HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-10-07 Council (Regular) MinutesJ~ County of 1Qewell No. ~ County Council October 7th. 1960 The regular monthly meeting of the Council ~~_~° the County of Newell No. ~ was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Friday October 7th. 1960. Members present: Chairman Councillors Secretary-Treasurer N.A. Shuttleworth Otto Vossler P. McAleese C.R. l~z l_rews Jas. Hajash R. Armstrong Ben Plumer G. Douglass H.C. Scammell The minutes of the previous meeting of September 17th 1960 were read and adopted. Moved by Councillor Armstrong that pa~m~,at tc A. Larson, as authoi^ized by the motion in the minutes of -the meeting of Sept. 17, 1960 be witheld Bending further investigat_i_~~n. . Carried. Moved by Councillor McAleese that the Secretary's monthly re~p,r~~:,_, of Receipts, Expend-i t!~res and Monthi;,r ?':°o,~ress for the mccnth of September 1960 be accepted. ~ ~ Carried. ~, ~-~~ A letter from the Minister of Highways re the Duchess access road to Higrr~,-,ray 36, was read and order. ed filed. '~ A quotation for supply of gasoline and dies,~~. .' . Trom the Canadian Oil Co. was read and ordered filed. A letter from the Town of Brooks, re the additional footage at '~=~ m~~.terial yard, _~~.l,d the Block nSri pl2perty was read and ordered filed. A letter from the Debt. of Highways re the, 1959 Bridge Requests was read and circulated among the interested Councillors. MoT~red by Councillor Armstrong that the Chairman & Secretary be aut:norized to sign. the easement in favor of the Canadian Western Natural Gas r~~. t.i~~ough the 10.98 acres .i,z the S~J 20-21-18 W~.~th. • • • • Carried. A letter r"~~om C.B.. Robertson covering his resignation as Assistant Secs^a-ca°y was read and accepted w~_th regret. Moved by Councillor I~ajash, that D. James be moved up to the assistant Secretary position at a Salary of $5500.00 per ys~~°> • Carried, RM 149-?-Special ICIPAL SVPPLIPS LTU. - 2 - JG° R~~aorts of Committees. Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the report of the= Municipal Conm_~~~'.t~~~ be accepted. • Carried. Moved l~~y Councillor Haj,`~sYl, that~l00. be paid to all members attending the Municipal Conve~r'r,J_on in Edmonton November 5-18th 1960, Carried. Moved by Councillor Plumer, that his motion re the Damage Claim of A. Larson, contained in the munute_~ of Septemb~=:r l;th. 19b0 be rescinded. . C~cried. Adjourned for lunch l: 00 to 2:30 t' ,~:a. Messrs. Graham and Murphy o.;' ~,he Newelll Graz_i1~ Association, attended the meeting to discuss the Damage Claim or: «, Larson. They were advised that only, on instruc':,.i.ons 'from the ~?~~~'~ ~ - -~f Mti~~icipal Affa_~^s, Edmonton, would the Co~~nc' it authorise ~ay~~~~at. Mayor Nicklas & Councillor Gordon of the Town of Brooks attended the meeting to discus ;;xchange of. -proper' ~:~- '~~~ Blxk "S" . They were advis~:d that the County were prepared to relinquish Black "S" , should a t:~~~rn <~ffer~ prove satisi'actory. ^ School Commi ~:,'r,ee r ~ ~- Move% by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the School Comm~_ttee _ be accepted. Carried. Ag_~icultural Service Board Moved by Co~~.