HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-10-16 Council (Organizational) MinutesCounty of Newell No. 4
Minutes of Organizational Meeting
October 16, 1996
The Organizational Meeting of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office at
Brooks, Alberta on Wednesday, October 16, 1996 commencing at 10:00 a.m.
Members Present Councillors V. Fabian
N. Berg
E. Stobbs
J. Harbinson
B. Baxter
M. laewen
B. Scheuerman
M. Douglass
C. Baksa
Executive Secretary K. Weiss
Administrator M. Bowen
1. Call Meeting to Order
The Administrator called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
2. Nomination & Election of Reeve
The Administrator opened the meeting for the nomination and election of Reeve for the County
Hof Newell. Councillor Baksa nominated Councillor Douglass. Moved by Councillor Fabian that
nominations cease. Carried.
Councillor Douglass was elected as Reeve.
Reeve Douglass took the chair.
3. Nomination & Election of Deputy Reeve
Nominations were opened for Deputy Reeve. Councillor Berg nominated Councillor Harbinson.
Councillor loewen nominated Councillor Fabian. Moved by Councillor Stobbs that nominations
cease. Carried.
Result of vote -Councillor Fabian was elected as Deputy Reeve.
4. Oath of Office -Reeve & Deputy Reeve
The Reeve & Deputy Reeve were given the Oath of Office by the Administrator.
Excused from Meeting
Moved by Councillor Baksa that we excuse Councillor Daniels from the meetin . Carried.
5. Procedures of Votin & A ointin Committees
Council discussed the procedures of voting and appointing Committees and it was a reed that
the same procedure be used as the previous year, being that Committees are to be a ointed
either on a voluntary basis or by nomination. i# there are more individuals than re uired, an
election will be held: Carried.
6. Destroying Ballots
Moved by Councillor Baxter that all ballots be destroyed. Carried.
7. Municipal Committee
Moved by Councillor Baxter that the Municipal Committee be dissolved and that we hold three
Council Meetings per month. Motion lost.
Moved by Councillor Fabian that the full Council sit on the Municipal Committee. Carried.
8. Municipal Committee Chairman
Moved by Councillor~Stobbs that we appoint Councillor Daniels as Municipal Committee Chairman.
9. Agricultural Service Board
Moved by Councillor loewen that the full Council sit on the Agricultural Service Board. Carried.
Senior Citizens' Home
Moved by Councillor Harbinson that vue appoint Councillors Baksa and Baxter as our
representatives to the Senior Citizens' Home Board. Carried.
Salary Ne, otq iating Committee
Moved by Councillor Baksa that we appoint Councillors Stobbs, Douglass and Harbinson to the
Salary Negotiating Committee. Carried.
Assessment Review Board
Moved by Councillor Harbinson that we appoint Councillors Daniels, Berg, Stobbs, loewen and
Scheuerman to the Assessment Review Board. Carried.
13. Brooks Airport Commission
Moved by Councillor Berg that we appoint Councillor Harbinson as our representative to the
Brooks Air ort Commission, with Paul Barg as our member-at-large (far the second year of a
three-year term). Carried.
14. Disaster Services Director
Moved by Councillor Stobbs that we appoint Councillor Scheuerman as our Disaster Services
Director. Carried.
15. Disaster Services Committee .
Moved by Councillor Scheuerman that we appoint Councillors loewen and Fabian to the Disaster
Services Committee. Carried.
16. Municipal library Board
Moved by Councillor loewen that we appoint Councillor Douglass as our representative to the
Municipal library Board, with Councillor Berg as alternate. Carried.
Moved by Councillor loewen that we appoint the following as members to the Munici al librar
p y
Board: Rolling Hills • Maureen Powell, Tilley • Jeanette Burton, Alcoma - Jo ce Aasen Brook
Cher y s
yl Pierson, Bassano -Judy Geist, Rosemary -Marlene Retzlaff, Duchess • Bev Bunne and
Gem -Charlene Walde, and that the Secretary-Treasurer be Betty Neufeld. Carried.
17. Foothills little Bow Association Director
Moved by Councillor Baksa that we appoint Councillor loewen as our Director to the Foothills
tittle Bow Association, with Councillor Stobbs as alternate. Carried.
18. Municipal Budget Committee
Moved by Councillor loewen that we appoint Councillors Harbinson, Douglass and Stobbs to the
Municipal Budget Committee. Carried.
