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1966-03-11 Council (Regular) Minutes
~ rd .T ,~~'~~ ~~~. County of Newell Ido. 4 County Council, March 11, 1966 The regular monthly meeting of the County Council was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a•m, Friday, I"jarch 11th, 1966 Members present, Reeve J• Hajashf Councillors G, LarsenY A • Chrumka i. Musgrove F. Mandeville '' R • Armstrong D, Grosfield. G, Douglassw Sec,-Treas. H. Scammell The minutes of the previous meeting of February 11th, and the adjourned meeting of March Sth, and the Court of Revision of February 28th were read and adopted. . • . Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that the Secretary's report of Receipts, and Payments for the Month of February be accepted. CaxriedR . , . A letter from the Equalization Assessment Board advising of the Equalized Assessment of $13,824,129.00 was read and discussed. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the equalized assessment be appealed. Carried• • . A dvice was received from P.FRA•A• of meeting No, 7 with regard to 14-13-4 and 23-18-4 and noted by each Councillor Concerned. . • . Advice was received from the Provincial Planning Board of their decision to grant the appeal of H• Charlton, for the subdivision of NE 4-19-14-4 • • • . A letter from Department of Public Welfare, xe responsibility in the mattex of Joe Prairie Chicken was xead and discussed, and his residence in the County was confirmed. A letter from the Town of Brooks re the County p~.rticipation in the Centen- nial Project was read and discussed, and the Secretary directed to ok~tain clarification. s x + + . s ^ r R R A letter from Medicine Hat Health Unit re rent of the local accommodation was read and discussec~• . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, thatthe existing lease for the present premises be renewed, and that upon occupation in the new office building, the rent be increased to $180.00 per month. Carried. Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that Bylaw #303 to donate $50.00 to t he Farmers Union of Alberta be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed. . , Carried Unanimously A copy of a letter from the De~rtment of Highways to Underwood & McLellan including 1D 22 in the local Rural Road Study was read discussed and ordered filed• ~:. l~ FORM 148-P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SU PPLIFS LTD. /~ l •~'~ _2_ Reports of Committees _Municipa,l Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Municipal Committee be acceptedi Carried. . . . Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that application be made to the Water Resour- ces Branch for the following projects to be proceeded with under the 3 way agreement. 1 Main Trunk Drain(Engineering Survey) N of 8 &9-15-13-4 east from North aE Rolling Hills 2RCountess Area (Eng. & Construction) Sec 8-21-17-4 (C.P.R. Culvert too High} 3.Patricia Area From Highway 36 to East Boundry of County (Engineering ( & Construction) N of 12-20-15-4 to N of 36-19-11-4 4.Rolling Hills Access Road {Engineering Surveys} From ~1 1 South E of 5 & 8-18-13-4 E of 32-29-20-17-8-5-17-13-4 S.Road A1lowarlce {Engineering Surveys} East of Secs 5-8-17-20-21-15-4 6iRoad Allowance (Engineering Surveys & Constr} E of Secs 6-7-18-19-23-15-4 7.Road Allowance {Engineering Survey and Drainage Construction) N of Secs 19 & 20-21-16-4 Carried. . • i • ^ . • i R Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the County purchase the used Portable Welder from N. Sohelske at a cost of approxirr~tely $500.00 Carried. . . . . . Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the County purchase a "Pumper Boy Pump" from Park Sales for a cost of approximately X389.00 and 100 ftR of hose $41.50 Carried. . i M • . R • i . Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the preliminary agreements with Stringam Farms, in 22-19-4 and with P. Pringle in N2 29-22-19-4 for road allowance be approved and accepted. . . . ~ ~ . Ca~'ried. A djourned for Lunch 12:45 to 2:00 pm. . i M x f a . Y R A_gricultural_Com_mittee_ Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the report of the Agricultural Committee be acoeptedR Carried. . . . . Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that Councillor Larsen be asked to attend the A.A.M.D. meeting in Edmonton March 29th and meet with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Carried. . . . _Hospital_Com_mittee_ No~Report. Senior_Citizens Committee Id[oved by Councillor Grosfield, that the report of the Netiabrook Lodge be accepted. Carried. . . . Nursing Ho_me_Com_mittee Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the report of the Nursing Home Committee be accepted. Carried. R x • . . . . . School Committee Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the report of the School Committee be acceptedi Carried. . . . . Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the balance of the account of $eme Novelty Co. in the sum of $28.62 for ribbons and crests for interschool sports, be paid by the County. Carried. . . . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the tender of Burroughs Machine Co. $8300.00 for a New F 1503 Accounting Machine including trade in of the two old machines be accepted. Carried. ~~ - 49-P SPECIAL i..~.. .L SUPPLIES LTD. 4 ~ a ~ ~.~!/~~ ~~ -3- Moved by Councillor Larsen, that Bylaw No. 304 to cancel out the old accounts Receivable Accounts be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed. Carried Unanimously . . . . Moved by Councillor N~.ndeville, that Bylaw No. 305 tb correct errors, and cancel certain arrears of taxes in the Assessment and Tax Roll be given 1st 2nd, and 3fd readings and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hajash that the Redelback vs County Assessment and taxation litigation by the County be discontinued, and the arrears,/cancel- led by including in Bylaw No. 305. Carried. 1~~.9~/ Miss E. Lovas of Maxwell & Campbell attended the meeting, to discuss furniture for the new office building and was directed as to requirements of desks, chairs, and Council & Committee room tables. . . Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that the accounts as listed being cheques 972 to 1159 be approved for payment. Carried. . . . Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the resolution to request extension do time for Winter Works completion copy of which is attached to and forms part of the minutes of this meeting be passed. Carried. . ^ . . . . Moved by Councillor Ma~ideville that Reeve Hajash and Councillor Larsen represent the County at a meeting of the E.I.D. to aonsider the policy with regard to Water Rates and Tax delinquents. n,vv;_a . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the resolution with regard to the P.F.A.A.. payments in Irrigation Districts aopy of which is attached to and forms part of the minutes of this meeting be passed. Carried. . . . . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the Dept. of Highways letter of Feb. 8th, re bridges, be replied to in the mattf~.er set down and approved by Counci] Carried. . . . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that a letter be written to Fooks & Co. Lethbridge, Architects, advising of the concern of the Council, with regard to the Rosemary School, and giving him until March 17th to either take some action, or be advised that the County would seek such assistance else- where. Carried. . . . . Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the Tender of Construction Equipment. to supply a New Adams #660B Motor Grader with Snow Plow & Wing etc at and for the sum of Approx. $27,_180.00 including tube tires, lights as required be accepted, r_~._._a ... . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the Prd~vincial Government be advised that this Council is of the opinion that the assessment value of grazing lands as laid down by Order No. 321-65 is fair and equitable, and should not be changed. Carried. . . . . . . Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm. 4. ~ ~.. REEVE. SPECIAL PLIES LTD. 1 ~` -3- 1116 Marshall Wells Store P,O,M, Teacherages 19.27; 1117 Moyer Division Instr. Supp & Equip 30.91 ;~ 1118 Med. Hat Dist. Assoc. for Retard. Child Tuition Fees 168.00 1119 Mid-West Paper Ltd., Instr, Supp & Equip 1358.50' r 1120 Mikes Royalite sere. P,W, Fuel & Rep 4.40 1121 M, Miller A ux, Serv, Main of Pupils 40.00 1122 3tY, & P. General Store Instr. Supp & Equip 7,00 1123 Municipal Supp. Gen. Gov't Prtg. & Stat. 396.49 1124 Newell Plumbing & Heat P,O,M. Rep. & Repl to Bldgs. 12.80 1125 Olson's Serv. P,W, Fuel & Rep 84.62 '~` 1126 Franklin's Tires A,W, Fuel & Rep 24,00 `` 1127 B.L. Perry Soc. Welf. Unemployables 30.00 F 1128 B,L. Perry P.O,M, Caretakers Supp 43.60 E 1129 i~1rs, M. E. Plumex Sub Teach, 30.00 E, 1130 Prov, Treasurer (U, of A,) Instr. Other 50,00 ~- 1131 Prov, Treasurer (Girl's Leadership Workshop) Instr. Other 18.00 1132 Treasury Branch Licenses 28.00 . 1133 Ralston Co-op Bannick Acct. 34.25 1134 Ressler Motors P,W, Fuel & Rep 1.60 F' 1135 Mrs. L. Rasmusson Sub Teach. 158.73 i 1136 J.L, Rawleigh Cty Vans Fuel 305.25 ~: 1137 Revelstoke Bldg. Mat. P,O,M. Rep. & Repl to Bldgs, 11,20 ~ 1138 Rev, H.W. Rose Sub Teach 7,50.- 1139 Rosemary Bldg. Supp PO,M. Rep. & Repl to Bldgs., 2,10 E 1140 Rosemary Lumber & Gen, Supp Ltd., P,O,M. Rep. & Repl to B1dgs. 5,00= 1141 Mrs. S. F. Rust Mileage 81,80 ~' 1142 A. Sass Mileage 2,00 1143 W.C,R, Schafer Bursaries 750,00 1144 Schelske's Weld. P,W. Fuel & Rep 13,90 1145 School Book Branch Instr, Lib, & Ref. 297.27 ` 1146 Shell Canada Ltd., & K.L. Torkelso n P,O,M, H,L,W. 57.80 1147 Shorty's Plumb. & Heat. P.O.M. Rep;. & Repl to Bldgs., 372.55 ~ 1148 N,A, Shuttleworth Mileage 60,80 1149 Sports Equip, of Toronto Instr, Other Sports 18,89 "' 1150 Vill of Tilley P,O,M, H,L,W. 134.00 t` 1151 E,A,Torgunrud Mileage 23.00 1152 Mrs. L, Trapp Instr. Other 5.50 