HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-15 Council (Regular) Minutesn :.~ ii County of Newell N o. 4 bounty Council July 15th 19>5• The postponed regular meeting of the Council of the County of Plewell No. 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks Albertan at 10:00 a.m, on Fridays July l~th~ 1955 .. i~2embers present: Chairman Councillors Secretary-Treasurer School Superintendent N . A . Shuttleworth H. Ockey Y. '~;':~araksa J , ~~iortensen R, Arrison G. Douglass P . IvlcAleese B . ]'lame r H . C . S caramel l 0. P. Larson. . . The minutes of the meeting of June lOtr.~ 1955 and the Courts of Revision recently held Vaere read and adopted . ~ . • / ' c~. ~~ ~ r r,~oved by Councillor McAleese} that the Secretary~s report of Revenue and Expenditure and Monthly Progress for the month of June be accepted, Carried. . . A report on the ~"eater Supply at F~ol]_ing Hills indicated no contamination. . . A letter from ~lrs. Shiel re tie position as janitor of the Tilley Scriool was read and ordered filed. . . The Budget and request for payment of the Bow Valley Health Unit # 6 wa.s read and ordered filed, . . A letter from Councillor Lokier with regard to Van Routes in his Division was read. ' . . In considering the requirements for school vans the Secretary was directed to obtain prices on new vans of various capacities as soon as possible. . . The Secretary advised that the ~ 75.000.00 Debenture for the Duchess School had been received for signatures, . . 2 .. rn 109~P-Special .IPAL 6UPPLIE6 LTD. s - 2 - +y 'J: 6 Advice was received of the hearing on July 20th caith regard to the Brooks municipal Hospital requisitions. . . Moved by Councillor I~c.Aleese~ that the o~`fer of Leslie I~ailly to purchase Lot 16~ Block 7, Plan 1217 B.A. Patricia and the shack thereon for the sum of ~ 125.00 be accepted. Carried. . . of A resolution received from County Grande Prairie rio. 1 re suggested changes to the County .Act was read and ordered filed. . . An offer by F. 5cheicht to purchase the barn on the Duchess 5cksool Grounds for the sum of ~ 60.00 was refused, ~ . /~ ~ ~ ~, i ,, /j , The Secretary was directed to call for tenders to purchase the barn. , . . . . A letter from Vince Fabians Tilley Janitor and Van Driver Tilley Schools requesting re-employment for next tFrm was read. On the recommendation of dt ouncillor Waraksa it was agreed that ~u2r . Fabian be accepted for next year. . . Lunch 1:00 to 2 :00 p .m, . . Reports of Committees. I~unici~al Committee . It was unanimously agreed that regardless of the reduction in Roadwork Grants the 19CG; Roadwork Pr ogram be continued as originally planned and in accordance with the Form "A"s~ with the e~ption that the road on Councillor Plumer's Form "A" for 8500.00 to be spent on the new road south of the C .P .R . ~ west from Duchess be removed and the road be considered in 1956 RoadtiTaork Program as a County Project. • A • • • T.