HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-06-07 Council (Regular) Minutes~ ~,)
County of Newell No. 4
County Council
June '7th 1963
The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County
of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks
Albertan at 10:00 a.m. on Fridays June 7th 1963.
. . .
Members present
Asst. Sec«~Treas
N.A. Shuttleworth
A. Chrumka
A. Bccles
Jas. Hajash
F. Mandeville
R. Armstrong
R~ Eastman
Ben Plumer
D. James
. . . . . •
The minutes of the previous meeting of May 10th,, 1963
were read and adopted.
. . . . . .
Moved by Councillor Chrumkaa that the Secretaryfis state..
ment of Receipts and Payments for the month of May be
• i • i O •
The 196364 Agricultural Service Board Agreement was read
and ordered filed.
. • . .
P.F.A• Report No. 12 was read and ordered filed.
f • • . • •
A letter from the Department of Agriculture re A.R.D.A.
Committee was ready and it was
Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth?that the Agricultural
Service Board be set up as the Local A.R.A.A. Committee,
. . . . .
A letter from the Department of Mines re the Surface
Reclamation Act was ready and it was
Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth that Councillor Armstrong
be appointed as County member to the Surface Reclamation
Board. Carried.
• • 4 • • •
(Secretary's note~(The above appointment is Ultra Vires of
the Statutes Section 4}
. . , . .
Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the Bridge Agreement
with the Department of Highways dated March 26th, 1963
be approved.
• • A • • •
Correspondence from the Railway Transport Commissioners
and the C.P.R~ estimate of costs for the Automatic Signal
at the Kinbrook Island Park road railroad crossing east
of the Town of Brooks were read and ordered filed.
. . .
FORM 149-P-Special
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Plans for the R.E'•A•~s of Tilley and One Tree were received
from Farm Blectric Services and approved by the Councillors
. • . . . .
Moved by Councillor Eccles that the plans for the O~ae
Tree R•E'•A• be approved,
• • • w • •
Moved by Councillor C'hrumka~ that the plans for the Tilley
R•E'•A• be approved,
. . • • . .
A letter from Jubilee Insurance Agencies re various Insur.-.
ante Suggestions was read and ordered filed.
. • . .
A letter from Crossland Peacocks re the Minor Murray
Insurance Claim was read and ordered filed.
• • • • 1 f
I ~ ~~
A letter from P•D. Hargrave re Agricultural Tour of
visitors was read and ordered filed.
. . . . •
A letter from Canadian Good Roads Association was read
and ordered filed.
. • • • .
A letter of request from Brooks Dollars for Scholars for
a donation was read and ordered filed.
. . . . • .
Applications from Town ~ Rural Planning were presented to
the Councillor concerned
Moved by Councillor Hajash that application 63..»Dw28'7 be
• • • • •
Moved by Councillor C'hrumka~ that application 63«»D~-.263 be
• • • w • •
Moved by Councillor Hajash~ that application 63«..D.-.265 be
. . . . •
Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that applications 63»Dt»250
and 63~Dti125, be approved„
. • . • • •
A letter from Department of Highways re the proposed
Paving Policy was read and ordered filed.
. • . • . .
A letter from the Eastern Irrigation District re the addti
ition of further Main District Highways was read and
ordered file~l.•
• . . . •
Moved by Councillor Plumer~that Bylaw 250 to set the 1963
Mill Rates in accordance-with previous motions be given
lst~ 2nd and 3rd readings and finally passed.
Carried Unanimously.
• • • . .
FORM 749-P-Special
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Reports of Committees
~' ., ~ 1'~
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School Committee
Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the report of the School
Committee be accepted,
. . . . . .
Municipal Committee
Moved by Councillor Hajash~ that the report of the Muni-.
icipal Committee be accepted,
. . . .
Adjourned forllunch
12=45 to 2:00 p.mw
. . . . . .
Hospital Committee
Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the
Hospital Committee be accepted.
. . . .
~~;ricultural Service Board
Moved by Councillor E'astman~ that the report of the
Agricultural Service Board be accepted.
. . . . . .
Moved by Councillor Eastman that the Department of Agric»
,, ~ ~ ulture be requested to reduce the cost of Dimethanate and
Malathion to $8.00 per gallon.
F/ Carried.
. . . . . .
Civil Defence
No Report,
Senior Citizens
No Report.
. w • s • w
Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that certain considerN
ation be acoorded to Mr. Ayling on account of his ill
. . .
Moved by Council lor Mandeville that the following accounts
be passed for payment=
$637 Alta Blue Cross 41.45 ~ 3658 Mrs. E. Creybohn 25.004
3638 Newell P1bg ~ Hag 3.59 3659 Mrs., L. Miscekas 50.00
3639 Nesbitt Pub Co 77.00 ~: 3bb0 Bnk NS Cr N. Dueck 350.00
3640 Can Liquid Air 4.50 "= 3b61 Mr. Wm. Lauver 351.00`
~~ 3b41 A.G.T. 158.05 3662 Bnk NS Cr A.Lepp 450.OOb'
