HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-07-12 Council (Regular) Minutes9® County of Newell No. 4 County Council duly 12, 1963 The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No, 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks Albertan at 10:00 a.m. on Friday July 12~ 1963. . . . . . . . Members presents Reeve Councillors Sec, Treas. . . . . . . N. A. Shuttleworth A. Chrumka A. Eccles Jas. Hajash F. Mandeville H. Eastman Ben Plumer G. Douglass H. Scammell The minutes of the previous meeting of June 7th were read and adopted arith the following change, • •, • • f • • Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth, that the motion in the minutes of June '7th with regard to T, Ailing be corrected to read, . . . . . ~~ ~ That T, Ayling be paid one months salary, and his service terminated. %~ ~i Carried / • • • • • w • Moved by Councillor Douglass that the Secretary~s reports of Receipts Expenditures and mon~~ly progress for the month of June be accepted. Carried • w • • • • • Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that A.T. Johnson be appointed to replace the appointment of R. Armstrong to the Surface Reclamation Board. Carried . . . . . . . A letter from the City of Medicine Hats re the grant for the operation of their ambulance was ready and the Secretary directed to compose a suitable refusal, • ~ • • • w • A letter from Crossland Peacocks re the claim for motor grader dam ge by A, E cles was read and left with the Secretary ~o ispose o~, . . . . . A request for a donation was received from the Muscular Dystrophy Association. . • . . • • Moved by Councillor Hajash that the Muscular Dystrophy Association be requested to furnish the County with a Financial Statement. Carried. . . . . . FORM 149-P-Speelal MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. r~ ..2.. Correspondence from the Railway Transport Commission --- and the C.P.R~ re the Kinbrook Island Road Railroad Cross» ing was ready the C.P.R. plan approved and the costs clarified. . . . a . . . Correspondence re the Minor Murray damage claims and the Hygard Texas Gate controversy was read and ordered filed. . . . . . . . A letter from the Department of Highways re a proposed speed limit on the Brooks access road was read Moved by Councillor Eccles that request be made for a speed reduction to 50 MPH rather than the 45 MPH sug«» Bested by the Department. Carried. . . . . . . The Municipal Inspectors report was read and unanim~-. ously approved. . . . . . . /> Adjourned for lunch ;/; , ~ 12:45 to 2:00 p.m. i ,, , ;' /` , Re~lprts of Committees Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted. Carried. . . . . Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth that the Preliminary Agreement between J. Olah and the County for extra road allowance and line move etc. on the Rolling Hills Road be approved. Carried. . . . • . . . Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth that the load limits on County Roads be made the same as they are on the Trans.-Canada Highway. Carried. • • • • w • • Moved by Councillor Hajash that the two windrow Elimin«» a tors be purchased for use on the County Motor Graders. Carried. . . . . . . . Moved by Councillor Eastman that the tender of N. feller for crushing and loading gravel for the 1863 roadwork program of 492 cents per cubic yard be accepted. Carried. • ~ • • w • • School Committee Moved by Councillor Chrumka~ that the report of the school committee be accepted. Carried. . . ., . . FORM 149-P-Speetal MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD, of r`; he ., .»3M Moved by Councillor Elumer, that the Parker House in Rosemary be purchased for the sum of $3600p00, to be used as a teacherage• Carried. • • • o • o • Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the above mentioned house be sold to J. Olson, teacher on the Rosemary School Staff, for the sum of $3600.00 plus annual taxes, to be paid for by deductions from his salary as teacher, at the rate of X100.00 per month with no interest charges• Carried. • O O • O A O Moaned by Councillor Mandeville, that a Teachera~e be -- built at the Alcoma School Site for the sum of approx» imately $10,000.00. Carried• • • o • o 'o • Agricultural Service Board. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the report of the Agricultural Service Board be acceptedo Carried• • • • . It was recommended that information the Department of Agriculture, as to the County and its Supervisor in the resulting in crops or livestock pre of following the advice given bythe destruction of Pests or Weeds. o • o o • o • Hospital Committee be obtained from the position of event of damage sumabl~ as a result supervisor in the Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the Hospital Committee be accepted• Carried. o • ... Civil Defences No Reports Fa~+~--R~rchase Board No• Report. Senior Citizens Committee Moved by Councillor Hajash, that Newell Foundation be accepted. 0 0 • • o • • Moved by Councillor .Mandeville at Rainier be moved in accordance the FWVA Local. 0 0•• x 0 0 the report of the Carried, that the Streetlight with the request of Carried, Moved by Councillor Hajash, that interest be charged J. Olson in his purchase of the house from the County. Motion Lost. r: , ~ ~ s i ~,~~ I 3433 Simpsons 15.08v 3434 o,K, Rubber Welders 44.78,. 3435 The City Treas.(B'dmon) 1,65 3436 Provincial Treas. 83,OOv 3437 Town of Brooks 8.55 ~ 3438 J, Gold lo,oo~ 3439 E,S, Dickenson 1o,00w 3440 S, Yewchuck 10.00 341 M, Grimshaw 10.00 3442 Miss F. Lockton 10.00 3443 R. S, Kristianson 10,00' ~~ ~ R. ovddi 10,00 ~ P, allace 10.00.... 34 4 H. A, Betts S.OO~F 3447 C, Hale 10.00 Y 3448 W, Duncan 10,00` 3449 H. Dick 10,00 . 3450 C. A, Stepkhns 10,00 3451 Town of Brooks 313,90„ 3452 The H,W,Wilson Co. 12,00 3453 American Library Ass. 2,00°~ 3454 R, R, Bowker C', 3,00 3455 Newell Vet, Clinic 654.40 3456 Faltmers Union of Alta 5.00 3457 P, B, Jacobsen 28.00" 3458 C. L. Kadey 100.00 3459 A. G. T, 164.35: 3460 Ralston CoMOp 75.63 ,~: 3461 Mrs, s, F, Rust 86,00 3462 Patricia Garage 213.93 3463 David Rogalsky 112.50 3464 Bow Valley Vet Clinic 20,40' 3465 M. s. ~. 552.00 3466 County Newell 39 496.48 v 3467 County Newell 15,OOy 3468 R, H. Sav.~Cr, Union 20,00 ~ 3468 Royal Bank of Canada. 70,00> 3470 Brooks aav,F~Cr,Union 100,00'' 3471 R.H, Sav ~ Cr, Union 25,00' 3472 Bd. of ~S.dmin. 1 860.53 3473 A. T. A. 398.25- 3474 B'. I.D. 12.75 3475 Bow Slope Mut Tele, 8.95 3476 Alberta Govat Te1.e. 33.05 3477 Calgary Power Ltd, 16.22 3478 Cummins Diesel Power; 28,60 3479 Mrs. Helen Ostafichuk30.00 3480 Mrs. Ida Zibell 12.00 v 3481 Mrs, ~. C'reybohn 25.00 4 3482 Mrs, L. Misa~kas 50.00 ~ 3483 Cancelled v°' 3488 N,S, Cr, N, Dueck 350,00• 3485 Wm. Lauver 351.00. 3486 N.S,Cr. A. Lepp 450,00<' 3487 Mr, M. Miedinger 1250,00` 3488 PR,Tr,Br,Cr, D,Seely500,00 3489 N.S,Cr, Zacharias 372.00 3490 N,S,Cr, H, Neufeld 365,00 3491 H, C. Scammell 56.50 ~• 3492 Gila Soresen 18„00" 3493 Kathryn Daniels 18.00" 3494 Mrs, L, Dunbar 36.55 3495 Rec.Gen, of Canada 343.88- 3496 Rec,Gen, of Canada 5378.03 3497 County Newell 6294.14 3498 Lilley Gas, Co, 88.25 ' A,~ ;~i.~..~ IRM 149-P-Special NICtPAL SUPPLIES LTD. e/ _L'.a c ~4~- Moved by Councillor C'hrumka be passed for payment: that the following adcounts 3774 Tilley Motors 82.39a 3846 3775 Wilson Build, Sup, 18,36. 3847 3776 Park Sales ~ Service 24.95y 3848 3777 Prov, Treas, 2.50 3849 X778 M,H,Dist of Retarded b4,00 3850 3779 Bailly*s Gen. Store 24.201 3851 3780 Kirks Heating Ltd, 23.00'"- 3852 3781 Marshall Wells St. 3291.00= 3853 3782 Bas. Sand £~ Gravel 105,00' 3854 3783 Ralston Co-.op X69`' 3855 3784 ,Suf, Gas District 5,30 3856 3785 Budds 99 Service 3.00 3857 378b Town of Bassano b5b,02- 3858 3787 r' Patricia Garage 188.89 3859 3788 OK Rubber Welders 2.00 3860 ,! i 3789 Imperial Oil Ltd,l 14b,gb°~ 38b1 3790 Mrs, Scheverman 12,00 38b2 3791 Mr. Gary Gay '"~'4.00~ 3863 3792 Lockton Earth Mov, 200,00 3864 3793 Brooks Garage 44.30 3865 3794 Irrigano Bub Ltd. 13.05- 3866 X795 Liberty Boilers Ltd, 3.45~~' 3867 3796 Mon. Suppliers Ltd, 46.95= 3868 3797 Deerhome 31,OOv 38b9 3798 O.G,Dugstad 151.00 3870 X799 A.Beieler., • _ .r. 11.70.,._ „x,871 X801 Frank Winter Weld. 105.