HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-04-04 Council (Organizational) Minutes~~~ County of Newell No. 4 County Council .~ - Aril 4~_ 1960._ ..._._.-._.~. In accordance with Section 39 (2) of the riunicipal Districts act R,S,A. 1955, Chapter 215, the first meeting of the 1960 County Council was held in the County Office in Brooks, Albert a, at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 4, 1960. . . Members present; Councillors Secretary Treas. . . N, A. Shuttleworth 0. Vossler F. McAleese C. R. Andrews J. Hajash Jr. R. Armstrong R. Eastman B. ~lumer G. Douglass H, Scannell All councillors were sworn in and signed the Declaration of Oath of Office, . . . Moved by Cou3ncillor Douglass that N.A. Shuttleworth be appointed County Chairman. . , Carried. Moved by Councillor McAleese that Jas. Hajash be appointed Vice--chairman of the County. . Carried. ~~~ointment of _Committees. Nominations for MuniClpal Committee. P. McAleese by G. Douglass- G. Douglass by 0. Vossler J. Hajash by R. Eastman N.A,Shuttleworth by R. Armstrong. Moved by Councillor Plumer that nominations cease. Carried. . . There being only sufficient nominations all were appointed by acclamation. . . Moved by Councillor Vossler that Jas. Hajash be appointed as chairman of the Municipal Committee. Carried. , . N 149-P--Speeial [PAL SUPPLIfiS LTD. I~lominations for School Corrnnittee. B. Plumer by P. McAleese 0. Vossler by G. Dou~].ass R. :Armstrong by 0, Vossler C. Andrews by N. Shuttleworth R. Eastman by J. Ha,:'iash rioved by Councillor Vossler that nominations cease. . . As a result of 9 ballots cast, the School Committee; Councillors; B. Flumer R. Armstrong . . 0. Vossler R. Eastman rioved by Councillor McAleese that Councillor Plumer be appointed chairman of the School Committee. ~~tcN ~ Carried. ~ A~~~v aS4Qied Carried. the following were appointed to - 2- Nominations for Hospital Committee. Brooks & Bassano Hospitals. R. Armstrong by R. Eastman N. Shuttleworth by R. Armstrong R. Eastman by B. Plurr~er Jas. Haash by N, Shuttleworth C. Andrews by J. Haash Mooed by Councillor McAleese that nominations cease. ~~~ Carried. . . As a result of q ballots cast, the follower were appointed to the Hospital Committee: C. R. Andrews Brooks Hospital R. Armstrong Bassano Hospital R. Eastman Brooks & Bassano Hospitals . . Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth that Councillor Eastman be appointed chairman of the Hospital Corrunittee. Carried. . . Nominations for Agricultural Service Board., C.Andrews ~ by R. Eastman - ~ _ ~~ R. Eastman by N. Shuttleworth P. Me4leese by 0. Vossler Moved by Councillor Hajash that nominations cease. . . Carried. As a result of 9 ballets being cast, the following were appointed to the Agricultural"5.ervice Board: ~~ R. Eastman C. R. Andrews . . . Moved by Co cillor Vossler that Councillor Eastman be appointed chairman of the Agricultural Service Board, Carried. . . The following were appointed as Farm Members to the A.S.B. G. Larson Rolling Hills G. Penner Rosemary li~r. Ira Lapp was appointed to the Agricultural Service Board to represent the Provincial Government. • s • • . Nominations for Medicine_Hat Health Unit. 0. Vossler by P. McAleese. Moved by Councillor Flamer that ruminations cease. . . Carried. Councillor Vossler was unanimously elected to the Medicine Hat Health Unit No. 1. . . IJorninations for Civil Defence Cou¢nittee` ~_~._ ~__...-__ _ _ __ _ ____ ~.