 E,O, Lund H,O, Disc. 28,76 3682 John Hale H,O, Disc. 19.46 3683 Dale Patterson H.O. Disc, °50.00 3684 Thomas M. Murray H,O, Disc. '50,00 3685 John Manchur H,O, Disc, 50,00 3686 FI,A, Hofmann H,O, Disc. 50,00 3687 Allan Axelson H,O, Disc. 50.00 3688 Arthur Chelte H,O, Disc. ;50,00 3689 Arthur Nelson H,O, Disc. ,~f50,00 3690 F, Stoye H,O, Disc„ ~ 50.00 3691 A, Knodel H,O, Disc. 50,00 3692 Joe Drotos H,O, Disc„ 50,00 3693 M, Virovec H,O, Disc. 50.00 3694 Hattie Burn H,O, Disc. X50,00 3695 John Bogi H,O, Disc, ;x:50,00 3696 Frank Kocsis H,O, Disc. .,50.00 3697 Steve Merkel Jr„ H.O. Disc. p50.00 3698 Stephen Merkel H,O, Disc, Q50,00 3699 A, Lang H,O, Disc, 450.00 3700 V,G, Beasley H,O, Disc. 50,00 3701 L.G. Seurcal H,O, Disc. >50.00 3702 G,L, Houseman H,O, Disc. p50,00 3703 Ida Houseman H.O. Disc. ^50,00 3704 S,E, Alberts H,O, Disc. X50,00 3705 J.L, Smidstrup H,O, Disc. :50,00 3706 D.L. Houseman H.O, Disc. 50,00 3707 Martin Nie~.son H,O, Disc, 50.00 3708 Don Buzogan H,O, Disc. _~_~ r ~~.~~~_r ~ 50,00 3709 L,C, Beasley H.O. Disc. ? ~~~?+EO ~ 50.00 3710 E. Ohama H.O. Disc. ~ ~~ ~ !- 50.00 3711 R,F, Kimmell H,O, Disc. Cnarte-e~ pccouatanr~ '; 50.00 3712 UJm, Peterson H,O, Disc, '% 50.00 3713 C,D„ Buzogan H,O, Disc, , 50.00 3714 V,T, Elsbett H,O, Disc. X50,00 3715 S. Wetteskind H,O, Disc. -,50.00 A 148-P SPECIAL 1PAL SUPPLIES LTO, _ 5- 3716 A„ Richter H,O. Disc. `' 28,76 3717 C,F, Lockton H.O. Disc, ~ 12.02 3718 C.C, Morris H,O, Disc. 050,00 379 E, Peterson H.O. Disc. ~ 50.00 3720 B.rI, Hendrickson H.O, Disc, ~ 50.00 3721 H.N, Neufeld H.O. Disc. :350.00 3722 R,A, Berg H,O, Disc. ::~ 50,00 3723 Geo, Charton H.O. Disc. v 10,16 3724 Agnes Knudsen H.O. Disc, X50.00 3725 Chris Jessen H,O, Disc. X50,00 3796 J.R. Westwick H,O, Disc. X50.00 3727 D,L„ Havens H.O. Disc, `41.78 3728 David Kramer Fi.O, Disc, =`50.00 3729 Gerhard Loewen H.O. Disc. '50,00 3730 Alice Husband H.O, Disc. 50,00 3731 Makato Tamura H,O. Disc„ ~ 50,00 3732 E.P. Zacharias H.O, Disc. 450,00 3733 Neel Crapo H.O, Disc. x50.00 3734 Nellie Cibb H,O, Disc. 50,00 3735 Norito Morishita H,O, Disc. `350.00 3736 Virgil Selk H,O, Disc, 50.00 3737 Morikijo Tamura H.O. Disc. - 50.00 3738 Arika Hironaka H.O. Disc. ~ 50.00 3739 Everett White H,O, Disc. Q5Q,00 3740 Clark Lund H.O. Disc. 050,Q0 3741 Leroy Gallup H.O. Disc. 50.00 3742 Eleanor Crapo H,O. Disc. 050,00 3743 NeI1e Tautfest H,O, Disc, '~'S0.00 3744 William Le Baron H,O, Disc. X50,00 3745 Lindon White H,O. Disc, '450„00 3746 David White H,O, Disc. 038,68 3747 Douglas Morishita H,O, Disc. ` 47,36 3748 C, J. Christiansen H,O, Disch X21,32 3749 Albert MacDonald H.O. Disc, 50,00 3750 George Wilms H.O. Disc. 025,04 3751 Henry Peake H,O. Disc. X50.00 3752 Abraham Redekopp H.O. Disc, =%50,00 3753 Henry Paetkau H,O, Disc. :x50.00 3754 Gordon Douglass H,O, Disc. x28.76 3755 William Lokier H,O. Disc. X50,00 3756 Dale Cox H,O, Disc. -'36,82 3757 Robert Anderson H,O, Disc. :,41.16 3758 Joseph Chomistek H.O. Disc. -350.00 3759.. K.W. Anderson H,O, Disc, 50.00 3760 Grace Duenk H.O. Disc. X50,00 376 Pavel Chomistek H,O. Disc. p50,00 3762 Sonny Ohama H,O, Disc. X50,00 3763 George Ohama H,O. DisC, J50.00 3764 Albert Ohama