~5~v _ 3872 3802 Mrs. L. Dunbar 34.25 3873 3803 E', W, McKenzie 24.0 0 3874 3804 Mrs. R, Bennet 24.00 8875 3805 L, Calpas 10,00 3876 3896 W.J, Rawleigh 10.00 3877 3807 Sas. Star Phoenix lb,l5~' 3878 3808 Leader Post Ltd. 83.52 3879 3809 Calgary Herald 110.7b 3880 3810 Edmonton Journal 191.10•' 3881 3811 J, J, Penner 24,00 388 3812 Fred Batton 118,00* 3883 3813 Newell Plumbing ~ Heat,2,40 3884 3814 Rosco Metal Pro, 3907.-~-a~ "`3885 3815 J,M, Dent ~ Son 18,$.8 `` 3886 3816 Gem Lumber Yard b7,b7~ 3887 3817 MacLeods Ltd. 501.60. 3888 X818 Ressler Motors Ltd. 18.55 3889 3819 Olsonas Service ,$,b$,7b ~ 3890 3820 Marshall Wells St, 77.53 3891 3821 Kleenbirn Co11, 225.20' 3892 3822 Canadian Pacific Rail. 1.20' 3893 3823 Cambell Bros 2~3.11< 3894 2~ Mrsst~ El~us~~ Co, 410• t. 5 ~ 3 gb 2 Cen~ra~ Sales ~ Serv,39'710 99 ~ 27 Pheasant Sales Ltd. 99,5 7. 9 3828 W,G, Bennie 2.79' 3899 3829 Georgezs B,A. Service 54.36 3999 3830 Flanagan Bros. Ltd. 18,91`- 3901 3831 Gem Gen, Store 82.02 3902 38 2 ~ Village of Duchess 39.70~~ 3903 ~8 8 tI, A, Bloomquist 103.93 3904 3834 J, P Wittig 14.17 3905 3835 Norman Jasperson 135,004 390b 3836 Brks NE' Mut, Tel Co, 4,50. 3907 3837 Schel Welding Shop 8,50 3908 8838 8 Tilley Gas Co. Ltd, T 12.2q.~ 3909 3 39 own ofnBrooks 152,58 3910 x3840 142.30'° 3911 3841 10,8~8.~p "3912 3842 ~ ~~° 3913 3843 ~29.55~ 3914 X844 100,00°-~ 3915 3845 938.69 H. C, Scammell Gem Coun,Mut. Tele Cancelled Cole Plum. ~ Heat Mr, Henry Berg Village of Tilley Mrs. J. Lester 42,00 v Kazis Service 13.55 Finley~s Store 12b,44 Penner Service 8.35v A,B, C'ross Plan 41.45 '' Mrs, S. Hillman 12.00 Mrs, R, Bennet 108.00' Winnipeg Tribune 34.56 Mrs. B. Neufeld 11,88" Mrs. B. Tarney 36,08 •~ Petty Cash 41.21 '1 Mrs, L. LDunbar b1.05 Mrs, H. Ostafichuk 3000 Ida Zibell 12.00''' Mrs, E, Creybohn 25.00 Mrs, L. Miscekas 50.00" N. S, Cr. N. Dueck 350,00'- Mr. Wm. Laiever 351,00 N,S,Cr, A. Lepp 450,00 Mr,dM, Miedinger 1250,00~~ Pr, Tr. Br. C'r,See1y500,00~. N,S.Cr, Zacharias 372.00 N,S,C~, Neufeld 365,®0 Alta. Govt Tele, 193.b~`-~ Wm. Sheldrake 86.60.; G,W, Philpott 114,20 Nesbitt Pub Co - 47.00" J, B, Ludwig Secwtr,50,00 County Newell 41034.97"' County Newell 15.D0~. R, H, Sav, Cr, Un. 20.00. Royal B, 70,00•Y Brks Sav. ~ C'r, Un, 100.00` R, H, Sav, ~ Cr. Un. 25.00 Bd, of Admin T.R.F, 1962, 88 ~~° A.T.A. 410.75 Peter Hoon 46,40` R, Armstrong; 273.00' A. Chrumka 241..80 4r G. Douglass 380.20 R. Eastman 324,00' A, Eccles 175.50' Jas Hajash 327.60° F, Mandeville 297.00'' Ben E, Plumber 224,90 N, A. Shuttleworth 315,fl0 L, C, Spivey 12b,00 C, L. Norton 95,00 C, 0. Colbens G L 1 7, 40~ eo. arson 3,00 Art Arrison R G f ' q. Q : ec. en o C an 85 s 5863 Red, Gen of C'an, 401.40 '' County of N. Payrol18238.71L~ Tilley Gas Co. 23.25 Calgary Herald 79.56 Edmonton Journal 342.14 Prov, Treas 12.3,00 Marshall Wells Store133.55 Edmonton Journal 132.30 Calgary Herald 81..22 `' Acklands Ltd. 40,78 A, Ass. Mun. Dist A. Gov. Te1e Alta Off .~ Di ct Eq Alta Tractor Pts, Allied Chem,Serv Reg Baldwin Town of Bass. 249~4~~0 ~`` 247.6} 135.0 163.40 20b,b8 80.00 FORM 149-P-Special 1UNICIPAL SSJPPLIES LTD, r~.~C ~::~" w5.. 3910 Beav. Lumber Co, 66.00 3987 Hutton~s Ltd, 37,65' 3917 Belmar Supply Co, 31.80 i 3988 Mr, S.R. Hyrnewich 26,28 3918 Mr, F,Betton 123.60`' 3989 Imp. Oil Ltd. 151.91,. 3919 Alf Beieler 20.E-~= X3990 Int. Harvester of C an. ,21 3920 ~i. B. Betts 118,20 3991 A1, Johnson 6.00' 3921 ~. G. Bernie 1.67 r-' 3992 Fred Kautz 213.88 3922 R. Bishel 86.43' 3993 Mr. David Ylassen 21b,00 3923 H,A. Bloomquist 103,73`= 3994 Mr. E.S. Kloepper 6,00 3924 Mrs. A,G,Bloomquist 2,00 3995 Klrenb~rn Colleries 62.00 13925 Bow Slope Mut Tele 8,40= 3996 Lake Motor Serv, 286,16 ~. fl92b Brake Drome 78,80 ;- 3997 ~'. V, H, Lawrence 421.14 3927 Bruse Rob, Elec Ltd. 180.25` 3998 The Leader Post 37.44 3928 ~ ' John J. Brau1 70$0 3999 The Leader Post 44.16' 3929 ` Br, Amer.--Oil ' 865.97 '~ 000 The Leader Post 2 ~a ~~ ~ ,j 3930 Brooks C o-.op Assoc 2721,82 001 Arlene Lester , 0.< f 3931 ~, ~ 3932 Brooks Garage; Brooks Home Furn, 70.