HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-10-06 Council (Regular) MinutesA
County of Newell # 4 ~'~ '°'
County Council Meeting
October 6, 1861
The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County
of Newell No, 4 was held in the County Office in Brooksy
Alberta at 10:00 a.m• on Fridays October 6, 1861,
. . .
Members present Chairman
Assist. Sec}.•Treas
• • • s • •
N. A. Shuttleworth
A• Chrumka
R. Armstrong
R„ Eastman
F• Mandeville
B. E. Plumer
G. Douglass
P. McAleese
J.. Hajash~ Jr.
D. N. James
Minutes of the previous meeting of September 15th 1861
were read and adopted.
. . .
Minutes of the Special meeting of September 27th 1861
were read and adopted.
. . . . .
~~' Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the statement of Receipts
{ %';~ and Payments for the month of September be approved.
,v` Carried.
. .
} 1
~~ Correspondence re Winter Works Program was read and ordered
~! filed,.
• • f • M •
Letter from Public Welfare Department of Medicine Hat re
K. Warren was read and ordered filed,
• • • • • •
Letter from County of Wheatland re Transportation of Reimer
Children to Bassano School was read.
. . . . . .
Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the agreement be approved.
• • • r w •
A letter from P.F,p.A• re 1g61 assistance was read and
ordered filed.
• w • ~ s •
Letter from Mrs. Gunderson re purchase of teacherage at
Rolling Hills was read and ordered filed until checked
further by Councillor Shuttleworth.
• • t • M •
Letter from E.I.D. re bridge in 5f SW 30>r.20~•13~W4 was read.
. . . .
Moved by Councillor McAleese that a letter re request for
repair be forwarded to Department of Highways.
• • • • • s
FORM 149-P-Special
~. 2 ..,
The following tenders we
Sam Alcock~ Scandia
Leo D. Smithy Bow City
J. Ross McKay Bow City
D„ G. Neufeld, Rosemary
Mrsw J,E, Varady, Brooks
re received re Bow City School
Teacherage ~ Barn $137.00
Barn $40.00 Teacherage $12$.00
Barn $ 76.00
Furnace $.50.00 Barn $ $0.00
Barn $ 70,00
w • • • • i
Moved by Councillor Eastman that the tenders be rejected
at this times pending further inspection of buildings
by Councillor Mandeville.
Committee Reports
. . . . .
Moved by Councillor Plumer that School Committee report be
accepted. Carried.
School Committee
. . • . .
Municipal Committee
Moved by Councillor Hajash that sign for Circle W. Motel
be approved with the understanding that all other Depart.-~
mental Regulations are approved.
. . . . .
Moved by Councillor Hajash that application for Dance Hall
by Ed Muhlbeier be approved with the understanding that
all other Departmental Regulations are approved.
. . . . .
Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the Muni..
icipal Committee be approved.
. . . .
A.S.B. Committee
Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the Agric•»
ultural Service Board be accepted.
. . . ,
Hospital Committee
Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the Hospital
Corrunittee be accepted,
. • ,
Civil Defence ~ Nil Reportw
Farm Purchase Board •» Nil Report.
Newell Foundation ~-. Nil Report.
• • • s w •
Adjourned for lunch 12:30 to 2:00 p,m,
• • e s • r
Delegates from the Town of Bassano and Brooks met with the
Council to discuss proposed water storage supplies,
• w • s • •
Moved by Councillor Armstrong that letters of application
re water storage supplies for Agricultural purposes at
Bassano and Brooks be forwarded to the P',F.R,A•
FORM T49-P-Special
~ ~'
,~ 3 ~.
