HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-08 Council (Regular) Minutes~`~~ ;.; `~ County of Newell No. 4 County Council May 8th, 1964 The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta, at 10:00 a•m. on Friday, May 8th, 1964, . . Members present, Councillors G. A. Aw F. Jas. R. R. Don G• Sec.•-.Trea.s, H. Larsen Chrumka Eccles Mandeville Hajash Armstrong .Eastman Grosfield D~augla ss Scammell e • • • • • P o Couizcillor Hajash, Dzputy Reeve, occupied the chair, pending the Councillors°C appointment of a Reeve to succeed N.A. Shuttle worth. • • • • • • O P The minutes of the previous meeting of April 10th, 1864 were read and adopted. • • • s s o • o No.minatioas for Reeve, Hajash by Chrumka Eastman by Armstrong Moved by Councillor Eccles that nominations cease. Carried. • • • • 4 • • O As a result of 9 ballots cast, Councillor Hajash, was appointed as Reeve to complete the balance of the year. O • • P P O • • Nominations for Deputy Reeve, Grosfield by Douglass Chr~amka by Grosfield Moved by Councillor Armstrong that nominations cease. Carried. 0 0 • w • • a e As a result of 9 Ballots cast, Councillor Ch-.~^lzmka was appointed a~ Deputy Reeve, • • w o • w o Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the motion in the minutes of the April 10th meeting Page 3 under Auricultural Service Board Report re the Reclamation Program at Bassa.no be rescinded, Carried. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that Jw Hajash, and H. Scammell be appointed as a Co~runittee to arrange a.n appropriate gift and celebration for ex Reeve N•A• Shuttleworth• Carried. • • P • . wiusoN srnnene~~. FOflM 149-P ~`~ v t»2 r. Moved by Councillor Douglass, that the Secretary~s report of Receipts and Payments for the month of April be accepted• Carried. • • • . Moved by Councillor Douglass, that the P't. Section 32«22 14~=.W4th, as set down on the proposed agreement with Bryce Strin,ga.m, to be purchased for the purpose of estab«. lishin,~ a Parksite on the Red Deer River at the Highway No. 36 Bridge, be approved and the Agreements Signed• Carried. • o • • • • • v Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the applicatio:~-of J• h A. Bradshaw to subdivide the Fart Sec•8 r19»14~•W4th be approved• Carried. . • . Copy of a letter from the Dept, of Highways to Alta. Gas Trunk C'o• re crossing of road .East of the SE 31t•20':.12»W4th was read and ordered filed• . . Correspondence from Board of Transport Commissioners and the C.P•R., re the removal of the Station Buildings at Alderson was read and ordered filed. . • . A letter from the Dept• of Municipal Affiars with regard to the 1964 Estimates was read a.nd discussed and ordered filed• :~ • • • • • • 9 f A letter from the Eastern Irrigation District re the additional land required at the Rolling Hills School --- was read and the secretary directed to proceed in obtain,.-. ing lease to the required area. . • • . ~ letter from the Esste.rn Irrigation District re the leasing of Pt NW 3..24~17~.W4th a.nd lease form covering same was received a.nd discussed• • • O • • • • • Moved by Councillor Douglass, that the lease to o?otain gravel at L,S.D. 12 of Sec 3~»24w1~«yW4th for a period of 3 years and a price of 10¢ per yard be approved and signed. Carried. • • • • • • • • A letter from the Eastern Irrigation District re addition ,School Grounds at Tilley School and the proposed terms of lease, was read and discussed. . • • Moved by Councillor C'hrumka, that the proposed lease with the Eastern Irrigation District for the additional sports ground at the Tilley Sc?iool be approved a_zd signed. Carried. . • • • ~,/1 wiuson srnnon~rr A~.journed For lunch FARM 149-P 12 2 3 0 to 2 x 0 0 p. m• . • . ~}.