1153 Union Tractor Ltd., P.W. Fuel & Rep 1.95 1154 Universal Bindery Ltd., Instr. Lib. & Ref. 42.50 1155 R, R, Wallman Adm. Assoc. Fees 50.00 1156 Welders Supp P,W, Fuel & Rep 66.47 1157 Willard, W. H. Cty Vans Wages 55,00 1158 Wittigs of Rosemary P,O.M, Caretakers Supp 34.05 1159 Wyant & Co. Ltd., P,O,M, Caretakers Supp 6.25 FORM 149-P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL. SU PPL!ES LTD. -2- No, Payable To: For: 1044 Brooks Film Board Instr. Other 1045 R,P, Thomson Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils 1046 Tilley Gas P,O,M, H.L,W. 1047 C, of N. C.M. Re delback Acc. Rec, 1048 Mrs. B,W. Airth Sub Teaching 1049 Alta. Assoc. of NT,D. P,W. Fuel & Rep 1050 Alberta List Gen. Gov't Prtg. & Stat. 1051 A11ied Distributors Ltd. P,W. Fuel ~ Rep 1052 B. & H. Wrecking Ltd,, P,W. Fuel & Rep 1053 Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd., P,O,M. Rep. & Repl to Bldgs., 1054 A. Beieler Mileage 1055 Mrs, R. Bennett Sub Teacher 1056 R, Bishel Cty. Vans Fuel 1057 Mrs. A, G. Bloomquist Cty Vans Fuel 1058 Bow City General Store Cty Uans Fuel 105 9 Bow Slope Mut . Te lephone 1060 Brooks Co-op Assoc, Cty Vans Fuel 1061 Brooks Garage (Brooks) P,W. Fuel & rep 1062 Brooks Lodge No, 77 Gen. Gov't Rent 1063 Brooks Masonic Lodge Cty Vans Rep 1064 Brks N.E. Mutual Tel. 1065 Brooks Pharrrnacy Ltd., Gen. Gov't Prg. & Stat. 1066 Bxown, I~.cLean, Wiedemann & Lutes Gen. Gov't Legal Fees 1067 Budd's 99 Serv. Cty Vans Rep 1068 Bu.dds Service (1960) Ltd., P,W. Fuel & Rep 1069 Calgary Stamp & Stencil 1963 Ltd., Gen. Gov't Prg. & Stat. 1070 Canada Offrex Ltd,, Instr. Supp & Equip 1071 Canadian Nl~.rconi Co. Cty Vans Rep 1072 Canadian Propane Cons. P,O,M. Teacherages 1073 Capitol Glass Ltd,, P,W. Fuel & Rep 1074 Central Sales & Serv. P,W, Fuel & Rep 1075 Century Sales Ltd., P.W. Fuel & Rep 1076 NZrs. S. Chudleigh Instr. Other 1077 Co-op Book Centre Instr. Lib. & Ref 1078 Corner Serv, Aux. Serv. Fuel & Rep 1079 Country Kitchen Cty Vans Fuel 1080 C. of N~rell P.P.P. Pests & Weeds 1081 Crown Lumber P.O.M. Rep & Repl to Bldgs. 1082 Curtis Agences P.W. NTaterial 1083 Mrs. P. Danielson Sub Teacher 1084 Delday's Brks Transport Ltd., P,O,M. Trucks & Cart. 1085 Department of Highways P.W. Ha,rdsurfacing 1086 Vill of Duchess P.O,M, H.L.W. 1087 Duchess Garage Ltd., Aux Serv. Rep 1088 Mrs, L, Dunbar Instr. Other 1089 Electric Equip. P.O,M. Repl & Repl to Bldgs., 1090p Finley's Store Cty Vans Fuel 1091 Flanagan Bros, P,O,M, Caretakers Supp 1092 Friendly Stores Ltd., P.O.M. Caretakers Supp 1093 Gardner Motors (IL 962) Ltd., Cty Vans Rep 1094 Gem Lzur~ber Yard P,O.N1, Caretaker Supp 1095 Gem General Store A ~, Serv. Fuel 1096 Mrs. J, George Instr. Sub Teach. 1097 Mrs. J, Graham Sub Teach. 1098 W.E. Greer Ltd., P.O.T2. Caretakers Supp 1099 C.S. Hammond & Co. Inst, Lib & Ref. 1100 Hectors Ltd., P.W, Fuel & Rep 1101 Mrs. M, Hiebert Instr, Other 1102 Huttons Ltd., P.W, Fuel & Rep 1103 Imperial Oil Ltd,, P.W. Fuel & Rep 1104 Irrigano Pub. Ltd., team. Gov't Prg. & Stat. 1105 Iwaasa Ind. Adm. Prtg, & Stat. 1106 NIr, C, L. Kadey Intstr. Other 1107 P~1r.E,S, Kloepper Cty Vans Fuel 1108 Keith 0, Lake Cty Vans Fuel 1109 Mrs, J. Lester Sub Teach. 