$2v 34.50 4002 4003 Mrs. J,M, Lester K, N, L~ntott 24,00 48.50 3933 Brooks N,E, Mut Tele 4,50 4004 Lock Earth Moving 2725.00' 3934 Town of Brooks 74.45 4oa$ Lockton Earth Mov, 954,00 3935 Brooks Pharmacy 9,40 4006 Mr, Geo. Lowe 9,63 3936 Calgary Power Ltd. 11,00 4007 MacLeods Ltd. 41.36 3937 Buds Farm Equip. 6~.p5 ~ 4008 The Mac Millan Co 10.78 3938 Calgary Herald 53.04 4009 McCabe Grain Co. 1.13 3939 Calgary Ass. Clinic 35.50 40:0 Marshall Wells Stor e 19.57 3940 Canada Iron 201,11' 4011 Mr, F. Marques 30,00 3941 Canadian Lin, Co. b,50 4012 S,A, Mathis. Agen. 90,83 3942 Can. West. Pro. 189,00. 4013 MH, ~ Dis. Retarded 64.0 0 3943 Can, Liquid Air 4.50,, 4014 MH Health Unit 2113.30` 3944 Canadian Pacific ; ,~ ~~ 3b, 80 = 401$ Mid»West Paper;ti,td, 139.94 3945 ~, ,. Campbell Mack Sup, - -=~~' 4016 Mikes Royalite Ser. 4.70 3946 Gent, Sales ~ Serv,. 1b5,73~ 4017 Mine Safety Appl. 136.64 3947 Cent. Sc, Co, of Can, 37.33` 4018 Modern Auto Serv, 82.65 3948 Centur~r Sales 51,70' 4019 Modern Car Supply 213.39 3949 Mr, H, Christensen 12.78- 4020 Murray Gordon Mach, 26.60"' 3950 Mrs. L. E', Christianson 209,OOt~ 4021 Mrs. Don Murray 20.00 3951 Clarke Irwin ~ Co. 19.12 4022 Mr, F, Muzichuk 16.98 3952 Mr. R.C.Clyne 34.95`° 4023 Mrs, Betty Neufeld 24.69 3953 Mr. R,C,Clyne 11.88- 4024 Mr, J, Neufeld 170,601' 3954 Coutts Mach. Ltd. 241.254- 4025 Newell Plumb. ~ H, 2.60 3955 Mr. Noel Crapo 5.88 4026 Niagra Brand Chem ; 1140.00 3956 Crown Lumber Co. 350.73 4027 Nobel Cultiv, Ltd, 66,05~~ 3957 Mrs. D. Daniels 10.00 4028 Off. Of Queen Print er 2.00 3958 Fred. Daniels 15,5 4029 Olson$s Serv, x'4,60 3959 Delday~s Brooks Trans , b2.76'~ 4030 Oxford Univ. Press 8.60 3960 J,M,Dent ~ Son 18.88- 4031 Pardee Equip, Co, 87.30` 3961 Dept.. Of Agric 2330.00 4032 J. J, Penner 28,00 3962 Duchess Garage 92.20"° 4033 Mr. John Penner 169.35 3963 Village of Duchess 39.70 A 4034 Penner Service 15.35 39b4 Mrs, Nick Dueck; 97.504, 4035 Petty Cash 43.47-~ 39650, G. Dugstad 15b,20z~ 4036 G,W, Philpott 124.70`" d3966Mrs. L. Dunbar 47.80'= 403'7 E.L. Porter 16,.00 `< 3967 Mrs. L. Dunbar 135.40 4038 Prov. Treas. 2.,50 3968 E.Ir,~D. 185.42 4039 Prov. Treas. 13049.71 .; 3969 E,I,D, 21.55x, 4040 Ralston Co*op 88,3b 3970 The Edm, Journal 98,00 4041 Prov. Treas. 104397,00 3971 E.I,D, Med. Assoc. 3,00`' 4042 J, L, Rawleigh~Son 113.13 3972 Elect. .Equip. 20.63 4043 Redcliff Drug Store 15.8$ 3973 Mrs. B, Evans 112,50' 4044. Revelstk, Build. Sup. 5,10 k. 3974 Ferguson Supp. C'o. 1990.003, 4045 Revelstk,Build.Sup, 260,00' 3975 Flannagon Bros 22,14= 4046 Mrs, Elain Robinson 12.00. 397b Franklins Tire Ltd, 45.10 4047 Mr, David Rogalsky 62.50 3977 Mr. E'„ H. Gabert 47-.94` 4048 Vill, of Rosemary 124.504 3978 Mr, B. Gallivan 20.00' 4049 Royal C'an, Geo. Soc. 18,00- 3979 Gay's Store 24.~3:~ 40$0 Mrs. S. F, Rust 86.00 3980 Gem Gen, Store bb,b9' 4057- Sask. Star Phoenix 1b3,03 3981 George's B,A, Serv, 65.52 4052 Wm Sheldrake 171.50 3982 Gest. Canada d Ltd. 4,74=: 4053 Smith Trucking Ser, 189.0 3983 Ginn F~ Company 6.,51 ` 4054 R, L, Sovdi 5004,+ 3984 ~ . E, Greer. Ltd. 317.50 ~ 4055 Stand, Auto Parts 2.9 3 °~~ 3985 The Guidance Centre 31.76' 4056 St~lles iiThe Drug,l~ 13.20 398b The Halifax Herald 151.30 4057 Street Robins N1,~rrioah338.00 3987 FORM 149-P-Special fUNICIPAL S[:PPLfES LTD. ~:. ', ' . s: »bF. 4058 Suff. Gas Distr. 4.70 ~ 4059 Mrs. Eileen Swenson 42.00 4060 Mrs. Ray ~3wenson 80, OO v 4061 Don Tarney 18.18°~ 4062 R. A. Taylor 110.00 ¢063 Taylor Pearson ~ Car .200.64'~ 4064 Tilley Motors 62.55 4065 Mr. G.P.Timko 29.58- 4066 Transmisson Supp. 73.26" 4067 Underwood McLillian 1000.00' 4068 Pete Wallace;, 5.00` 40b9 Mr. D. Warkentin ~175.0q 4070 Waterous Equip Ltd. 818.31` ¢071 Welders Supp. Ltd 26.77 4072 Mrs. B.P.Wells 36.OOa 4073 W. H. Wheler 20.OOs 4074 Mrs. J.J. White 6.83 4075 Mr. x. wilbe 95.ooa 4076 Mr. John Willms 216.00'' 4077 Wilson~s Stat. C 15.28 0 ~~ 4078 upp Wilsons Build. . 2. 7 4079 Wittigs of Rosemary 5.69'° 4®80 Mr. D. Friesen 36.21 4e~,~ Mr. K. Majeau 13.88 482 Alta. Gov. Tele. 22.85 4883 Cancelled. u. Carried. • • • • . • • • Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. . . . . .. R eve ,, ,~ ~~ Secre ry..