~ _ ~ _ y_`_ P. McAleese by 0. Vossler J. Haiash by P. McAleese C. Andrews by R. Eastman I~~oved by Councillor Flamer that nominations cease. . . Carried. As a result of 9 ballots cast Councillor C. Andrews ~ra,s appointed as Givi.l Defence Director for the County. . . a. 3 arts ` ~t .w ~i, , ~. ~ t esi~{e; V! 149-P-Spedal ~ ~'' '.PAL SUPPLIES LTD. -3 - Dominations for Fars R. Eastman by J. Hajash by C. R. Andrews by 0. Vossler by Aloved by Councillor e • • • • As a result of 9 ballots cast Councillor Hajash was appointed to the Farm Purchase Board, . . Town ~. Village _School Committee Members. _ Moved by Councillor Plumer that the following Town & Village representatives be appointed to the School Committee: Village of Duchess J. Henry Village of Rosemary S. R. Parker Town pf Bassano L. C. Spivey Carried. . . • s • iominations for Public Welfare Officer. __ _.~._,_.___m.~__ . _._ T______ _._.~ _._.~______---- -- P. McAleese by J. Hajash Moved by Councillor Vossler that nominations cease. Carried. . . Councillor McAleese was unanimously elected to be Public Welfare Officer for the County. . . Representatives on Newe11 Foundation (senior citizens). Moved by Councillor Plumer that Councillors Shuttleworth and Hajash continue to represent the County on the P1ewe11 Foundation. Carried, . . Moved by Councillor a.rtnstron~ that there be no change in the meeting days which are to be as follows: School Committee Monday )In the first Municipal Committee Tuesday )full week in Agricultural Service Board Wednesday )each month County Council Friday ) Carried. . . 4M 149-P-Special [CIPAL SUPPLIHS LTD. Remuneration to Councillors_ Moved by Councillor McAleese that the resolution for the remuneration to Councillors be changed to provide for the max?mum amounts to be paid for attendance to meetings, daily super~3.sion rates and milleage ~ 15.00 per day and 1?~ per mile. 4 • . • . Moved by Counc311or Plumer that the motion be amended to read ~ 15.00 per day and 10~ per mile. Amendment carried. Motion as amended carried. ri Purchase Foam. ~ ~' n.. er :. !7 F. M.caleese R. Eastman B. P1~m~er N. Shuttleworth Armstrong that nominations cease. Carried. . . A~Ioved by Councillor McAleese that the resolution attached hereto and forming part of the minutes of this meeting be passed. Carried. Banking.._ . . Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth that the usual banki~ig resolution, authorizing the chairman or vice-chairman together with the Secretary- Treasurer to sign all cheques and official documents, be passed. Carried. . =-'°R1 .~-f;~, ~ ;t ~ f.. ~^ ~.--- n -4- ludi~_ ~~~ Moved by 6cranc311or 1~cLleesa that the fi.r~a of Bevan & Hutch, Brooks, he appointed as auditors for the County for 196G. . . . . Bond,:. Carried. The bonds of the Secretary-Treasurer, tss3,stant Secretary-Treasurer and lccountaat t~rere presented, .... . of Fie_ (Ncs~inations. ) B, Shuttlexorth by_ P. ~tadleese P. I~Ictleese bE ~, 9ossler O, Vossler by B. Firmer ~. Eastman by 8, lrmetrong J, Habash by 8, ~asts~an B, Plmasr by G. Bouglass ... . is a result of 9 ballots cast the folloMing were appaianted to the Court of B~evi:ic~nt B, Shuttl~ror'th P, Hc~ilsese ~. Vossler $. Eastaan B. Plumer ..... Bc>rroxina. Moved by Councillor Meileeae th,et By1.ax Bo. 197 berg a bTlax to authorise the borrowing of # 3UO,t3E~G.~ for ~u~t ezpsraditnres be gi.