~oved by Councillor ~7ortensen~ that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted. Carried. • • • • 4 - 3 ~- n 149-P-SpeciaF [PAL SUPPLIES L'I'D. ~~ .. ~ A delegation from the Canadian Legions Brooks consisting of F. Sa.nderson~ PJ7. Eves and vJalter Larson' met the Council to discuss the purchase of the Dormitory Building. . . Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that subject to the approval of the 14?mister Lot C ~ Block G ~ Plan 410 F' .~ . Brooks ~ together with the Dormitory Building thereon be sold to the Canadian Legions Brooks on tY~e follov~ing terms: 7.000.00 cash ~~ 2.000.00 in three months 1.500.00 in one year , interest at 4~0 on any balance not paid after 12 months from data of agreement. Carried.., . . l~loved by Councillor D+icAleese~ that subject of the approval of the T~inister~ Lots 1 & 2~ Block G~ Plan 410 F Brooks be sold. to Dr, Ben re?acLeod for the sum of ~ 800.00 conditionally on his building a I~ledic.al Office Building thereon within one year. Carried. . . I~ioved by Councillor Ockey~ that the proposed school program of replacement of heating units be concurred in. Carrie, • • . . e P.Ioved by Councillor Plumer~ that two Mobile Classrooms 24 x 28 be constructed by Baxter Builders in accordance with the plan drawn by them and submitted to the Department of Education. Cost to be approx. ~ 5.000,00 each. Carried. . . N~oved by Councillor Ockey that the house a:nd lots in Rosemary be purchased as recommended. Carried. , . . ~:oved by Councillor Shuttleworths that the School Committee appoint a sub committee to endeavour to purchase suitable teacherage accommodation in Tilley. Carried„ , . . 142oved by Councillor Ockey.~ that the report of the School Committee be accented, Carried. . . - 4 ~ 143-P-Special .PAL 6UPPLIES LID. ~-... Agricultural Service Board. ~1 =d ~ ~, Ti~oved by Council7.er .err. i song that the report of the .~~°ricultural Service Foard be accepted. i Carried. . . Civil Defence Committee. No. Report. T;oved by Councillor Bckey~ that the resolution vJith regard to the Removal of Cattle Guards on C.P.E. ri¢ht of way attached to and forming part of the minutes of this meeting be passed, r Carried. • R • • Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that Bylaw No. ll4- f ormerly passed at the meeting of February 12th 1955, be redravm to contain the amount of ~ 380.75 as tkie amount required to be borrowed. Carried. :r . . A delegation from the Cassils School District met tre Council at the request of the School Committee Chairman to discuss the controaersy over the retaining of Mr.. Leonard as teacher in the Cassils School. It was suggested that every effort being made by all parties concerned would result in a harmonious solution of the present condition. . . T~~4oved by Councillor. 'y'u araksa that the f oll oti~~ing account s be passed for payment: _~ 1 i ~ /~ ,f ~ i~ 5132. Oxford University Press 5.09 5133 Alta. Govt. Telephon es 102.80 513x- T:~Trs. T~'. tiYallace 60.00 5135 The C~1garJt Herald 40,80 5136 County of Newell 75000.00 5137 C.o.T~./Joe's Blacksm. 