HomeMy WebLinkAbout2043-22 Meeting ProceduresCOUNTY OF NEWELL
BYLAW NO. 2043-22
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 145 of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000 Chapter M-
26, it is deemed desirable to establish rules and provisions to regulate the conduct of business in
meetings of the Council and Committees of Council, to control and maintain order in meetings for
the enactment of County legislation and to provide for dealing with petitions, correspondence and
other submissions to the Council, and the Committee thereof.
Now therefore, the Council of the County of Newell duly assembled hereby enacts as follows:
1. This Bvlaw may be cited as "The Meetinq Procedure Bvlaw"
2.1 "Acting Reeve" is the member selected by Council to preside at any meeting of
Council in the absence or incapacity of both the Reeve and Deputy Reeve;
2.2 "Agenda" is the list of items and orders of business for any meeting;
2.3 "Bylaw" is a Bylaw of the County;
2.4 "Chairman" is the person presiding at meetings;
2.5 "Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)" means a person appointed to that position by
the County of Newell Council as per section 205 of the Municipal Government Act,
RSA 2000, c M-26;
2.6 "Council" is the Councillors of the County of Newell being elected pursuant to the
provisions of the Local Authorities Elections Act;
2.7 "County" is the County of Newell;
2.8 "Deputy Reeve" is the member who is appointed pursuant to the Municipal
Government Act to act as Reeve in the absence or incapacity of the Reeve;
2.9 "Designated Officer", for the purposes of this Bylaw, shall include the Chief
Administrative Officer, the Assessor, the Agricultural Service Board Fieldman and
the Special Constable;
2.10 "Reeve" is the Chief Elected Officer of the County and, as such, is Head of Council
elected in accordance with the Municipal Government Act;
2.11 "Member" is a member of Council, Committee, Board or Commission member;
2.12 "Nomination Procedures" shall be the procedures adopted by Council from time-to-
2.13 "Point of Information" is a request directed through the Chair to another member, or
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to staff, for information relevant to the business at hand, but not related to a Point of
2.14 "Point of Order" is the raising of a question by a member to call attention to any
departure from The Meeting Procedure Bylaw;
2.15 "Point of Procedure" is a question directed to the Chair to obtain information on a
matter of parliamentary law or the rules of the County bearing on the business at
hand in order to assist a member to make an appropriate motion, raise a point of
order, or understand the parliamentary situation or the effect of a motion;
2.16 "Public Hearing" is a meeting of Council convened to hear matters pursuant to:
2.8.1 the Municipal Government Act,
2.8.2 any other Act,
2.8.3 any other matter at the direction of Council;
2.17 "Question of Privilege" refers to all matters affecting the rights and immunities of the
Council collectively or the position and conduct of inembers in their representative
character as elected representatives, and would be identified by the member being
recognized by the Chair;
2.18 "Question Period/Notice of Motion" is that period set aside prior to adjournment when
specific questions and/or concerns may be raised by members;
2.19 "Quorum" is a majority of those members elected and serving on Council, except
where special Committee policies have been passed;
2.20 "Recorded Vote" is the calling by a member, prior to the vote on a motion, for a
record to be kept of the members voting for and against a motion;
2.21 "Secretary" is the County Secretary appointed by Council pursuant to the Municipal
Government Act, and is the person designated by Council to perForm the statutory
duties of the Secretary for the County.
3.1 This Bylaw shall govern the proceedings of Council and Standing or Special
Committees thereof and which specifically includes the Committee of the Whole;
3.2 When any matter relating to the meeting procedures is not addressed in this Bylaw,
reference shall be made to Robert's Rules of Order which rule(s), if applicable, shall
3.3 In the event of conflict between the provisions of this Bylaw and Robert's Rules of
Order, the provisions of this Bylaw shall apply;
3.4 Any provisions of this Bylaw may be repealed or amended by a majority vote,
provided that notice of proposed amendments has been given at a preceding regular
meeting. The amendment or repeal must be made in the same way as the original
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3.5 Notwithstanding the above, and in the absence of any statutory obligation, any
provision of this Bylaw may be waived by resolution of Council, provided two-thirds
of all members of Council vote in favour thereof to deal with a matter under
3.6 In the absence or inability of the Reeve or Deputy Reeve to act, Council shall appoint
any other member as Acting Reeve.
