HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-10 Council (Regular) Minutes~~~
County of Newell No. 4 4`~ ~? ~,
County Council Meeting
November 10th, 1961
The Regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County
of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks
Alberta at 10:00 a•m• on Fridays November 10, 1961.
. . • . .
Members present Chairman
Assist, SecHTreas
N. A• Shuttleworth
R, Eastman
F. Mandeville
G, Douglass
P. McAleese
R• Armstrong
A. Chrumka
J. Hajash~ Jr.
B• E. Plumer
D• N. James
. . . .
Minutes of the previous meeting of October 6th, 1961
were read and adopted.
• • w • • • e
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that the Barn at Bow
City be sold to J. Ross McKay for $76.00 and the Teacher.-.
~~ age be sold to L. D. Smith for $200.00 upon receipt of
/t ~ ~ his formal tender for same.
/ Carried.
. • . . . • .
Moved by Councillor McAleese that the statement of Receipts
and Expenditures for the month of October be approved„
~ . . • • • •
Letter from Medicine Hat Health Unit re appointment of
Medical Dentist was read and ordered filed•
w w • • • • •
Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth that the application for
Pool Hall at Rolling Hills be approved subject to approval
of all other regulations.
• • • • w • s
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that approval be given to
A•T• Nelson of Scandia for leasing of Road Allowance
subject to condition of Road Allowance Lease Act.
• K • • A • •
Semi Annual report was received from Medicine Hat Health
• w • • • •
Letter from Calgary School Board was read re Tuition fees
for Joan Douglass. They were to be advised that the
County would not be responsible for tuition as Grade 10
is being offered at Gem.
• . • •
Committee Reports
School Committee
Report of the School Committee was received. Moved by Coun«••
cillor Plumer~ that the old junk in storage at the yards be
given to the Civic Centre to be disposed of•
w • • w • • •
FORM 749-P-Special
Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that seepage pits be dug at
Gem and connected to sinks in the teacherages by our
County Crew. Work to be supervised by Councillor Bouglass,
• . . • . .
Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the school committee
report be accepted.
. . . , . .
Mr. Striker of Morrin~ met with the Council to discuss
the position of County Foreman. He was aske d to submit
formal application and await resignation of our present
• R • • • f •
Municipal Committee
Report of the Municipal Committee was received.
• • • s • • w
Moved by Councillor Hajash~ that approval be given to
Canadian Western Natural Gas Co, re road crossing at
P. Olson farm, Carried,
• w • • • • w
Moved by Councillor Hajash~ that the account from Modern
Auto Service for $104.90 for two 50 amp Generators be
refused and that we are willing to accept the two 40 amp
Generators as tendered.
• • • A • • 1
Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the
Municipal Committee be accepted. Carried.
. . • • . . •
Meeting adjourned for lunch
12:30 to 1:30 p.m,
. . . .
Agricultural Service Board
Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the
Agricultural Service Board be accepted.
a w • s • •
Hospital Committee
Councillor Eastman reported re new Secretary.~.Treasurer at
B~ssano~ unapproved costs etc.
Moved by Councillor Eastman that the Hospital report be
accepted. Carried,
w . . . .
Civil Defence
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that Ken Lintott~ and G•
Philpott be made available for the Civil Defence exercise
next week, Carried•
• • M • • i •
Moved by Councillor Mandeville! that Councillor Hajash act
as County representative for the forth coming Civil Defence
. • • .
Farm Purchase Board Nil report.
. . .
Newell Foundation Nil report.
. . • . • .
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that the Civil Defence
report be accepted. Carried.
, • • • • s •
Moved by Councillor McAleese~ that the following accounts
be gassed for payment:
FORM 149-P-Special
,~ 3 ~.