20 .GO 5138 The Edmonton Journal 58.32 5139 T~rlahoney~ Starritt & Eggertson 2.50 5140 E. I. D. 45.75 5141 Plew's Spec. Service 30.10 5142 F~ec. Gen. of Canada 63.06 5143 R.B.o.C./V.Kupchenko 75.00 5144 R .B . o .C ./V .Kupche nko 30.00 5145 T,rr . Ray 2e e r 45.00 5146 The Leader Post Ltd. 43.20 5147 4..~ . ~itonhouse 489.20 ;148 Edgar Todd 5.00 514;' Dept. of .t~gric, 142.50 5150 Duchess Garage 131,p6 5151 H, C . Scar.1mel1 42.26 5152_ County Payroll 19820.43 5153 County Payroll 3820.48 5154 'u'"dillzam Endersby 100.00 5155 Dan End er sby 100.00 5156 Tie Calgary Herald 34,80 5157 r4"r . A . Link 51.50 5z-58 T~d. of ~~.dm~ir. 1093.90 5159 T; • o .P'~ .S ./E .~.yling 263.25 5160 B.o.T~; .S./,~.Bieber 762.00 5161 R.E.o.C./P:~ .Dueck 316.92 5162 Nick Due ck 36.50 5163 Ja .J ,Godfrey 233.22 5164 R .o .N .S ./J .Ja.nzen 720.00 ;165 ~r'?m. Lauver 268.K?_ 5166 $,O,iJ.S./V.Iedene 326.43 K167 T1. TIiedinger 869.25 5168 P .R .Penner 263.25 5169 R .C .Peyton 277.85 5170 B,o.P3.S.jJ.I~>.Purce 7.1 2.48.43 5171 T .F ./D .F .Seely 700 ,00 5172 D. T~' , James 4?_.00 5173 T~iss F. Doerksen 40.00 5174 T .F~ ./JoT'1Xt d~ iebe 41.00 5175 Tovtim of Bassarao 100 .GO 5176 Halifax Herald g,td . 75.G0 5177 Treasury ~3ra-nch 3.84 5178 Colersan Service 56.00 5179 Theo De Jong 5.00 5180 Ralph B7. s'rel 9.43 5 ~ 743~•P-Special IPAL SUPPLIi'-S LTD, ;~ rR; ~: ~- /, i ~ j/ X ~, ,~ 5181 Allan .1=~xelson 16.00 5182 Co'anty of Nev~~ell 33 87 n~5i Robert Gairney ~' `~I.58 . 5183 xlta. leack~.ers'Assn. 2~2 C.o.T,;./R.Cairne 177.50 52r? R.E,Caldvaell y 4,b7 ~ n 3 9 5184 Ttiirs , l-T, Dyck r K T >18, l~Irs. Ph. Longpre 30.00 c' m t >254 ~he Calgar~r ITer 100,00 5X55 c r i b „' .. ~ €~~d17.34 5"?_86 T~Trs. I:, Gunderson ~tn. a ,rclors~ r 35.00 5~5b Campbell :giros 15.61 2 20 5187 I,Ir. R. Arrison ~ 188 r~~r . G . Doug 1a s s . ,,68.00 5257 Can.Gen.Electr. 306 GO ~ - . iB.Cv 5189 r,.r. 'ddm. I,okier . ~ 525 C.P.1,. Co. 272.GG 525 C,P.I'c, Co. 3.~0 88 44 5190 r;~~r , Jeppe Portensen ~ . 236.90 K _~ r ~ ,200 .~~.o.Ti.a*~ Cl~ar~ t;o~? , 5191 I~~~r. P. l~.rc:~leese _ 232,00 ,,_ Sons , ^C 3 E - ~ 5l ;?2 T:~Tr. ITarcld Ockeyt 5193 fien E . Pltur~er .. 388.80 52b1 Colerrlan P1t~r,Ibin- 270 50 ~ 51g~ r?, .~. Shuttle~Arcrth ' . ~ I-Teatin~ 400. i~ 52b2 Co1er'~an Service 161.44 4 OG 519E K. ti lar.-aksa 519 J Ratzla ff . 345.60 52b~ ConcrF~te Dr^irla€~~423.12. 32 00 . . 517 L. C . Spivey _. 80.00 5254- Count~T of T.?evuell 5265 Go~:tts T Tac.~~ 2b.17 C5 33 51,8 C. L. Dorton 5199 Gt{s F,eg~hr 24.00 43 ? 0 ~ . -, n? ~~ 5206 C.o.,..~ i:',n~.ne x . a, ~z.50 5200 Oyven bake . _ X2.00 267 Del{~a.y a~rooks Tr~ans~~, ~ ~ 5201 Jarrae s I~enrY 52G? G L 37.50 8 5268 J .P.".I)~nt a: Sons 1,, ~;3 ^ ,16 _ eorge arson 5203 E . Tate~n 0.00 39.60 ~2t,<~ Delrt.of T;ur;.kffa ~ irs 52041L, Dyck 84-.75 ~~, : 3441,01 o 5205 David L. miller 14b.25 5271 Duncan automotiv e 43 7~- 5206 norm. Lauver 5207 .Ross A~IcKay 6.72 17b .OG :;272 Davin D3Tck i t 5273 D~ Y . 18.50 X208 r;Tr.s. Brevaer 41.0 .e c r ~ Dyck 5274 Edr.