HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-09-13 Council (Regular) Minutes~~~
_a. J
County of Newell No 4.
County Council
September 13, 1963
The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County
of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks
Alberta at 10:00 a•m. on Friday~September 13, 1963.
• • • • w • • • s • • •
Members Present ~
Reeves N•A•Shuttleworth
Councillors~C• Chrumka
A. Eccles
F. Mandeville
J. Hajash
R. Armstrong
R. Eastman
B• Plumer
-- G. Douglass
Sec.t•Treas•H.C• Scammell
• .• • • • • • • w • w •
The minutes of the previous meeting ofAugust 9th, 1963
were read and adopted•
Moved by Councillor Eastman that the Secretary~s report
of the Receipts Payments and monthly progress for the
/~ month of August be accepted.
~~;` Carried•
~ Copy of the Ministerial Order authorizing the County
l ~~
j of Newell to adopt the Assessment Roll of the year 1963
for taxation purposes in 1964 was received and ordered
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that the County purer.
chase the Rolling Hills Schoolsite~ containing approx~
imately 12.81 acres from the Eastern Irrigation District
for the sum of ~1281~00
Moved by Councillor Shuttlewortha that the application
for a lease on a $0~ x $0~ site in Lot Rs Block "2"
Plan 2123 F.R. Rolling Hills by the Alberta Government
Telephones be approved for 20 years at $5.00 per year.
• • • A • • • ~ • • • •
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that the offer by Earl
Williamson to purchase the Bow Bridge School Site and
the Bow Bridge School less the Furnace and Fuel Tank for
the sum of $500.00 be accepted•
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that the offer of Tono
Ohama~ to purchase--the South 100 feet of the East 250 feet
of the rE 24~16w16~W4 containing approximately .58 of an
acres for the sum of $'75.00 be accepted•
FORM 149-P-Special
~` ~ ~
r .~
Moved by Councillor Hajash~-that the--location of the
SCHEGA Gas We11 Brooks FG 4..26H.18~1$p.W4th be approved.
• . • • • •
A letter ofrom the Dept. of Mines ~ Minerals re the
Surface Reclamation Council was read and ordered filed.
A letter from the Dept. of Highways re the permit for the
R.O. Ledene Service Garage and Coffee Shop was read and
ordered filed.
• • • • • • w • • • •••
The Secretary was directed to obtain some clarification
of the Winter Works Incentive Program as it relates to
stockpiling of gravel
• • • • • • • • • s • •
Advice was received of the A, A.M.D. Convention to be
held in Edmonton November 19«•22 inc.
• • • • • • w • • • • •
Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the sum of $100.00
be paid to any delegate attending the A.A. M. D. Con.-~
vention in Edmonton Nov, 19~-22nd 1963.
~ ~ Carried.
. f:
~ • • w • • • • ~ • ~ • •
~ /~~ Adjourned for lunch
12:45 td 2:OOp•m.
A letter from the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts
re Board of Industrial Relations and Hours of Works was
read and ordered filed,
A letter from the U. G. G. Insurance Agencies re the
Minor Murray Bunkhouse Claim was read and ordered filed.
A letter from the County of Thorhold No. '7 re Oil and Gas
Well Equipment Assessment was read and the Secretary was
directed to reply•
Reports of Committees
Municipal Committee
Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the
Municipal Committee be accepted.
Moved by Councillor Armstrong that a MF 35 Delux tractor
and a Highway Model sidemount mower be purchased from the
Murray Gordon Machinery Ltd. Brooks= for the snm of
approximately $3000.00
• • • • • • • • • • • w
FORM 149-P-Speoial
-- -- ~
~» 3~»
School Committee~•»,~
Moved by Councillor Flamer? that the report of the School
Committee be accepted.
Agricultural Service Board,
Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the
Agricultural Service Board be accepted,
Moved by Councillor Eastman that the County purchase
two Cattle Squeezes for the handling of cattle to be blood
tested by the veterinarians for a cost of approximately
$1000.00 Carried.
Hospital Committee
Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the Hospital
Committee be accepted.
Civil Defence
No report
Senior Citizens
Moved by Councillor Hajash~ that the report of the Newell
Foundation be accepted!
f Carried.