Moved by Councill or McAleese that the following accounts
be passed for pay ment:
9576 Mrs. Ida Zibell 12.00 9651 Campbells Bros 122,0]~iw
9577 Mrs. Gladys Van Oene 15,OOG~ 9652 Can Liquid Air 2.25
9578 Mrs. E, Greybohn 25.00_- 9653 Can Pacific Railway 1,75
9579 Mrs. L. Miscekas 35,00 9654 Central Sales ~ Serv 350.73
9580 Tr,Br,,~Gr,M,Korithoski 190,00 9655 Central Upholstery 14.00
9581 Mr, M. Miedinger 1250.00-- 9656 Mrs. A, Craig 12.00
9582 Mr, Vic Zacharias 372.00-- 9657 Crown Lumber Co, 510,60
9583 B of NSICr, Alvin Lepp 500.00.°" 9658 Deldays Brooks Trans 68.70.
9584 Tr,Br.~Cr.Deloy Seely 750.00' 9659 Dominion Bridge Co 30.47
9585 B of NSJCr,H, Neufeld 462.00"° 9660 Village of Duchess 39.70
9586 B of NSICr, N. Dueck 415,00'" 9661 Eastern Irrig Dist 38,$p_.
9587 B of NSICr, J.K. Purce ll 9662 Cancelled ,~
248.43 9663 Electric Equip(Alberta ) 10.15.,_
9588 M.S.I. 501..00 9664 Mrs„ B, Evans 28.25--
9589 Alta Gov't Tele 14,g0,.. 9665 Friendly Stores Ltd 1,34
9590 C of N ~ 4 15.00 9666 Gen Biological Supply 117,11'"
9591 Royal B of Canada 70.00 . 9667 (~estetner (Canada} 151.20
9592 Brooks Gr ~ Savings 100.00-- 9668 Ginn ~ Company 15.95`
9593 Ro11 Hills Cr ~ Saving s 25.00 9668 W.E. Greer Ltd 14,70`
9594 Smith~DavidsonF~ Lecky 1113,16 9670 Tmperial Industries 1346.38
9595 D•C. Crerar 70,00 9671 Tmperial Oil Ltd 486.76
9596 B.W. Tibbitt 25.00. 9672 Irrigano Publishers 7,80
9597 Atlas Lumber Co. Ltd 20.00 9673 P.B. Jacobsen 24.80
9598 County o Newell #4 25.00 " 9674 Cancelled r~<,<
9599 Mrs, Kay Wallace 12.00, 9675 Jubilee Insurance Agen 144.00
8600 School Book Branch 1443.17 ~ 9676 The Kleenbirn Collieri 174.60
9601 G o NfGr,C.F, Lockton 64.12° 9677 Ted Koropczak 7.00
9602 C,F, Lockton ,88 9678 Lake Motor Service 242.92•:>
9603 Mr, Fred Daniels 172.80 9679 K.N„ Lintott 66,b0
960¢ Axel AR Dahl 31.40 9680 Longmans Green ~ Co 3.72
9605 Leo Dunne 50.00 9681 The Med Hat ~ Dis Asso c
' 8606 Village of Tilley 27,50 for Retarded Children 64.00
~ i 9607 Ro11 Hills Gr ~ Saving s 20.00 9682 MacLeods Ltd 309.49'.-.
