HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-01-03 Council (Organizational) Minutes~'
County of Newell No. 4 y
Statutory NTeeting
January 3, 1966
The Statutory Meeting of the County of Newell No. Q. was held
in the County Office in Brooks Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Monday
January 3rd, 1966.
Members present, Councillors G. Larsen
A. Chrumka.
T. Musgrove
F. Mandeville'
J. Hajash~
R. Armstrong
F . Bergen
D. Grosfield,
G. Douglass
Sec.--Treas. H. Scammell
All Councillors were sworn and signed the required Oath cf Office
Nominations for Reeve.
Jas. Hajash by A. Chrumka
Cease by Armstrong Carried.
Deputy Reeve.
A. Chrumka by F. Mandeville
Cease by Grosfield Carried.
Appointment of_Committees
Municipal Committee
Moved by Councillor Chrumka that all Councillors be appointed
as the Municipal Committee.
Municipal Committee Chairman.
R. Armstrong by G. Larsen
Cease by Chrumka Carried.
School Committee
Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that all Councillors be appointed
as the School Coirunittee.
School Committee Chairman.
Mandeville by Chrumka
Cease by Grosfield Carried.
School Commmittee Vice-Chairman.
Moved by F. Mandeville,-dzat A. Chrum ka be appointed as Vice-
Chairman of the School Committee.
Hospital Committee.
Chrumka by F. Mandeville
D. Grosfield by A. Chrumka.
F. Bergen by D. Grosfield
R. Armstrong by F. Mandeville.
Cease by Chrumka Carried.
Agricultural Committee. ~~~~
G. Larsen by A. Chrumka ~
G. Douglass by G. Grosfield
J. Hajash by F. Mandeville
T. Musgrove by J. Hajash
F. Bergen by R. Armstrong.
Cease by Chrumka Carried.
As a result of g ballots cast, the following were appointed:
' G. Larsen
G. Douglass
T. Musgrove.
Agricultural Advisor,Y Board.
Dale Paterson by G. Larsen
John Hollinda by A. Chrumka
D. Havens by T. Musgrove
E. Chomistek by F. Mandeville
K. Tiegs by J'. Hajash
A. Arrison by R. Armstrong
A. Peltzer by F. Bergen
H. Grosfield by D. Grosfield
M. Ryan by G. Douglass.
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that the 9 persons nominated be
appointed by acclamation,as the Agricultural Advisory Committee
Medicine Hat Health Unit.
A. Chrumka by G. Larsen
~f Cease by Mandeville
Civil Defence E.M.O.
Bergen by Grosfield
3~iusgrove by Bergen .
Cease by Douglass Carried.
As a result of g ballots cast, F. Bergen was appointed to be
Civil Defence Director for the County.
Farm Purchase Committee.
G. Larsen by A. Chrumka
Cease by F. Mandeville
G. Larsen appointed as Chairman of the Farm Purchase Committee.
Senior Citizens (NewBrook Lode)
D. Grosfield by A. Chrumka
T. Musgrove by R. Armstrong
Cease by A. Chrumka Carried.
D. Grosfield appointed as member T. Musgrove appointed as
Nursing Home Committee.
G. Larsenby G. Douglass
J. Hajash by T. Musgrove
F. Bergen by G. Larsen
Cease by D. Grosfield Carried.
c. .
G. Larsen, J. Hajash ~ F. Bergen appointed to the Nursing
Home Committee.
School Committee Town F~ Village Members.
Moved by J. Hajash that the following Town ~ Village members
be appointed to the County School Committee.
E.E. Tatem, Village of Tilley
O.H. Lake Village of Duchess
T. Schaeffer, Town of Bassano.
1 ~~
Moved by Councillor Douglass, that the regular meetings of the
County Council and Committees be held in the first full week
of each month of the year.
Movedby Councillor Larsen, that the resolution with regard to
Remunera~;on to Councillors, copy of which is attached to and
forms part of the minutes of this meeting be passed.
Moved by ~oun.cillor Mandeville, that the signing authorities
for the C®unty remain the same as in 1965, namely the Reeve,
or Deputy `Reeve, together with the Secretary-Treasurer or
the Ass tt S:ec~.-Tress .
