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1960-03-11 Council (Regular) Minutes
County of Newell No. 4 County Council _ ~ _ March 11~. 160 .. .. _ ,~ ~~ `~ .~ The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell ~ 4 was held in the County Office ian Brooks, Alberta, at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, March 11, 1960. . . . . Members present; Chairman Gouncill.ors Secretary Treas. . . N. ~1. Shuttleworth 0. Vossler F. McAleese W. Lokier J. Hajash R. Armstrong R. Eastman B. Plumer G. Douglass H. C. Scammell The minutes of the meeting of February 20, 1960 were read & adopted. . . . Moved by Councillor Eastman that the Secretaryts report, of receipts and disbursements for the month of February be accepted. . Carried. A copy of a letter from Fooks & M31ne to Chronik Construction re the Rolling Hills and Rosemary schools was read and ordered filed. . . . Moved by Councillor Vossler that the resolution re the power insta]lation at Kinbrook Park by the Calgary Fower Co., copy of which is attached and forms part of the minutes of this meeting, be passed. Carried. . . A letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs re Fire Protection was read and ordered filed. . . A letter from the Bassano Fire Brigade re the additional equipment for fire protection of County ratepayers was read. . . Moved by Councillor McA].eese that the Bassano Fire Brigade be paid ~ 700.00 as the County;s share in the joint unit for fire protection in the Bassano-Countess-Lathom area. Carried. . . . A letter frarn R. Wester offering ~ 125.00 for the small teacherage at Renfrew was read. . . The Secretary was directed to advertise the property at the Renfrew school site (except the school building) for sale by tender. . . . Moved by Councillor Douglass that the offer of Abdul Sheddy to purchase Lot 1, Plan 4570 F.T, at Gem for 20.00 be accepted. Carried. . . . Reports of Co~unittees,. Municipal Committee. Moved by Councillor Ha7ash that the report of tY~e Municipal Committee be accepted. _..-~"". ~ /-. ,,._---''~ ~' ~ , -~ ~ 'o Carried. ~ ~ - , ~~ ,,.,~~~ j ~_,,;, f,~~ ` rti"~>.. 14g_p-. Special 'AL SUPPLIES LTD. ~o ... 2t~r ~~~ School Casmittse. Moved by Councillor bokier that the report of the School Committee be accepted, ~ Carried. ..... 1~ricultural Service Board. I!~oved by Councillor Eaataati that the report of the Agricultural Service Board bs accepted. i Carried. . .. . . Hospital Caam~ittee. Novsd by Councillor trmatrong that the report of the Hospital Ccam~ittes be accepted. Civil Defence. ...,. No report. .... F~ Purchase Board. No report.. • s • s • ,~"~~) ~ I ,''\ 1 ~,; Adjourned for lunch 12:30 to 2s00 p.m. .... . carried. R Moved by Cound7lor .Flamer thai6 the 15~ holdback and the arahAtscta~' fees for the Dnchesa.addition be paid 3.n full. . Carried. ~ . .. . . M©vsd by Councillor Yossler that the sum of ~ 15,000.00 be paid to Johns Construction on account of holdback on the Tilley addition. ed. . ... Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the folloxing accaants be passed for paya~onts Z, ~V° g ', ~ ~ti~d~~ ' 6021 La ~ ` 6022 M. 6026 6027 6ta28 6029 6031 6032 6433 6435 6036 6437 6038 L6039 ~+~- 601..2 bOlti4 6046 601F7 6048 6449 6050 A. x. A. N. Pa pi* B.