H.O. Disc. =50,00 3765 Thomas Ovigns H,O, Disc, X50,00 3766 Emil Chomistek H.O. Disc. 0 50.00 3767 P.F. Duby H,O, Disc. 50,00 3768 F, Mandeville H.O, Disc, 050,OQ 3769 Carl Christianson H,O, Disc. ;;50.00 3770 Tono Ohama H.O. Disc, ;: 50.00 3771 Peter Krahn H,O, Disc. 0 50,00 3772 L. Swenson H.O. Disc, ~ 50,00 3773 Yoshito Kimura H.O. Disc, - 50,00 3774 Philip Lake H.O. Disc. -50.00 3775 Robert Lore H.O. Disc. X50.00 3776 John Stica H.O. Disc. v 50.00 3777 Joe Bildersheim Jr. H,O, Disc. ~~10,78 3778 Douglas Grayson H,O, Disc. x;50.00 3779 T°7argaret Tell H,0„ Disc. z, 50.00 3780 Elmer Domey H,O, Disc. ~~16.36 3781 Archie Duckett H.O, Disc. 050,00 3782 David Laux H.O. Disc, 830,00 3783 Kenneth Stevens H.O, Disc. -~ F`UT~~H ~- 27,52 3784 Robert Me ggett Jr, H.O. Disc, ~ AL.,,T£D ~ ~` ~' 50.00 3785 James Brodie H.O. Disc. ch',t~^da,~.:-,,.,y,,,,i ~ 39,30 3786 John Wolfe H,O, Disc, '~"'"`""~-~ tf 50,00 3M 149-P SPECIAL 11 CIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. -6- 3787 Harry Karpinsky H.O. Disc. 3788 George Hughes H,O, Disc. 3789 Jens J. Straw H.O. Disc. 3790 A,F, Workes H,O, Disc, 3791 Jacob Weebe H.O. Disc, 3792 Jacob Dyck H,O, Disc. 3793 Henry Ramer Jr, H.O, Disc, 3794 Agnes Mikula H,O, Disc. 3795 Edward Kramer H,O, Disc„ 3796 William Lyzenga H.O, Disc. 3797 Peter A. Dyck H,O, Disc, 3798 Heroshi Tekeda H.O, Disc. 3799 David Dyck HRO, Disc. 3800 earl Wiebe H.O, Disc, 3801 Johanes Boeheme H,O, Disc. 3802 Jacob Enns H.O, Disc, 3803 Jacob Thiessen H,O, DiSC, 3804 C,P, Verschoor H,O, Disc. 3805 Cornelius Klassen H,O, Dim, 3806 John H. Janzen H.O, Disc. 3807 Kurt Wiebe H.O. Disc, 380 Gerhard Paetkau H,O, Disc, 3809 Henry Yasdorf HRO, Disc, 3810 Jacob Dyck H,O, Disc. 3811 K.K. Hironaka H,O, Disc, 3812 Walter Wiebe H,O, Disc, 3813 Gordon Dunbar H,O, Disc, 3814 John Nickel HRO, Disc, 3815 PRH. Janzen HRO, Disc. 3816 Pete Unrau H,O, Disc„ 3817 Henry Walde H,O, Disc. 3818 Henry A. Berg H,O, Disc. 3819 Jacob Doerksen H,O, Disc, 3820 John Van Bergen H.O, Disc, 3821 Joyce E, Christianson H.O, Disc. 3822 Wallace E, Fraser H.O. Disc. 3823 Jacob Enns H,O, Disc, 3824 Harland R. Ryan H,O. Disc, 3825 Frederick Gilroy H.O. Disc. 3826 Milton J, Ryan H,O, Disc, 3827 David P, Klassen H,O, Disc. 3828 Ernest Walde H,C, Disc„ 3829 John Douglas H,O, Disc. 3830 James C, George H,O, Disc. 3831 S,F, Leggett H,O, Disc, 3832 Lawrence Schiebner H.O. Disc, 3833 Clarence Schiebner H,O, Disc. 3834 Will Wallace H,O, Disc. 3835 FRJR Charest H,O, Disc, 3836 Earl Taylor H.O. Disc. 3837 Gust Albus~ H,O, Disc, 3838 Herbert Reule HROR Disc, 3839 Robert Graham H,O, Disc. 3840 John Trotter HRO, Disc. 3841 Adolf Nielson H,O, Disc. 3842; Irene Skanning H,C, Disc. 3843 Gail Alcock H,O, Disc„ 3844 Carl Finley H.O. Disc. 3845 Chris Schmidt H,OR Disc. 3846 Albert Zwaagstra H.O, Disc. 3847 Frieda Schulz H,O. Disc, 3848 Tommy Madsen H.O, Disc, 3849 W,J, Borne H,O, Disc„ 3850 Richard Peyton H.O, Disc, 3851 Lester Anderberg H,O, Disc. 3852 Armand Gravette H.O, Disc. 3853 Helen Ketchmark H.O. Disc. 3854 George Ketchmark H,O, Disc. 3855 Albert Gosling H,O, Disc. 3856 Reuben Janke H,O, DiscR 3857 Jack Janke H.O. Disc. 3858 Walter Duncan H,O, Disc. tM 149-P SPECIAL ICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. '~ N?3"TCa ~' z z ~ 50.00 `~ 50.00 ~' 50.00 '' 47,36 ~~' 50.00 ~? 