~.anton Jourr;:~l 77 ,GO ?x;.56 5209 Patricia Jubilee Corr~m. 73.0 5275 JoP,~ ral,i~n ,,2 ~C 5210 rrs, F, E. rsartun 14.00 86 00 x.,276 i~'er~uson Sul;ply f+2.?5 5211 C . E . ?teeve s 521_?_ Tilley Jubilee Comm. . 117.75 K2_'T7 G .F' .Ferrab~• ~;2i8 >:,~ ~ .~ »Finkbeiner 2 q.0 .,' 2 ~n 5213 JoI3n Suchey 419.85 5279 Flanagan ros, 3~-,g~' 5214 Postra~ ster 210 .u0 54.38 192 Oland Ltd Ii 5215 D 5280 C,o,TT./G.Tode r °~ G~ ~ . . . . ~21b T~iessrs . t~eieler 8. Minter r~ 52 1 ~,ir . Cx . ?~ ode ; 2c~? ±riez~dly Stores ?^ ~5 `"_ ?~ .42 5217 Brooks TvIun.Hosp.Dist. 3650.00 9008.50 r,~ Fujimoto 5203 T. C• r ^1.,~5 r r- X218 Ea,~sano ~;.un..ITosp.Dist . 3570 00 r 528}4- C,~'. Gastan ~~ - r r a1 fo S ,"' ~ 3,~4-,r_~ 4 00 ~~lg Gus Stolson 2U~.00 em_ ~~e_..er s- ra ' >~ 526 ~:estetner . 74 1'; 5220 Robert: E. Lee 218.50 J .Godfrey 5287 TT . .75 5221 T.E ./T ,I~orothoskj~ 1~-0.00 . 5288 -2~~' ~ Greer ~30 ; ~2?_ <~ . E . Dur,.can 54-- K2.23 Ccunty of P~ewell 100 00 186.50 . . ,. 589 C.o.T'.~ ./Iammergren " , v9.25 ~?24 Postrriaster 5` 135.00 iach.Shop 5296 IIect~~r n 4c.~;o 225 Ie c . Gel . 1985.80 X291 C,o:~~ .jJ,Ieron ~ 88,50 ,, 522b T3ol1.I~.Jubilee Coma. 182,75 5292 T`,S.ITery~'ord ' 10 .4L~ A . & Jack' s 522 7 ~~~ervice Q b5.90 5293 C .o.T1 ./I~ . ~,~Ieryi ard 146 b p d f 5f~2V .L? 1ta ,11SSri.af T".un •Dl St • 5229 AIta.Govt.Teler~hones UCJ 47 ,02 157.°0 n • ~ Cr7- I ^ ,~ ~ ~2, , rnpe:Li<<i Oil .~td123~ .0~. 5239 Al-La.Linseed Oil Co. 54-2.50 7295 International i ~ G -. z 5 % :? Allan Lurl:ber .hard Ltd . 3 3 59.55 8 110 TSUS neSS TiiaCri, 52t~C, Joe's Elt~cla.srn , .~O • 1~r.SC. ~wrnlco Draina~,e 52 5233 The J. ~~. Ashdov~~n . 53,gp 52`7 T`". I~:araT~i ,-, c>1.~0 5234 ~.tlas Lumber Co. 306,04 5298 I. I~lassen 299 t: ~eer n C o?1 bi 10,;~~4 ?29 55 ;235 I;. ~'~. BarlotiFr ?5,50 . i , r . 7 . 5236 B~.ssar~.o I:ators 354.60 500 G.E,I~re~~ps ~, Ol La e T~:°'ot~ % 3Prv 235.10 x.8 07 x237 YT. Baumann 5238 Leaver (Alta.)i,umber 15.00 14,0 . ~ ~ . . 5302 G ,o,T~ ./D.Lai;:y , 73.OG `"2 ~ Eeieler ~ 'pr'inter 7 -3' 1034.00 5303 L ader Post ~'~04 T,eth'orid~e ITerald 22 .50 29 76 5~4o F3ieber's General Store i r 41 l X3.17 8 b X305 S.E.Lind~~uist . 2C .90 s e x_ R. B 524-2 Tl~ie Rlack I-Tarc~ware Ltd . ; •g ~~b . ,0 r306 F:.T~~ .Lintott r,~ l0 - ~ • ~?_~?-~ Ro BotYi , 3.0G :307 ,.J .I:iclenzie 76.27 X244 Eoy ~` 5 1_ope .hipping Assn . 4.93 5308 Ti~~cI,eod r:':un.I?osp. y l=.'.S.O~U 54- 0 5245 EOLU Valley healtri Unlt 524b he 1?rooks Bulletin 299.7~J 78..7 310 1~i2rShall ~ '.'el1S , . „4 5~ 7 L-''rooks Garay°e 524& Erook:.s Pharmacy r 3> •~5 5.4G f, otores r31 ?:artin-Senour Co. ~ ~ , ~49.3~ 514.03 5249 Brooks Tire Service ~ ~ ~0 .312 C .o .I~i ./J ,i'iartinya ~: 1^8 50 25G Bud's ervi~e :Ltd . 15.80 . b~ ~ 149~P-Speolal PAL SUPPLIES LiD, ~. 'J ~~~ - C - -, , ~77- 3 %31 r F"335 5316 5317 5318 5~1~ 5 320 5321 532? 5324 5325 5326 5327 538 5329 ~~ ~' ~0 ~.. 5331 533 2 5333 334 ~ ~3 ~" i -- J J, dartinyak Sr. 1.75 L . Ivtathie s sen 19.40 I:edicine I:a.t IIea7_th unit i-"1 1557.10 l:~odern ~~,L~to Serv. 105.?9 I[otor Car Supp1y106.90 E,T.ul~lueier 87.GG T~~Ltrray Gordon I~:~acr~ . 