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1964-08-07 Council (Regular) Minutes
~.~~ ~ p~ U County of Newell No. 4 County Council August 7th, 1964. The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No.4 was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, August 7th, 1964. Members present, Chairman Jas. Hajash Councillors Geo, Larsen A. Chrumka A. Eccles R. Armstrong R. Eastman Don Grosfield G, Douglass Sec.-Treas. H. Scammell The minutes of the previous meeting of July 10th and the Special Meeting of July 20th, 1964 were read and adopted. . . . . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the Secretaryts report of Receipts and Payments for the month of July 1964 be accepted. Carried. . . . 't Movedby Councillor Eccles, that the resolution withregard to the Orland W. Carlson damage action copy of which is attached to and forms part of the minutes of this meeting be passed. Carried. . . . . . Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the application of A.T. Johnson ~ Son to drill a gas well in LSD 4-SW 15-19-14 W4th be approved. ' Carried. Copy of a letter from Hon. Gordon E. Taylor to the Eastern Irrigation District re the Bassano Bridge SSE 2-22-18-4 was read, discussed and ordered filed. Reports of Committees School Committee: Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the School Committee be accepted. Carr8ied. . . Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the County enter into an agreement with the Village of Tilley to provide fnr the proper handling of the Tilley School Grounds as outlined. ,,- Carried. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the old Elementary School at Rose- . ```'` mary be offered for sale by Public Tender. _ ~ k Carried. ~ _ Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that the Agreement for the purchase of ~,~~-•°'' the Maldaner House at Duchess, andits eventual resale to Don Tarney ~"'"~°"5T^"°"`~" Frincip~.l be approved and signed. FORM 149•P Carried. . . . . . . . . . . -2- Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that the report of the Municipal Com- mittee be accepted. Carried. . . . A~,ricultural Service Board No report Civil Defence No report Hospital Committee Moved by Councillor Eccles, that the report of the Hospital Committee be acceptedo Carried. Farm Purchase Board . , , No report. . o . Senior Citizens -~, Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the report of the Newell Foundation be accepted. Carried. ~~ . . . Adjourned for Lunch 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. . , . The bids on the Brooks-Duchess Paving Program were opened, and resulted as follows: Garratt Paving %~ Bl 134,950 -~ ~~ B2 111, 7 40 Hit Paving Bl 126,790 B2 107,390 Lewis ~ Wilson Exc. Bl 125,000 B2 108n656.80 Border Paving B1 132010 BZ 108410 %~ Hot Mix %~ -~ Cold Mix Moved by Councillor Eastman, that in view of the unexpected high cost of Hardsurfacing, the program be dropped for this year. Moti:oa~ Lost. . . a . Moved by Councillor Grosfield that the Har~.surfacing of the Brooks- Duchess road be proceeded with, to be confined to the original sum of $100,000.00 Carried. . . Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that it be recommended to the Department of Highways that the Hot Mix Bid of Lewis ~ Wilson $125,000 be accepted Carried C~ WILLSON STATIONERY FO RN 1~9-P c'"° ~, KFZ ' .