~ H. 15. Vii. vic T.B T.B i Titles t?ffice ]Af1.00 "" ~• I~ 579.04 M Lce of Qusen~s Pr, 25.00 M _• T• ~ 75.50 M >ka. Airport Goassittee100.00 M 901 Book BraACh 1091.17 M ration ~ 600.00 ow ~Forsatry Assn. 25.00 ~ 'y Cash 15.69 v icsaa Auto & Mach, 12.50 M ~. Greer Ltd. 64.74 M ~in~enour Oo. 28.00 ~' C.II.~G.Timko 25.00 r ,h~'17 ~s11a 3.73 "' '• T, 24,05 r sr. Brush Co. Ltd. 4.26 M n Tractor 7.td. 1677.79 M . Torkelson 55.55 M icier Garage 123.25 w . D. 25.90 M ~'.S./~1,i~i. Charlton 88.2,1. M . Scam~ell 1.1,3.60 ~ a1.1. 35b93.07 ~" /![. Korithoaki 21A,00 M ~ itil.l3.atoaonn 60,00 M Mc~ 312.00 M Ceding®r 1,000.(DOM 5aeharias 372,00 v ~ Alvin Lepp 540,00 M ~ Bsloy F. Seely 754.00 M 6451 Wm. Lauver 6052 B,oi.S./G. Pastkau 6053 B,o.N,3./N, ~ueck 6454 B.o.N.S./d, g. Purcell 6455 B. N, dames . 6056 John Creybohffi b057 Mrs. Ida F3bel1 6058 Nrs. ~. Plant b459 Mr. C. Buchanan 6060 T, $• F, 6061 [. T. 1. 60b2 ~. Seefried 64b3 F. d. Foster 6061,. Arthur _Losxsn 6065 8vans>~neering Males 6066 Motor Car Supply Co. ~7 Mr:. S, Boat 6068 Brawn, eta./ G, gara~ 6469 Brooks Pharmacy8 b470 Jack Naldatter 6071 Ef~ighton Unigas 6472 Alberta itheat Pool 6473 visa F, ~. 80th 6E~'74 Nrs. xuth miens 64`75 Nina Ifaris Mikula 6476 B'©r~ua 8oen 6078 derryh i~tiddifield 6479 Don G. Tarney 6084 County of Null 230.00 M 1+62.00 M 1,1.5.00 "' x.43 '" ~~~ M 20.00 "' ].Z.00 M 80,00 M 50.00 "' 1736.89 M 332.50 M 21,05 a~ 450.40 w 16.95"' 30,95 M 198.75 ~" 86.00 M 25.00 "" 1.1N0 M 1,60 M 560.00 M 191,20 M ?A.00 M 20.00 M 20.00 M 1.8b M - 3.48"' 2,25 M 24&8 M 2597.50"' N 148-P--Special [PAL SVPPLIHS LTD. ~~ - 3 - ~ ~ f~ .•, r it f /~ 1' -r~ i gas-r-~s~i.i !AL SVYPLIBS L7D. 6081 C. . Kadey ~ 100.00 ~ 6139 3Qeenbirn Collieries 565.30 v 6082 d, 6083 Pro rban d. Treasurer 617.21+ ~ 611F0 Mrs, M, Korithoaki 345.76 M 6111 Lake. Motor Service 24.00 86 276 ~ ~ 6084 Mee 6085 ~T ~ .General of CBn. C 411+1+.00 M 6142 K, N • Lint crtt . 101,00 M . 6086 ~' . . on 220.36 ~ 6143 588.68 M b11~ Keith l~irshall Marsha11~1e11a Stores 36.35 8 18 ~ ~ 6087 ey Gas Cos 216,50 M 6145 Mid~uTest Paper Ltd. . 94 61 . w 6088 F. 6089 H Debella a 100,00 M 61.46 Modern Auto Service . 662.57 ~ . ~~ Ben k 100.00 M 6147 50.00 ~~ 6118 Motor Gar Supp1Y M Dyer School Supplies 128.19 12 46 6091 6092 Wit, Fawer Limited YsYiicle Branch 8.41 M 6149 18.00 ~ 6150 l~nidpal Supplies Ltd. McCabe Grain Co . 296..22 ~, ~; 6A93 Mrs 6094 c Jean BarloK t N t 60.00 M 6151 , McGrsx~iill. Co, of Canada .85 15.50 P r an 6095 ~. es . a ural Gas (Arthur Larson 10,1}8 M 1175.46 ~ 6152 6153 M, J. McKenzie Ma~tsod~s Limited 83.04 51 2( M r~ 6096 Mrs, Lester Sieppsrt 75.00 M 6154 Thomas l~elson ~ Sons Ltd. , , 25 26 M 6097 Qaee `ts Printer 10,00 M 6155 Nesbitt Pahl, Co, . 108 45 -+~ 6098' 1, 6099 B :.M,_ Ds. 365.00 +'~ ~ 6156 Mittel Supg].y Co, + 11,50 , , 6100 i d & Son T 72,61 " w 6157 A. J, Nystrom & Co. 47,20 , '" . 6101 llt . Lumber Co. Ltd. 19.35 8;W M 6158 6159 Ougkiton Unigas Ltd. F, E, Csborna ~ 449.26 ' 354.96 6102 b1A3 A _ x ~ 10.80 M 5.00 ~" 6160 6161 Patricia Garage G, lt, Philpott 82,31 56 10 -- +~ m 6104 sea r Lumbar Ltd, 43.94 "' 6162 Pink & ~hi.sts 8lectric . 38.75 ' 6105 F, H 6106 Fred Berry Batton 285.72 M 25,00 M 6163 6164 Mrs, Nc~a Porter ~ Precision Mach. & Equip 25.00 ~ 869 59 M ~ 6107 Mrs. Mary Bina~3s 12.00 M 616$ . . Provincial Training School 14 50 w 67A8 &. 