HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-01-12 Council (Regular) MinutesCounty of Newell No, 4 ~ ~ a County Council - January 12th 19b2 The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks; Alberta at 1Os00 a.m. on Fridays January 12ths 1962• .:.. • ._. N* A. Shuttl~rworth A. Chrumka P. McAleese F. Mandeville Jas, Hajash R« Armstrong R* Eastman G. Douglass Secretary«•Treas,. H. Scammell . , . . . « Members present Chairman Councillors ;The minutes of the previous meeting of December 8, 1961 were read and adopted, .- • . , .. ~l~ .Moved by Councillor Chrumka~ that the Secretary~s monthly 'report of receipts and expenditures and monthly progress -for the month of December be accepted.. . , . . ~ • :The Secretary was directed to formulate a protest to the 'proposed abandonment of the Cassils-•Scandia branch line. s • • • • « The Secretary was directed to make a formal request to the ;Minister of Agriculture to amend Sec. 180 of the Irrigation Districts Act to assure the payment of taxes on a pro rate basis with Water rates. ~ . . • A letter from P.F,~A~A}~ re clearance forms for several :townships not qualifying for assistance was ready and `brought to the attention of the Councillors concerned for ;signature. . . • .: . 'P.F,A.A~ reports Nos.. $ and 6 were read and ordered filed.- « f • ! • • ~-''/'~ ~ ,~, ~a 1~~. ~ L Q k ~~~s ':Several letters from Emergency Measures Organization re ;Broadcast Receivers etc.. were read and ordered filed. • ~ • s =Correspondence with regard to the Cancellation of the 0~ Nashiem taxes NS 4.~1$~.13..4 due to Water Rates Snforce•• ment proceedings was read and ordered filed„ 'A copy of the District Engineers report to the Department of tiHighways~ on the 1961 County Roadwork was read and ordered filed. • r . ~ • • FORM 149-P-Special [UNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. " 2 ~~~ Reports of Committees School Committee Moved by Councillor Bastman~ that the report of the School Committee be accepted. Carried. • • • • •: w Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong= that the report of the `Municipal Committee be accepted. Carried,. • . . : .- Moved by Councillor Armstrong that Bylaw #227 to purchase !a new G,M.C, Light Truck be given lst.~ 2nd„t and 3rd. ;readings and finally passed, Carried Unanimously • • • • • • 'Agriculture Service Board 'Moved by Councillor Bastman~ that the report of the Agric. Service Board be accepted.. Carrie. . . . . . s Moved by Councillor Sastman~ that an expenditure of $50.00 Abe authorised for the 1962 Agricultural Short Course, ' Carried.. . . . . . Adjourned for lunch 12:45 to 2 t00 pim. . . . • • . Hospital Committee Moved by Councillor Sastman~ that the report of the -Hospital Committee be accepted• Carried. :Civil Defence Nil report. ':Newell Foundation (Senior Citizens !Moved by Councillor Haja~sh~ that the report of the Newell Foundation Committee be accepted,. Carried. •~ . . • • ,Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the cost of the addition to the Bassano School be financed out of current revenue and `reserves. Carried. ' . • . i • iMoved by Councillor Armstrong that the following Councillors °;be appointed to the Court of Revision for 19621: N, A. Shuttleworth A• Chrumka P. McAleese ' B. Flumer Jas4 Hajash Carried. • i • • • • '.:Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that the Court of Revision to hear complaints against assessments be held in the County ;Office on March 23rd 1962. 1- • • • • -• Moved by Councillor Douglasst that the Annual Meeting of the ;County be held in the Slks Hall in Brooks at 1x00 p,m. on ISaturday~ February 17th 1962. Carried. .. • . . ~ Moved by Councillor McAleese~ that K• Lintott be appointed 'Returning Officer for the County for 1962• Carried. . . • •. ~- . "ORM 749-P-Special !', NNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. /U i .~.~.~ ~ ~'' ``° o ea ccountasts ~` 3 ~~~ Moved by Councillor 3huttleworth~ that the following persons be appointed as D.R.O.~s Division 1. Dorothy Dani.els~ Rolling Hills $. Mrs. Lockton~ Patricia 7, C,L„ Norton Rosemary Carried. • ._. . . . Moved by Councillor Mande ville that the following accounts Abe passed for payments 160 161 Can, Pacific Railway Lail Dunbar °11.35Y 47. 93 224 v225 B, o N.S.•~•H. Neufeld Bo N S N 462,00 v 162 Ency lopedia Brit, ' 15,95 226 o , ,+• , Dueck B, o N.S..- J,K.Purcel 415,OOv l 248 43v 163 164 Ma Ilan Go. of Gan, M J h 6,56v " 227 Wm. Lauver . 35l•OOv 165 rs. ~. o nson R, A~mstrong 3s31 621 OOv 228 A, G, Telephones 1.1:q.,15 166 A1ex,Chrumka , 360,70v 229 230 School Book Branch Farm Credit Corp 503.57' 248 OOv 167 168 Gord n Douglass 954.80" '' 231 Constr, Bquip Co, 41.64v Roll nd Eastman 742.Od 232 H, Christensen 5,76 169 J. jash~ Jr. 792,20v 233 R• C. Clyne v 7.20' 170 F„ ndeville 312.40> 234 N. Grapo 3,60~'~ 171 P, Aleese 834*OOv 235 B,H* Gabert 4.80'` 172 Ben , Plumer 860, 30 ~' 236 M. Glows.." '~' 20 7 173 N,A~Shuttleworth 907,A0~ 237 S. Hrynewich . 7.20 174 175 J, my S*R,~Parker 87:5~ 114,OOv 238 239 L, Koleyak K Majeau 9.60 6v 176 177 C.O,I Colbens G i L 91.OOv ° 240 . J.A„ Moir 3.3 g,60 ~' eo, arson ~ 42,00 24.1 F. Muzichuk 16 2 178 Geo. Penner 38,OOv 242 P. Robinson . 1.92' 179 Nic Linden Const, 13078.36 243 L„ ~`„ Shields 4,56 ~'" 180 And w Link.. 35.00`'' ` 244 D. Tarney 4.50 ' 181 The ed.Hat,A.f Retarded64,00 ~ 245 G.P• Timko 11,52'° 182 183 Mrs,jRuth Bennett Mrs ~S H Hellman 24.OOv 48 OOv 246 $,J, Trotter 5.40 v , . , , 247 Dept, of Education 15.OO 184 MisslP, Nawolsky 50.OOv 248 Gen. Biological Supply 39.74v 185 Rich~nans Foods 95.16 249 Moyer Vico Ltd. 56,.54' 186 K, LI• Torkelson 39.84v 250 Mid West Paper Ltd 433.4 8 187 Eas Irrig, Dist. 151,67v 251 Ginn £~ Company 4,52a 188 R, Lachlan 12,81v 252 Wm, Sheldrake 82.60c 189 Fra 13pies 21*b0~ 253 G. W, Philpott $7,,20 °' 190 Melva land Plumbing i 233,44v 254 McGraw-Hill Co 49.87?' 