4.1 As soon as there is a quorum of inembers after the hour fixed for the meeting, the
Chairman shall take the Chair and call the members to order;
4.2 Unless a quorum is present within thirty (30) minutes after the time appointed for the
meeting, the meeting may, at the discretion of the Chairman, stand adjourned until
the next regular meeting date or until a special meeting is called to deal with the
matters intended to be dealt with at the adjourned meeting. The Secretary shall
record the names of the members present at the expiration of the thirty (30) minute
time limit and such record shall be appended to the next Agenda.
5.1 Regular meetings of Council and meetings of Standing or Special Committees of
Council shall be established by resolution at the annual Organizational Meeting, or
other regular meeting of Council at which all Councillors are present.
5.2 Unless otherwise approved by a motion of Council that may be approved during a
regular or special meeting of Council, meetings will be held in the County of Newell
Council Chambers.
5.3 �th the exception of portions of a meeting which may need to be discussed in
closed session for specifically noted matters pertaining to Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy, all meetings of Council and Council Committees shall be
open to attendance by any member of the public.
5.4 Regular and Special meetings of Council will be recorded and livestreamed for
viewing by the public. Links to livestreamed meetings will be posted on the County
of Newell website.
5.5 Under extenuating circumstances that may arise for individual members of Council
or that may occur throughout the broader community and potentially impact several
or all members of Council and or some members of the public, direct participation in
meetings by members of Council and the public may occur via an online virtual
meeting system which ensures that all members of Council and other participating
parties can be viewed and verbally engage with Council in the business of the
meeting in real time.
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6.1 The Reeve
6.1.1 may call a special Council meeting whenever the official considers it
appropriate to do so; and
6.1.2 must call a special Council meeting if the official receives a written request
for the meeting, stating its purpose, from a majority of the Councillors;
6.2 Written notice of a special meeting stating the time and place at which it is to be held
and stating in general terms the nature of the business to be transacted thereat,
shall be provided to the members by mailing the notice to the Council member's
address at least six (6) clear days in advance of the meeting or personally delivering
the notice to him/her or, in his/her absence, from his/her residence to any adult
thereat, at least three (3) clear days before the date of the meeting;
6.3 A special Council Meeting may be held with less than 24 hours' notice to all
Councillors and without notice to the public if at least 2/3 of the whole Council agrees
to this, in writing, before the beginning of the meeting;
6.4 No matter other than that stated in the notice calling the special Council Meeting
may be transacted at the meeting unless the whole Council is present at the meeting
and the Council agrees to deal with the matter in question;
6.5 Where a special meeting is requested by a majority of Council, the Reeve shall call
such meeting within seven (7) days of the date on which the request in writing was
delivered to the Reeve.
7.1 An Organizational Meeting of Council shall be held annually, pursuant to the
Municipal Government Act;
7.2 The CAO shall fix the time, date and place of the Organizational Meeting;
7.3 The agenda for the Organizational Meeting shall be restricted to:
7.3.1 the administration of oaths and the introduction of new members;
7.3.2 election of the Reeve;
7.3.3 election of the Deputy Reeve;
7.3.4 establishing the procedures for voting and appointing committees during the
Organizational Meeting;
7.3.5 determining whether or not any ballots, if used in the establishment of
Committees, should be destroyed;
7.3.6 the establishment of the regular meeting dates for Council and its standing
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7.3.7 establishment of membership on Committees, Boards, Commissions, etc.;
7.3.8 confirmation of protocols that will be applied for any Standing or Special
7.3.9 appointment of Clerk and Members of the Subdivision and Development
Appeal Board;
7.3.10 banking resolution that specifies signing authorities;
7.3.11 establishment of per diems, travel rates and subsistence allowance rates;
7.3.12 other business of an organizational nature agreed to by a majority vote of
County Council.
7.4 The CAO shall:
7.4.1 take the chair;
7.4.2 call the meeting to order;
7.4.3 preside over the meeting until the oath, as prescribed by The Oaths of Office
Act, has been administered to the Reeve.
8.1 The agenda shall be prepared by the CAO or his or her designate;
8.2 The agenda preparation, reviews, distribution and meeting follow-up will be co-
ordinated through the office of the CAO;
8.3 The CAO or his or her designate shall have prepared, for the use of members, an
agenda listing the order of business.
