HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-01-07 Council (Regular) Minutes1~ County of Newell No. 4 County Council January nth, 1966 The regular monthly meeting of the County Council was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, January '7th, 1966. . . Members present, Reeve J. Hajash~ Councillors G. Larsenr A. Chrumka! T. Musgrovev F. Mandevill e R. Armstrongy D. Grosfield~~ G. Douglass Sec.~Treas. H. Scammell . . r~ The minutes of the previous Regular Meeting of December 10th, 1965, and the Statutory Meeting of January 3, 1966 were read and adopted. . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the Secretaryts monthly statement of Receipts and Payments for the Month of December 1965 be accepted. Carried. ... A letter from the Chief Provincial Assessor advising of the intent to pay the D.M.A. share of 25~ of the cost of the General Assessment in the sum of $8479.0'7 was read discussed and ordered filed. . . A letter from Field Crops Branch re the Departments proposal on Bacterial Ringrot Control on a trial basis was read, di s-- cussed and ordered filed. . .. A letter from the Department of Highways re the Rural Roa d Study for the County,was read, discussed and the agreements ordered completed. . . A letter from Alberta Municipal Financing Copr. re the applic ation for loan was read discussed and ordered filed. . . A copy of a letter from Brooks Chamber of Commerce to W. Delday, M.L.A re Provincial Parks access Roads, was read discussed and ordered filed. . . A statement of meeting No. 3 of the P.P.A.A. board was read discussed and notedlbyeach councillor. . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the proposed plan of eaten-- sion by Farm Electric Services to the Tilley, R.E.A.. be approved. , ~ Carried. A letter from C~~don E. Taylor re the Hardsurfacing of the I~ighway 36 was read discussed and ordered filed. ... . . . . . .. Moved by Councillor Armstrong that Bylaw No. 298 to donate $25.00 to the Alberta Heart Foundation be given 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed. Carried Unanimously . . Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the proposed extension for the Bantry Pumps by the Calgary Power Ltd. be approved. Carried. . . 49-P SPECIAL L SUPPLIES LTO. 1~ --2 Reports of Committees Municipal Co_m_mittee: Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Municipal Committee be acdepted. . Carried. . School_Committee: Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the report of the School Committee be accepted. Carried. . . Agricultural_Committee: Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the report of the Agricult~ Ural Committee be accepted. . ~ ~ Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the Bacterial Ringrot Program of the Department be accepted on a t rial Basis and that grant be claimed on this account for 1965. . Carried. . Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that members of the Advisory Committee be paid $10.00 per meeting and 10¢ per mile for attending Advisory Committee Meeting s; and the represent- atives attending the Agricultural Committee, 4 times per year be paid the same as the Councillors on the Committee. . Carried. . Hospital_Committee: Brooks_~_Bassano_Hosp,itals_ No Report. . Civil Defence ~E,M_0_) . No Report. . Farm_Purchase Board. . No Report. . Senior_Citizens New Brook Lodge . Moved by Grosfield that the report of the Newbrook Lodge be accepted. . ~ ~ ~ ~ Carried. Nursing Hom_e_Com_mittee No Report. . . Adjourned for Lunch 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. . . . . . . . .. . Mr. P. Mackewichuk F~ W. Andrews of Underwood ~ McLellan attended the meeting to discuss the proposed Road Survey. . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the Road Study Group Committee Consist of Councillors Hajash and Armstrong. Carried. . . . . . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that Councillor Hajash be appointed as Chairman of the Road Study Committee. Carried. . . . . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that H. Scammell be appointed as Secretary of the Road Study Group. Carried. . . . . . . . . . . Mr, Shuttleworth, Works Superintendent attended the meeting to discuss machinery, equipment and roadwork. . . . . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Douglass that a 2 ton truck be ordered fur the use of the Public Works Maintenance Crew. Carried. . . . . . . . . . . 99-P SPECIAL L SU PPL!FS LTD. ~~~~~ -3- Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the salaries of the following be increased by $% as and from January 1st, 1966 H. Scammell, Sec. Treas. t; D. James Ass tt Sec. -*Treas `Mrs. Denesik Stenographer Mrs. Seely Machine Operator N.A.Shuttleworth Works Superintendent A. Beieler Roadwork Foreman G. Phi~.pott Agricultural Fieldman K. Lintott School Maintenance Foreman A. Cyr Foreman Carpenter. Carried. . . Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the salary of N. Fakas, Accountant be increased from $300.00 to $3,50.00 per month as and from January lst, 1966. • • O • • • O • • V (; a 1 1 G ~.L • Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that the accounts as listed being cheques No. 4$8 to No. 719 be passed for payment. Carried. . • . Meeting adjourned ¢:00 pm. . .. . .. . . . .. . j _ , ~ .. k { EVE. E RE Y~TREASURER. s~cia~ rues uo. •'; Accounts for Payment for January 7th, 1966 No. Payable To: For: Amount 488 Mrs. B. Airth Sub Teaching 30.00 4g9 J. Bogi Overpaid Taxes 96.17 490 Bow City Gen. Store Buses-Fuel 66.06 491 Can. Liquid Air Instr. Aids Supp. ~ Equip. 105.66 492 Mrs. P. Danielson Sub Deacflning 105.00 493 Mrs. L. Dunbar Inst. Other 42.50 494 Co-op Book Store Lib. ~ Ref. 263.31 495 Franklins Tires Buses-Tires, P.W. Fuel ~ Rep. 333.64 496 Head Hunters(Diesel) Buses-Repairs 80.00 497 Mrs. M. Hiebert Home Ec. Allow 50.00 49g Maxwell~Campbell New Office Building 2000.00 499 Mid West Paper Caretakers Supp -Supplies ~ Equip. 