HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-02-18 Council (Regular) Minutes~~
County of Netn7e11 Jo. 4
County Counc-i l
Adjourned Meeting
February 18th. 1961.
'The adjourned meeting of tho Council of the County of i~tewell No. t~ was
held in the County Office :i.n Brool~s, Alberta at 10:::70 a.m. on Saturday
z~ebruary 18th. 1961.
I'~Iembers present: Chairman N.A. Shuttleworth
Cauncillo.r. U. Vossler
P . l~IcAlee se
C.l,. Andreti~rs
Jas. Hajash
R. Armstrong
;t. ?~astman
Ben I'lumer
G. Joug;l.ass
Secretary=Treasurer H.C. Scarnmel;l
`Che minutes of the previous meeting of k'ebruarz~ li), 19E~1 ;hTerc read and.
The Prairie I?'arm Assistance Ins~a. heport No. 8 tiaas read_ and ordered filed
A letter from the Dept. of Agriculture re: their appreciation of the
County sponsored Agricultural Service Board. Conference i_n Calgary was
read and ordered filed.
Moved b~ Jas IIajash, that the subd?_vision of SW2"T-N`~N22-18-1~-u.
(Girdauc?~us) be approved. Carried..
Councillor P1urr~er reported with regard to the operation of the ambulance,
and recommended that the County and the Town of Brooks guarantee an,y
loss in the operation of the ambulance, on the basis of 2/3 County 1/3
Toti~Jn of Brooks, with 'the Toz~~n accepting the respons:lbility of admi.nistra-
+~ion. The Council concurred. in t;hi.s arrangemen}~.
The Council discussed ,~ detail items in t;he Auczit;ors Financial Stat-
`1'he Secretary reported in detail all of the points ti.:ith regard to the
circumstances of the A.T3. `Tooke family.
I~ieetit~g adjourned at 11:L~> a..m. to reconvene at the 'elks Mall at 1:00
p.m. for the 8th. Annual Meeting of the County.
~` ~ ~~-. ,
Secret ry-`Treasurer
FORM 149-P-Special
_ _ G ~.3
County of Newell No. ~
County Council
February 10th. 19b1.
The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No. ~
was held in the County Office in Brooks Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Friday
February 10th. 1961.
Members present: Chairman N.A. Shizttleworth
Councillors 0. Vossler
P. McAleese
C. Andrews
Jas. Hajash
R, Armstrong
R. Eastman
G. Douglass
Secretary-Treasu~°er H.C. Scammell
The minutes of the previous meeting of January 13th. 1961 ti,rere read and
Moved by Councillor McAleese, that the Millicent Teacherage #25(C1uny)
be sold to T. Charlton for the sum of $265.00.
~~ Moved by Councillor McAleese, that the Millicent Teacherage #26(Graham ~
~ be sold to F. Psenka for the sum of 230.00.
~: ~, Moved by Councillor McAleese, that the two coal sheds at the Millicent
' School be sold to T. Charlton for $50.00
Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the Secretary's monthly statement of
receipts and payments for the month of January be accepted.
Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that Bylaw #208 to donate the sum of
$600.00 to the Salvation Army be given 1st., 2nd., & 3rd. readings and
finally passed.
, Carried Unan.
Correspondence to and from the Minister of Agriculture re: Vocational
School was read and ordered filed.
P,F,A.A. reports No. 6 and 7 covering various townships in the County
z~rere read and ordered filed. ~
The Brooks Airport account was presented and the Secretary was directed
to pay the sum of $100.00 for 1961 services. -'
Tile Municipal Inspectors Report was read and ordered to be read at the
Annual Meeting of February 18th. 19b1. /
Moved by Councillor Andrews that Bylaw No. 207, to sell Pt. S.W. 30-16-15
W~.th. to D.W. Allen be given 1st., 2nd., and 3rd., readings and finally
passed. ~
. Carried Unan.
Moved by Councillor Douglass, that Bylaw X209 to alloU,r for the payment of
members of the Court of Revision be given 1st., 2nd., and 3rd., readings
and finally passed.
. Carried Unan.
Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the offer of J. Bodenko, to purchase
;..Lots 12 to 32 Block 9 Plan 712b AM Lathom, and Parcel A Plan 2962 FE
Lathom containing 7.3 acres more or less at and for the sum of 10,00 per
acre be accepted.
, Carried. ~
FORM 149-P-Special
MUN~=~pAL s~~Y,.,=S LTV. Adjourned for lunch 12:30 to 2 : 00 p . m .
. ~ . .
- - ~~~
Reports of Committees
Municipal Committee.
Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the report of the Municipal Committee be
School Committee
Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the School Committee
be accepted.
Carried. ,-
A ricultural Service Board
ove y ounci or Andrews, that the report of the Agricultural Service
Board be accepted.
Carried. --
Moved. by Councillor Andrews that the Agricultural Service Board be per-
mitted to expend $50.00 to further the Good Seed Year Project.