3.60 T:~usson ~?ook Co. 16.42 C .o .T' .%J .ITe ely ;-~~ .00 Pelwell 1'vTotors 8.40 Irs,Nosterud 5g.g9 Ofre:~ T,td. 95.04 Pre~r~i er Cartage & .25 Prov.L~Tantal ~_osp.15.00 Prov .Train.Sch. 45.00 ~'rov .Trea s . 77.00 Prov,TreasurPr 55.18 Bruce '~obinson .50 L .E .R ~~; th 6.50 Royal .umber Y~~°c~s Lt ~. , 11.60 Salvation: ~yrmy 10.00 Sar_itary Supplie s 6.25 ScY~oo7.Book E,r. 555.98 5336 uervice Garage 14.95 5337 ~..J ..Shields 20 .GO 5338 R. S. Smitl: ~;?,00 5339 Southwestern I'etr,Co, Z25.~4 5340 rus Stolson 125.46 5341 Ray Stisianson ~~o, .25 5342 Derek T~>.ylor ~6,OG 534.3 Tilley G=as Co. I4.~0 5344 Tilley I~Totors 8,75 5345 Tilley gelding &; Blacksm. 4.80 5346 Ta:vn of Bassano 50.00 5347 Tir. J~ack_ Tranter ~;8.1U 534-8 C.o.I~./J.Tranter 30.x!0 5348 Ron Trieber 2.?0 5350 Union Tractor 702.12 ;351 Village of Tilley ~?8.G2 5352 ?'~aterous :~cYuip~nent Ltd. 34.56 5353 _ :~~ilson Builders Suppl. 15.u7 5354 .~'ra-nk G. ;;inter 20.?0 535; G. >~:. ;`:'inter 147,x0 5356 J. P. .'ittig 5.32 5357 The E"lork:nen's Compensati on pct 787.5a 535 ~~~'yant ~': Comp. Ltd. 299.G0 535;' Tyr. Milton Zacl;er u7.00 5360 C .o .I ./P .Zalapski 15.20 5361 ;'aul Zalapski 74.Q5 5362 T,-~r . R.ay Zeer 30 .OU 5363 ~iegler's Service 112.50 . Carric~~ . . The follot°~~ing staff changes were approved: i~~Irs . I':rockmeyer from ~~~ 140.00 per month to ~~ 350.00 C.B.Robertson from ~~ 3700 .GC per year to ~ 4000.OG I-;:.C,.;cammell from ~ 5000.00 per year to ~ 520G n0 ._ John Lorden appointed to the office staff com~iler~cin at ~ 90.OG per month to increase to ~~~ 100,00 per month from august ?sty 1955, if satisfactory. . . yeetin~, a_d j ourned at 7: ~0 p.ru, . . -~ ,~ _ __ T CHAI~'.I ~A.I~I .' SECRET:".RY- TR.E.~': UU:t'1~R ~ 149-P-Special PAL 6UPPLIES LTD. ~~ ~ ~ r :.J~. County of T~ewell No. 4 Brooks, Alberta. loved by Councillor I~~iortensen July 16th, 19rK. lend dul~T passed That the Board of Transport Cotnrtissioners for Canada be requested to relieve the Canadian Pacific Railway from maintaining cattleguards ?t all road and higY,vvay crossings in the above County viz: Fror4 ~.ilea.ge 37.Po Brooks Subdivision at the Fast bound=pry of Sec . 3~, Twp . 15", Rge . 11, tad 4th 14', . To Lnileage 98.86 Brooks Subdivision at the East boundary of wec. 24, Twp. 21~ Rge. 19, off 4th T~~?. From T.ileage 0 Cassils Subdivision at Cassils ) Except Crossing To I4iileage 2.3.2 Cassils Subdivision at Scandia ) at 3.2 Frain P~~ileage 68.53 Bassano Subdivision at the mast boundary of Sec. I2, Twp. 2.0~ Rge. 11, i~T 4th PuT. Ta r~iileage 118.0 Bassano Subdivision at Bassano. From T~'~ileage 0 Trricana Subdivision at Bassano To Mileage 4.03 Trricana Subdivision at the East boundary of Sec . 1! Twp . 22, Fge . 19, VJ 4th tti~I . ~.r~d that the Canadian Pacific Railway be permitted to rer.-~ove said cattleguards at such time as the said Board may approve. And that a certified copy of this resolution is sent to the said Board. ~ ; -- ~~~ d Reeve Csgd.) ~ ~ _ Secre ary-Treasurer i 143••P-Spectel PAL SUPPLIES LTD.