~~~ • • ~ • • • • •. • • s
~: Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that the Dept, of High.
/' ~ ways be advised that it is the wish of the County Co~.ncil
that the No, 36 Highway blacktopping be completed to
the intersection with the Trans«•Canada highway or to the
Red Deer Rivers as soon as possible,
Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that the Bylaw No, 251,
to provide for the reduction of the speed of traffic on the
Brooks Access Road be given 2nd and 3rd readings and finally
Carried Unan,
Moved by Councillor Chrumka~ that the following accounts
be passed for payment,
4267 British American Oi1515.87`~4290 Postmaster 95.OOti'
4268 Pardee Equip. Co, 5~0~30`'4291 R, I, D. 190.90
4269 Century Sales 86„81.,4292 A1ta.Gov~t Te1 .258.75~
4270 Cancelled ~''~ 4293 Med, Serv. ~ 617.60.
4271 Suff. Gas Distrib, 3.30 4294 Delores Housem an 3,20,
4272 Calg. Power Ltd. 10.51 - 4295 Bd, of Admin 1762,181-
4273 Waterous Equip. 116,40v429b Cancelled
4274 C'an- Propane Cons, 104,004297 Alta Teach.Ass .356.25j
4275 Gem~Countess Mut. Te1,16.35y~298 H,@,Scammell 66,70...
4276 Musc. Dys. Assoc, 100.004299 Petty Cash 26.974.:
4277 Nick Zellar 976.83°'4300 County Newe113 3945.75-
4278 Mrs. L. Dunbar 87.50'' 4301 Prov. Treas. ~213.58~,
4279 Mr. Henry Peters 48,004302 Rec. General 25.87`
4280 The Albertan 19.804303 New. Founda, 1910,63
4281 Edmonton Journal 41.65 4.304 Mrs. Ida Zebel l 12.OO~s
4282 Calgary Herald 53:04``4305 Mrs. Miscekes 50.00
4283 Vill,of Rosemary 124.50``4306 Mrs, C'reybohn 25.00
4284 J, D. Swinghammer '77.00'4307 Alta. Govlt Te le13,25
4285 R.B,of Can• Brooks 70.00.4308 ~Edmon, Journal 100.45
4286 Brooks Sav,F~Cr•Un. 100.00 4309 Leader Post 48,96
4287 R.H. Sav, ~ Cr, Un, 25.00 4310 Cal. Herald 59.28
8 Odd Dugstad 190,00°4311 Winnipeg, Trib, 28,80
FORM 149-P-Speeial 42
9 Karen E. Harrison 11.00
~~~ C)i
4312 Mr. Jals:k Moir 75.00 ~ 4378 Elect. Equip (Alta) 210.45''
4313 E.H. Gabert 150.00 u 4379 Kurtis Engel 11.00
4314 D. Friesen 150.00 ~ 4380 Ewald Engel 11.00
4315 Finn. Tribune 57.60° 4381 Expression Co. Publ. 43.66"
4316 Rec. General 370.40 ~ 4382 Farm Elect. Serv. 50.00
4317 Rec. General 5536.40` 4383 Ferg. Supply Alta. Ltd. 1990.00
4318 Coflnty Newell 8846.56` 4384 Flanagan Brothers 6.05`
4319 Mona Timko 150.00 v 4385 Frank S~Tinter fielding 147.90
4320 Tilley Gas. Co. 8.80v 4386 Franklins Tire Serv. 91.00
4321 B. W. Tibbitt 3600.00 u 4387 'W. Geienas 557.50
4322 Postmaster 95.00 4388 Gem-Countess Mut. `i'el. 17.90
4323 r'~cklands Ltd. 92.26 - 4389 Goodrich & Treiber 30.75 =;