9.1 The Chairman shall preside over the conduct of the meeting, including the
preservation of good order and decorum, ruling on points of order and deciding all
questions relating to the orderly procedure of the meeting, subject to an appeal by
any members from any ruling of the Chair.
10.1 A member wishing to speak on a matter before the meeting should indicate his/her
intentions by raising his/her hand and being recognized by the Chair;
10.2 No member may speak the second time to a question until every member choosing
to speak has spoken, but an amendment or any other motion being offered makes
the real question before the assembly a different one and, in regard to the right to
debate, is treated as a new question;
10.3 Supplementary questions or a series of questions relating to the matter before the
meeting may be raised by the members, but each such question requires the
consent of the Chair;
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10.4 Through the Chairman, a member may ask:
10.4.1 for an explanation of any part of the previous speaker's remarks; and
10.4.2 questions to obtain information relating to the minutes presented to the
meeting, or to any clause contained therein, at the commencement of the
debate on the minute or clause.
10.5 All questions or debate must be directed through the Chair.
11.1 A member shall not:
11.1.1 use offensive words or unparliamentary language in the meeting;
11.1.2 disobey the rules of the meeting;
11.1.3 leave his/her seat or make any noise or disturbances while a vote is being
taken and the result is declared;
11.1.4 enter the meeting room while a vote is being taken;
11.1.5 interrupt a member while speaking, except to raise a Point of Order or
Question of Privilege.
11.2 A memberwho persists in a breach of the foregoing Section, after having been called
to order by the Chairman, may, at the discretion of the Chair, be ordered to leave
his/her seat for the duration of the meeting;
11.3 A member who wishes to leave the meeting prior to the adjournment shall so advise
the Chairman and the time of departure shall be noted in the minutes.
12.1 A member who desires to address the meeting upon a matter which concerns the
rights or privileges of the members collectively, or of himself/herself as a member
thereof, shall be permitted to raise such Question of Privilege. A Question of
Privilege shall take precedence over other matters. While the Chairman is ruling on
the Question of Privilege, no one shall be considered to be in possession of the floor.
13.1 A member who desires to call attention to a violation of the rules of procedure shall
ask leave of the Chairman to raise a Point of Order. When leave is granted, the
member shall state the Point of Order with a concise explanation and shall attend
the decision of the Chairman upon the Point of Order. The speaker in possession
of the floor when the Point of Order was raised, shall have the right to the floor when
debate resumes;
13.2 A member called to order by the Chairman shall immediately vacate the floor until
the Point of Order is dealt with, and shall not speak again without the permission of
the Chairman unless to appeal the ruling of the Chair.
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14.1 The decision of the Chairman shall be final, subject to an immediate appeal by a
member of the meeting;
14.2 If the decision is appealed, the Chairman shall give concise reasons for this ruling
and the members, without debate, shall decide the question. The ruling of the
members shall be final.
15.1 When a motion is before the meeting and the mover wishes to withdraw, or modify
it, or substitute a different one in its place and, if no one objects, the Chairman grants
permission. However, if any objection is made, it is necessary to obtain leave by
motion to withdraw and this motion cannot be debated or amended. Once a motion
is withdrawn, the effect is the same as if it had never been made;
15.2 Any member may require the motion under discussion to be read at any time during
the debate, except when a member is speaking;
15.3 The mover of a motion must be present when the vote on the motion is taken;
15.4 When a motion is under debate, no motion shall be received other than a motion to:
15.4.1 fix the time for adjournment (debatable only if no other question is on the
15.4.2 adjourn (not debatable);
15.4.3 withdraw the motion (not debatable);
15.4.4 table (not debatable);
15.4.5 call the question (that the vote must now be taken) (not debatable);
15.4.6 postpone to a certain time or date (only debatable for time and date);
15.4.7 refer (debatable);
15.4.8 amend (debatable);
15.4.9 postpone indefinitely (debatable);
which order shall be the order of preference.