968.28 500 Nesbitt Publ. Prtg. ~ Adverts. 82.12 501 Dept. Municipal Aff. Hospital Requisition 13483.81 502 Purity Dairy Soc. Welf are Unemploy. 9.75 503 School Bk. Branch Text Books, Lib. ~ Ref. 210.96 504 Sharpts Theatre Supplies ~ Equip. 1.64 $05 Suffield Gas Soc.-Welfare Unemploy. 10.86 506 Tunneyts Body Shop Buses-Rep ~ 1$.2$ 507 Tay. Pear. ~ Carson P.W. Fuel ~ Repair 13.22 508 Mrs. L. Trapp Instr. Other 34.75 509 Welders Supp. P.W. Fuel ~ Rep 60.27 510 Drumheller Mail Office Bldg. 12.34 511 Penner Service Buses-Fuel 23.00 512 C. Gloclz Rep. F~ Repl to Grds. 28.55 513 Waterous Equip. P.W. Fuel ~ Rep 867.50 514 J. Chomistek. Revenue-Rent 60.00 515 C. of Newell Payroll 45276.37 516 B.N. .S(Zacharius) Contract Vans 395.00 517 T.B.(Torkelson) Contract Vans 343.20 518 T.B.(Seely) Contract Vans 500.00 519 B.N.S.(Neufeld) Contract Vans 365.00 520 Mrs. L. Miscekvis Caretakers Sal. 50.00 521 M. Miedinger Contract Vans 1275.00 522 B.N.Q. (Lepp) Contract Vans 450.00 523 B.N.S.(Duecflz) Contract Vans 375.00 524 Mrs. E. Creybohn Caretakers Sal. 50.00 525 R.B(Christianson) Assign. 90.00 526 C. of N. (Wallace) Assign. 15.00 527 Brks S~Cr (Timko) Assign. 100.00 528 R.H.SF~Cr(Timko) Assign. 2$.00 529 R.H.~~Cr (Green) Assign. 55.00 530 Mrs. A. Scheibner P.W. Material 257.05 531 G.W.Phi~.pott Mileage 101.80 532 Kinniburgh Spray Serv. Aircraft Spraying 2000.00 533 Alta. Blue Cross 68.05 534 R. LaPointe Mileage 15.00 535 Asgrow Seed Pests ~ Weeds 129.30 536 BuddTS 99 Serv. Buses-Repair 23.50 537 S. Craig Pests ~ Weeds 143.00 538 L. Marts Pests ~ Weeds 100.38 539 Patricia Garage Pests ~ Weeds 41.00 540 Mrs. R. Sugden Pests ~ Weeds 71.60 541 Smithts Trucking Soc.-Welfare Unemploy 30.00 5q.2 J.J. McAleese Mileage 103.10 543 M.s.I. 635.7 544 Wm. Sheldraflze Mileage 88.60 545 E.I.D. Rent, Gravel P.W. 6175,41 546 C.of Newell Petty Cash 43.84 547 R. Armstrong Council Fees 657.00 548 A. Chrurnka Council .Fees 1782.00 549 G. Douglass Council Fees 1437.20 550 R. Eastman Council Fees 1089.00 551 A. Eccles Council Fees 1004.50 552 D. Grosfield Council Fees 1174.60 553 J. Hajash Council Fees 2010.40 554 G. Larsen Council Fees 1296.50 555 F. Mandeville Council Fees 1840.60 556 C.L. Norton Convnittee Fees 120.00 557 A. Arrison Committee Fees 52.00 ~5~58 I-p SPEC A E. Tatem Committee Fees 162.40 SU PPLIFS LTD. i~~~ -2- 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 5$9 590 591 5p2 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 60~ 602, 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 678 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 618 0. H. Lake Committee Fees M. Ryan Committee Fees Alta. Tractor Parts P.W. Fuel ~ Rep Alta Teach. Assoc. A.T.A. Dues Teachers Retire. Fund H. C. Scammell Mileage J. Hajash Council Fees Animal Clinic Brucellosis Newell Vet. Clinic Brucellosis Bow Valley Vet. Brucellosis Bow Slope Shippinlg Pests ~ Weeds C.P.R. Trucks ~ Cartage C. Engel Pyts to S. D. ~ Board J. Hemsing