50,00 50,00 ~ 50.00 50,00 `~ 50.00 50,00 :~ 21.32 - 50.00 7 50.00 ~ 50.00 50,00 50„00 p50,00 t3 50.00 O 50.00 ==50.00 50,00 m 50.00 50,00 ,:; 50„00 ~t 50.00 .;50.00 :~ 50,00 a 50.00 39„92 '-50,00 50,00 50 , 0 0 50,00 50.00 X50,00 `' 50.00 X50,00 ~:>50,00 50,00 50„00 50,00 .50.00 °~50R00 50,00 50,00 •50,00 -50.00 X50,00 50,00 `~ 50.00 50,00 50,00 50.00 .~ 50, 00 50,00 32,4 •50.00 =50.00 -50.00 50.00 50,00 50.00 50.00 50.00 '50,00 ~ 50,00 = 50,00 x750,00 ;~20R70 ,`50,00 '50.00 - 7- 3859 Michael Kalyata H,O, Disc, ~ 50,00 3860 Ralf Brodie H.O, Disc, 50,00 3861 R, Roberts H,O, Disc, ,50,00 3862 George Sawatsky H,O, Disc. 50.00 3863 Henry Sa.watsky H,O, Disc, 150,00 3864 Herbert Dixon H.O, Disc, `50,00 3865 George Sawatsky H,O, Disc. ` 10.16 3866 Wilhelm Tiessen H,O, Disc, ``50,00 3867 Henry H. Wiebe H,O. Disc, ''50.00 3868 Gustav Harder H.O, Disc, -'50,00 3869 Harland Wiebe H.O, Disc, '50.00 3870 Peter Goertzen H,O, Disc. ~ 23,80 3871 Frank Bergen H,O, Disc, ~ X0.00 3872 John Bergen H.O, Disc. ~ 50,00 3873 Ernest Wiehler H,O, Disc, X50,00 3874 Theodor Enns H,O. Disc, ~'-=31.86 3875 Frank Willms H,O, Disc. ` 50,00 3876 John Klassen H.O. Disc, "50,00 3877 Norris Easter H.O, Disc, x47.36 3878 Niel Wallace H,O, Disc, 350.00 3879 Geo, Doerksen H,O, Disc, `50.00 3880 Richard Peake H.O, Disc, `"50,00 3881 0, Jorgensen H,O, Disc, X50,00 3882 Fred Galarneau H,O, Disc, 50.00 3883 Merle S, Dortch H.O, Disc. } x350,00 3884 Ronald W, Tiffin H,O. Disc, `='50.00 3885 Henry D, Neufleld H,O, Disc, X50,00 3886 A. Skanderup H.O, Disc, ~ 3,96 3887 Dorien Douglas H.O, Disc, 3 50.00 3888 A. Green H,O, Disc, p 50,00 3889 Robert Knight Jr, H,O, Disc, ;_750,00 3890 Richard Pierson H,O, Disc. ;50,00 3891 Alexand,Miller H,O. Disc, :47.98 3892 Peter Steinback H,O, Disc, X50,00 3893 John Hornelson H,O,Disc. ~~50,00 3894 Sidney Gosling H,O, Dis c, `'34,34 3895 William A. Freeman H.O, Disc, '44.88 3896 Bernard Stienback H,O, Disc. 050,00 3897 Walter Nasse H,O, Disc, X30,00 3898 James Dean H,O, Disc, p45,50 3899 Kurt Jannsen H,O, Disc, X50,00 3900 Henry Monroe H,O, Disc. +310,78 3901 Hugh Robertson H,O, Disc, :'?50,00 3902 David R, Hall H,O, Disc. ?50.00 3903 Kenneth Ferguson H.O, Disc, b 50,00 3904 Angus Clyne H,O, Disc. ;x:50.00 3905 C,H, Oldenberg H,O, Disc, 50,00 3906 Tony Hulsman H,O, Disc. -50,00 3907 A,V, Bennett H,O, Disc, < 50.00 3908 Ken Pickett H,O, Disc, 50,00 3909 John Walde H,O, Disc, . 50.00 3910 Cornellus Plett H.O. Disc. 50.00 3911 George Plett H,O. Disc, ~-50,00 3912 A.J, Klassen H.O, Disc. 50,00 3913 J. J, Voroney H.O. Disc, :50,00 3914 Elmer Miedinger H,O, Disc, .50,00 3915 Herman Stienback H,O, Disc. .50,00 3916 Grant Bodmer H,O, Disc. 12,64 3917 Gordon Walker H,O, Disc, a 50,00 3918 Mildred King H, Disc, :; 50.00 3919 Barry Evans H.O, Disc, ~ 28,14 3920 A.A. Evans H.O. Disc. ;~ 13,35 3921 G,A, Smith H,O, Disc, ----~_._....__. 50„00 3922 F. Bulger H,O. Disc. ~ ~i'1T~r~ ~ 50,00 3923 A,W, Arrison H,O, Disc, ', al.'~x'E~ n _50.00 3924 W,M, Ke11y H,O, Disc, ' x~ ~ ' ~ 50 00 3925 Kate Bernhardsgrutter H,O, Disc, _ ,:.