~ '~:. e~~- The bids on the Rosemary Teacherages offered for sale were opened and resulted as follows: Rosemary Grazing Association- $310.00 for the small teacherage Les Grusendorf- $150 for the large teacherage. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that both of the bids on the Rosemary Teacherages be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the proposed puz~chase of a new gravel truck be deferred until December. Carried. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the County Staff be accorded annual leave of absence (Holidays) as follows, with pay Service with County Period Over one year ~ up to 9 years Two Weeks 10 years and over Three Weeks ~~` Moved by Council_ set as follows: School Municipal ~~ Council Lor Larsen, that the meeting dates for September be Monday, September 14th Tuesday September 15th Friday, September 18th Carried. . . . . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the road proposal of Bow River Pipe Lines with regard to their Pumping Installation as per the telegram of Pryde Flavin, be approved. Carried. Moved by Councillor Douglass, that the County make the Eastern Irrigation District an offer to purchase the parcel of land wes t of the Alberta Gas Trunk Co. containing approximately 1.449 acres in the sum of $1400.00 Carried, Moved by Councillor Eccles, that the following accounts be passed for payment: WILLSON STATIOY_FV FORM i49•P 6695 6695 0. Dugstad 258.10 :~- 6714 Prov, Treas. 180.95 6696 J.L. Rawleigh ~ Son 233.86 6715 Mrs. Miscekas 50.00 6697 Mid West Paper 722.23 6716 Mrs. Greybohn 50,(00 6698 H.C. Scarmnell 76.10 6717 Miss E.W. Graham 25.50. 6699 bdm. Sheldrake 123.60 6718 C. of Newell 50.54._ 6700 Kraft Upholstery 38.30 6719 Cancelled 6701 Brks S.~Cr (Timko) 100.00 6720 Tilley Gas Co. 11.60 6702 R.~.S ~~(Timko) 25.00 6721 C. of Newell 9280.42 6703 R.H. S ~ CR(GREEN) 55.00 6722 Work. Comp. Brd. 1687.50 6704 Mrs. McKelvie 25.00 6723 Mrs. E. Kramer 15.00 6705 Brd, of Admin 1806,4 6724 Acklands Ltd. 47.99= 6706 A~.ta Teachers Assoc 372.25 - 6725 Alta Govtt Tel 287.65' 6707 M.S.I. 635.60 6726 Alta. Wheat Pool Seed 518.49 6708 Alta Blue Cross 38.00 6727 Alta. Pacific Grain 3.20 6709 Mr. Kadey 24.34 6728 The Albertan 36.36 6710 Postmaster 95.00 6729 Allied Distributors 179.14 6711 Rec. Gen. 395.00 6730 Cancelled 6712 Rec. Gen. 5831.10 6731 Mr. Alf Beieler 86.50 6713 C. of Newell 35443.05 6732 Mr. Wm. Bell 120.00' ~2a ~ wotaorosulor>Ea,r FOPM 1~9-P 6733 6734 6735 6736 673? 6738 6739 6740 6741 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750 6751 6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758 6759 6760 6761 6762 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6796 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 6802 Mr. F. Betton Bolt ;Supply House Bow lope Mut. Tel. B.A. 'Oil Brks ;Greenhouse Brks~N.E. Mut. Tel. Brks ~ P'hara~acy Town ~ of Brks Budt~ Service Calgary Herald Can. Pacific I~/W C Can. Propane Conso Gent al Drugs Col n Plumb ~ He Cole s Bulk Sales Cons ruction Equip Cro Lumber Co. Cro Seed ~ Feed Deld vt s Brks Trans Vill~ of Duchess Mr. W. Douglass E.I.1~. Edmo ton Journal Miss S. F~l.son Finl yfs Store Fla gan Bros. Fra oints Tires Do Gabert Gaed is White Rose Gem C. G W.E. Hieb Hieb P.B. Jubi Kazt Mr. A. L H. L Lead Leth A. L K.N. E.W. Med. S. M Mike Nati Nort: Oliv Canc Pard Park J. J B.L. er Greer Ltd. a.x Herald is Service Redelback ~ Redelback ~ ial Oil nat. Harveste ano Publishers Jacobsen lee Insurance Service Electric . S. Kloepper rs en llehie r Post ride Herald intott cKenzie ds Ltd. 11 Wells Stor at School Dis er 126.00 ?5.56" 11.85% 419.54x 45.00 ~ 5.50 ,~ 14.11-- 26.14 8.50 249.30x o. 79.50 ~ 1. 