15.5 A motion relating to a matter not within the jurisdiction of the Council shall not be in
15.6 A motion to table may be made when a member wishes Council to decline to take a
position on the main question. The motion is not debatable and, when passed, may
only be resurrected by a motion to "raise from the table";
15.7 A motion to refer shall require direction as to the person or group to which it is being
referred and is debatable;
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15.8 A motion to postpone indefinitely must include a reason for postponement and is
15.9 Amendment:
15.9.1 Only one amendment at a time shall be presented to the main motion. When
the amendment has been disposed of, another may be introduced. All
amendments must relate to the matter being discussed in the main motion
and shall not so substantially alter the motion so as to change the basic intent
or meaning of the main motion. The Chairman shall rule on disputes arising
from amendments in accordance with Sections 13 and 14 of this Bylaw;
15.9.2 The amendment shall be voted upon. If any amendment is carried, the main
motion as amended shall be put to the vote, unless a further amendment is
15.9.3 Nothing in this Section shall prevent other proposed amendments being
considered for the information of the members.
15.10 Reconsideration:
15.10.1After a motion has been voted upon, and before moving to the next item on
the agenda, any member who voted with the prevailing side may move for
reconsideration, and shall state reason therefore;
15.10.2Reconsideration shall then be open to debate, voted upon, and shall require
the votes of a majority of inembers present to pass;
15.10.31f a motion for reconsideration is moved at a subsequent meeting by a
member who voted with the prevailing side, it shall be preceded by a Notice
of Motion and shall require a majority vote of the members present to carry;
15.10.4 If a motion to reconsider is decided in the affirmative, such reconsideration
shall become the next order of business, unless the motion calls for a future
definite date. Debate on the matter to be considered shall proceed as though
it had not previously been voted upon;
15.10.5Debate on a motion for reconsideration must be confined to reasons for or
against reconsideration;
15.10.6A notice for reconsideration of any decided matter shall not operate to stop
or delay action on the decided matter unless the Council, by a majority vote
of the members present, shall so direct;
15.10.7A motion that has been approved for reconsideration, and passes,
automatically suspends the previous motion.
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15.11 Rescinding Motions:
15.11.1A motion to rescind a previous motion may be accepted by the Chair under
special circumstances and, if passed by a majority vote of the members
present, the previous motion referred to would be declared null and void.
16.1 When a motion that a vote be taken (question) is presented, it shall be put to a vote
without debate and, if carried by a majority vote of the members present, the motion,
and any amendments thereto, shall be submitted to a vote immediately, without
further debate;
16.2 When the Chairman, having ascertained that no further information is required,
commences to take a vote, no member shall speak to or present another motion
until the vote has been taken on such motion or amendment;
16.3 After each vote, the Chairman shall announce the result of the vote. A member who
disagrees with the announcement made of the vote may immediately object to the
declaration and the vote shall be re-taken by the Secretary.
17.1 When a Councillor has a pecuniary interest in a matter before the Council, a Council
Committee or any other body to which the Councillor is appointed as a
representative of the Council, the Councillor must, if present,
17.1.1 disclose the general nature of the pecuniary interest prior to any discussion
of the matter;
17.1.2 abstain from voting on any question relating to the matter;
17.1.3 subject to Subsection 17.3, abstain from any discussion of the matter; and
17.1.4 subject to Subsections 17.2 and 17.3, leave the room in which the meeting
is being held until discussion and voting on the matter are concluded.
17.2 If the matter with respect to which the Councillor has a pecuniary interest is the
payment of an account for which funds have previously been committed, it is not
necessary for the Councillor to leave the room;
17.3 If the matter with respect to which the Councillor has a pecuniary interest is a
question on which, under the Municipal Government Act or another enactment, the
Councillor as a taxpayer, an elector or an owner has a right to be heard by the
17.3.1 it is not necessary for the Councillor to leave the room; and
17.3.2 the Councillor may exercise a right to be heard in the same manner as a
person who is not a Councillor;
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17.4 If a Councillor is temporarily absent from a meeting when a matter in which the
Councillor has a pecuniary interest arises, the Councillor must immediately on
returning to the meeting, or as soon as the Councillor becomes aware that the matter
has been considered, disclose the general nature of the Councillor's interest in the
17.5 The abstention of a Councillor under Subsection 17.1 and the disclosure of a
Councillor's interest under Subsection 17.1 or 17.4 must be recorded in the minutes
of the meeting;
17.6 If a Councillor has disclosed a pecuniary interest at a Council Committee meeting
and Council considers a report of the Committee in respect of which the Councillor
disclosed a pecuniary interest, the Councillor must disclose the pecuniary interest at
the Council meeting and Subsection 17.1 applies to the Councillor.