~~t co~~ntants , :25,04 3926 S, Kargard H,O, Disc, ~-50,00 RM 148-P SPECIAL NICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. - 8-- 3927 Marie Mortenson H,O, Disc„ ~ 50.00 3928 Martin Bruebaker H,O, Disc. D 50,00 3829 Eva Kadey H,O, Disc. -' 50.00 3930 D. Gamble H,O, Disc„ ~' 50,00 3931. A.A, Sheddy H,O, Disc. S0,Q0 3932 J,K, Parcel H.O. Disc, 50.00 3933 John Baron H,O. Disc. 50.00 3934 Ralph Bishel H,O, Disc, ~ 50.00 3935 L. Leroux H,O, Disc. 50,00 3936 W,Willard H,O, Disc, 50,00 3937 Carl Brown H,O, Disc. 50.00 3938 L, Charest H,O, Disc, '50,00 3939 W.W, Lester H,O, Disc. ~= 50.00 3940 A,E, Lester H,O, Disc, 50,00 3941 A, Ostergaard H,O, Disc. J 50.00 3942 Harold Beattie H,O, Disc, ~~50.00 3943 Floyd Wilson H,O, Disc. 50.00 3944 Dennis Gobiel H,O, Disc. '3„34 3945 M. Moriarity H,O, Disc. ~ 50,00 3946 A, Baumann H,O, Disc. `' 50.00 3947 Harvey Gabiel H,O, Disc, ~' 50.00 3948 Cancelled ~ 3949 Paul Skuban H,O, Disc. X50,00 3950 T. Gobiel H,O, Disc„ ~ 50,00 3951 E. Kloepper H,O, Disc. .:?50,00 3952 Ray Ledene H.O, Disc, 5Q.00 3953 Agnes Bloomquist H,O, Disc. ~~50,00 3954 B, Perry H,O, Disc. 50,00 3955 Lorrain Nicholas H.O, Disc. 50.00 3956 County of Newell Tdo, 4 H,O, Disc, ~ 1982,78 3957 J.M, Endersby H,O, Disc. ~ 50.00 3958 J. Hajash } 44.15 3959 H,C, Scammell ~ 49.7Q 3960 B, Airth Instr, Sub Teach. `~ 15,00 3961 R. Armstrong Councillor Fees -824,00 3962 A, Arrison Councillor Fees 16.00 3963 E, Axelson P,O,M, Caretakers Salairies :~ 156.00 3964 T,R, Ba~Lter P.W. Gravelling ,, 873.00 3965 F, Berger. Councillor Fees 843,60 3966 Brks Coop P,W, Fuel & Rep 3420,54 3967 Brks Radiator Shop A ux Serv, Cty Van Rep 14.00 3968 Brks Salvage P,W, Fuel & Rep 8.40 3969 Mrs. J. Bateau Aux, Serv, Main Pupils ;105.00 3970 C,P,R, P.W, Matrial =328.12q 3971 O.W. Carlson P,W, Gravelling ~ 650,30 3972 E, Chomistek Councillor Fees 14,80 3973 A. Chrumka Councillor Fees 2027,00 3974 Coneco Equipment P,W, Hire of ~~a,chines X6195,00 3975 Copp Clar Publ, Co, Instr, Aids Texts 25,66 3976 Coutts Machinery P.W. Fuel & Rep 1073,80 3977 Geo, Cyr P.L'd, l~lileage ~ 20,40 3978 G. Douglass Councillor Fees ~%1564,00 3979 F. Duby P,W, Gravelling p542,40 3980 B,N,S. (N. Dueck) Aux. Serv, Contract Vans 385.OQ 3981 E,I,D, Admin-office Rent 187.87 3982 Educat, Record dales Instr, Aids Lib & ref <} 14,31 3983 Emco Ltd., P,O,M, Rep, & Rep1 to Bldgs. 314,68 3984 Ferguson Supplies P,W, Hire of Machines x3840.00 3985 Gem Lumber P,O,M, Rep. & Repl to Bldgs. ;, 13.04 3986 Gestetner Can. Ltd. Instr. Aids ~~ Sapp & Equip 311.29 3987 F, Gilroy Aux, Serv. Main of Pupils -, 52.50 3988 J, Bruce Green P,P,P. A,S,B. Brucellosis ~ 64.70 3989 D. Grosfield Councillor Fees X337,90 3990 J, Hajash Councillor Fees -,2218,20 3991 Peter Harder Aux, Serv, ~~x~x~~CtyVan F. ~, 119,40 ~vul7G!) f L , T2 ~~ Charteic.J 'fir op - nt8rsts 149-P SPECIAL 1L SUFPLI ES LTD. - g- 3992 D, Havens Councillor Fees a 14,00 3993 J, Hollinda Councillor Fees ~? 