HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-11-12 Council (Regular) MinutesCOUNTY OF NEV; ELL NO -4. COUNCIL MEETING NOVEiVIBER 12, 1953 The regular monthly meetin- of the Council of the County of Newell No.4 was held in the County Office in -rooks, Alberta _:t 10:00 A.M. , Thursday, november 12, 1953. Merabers present: Chairman Councillors Secretary-`1'rea--urer N.A. Shuttleworth® K. Vlaraksa ol P. ivicileese:, Wia. Lokier,. ialph Arrison Harold Ockey/ Ben E. Plumer,. Gordon Iiouglass, H.C. Scammell The minutes of the meeting of uctober 8, 1953 were read and adapted. .1 z < + a It c r. s P 3ouncillor Warak a report d that natural �;as w.as now installEd in thetenfrew School ,_nd Teacherage . Councillor iwicAleese repor l_.ed that the. Clemenceau Teacherage was now on the Haddin,7ton School site. Th,-� Secretary reported that natural gas service had now been installed at the County 1.ork Shop. . . r . I , . � I . k . It was moved by Chairm.n Shuttleworth th_.t the iviunicipal Inspector's report be received, accepted and filed for presentation to the ratepayers at the Annual 141eetin-, i,'ebruary 20, 1954• Carried. -� It was moved by Councillor Plumer that the ccretary's -report of revenue and expenditures for the month of October be accepted. Carried. v it was moved by Chairman Shuttlewort that the matter of Block 11K", Brooks Sub -Division and i1nderberg Bros. re- garding cancellation of the: existinfr road and acquiring of a portion oa' same by Anderberg, be tabled until the December 10, meeting. Carried. Form M-P—Special MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. L� - 2 - The Seci,etary was directed to advise the `!'i11_ey Community Hall Committee that it was not within the powers of the County Council to make donations of the type they requested, Advice was received from the Tilley Credit Union to the effr ct that the account of Herman iviuhs had been closed out. The Secretary was directed to enquire further into this matter. F . I , . . e I . - . . . Signed articles of a-reement for the 1953 road work grants pro, -;ram viere received. The minutes of the Pledici.ne Hat Health. Unit ivieetin,g of October 21, 195.) were ordered filed. It iijas moved by Councillor i,icKlleese that authority be liven to the iLiC l eod iuiuni_c i pn i Hospi tai Jistri ct ,-x#48 to purchase clothes in the sum of ip'97.5$ for Nerland and ivicL(.,an. carried. It wj-s moved by chairman Shuttles orth that perraissi on be given to yir. Ben Alberts to construct a house, 7ara�e and stock sheds on part of N.E. of 5-19-14-iV4th, adjacent to the No. 36 highway. Carried. Du( to �.he several complications w1iich may occur d.ue to the nuisance w`..ich may be caused by the establishment of a feed lot at this location it was moved by Councillor Arrison that the aoove motion be rescinded ,_nd the matter tabled penUin furth_r investi-ation by Councillor eiortensen. Carried. Civil. :)Efense literature ord!3red filed. ivir. Krcpps attcnaL a the meeting to discuss winger work for the machine operators and ulainten,­�nce crew. Tt was tenta- tively set that the recuired number of ;person.: would he three operators , two maintenance men, b. Penn,= r end G. Winters. It was however thought that this would by better left to the shop foreman to usehis good jud;;ement. i,ir. K,r,epps pointF-d out that the heating insta.11ati on at the Millicent school .,,,as not: in accordance with ryood safety nrinciples, ti,.riich 1,53v borne out by a letter from l-ir. Norman Rust. Form 149-P—Special MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. v Form U9-P—Special :UNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. 