~rr= ]_~_;~r Andrews gnat +.,he report of the Agr_~._~:z7_t~ar~~l Service Boar4 be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Andrews, that the dat; of October 21~th. 1960 be ad-~rertised as the date cif. ,,,~ ~i ~;:~:.;ement of the Brucellosis Vaccination Program. Car-~~'_. Hospital Committee Moved "by "~iU [L.. illor Andrews that the report of the i _; °,y ~'_ .~~_.._ ommittee be acce;~tad. , Car. ried. Civil De~.ence Moved by Councillor Andrews i,iiat the rep_;:~• ~; , ~ " ~, ~ Civil Defence Committee be accepted. • Carried, Faun Purchase Boa_~^~: No report. Mo~~r~..~ by Councill~~:~' ~cAleese, that tr~c, -w...._ ~ of the Secretary Treasurer H, Sca:,~rri.;;~.. '~ _ ~.ncreased to $7500.00 per year. • Carried. Moved 'by Councillor Mc~_,_~~ ::> that the two te.ache_'ages at Millicent be ad,rertised for sa~_a '~•- ~.; ;?.ic tender. • Carried, Tq,,;,.. ~ by Councillor Armstrong, that the ~~o__o~,~ing accounts b.~ ;;gassed for payment. - RM 149-P-Speeial iCIPAL $liPPL[Z:S L7U. e.~ ~ J -3- 7325 A.G.T. 111.75 7399 Forney Arc. Welders 447.74 ~t 732b Household Finance 10.00 7400 Mrs. Alice George 84.00 7327 Atlas Lu. Co. Ltd./Varady 15.00 7401 W.E. Greer Ltd. 50.05 7328 B.W. Tibitt 25.00 7402 Jack Hood Sch. Sup. 4.70 ~.~ 7329 C.o.N.#4/Petty Cash 11.21 7403 C.o.N.#4/Imperial Motors 52.28 7330 Burroughs Add. Machine 19.82 7401 Imperial Motors 66.29 7331 Ro11 Hills Cr.Un./Kristians on 20.00 7405 Int. Harv. Co. of Can 42.29 `° 7332 Roll Hills Cr.Un./Timko 25.00 7406 P.B. Jacobson 24.00 7333 Kleen Limited 131.81 7407 Mrs. C.A. Johnson 105.60 7334 Gestetner (Can) Ltd. 237.96 71x.08 Kleenbirn Coll. Ltd. 423.30 7335 C.o.N•#4/Payroll 37605.02 7409 Lake Motor Service 233.28 7336 Correspondence Skl. Br. 24.00 7410 V.H. Lawrence 242.00 7337 Alta. Teachers Assln. 386.25 7411 V.H. Lawrence 240.00 7338 Bd. of Adm's. T.R.F. 1792.02 7412 K.N. Lintott 86.50 7339 Trea. Br./M. Korithoski 210.00 7413 Martin-Senour Co. Ltd. 147.02 7340 Mr. E. Williamson b0.00 7414 S.A. Mathison Agencies 117.47 F 7341 M. M~_edinger 1250.00 7415 M.J. Mckenzie 20.34 7342 Vic Zacharias 372.00 7416 Med. Hat. Health Unit 1708.61 ~~ 7343 B.o.N.S./ Alvin Lepp 500.00 7417 Mid-West Paper Ltd. 101.10 7344 Trea. Br./Deloy Seely 750.00 748 Modern Auto Service 101.70 7345 Wm. Lauver 306.00 d 7419 Motor Car Supply Co. 66.67 7345 B.o.N.S./Geo. Peatkau 462.00 7420 Moyer Vico Ltd. 210.62 7347 B.o.N.S./N. Dueck 415.00 7421 Municipal Supp. Ltd. 5.57 7348 B.o.N.S./J.K. Purcell 248.43 7422 Murray-Gordon Mach 45.17 ~' 7349 Mrs. Gladys Van-Gene 15.00 7423 J. Ross McKay b.60 7350 Mrs. M. Plant 80.00 7424 M.J. Mckenzie 836.38 7351 Mr. C. Buchanan 50.00 7425 R. McLachlan 26.14 7352 Mrs. Ida Zibell 12.00 7426 F.E. Osborne 169.23 ~* 7353 Mr. John Creybohm 20.00 7427 Pheasant Sales 8.60 7354 Mr. D.N. James 22.00 7428 G.W. Philpott 115.60 7355 E.I.D. 8.65 7429 Mrs. Nora Porter 33.40 7356 Imperial Oil Ltd. 512.39 7430 Precision Mach. & Equipt, 48.20 7357 A. Kinder 15.18 7431 Provincial Train Sckl. 15.00 7358 Payroll 6294.82 7432 Richmanls 1.05 7359 Ross McKay 20.00 74.33 Royal Lumber Yards 13.22 7360 District Treasury Office 322.36 7434 The Salvation Army 30.00 7361 Rec. General of Canada 4925.80 7435 Sch. Sec. Sup. Fund 175.06 7362 Tilley Gas Co. Ltd. 43.60 7436 Gail P. Shuttleworth 10.00 7363 Nick Zeller Const. Ltd. 27659.98 7437 Smith Davidson & Lecky 1828.95 7364 C.o.N.