13,00 3994 F, Hughes P,W, Gravelling r~ 18,20 3995 J, Hutchison A ux. Serv, Main of Pupils =157.50 3996 A,T, Johnson Councillor Fees 20,00 3997 K,O, Lake Aux Serv. Cty Vans Fuel ~~' 482,13 3998 O,H, Lake Councillor Fees - 157.50 3999 G, Larsen Councillor Fees 958,90 4000 B,N,~ (Lepp) Aux Serv, Contract Vans 450.00 4001 F. Mandeville Councillor Fees 1656.00 4002 M,L, Massey P.W, Gravelling 641.80 4003 Mid West Paper P,O,M, Caretakers Supp 34,55 4004 ICI, Miedinger Aux, Serv. Contract Vans ~ 1350.00 4005 J. Mortenson Councillor Fees ~ 20,00 4006 Z', Musgrove Councillor Fees %1452.90p 4007 Motor Car Supply Aux. Serv Cty Vans Rep _ 686.91 4008 The Australian Admin, Advert, for Teachers. D 64.80 4009 Altha Tdielson Instr. Other 46,20 4010 L. Nelson P,O,M, Rep. & Repl to Grds 25,00 4011 Nesbitt Publishing A.S.B. Sundry 50,70 4012 B,N,S. (H, Neufeld) Aux. Serv, Contract Vans ~ 365.00 4013 C,L, Norton P,W, Gravelling ' 64.00 4014 R,C, Oliver P,W, Gravelling '~ 7,50 4015 Dale Patterson Councillor Fees D 16,00 4016 R, Pearson P,W. Gravelling '-' 69.00 4017 Penner Service Aux Serv Cty Vans Fuel-Tires 7,95 4018 Prairie Sales & Franchise P,W, M~.terial x%178,80 4019 Ray Pritchard A ux, Serv. Main of Pupils p 52.50 4020 A, Redelback P,W. Gravelling X856,80 4021 R. Redelback P,W, Gravelling 614.10 4022 W. Reimer Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils ti52,50 4023 M. Ryan Councillor Fees ~ 46,00 4024 E,A, Schaffer Councillor Fees Z~'130,00 4025 C. Schneeder`) Aux. Serv, Main of Pupils 52,50 4026 L, Schneeder Aux, Serv, Main of Pupils 52.50 4027 NLrs, I~'I, Schelske Instr. Sub Teacher 7.50 4028 D, Schnieder P.W. Gravelling $85,80 4029 E, Schnieder P,W, Gravelling :733.40 4030 T4, Schnieder P,W, Gravelling 585,50 4031 C. Schuh P,W, Gravelling _106,00 4032 T,B, (Seely) Aux, Serv. Contract Uans 500.00 4033 U7, Sheldrake P.P,P, A.S,B, Brucellosis ~ 86.00 4034 T'1, A, Shuttleworth P.Gd. Mileage S , 00 4035 L, Stenger P a'1, Gravelling 627,40 4036 Street Rob, & Morrow P,W, Fuel & Rep 428.77 4037 E.E, Tatem Councillor Fees 162.40 4038 Taylor Pearson & Carsoln P,W. Fuel & Rep 42x26 4039 T, Musgrove P.P,P. A.S,B, Sundry a 32,00 4040 J, Tiessen Aux, Serv. Main of Pupils `'52.50 4041 T, B, (Torkelson) Aux, Serv, Contract Vans 343,20 4042 L,M. Trapp Instr. Other 65,00 4043 Tunney Aux, Serv, Cty Van Rep 15.00 4044 P?, Wallace Aux, Serv, T~'lain of Pupils ~ 52.50 4045 R, Wieler P,O,M, Truck & Cart 3.00 4046 Wescab Mfg La,td, P,O,M, Rep, & Repl. to Bldgs, J 128,50 4047 Willson Stationers Instr, Amds Supp. & Equip ~~586,04 4048 Wittmiers Gen, Store P,O,NI, Caretakers Supp ~` 18,00 4049 B,N,S, (Zacharias) A ux, Serv, Contract vans <'395,00 4050 W, Zibell P,W, Gravelling X926,40 4051 K, Tiees Councillor Fees ~ 10.60 4052 C, of Newell Payroll ' = 48598,02 4053 B,L, Willis Instr, Other ~~ 2,88 4054 A, & C. Propane P,W, Fuel & Rep ~ 85.92 4055 American Electrical Supp P,O,M, Rep, & Repl to Bldgs. a 217.98 4056 B.A, Oil P.W. Fuel & Repl ~~ 10.86 4057 Can, Linen Supp P,W, Fuel & Rep, ~' 2.90 4058 Can. Liquid Air P.W. Fuel & Rep 22.95 4059 Can, Pacific P,W, Sundry 0130.27 4060 Royal Bank (Cl°~ristianson Assirz) .-.