4324 Alta. Assoc. of M.D. 200.00 ~~ 4390 ~, E. Greer Ltd. 76.75
4325 Alta. Assoc. of M.D. 4820.85 4391 Halifax Herald 58.80`
4326 Alta. Blue Cross 41.45 4392 Dr. J. N. Hassett 5.00
4327 Alta. Gov. Tel 5.05 4393 Mrs. F. Hiebert 100.00
4328 Alta. List 3.50 4394 G. Hiebert & F. Redelback 45.60'
4329 Alta. Tract. Parts. 286.96' 4395 G. Hiebert & F. Redelback 156.45
4330 Allied Chem. Serv, 110.25v 4396 Leona M. Hodsen 11.00=
4331 Req. Baldwin 173.32u 4397 Huttons Ltd. 91.22
4332 Mr. J. Barran 20.00 ~ 4398 Imperial Oil 295.16
4333 E. Fi. Baldwin ~ 124.00 4399 Irrigano Publ. Ltd. 4.00
4334 T.R. Baxter Const. 189.OOt' 4400 A. Johnson Salvage 4.40
4335 Alf Bieler 50.00 ~' 4401 Fred Kautz I9 195.52'-
4336 F. Batton 114.20 4402 Susan E. Kazimer 22.00..
4337 `:~. G. Bennie 1.39- 4403 Kaz's Service 73.20
4338 Bow slope Mut. Tel. 8.50' 4404 Mr. C. L. Kadey 100.00
4339 Bow Slope Ship Assoc. 37.17'' 4405 Frederick Keeling 11.00°
4340 B. A. Oil Co. 631.01 4406 ~Ir. E. Kloepper 10.00
4341 R.E. Bromley 1nTelding 376.65- 4487 E. Kloepper 96.00
4342 Brooks Cc~Op 1964.59' 4408 Kraft Upholster 442.10''
4343 Brooks N.E.Mut Tel 5.50" 4409 Mr. V. A. Lawrence 127.74
4344 Brooks Garage 15.13°, 4419 Mr. K.N.Lintott 63.50
4345 Brooks Pharmacy 9.88' 4411 Lockton Earthmoving Ltd. 4495.50 E
4346 Town of Brooks 304.05.. 4412 Mr. Geo. Lowe 75.00
4347 Brooks Sav. & Cr.Un. 350.00:. 4413 Cancelled
4348 Budd's 99 Serv. 4.00. 4414 Macleods Ltd 299.70
4349 Buds Service(1960)Ltd. 12.05 4415 Marshalls Bood Store 1533.13
4350 Calgary Herald 29.70 4416 Marshall'tiiells 50.46
4351 Calgary S amp & Stenc.
~ 1.15- 4417 rledicine Hat Newe 17.52`'