18.1 Every member present, including the Reeve and or Chair in the case of a Standing
Committee, shall vote on every matter;
18.1.1 except when a public hearing on a proposed Bylaw or resolution is held, in
which case a Councillor must abstain from voting on the Bylaw or resolution
if the Councillor was absent from all of the public hearing, and may abstain
from voting on the Bylaw or resolution if the Councillor was only absent from
a part of the public hearing;
18.1.1 unless a Councillor is disqualified from voting by reason of pecuniary interest;
18.1.3 unless a Councillor is required or permitted to abstain under any enactment.
19.1 A motion shall be declared lost when it does not receive the required number of
votes or receives an equal division of votes.
20.1 When a member requests a recorded vote, all members present, except as outlined
in Section 18 of this Bylaw, shall vote by raising of hands as the Chairman calls for
those in favour and against. The Secretary shall record in the minutes the names
of all members voting for or against the motion and the Chairman shall announce
the results of the vote;
20.1.1 Not withstanding Subsection 20.1, the Secretary shall, whenever requested
by a member, record in the minutes the name of the member and whether
the member voted for or against the motion;
20.2 A member who disagrees with the announcement made of the result of the vote may
immediately object to the declaration and the vote shall be re-taken by the Secretary.
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21.1 Where a Bylaw is presented to a meeting for enactment, the Secretary shall cause
the short title of the Bylaw to appear on the agenda;
21.2 When a Bylaw is not subject to a Statutory Public Hearing:
21.2.1 the members shall vote on the motion for first reading of the Bylaw without
amendment or debate;
21.2.2 a member may ask a question or questions concerning the Bylaw, provided
such questions do not indicate the member's opinion for or against the Bylaw;
21.2.3 a motion for second reading of the Bylaw shall be presented and members
may debate the substance of the Bylaw and propose and consider
amendments to the Bylaw;
21.2.4 any proposed amendments shall be put to a vote if required and, if carried,
shall be considered as having been incorporated in the Bylaw at second
21.2.5 when all amendments have been accepted or rejected, the motion for second
reading of the Bylaw shall be voted upon;
21.2.6 a motion for third reading of the Bylaw shall be presented and members may
debate the substance of the Bylaw and propose and consider amendments
to the Bylaw;
21.2.7 any proposed amendments shall be put to a vote if required and, if carried,
shall be considered as having been incorporated in the Bylaw at third
21.2.8 when all amendments have been accepted or rejected, the motion for third
reading of the Bylaw shall be voted upon.
21.3 When a Bylaw is subject to a Statutory Public Hearing, the following will apply:
21.3.1 an amending Bylaw providing a change of land classification in the County
Land Use Bylaw and which requires a Public Hearing, may be introduced by
a motion for first reading which shall be voted upon;
21.3.2 a member who was absent from any or all of a Public Hearing shall not be
entitled to vote on the Bylaw in question and shall so declare;
21.3.3 following the Public Hearing, a motion for second reading may be presented
and the members may debate the substance of the Bylaw and propose and
consider amendments to the Bylaw;
21.3.4 a proposed amendment shall be put to a vote and, if carried, shall be
considered as having been incorporated into the Bylaw at second reading;
21.3.5 when all amendments have been dealt with, the motion for second reading
of the Bylaw shall be voted upon;
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21.3.6 except for Bylaws identified in Section 21.3.1, a Bylaw which requires a
Statutory Public Hearing may be presented on a motion for first reading.
Council may, at this point, debate the substance of the Bylaw and propose
and consider amendments to the Bylaw;
21.3.7 a proposed amendment shall be put to a vote and, if carried, shall be
considered as having been incorporated into the Bylaw at first reading;
21.3.8 when all amendments have been dealt with, the motion for first reading of
the Bylaw shall be placed;
21.3.9 following the Public Hearing, a motion for second reading may be placed and
further amendments presented.