~reasurer. ~ -----'" tM 149-P-Speoial ',CIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. Approved by the Department of Municipal Affairs-14182 MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD.-fiDMONTON AND CALGARY Estimates Form County (or) ~~.~~~ Uf N1~WE;LL 1~l O. 4 Year 196 Estimates as required by Section 331 of The Municipal District Act, R.S.A., 1955 (Revised February, 1962) INSTRUCTIONS The Estimates herein are to be based on the principle that Estimated Expenditures for the Current Year be met from Estimated Revenues of the Current Year only. This Estimate form is entirely for the purpose of establishing the various Mill Rates required for taxation to meet the current year's requirements. Please note that the terms Revenue and Expenditure are not synonymous with the terms Receipts and Payments. Unpaid Accounts from previous years are to be liquidated from collection of arrears of taxes and revenues other than for the current year. That is to say: liabilities already having been provided for in previous years budgets, should only be paid from previous years revenues. For example:-bank loans outstanding should be met from revenues of previous years. Principal payments on loans should not be budgeted for. It is assumed that the County or Municipal District will desire to establish a Reserve Fund; conse- quently, only that part of the SURPLUS Cash Funds should be included in the Revenue Estimates, which the Council feel should be used to reduce the tax levy after due consideration is given to the question as to whether or not the Surplus Cash Fund should be reduced. Certified a True and Correct Copy of Estimates finally Approved at Council Meeting of____________June___7t___________________ p-6-~_ 1 ~ ~ ---~ ~, j' / ~~ i ,~ __ , 5 / d °` CIiAIRMA. (OR) REEVE (SEC.-TREAS.~_.__ By-law No._____25~___________authorizing mill rates for the current year finally passed at Council Meeting of -----------June--- 7th -------~--------------------------19_ ~? 3__. REVENUE Actual Revenue Estimated Revenue For Precious Year For Current Year SURPLUS CASH FUNDS Portion to be used in Current Year__________________________________________Sub-Total:- LICENSES AND PERMITS Professional and Business---------------•-----------------------------------------------------•-------------- Building I'ermits_--------------------------------------------------------•-------------------------------•--------- Mobiie Homes-----------------------------------------•------------------------•------------------------------------ 11'lobile Equipment Licensing Act------•--------------------------------------------------------------- Other (Specify)._____._Oil___Well__Drlling__Tax_________________________•________. x Sub-Total :- RENTS, CONCESSIONS AND FRANCHISES Sundry Rentals----------------------------------------------------------------------------•------------------------- Concessions and Franchises----------------------------------------------------------------------•--------- Otlier (SpecifY)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•------ Sub-Total :- F 1 N ES .... ............................•---------....._..-----...-------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total :- INTEREST, TAX PENALTIES, ETC. Interest and Exchange----------------------------------------------------~ Penalties and Costs on Tax Arrears_____________________________. Tax Sale Surplus Transferred to General Account_.__.. Other (SpecifY)-------------------------------•-----------•--------------------- Sub-Total -- 6 ,.7 2 ::--- ~:~-4 ~ =~------- --------------------------- SERVICE CHARGES - -- Commissions-------------------------•--------------------------------•------------------------------------------•------ ------------- ------ Certificates and Search Fees---------------------•-------------------------------------•---------------------- -------------~~----------- Sanitary Charges________________________Sewer Service Charges_____________________________.______ ___._______________.