, Carried.
Hospital Committee
Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the report of the Hospital Committee
be accepted.
. Carried, r
,f~"~ Civil Defence
~/ 1
No Report.
`~ Farm Purchase Board
~, No Refit . .
Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the Town of Brooks be offered the parcel
Block "S" in exchange for the parcel of land presently used as the
County Material Yard (including the leased portion) with an arrangement
to be made for the permanent location of the County teacherage presently
on Block "S".
. Carried.
The Secretary repo^ted that the moving of th.e old Renfrew School to the
Material Yard in Brooks had been completed.
The Secretary was directed to offer the site of the Renfrew School for
sale to R. Wester for the sum of $200.00. ,
It was agreed that the County purchase: Two 36 passenger and Two 1~2
passenger School Busses for 1961.
Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth that a Court of Revision to hear
complaints against 1960 assessments be held commencing at 10:00 a.m.
on Friday April 21, 1961.
Moved by Councillor Vossler, that the following accounts be passed for
Supplementary list from 1960:
691l~ M.J. McKenzie 3.33
7160 W.H. Wheeler 20.00
7505 Zellers Construction 575.51
7657 Royal Lumber Yard 77.8 9
7827 Jubilee Insurance 99.9°
Current List:
8113 A.G.T. 151.85:,
811 Duchess Garage 88.10
8115 Mrs. V.M. Johnson 62.10
8116 Petty- Cash ~~.38
8117 Mrs. A. George 8.00
8118 Alta. Wheat Pool 11.00 "
8119 E.I.D, 19.85
8120 H. Veiner 7,82
8121 Mr. H.R. Bishop 172.00
8122 H.C. Scammell 62.80
FORM 149-P-Special
'PLI L~.S Lib. ~~
1 ~ ~)
8123 Dr. T.B. Sewell 3742.10 ~ 8202 Village of Duchess 39.7
8124 Edmonton Tire Co, htd. 9.95w" 8203 Laila Dunbar 18.95
8125 Alberta Wheat Pool 107.75 8204 E.I.D. .
8126 Provincial Treasurer 623.33 8205 T. Eaton Co. Ltd.
t .
8127 Marshall Wells Store 7.60 8206 Electric Equipmen .
8128 Central Scientific Co. 394.65- 8207 Finleys Store .
60 '
8129 A.G.T. 19.10 8208 Flanagan Bros. Ltd.
l St .
8130 Mr. Joe Kerner ~I-50.00 8209 ore
Gem Genera .
8131 Mrs. Tda Zibe11 12.00 8210 Archie Gordon
t 12.70
8132 Mrs. M. Plant 80.00 8211 re
Guidance Cen
h .
8133 Mr. C. Buchanann 50.00.: 8212 Mrs. E. Hawkeswort .
8134 Roll Hills Cr. Un. ~- 20.00. 8213 Hectors Ltd. .
8135 Brooks Cr. Un./G .P.Timko 100.00- 8214 Imperial Oil Ltd. 90.39
8136 Roll Hi11s Cr. Un./Timko - 25.00 . 8215 Imperial Motors
L .
8137 Atlas Lumber Co./Varady 20.00 8216 .
Irrigano Pub. ::
8138 B.W. Tibbitt/ G. Varady 25.00- 8217 Jubilee Insurance .
8139 Miss Jo-Lee Anderson 22.00 8218 Mr. C.L. Kadey 100.00
8140 Tr. Br./ Mrs. Korithoski 260.00 8219 Kirks Heating Ltd.
lli 27.9G
8141 Mr. E.R. Williamson 60.00 8220 er
The Kleenbirn Co
i .
8142 Mr. M. Miedinger 1250.00' 8221 ce
Lake Motor Serv .