1110 K.N. Linton P.O.M. Trucks & Cart, 1111 Kenneth T"FacKenzie NL~.in of Pupils 1112 W. MacKinnon Adm. Postage 1113 Nt~.cLeods P.W. Fuel & Rep 1114 K. N~.ldaner Aux. Serv, Main of Pupils 1115 Nk~.rshalls book Store Instr. Supp & Equip ~RP.t 149-P SPECIAL INICIPAL SUPPLIES LTC. Arrrnini-~ PavahlP fnr y •E- ~>~ March 11, 1966 No . Payable To For : Amount 972 Mrs. B, Airth Inst. Sub Teach. 7.50 £ 973 Alta. Prov. Fire CFniefs Assoc. P.P,P, Sundry 5.00 974 Mrs. M. Hie Bert Instr. Othex 50.00 975 Mrs. R. Bennett Instr. Sub Teach 15.0 0 976 Century Sales P.W. Fuel & Rep 85.49 ~ 977 Mrs. P. Danielson Instr. Sub Teach 214.88.; 978 Fire Protection Assoc. P.P.P. Sundry 10.00 • 979 Mrs. L. Trapp Instr. Other 45.50 980 D, Miller Bursary 450.00 981 Vill of Rosemary P.O.M.-H.L.W. 11`3.50 982 T,H, Peacock P,W. Fuel & Rep 151.24 983 P, Hoon Aux Serv. Main. of Pupils 52.50 ~~ 984 Budd's 99 Serv, Aux. Serv. Cty Uans Rep 6.00 985 B.A.Oil P.W. Fuel & Rep 108,28 '- 986 Nesbitt Publ. Gen. Gov't Prtg. & Stat. 65.55' 987 Newell Vet. Clinic Brucellosis 1939.20 988 F. Dodds Aux. Serv. Nk~,in of Pupils 52.50 989 J. Holt Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils 52.50 ' 990 Mrs. J. J, Penner Instr, Other9 6.25 991 C. G. Wells Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils 52.50 992 Cancelled 993 Bird Construction Capitol New Office 35903.1 5= 994 Animal Clinic Brucellosis 95.60 995 Bow Valley Vet Brucellosis 1188.80.. 996 Royal Bank (Christianson Assign) 90.00 997 Mrs. E. Creybohn Janitor Serv. 50.00 998 B.N.S,(N. Dueck) Contract Vans 375.00 E 999 R. H. S. & Cr (Green Assign) 55.00 1000 B,N.~S, (Lepp) Contract Vans 450.OQ 1001 M. Miedinger Contract Vans 1275.00.' 1002 Mrs. L. Miscekas Janitor Serv. 50.00 1003 B.N.S. (H. D, Neufeld) Contract Vans 365.00~~ 1004 T,B, (D, F. Seely) Contract Vans 500.00-'' 1005 R.H,S. & Cr. (Timko Assign) 25.00 1006 Brks S. & Cr. (Timko Assign) 100.00 1007 T.B. (Tarkelson) Contract Vans 343.20 r 1008 C, of N. Wallace Assign 15,00 !,. 1009 B.N.S. (Zacharius) Contract Vans 395.00 1010 Canadian Pacific Adxn. Adv. for Teachers 4.10 1011 LG. Service Aux. Serv, Cty Vans Rep 17.00 1012 Patricia Garage Aux. Sexv. Cty Uans Fuel 290.24 1013 G, W. Philpott Mileage 43.80 1014 Willson Stationery Prtg. & Stat, 65.55 1015 A.G,T, 243.10 ~ 1016 Alta. Blue Cross 64.40 1017 Alta, Teach. Assoc. 401.25 1018 Teachers Retire. Fund 1590.30 1019 L. Anderberg Aux. Serv. Main of Pupils 94.50E 1020 C. of Newell (Payroll) 45135.94 1021 Mrs, K. Holt Instr. Other 29.38 ~, 1022 M,S,I. 580.45 "' 1023 Pension Board 190.41 i 1024 Rec.. Gen. (Income Tax) 8040.41 1025 Rec. Gen. (U,I,C.) 299.76 1026 educational Testing Instr. Supp. & Equip 4.98 1027 Postmaster 95,00 1028 A,G.T. 25.05 r 1029 Workmen's Comp. Board 1918.34 1030 M, ~ S, Paving P,W, Sundry 75.00 1031 Can. Institute for Blind Donation 150.00 C 1032 C,P,R. P.O.M. Trucks & Cart. 3.91 1033 Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. Donation 100.00 1034 Salvation Army Donation 600.00 6 1035 Prairie Prov. Forestry Donation 25.00 1036 H,C. Scammell Mileage 60.50 '~ 1037 J. George P~.in of Pupils 200.50 ~ 1038 Nlrs. J. Robertson Main of Pupils 52.50 E 1039 P, Hoon Main of Pupils ~52.50F• 1040 J. Piper Main of Pupils 145.00E 1041 C. of N. (Payroll) 3602.78 $ 1042 C, of N. (Kristianson Assign) 7,30 1043 C of N. (Petty Cash) 40.10 ~ 'ORM 149-P SPECIAL IUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. 