#4/petty cash 23.79 7438 Smiths Trucking Serv. 162.00 .. 7365 A.G.T. 1.3.60 7439 Stolson's Service 64.64 7366 Ackland's Ltd. 28.91 7440 Street-Robbins-Morrow 88.48 7367 Alta. Assn. M.D.'s 1545.1b 7441 Sturdie Propane Ltd. 16.00 '' 7368 Alta. Wheat Pool 5.50 7442 Taylor, Pearson & Carson 98.12 7369 Anderberg Bros. 21.55 7443 Tilley Motors 97.90 7370 Ann Marie Anderson 9.00 7444 Marshall-Wells Stores 14.85 `` 7371 Ernest Axelson 90.00 7445 Town of Bassano 65.00 `~' 7372 August Baumann 6.50 7446 United Grain Growers 32.70 7373 Alf Beieler 93.00 7447 University of Toronto 32.76 7374 Beieler & Winter 467.50 7448 Village of Duchess 39,70 7375 Fred Betton 97.60 7449 Village of Rosemary 1617.01 7376 Book Society of Can. 34.41 7450 Welders Supplies Ltd. 2.75 7377 R. Bishel 45.10 7451 Miss E.H. Wester 24.25 7378 Roy Vorra 107.60 7452 Wilson Builders Supp. 54.27 7379 Brooks Co-on 1819.57 7453 F.G. Winter 37.08 7380 Brooks Garage 158.42 7454 G.A. Winter 108.60 7381 Brooks Pharmach 18.29 7455 J.P. Wittig 18.64 7382 Bruce Robinson Electric 852.40 7456 Can. West. Nat. Gas. Ltd. 3.2b 7383 Budd's g9 Service 36.50 7457 Bow Slope Shipp. Assn. 1.32 ~ 7384 Burroughs Adding Mach. 327.90 7)x.58 Imperial Oil Ltd. 232.03 7385 Calgary Stamp & Stencil 4.00 7459 Crown Lumber Co. Ltd. 201.00 7386 Can. Pac. Railway Co. 2.70 7460 Brooks Home Furnishings 177.95 7387 Can. West. Nat. Gas 3816.19 7461 Bow Slgoe Shipping Assln. 231.07 - 7388 Dr. MTF Carpendale 95.00 7462 Town of Brooks 29.14 7389 Central Sales & Service 394.65 71-163 The Calgary-Herald b,00 7390 County of Newell No. 4 2349,26 7464 William Sheldrake 50,4r 7391 Cummins Diesel Power Ltd, 9.49 7465 Red Sillito 8,75 ~ 7392 Deldayls Brooks Transport 32.19 7466 Irrigano Publishers Ltd. 9.00 7393 B.o.N.S./L.A. Dressel 4363.25 7465'" David Kramer 69.51 7394 Nick: Dueck 45.00 7468 Gus Stolson 21,0 ' 7395 Electric Equipment Ltd. 52.59 7469 Royal Bank of Canada 3.06 7396 Farmers Union of Alberta 126.00 71x.70 Med. Hat~Retarded Children 60,00 7397 C.o.N.#4 for Finley's Store 153.98 7471 Village of Rosemary 116.50 7398 Flanagan Bros. Ltd. ~- .., 5.24 . 7472 Const. Eq. Co. Ltd. 582.29 Carried. RPA 149-P-Special ICIPAL SUYPLItiS LTI), ~~"J -~.- It was agreed that the Council Meeting for November be held on Thursday November 10th on account of armistice Day holiday on Friday, Nov. lltj. R R • . • • Moved by Councillor Douglass that in consideration of moving the Ra,ng~ Coulee Teacherage, Jim Georga be paid $125.00 and be given the old b rn and coal shed at Range Coulee. Carrd-ad~~~,, . , The Secretary was directed to offer the old Newton Garage at Rainier for sale by public tender. / . . Meeting adjourned at 5:30p.m. . . p\ o 2d Pv ~ ~,~~it5 7~ J P~~oo ~ ere \ Ghd~ ~p k h' ~'` irman 'ORM 749-P-Spsel~t UNICIPAL SVPPLIfiS L7D.