8143 B.o,N.S./Alvin Lepp 500.00 8222 Land Titles Office 100.00
8144 Prov. Tr. Br./D. Seely 750.00" 8223 K.N. Lintott 26.Oa~
x.5 Mr. M. Lauver 306.00 822 MacLeods htd. 19.73~`~`
8146 B.o.N.S./ Geo. Peatkau 1~b2.00 8225 L.F. Marcy 20.00'
8147 B.o.N.S./Mr. N. Dueck 415.00 8226 Marshall Wells Stores 18.09-
811x B.o.N.s./Mr. J.K. Purcell 248,43 8227 McCabe Grain Co. Ltd. 7.25"
8149 Mr. George Wenner 20.00 8228 Dr. C.T. McCune - 6.00
8150 County Payroll 3g1~-o .33 - H229 Med. Hat & Dst. Assoc. b1~.0a'
8151 Bd. of Administrators 1889.13_;; 8230 Modern Auto Service 38.32
8152 Alta. Teachers Assoc. 392.50~~ 8231 Motor Car Supply Co. ~3.9t~`
8153 Chronik Construction 1687.80':' 8232 Miss Anne Murry 225.00
8154 Miss M.A. Dovichak 9.00 8233 Municipal Supplies 4.72
8155 Mrs. Edna Sears 12.00' 8234 National Geog. Society 6.75
8156 Fooks & Milne 3199.20 8235 Nelsons Mens Ware 6.79
8157 Fred Becton 204.55 8236 Nesbitt Pub. Co. Ltd. 17.50
8158 C.o.N.1a/Payroll Act. 2225.25 8237 C.o.N.4/R. Conklin 2.92
8159 Rec . Gen. iU.I. C . 21~1.01~~ ~ 8238 Olson i s Service ~ . 81
8160 Rec. Gen./Tax 4698.30` 8239 Patricia Garage 114.3
8161 Tilley Gas Co. Ltd. 160.85 8240 Plews Service 58.90
8162 Postmaster 95.00°'' 8241 Pontings Service 7.70-
8163 Vic Zacharias 372.00'' 8242 Mrs. Clint Pratt 54.00
8161 Mrs. Hazel B.Roen 18.00` 8243 Precision Machine 31.25
8165 Mr. J. Ross McKay 20.00 825. Princess Auto & Mach. 417.50-
8166 Mrs. C.A. Johnson 95.0 8245 Miss Phylis Nawolsky 50.00
8167 Mr. Joe Kerner 1000.00 824b Miss June Oda 225.00
8168 Alta. Assn. of Mun. Dst. 255,19 8247 Mrs. M. Olson 36.00
81b9 A.B.C. 42.75 8248 Ressler Motors Ltd. 8.3Cr$'
8170 Alta. Wheat Pool 24b.75 8249 Adam Richter 30.00
8171 Atlas Lumber Co. Ltd. 1~.a5.85-- 8250 Richman's Foods Ltd. 29.51
8172 A. Baumann 9.5Qi~ 8251 Mrs. H.B. Roen 1.8.00
8173 Fred Becton 101.00^ 8252 Rosemary Lumber &c Gen. 689.09
8174 R. Bishel 61.64' 8253 Village of Rosemary 123.50.
8175 Mr. H.A. Bloomquist b6.70' 8251+ Royal Lumber Yards Ltd. 1.50
8176 Mr. H.A. Bloomquist 138.95 8255 Mrs. S.F. Rust 64.50
8177 Bow Valley Farm Mach. 53.5 8256 School Book Branch 269.x.9.
8178 Brooks Co-op Assn. 537.80- 8257 Miss Gail Shuttleworth 225.00
8179 Brooks News & Tobacco 42.50 8258 Smalleys Radio Ltd. 1558.7'x``
8180 Brooks Pharmacy 1.68 8259 Snap-On Tools of Can. 5.55"
8181 Brooks Tire Service 1.50 8260 Sparrow-Electric 546.62
8182 Town of Brooks 25.00 8261 Standard Auto Pats 22.05
8183 M.M. Brubaker 15.60?•' 8262 Miss M.A. Stanford ~~-- 225.00
8184 E.W. Brunsden 36.83 8263 Stolson's Service (9g.t~~ ~~9.19
8185 Campbell Bros. 64.20 8264 Street-Robbins-Morrow 725.84
8186 Canadian Propane Consolid ate137.73 8265 Mrs. G.V. Swenson 12.00
8187 Gan. Wn. Nat. Gas 11.24 8265 Taylor Pearson & Carson 89.68+
8188 Dr. M.T.F. Carpendale 15.00 8267 B.W. Tibitt 17.0:
8189 Central Sales & Service 312.62- 8268 Tilley Motors 37•SQ
8190 Central Scientific Co. 29.09 8269 K.L. Torkelson 55.65-
8191 Chidlow Industrial 13.50' 8270 Mrs. A.R. Wardle 38.75:
81.92 City of Calgary 148.86 8271 Welders supplies Ltd. 9.50
8193 Cal & Lloyds Express 1.15 8272 Wilson Builders Supplies 5.s~
8194 Miss J.V. Clary - 10.00 8273 The Wilson Stationery 20.20
8195 Crown Lumber Co. 121.60 8274 F.G. Winter Welding 89.1x.2
8196 Cruickshank & Richardson 21x..60 8275 J.P. Wittig 10.60
8197 Coleman Plumb & Heat 559.7G 8276 Miss Gail Witting 225.00.
8198 Dans Texaco Garage 2.90 8277 Mr. Berry Evans 54.75
8199 Deans Radio & T.V. 5.00 8278 Duchess Cafe 67,05
8',j,$0 veldays Brooks Transport 28.03 ." 827q ('x~?~_CotzntPSS Telephone 11. q~
8201 Duchess Garage ~ ~~~•~~ 8280 Modern Auto Service
. .
Meeting adjourned at ~.t30 p.m. until 1Ot00 a,m. on Saturday February
18th, 19b1.
. . .
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FORM t~9-P-Spaelal