51,46 ~ 10.85 a. 693,22 74. x 43. " 406.37 .69'' 75.33'` 30.00'` 39.70 ~ 138.75 x 150.60 % 308.7E x 32.50 ~ 337.91 12.69 273.40 ~ 10.00 ,~ Serv.430.23 ,. 17.64 19,45 x 430.99 x 268.80 ,~ 10.70 taint. 476.00 x taint. 35.00 2.35 x r 316.31 ~ 11.40 K 34.60 >r 2878.17 x 79.59 x 7.30 ,~ 24.00 199.00 ~ 120.00 P~ 101.92 r 37.80 °{ 68.00 ,- 37.10 ~: 24.00 70.21 ,~ e 86.75 :~- t . 1225.00 ,~ 200.00 ,~, Royalinte 4.30 i Auto b Serv. 215.32 y Car Supply 329.24 Division 9.01.` Map Co. 15.50 s- gal. Geographic 306.53 ~s .~meri. Distri. 2.60 + Cheani.cal Co. 306.53+ l P(i -F Equip. 1895.96 " ales F~ Serv. 20.25 Penner 28.00 ~' 'erry 85.80 ~ nt Sales 9.81} 6803 G. Philpott 146.30 ~~ 6804 Premier Caxtage 5.02 } 6805 Purves Ritchie Ltd. 16.54 - 6806 Ralston Co-op 80.3? ~- 6807 R.W. Beestpm 8/00 6808 Ressler Motors 55.00„ 6809 Richmants Foods 50.33 ~ 6810 Vill. of Rosemary 124.50 + 6811 Royal Lumber 44.33 + 6812 Saskatoon Phoenix 102.00~- 6813 Win. Sheldrake 129.90 ,t 6814 Suffield Gas Dist. 3.70=~ 6815 Taylor Pear . F~ Cars . 123.04 -~- 6816 Michael Teechscherer 28.00 Y 6817 Tobyts Lucky $ Store 53.56 ~- 6818 Underwood McLellan ~Ass1000.00,e 6819 Union Tractor 130.71,E 6820 Wallyts Pa,int8e Hdw. 1630.00. 6821 G. H. Welding 13.50 .+ 6822 T. W. Wigemyr 156.00: 6823 F. Muzichuk 34.00, 6824 Willis Brush ~ Brood 16.50.;; 6825 'ilson Station. 34.65.E 6826 ~i.lson Builders 65.68 x 6827 Winnipeg Tribune 63.36 a 6828 J.P. Wittig 19.84 x 6829 Municipal Supp. 14.85°" 6830 .Imperial Oil 90.2 6831 Brunsden Agenc. 1201.40 6832 Buddts 99 Serv.8 6.00 ~ 6833 Brks Garage (Brks) 5.69 6834 Purity Dairies 10.00 w 6835 Arnolds Mach. 56.38.x 6836 Dressel ~ Tell 2048.00 6837 Miss V.E.McAllister 75.00 ~ 6838 Mr. B. Tampe 75.00' 6839 Mr. H. Burkholder 150.00 ~' 6840 Mrs. J. Kramer 150.00 ~ 6841 Mr. V. Smith 75.00'" 6842 Miss M. Myklebust 32.00 ~* 6843 Waterious Equip. 182.89 '~ 6844 Smith Roles Ltd., 374.00 ~` Carried. Meeting adjourned 5.30 p.m. ~ ~ REEVE ECRETARY-TREASURER. t`~~ `/ ~ ~ {,s 1~7a Z pU~~3 a L`~~ r~~n~~~ l ~~~~C~~•~/ County of Newell No. 4 Resolution A res©lution of the County of .Newell No. 4 to provide for the defe- nce of the County against the claim of Orland W, Carlson and Garry A. ~teventon in the matter of the collision involving the truck of the County, and a vehicle belonging to the claimants Whereas, Orland W. Carlson and Garry A. Steventon have issued a statement of Claim against this County with regard to damages sustained in a Truck accident, And Wheread, in order to properly defend this action it is neces- sary that competent legal assistance ate redo Therefore, be it resolved that William B. Gill, B.A. LLB be authorized to defend the action, and counterclaim for the County in the stun of $643.82 damage to-the County Truck. Doneand passed by the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 this 7th day of August 1964. ~ ~ ,.~ , ly ~ t,':' j, S. , ~a ~ ~, RgF±'Jt..,, \ L~ ~~ ~yt WIIIlON SPig1AK FORY N0.P