191 192 Patr cia Garage Bert G D n 205,80v 8 OO 255 Oxford University Press 14,22 193 a . ea s Mr's.; Joan C. Graham v . 48.00` ~ 25(~ 257 Clarke Irwin ~ Co The MacMillan Co 16.12 170,69 v 194 Mrs,~S• G, Swenson 60,00 ~ 25$ Oxford (Can) Ltd. 63,57v 195 196 Alta(Blue Gross M S l i R 52..95` ' 259 Longmans Canada Ltd. 225.07 v rs~i y v a ust 90,00':. 260 Thomas Allen Ltd,,. 37.01` 197 198 Mr, °, Byers Mrs,tGladys Van Oene 12.00- 4.OOv 261 262 Brool~s News ~ Tobacco 98.,.20 v County Payroll 37 $3$,46"~ 199 Mrs.,; Ida Zibell9 6,OOv 263 A,T.A, x 9 .7 200 Mrs,;. A, George 36,OOv v 264 A T.A * p $v 18 201 M.S,~. 618,OO 265 Petty Cash 19,70v 202 Bow {51ope Shipping 40.02~~ 266 Med,Hat Heath Unit 371.44v 203 Consftruction Bquip.Co. 121,18" ` 267 Mrs. Geo, ~iTinter 25.oov 204 C o ~ «~ Wallace 15.0Oc 268 Duchess Garage 45.85v 205 R,H,C,~ ~ S,U, ..Kristi••~ 20.00" 269 Brooks Co•-cep Assoc.- 178.05' 206 anson ~~ Broks C.F~S,U,•. Timko 100„00 270 Mrs P McAleese 16,45'. 207 R,H.~,F~S,II, .. Timko 25,00 271 R. Sugden 73,80' ' 208 C o ~ .~ Gorriveau 16..00+ 272 Ray Tautfest 19.70v 209 D,C~~rerar~ Varady ~O,OOv 27~ Rec,~#en, of Canada 4561.OOv 210 B,W.~ibbitt•• Varady 25.00` 273 Rec.Gen. of Candda 219.o4.v 211 At1a~ Lumber» Varady 20..00 275 County of Newell 1164.94v 212 C.I..k.of Comm-Thornton 46.00" 276 College Bookbindery Z09.80v 213 C o .- Varady 25~Q0-` 277 Kinniburn Spray 1840,52 214 Nesbitt Pub, Go, 108.70` 278 Alta Govt Telephones 33.35e° 215 M, Iiwaasa 6.00 279 H,C, Scammell 42.00~~~ 216 Roya~. Bk.~»Robinson 70.00 280 Mr. Henry Berg 50,00 '' 217 Mrs, B. Creybohm 25~Op~ X81 Mrs, M, Charlton 216.00'Y 218 Mrs.; L, Miscekas 35* 00'x' 282 Tilley Gas Co 213.35 ~~ 219 Tr,B~r,..M.Korithoski 150.OOv 283 Ida Zibell 12,00 ~' 220 M. M~edinger 1250,00„ 284 Gladys Van-Gene 15.00' 221 V, Zacharias 372.OOv 285 Cal Power Ltd 6.54" 222 B, oN.S,~• A~ Lepp 500.00 ti 286 School Secs Superann. 187.50 223 Tr,B1r, •» D,F, Seely 750.OOv" 287 Miss P, Nawolsky 50,00 rORM 149-P-Special IUIiICIPAL SUPPLIES L1D. -~ 4 ~ ~~~? 288 289 Land: Titles Office Calgary Power Ltd 100,001346 $0 0011 Honeywell Controls Ltd 74,10 l1 ;: 290 Receiver -Gen of Can , 20.00" 347 '348 Imperial Industries Imperial Oil Ltd 53,52. 156.34` 291 B,W,~ Tibbitt 9500,00„ 349 P,B, Jacobson 1,50 292 Albe irta Assoc.Mun,Dis. 796'03u 350 Johnson Controls 72.00" 293 A1ta Wheat Pool 304:30p 351 Mr, C*L. Kadey $0,00< 294 A1ta fWheat Pool Seed 476.60;, 352 The Kleenbirn Coll . 729.2011 295 296 Ande Atl ~rberg Bras 6..30;; 353 Lake Motor Service 247.37 !! a ls Lumber Co 851,..54,; 354 Mrs, J.M. Lester 60.00:! 297 Mr. , Axelson ~ 18..00;, 355 Liberty Boilers (Leth~ 20.92 298 Bart etts Gen Store 22,8311 356 Ken Lintott 9.54 299 Town ; of Bassano 70„00!! 357 Longmans Can, 10,42 300 A. B ~aumann~" 4.;00 i! 358 MacLeod'~-s Ltd 92,74 ', 301 Ilen e S, .Bengston 12a00;! 359 L.F. Marcy . 62.00 302 Mrs, 'Ruth Bennett ~ 6010011 360 Marshall Wells Stores 12.83. 303 304 Lawr Fred nce Bent jBetton 8,OOt1 8 361 6 Marshalls Book Store 2,20° 93.,. 