~n let, 2Ad and 3rd readings and finally passed, . .. . Carried Unan, It xss agreed that the Council proceed xith the ordinary business of the Core~sil. .... Moved by Cauncil].or Ib~ash that the County proceed Frith the finishing of the Civil Aefeaae buildings, .... . It xas agreed that the Mruaicipal meeting be held this same dal in the aPternc>on, the eounc~S,1. meeting to be held Friday, lpril $th, anct the School Ca~ittes cn. ~dary, lpril 11th, 1961), ..... Meeting ad~cmr~ned at laCO p,m. .. . . ~,,= Ss Tre i »s.a-sn.ola~ 'AL SVPPLtHS LTD. V~~ County of Newell No. 4 Resolution . Moved by Councillor McAl®ese and resolved that in accordance with Section 55 of the l~funicipal Districts Act, the following remnnerations be paid to the Chairman, Councillors and members of the School Committee for the year 19~i0. ~ 15.00 per day for each Councillor or member for each meeting attended. 10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in coming to and returning from meetings of the Council or Committee. ~ 15.00 per day for the Chairman for each day necessarily spent in the discharge of his duties as Chairman other than attendance at Council meetings. 10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in discharge of his duties as Chairman. ~ 15.00 per day to each Councillor or member for the time necessarily occupied in laying outs or inspecting work performed or to be performed for the County. l0~ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in respect of the laying out or inspection or work performed or to be performed for the County. ~ 15.00 per day to each Councillor or member attending Committee meetings. 10¢ per mile for each mile necessarily travelled in respect of Committee meetings. ~ Cha rman a ~~ ~' ~~ ~° c qry-Treasurer M 11Y-P- Sp~eiN :IPAL SVPPLIBS L1D. ~, Official Oath I Mr. H. A. Shuttlexorth do axear that I x111 diligently, faithfully, and to the best of aqr ability, eatiecute according to lax, the office of Councillor for the Cotmty of Hexer No. 4 So help nr God. Witne ~ Signed Official Oath ~~ . ~~!,o I Mr. Otto Roesler, do smear that I will diligently, faithfully, and to the best of ~ ability, ezeente according to lax, the office of Cesncillor for the County of Newell Ho. 4. So help. ms God. Witnes Signed: ._~, Official Oath I l~r. P . McAleese, do swear. that I rr111 diligently, faithfully, and to the best of my ability, a~oecute according to lax, the office of Councillor for the County of Dwell loo. 4 So help me God. ~~q- Q Witness • Sigt~eds ~ /» y[.~,~-d-~, Official Oath x I Mr. C. 8. Andrews, do swear that I x111 diligently, faithfully, and to the best of aq ability, a~oecute according to lax, the office of Cobneillor for the Coumty of Newell Ho. k. So help ar God. Witness• Sign Official Oath I Wr. dears Ha3aah. dr. do swear that i will diligentlyy, faithfully, and to the best of npr ability e~oecnte ateerdfng to l,ax, the office of Councillor for the County of Newell Ho. !~ So help me God. M 119-P-Sp.oial IPAL SVPPLI83 L1D. Witness: ~ Signeda ~~'~" Official Oath I Mr. ft. G. Arn~strac~A, d© swear that I will, diligently, faithfully, and to the best of my ability, ascents as#erding to law, the office p! Councillor for the County of fte~nell fto. 4. 3o help me God. Witness: Signed s Official Oath I I~r. ft. Fastaean, do s~nsar that I will di]s.gently, faithfully, and to the best of aqr ability, esecute according to law, the office of Councillor for the County of Newer No. 1~. So help me God. Witness ~ Si Official Oath I Wr. Ben Flamer, do swear that I will diligently, faithfully, and to the beat of ~ ability, e~acute according to lax, the offise of Caandllor for ttu County of Newell No. k. So help me God. Witnes Sigard Official Oath I Mr. Gordon Douttlasa, do swear that I will diligently, Faithfully, and to the beet of my ability, e~acute according tolax, the office of Councillor for the County of Newe]1 No. !~ So help nee God. Witness• geed ~~ ~ ~~.P-saa.~ I~ I ~.~ PAL SVPPLi85 L1D.