113 County of Newell No. 4 Resolution, N~rch 11, 1966 A Resolution of the County of Newell No. 4 to request consideration in the extension of time for the completion of ~rlinter 3+Torks Programs, in the County WHEREAS, under ordinary circumstances,, the final date for the comple- tion of Winter Works Projects of N~.rch 31st, would perhaps permit the majority of projects to be completed in the prescribed time, AND 4tHEREAS, the severe winter weather conditions experienced in this County since early in the month of November 1965 was such as to make it impossible for work on Winter ~Jorks Projects to be proceeded with for several months. 71iEREFORE, be it resolved, that this County Council respectfully request that the date for the final completion of Minter Works Projects in this County be extended to May 31st, 1966. Done and passed by the unanimous consent of the County Council this 11th day of March 1966. ~, /~~~ t REE SECRE Y- ER . RM 1~P SPECIAL VICIPA SUPPLIES LTD. ~Ae~ County of Newell No. 4 Resolution 1`~.rch 11, 1966 A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4 to request that the rates for the assessment of grazing lands be retained as per the 1965 Order No. 321-65. WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council of the County of Newell:_ No. 4, the rates set down in the grazing land assessment schedule by Order 321-65 appears to be most fair and equitable, when comp- ared to the schedule for Agricultural cultivated lands, AHS WHEREAS, any increase in the rates contained in this schedule would impose an unfair burden in the cattle raising section of the farming industry, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council does hereby recommend, that the assessment rate fsr Grazing Land as scheduled in Order No. 321-65 be left unchanged. Done and Passed by the unanimous consent of the County Council, this 11th day of I"~rch, 1966. <~ . ~ RE c S CRE Y- SURER. SPECIAL PLIES Lro, i~ County of Newe 11 No. 4 Resolution March 11th, 1966 A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4 to request a change in the date of the opening of the Antelope and Deer Hunting Season in the County, WHEREAS, the County Council has received representation, from local farmers organizations pointing out the serious incon- venience caused by the date of the Antelope and Deer Hunting Season, opening too early, and coinciding with the Grazing Lease Round-up in the County. AND WHEREAS, the County Council is unanimously of the opinion, that the representation made is quite valid, and should be acted upon, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the antelope and Deer Hunting Season in the County of Newell beheld after the Fifteenth day of November. Done and messed with the unanimous consent of the County Council this 11th day of I~,rch, 1966. I ~~ - RE E. s S RE Y-'Il2EA: URER iM 1~-P 8PECIAL ~CIPA BUPPLI ES LT0. 