4352 CaI-Oka T
ansp Ltd. 90.00 4418 Mid=ln'lest Faper 62.46
4353 Campbell Mack Supp 306.92 v 4419 Modern Auto Serv. 14~.~2
4354 Canadian Good Roads 50.00" 4420 Motor Car Supply Co, 407.38'"
4355 Can. Linen Supplies 6.50 4421 Mun. Suppliers Ltel. 59.00
4356 Can. Pacific Rail Co. 13.5 2 4422 .Murray Gordnn Machinery 76.52
4357 Central Sales &Serv. 167.604 4423 McCabe Grain Co. 5.29 s-
4358 Cent. ;Sales Ltd. 12.49 ~ 4424 E. Sul. McKenzie 24.00
4359 Mr. Christianson 47.97 4425 McNarland Plumbing& Heating 1143.37
4360 County Newell 92.38 4426 Nisbett Publishing Co. Ltd. 82.55``
4361 County of Vulcan 89.14 4427 County of Newell 25.00
4362 County of ~,lheatland 6.00 °. 4428 Newell Plumbing & Heating 2.20
4363 Sharon Christianson 11.00- 4429 Olson's Serv. 18.55
4364 Const. Equ9p. Co. 144.50 4430 Oxford University Press. 2.31'
4365 Corresp. School Branch 12.00 ~` 4431 Park gales & Servi. 31.20
4366 Country Kitchen 87.00 4432 J. J. Penner 24.00°
4367 Richard Coverdale 267.50 4433 Pheasant Sales 185.90
4368 Crown Lumber Co. 197.43 4434 G. k~T. Philpott ~ }} .60
4369 Ralph A. Dahl 4476.00~~ 4435 Petty Cash 22.55
4370 Deerhome 31.00 4436 Premium Cartage 4.U0
4371 Cancelled 4437 Ralson Co-Op 115.76
4372 Dressel & Tell 1$6-:6~8 4438 Rasdale iConst. Ltd. 4763.00 4
4373 Duchess Garage 24.47`° 4439 Ressler Motors 2.204
4374 Village of Duchess 39.70` 4440 Revelstoke Building Mat. 5,$0.
4375 O.G.Dugstad. 166.30 °° 4441 A. Richter 40.00
4376 :Eastern Irrig. Dist. 190.37 4442 R. H. Mut. Telephone 20.00
4377 E.I.D. 82.08 4443 Village of Rosemary 1621.87
'ORM 149-P-Special
f` ~ ~
___ ~
4444 Royal Lumber Yards 213.70 ~ 4466
4445 The Sask. Star Phoenix 52.53~> 446'T
4446 School Book Branch 3316.91 ~ 4468
4447 F. Schtt Manufac. 147.50y
" 4469
4448 1*7m. Sheldrake 137.30 4471
4449 Singer Sewing Machine 343.12` 4472
4450 P,na Skaaning 11.00 4473
4451 Smalleys Radio Ltd. 24.11.0 4474
4452. Snap on Tools of Can. 40.00 4475
4453 Standard Auto Parts 7.12,; 4476
4454 Street Robins Morrow 1358.24 4477
4455 George Stockert 10.00v
4456 Superior Millxrark 21.38
4457 Saffield Gas Distrib 3.70'
4458 Taylor Pearson & Carson 195.i3~-
4459 Geo. Tomason 8.00
4460 Village of Tilley 121.00
4461 I~.B.Tooke 31.01
4462 Cancelled
4463 Transmission Supplies 309.75'
4464 Tunneys Body Shop 187.32'°'
4465 Peter Unger 28.00
y~alley's P~~a.int ~: aIdz~r.
Waterous Equipment
Welders Supplies
Mrs. PJ. 'Weston
Mrs. 3. J. White
Wilson Stationary
T~~Tilson Builders Supply
J. P. :~titting
Fred Wombold
Nick feller
K.I.. Torkelson
Delday's Brooks Trans.
100.00 ~~
91.90 ~'
Moved by Councillor rtandeville, that the resolution to set the date
of the Nomination meeting on Saturday November 3rd copy of which is
attached to and forming part of the minutes of this meeting be passed.
. . Carried.
Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the T.S.14 dirt mover, now an hire
from Ferguson Supply, be kept on hire for an additional month.
Motion Lost.
Councillor Plumer requested that abrea_~down of the payroll account
by individuals be furnished.
Moved by Councillor Eastman that Messrs, Huber, Hironaka, Tamura, and
other users of sprinkler operations be advised acx~ ~~~~,~ must fefrain
from allowing their sprinklers to wet the road allowance.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. ~"'
~ ` -~ ~
-' Reeve.
4~~? ~~~
5~cre y-Treasurer _._._
ORM 149-P-Special
~~ j
County of Newell No. 4
September 13, 1963
A resolution of the Council of the County of Newell No, 4 to
provide for the holding of a nomination meeting for the purpose
of receiving nominations for Councillors in Divisions 2,4, anal 8
the present members of the Councils terms expiring as at January
WHEREAS in accordance with the requirements of Section 96 of the
Municipal District Act, the County Council is required to provide
for the holding of a nomination meeting for the purpose of rec-
eiving nominations for Councillors to fill the vacancies occurr-
ing on the Council on the 3rd day of January 1964.
AND WHEREAS vacancies will occur in Divisons Nos. 2,4,and 8,
by the expiration of the terms of office of Councillors Chrumka,
Mandeville and Plumer respectively.
Therefore be it resolved, that a meeting to receive nominations be
held on Saturday November 2n~1, 1963 in the County Bffice in Brooks,
Alberta from 3:00 p.m. until 4;OOp.m.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that Mr. Des. James be appointed as Return-
ing Officer, and the following persons be appointed as Deputy
geturning Officers to act in the event that elections are required to
be held in the divisions to which they are appointed.
2 Atlas Lumber, Tilley Vince Fabian
4 Rainier Hall, Rainier Eileen Swanson
Bow City
Bow Slope Shipping
8 Duchess Village H. D. Clute.
~~ 1
Done and Passed this 13th day of September 1963.
.. ~ ---,
' ~ EEVE.
'ORM 149-P-Speeial