HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-07-08 Council (Regular) Minutes~'. County of Newell No. ~ County Council July $th, 1960. The regular monthly meeting of the council of the County of Newell No. ~ was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a.m on Friday, July $th, 1960. Members present: Chairman. ~ Councillors P. McAleese C. Andrews J. Hajash R. Armstrong R. Eastman B.E. Plurner G. Douglass Secretary-Treasurer H. Scarnmell ........... In the absence of Councillor :huttleworth, the meeting was Chaired by Councillor Armstrong in the forenoon, and Vice Chairman. Hajash in the afternoon. .......... The minutes of the previous meeting of June 17, 1960 were read & adopted. .......... Moved by Councillor Hajash that the ;ecretaryts monthly reports of Receipts, Disbursements, and Monthly Progress for the month of June be accepted. ~.,~~..... Carried. Councillor Douglass reported that the interested ratepayers would prefer that the C.F.R. right of way fence on the Gem Spur be maintained as at present. ~- .......... Ntoved by Councillor Douglass that the C,P.R. be directed to con- tinue maintenance of the Right of Way Fence on the C~em Spur. ~- ~,~........ Carried. Advice was received that the British American Oil Co. Service Station and Lunch Counter at Bassano had been approved. - The Rural Electrification plans for Makepeace R.E.A.. and Bow dope R.E.A, were approved ~ .......... A letterfrom the Eastern Irrigation District approving of the sale of Sec. 16 & N.E. 31-1$-11 Wl~ at fair value was received. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that section 16 and TIE 31 Township 1$ Range 11 Wl~th, and 5E 1$ Township 21+ Range 16 With be offered for s37..e by Public Tender. .,,~....... Carried. Adjourned for Lunch 12:J.~.S to 2:30 p.m. Notice was received of the Provincial Government approval to the Farm Purchase Board applications of Jorgen Larsen and Tooru Marano r Z P~9~.~E0 ~ . \~G a~ie~~ ~y^~~ FORM 149-P-Special ~~ ~ ~~~ M17DIICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. er=i '" ~^ - 2 - Reports of Committees. Municipal Committee. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the report of the Municipal Commi.tt be accepted. .,~~....,. Carried. School Committee. -- Moved by Councillor Plumer that the report of the School Corrnnittee accepted. ,,,.,,,,., Carried. ~ricultural Service Board. No report. Hospital Committee. Moved by Councillor Armstrong, that the report of the Hospital Committee be accepted. ,,......., Carried. Civil Defence. No report. .......... Farm Purchase Board. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the report of the Farm Purchase Board be accepted. ,,,,...,.. Carried. Moved by Councillor McAleese, that the bid of Coleman Plumbing X1297.00 to instal the Exhaust System in the School Bus Garage be accepted. ,,., ,.,. Carried. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the 4 Teacherages, the Shop Building, and the Stolarchuk House, at Rosemary, be offered for sale by tender. ,,.,,...,. Carried, Moved by Councillor Andrews, that no teacherages be rented to casual renters. ,,.,,..,.. Carried. Moved by Councillor McAleese, that the following accounts be passed for payment. FORM 149-P-Special MUN[CIPAL SUPPLIES L?A. 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6775 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788 6789 T,B.~Mrs. M. Korithosko 210.OOi•6790 E.R. Udilliamson b0.00 ~ 6791 Ross McKay 312.00 ~ 6792 M. ICI edinger 1000.00 ~• 6793 V, Z charias 372.00 # 6794 T.B, Alvin Lepp 500.00 # 6795 T.B. Deloy F. Seely 750.00 # 6796 Wm. Lauver 230.00 ~ 6797 B,o. S./Geo. Peatkau 462.00 # 6798 B.o. d.S./N, Dueck 415.00 t 6799 B.o. .S./J.K: Purcell 248.43 f 6800 John Creybohm 20.00 f 6501. D . N. James 22.00 ~' 6802 NLrs . Ida Zibe11 12 . oo # 6803 Nlrs , M. Plant 80 , 00 f 6804 I~Sr . Buchanan 50.00 ~ 6805 I~4rs . Gladys Van-Gene 15.00 # 6806 Bro & Tibbitt 16.25 ~ 6807 Bess e Gingrich 31.z5f 6808 Guee s' Printer 1.20 b809 Spri kler Irrg. & Equt. 28.50 6810 Roll, Hills C.U. 20,OG ~ Roll. Hills C.U./Timko 25.00{. NTrs . Albert Enslen 14.50 ¢ BroVan & Tibbitt 25.OC $ Edk. Testing Service 1.92 i° Duchess Garage 79.41 # A.J. Nystrom & Co. 45.94~- C . Clock 1.60 ~' E.K. Hawkesworth 3.79 t E.I.D. 5.95 B.C. Bearing Eng. Ltd. 12.91} A.G.T. 25.25f C-eorge Timko 22.59f L.J. Shields 7.72 i• Geo. E. Sisko 25.78 # Jack Moir 26.74 ~' NLrs . Lenora Koleyak 15.30 ~' N1rs. Grace Graham 17.16 ~ Holger Christensen 4.29 E.K. Hawkesworth 17.16 ~` S.R. Hrynewich 17.16' ~ ~ Z pU~~~~ o ~ 3 ~ P~`ouotaslts Gpas~eCea -3- FORM 149-P-Special MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. 6811 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 b822 6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 683 0 6831 683 2 6833 6834 683 5 683 b 683 7 6838 683 9 6840 6841 6842 b843 6844 6845 684b 6847 6848 6849 6850 6851 6852 6853 6854 6855 6856 6857 6858 6859 6860 6861 6862 6863 6864 6865 6866 6867 6868 6869 6870 .6871 ,6872 6873 '6874 6875 6876 6877 6878 6879 6880 6881 N1rs . Vern Owen D.G. Mrs. B. R Joe Alta C.N., Alta Bd, Loewen na Cluney Hoff Nora Porter binson Electric Ltd. arris B.C.P. n Arrow Sprayers 4 Payroll Te¢. Assn. f Administrators on-Sears Ltd. C.R. Andrews R. A mstrong Gord n Douglass R. E J. Ii W. L P . NT B.E. N.A. 0. V L.C. J. H S.R. G. L. Geo. A.T. NTrs . C.N. E.I. C.N. I~Trs . R. 1~] U.I. Rec. h Jr. r ese mer ttleworth Spivey my Darker rson Penner Johnson Y Berry Evans +~J . Trant or ~. Payroll 3azel Roen Edmo on Journal Calg ry Herald C.N. 4 Till Gas Co. Ltd. P. L roche7le E.H. Gabert Ackl d & Son Alta Assn. of M.Dsr. Alta. W.P. Seed Div. The bertan Alts Texaco Service Ande berg Biaos. Atla Lumber Co. Ltd. E. elson B.o. .S.~G.Timko Bass o_ _ A. B n Beie er & Winter F. B ton R. B'shel Broo s Co-op Broo s Lodge No. 77 Broo s Pharmacy Broo s Tire Service Budd=s 99 Service Calg y Heaald Calg Power Ltd. C.P. . Cent al Drugs Cent al Sales & Service Hele Charest R.C. g~5g •~• 6882 Const. Equp. Co. 2.151 6883 C.N.#4 4.29 ~' 6884 C.N.#4 5,72 t 6885 Crown Lumber Co. 5.36 } 6886 Cruickshank,Richardson 23.25° 68$7 Cummins Diesel Power 3.00.E ~~ $ah~ B~oxs~,Cont. 3.00 ~' Delclayt s `iransarage 3$.00 }' 6891 Duchess 6.80 # 6$92 Duchess 40504.29 } 6893 Laila Dunbar 409.00 ~ 6894 Elc. Equp. (Alta. ) 1900.58 } 6895 Ferguson Supply Co. 2~$$~" 6896 Finleyis Store 133.00 ~` 6897 Flanagan Bros . Ltd. 259.00 t 6$98 Gays Store 346.00 } 6$99 Gem General Store 286.$0 } 6900 Mrs. G.W. Grahm 7-99.00 } 6901 S.R. Hrynewich 160.00#°6902 Jefferies Concrete 238.00°6903 Johnson Controls 199.90 ~ 6904 Kirks Heating 259.00 ~ 6905 Lake Motor Service 233.80 ~' 6906 Leader-Post Ltd. ~37.00~ 6907 Arlene Lester 90.00$ b9o8 Lethbridge Herald 99.00} 6909 Macleod~s Ltd. 74.00} 6910 Marshall-Wells Stores 66.00 } 6911 Martin-Senour Co. 15.001 6912 Med.Hat Health Unit 100.00} 6913 Terry McAleese 31.50} b91.~s Modern Auto Service 76.50 } 6916 Motor Car Sup. Co. 23.95 ~ 6917 Moyer Sk1. Supplies 6$11.75' 6918 Municipal Spus. Ltd. 12.00} 6919 Ness Electric Co. 7.90°6920 Newell Plumbing 353.bg t 6921 Noble Cultivators 5192.70 } 6922 Queents Printer 60.4$ •~ 6923 F.E. Osborne 4g.84~ 6924 Pheasant Sales 23.57 } 6925 G.W. Philpott 24.35 } 6926 Ponting Service 100.00} 6927 Provincial Train. Skl. 13g~90.~ 6928 Provincial Treasurer 37.70 ~- 6929 Rosemary ~- 17733.99} 6930 R.H. Conklin 1104.4${• 6931 R.C.G. Society 6.72}.6932 Royal Lumber Yards 2.20.6933 Saskatoon Star Phoenix 1.44,x' 6934 Scandia General Store 32.57} 6935 Skl. Sec. Super. Fund 25.00} 6936 Wm. Sheldrake 12.67} 6937 Roy Stephenson 65.00 6938 Stiles 1fThe Druggistii 9.50} 6939 Stolsonts Service 21,37.75° 6940 Street-Robbins-Morrow 25.00.6941 Sturdie Propane 47.31} 6942 Kenneth Swenson 1959.36° 6943 T~Irs. Ray Swanson 35.00 } 6944 Taylor, Pearson&Carson g.15t 694 Tilley 25.50}6946 Union Tractor 1.50 }6947 United Grain Growers 4•g ~g4 } 6948 Roy Van-oene 5,~,•i~b949 John Verschoor 6.60} 6950 Welders Supplies Ltd. .g5} b951 Westeel Products 245.551 6952 Wilsons Builders 60,00 6953 Wilson Stationery 16.85fi 6954 F.G. Winter }-;,jTCii g, Z pt)DITcD n 3 m rants p11ar'ered Accoun• r. 6955 G,Ar~ inter 105,60•h 6962 Earl Hofman 116,25 6956 J.P. ittig 10.72•h 6963 B.L. Perry 121.25 6957 W.C. 1312.5ot.~ b961+ Mark Clint 75.75 695$ Cal. Lloyd Express 2.00{• 6965 Mr. Robert Graham 89.25 6959 P.B. acobsen 21-..OOt 6966 Mr. Geo, Owens 87.75 6960 E.O. derson 11*1.75 f' 6967 Cal. Separate Skl. Bd. 1x.5.00 6961 V.L, dene 117.50 t 696$ Mr, D, Ragan 77.25 ,,,..,,,,, Carried. at 4:30 p.m. Adj .......... F+'.~ ; ~:~ ~' 4 j~UC1. iTED r. 3 U Cn Chartered Accouota'r s .~_ .. _ I J' L ,~ /_ Chairman Secretary-T asurer FORM 149-P-Special- MUN[CIPAL SUPPLIES LtD.