~~ ~•.`'.. -»3 Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the proposed plans of extension by Farm Electric Services to Tilley R.E•A• be approved and signed. Carried. • • • • P • • • Advise was received of the acceptance by the Gem Grazing Association to lease the whole of Sec• 17«s•24~16~--.W4th for grazing purposes. . • • • A letter from the Board of Transport Commissions advising of the completion of the Kinbrook Road Crossing p.rotec~tion was read and ordered filed. • • O • • • • • A letter from the Dept. of Highways re the Speed Limit on the Brooks Access Road was read and discussed. O • • • O • O P It was agreed that no further action be taken in reducing the speed limit on the road. . • • • Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the application of Felix ` Girduckus to subdivide Rts of Sec 22 and Sec 27N18.G.14NW~.th ~, be approved. Carried. • • • • • . Moved by Councillor Eccles, that the app.lica~tion of the •~ California standard Co• to cross certain road allowances in Twp 20 Range 12 W4th be approved, subject to them conforming to the County regulation as to depth, Carried. v • • • • • • • Mowed :~;~ Councillor Eccles that Bylaw X263 to donate $50,00 to the Ca_aad.ian Mental Health Associationbe given lst, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed. Carried Unan• • • O • • • • • Moved by Councillor Larsen, that B;,rlaw #264 to donate $50,00 to the Canadian Arthritis a.nd Rheumatism Society be given lst, 2nd, and 3rd readings and finally passed, Carried.Unan• • 9 O • O • • O Moved by Councillor C'hrum%za, that the plans a:zd specific4-. ations of the proposed road crassings by pipeline of the Bow River Pipelines Ltd• be approved. Carried. . • • • . Reports of Committees Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted. Carried, . • . School Comrn:ittee Moved by Councillor Eastman, than the report of the ~/i WILLSONSfATiONEI:Y ,School Co~runittee be accepted. FORM 749-P Carried. . • • C'''~ rw4H Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the County make applica~» tion to the Dept. of Ed~~cation to have all the lands within the boundaries of this County included into School Districts. Carried. Mr• Harry Fowler, Alf 64.asPn, a_nd Doctor Beamish attended the meeting to discuss the Ambulance Service to the County, and the condition of the machine, now in use, with the suggestion that the County participate in the cost of a replacement unit. • • o • • • • • Moved by Councillor Douglass, that the County participate in the cost of the .replacement of the A:nbula.zce to the extent of 50~ of the cost, to a maximum of $2000.00 Carried• . • . Reports of Committees ~Con~d~ Agricultural Service Board. Moved by Councillor Mandeville that the .report of the Agricultural Service Boa~nd be accepted,, Carried. O • • • 9 • • • Mo-aed by Councillor Mandeville, that Mr• Milton Ryan of Gem be appointed as Farm Member to the Agricultural Service Board. Carried• • • • Moved by Councillor Mandeville, that the June meeting of the Agricultural Service Board be held on Weda~esday June 3rd 1954. Carried• • • o • • o 0 0 Moved by Councillor Grosfield, that the cattle chutes be retained by the County until the Brucellosis Program is completed. Carried. • • • • Hospital Committee Moved by Councillor Mandeville that the report of the Hospital Committee be accepted• Carried• • • . Civil Defence No report. Senior Citizens No report. Farm Purchase Berard Moved by Gounci.llor Hajash that the report of the Farm Purchase Board be accepted. Carried• • • • O O i • • Moved by Councillor H,~jash that the application of Helmut E'ntrup to purchase the NE' S.