9723 County of Newell 1610.94` 9796 Tr•Br, Gr,M•Korithoski~lg0,~0~
9724 Dale Smith 5.60 X 9797 Mr• M• Miedinger 1250.00'°
9725 Coleman Plumbing 152.83. 9798 Mr. Vic Zacharias 372.00
9726 Mrs. J.M. Lester 12.OOt°- 9799 B o NS Cr A• Lepp 500.00_.
9727 Mrs, Ruth Bennett 12.00 8800 T Br Gr Deloy Seely 750.00,..
9728 Mrs• Sylvia Hellman 30~00'" g801 B o NS Cr H. Neufeld q.62.00..
9729 Eastern brig District 65.00 " g802 B of NS Cr N. Dueck 415.00-
9730 Town of Brooks 31.25 g803 B o NS Cr J,K.Purcell 248.43
9731 Alta Blue Cross 42.75. 9804 Mr. Wm Lauver 351.00
9732 Anderberg Bros 20.48'
~ 9805 Mr. A. Miller 130„50
9733 Budds 99 Service 6.00
~~' gg06 Mrs. Alice George 24.00
9734 Consolidated Concrete 87,36 ~ g8o7 County of Newell 15.00
9735 Can Propane Consol 88..00 ° 9808 Rol Hi11s Sav ~ Gr Un 20,00
9736 Can West Natural Gas 4.40 9809 Royal Bank of Can 70.00
9737 Gem-.Countess Mut Tel 10.15 8810 Brooks Sav ~ Gr Union 100,00
g738 Mrs. E. Snyder 12.00 g811 Rol Hills Sav ~ Cr Un 25.00-
9739 Village of Rosemary 175.50' 9812 Mrs. Edna Sears 24,00..-
9740 County of Newell 31.01 8813 D.C. Crerar 70,00
9741 Ponting Service 14.63 8814 County of Newell 25,00.`
9742 Gem Lumber Yard 46.52' 9815 B.W. Tibbitt 2.5,00"
9743 Wm Sheldrake 31.50'x 9816 Atlast Lumber Co, 20,00
9744 Geo Philpott 130,60`-` 9817 Leonard Chogi 8.00
9745 Eastern brig Dis 639.07 8818 B,Tibbitt Cr G.Bodmer 4000.00
9746 Johnson Controls Ltd 162.58 9819 G.L. Lokkton 100.00
9747 George Wiens 60.00 9820 Joe Volek 4.50
9748 Mr• J. A• Moir 75.00., 9821 Arthur Burton 7.$0
9749 Mr, N, E. Crapo 150.00. 9822 County of Newell 3 8200.94
9750 Patricia Garage 101.88 9823 B.A• Oil Co, 96.33
9751 Gen BiologicalSupply 99.90+ 9824 Thomas W, Charlton 80.03
9752 Cal ~ L7_oyd~'s Express 2.57 9825 Wm R. Endersby 100,00
9753 Scandia Service Station 6,60~_:, g826 Bd of Administrators 1913.15
9754 Dressel ~ Tell 161,50: T•R.F,
9755 Pioneer Lock F~ Safe Wk 2.50 9827 Alberta Teachers As 392.50
9756 Mr's. A. D. Kennedy 5.43 8828 H,C. Scammell 119.80a~
9757 Nesbitt Publishing 67.95~~ g829 B.W. Tibbitt $.80~
9758 Mrs• Mabel Vossler 44.38 9830 Mr, A. Miller 43.50x-°
9759 Mr, 8, R. Hrynewich 150,00! 8831 McNarland Plumbing 1425.00_..
9760 Mr. N, Dueck 36.00.:. 9832 Rec General of Can 516g,I0~
9761 Mr„ Ernest Axelson 18.00-- 9833 County of Newell 5622.91
9762 Prov Treasurer 635.31 8834 Rec General of Can 330.40
9763 Mr, Ray Swanson 647.13:. 9835 Tilley Gas Co 96,10
9764 Mr. 01e Sandvik 361.92 9836 Calgary Power 5.70
976$ Petty Cash 32r8o,.. gg37 Ben E. Plumer 100.00
9766 Farmers Union of Alta 6$,OO~ gg38 R. Eastman 100.00:
9767 The Director V„L,A, 7,54- g839 C. 0. Colbens 100.00
9768 W• D. LeBaron 56.77 9840 Gan Western Nat Gas 6.68,,..
9769 Alta Govt Tele 123.85 8841 Mr. P. McAleese 100,00
9770 Rosemary Gen ~ Lumber 18.36 9842 Mr. Fred Mandeville 100,00:«
9'771 Construction Equip 70.89 ,g 843 Mr• R. Eastman 100.00`
9772 School Book Branch 1825.74 X 9844 Mr, A. Chrumka 100.00
9773 E•I,D• 14.60' 9845 Mr. B.E. Plumer 100.00
9774 M.S•I. 6g6,00',: g846 Alta Assoc o Mun Dis 3825.97 .
9775 Bruce Robinson E1ec 569.90. 9847 Alta National Drug Co 24.90
9776 Smith Davidson ~ Lec 205.57-. 9848 Alta Teachers .Assoc 15.75;x:;
9777 National Geographic 7.25 9849 Alta Wheat Pool 237.10
9778 County of Newell 91.88 9850 American Basic Science 31,0
9779 Coleman Plumbing 2000,OO~s g851 Greg D• Anderson 4,80-
9780 Alberta Govt Tele 31,95~~ 9852 Atlas Lumber Co 28.45.
9781 Bruce McLelland 678.80.':. 9853 Mr. E, Axelson 60.00.
9782 CJLH T,V, 5.00 9854 A. Baumann $,00 _
9783 Deanna Mortensen 6.50; 9855 Baillys MM Store 15.34
9784 Mrs. L. Dunbar 49.15_.. 8856 Ken Banek 6, 10 r.
9785 Deena M. Van Leeuwen 8,00 9857 Alf Beieler 63„80::
9786 Mr. W. Sinclair 1.77"' 8858 Lawrence Bent 23.15._
Mrs. E11a Drake
Mr. Henry Berg .