84 _ Z _ It .s moved by Councillor tirrison ':,riat Councillor Plumer together lAth i�ir. Krepps look into th . entire situation at the iLill.icent School. Carried . . ' . . I . . ♦ + . .n . . it tNas moved by Council-lor Plumer tha-t the date of +he nnnual iyieetin of tF_e CountI' be aturday, _­erruary 20, 1953 at 2:00 P.i`Ji. , in the Elks Hall at Elrooks , Ait� . Garried. It :r a s moved by Counc ilJ or Lokie r th t By-1,ai, 1d0 -a3 to donate 450.0 to the Salvation Army be �fiven fir,�t, secol�d and tt ir-? reading� and finally passed. Carried Unanimously It was moved by Councillor 'Aaraksa that 11r. A.H. "."Jolfer of Tilley be apoointed as poundkee:per with the pound to be establi. hed in thF-. S.L. of 34-17-1$ 114th. iX Carried. . . . I v I [ e n . > . R . It vias moved by Chairman Shuttlewo-,th that i t . P<.?.ul Lloyd the County tissessor be __,ranted leave of ab:•ence .Athout pay from. November 1, to January 31, 1954. Car-ied . • . . . . . - . < . r . � T It ."L4s ilioved by Cn�iirm .n :huttlev;rortn that the application of ivir. haymond- Lepp for reli,�f assistance be turned ov,r to the Public if .re Officer for investi­,-iti_on and uAsnositior. Carried. school CotmAttee ill Boort The secretary was directed to call for tenaers for tr;, nur- chase of the Clemenceau School. It as criov­�, by Councillor Shuttle'v.,orth that the To-v,ri of 3rooks School �oard be ­.dvispd that title to dock ,rs" pre:3—_ntly held by ttie County will only be surrendered_ to thein for school purposes, pr,.vided trat title to another sim_i.l_a- parcel o_f` suit-.blE. to the 1:ounty Uouncil is offered in its place. (It bein• understood that the Town of brooks School -�oa ld could feel suite frF:e to r17ake use o`' the 1;_ nd as z� school play -;round until ;,-uch gime as the County rai, ;h- h..-..ve nec:.s- :,lty to US:e it.) 85 The Secretary was directed to obtain an independent reel s . estate dealers valuation on Block "Srr It was moved by Chairman Shuttleworth that the salary for Agricultural Service Board Suervisor Mr. George Philpott be increased from $200.00 to 1230.00 per month, commencing November 1st, 1953• Carried. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It was moved by Councillor Lokier that the following accounts be passed for payment: Dept. of Education Modern Furniture Ab & Jacks Service Minneapolis -Honeywell R. Batalden G. Hughes Postmaster Postmaster Eastern Irrigation Di R.A. Pearce . County of Newell, P.0 R•A, Pearce J.A. Noviski Beaver Lumber Rosemary Industries Patricia Store School Aids & Text B. Dept. of Agriculture W.H. Mowser C.K. Adamson Rosemary Transport Dept. of Education H.Crapo Dustbane Jos. Henrich Alta. Nat. Drug Co. M. Gunderson Soldier Settle.& Vets H. Ockey R. Bishel Queen's Printer C of-N#4,cr Kleenbirn H.C. Scammell Treasury Branch M. Gunderson Mrs. H. Dyck Mrs. P. Longpre DissB. Krepps CofN#1+ -.payroll 1 Paul Lloyd H.H. Ranches S.J. Thomas CofN#4 - payroll Postmaster, Brooks Receiver Gen. of Can Bd of Admin. Alta. Teachers Asse. Alta Gov.Treas Brooks R.C. Petton Royal B.cr N. Dueck Gus Stolsen Deloy F Seely C. Reynolds .BkofNS,cr J.K. Purcel R.R-. Penner M Me'idinger .BkofNS, cr VL Ledene A1ta.Gov.Treas,cr to LT'1L .. ana r X25.00/1652 482.50 246.28 1653 19.80 1654 40.00 1655 40.00 1656 6.00 1657 50.00 1658 st 21.70 1659 87.08 1660 8.94 1661 35.00 1662 30.00 1663 56.22 1664 3.00 1665 43.54 1666 12.35 1667 2.00 -1668 33.751669 370 60-1670 3.66 1671 9.00"1672 29.00 1673 26-56 1674 12.00 1675 6.86 1676 35-00-1677 66.34 1678 77.20 1679 52.00 1680 2.95 1681 C 2734.7$16$2 52.88 1683 215.35 1684 35.00 1685 34.00 1686 100.00 1687 42.00 1688 69998.68 1689 30.10 1690 89.63 1691 7.10 1692 23647.41 1693 122.52 