-•17•.131-.W~~.th from H• Szostaczko for the sum of $20,000.00 be approved. Carried. WIUS~N STATIONERY • • O • O • • • FORM i43-P ~~ ;'~, n ~ , ~5~ A letter from Buds Farm Eqpt. containing offer to purchase Sec 17M24~1b.~.W4th now under Tax Recover Act, was read a~~d discussed. It was unanimously agreed that the offer of $12.50 per acre be refused. • • • o . a • v Moved by Councillor Maadevillelthat the memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Agriculture for the 1964 Agricultural aervice Board program be approved and signed. harried, . . . Moved by Councillor Eccles, that the fo1_lowin,~ accounts be passed for payment; 6000 Mrs. L. Dr~nbar 24.00 ` 6050 Bow Slope Telephone 7,q.0,~, b001 Beaver Lumber Ca, 5,81 b051 E'. I.D. 30.35., b002 Mrs. B.J. Tarney. 30.00 b052 Irrigano Publ, 2.50,. 6003 Purvis Ritchie Ltd.37.48 6053 Arm. Drain ~ Metal 7371. 12xA 6004 0, Dugstad 133,50- b054 Ree, Gen, 343.40 b005 Mrs, E', Ragsdale g0.oo.~ bo55 Rec. Gen, 5703.00 6006 Will. Creek S.F~Gr .40q$.00~ 605b C. of Newell b8b1.02~ 6007 Frank Winter Weld 32.85- bo57 Tilley Gas Co. 98.40` 6008 Can Inst. Blind 150.00 6058 Prov. Trews 222.05 bong Musc, Dyst. Ass. 100.00 b059 Addison. Wesley Fubl 7.10. 6010 Mrs. Rust 86.00. 6060 Alta Assoc of AQ.D* 1227.95. b011 ~ H. Scammell 3b.q.0 bObl Alta, Paint ~ Glass 42.18' ~ `'., 6012 E', I.D. 155.12 6062 Allied Chemical 43.20, b0~.3 E. L, Po,:ter 13.00 60b3 Allied Distributors 75.71; 6014 Cancelled 606 q. Belmac Supply 64,1b*` 6015 Vill, Rosemary 124.50- b065 F,Betton 116,204 601b Mr, A, Wi11ms 114.00. 6066 Mr. H, Betts 7050 .. boll Mr. R. Pritchard 87,00- 60b7 Mrs,. Tta. Betts 15,00- 6018 M.S,I. b24.00'` 6068 R. Bishel 94,00 bOlg A, Blue Cross 43.75 6069 R, Bishell 15.00 6020 C,N. (Wallace) 15,00 6070 Joes Blacksmith Weld , 27.00 6021 RHSF~CR(Kristianson)20.00 6071 Mr, B. Bloomquist 15,00 6022 B.SF~Cr (Timko) 100,00 6072 MrF~r, A. Bloornq~aist 21,10 6023 RHS~Cr (Timko) 25.00 6073 H. A. Bloomquist 155.27" bo24 Mrs. R. McKelvie 25.00 6074 B. A, Oil 250.27' 6025 Mr, N. Hirchkorn 75.00 6075 Brks C'o«»op Assoc, 2764.40 ' 6026 Mrs. E, Bengston 45.00 6076 Brks Bsso Serv. 54.90' 6027 Mr. Gabert 14.45 6077 Brks Garaje 36,88 6028 Mr. Keeling 88,5p,. 6078 Brooks Home Fern, 115090 6029 Nesbitt Pub 1. 88.11, 6079 Brks N.E. Mut Tel 5,50 6030 Petty Cash 54.03 6080 Brks Pharmacy 2.73 6031 Mrs, Creybohn 25.00. 6081 Town of Brooks 12.00 6032 BNS(Neufeld) 36$.00 6082 Brooks Tire Serv. 2,00 6033 T,~B, (Torkelson) 343.20.. 6083 M. Bruebaker 15.00 6034 BNS (Dueck) 359.00 608q. Brunsden Armen. 402.06 6035 BNS (~acharias) 372.00... 6085 City of Calgary 112.00 6036 BNS (Lepp) 450,00 6086 Calgary Power 14,86 6037 T,B, (Seely} $00,00 6087 Campbell BrosO 127078 6038 Mr. M. Miedinger 1260.00 6088 Ca.nO Iron Frair:ie St. 51038' 6039 Mrs, L. Miscekas $0,00 6089 Can. Liquid Air 2.55' 6040 Fr. Wint, Weld. 51,68 6080 Can Pacific RfW 876.03° 6041 Deerhome 31.00 6081 Carlson Bros, 80050-~ 6042 Mrs, A Nielson 135.00 6092 Cent, ,Sales ~ S°rv0 363005'° 6043 Prov. Trews, 224025 6093 ".~~:~-~ Charltons 5.29 6044 C, of Newell 3 9384.12 6084 Chidlow Ind, Sales 32080 6045 Mr. C Jacobsen 388,40 6085 Clark Irwin ~ Co. 6.38 6046 Mr„ P,Jacobsen 784,40 6096 Coleman Plum ~ HeaO 371.22 6047 Alta. Teach, Asso c398.25., 6097 Const. Equip Ltd, 678083 6048 Bd of Admin, 1947,63 6086 Co•-•Op Book Centre 348,74" ~w~~~o~~An~~EnY 6049 Alta Govt Tel 159.80 60gg Crown Lumber Coo 580,78 FARM 169~P f 1 ti6M 6100 Mrs., Phyllis Daniel son60.00~ 6170 Park Sal ~ Serv. 5.45 6101 Deldays Brks Trans. 57,80" 6171 Patricia Grage 158.90. 6102 Mr, H. Dick 15,00. 6172 Penner Serv, 33.80. 6103 Ted Dickenson 15,00 6173 D. Peyton 15.00 6104 Vill, of Duchess 39.-70 6174 R. Peyton 15,003- 6105 Mrs, L, Dunbar- 23.10 6175 Pheasant Sales 106,62: 6106 Mr. W, Duncan 15,00 6176 G. W, Philpott 132.80: 6107 C,B, Dunn 42.00 6177 Premier Cartage 2,00:. 6108 Electric Equip, 98,27 6178 Prem Cycle. ~ Sport 413,91^ 6109 Farm Elect, Serv. 790.31 6179 Psycan 19.81 b110 Ferg Supply 53700.00" 6180 Purity Dairy 30.00 6111 Mrs. E. Fisher 12.SOy 6181 Ralston Co•-•Op 78.22 6112 Finley~s Store 141, 86 ~ 6182 J. L,Rawleigh f~ Son 308.47 6113 Flanagan Bros. 11.6q 6183 W-n, Rawleigh 15,00 b114 Franklins Tires 35.96 6184 Revelstoke Bldg. Mat, 13.75`' 6115 Mr. J. Galiez 15.0 0- 6185 Revelstoke Bldg Mat 590,00 6116 Gem Gen, store 72.52 6186 L,E,Roth 15.00 . 6117 Gem Gen Store 64,08 6187 Royal Lumber 35.10 6118 Gem Lumber yd 29.33 ~ 6188 Mrs. S.Rust, 86,00,E 6118 W,J.Gase Ltd. 6,29 f- 6188 Ryerson Tress 14.67' 6120 Mr. J, George 80,25 - 619o S~ Farm Equipment 5,00- b121 Mr, C. Clock 71.88 6181 School Book Branch 923.83 6122 Mr. C, Clock 118,31 6182 Saskatoon Fire Eng. 33.75 6123 Mr. J. Gold 15,00 6193 Mrs, E. Sears 30.00 6124 W,E,Greer Lid, 118,36 6194 L, Seitz 15.00 b125 M. Grimshaw 1,5.,00 6195 Sharps Theatre Sup. 108.40 b126 C. Hale 15,00 619b Wm. Sheldrake 127.50 6127 Dr, J.N.Hassett 69,00" 6197 R. Smallbones 15.00 6128 Mrs, S, Hellman 105,00 6198 Smalley~'s Radio 21.96, 6129 I,G,A. Store 1,28 6199 R, Sovdi 15.00 6130 Irrigano Publ, 2.40 6200 Sports Equip of Tor. 124.3a 6131 Imperial Oil 108.86 6201 A Stephens 15.00 ,1'.,_ 6132 Al Johnson 4,30.. 6202 Stiles the Druggist 7.75 b133 H,R,Kemin Enterprise 32.50' 6203 Street. Rob, Morrow 401,68 6134 E,S,Kloepper 8,00 ~~ 6204 Miss N. Stringam 15,00 6135 Kraft Upholstery 14.00 6205 Suff. Gas Distil 8.90 6136 R.,S,Kristianson 15.00 blob Mrs. B. Tarney 7.50 6137 Keith op Lake 368,53;. 6207 Tay. Per, ~ Carsan 95.20 ' ~ 6138 V. H, Lawrence 2, q.p 6208 Thomas Allen Agen. 16.29 ''b 139 V. H. Lawrence 81,66 "° 6209 Wm, Tiessen 15.00._ b14o Mr. B. Lee 15,00.- b210 To~y'~s Lucky $ Store , 76,15. 6141 K.N,Lintott 33.70 °' b211 Trans. Supplies 236.02. 61q-2 Frances Lockton 15.00 ~ 6212 Union Tractor 279.49 6143 Macleods Ltd, 192.8b 6213 Mrs. F. Vanstone 150.00. 6144 MacM;illa_n Co, 22.53 6214 C. Van Wert 20.00 6145 Mr. K. Maldaner 40,00 6215 Vill of Tilley 134,80, 6146 Marshall~s Book St, 415.80 6216 E, Wade 7.5o b147 Marshall Wells Store 10.,70 6217 Mrs, K, Wallace 30.00:. 6148 P, Martin 15.00 6218 Pete Wallace 15,00 6149 M, H. ~ Dist for R.C . 64,00 6218 Welders Suppl -- 6.28 6150 Mid. Hat Hospital 16,00 6220 Western Cash RPg, 35.00 b151 Mid West Paper 300,81 6221 B. Wheeler 15.00 6152 Modern Auto 184.32 `~` 6222 W.i1l. Creek S ~ Grav .3717„0'0 6153 Motor Car Supp. 223.54 6223 Wilson Bmilders 47.11 6154 Mayer Ltd. 23.44 6224 Wilson 8tat, 118.02 6155 Mun, Supp. 221.90- 6225 Wittigs Rosemary 42.28 6156 Elaine Murphy 15.00- 6226 Wittmiers Gen Store 8.19 6157 Jack Murphy 15.00 6227 Mrs. A. Nielson 7.50 6158 McGraw Hill Coe 17.42 Carr ied 6159 Ross McKay 15.00 . b16o McNarland Plumb. 550,00~~ 6161 Nat Geo. Society 8,50 6162 Cancelled 6163 Mrs. B, Neufel~i 25.00. 616 q. Niagra Branc Chem, 8344.00 6165 Noble Cultivators 2469.94' 6166 Cancelled.' 6167 0£f, of Queens Print. 6, 00° yW'~~°N~'^"°~~~` b1b8 O~sons Serv, b5.03 FORAi 149-P blb9 Oxford Univ. Press 12, 8gr- ~' +~7 Moved by Councillor Larsen, that the Road Agreement with Melvin K:ristiaasen to pay $30dy00 per acre-for land taken for Road widening be accepted• Carried• . • • • . Moved by Councillor Chrumka that the June meeting of the County Council be held on Friday, June $th, 1954, Carried. . . Meeting adjourned $S30 p.m, //? ~ C ! ~ 6 N• W.,.ldl!{p,IONeRY FORM 1l9-P