9788 Miss Elain Reynolds 2,80- 8860 Fred Betton 129.00
9789 Can Pacific Railway 14.12 8861 R, Bishel 64.53
9790 Smith Davidson ~ Lec 212.70~'g862 A,G. Bloomquist 6.30;_,,.
9791 Town of Brooks 7.50 8863 H,A. Bloomquist 144.99
9792 Ida Zibell 12,00: 8864 Brooks Coy-•op .Assoc 1580.29'
9793 Mrs, G, Van Oene 1$•00 9865 Brooks Garage 50.01:
9794 Mrs. E, Greybohn 25.00 9866 Brooks News F~ Tobac 80,84
9795 Mrs. L. Miscekas 35.00. 8867 Brooks Pharmacy 14.95
FORM 149-P-Special
9868 Brooks Tire Service 2,50..,. 9916 Miss P. Nawolsky ,
9869 E,W. Brunsden 30.23 9917 National Geographic ,
9870 Buda*s 99 Service 11.,50 9918 Nesbitt Pub Co i
8871 Cal ~' Lloyds Express 3.00 9919 Mrs A. Olset ,
9872 Campbell Bros 122.52 ~+992o Olson Service
9873 Gan Oil Companies 38.10'-'- 9921 F.E. Osborne Ltd ;
8874 Can Propane Consol 44.32 9922 Fark Sales ~ Service
9875 Dr M,T.F, Garpbndale 47.00-- 9923 T.H. Peacock Ltd
9876 Cassils Mutual Tele 4.65 - 9924 Pheasant Sales Ltd
9877 Central Sales ~ Serv 497,29 - 9925 Precision Machine li
8878 Central Scientific 1034.19-.`' 9926 Prov Treasurer
9879 Miss Jeanette Clary 225.00 9927 Office of Queens Print
9880 Coleman Plumbing 10.01 9928 Rawleigh~s BA Service '
9881 College Bookbindry 219.60>~' gg29 J,L. Rawleigh ~ Son 1.
9882 Cancelled ~ -~ 9930 Rehabilitation Soc
8883 Crown Lumber Co 332.42 9931 Ressler Motors Ltd
9884 Cummins Diesel Power 99.33 9932 Mrs. E. Robinson
9885 Curtis Circulation Co 3.95 - 9933 Village of Rosemary
g88b Deldays Brooks Trans 19.4 2 9934 Royal Lumber Yards
9887 Dept of Education 10.80 9935 Mrs Sylvia Rust l
9888 Dressel ~ Tell 168.00 •~-- 9936 H, Schaller t
9889 Village of Duchess 39.70' 9937 F, Scheight t
9890 Duchess Garage 49.65'~~' 9938 School Sees Superan 1~
9891 Electric Equip 14,81 9939 Earl Seitz '
9892 Flanagan Bros Ltd 6,33- 9940 Sharps Theatre Supp ~
9893 Gays Store 12.88 8941 Singer Sewing Mach 4;
9894 Gem General Store 5.36•-- 9942 Smith Davidson F~ Lecky
9895 Ginn ~ co 54.56 9943 Mr R, Sovdi
8896 G. Clock 2.40f' 9944 Sports Equip (Toronto
9897 W.E, Greer Ltd 56.33--. 9945 Gus Stolson i(
g8g8 Hectors Limited 1502,95 9946 Street Robbins Morrow 10~
9899 Mr Fred Hiebert 225.00.. 9947 Geo Sweep 1(
9900 Mr R, Huistel 60.00 9948 Mrs. Eileen Swensen
9901 Imperial Industries 308,85-'' 9949 Taylor Pearson & Car 1~
gg02 Imperial Oil Ltd 250.95 9950 Miss Alma Thiessen
9903 Mr C,~l. Kadey ,. .50.00. 9951 Tilley Motors 1.
9904 ~~ ~- " _ __ ~
-- -
-~- 9952 Village of Rosemary l~
9905 Macleods Ltd 167,18- 9953 Village of Tilley 1(
_l 9906 Marshall Wells Stores 1.22,_ 9954 K.L. Torkelson '
gg07 Marshalls Book Store 5,31- 9955 Russel Vasselin 1,
9908 Martin..Senour 20.70 ,~ 9956 Waterous Equip
9908 Modern Auto 124.32. 9957 Louise Wehinger 2~
9910 J,A, Moir 25.31 9958 Wilson Stationery Go f
9911 Deanna Mortensen 37,00 9959 Wilson Builders ~
9912 Motor Gar Supply 35.84 9960 Frank Winter Welding 3f
9913 Mundy Map Co 18.x.5 gg61 G,A, Winter 1~
9914 Municipal Supplies Z39.06..w gg62 J.F. Wittig ~
9915 Murray Gordon Mach 33.62
. . . . . .
The account from Eastern Irrigation District for cost of
ror6f was to be referred back to them for further information.
• • • • M •
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that by law 219 re sale of
Lot 2s Rainier Plan 3487 F.U.# receive first) seconds and
by unanimous consent of the Councillors presents a third
r~ading~ and finally passed.
. . . . .
Moved by Councillor Douglass that by law 220 re purchase
of gravel pity receive firsts seconds and by unanimous cons..
ent of the Councillors presents a third readings and
finally passed,
,: ,,
Carried, .ti ~;~iy
. . .
Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that by law 221 re adoption of
assessment, receive first, seconds and by unanimous consent
of the Councillors presents a third reading and finally
~ .
FORM 149-P-Special
s ~. ~~~
Moved by Councillor Douglass that arrangement be made
for a G4eneral Assessment during 1962y with assessment
to take effect in 19K~.'
_ Carried,-
• r R • o
Moved by Councillor McAleese~ that by law 222 re purchase
of Back Sloper~ receive firsts ~secondy and by unanimous
consent of the Councillors presents a third reads/ng~
and finally passed! s UJ/q~
s ~ r° ~ ,- •
Moved by Councillor Douglasai that by law 223 re purcha-~se
of Nuisance Groundsa receive firsts second) and by unan.•
imous consent of the Councillors presents a third reading
and finally passed
Carried, (~i/Ai/
• • • • •
Moved by fbuacillor Bastman,~ that by law 224 re sale of
~~ 33-~21••16..W4~ receive firsts seconds and by unanimous
', consent of the .Councillors prasent~ a third readings and
', finally passed,
Carried, f/n/f~n~
• ~ • • ~ •
.Letter From Do Co Crerar re Nashiem farm was read; before
further action its taken on this the Council requested
representation at the next Bq=sD, Board Meeting to discuss
this matter further.
,~ ,~ , • ~
The following Councillors advised that they would be
attending the Convention; P*- McAlsess~ F* Mandeville
R, Bastman~ Ao Chrumkai and B, Bp Plumerq
Moved by Councillor McAleese-that the allowance for the
convention be set at $100400~per Councillor,
. . . +~ s A
Moved by Councillor Hajash~ that the agreement between
Veterinarian and the County of Newell be approved,-
Moved by Councillor Mandeville that we install telephones
in the Rainier and Scandia School~~
• r ~ s • -~
Nesting adjourned at 4140 p~ms
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~~ Seer ary,~»Treasurer
{ FORM 749-P-Speelal