1694 1,574.05 1695 898.99 1696 221.92 1697 479.40 1698 284.04 y699 396.90 148.40 1700 775.49 1101 385.56 1702 1 224.91 1703 306.18 1704 941.22 1705 529.511706 385.63 1707 AltaGovTreas,cr T. Korothoski 204.12 H.E. Hankel 174044 N.J. Godfrey 255.15 BkofNS cr R. Ayling 340.20 O.E. Ziegler 612.36 R. Bishel 84.00 BkofNS Cr to J .P . Janzen 757.1 BkofNS cr AW Bieber 442.0 H. Ockey 50.00 H.C.Scammell 50.00 Wm. Lokier 50.00 Tvirs. E.M. Kelly 50.00 Can.Rock Wool Sales 3,131.00- R.A. Pearce 2$.95 Mrs. E.M . Finlayson 30.00 CofN#4-petty cash 19.30 Brooks Mun . Hosp .#28 3.00 Alta. Assn. M.Ds 1,442.60 C.K. Adamson 429.78 K. Anderson 22.00 Alta . Found.&Nlach . Co . 6.00 A1ta.Gov.T..lephone 89.40 Allan Lumber Yard 36.95 Arnold Bloomquist 34.00 Atlas Lumber Co. 214.40 Atlas Lumber Co. 59.40 Bieler & Winter 2,62$.50 R. Bishel 44.25 Bk.Soc.Can. Ltd. 2.29 Brents Mens Wear 29.95 Brooks Bulletin 38.10 Brooks Garage Mach S. 35.13 Brooks Pharmacy 9.49 Bruce Robinson Elec. 58.67 E.W. Brunsden 17.40 Burroughs 180 .0 Calgary Power Ltd. $. 0 Can.Pac.Rwy Co. 3.21 Cassils Mutual Tel.Co. 3.30 Ctrl Sc. Co of Can.Ltd.234.87 Chapman Electric 3.00 Geo Cplpas Jr. 5.00 Concrete Drain.Pipe 2,364.45 B. Connors 10.00 B.J. Coombs 6.00 CofN#4 374.5 Deldays Cartage 18.5 Dept. of Education 5.70 E. Carruthers 46.15 L.A. Dressel 23946.75 E.I.D. 41650.99 Ferguson Supply 111.00 Galbraith Cleaners 2.55 C.T. Gaston - ,11.02 Goodrich R, dio &Elec .. '27.00 G. Ferraby 10.35 708 709 710 711 712 13 714 R9 717 718 720 721 722 723 724 726 728 .730 332 .733 .73 5 .737 :B0 .740 741 .743 .744 .746 .747 ,748 .750 751 .753 754 Friendly Stores Gem General St. Gem Lumber Yard Good & Walker 2 D. Havens John Hawkins J. Heron G. Hiebert H. Hiebert; -E. Hinkey N. Hjorth Imp.Indust. 1 Imp.Oil Ltd. Wm. Ion CofN#4 HP Johansen D. Kanewischer G. Karman Kleenbirn Qoll. G.E. Krepps Vernice Ledene S.B. Lindquist K.N. Lintttt MacLeods td. MacLeod Hosp. Marshall Wells Smith McKay Iyi.J .NicKenzie Med.Hat Health U Mid -W. Paper iurr1ayr6oYdon R.0 . "arum Newell Motors H.Norden North.Electric H. Ockey Ofrex Ltd. F.E. Osborne -5- 4.40 3.36 64.01 ,047.50 21.00 3.00 36.00 32.00 6.00 30.50 100.00 )649-00 841.73 10.21 90.00 115.00 12.00 30.00 206.20 332.56 6.00 82.86 113.60 24.16 165.00 12.$$ 16.40 267.75 968.18 320.30 3` i :88 Park Sales & Serv. Ed. Perry G.W. Philpott D.R. Poole Premier Cartage R. Pritchard Prov.Mental Hosp Prov.Train.Sch. 35.00 2.00 39.48 16.64 2$.55 36.00 5.49 19.10 14.00 72.60 75.00 1$.00 14.15 15.00 30.00 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 t§4173 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 17$8 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1796 1797 1798 (1799 Prov. Treasurer 24.00 Prov. Treasurer 113.00 Queens Printer 2.50 R. Redelback 32.00 J• Roads 12.00 F. Roberts 10.50 Ryl Lumber Yards 71.23 Salv. Army 450.00 San.Supplies 10.20 Sharps Theater S. 6.00 Smalley's Radio 65.17 Smith, Davidson, Lecky 1$12.6' Smith,D VjdS(n,*i9ht 161.66 M.D. ,Soresnson 19.50 Frank Sppies 5.10 8tolsari, BA Gas 3$.15 Ti11e Gas $ Tillman Bros �2o :Up R. Ubertino 14.75 Waterous $,04 Welders Supp. 10.65 J. Wieliczko 6.00 Wilson Build. 5.94 G.W. Winter z69.20 G.M. Wiseman 6.00 J.P. Wittig 27.35 Witting Bros. 18.61 World Affairs 14.25 P.C. Zacher 30.00 Sch.Bk.Br. 4,260.93 Can.Gen.Elect 14.03 P.M. Hammergren 12.00 E.I.D. 31.30 H. Crapo 64.00 Black nardw. 426.20 Flanagan Bros. 9.77 Waterous 89.66 Newell Plumb. 90.$4 Sc.Supp. lig :P Ioyer gDougl G. as W. Lokier 50.00 B.E. Plumer 50.00 H.C. Scammell 5 N.A. Shuttleworth �8:88) Carried. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Form 148-P- Sp.otal MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD.