HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-01-03 Council (Organizational) Minutes~: 3
County of Newell No. 4 =''
Statutory Meeting
January 3rd, 1963
In accordance with the requirement of the Municipal
District Act R.S.A. Chapter 21$ Section 39 and amend-
mentsthereto, the Statutory Meeting of the Council of
the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office
in Brooks, Alberta, at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 3rd,
. .
Members present, Councillors N.A. Shuttleworth
A. Chrumka
A Eccles
F. Mandeville
Jas. Hajash
R. Armstrong
R. Eastman
Ben Plumer
G. Douglass
Secretary-Treas H. Scammell
. .
All Councillors present signed the declaration of Oath
of Office.
. .
Councillor N.A. Shuttleworth was unanimously elected
County Chairman for the ensuing year.
. .
Councillor Jas. Hajash, Jr., was unanimously elected
County Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.
. .
The following nominations were made for the Municipal
Armstrong by Eastman
Hajash by Mandeville
Douglass by Shuttleworth
Shuttleworth by Douglass
Chrumka by Hajash
Eccles by Plumer
Moved by Councillor Plumer, that nominations cease.
As a result of 9 ballots cast, the following were elected
as the Municipal Committee:
R. Armstrong
Jas. Hajash
G. Douglass
N.A. Shuttleworth
. .
R, Armstrong was unanimously elected Chairman of the
Municipal Committee.
. .
The following nominations were made for the School
Eastman by Plumer
Hajash by Chrumka
Chrumka by Armstrong
Plumer by Douglass
Mandeville by Hajash
Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that nominations cease.
FORM 149-P-Special
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As a result of 9 ballots cast, the following were
elected to the school Committee:
Ben E. Plumer
R. Eastman
Aw Chrumka
F'w Mandeville
• . • • •
Councillor Ben Ew Plumer was unanimously elected chair.
man of the School Committee.
. • • .
The following nominations were made for the Hospital
Armstrong by Eastman
Eastman by Chrumka
Eccles by Mandeville
• . • • • •
Moved by Councillor Plumer that nominations cease.
• . . • •
There being only the required number of members nominated
all were unanimously elected to the Hospital Committee.
. . • • w •
Councillor Eastman was unanimously elected Chairman
of the Hospital Committee.
. . • • •
The following nominations were made for the Agricultural
Service Boards
Eccles by Hajash
Eastman by Chrumka
Hajash by Armstrong
• • • . • •
r / Moved by Councillor C'hrumka~ that nominations cease•
As a result of g ballots cast, the following were
elected to the .Agricultural Service Board:
R• Eastman
Jas. Hajash
. • • • . •
Councillor Eastman was unanimously elected chairman
of the Agricultural Service Board.
• • • • • .
Councillor Chrumka, was unanimously elected County
Representative on the Medicine Hat Health Unit.
• • • • • •
Councillor Mandeville was unanimously elected Director
of Civil Defence for the County.
• w
Councillor Hajash was unanimously elected County member
of the Farm Purchase Board.
• . . . . •
The following Farm members were nominated for the Agric«.
ultural Service Board=
Geo. Larson by Councillor Shuttleworth
Art Arrison ~y Councillor Armstrong
• • • • w w
Moved by Councillor Plumer that nominations cease•
• • . • • .
Mr. Geo. Larson and Mr, Art Arrison were unanimously
appointed to the Agricultural Service Board.
• • • 4 • •
PRft7 149-P-Special
The following were nominated for the Newell Foundation:
Hajash by Mandeville
Eccles by Plumer
• ~i • o e •
As a result of 9 ballots casts it resulted that J• Hajash
was elected as County member to the Newell Foundation,
with Councillor Eccles to act as alternate member.
Moved by Councillor Plumer.~ that the signing authorities
for the County remain the same as in 1962 namely, the
Chairman or ViceAChairman with either the Secretary=
Treasurer or the Assistant SecretaryTreasurer.
• e' e • • e
Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that Bevan F~ Hutch be
appointed as auditors for the Z`ountyfor 1963.
• 4 • • ~ ~ •'
The bonds--of the Secretary.Treasurer~ Assistant
Secretary..Treasurer and Accountant were presented
and approved by all members of the Councils
• o • • •' o
The following were nominated to comprise the Court of
Revision for 1963:
Shuttleworth by Plumer
Plumer by Armstrong
Eccles by Douglass
Armstrong by Hajash
Mandeville by Chrumka
Moved by Councillor Hajash that nominations cease.
There being only the required number of councillors
nominated, all were unanimously elected as members of
the Court of Revision for 1963.
• • • •~ . .
Moved by Councillor Douglass, that Bylaw ~ 241 to
borrow300x000.00 be given lst, 2nd and 3rd readings
and finally passed.,
Carried Unanimously
. • • • • •
Moved by Councillor Eastman, that H•C• Scammell be
appointed as Public Welfare Officer for the County.
• .' .~ • . •
Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth, that tenders be
called for 4 54~passenger School Busses.
r •' • ~ t' •
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 noon.
e o • o • •
Secre ry. reasurer
FORM 749-P-Spxial
,~ ~~
County of Newell No. 4 m '==
A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4 to provide for
the inclusion of certain members of its administrative
staff under the Local Authorities Pension Act.
Whereas, under the provisions of the Local Authorities
Pension Act, it is possible for employees of the County
to be included in its benefits
and whereas, the Council of the County of Newell No. 4
is desirous of assisting in this purpose.
Therefore, be it resolved that the County of Newell No. 4
authorizes the recognition of the Local Authorities
Pension Act to the members of its administrative staff
in the following categories:
Office Staff H.C. Scammell
D.N. James
M. Iwaasa
Miss D. Houseman
Agric. service Bd. G. Philpott
School Maintce. K. Lintott
A. C.yr
Public Works 0, I~ugstad
A. Beieler
.Asst. Secretary~Treas.
And Further be it resolved, that all of the funds now
credited to H.C. Scammell and D.N. James in the Municipal
Secretaries Superannuation Fund, andfor the School Sec»
retaries Superannuation Fund be held for the credit of
these individuals in the Local Authorities Pension Act.
Done and passed this 11th day of January 1963.
`_ --- _ __
~ ~ --
C'ha i rma n
Se ret ryW reasurer --- - --~
'ORM 149-P-Speeiai