01, 3 2 S+A, Mathison Agencies 11$,50 '; 305 R. B ~shel 89.891! 363 McNarland Flumbixig 16.40 306 H, A Bloomquist ~ 87.791! 364 McNarland Flumbing 479.27 307 Broo s Co•.op Assoc, 553+25;. 365 M,H,FdDis.A, Retarded C 64,00 ' 308 Broo s News ~ Tobacco 16,,24' 366 Med.Hat, Health Unit 2080,05', 309 Broo s 5¢ «» $1,00 8,...521' 367 Modern Auto Service 199,0 :: 310 Broo s Pharmacy 2.55' 368 Miss Deanna Mortensen 15.50 311 Bruc k Robinson Slec 309.49' 369 Motor Car Supply 199.09 ~` 312 Brun ' ~den Agencies Ltd 80,00. 370 Nesbitt Pub. Co 243,00 - 313 Bruxi den Agencies Ltd 5091,19,. 371 0lsons Service 12.56:, ~' 314 Camp ell Bras 114,88 372 Optical Prescription 12.15 315 Can eneral 81ee 3.78u 373 Patricia Garage .. 124,63 316 Can iquid Air Co 4.5011 374 Pheasant Sales Ltd 40.33 i; 317 Can ~ropane Ltd 76,SOn 375 G.W. Philpott 71..00! 318 Can '~ i'estern Nat Gas 14,28! 376 Pioneer Lock Fa Safe 3,20 .: 319 Cent ral Sales ~ Serv 260.3911 377 Prov Treasurer 20,pg' ,~ 320 1 3 Cent Ch ral Scientific Co ~t 1• 91..46:. 378 Queens Printer 3-.;85 2 ar or~ s 1,,10 379 J.L, Rawleigh ~ San 102.18 322 Clar~ te Irwin ~ C~ 3,12 380 Rawleighs B..~ Serv 73.55 i 323 Coal Coals 10.50. 381 Seandia Gen Store . 48,82 '' 324 The ~ollege Bookbindry 154.9011 382 Richmans..Foods 94.99 325 Les Connors 20.OOu 383 Mrs. E, Robinson 60,00 326 Crown Lumber Co. 109,19"~ 384 Royal Lu~iber Yards 20.21 327 Cumm~.ns Diesel Power ¢2155s7111 385 Mrs._S, Rust ,1 64,.$0. 328 Deld~ys Brooks Trans 23.97!1 386 The Salvation Army 30,00. 329 Deptt of Education 76..0011 387 Wm, Sheldrake 94~.~0; ' 330 Deptt of Mun Affairs 4.-00.1! 388 Smalley~s Radio Ltd 67,24 331 s• 332 Drumheller Aux. Hosp, Villa e of Dueh 54s0011 01 3$ ~ Smith Davidson ~ Leckyy . 47 ,12 ~ g ess 1 39..7 39 Sports Equip of Toronto 30 ,32 333 Laila Dunbar 2375! 391 Street Robbins Morrow 390,88 334 E~,I,D, 148,87!:' 392 Superior Millwork 17.70 335 E.I., 18,80:' 391 Mrs. B,J. Tarney 84,00 1;336 Sggl~stone Auto Parts 8.64:. 394 Village of Tilley 100.00 ,':337 Marvel Sidd 126,00:. 395 Tilley Motors 83,g$~i x,338 B1ec Equip (Alta 101,39 396 K,L. Torkelson 48.94' '€ 339 Farmers Union of Alta 55.00 397 Wallys Paint F~ Hardware 2,67' j 340 Flanigan Bros 4.14 398 Waterous Equip Ltd 372.54 ~,~ ~> '' 341 Frie#>ldly Stores Ltd 1. 44 399 Welders Supplies Ltd 10,55 J~:~~~ o ~~ 342 343 M= F#~iesen Go i ~ ~' 22,50. 6 400 Wilscn Builders 5upplie s17.35 ° ts : ng r . • 5. 7 401 The Willson Stationery 20.17 ` a,,n{~^ a~G~ '~ 344 ~ The Grolier Society 129,50 $02 Frank Winter Welding 27,37 B sac ' 345 Mra,S..Fi, Hellman 120,00 403 Wittigs of Rosemary 6,01 -°~~ `~ Carried, . . . A letter from the Departm ent of Education re Kenneth Andrew Wallewein was ready Dr, Churc h was called in to explain the circumstancest and the le tter was then referred back to the School Committee, .. . • . . . Meeting adjourned at 5100 p,m , . . . . {': C it an rORM 149-P-Speot.l --/ IUNICIPAL SVPPLIES LTD. ~ !=`, ~~/ e etary-T easurer _ - -=~'