~ 9608 Alta Gov't Telephones 116.30 8683 Marshalls Book Store 206.55
t, 8609 Tilley Electric Service 5.54-•. 9684 Marshall•-Wells 44.99
~,' 9610 Alberta Wheat Pool 175.50. 9685 Dr. C.T. McCune 7.00
9611 Pioneer Lock ~' Safe W 2.60 8686 R. McLachlan 49.64:
9612 Alberta Blue Cross Pla n 42.75 9687 Med Hat Health Unit 1708.61
9613 Provincial Treasurer 32.86 - 8688 Mid..=West Paper Ltd 483.84
8614 Lethbridge Herald 24.08 9689 Modern Auto Service 84,40
8615 Mr, L.J. Shields 13,g6+~ 9690 Motor Car Supply Go, 358.82
8616 County of Newell #4 3 6498.52°S~ 96g1 Murray Gordon Machiner y 68,85
9617 G.P, Tim~o 150.00' 9692 June Nishida 9.00
9618 Mrs, M,B, Timko 150„00 8693 Ofrex (Ganada} Ltd 122.36"
9619 Eastern Irrig. Distric t 7.90 9694 Olsons Service 12.15=
9620 J.E. Murray 1100.00 ._ 9695 Park Sales ~ Service b.60
9621 Petty Cash 23.25' 9686 Precision Mach ~ Equip 37.16
8622 Wm, Lauver 351,00 ~ 9697 Premier Cartage 1.25
9623 County o N ~4 Payroll 6077.92trt- 969$ J.L. Rawleigh ~ Son 81.87
8624 Rec General of Canada 327.68- 9699 Remington Rand 647.50
9625 Alta Teachers Assoc 387.25. 9700 Richmans Foods 79.99
8626 Board of Administrat 1761.72 9701 Village of Rosemary 1470.28.
9627 Rec Gen of Canada 4732.95- 9702 Royal Lumber Yard b,80
9628 Tilley Gas Co. 57.60- 9703 Mrs, Edna Sears 36,00
9629 Modern Auto Service ,5481.00 9704 Norma H. Sharp 6,00
8630 International Bus Mahh 12.00- 9705 Sharps Theatre Supplie s 51,15
8631 Alta Assoc o Mun Distr 3268.39- 9706 Sparrow Electric 13.50
9632 Alta Internal Drug Co 26.93,
. 9707 Street? Robbins Mor 4060.66
9633 .Alta Wheat Pool .
88,85 9708 Adolf M, Stojke 10,,00
9634 Atlas Lumber Co. 123.32.' 9709 Swift Current Customs 3.75
9635 Ken Banek 5.60... 9710 Taylor Pearson ~ Carso n 88,g6j-
9636 Town of Bassano 65,00 9711 Tilley Motors 75,68
9637 Atlas Lumber Co. 15,08 9712 Tobys Lucky Dollar 1,35
8638 A. Baumann 5.00 9713 K.L. Torkelson 14.43
9639 Beaver Lumber Co 52.68 8714 Mrs. F,A, Vanstone 30.00
9640 Beieler ~ Winter 1309,00.- 9715 Russel Vasselin 276,36
9641 Fred Betton 87,00-- 971b Kris Vikedal 3,60
~'~, 9642 R. Bishel 52.14 9717 Mrs. K. Wallace 48.00
~~~~ 9643 The Bobbs•-Merrill Go 66.59 ~ 9718 Waterous Equip Ltd 23, 31
- 9644 Brooks Co•~op Assoc 2570.76'= 9719 Wilson Builders Suppli es51,23
',~ 9645 Brooks Home Furnish 586,50:,. 9720 F.G. Winter 14,94
9646 Brooks Pharmacy 11.57 9721 G.A, Winter 112.30
8647 ervice
Brooks Tire 1.50 9722 Wittigs of Rosemary 11,77
8648 ,
Brys~ar$e~b n Elec ~~"~30
9649 Buds Service (1960) 3.60
FORM 149-P-Special A~ ~'~
7 Rurrou~'hs ~11S-L"1~SS MaC~'1336 e 00 Carried .
Moved by Councillor Flamer that Fart of th,e Sf1T 33R21..16.-~t4
be sold to Stanley LeRoy .Tones at the price of $11$6,78*.
Subject to the approval of the Minister..:
_ Carried.
' • ~ * • • o~
Moved by Councillor Hajash that we have T.R. Baxter
Construction install cement work and beams for Texan Gates,
a . , • •
Moved by Councillor Flamer that the Reeve be authorized
to act as County Managers during the present absence of
the Searetary..Treasurer,
~« . . s
Moved by Councillor Flamer that we purchase one Mott
hammer knife Mowery. complete with a set of extra bladest
from Amco Equipment Ltd for $8$0.00,
', Carried
. • . .
Meeting adjourned at 4i00 p,m.
* • ~ s s
4 pUGiTED n
3 0
as neanos
~y~srsi AaeW
~ Chairman
~~'~`~'-Se+cre ry~.Treasurer