__________ Custom Work--------------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------•---------- Other (Specif ----------- Y ---------------------------•----------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total:- 206 RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Recreation--------------------------------CommunitY----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Other (SpecifY)--------------•-•------•-----------------------------------•---------------•-------___._---------------- Sub-Total :- CONTRIBUTIONS, GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES Dominion Government -Winter Works-------------~------------•------------------------- -------- -------- Other (Dominion)-----------•---•---------------------°--------------°------------.__.-------------------- ------•- -------- Provincial Government -Winter Works__________________________________________________ ________ ________ 15 Municipalities Assistance Act__-------------------------------------------•---------------•--------- -------- -- - Homes For Aged and Infirm Act-------------•------------------------------------------•--------- -------- ---__•_ Public Welfare Assistance Act_•--------------------•----------•------------------------------------ -------- --10 Road Grant---------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-------------------- -------- ------- Agricultural Service Board---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -------- Lands and Forests Leases________________________Crown Prop. Grant____________________ ______._ _____ Other Provincial Grants (Specify}__ Bruce llo ~ s_____________________________ ________ _____1 Own 11'Iunicipality- In Lieu of Taxes_____________________________________________________ _________ ________ Other - (Private Individuals, etc.) (Specify)____________________________________________ ________ - - - ~ Q_9Q-------- -----------}-~ 0 0 ------.. ------------------------------ 12 .500 ------------------------------ --------------2 Q 4 -------- ------------------------------ ~.QO ,_ i ---------------------- ---------------------- ---- ---------- --------- ------- -- 3_~_-~'7-5----- --- -------- 3 =-~-q b-------- 7-~--3 41----- 3-t ~-~------ 4_}2.~------ 4-}_7.3.2------ --- --- --- --- _ -- t o o_, 0 0 0-----•-- - ------ -~-a-Q_0_Q-------- 1. -----lA~-~-QQ 0.------- -----~.~.~ o_Q4-------- - Sub-Total : 3 0 0 0.500 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE (Specify) ----Sale---o f __ Old__ Snow _-Plow,~----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------3g 5 -------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------~txx~d~~-------------------------------------------------------------------- --__----------B-~Q-------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------p4u?~~----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------44-------- ------------------------------ Sub-Total :- 1.2 7 9 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN FROM CURRENT TAXES_________ BALANCE REQUIRED FROM CURRENT TAXES Real Property (Land, Buildings and Improvements)______________________________________ Local I mprovements-•--------------------------------------------------------------------•----------•----------- Fron to ge-----------------------------------------------------------•------------------------------------------------------ Electric Light and Power----------------------------------------------•---------------.__-------------------- Pipe I.ine-•--•--------------------------•---------------•----------------------------------------------------------------- Business----------------------•---------------•---------------------------------------------------------------------------• Sub-Total :- TOTAL:- DEFICIT:- GRAND TOTAL:- 327,459 314.,700 - S ~ 2_,~ 211-------- ---~5_1s-8-54----_..- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------------ 532,211 551,854 859,670 8bb,554 _ 60,763 ____ 920,433 X866,554 Actual Estimated EXPENDITURE Expenditure for Expenditure for Previous Year Current Year GENERAL GOVERNMENT Salaries -Sec.-Treas_________________ Assistants____.______._.._ Assessor..__....._ Audit Fee________________________________________ Councillors' Fees_______._..__.._.._____._ Postage, Telephone_..__._______________ Printing, Stationery, Supplies____.__. Bond, Insurance------------------------ Legal, Tax Recovery, L.T.O._____._._. Elections, Plebiscites, `'otes________________________Delegates_..__.._._.__.._____.____. Rent, Office Utilities, Caretaking, etc___________________________________________________ Association Fees____________________________Superannuation_.........._..._..__:_____._._.. Sundry--------------------------------------------------------------------------•---------~ --------:.:-------- ----- -----2-4 ~ 16-~--•----~ -------32-a ~_4_ Q----- ----- --------4-~ 0 0 ~.------- -----------4 X 0 0 0----- ----- --------~,~ ~ 2-------- -----------~-~-4 0 Q---.. ----- --------2-,.931-------- -----------2.,..409..._. Sub-Total: PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY Fi re----------------------•-----------------Police-----•---------------------------•--------•--------------...------------ Street Lighting------------------------------•--------------------------------•----------------------•--------------- Pests and Weeds----------------------------------------Pound-------------------------------•---------•------ Agricultural Service Board--------------------------------------------•--------------•-•-------------------- Sundry (SpecifY)-----------------------•--•-----------------------------------........------------------------------ Sub-Total:- *PUBLIC WORKS Labour---------------------------------------------------------------••---•------------------------------------------------- Machinery Repairs--------•---------------•------------------------------------------------------------------------ Material____________________________Workmen's Compensation Board______.._...._______._________ -Survey_s.,--_ Counc 1._.S~RervsiQn,_-_ M~ ~t~ng~•______________•__-.._- Ma.ch__Hir_e_,___Mileage,-__~.u1v e~ ts.__•------------------------ _Gr_a V~1~.a~ng-}---Sunday,.--~.m.all---~~s~l~.,.__Zn~.o--- - -----------• --- -- Sub-Total :- SANITATION AND WASTE REMOVAL______________________________Sub-Total:- H EALTH Public Health, Clinics, M.H.O., etc---------------•----------------------------------------------------- 1Gledical, Dental, Nursing, Drugs, etc. (Include Indigents)____________________________ Indigent Hospital Care________________ Control of Commun. Diseases..________._________ Sub-Total SOCIAL WELFARE Aid to Aged and Infirm (Maintenance)_---__-.._.C_hi_ld__ We-lfare___-_•_ ------- Aid to Unemployed Employable (Exclude Health)__________________________________________ Grants (Specify)____________________________________ Others (Specify) IJ~~mP~b~,.~-~______ Sub•Total: $EDUCATION -SCHOOL RE®UISITIONS Sub-Total:- RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ,Sub-Total DEBT CHARGES Temporary Debt Charges (interest and Exchange)__________________________________________ Debenture Debt Charges (include Sewer) (Exclude Utilities)_________________________ Sub-Total :- UTILITIES AND OTHER MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES Deficits Provided -Electric Light________________________Waterworks_____._.________________ Municipal Levies (Water Frontage Tax)____________________________________________________________ Other (SpecifY)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total :- PROVISION FOR RESERVES Uncollectable Taxes____________________________Accounts Receivable._..__._._.___.__ Contingencies________________________________________Future Expenditures____.__..__._____ ----- -----------1., 0 4 4.---- 10~ 0~ 0.561 '0.500 --__12.x118--------- --------12_y Q 04 _._.. 0.5.440 I 308 , 000 -----------11-~-------- -----------------2 9 ~----- 115 200 ------------1.31,----•--- ------1 s 11g -------- ~ nRh --------- -------2-40----- -----------1 ~-~ ~ ~----- ~ ,nnn 6,336 ~ 6,400 436,168 :~77, 648 ---------------------------- 1,156 ------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------------ -----~--------2-x22-3--------- -----------2-~~~ ~ ---.. Sub-Total :- CONTRIBUTIONS TO RESERVE FUNDS Sub-Total:- tCONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND Sub-Total :- JOINT OR SPECIAL EXPENDITURES Alberta Hospitals Act Requisition__________________________________________________________________ Hospital Requisition-------------------------------------------------------------'---------------------------- Health Unit Requisition________________ Homes for the Aged Act Req.____._________ Other (SpecifY)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total :- MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES Discount on Current Taxes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trade and Industrial Development____________________________________________________________________ Civil Defence------------------------------------Other--------------------•------------------------------------- Sub-Total :- DEFICITS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS Sub-Total:- TOTAL EXPEI~rDITURE:- ° Capital Expenditures on Roads shall be deemed to in- clude: (a) New Construction, (b) Acquisition of Land SURPLUS:- and Rights-of-~'Vay, (c) Major Improvements such as Surfacing, ~tiidening, etc., and should be included in GRAND TOTAL:- Contributions to General Capital and Loan Fund Classi- fication. $ Education-For Details See Back Page. j' Capital Expenditure-For Details See Back Page. 2,223 2,.500 33,022 18,000 33,022 18,000 ----~ 8,-1 g-8--------- ---11-~-~ 2 ~--------- --------4 0-,_ 0 0 0------ --------12-~-~ ~-~------ .50,108 52,000 _._,~ 1_,.5.7_.5--------- ----------------------------- -------22_,_4 Q_4_-__-- ------------------------------ 21,575 22,000 DETAILS OF AMALGAM Lxpenditttre or P.~~duisition For Current Year $ EDUCATION The School Foundation Program__________ _________3.7.3._,_1.x.3.___..__ County, School Div. or District No. Name HEALTH Alberta Hospitals Act________________________________ ______ Hospital District No. Name Brooks -------------•------------------~as.sax~o---------------•--..._ ------ Auxiliary Hospital District No. Name Asses~ecl Valuations (Dollars Only) 1.4..r.4_a~_,$2~ iviui r-stu~iateu ttevenue Ratcs From Tax Levy For Current Year -----~y-~-~ Q-r1-1-~-~-- -----------2.72_,_3-Q-~-- Medical Contract---------------------------------------- -------------•---------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------- ----------------------~----------------- Health Unit------Medicine-_.Hat------------ -------------8_,_00_..------ -1--~a-_42-.~_~._4~.5------ -------~------ --------~Q s-4-2-5---------------- Nursing Service-------------------------------------------- -------•------------------------•--- ------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------...------------------------- MUNICIPAL Municipal-General---------------------•-------------- -------12_4_,..~.~~--------- -10x_4-25_x42-5------- ----a-~------- ----1,5.6-~-~-8-1---------------- Debenture Debt Service----------------••---------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ---------------- ---------------...-•-------------------- Civil Defence-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------•---------------------- ----•----------- ---------------------------------------- TOTALS-------------------------------------- 5 51, 8 54 610 , 44 3 t DETAILS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL FIXED ASSETS AMOUNT General Government (Specify)--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protection to Persons and Property (Specify)_____________________________________________ Public Works (Specify)___Road___Sloper-,--Windrowers_____________________ ---------------- Mi s c_,_---Shop--- ~s~u 1 R-•---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health, Social Welfare (Specify)----------------------------------------------------------------------- Recreation and Community Services (Specify)___________________________________________ Miscellaneous (Specify) ----------------------•---------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL EXPENDITURE------------------------------------------------------------------- ,TED TAX LEVY ---------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------~_} 0 0 Q----------------- --•------------------- -------1Q__ 0 ~ Q.----•----------- 18,000