Cow of Re:`v'sion. .
G. Larsen by Douglass
J. Hajash by T Musgrove
A. Chrumka by F. Mandeville
F. Mandeville-by A. Chrumka
F. Bergen by D.~Grosfield
Cease by G. i.arsen Carried.
Councillors-G. Larsen, J. .Hajash, A..Chrumk~, F. Mandeville,
F. Bergen were appointed as members of the ourt of Revision
to hear complaints against assessments.
Moved by .Councillor Mandeville, t hat.Bylaw 297 to borrow
$300,000.00 be given lit, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally
passed. Carried Unanimously
Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that H. Scammell be appointed
as Welfare Officer for the County.
Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that,this Statutory Meeting be
adjourned, and that the Council now sit in ordinary session
to consider regular County business. Carried.
Moved by Councillor Hajash.that the appeal of the County against
the Equalized Assessment to the Assessment Appeal Board be
withdrawn. Carried.
The Bonds of the. .Office Staff were•presented and inspected
by all Councillors and Moved by Councillor Chrumka, thatthe
Bonds be accepted. Carried.
Adjournv~ent at 1:00 p.m.
i1 `
County of Newel l No . 4 ,~ ~ ;
Be it resolved that in accordance with Section 55 of the
Municipal Districts Act, the following remunerations
be paid to the Chairman, Councillors and Members of the
School Committee, Agricultural Service Board, Farm Purchase
Board, and Court of Revision for the year 1966.
$20.00 per day for each Councillor or member for each meeting
10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in coming to
and returning from meetings of the Council or Committee.
$20.00 per day for the Chairman for each day necessarily spent
in the discharge of his duties as C irman other than attend-
ance at Council meetings.
10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in discharge
of his duties as Chairman.j~l,~~
$20.00 per day to ~:ach Councillor or member for the time nec-
essarily occupied in laying out or inspecting work performed
or to be performed for the County.,
10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in respect
of the laying out or inspection or work performed or to be
performed for the County.
$20.00 per day to each Councillor or member attending Committee
10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in respect of
Committee Meetings.
$20.00 per day to the Reeve for each day served in performing
his duties as Reeve of the County..-
10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in respect
of his duties as Reeve.
C rm-~n. ~ ~ ,
Secret - rea urer. _
Official C~th
I, Mr. James Hajash, Jr., do swear that I will diligently,
faitjfully, and to the best of my ability execute according
to law, the office of Councillor for the County of Newell No. 4
faithfull, and to the best of my ability, execute according to
law, the office of Councillor for the County of New~.l. No. 4
So help me God
Witnes ed~ '~j
icial Oath
9%i ~ier7
I, Mr. F. Ber en, do.~ that I will diligently, faithfully,
and to the best of my ability, execute according to law the
office of Councillor for the County of Newell No. 4.
So help me God.
Witness 'gned
_.~... .
Official Cki.t
I, Mr. Don Grosfield, do swear that I will diligently, faith-
fully and tothe best of my ability, execute according to law,
the office of Councillor for the County of Newell No. 4
So help me God.
Witnes d ~
Official Oath
I, Mr. Gordon Douglass, do swear that I will diligently,
faithfully, and to the best of my ability, execute according
to law, the office of Councillor for the County of Newell No. 4
Sn ha 1 n mo (°.,r]
and to the best of my ability, execute according to law, the
office of Coun_ cillor for the County of Newell No. 4
I, I"~'. R. G. Armstrong, do swear that I will digently,
I, George Larson, do swear that I will diligently faithfully,
Offical Oath ~ j !~t
I, Mr. A. Chrumka, do swear that I will diligently, faithfully,
and to the best of my ability, execute according to law, the
office of Counter for the County of Newell No. 4
~. So help me God.
Witness i' ~~"
ical Oath
I, Mr. T. Mus rove, do swear that I will diligently, faithfully
and to the best of my ability, execute according to law, the
office of Councillor fDr the County of Newell No. 4
I. I"~'. F. Mandeville, do swear that I will diligently, faith-
fully and to the best of my ability, execute according to law,
the office of Councillor for the County of~ Newe1l,No. 4
SO hrP ~ n mo f_'.,.a
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