--- 90.00 4061 N, Crapo Instr. Other ,. ~-~+.,,=.T':''• x ~ 7.20 4062 Franklins Tires P,W, Fuel & Rep > ~J3`''~~ c' 254.34 4063 W. Friesen ~ 1.2 i~nstr. Other _~ .1,r;diu:^n,letants 5,12 t A 149-P SPECIAL :I PAL SU PFLIES LTD. 406; 4 E, H, Gabert 4065 R,H, S. & Cr (Green) 4066 Nlrs, A, Hendricksen 4067 S, Hrynewich 4068 O,H, Lake 4069 G. Larsen 4070 T, MacPhail 4071 M,S,I, 4072 A, Nelson 4073 Prov. Treasurer-Pension Board 4074 A, Sass 4075 W, Schafer 4076 R, Sheen 4077 A, Shellenberg 4079 D, Tarney 4078 Snyders Auto Wrecking 4080 G, Timko 4081 Brks S. & Cr, Union (Timko) 4082 R,H, S. & Cr, Union (Timko) 4083 Mrs. E, Trotter 4084 K. Vikedal 4085 C, of N, (Wallace) 4086 R. Wiebe 4087 Croiler Enterprises 4088 Galleli & Sons 4089 E,A. Schaffer 4090 Queens Printer 4091 L. Martz 4092 R. Lund 4093 Mrs, R„ Sugden 4094 Patricia Garage 4095 C. of Newell 4096 A.G.T. 4097 C, of Nwl Cr. L, Dunn 4098 Alta. Teach, Assoc, 4099 Teach. Ret. Fund 4100 Rec. Gen, Income Tax 4101 Rec, Gen. U,I,C,9 4102 A.B.C. 4103 C. of N, Payroll 4104 C, Hawn 4105 Newell Vet, Clinic 4106 Bow Va11ey Vet, Clinic 4107 A.G.T, 4108 Postmaster 4109 Olsons Service 4110 E, Allcock 4111 J, Armentrout 4112 L,L, Bailly 4113 F,C, Beasley 4114 C, of N, 4115 V,L,A, 4116 H, Fuller 4117 T, Gleddie 4118 A, Hellmer 4119 M,F, Hellmer 4120 J, Heron8 4121 B, Hiebert 4122 R,C, Knight 4123 H. Kraus 4124 K. Kraus 4125 E, Lelond 4126 N, MacRae 4127 A, Peltier 4128 P,P, Plett 4129 C,E, Ramer 4130 C,J. Ramer 4131 C,E, Reese 4132 S,R, Reeves 4133 J.D. Rempel 4134 H, H. Siemens 4135 C,E, Skanderup -10- Instr, Other Instr, Other Instr, Other Other Pyts to Councillors Other Pyts to Councillors Instr. Other Aux, Serv. 1"~ain of Pupils P,W, Jileage Instr, Other Instr, Other Social Welfare Instr, Other P,W, Fuel & Rep Instr, Other Instr, Other P.W. Mileage Instr. Other Instr. Aids Lib, & Ref, P.W, Hardsurfacing Other Pyts to Councillors Instr. Aids Lib & Ref A,S,B, Pests & Weeds A.S,B. Pests & Weeds A.S,B, Pests & Uleeds A,S,B, Pests &-Weeds A,S.B, Pests & Weeds P,W, Hire of Machine P,W, Labour A.S,B. Brucellosis A.S.B. Brucellosis Capital Truck H,O, Disc. H,O, Disc. H,O, Disc, H,O. Disc, H.O, Discl Overpaid Taxes H,O, Disc. H.O, Disc. H,O, Disc, H,O, Disc. H.O, Disc. H,O,Disc, H.O, Disc. H,O, Disc. H,O, Disc, H,O, Disc, H,O, Disc. H,O, Disc, H,O, Disc, H,O, Disc, H,O, Disc. H.O, Disc, H,O, Disc, H,O, Disc. H,O, Disc, H,O, Disc, _~ ~ ~ ,~~~ ® ci? vq ~ ~z r ~ 6.40 ~ 55.00 :~ 3,20 -.15,36 :_128,30 Q 78,00 12,80 662.26 c 105,00 190,44 4,00 ~ 12,80 n 8,00 ~~~ 26,13 4,00 8.00 20,48 ,~ 100.00 :: 25,00 ~, 7,20 4,00 15,00 '~ 14 .4 0 11,46 18652.60 •-' 90.00 3,00 53,69 -' 55.60 '~ 71,55 36.30 58,21 -~ 237.45 7 287,50 499.00 %1720,04 '" 8771,56 372.32 ~ 41.75 v 7060.86 ;r,, 118 , 8 0 ~-• 7 0 3, 6 0 ~~529.20 a 24,30 795,00 `5273.50 50.OOK 50,OOK 50,00 50,00 100.00=. 300,00 50,00 27.52 50,OC~ 50,OQ~ 50,00. 50,00- 50.00 50,00- 50,00 50,00 37,44 50,00 50,00 50.00 50,00 50,00 50,00 50.00 50,00 50,00 VI 749-P SPECIAL :IPAL SUPPLIES LTD. 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 414 7 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 415 7 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 Y, Tamura A,W, Tobler J, Toth C,L, Turner B, Valerian R,WEster J. Whiteley A, Wing C, of N, (R,S, R,H, S, & Cr. G. Philpott S, Alta. Inst, C, of N, Petty Cash Tilley Gas A,B, Dick B, Airth Alta. Assoc. of M,D, E, Albert A,G,T, Allied Distributors C,F, Annis A,S.T,A, Zone 6 A. Beieler T~2rs , R, Bennett H, Berg F, Betton R, Bishel Mrs, A. G, Bloomquist Bow Slope Mut, Tel, Bow Slope Shipping Brks Garage Brks N,E, Mut, Te10 Brks Radiator Shop Bruce RobR Electric NTrs , J. Buteau Calgary Power Can. Electronics Can, Linnen Supp Can. Marconi Can, Propane Carlsons Cart, Central Sales & Serv„ Stella Chudleigh D,W, Clark Busi. Mach,? R, Conklin Corner Serv, Crown Lumber Crown Lumber Deldays Brks Transport, Mrs. G, Deunk Duchess Garage Vill of Duchess L. Dunbar Electric Equip Ltd,, Eatectic Welding Ferguson Supp Finley's Store Flanagan Bros Franklin Tires Gem General Store Mrs. A, George F, Gilroy Mrs , T~1, Goodheart W, E, Greer Ltd,, Honeywell Controls Huttons Ltd,, Husky Oil Imperial Oil Irrigano Publishers Iwaasa Industries Jubilee Insurance Conv. Expense Instr. Aids Supp, & Egip Instr. Sub Teach P,W, Fuel & Rep InstrR Aids Text Books P,W, Fuel b& Rep A~tnin Mileage Gen, Gov't P,W, Mileage Instr, Sub Teach, Instr. Other Instr. Asst. Super. ~xp, Aux, Serv. Cty Van Fuel Aux. ServR Cty Van Fuel P,~,M, Telephones P,O,M, Rep. & Repl to B1dgsR P,W, Fuel & Rep P,O,M, Telephones Aux Serv, Cty Uans Rep P,O,M, Rep, & Repl to FurnR Aux, Serv, T~.in of Pupils P,W, Material Inst, Aids Supp, & Equip P,W, Fuel & Rep Aux, Serv, Cty Vans Rep P,O,M, Teacherages P,W, Gravelling Aux, Serv, Cty Van Fuel Instr, Other Ca~p~~ol- Office F~xpense Aux, Serv. Main of Pupils P,O.M, Turck & CartR Acc, Rec. Gem Athletic AssocR P.O,M, Rep. & Repl to Bldgs, P,W, Fuel & Rep Instr, Aids Texts Aux, Serv. Cty Van Rep P,O,M, H,LR~+T, Instr, Other P,O,M, Rep. & Repl to B1dgsR P,W, Fuel & Rep P.W. Hire of Machines Aux, Serv, Cty Van Fuel P,O,M, Caretakers Supp Aux, Serv, Cty Vans Tires Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Fuel Instr, Sub Teach Aux. Serv, Main of Pupils Instr. Other POM Caretakers Supp P,O,M, Teacherages P,W, Fuel & Rep P,W, Fuel & Rep P,W, Fuel & Rep ~~ Gen, Gcv't Advertisin '~` da, P~ Admin Prtg, .T P,W. Insurance ~~ ~~t & FixR ~~ O o~ ~'~~" n1S O ~.1 o4r~a, ~„c ~~~~ d 14B-P SPECIAL ~1PAL SUPPLIES LTD. 2 -11- H,O, D1SC• HRO, Disc, H,O, Disc. H.O, Disc, H,O, Disc. H.O. Disc, H,O, Disc. H,O, Disc, Kristianson Assign) (R, S, Kristianson Assign) Gen, Gov't of Technology P,W. Sundry 50.00 tc 47,98,E 50,00 , 33,72.. 47,36 . 50,00 50.00. 50,00 30.00 25.00 125,00 15,00 79.15 224,051 54.75 7,50 ~; 3899.41 _. 7,55 16,20 226,73K 93,31,E 50,00 y 18,60 15,00 50.00- 84800. 46.33 148,18;; 9,40 ~, 39,13. 4,00 5,50 31„00 48,18 52,50,; 1613 , 92 '. 54,50 96,90 . 40800 62.76 602,80K 322.55k 35,OOY 190,00 210.00. 21R54K 800.00 497,96- 114,49 5.12 65,SOrc 39,70'`- 56,25 4 84,37 100,34 , 3840,00. 265R31~ 6,77r~ 255,58,E 112,81- 30,00 52,50 30,00. 476.03 56,74-c 78,23 > 109,03. 