113' County of Newell No. 4 Resolution, March 11, 1966 A resolution of the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 request- ing a revision of rates of P.F.A.A.. payments assistance on irrigated lands. ~1HEREAS, in the opinion of this County Council, the cost of grow- ing Agricultural Produce on irrigated lands is found to be approx- imately double that experienced in Dry Farming Practices, as shown by the figures on the attached schedule, taken from °Cost of Field Operations in the Prairie Region", prepared by the Canada Department of Agriculture. AND WHEREAS, the acreage operated by the average Irrigation Farmer is so small; that at the present per acre rate of assistance in the event of a crop loss, the assistance is very nominal, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this County Council does hereby request, that the Prairie Farm Assistance Act give serious consideration to having Assistance on irrigated lands, based on a wheat yield of 20 bushels, or an equivalent of other crops. Done and passed with the unanimous consent of the County Council this 11th day of larch 1966. ,~ `, ' R E ./ SE Y-ZREA,StlRER . -~~ SPECIAL rues ua ~ T p. `~`1:~. u _ ~ ~. r ir~i~ 'th® COCt 01' $1'O~'1.lAQ a~l-iOt~.tural prvanos on irtl.ga~sQ lams !.e touna to be anpra~cimatal~ tMlo• t~'le~t ~1~e?1C,Qd, iM ~?'y 1'Sl"!'1t~ p1"S-OtiCes; as ohorrn b~ the !'i~urte cm ~ ttAOha~! eahA~luley tekan •os~ .!'par •t3ost of !"lald opsr~tions in the Prelrie F~ia11~ prl~parss! b~ itl~ paria~a tktpartcaont of A~riouitura~ a~ i~ffR~9 the wc~-~~s mperated b' thr- arrs~agr irrigs.tieA ta!!r~* is eo es~21; t'lv~t sL the prAsent has aoa~o pat-1t 4! aaltistaxtoi~ in the errant of a ~ ~ •,~>A x:Ar~.~e ~l..,}~ a~+~5tr y+;".. ~wd~'r~+.~`'.;.r~M .. .' .~ ~10~1~, 1~tse +reai~t~-oesr is •s~t nod.toti. T~et~Tti3R~ U~ I7 ~~rH~3~,Y~.D~ tbat MI t!~• to~cepe ©! the Etate~.•n Yrri~,~f ti cxt s~ist!'~ot in oo. vpers+tioa~ with !hs ~'sra~ers E3nion n! .Alberta l.ocels of nToo~s~ ~asal.lo~ e~lnier~ ~r.~nQis~ ~fllli:tg tii~,la~ Tille~- snd Lhh Co~tnitr of .~o~-~+°^~ra-, ~-r~k tl~e F'~P`~1,A. !01' aasirtanoe an irri :stexi l~nde be i~+aed oA a rrheafi 71a1d o! 20 bushels ofi ~n eC~uirrsle,*zlt at other Drops, ~ r -1~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ i '~ ~~ ~. a ;I'i f:r .. ~. _ ~ si ~SL ~ e F ~ ~d~,'. ~ ~ i~ i ~ ~ - _~ , ' ~ .. ' l . ,,," ~. .a sa ~~~, ~':~~t~e~ai~cod ~al~-oduiet bf Cnat of ~ro~.~uatl,on; ~. ` r _~-. ,~y . 1~0~1 Y ' ~y? fNlO Y+18t ;1' ~ ~ ~ . pitch :~'lgr~rig and ~rayin~ it-c~.u~in~ Pi13.lslg .75 Q~~exaioal: .70 . ., .~8prsyl.Rg ~.nv~.a~l~ ~ ~watuir~ ,50 G~~emicml 1.00 Co~tbinl.r~; 2.7~ ~ It'~M.~;~~ tlt~ 1.So 0M~ i n hauling from i3YStt3ing . f3S oa:~bine tU Qlevator and Co~abinin~ ~ -~,00 stor~r~e 1.?0 again 2~xul.in;.° fl+ota c~tabi re .)Fr.,c'~ 1.75 to eleTator ~nc^~ ator~~a 1.14 `~u:7mc~r4a'i l.a~inp, S 5r~e~~ ~: 1~ bdt~/-~c, ~.1Cti ru2il.v't~.n~3s :; 1„00/a.C. 5.04 t3u~,,. ©rfaZi.o~.r~; nt r3 ].nvj^a~tr:,ont Int~ra~at ~~Sr ' CiL~t,f.Y:lx~.QT{w ,'Zaj~~xG, ~.~'~~~ c7TT rt."t`., ~*^~.!i~g,~ £t ::~~~1~~ ~atBY' ietest ? yre, ~~,';t? ;,cr ~~::•~~*::r ~~y;•~:, ~ 'l'e=es 'yrs. '.'Q `~&s- ~r~ E.?4 Inve~t:~ent ~ntera~t •. S ~~ ter, lart~ !'~luec3 ~~t ' ~p.CG • :~ :. ~~ xt~~ ,, Copt at } roe;action of Pn • r cry oi" ~r',.e~t ~~n gyp'?, ? „w ~v~:o~at• llotr~ tS.on in Fr~ iri^. ::ea~1 call ' -- '~ota~, ~'uo1 t..~bor T.~ nt! i :- n~ilin ";~ 1, rr ' ~- ~ tte Lang blued st ~aSO.Ofl gtr aa;-e ~c tgx at b0~ pair sore CF~at -at ~t~o~iuo~iian of an acre n! Mheat Qn RFs-llow ~ths~-t" 1~ta t on n :$ a I ri•i ~ t on lli nt o ~ ~~ Totsl F~t~tl l,.abor +a~~ter ~~tca f.anttl~nt ~ sr ~° _nst t~C`~ do '..c+t i,an3 Ta !~ ~ ~~ nr2+ ~~ ~ L~nct vAiuad nt ~;QO.Ot~ far aura ~tnc", tA,X ~zt ~I.60 der ao2+O • ~ • ~ ', ~~y~ `~:~ ,~