6109 Bow el lops Shipping 62.43 M 670.1.1,. s 6166 6167 Rnesnz s Pr:L~~ter Fred Bed~lback . 1.90 108 00 m 6110 Brat . ~ac1!~t11an 4.00 M 6168 Hassler Motors Limited , 2 50 M 6111 Broe 6112 B s Co-op. Assn. 96.44 M M 6169 Mrs. H. 8oen . 6.00 M roo 6313 Broo Garage s Hcm~s Fern. 3.00 851.90 M 6170 6171 Scandia Service Station School Book Branch 72.95 10 740 M ~" 6114 Broo 6115 B Tire Service T 67.85 M 6172. Sharps Theatre Supplies . 7.83 r 6116 Fair - ibbitt rss 1,36,70 M 1 7 "' 6173 6174 Stalson Service 3 72,27 w 6117 cant al Sales & Serv, . 7 633.48 M 6175 tred: -~obbind-MMorrotir Sturdie Propane Limited 510.74 , 29. 291 ~" b]].8 Cole 6119 C Plumbing r S 545.00 M M 6176 Taylor, Pearson & Carson , 2,3,1;2 - M 6120 C , ghipaoent 20.53 6177 University of Toronto 71,80 , M 6121 Or sp, School Br. Lmsaber Co. 6.00 a 171,05 ~" 6178 6179 Village of Duchess Village pf gos~y 39.70 ~ 116 50 ~ r 6122 Del 6123 J M s Brooke Transp. d S 47,40 ~" 6180 Village of Ti11ey . 100.00 ~ w , 24 D 61 ent & oma 7.07 ~ 6181 ~fateraus Equipment Ltd. 2326,99 ' ~ . 6125 Dnah en Bridge Co. ss Garage 429.96 ~ 43.85 s 6182 6183 i~Telder~s supplies Limited T~estesl Prod t 5.45 - M 6126 Mrs. !12'7 E T Leila Dunbar D ~ 68.60 a M 6184 uc s Mrs. J. J, mite 92.35 100.,00 ~" "' , 6126 Th® , . ..Futon co. Ltd. 306.87 5.35 M 6185 6186 Willson Stet. Co, Ltd. Wilson Eci].der~~ Sal i es 13.84 15 61 "" 6128 Els 6130 I~ a Equip. Ltd. b t ~ 152.98 M M 6187 Frank hinter _~ . 450.45 ~" rs. 61,3. Finl. er s1en #s Store 32.00 14b,1~$ M 6188 6189 J, P. i~ittig Bassano Yol. Fire Brigade 21,35 ~M 70p 00 - "" 6132 R, H 6133 W E Gabert G Ltd 160.20 M ~ 6190 Nss,~eh, Mitchell, etc. . 6976.,29 ~ ~ , 6134 reer , " 64,90 '" 6191 B Cc~struction Co, Ltd., 21432,86 r 6135 ~, ~ _Hawksa`rorth 41.40 ~ 11.80 M 6192 6193 Johnson Construction Co, Mrs, J, Barlow 15000,00 , X0 00 '` ~ ~ 6136 Trope Motors 219.96 M 6194 Cal.&.Lloyd dress . 1 15 6137 Imps 6138 ai]. r 551.76 ~ " 6195 Mrs. Joan Lester . 36,00 '" "' .-~anit,3upp. 31.00 Carried. .. ... Moved by Councillor Arststrong that the tcal7.cnring accounts bs ~rritten off as unaollectabls: o~j~° o ~~~9O`5 ~ G. Friesen, T311ey 1.30 t o ,<ea P~~ G, Hatch, Raiai®r 36.92 ,~ P, Lsrochells, Countess 1„8.00 } C. Bsdelback, Brooks 10.00 } T, f~iigeagr, Patricia s -.- 73.42 • • • Carried... . ~ Peradssion was requested by Sun Oil Co. to cross Couttty road a11c~-ances with their feeder pips lines to their l t S i T ~ f a ~~• p an , ~ . o • . • • io -4- ~~t~l, Moved by Counail].or Dou~7.a,ss that Sun Oil be advised that on every occasion a pipe line crosses a County road allowance it shall be at a depth of $ ft • belot~r the lancji~urface, and ~ shall allow for a 100 ft, road width, harried. ...•. I Moved by Councillor McAleese that 5 netrr school busses be ordered /% i for an approa• cost of ~ 2$,000.00. Carried. . • • • Moved by Councillor Eastman that an additional ~ 500.00 be allotted for grass seed on condemned 3.ar~d on a 50-50 basis ~! for 19b0L Carried. s . . . • . The Secretary was directed to contact Mr. Crawford re the use `; of the concrete slab at the Red Deer bridge site and development ~r of a camp site at that location.. ~ ..... A~eeting adjourned at k215 p.m. N~~c~ ~ • • • • • y pUfl~t o ~ 3 a~°u G~~etea ~c~u l: _ rman 3 retrary Treasurer ___._ - - ~--- _ _ M 149-P-~Speclal :IPAL SUPPLiHS LTD.