429.47 6,16- 52.10 43,00 -12- 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 42T9 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 42 73 4 2 74 4275 4276 4277 42 78 E.S. Kloepper C,L, Kadey Klemm Electric K,O. Lake V,H.Lawrence R.E,Lee K.N.Lintott Mrs. K, McKay R. McKay McCabe Grain Macleods L.F, Marcy Marshall Wells Marshalls Bk Store Med, Hat Health Unit Med, Hat News Med. Hat School Dis, Mid West Paper Modern Auto Moyer Dizr~ lion Municipal Supplies Gary Norton A.J, Nystrom & Co, Patricia Garage B,L. Perry M.E. Plumer Premier Cart. R. Pritchard Dept. Municipal Affairs Office of Queens Printer Mrs. L. Rasmuson Ressler Motors Revelstoke Bldg. N1at Vill of Rosemary J.L. Rawleigh & Sons Willy Riemer Royal Lumber Yrds, Mrs. M. Schelske C, Scheibner L. Scheibner Schelskes Welding D. Schnieder Science Research J, Shannon Sharps Theater Shaw Industrial Simpson Sears Singer Co, _ , ~.~ ._ Smalley'S Radio Smith & Stark C.C. Snowdon Ltd., Standard Auto 1vJarjorie Stringam Loraine Sulek Tatems Store Taylor Signs Texas Refinery Corp J,H. Tiessen Tilley Welding Vill of Tilley Mrs, L,M, Trapp C. Frifanenko R. Va.sselin Firs, F, Virovec Mrs, M, Vossler Underwood McLellan & Assoc. N. Wallace Welders Supp Mrs. N. Wester B. Westwick W,H. Willard Aux, Serv. Cty Vans Fuel Instr, Other P.O.M, Rep. & Repl to Bldg Aux. Serv. Cty Vans Fuel Gen, Gov't Assessor Exp Aux. Serv. ~'ty Vans Fuel P.O,M. Trucks & Cart Instr. Sub Teach Aux. Serv, Main of Pupils P.O.M. Rep, & Repl to Bldg P,O„NI, Rep. & Repl to Bldg P,O.T1, Teacherages P.O.M, Rep. & Repl to Bldg Instr. Aids Supp, & Equip Health Requisition P,W. Gravelling Pyts to S.D. Tuition fees Instr„ Aids Supp, & Equip Aux. Serv, Cty Van Rep Instr. Aids Supp, & Equip Gen. Gov't Prtg, & Stat. P,W. Gravelling Instr, Aids Texts Aux. Serv, Cty Vans Fuel P.O,M, Caretakers Supp Instr. Sub Teach„ P.~rv, Fuel & Rep Aux, Serv, Mein of Pupils Hospital Requistion Gen. Gov't Prtg, Instr, Sub Teach P.W, Fuel & Rep P,O.M. Rep. & Repl to Bld P.O.M, H.L.W. Aux, Cerv, Cty Van Fuel Aux, Serv, Main of Pupils P„O.M, Teacherages Instr, Sub Teach Aux, Serv. Main of Pupils Aux, Serv. Manias of Pupils P,W, Fuel & Rep P.W. Gravelling Instr. Aids Lib & Red. P.W, Mileage instruct, Aids Supp, & Eq Instx. Aids Supp, & Equip P.O,M. Teacherages Instr, Aids Supp. & Equip Instr. Aids Supp, & Equip Gen. Gov't Bonds P.O.M. Rep, & Repl to Bld P.W. Fuel & Rep Instr. Sub Teach Instr. Other Instr, Aids Supp. & Equip Capitol Office Gen. Gov't Office Exp. Aux. Serv, Main of Pupils Aux. Serv, Cty Vans Rep P.O.M. H.L,W. Instr, Other P,W, Mileage P.O,M. Teacherages Instr. Sub Teach Aux. Serv. Main of Pupil P,W. Hardsurfacing Aux. Serv. Main ~f Pupils P,W, Fuel & Rep Instr. Sub Teach. Aux. Serv, NL~.in of Pupils Aux, Serv. Cty Van Wages 9,00 ~~ 100.00 ~; s. 45.80 328,00 18,50 124.32' 114,50 15.00 210„00 s„ 4.16 ++ s. 131,88 n 6.25 " s, ]_1,12 - 83,36 ° 2113,30° 9,96 120.00 . 553,53- 1.80 494,50 309.02 , 39.00 34.50K 346,06!i 35.62 ' 75.00 2.50 ~2 „50 18432 ,18 16,35 K 22.50 ;~ 4.95 u s. 25.29- 123,00 105.35 52„50 32„43 15.00 52.50 K 52.50 ^; 12.50K 208,00 <-; 72 , 90 3.20 ip 5.06 67.97 21,95 395,90 ` 209.34 93.00 s.7 73,59 -~ 102,601 30.00 18,00•. 15.10 ~c 450.00` 29.00 Y. 52.50 10.00 4° 13 4g, 0 0 ¢ g u g C 35.62 A.R,Ti~lilliams Machinery 0 c,~0 M 7.80 ;; ~ ~~ c d 4 , ~p~ 8 0.9 3 . ~ ,~, ~, ~ 15,00,E '~.~~, ,~~~`~ 210.0 0 ,~ ~~ 4567,43 k 52,50 230.OOK 15,00 52.50; 38.50 '~ P.O.M. Rep, & Repl tc Furn & Fix 868.OOr, 1~-P SPECIAL ?AL SUPPLIES LTD.