21.4 Three Readings:
21.4.1 A Bylaw shall not be given more than two readings at one meeting unless
the members present at the meeting unanimously agree that the Bylaw may
be presented for third reading at the same meeting at which it received two
21.4.2 When Council unanimously agrees that a Bylaw may be presented for third
reading at a meeting at which it has received two readings, the third reading
requires no greater majority of affirmative votes to pass the Bylaw then if it
had received third reading at a subsequent meeting;
21.4.3A Bylaw shall be passed when a majority of the members present vote in favour of
third reading, provided that any applicable Provincial Statute does not require a
greater majority;
21.5 When a Bylaw has been given three readings, it is considered an enactment of the
County and is effective immediately, unless the Bylaw or an applicable Provincial
Statute provides otherwise;
21.6 After passage, a Bylaw shall be signed by the Reeve or his/her designate and by
the Secretary, and shall be impressed with the corporate seal of the County.
22.1 Every motion made and voted on is to be recorded in the minutes;
22.2 Any preamble to the motion or explanation on why the motion is being made will not
be recorded in the minutes unless a majority of the members present are in
22.3 After post agenda items are called for, the agenda is to be adopted. No further
changes are to be made unless by unanimous consent of the members present.
23. It is the intention of Council that each separate provision of this Bylaw shall be deemed
independent of all other provisions herein and it is the further intention of Council that if any
provision of this Bylaw is declared invalid, all other provisions hereof shall remain valid.
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24. This Bylaw comes into effect upon its final passing thereof and Bylaw 1407-02 and any
amendments thereto will thereby be rescinded.
December 8, 2022 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that Bylaw 2043-22 receive FIRST
December 22, 2022 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that Bylaw 2043-22 receive
SECOND reading.
December 22, 2022 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SNAKDERUP that Bylaw 2043-22 receive
THIRD and FINAL reading.
Reeve — Arno oerksen Chief Admin�stra � e Officer — Matt Fenske
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SCHEDULE "A" attached to and forms part of Bylaw No. 2043-22
Nominations and election for the position of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and/or Committee
membership, if required, or desired, shall be conducted in accordance with the following
Nominations for Reeve shall be received by the CAO. All other nominations and/or
appointments shall be conducted under the direction of the Reeve. Seconders to
nominations are not required.
Nominations shall be called for three times and nominations may be closed after the third
call or by a"carried" motion that nominations cease.
If only one nomination is received for the position of Reeve, that nominee shall be
declared elected by acclamation by the County Administrator.
4. If an election is required for the position of Reeve, the election shall be conducted by the
CAO. Voting shall be by secret ballot and each voting member shall be given a packet
of ballots for this purpose.
5. Collection and tabulation of ballots will be performed by the CAO with the name of the
successful nominee for the position of Reeve to be announced by the CAO without
reference to the number of ballots cast.
6. For the election of Deputy Reeve and all other positions filled through the nomination
and election procedure, the County Administrator shall conduct the balloting process and
the name of the successful nominees will be delivered to the Reeve without reference to
the number of ballots cast. The Reeve shall make the formal announcements.
Individuals may have their names put forth for Committees by either being nominated or
by volunteering.
The selection of alternate members for Committees shall be done separately from the
selection of the Committee member(s).
Individuals may have their names put forth for the position of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and
Chairman or Vice Chairman of Committees by either being nominated or by volunteering.
Council may exercise the option for appointment of inembers to Committees, Boards,
Commissions, etc. by nominations and elections, or by resolution of Council.
In the event that a further tie vote occurs, the process outlined in Section 128 of the
Municipal Election Act shall be used to decide the successful candidate.
(Section 128 "Equality of Votes" - if it appears on the calculation of the votes that two or
more candidates for any office have an equal number of votes, the returning officer shall
write the names of those candidates separately on blank sheets of paper of equal size
and of the same colour and texture and, after folding them in a uniform manner and so
that the numbers are concealed, deposit them in a receptacle and direct some person to
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withdraw one of the sheets and the returning officer shall declare to be elected the
candidate whose name appears on the sheet withdrawn.)
12. The Chairman and, if required, the Vice Chairman of Committees shall be selected prior
to the first working meeting of the Committee and, at the discretion of the CAO, this may
occur at an Orientation Meeting or a meeting scheduled just prior to the first working
13. In the case of the Committee of the Whole, Chairmanship of ineetings will rotate between
Council Members according to their Electoral Division Number. Procedures that will be
applied for the business of Committee of the Whole Meetings will be as outlined in
approved Terms of Reference for that Committee which may be revised from time to
time by a resolution passed in a regular Council meeting.