` 3b42 Ken Sage 25.00` 3bb3 Mr. M, Miedinger 1250.00
3643 Robert Henderson 25.00 3664 TrBr Cr D.F. Seely 500.00'`
3644 Postmaster 95.00` 3665 NS Cr Vic Zacharias 372.00
3645 County of Newell 15.00.• 3bbb NS Cr H.D. Neufeld 3b5.00
3646 RH Sav ~ Cr Union 20.00 3bb7 Beieler ~ Winter 143.00
3b47 Royal Bank of C'an 70.00`~ 3bb8 M.S.I. 552.00
3b48 Brks Sav ~ Cr Union 100.00' 3669 Motor Vehicle Br 1w00~
3649 RH Sav ~ C'r Union 25.00< 367o H.C. Scammell 42.70
3b50 Jacob Neufeld 70w60~+ 3b71 Cancelled ~
3651 County of Newell 38908.324 3672 A.G.T. 25.90''
3652 Bd of Admin TRF 1905.33$' 3673 G. Gay 4
3653 ATA 392.25`° 3b74 Mrs, B.J. Tarney .
3654 Petty Cash 39.024` 3675 Bow Slope Mut Tele 9.75`
3655 C.L. Kadey loo.oo~~ 367b D.N. James 100.00'
3656 Mrs H, Ostafichuk 30.00 3677 Kevin Majeau 40.00°`
3657 Mrs.Ida 2ibe11 12.00 3678 Paul Robinson ¢0.00`°'
FORM 749-P-Special
~ ..) ~'
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3679 D.G. Tarney 40.00"d 3727 Imperial Industries 6.00'
3680 Tilley Gas Co Ltd 51.3ot 3728 Joe~s Blacksmith ~ W 8.50,
3681 Rec Gen of C'an 364.32: 3729 Fred Kautz 240.64'
3682 Rec Gen of Can 5788.35ta 3730 Kitchener Pr Serv 93.00'
3683 County of Newell 8080.32 3731 Mr. E.S. Kloepper 5.$0
3684 Alta Assn of M.D. 1254.08ti~ 3732 Lake Mtor Serv 354.94
3685 Alta school Trustees 50.00' 3733 Land Titles Office 100.00,
3686 Allied Chemical Serv 86.¢0 3734 V.H. Lawrence 165.66
3687 E'. Axelson 35.00~ 3735 Mrs.JM. Lester 24.00
3688 E'. Baldwin 228.64: 3736 K.N. Lintott 3S.'~0
3688 Bellmac Supply Co 212.00 3737 Lockton Earth Mov 276.OOv
3680 R. Bishel 83.81> 3738 Marshall Wells St 145.70.
3681 Mrs.A.G. Bloomquist 10.25 3739 Marshall's Book St 15.12.
3682 Blue Bird Bus Sales 235.20 3740 Mid«aWest_Paper 257.93°'
3693 Bow Slope Shipping 306.27" 3741 Mid.»West Paper 277.96.
3694 Brake»Drome 96.84 3742 Modern Auto Serv 217.45
3695 Brent'~s Mends Wear 21.40 3743 Motor C'ar Supply 432.61
3686 Br Am_Oil C® 403.80` 3744 Murray Gordon Mach 13.53
3697 Town of Brooks 51.00: 3745 Mrs. Betty Neufeld 16.25'
3688 Brooks Co»op Assn 2835.02 3746 Niagara Brand Chem 798.00.
3699 Brooks Pharmacy 5.95~~ 3747 01son~s Serv 7.80,
3700 Brooks Tire Serv 2.00' 3748 Pontings Serv 5.30
3701 Bruce Robinson E'lec 38.65<' 3749 E.L, Porter 13.00
3702 Brunsden Agencies 1601.9 3750 PremierCycle ~ Sp 108.20°
3703 Burroughs Bus Mach .70$" 3751 Quill ~ Quire 2.00
3704 B»Wys Nissen Sales 234.00• 3752 J.L., Rawleigh ~ Son 100.68°~
3705 Eric Byer 297.50 3753 Miss M. Renwick 20.00
3706 Calgary Power 32.00 3754 " " " 20.00
3707 Canada West Prod 31.50" 3755 Revelstoke Bldg Mat 1.05
3708 Calta Metal Prod 262.68 3756 Mrs. E. Robinson 36.00
3708 Can Linen Supply 6.50 3757 Village of Rosemary 124.50'
3710 Can Lit}uid Air Co 5.50 3758 Royal Lumber Yards 39.06
3711 Can Propane Consol 81.82 3759 School Book Br 421.37-
3712 Central Scientific 152.79 3760 Smalley~s Radio 4.06
3713 Century Sales 37.23- 3761 Street Robbins Mor 553.54'°
3714 Crown Lumber Co 522.87 3762 Mrs. E.J. Swenson 12.00<
3715 Deldays Transport 97.374 3763 Tay~:or Pearson Cars 157.53
3716 Denoyer»Geppert Co 3339.10' 3764 Thomas Allen Ltd 31.02`'
3717 Village of Duchess 312.66 3765 Time Inc Books 29.25"
3718 Duchess Garage 49.90 3766 Transmission Suppl 335.02
3719 E'ID 22.95~~ 3767 Tunney~s Body Shop 130.80
3720 EID Medical Assoc 7.00 3768 Underwood McLellan lg3o.oo•
3721 E'ID Medical Assoc 6.00'' 3768 R.W. Weiler 18.11
3722 Electric Equip 35.45 3770 Welders Supplies 15.60'`
3723 Ginn ~ Co 2.54' 3771 The Willson Stat 30.06
3724 The Guidance Centre 6.35'' 3772 W.H. Wheeler 52.00'
3725 Greene Const 480.57 3773 ~»L Feed F~ Supply 2.90
3726 W.E'. Greer Ltd 217.24
. . . .
Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.me
. . . . . •
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Asst Secretary»Treasurer
FORM 149-P-Special