Overpaid Taxes J. Holt Pts. to S. D. ~ Board J. Hoon Board C. L. Kadey Shop Allow-Duchess K. McKenzie Board J. Piper Pyts to S.D. ~ Board H. Berg R. H. Shop Allow H. Wiebe Aux. Serv. Maint of Pupils A . Redelzopp Board . A. Berg. Board D. Wiens Board Mrs. Robson Board J. Piper Board K. McKenzie Board J. Hoon Board J. Holt Board C. Engel Board Farmers Union A. Sass Mileage R. C. Anderson Mileage D. G. Galarneau Overpaid Taxes Minnesota Min. ~ Man. Instr. Other A.G.T. 0. H. Lake Committee Fees Prov. Treas. Pension Rec. General U.I.C. Rec. General Income Tax C. of N. (Payroll) Household Finance R.S.Kristiansen Assign. Salvation army Donation Willy Kristiansen Pay Chris Redelbaclz Pay Steve Yewchuk Pay John Shannon Pay Tilley Gas Alta . School Trustee Adriin Prtg. ~Stat . Alta. Teach. Assoc. Admen Prtg. ~ Stat. Alta. Tent ~ Awning Rep. F~ Repl to Bldgs. J. Alberts Maint. of Pupils Allied Distrib. Cty Vans Repair P.W. Fuel ~ Rep L. Anderberg Maint. of Pupils Tuition Fees P.N. Bartlett Overpaid Taxes A. Beieler Mileage R. Bishel Cty Vans Fuel The Black Hardware P.W. Material Mrs.A.G.Bloomquist Cty Vans-Fuel Blue Bird Bus Sales Cty Vans Repairs Bow City Gen. Store Cty Vans Fuel Bow Slope Mut. Telephone Bow Slope Shipp. Rep. ~ Repl to Bldgs. ~ Teach. Brks Iron Works P.W. Fuel ~ Rep Brks N.E. Mut. Telephone Brks Pharmacy Stat. ~ Supplies Calgary Wheel Repair Cty Vans Repairs R. Neufeld Cty Vans-Wages, Rep V. G. Campbell Board Allow Can. Linen Supp. P.W. Fuel ~ Rep Can. Linen Supp Cty Vans Repair Charltons Cty Vans Fuel Grant Fisher Princi~.l's Mileage i ___.____.. _.._.____. I •= ~" i ~ `~~~ _ ~ 1 ~, i a;:±eret; ,~c<:eu:~cants 135.00 56.00 3175.00 398.25 2135.67 41.20 15.00 4i.6o 580.80 403.60 159.05 1.75 107.50 6.00 109.00 102.00 100.00 78.00 142.50 100.00 148.00 145.00 148.00 144.00 102.00 33.00 26.00 34.0 30.50 30.00 36.00 24.60 23.20 5.93 1047.60 201.80 22.50 223.43 461.52 6697.00 4597.00 15.00 600.00 280.28" 170.38 210.09 198.48 284.25 32.50 2.25 18.00 ,: 152.00 521.92 152.00 9.24 , 64.30 96.16 ~~ 110.00 a 125.43 17.97 121.69 to . So =: 89.92 ,_ 3.75 6.00 10.05 36 . oo ~~ 34.22 147.00 8.00 85.50 6.13 8.40 149-P SPECIAL PAL SUPPLIES LTD. 1~ 3- 631 Burroughs Busi. Mach Gen. GovTt Prtg. ~ Stat. 14.98' 632 Can. Liquid Air P.W. Fuel ~ Rep 9.00 633 Central Sales ~ Serv. Cty Vans-Fuel ~ Repairs 378.43 634 Mrs.C. Chrumka Sub Teaching 7.50 635 Mrs. S. Chudleigh Clerical Work 49.00 636 Witmiers General St. Caretakers Supp. 16.29 637 Coleman Plub. ~ Heat. Rep. Bldgs. ~ Teacherages 443.01 638 R. Conklin Board 311.00 639 Corbetts Ltd. P.W. Fuel F~ Rep 92.65 640 N. Crapo Mileage 5.60 641 Crown Lumber Rep. F~ Repl to I~ldgs. ~ Material 219.31 642 Corresp. Branch Correspondence Courses 130.00 643 Deldays Brks Transp Truck ~ Cartage 80.93 644 Dept. of Highways Hardsurfacing 70.'70 645 Doble Construction Hire of Machinery 42.50 646 Electric Equip. Ltd. Rep. to B1dgs. 134,16 647 C. Engel Board 18:..00 b49 E.H.Gabert Mileage 11.20'` 650 W.J.Gage Libr. Brooks 4.61' 6$1 Gem Lumber Yds. Rep. to Bldgs. ~ Material 49.63 652 Gestetner (Canada)Ltd. Supp. ~ Equp 34.80 653 W.E. Greer Caretakers Supplies 445.31 654 The Groier of Canada Lib. Books 119.50 655 Gurneys Mec. F~ Weld Cty Vans Repairs 19.80 656 P.R. Harder Cty Vans Fuel 104.40 6S7 G.B.Hawley Mileage 8.40-° 658 F. Hiebert Mileage 8.40 6$9 J. Holt Board 26.00 660 Honeywell Controls Rep. F~ Repl to Bldgs. 92.00 bbl i~I. Howg Caretakers Supp. 7.70 bbl Huttons Ltd. P.W. Rep. Cty Vans 59.8b`~` 663 S. Hr~newich Mileage 8.40 664 Irrigano Publ. A.S.B. Ads. 19.24 665 Johns Salvage Rep. to Grds 65.00 666 E.S.Kloepper Cty Vans Fuel 9.00 bbl M. Korithoski Sub Teacher 7.50 bbb L.G. Serv. Cty ~1'ans Fuel ~ P.W. 19.50 669 Keith 0. Lal:e Cty Vans Fuel 364.50 670 V.H. Lawrence Assessor Exp 14.00 6'71 R. Lerlko Rep. to Bldgs. 25.00 672 R.J.McKay Board 1,53.00' 673 Wra. MacKinnon Mileage, Postage 24.88 674 T. NlacPhail Mileage 2.80 675 K. Maldaner Board 40.00 b56 Marshalls Bk Store Supp. ~ Equip 105.12 677 Marshall Wells Store P.W. Rep. ~ Bldgs. 18.06 678 Maxwell ~ Campbell Office Bldg. 4000,00 679 Med. Hat Retarded School Tuition 128.00 680 Medicine Hat Health Unit Requisition 2113.30 681 Medicine Hat School Dist . Tuition Fees 360.00 682 Mid West Paper Caretal~ers Supp 1'72.05 ;, 683 M. Miller Board.- 40.00 684 Modern Auto Serv. Cty Vans Repairs 157.22 685 Noble Cultivators P.W. Fuel ~ Rep 311.97 bbb Prairie Sales ~ Franchis e P.W. Fuel ~ Rep. 42.54 687 Queens Printer Office Expense 2.00 688 Mrs. L. Rasmuson Sub Teaching 75.00 689 Nlrs. R. Rasmuson Sub Teaching 60.00 690 J.1.Rawleigh'; t~ Sons Cty Vans Fuel ~ Rep 352.74 691 Miss M. Redekopp Corresp. Course 11.00 692 Rip Ron nPipeline~Const Hire Machinery 193.50 693 Mrs. Rust Instr. Other 78.70- 694 School Book Branch Textbooks, Lib. ~ Ref. 178.09 695 N.A.Shuttleworth Mileage 8.60 696 Silver Burdett Co. i Lib. ~ R f. 4.30 697 Smiths Trucking Trucks ~"Cart. 15.00 z !-il)Tr~ b kL's si?~D C'i :ki ic: U ~ Chartered Accountants;, 'SPECIAL IPPLIES LTD. 1~." -4- 698 G. Stollen Board ~ l f ~ 152.00 6 9 9 R . -~-a-n-s~- ~~- ~ ,.~~ •, -tea-rck- .~ --0 700 Mrs. E. ~wensen Sub Teaching 7.50'., 701 A. Syryda Board 143.00 702 E. Tatem Committee Fees 59.20 703 D. Tarney Inst. Other 1.75 704 B. Tibbitt Legal Fees 63.00 706 G. Timko Inst. Other 17.92 705 Vi11. of Tilley H. L. W. Teacherages 134.00' 707 TonyTS Welding P.W. Fuel ~ Rep 6.00 708 Mrs. E. Trotter Instr. Other 9.45 709 Universal Bindery Lib. ~ Ref. 114.50 710 R. Vasselin Rep. ~ Repl to Bldgs. 372.83 711 K. Vilzedal Mileage 23 • 70 -- 712 Mrs. M. Vossler Board 134.00 713 Wa1leyTS Paint F~ Hdw. Instr. Suppl. F~ Equip 22.90 714 Welders Supp P.W. Fuel ~ Rep. Tools 242.50 71$ Mrs. N. Wester Sub Teaching 37.50 716 W. H. Wheeler Cty Vans Pay 49.50 - 717 R. Wiebe Instr. Other 16.80 718 A.R.Williams Mach. Rep ~ Repl to Furn ~ Fix 3.8q. 719 J.P. Wittig Instr. Supp. ~ Equip 15.26 , rr! IrCta i) 'e v~ C '. Uti.d~15 ~ 'SPECIAL PPLIES LTD.