19. Municipal Planning Commission
Moved by Councillor Berg that we appoint Councillors Fabian, Baksa and Stobbs to the Municipal
Planning Commission, and that AI Zagorsky and Jake Doerksen remain as representatives-at-large
(for the second year of a three-year term). Carried.
Municipal Planning Commission -Secretary
Moued by Councillor Baksa that we appoint A. Martens as Secretary to the Municipal Planning
Commission. Carried.
20. Inter-municipal Subdivision Authori~
Moved by Councillor loewen that the Chairman of the Municipal Planning Commission be the
representative to the Inter-municipal Subdivision Authority. Carried.
21. Subdivision & Development Appeal Board
Moved by Councillor Stobbs that we appoint Councillors Harbinson and Daniels to the Subdivision
& Deuelopment Appeal Board, and tha# Ruth Steinbach, Bob Bergen, Jeanne Hood and Pete
Wallace remain as representatives-at-large (for the second year of a three-year term). Carried.
Subdivision & Development Appeal Board -Secretary
Moved by Councillor Berg that we appoint M. Bowen as Secretary to the Subdivision &
Development Appeal Board. Carried.
.. .
22. Brooks & District Ambulance Association
Moved by Councillor Fabian that we appoint Councillors Baxter and Harbinson to the Brooks &
District Ambulance Association. Carried.
23. County Tourism Representative
Moved by Councillor Baxter that we dissolve the County Tourism Committee. Carried.
24. Newel! Regional Solid Waste Management Authority.
Moved by Councillor Harbinson that we appoint Councillor Daniels to the Newell Regional Solid
Waste Management Authority, with Councillor Fabian as the alternate. Carried.
25. Urban Fringe Committee
Moved by Councillor Baksa that we appoint Councillors Baksa, Harbinson and Douglass to the
Urban fringe Committee, with Councillor Fabian as the alternate. Carried,
26. Newell Mini-bus Committee
Moved by Councillor Baxter that we dissolve the Newell Mini-bus Committee. Carried.
27. Sustainable Community Initiative Committee
Moved by Councillor Stobbs that we appoint Councillor Daniels as our representative to the
Sustainable Community Initiative Committee. Carried.
28. Divisions 5 & 10 Recreation Committee
Moved by Councillor loewen that we appoint Councillors Baksa and Harbinson as our
representatives to the Divisions 5 & 10 Recreation Committee. Carried.
29. Policy Committee
Moved by Councillor Fabian that we dissolve the Policy Committee. Carried.
30. Road Ban Committee
Our Bylaw states that the Reeve, Municipal Committee Chairman and P.W. Supervisor will sit
on the Road Ban Committee. Moved by Councillor Harbinson that this Committee remain as er
the By-law. Carried.
31. Municipal Development Plan Committee
Moved by Councillor loewen that the full Council sit on the Municipal Development Pian
Committee. Carried.
32. Grievance Committee
Moved by Councillor Berg that the Grievance Committee remain the same as previously, bein the
Reeve ar Deputy Reeve, Municipal Committee Chairman or designated Councillor, and the
Administrator or Assistant Administrator. Carried.
33. Baskin Resolution
Moved by Councillor Stobbs that we approve the Banking Resolution whereas the Reeve, Deputy
Reeve, Administrator and Assistant Administrator be given authority for the necessary signing of
cheques for the various County bank accounts, and that the Administrator or Assistant
Administrator have signing authority for the Payroll Account. Carried.
34. Bond
The County Bond was presented to Council for review. Moved by Councillor Berg that we accept
this Bond as presented. Carried.
35. Meeting Dates -Municipal, Council & M.P.C.
Moved by Councillor Stobbs that the regular Municipal Committee Meetings be held on Monday
of the first full week of each month commencing at 10:00 a.m., the regular Council Meetings be
held on Thursday of the first full week of each month and the second Thursday after that
commencing at 10:00 a.m., and that the regular M.P.C. meetings be held the last Tuesday of
each month commencing at 10:00 a.m. Carried.
The Committee recessed far lunch from 11:50 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
36. Per Diem
Moved by Councillor Baksa that the per diem be set at $125,00 per day effective November 1,
1996. Moved by Councillor Loewen that we amend this motion by adding: "$65.00 for a half•
day" and that we delete the section regarding: "up to 2 hours" from Other Duties of the
Councillor's Compensation & Expenses Policy. Vote on the amendment -Carried. Councillor
Harbinson requested a recorded vote on the amended motion.. Those in favour of the motion:
Diu. 2 -Councillor Fabian, Diu. 3 -Councillor Berg, Div. 4 -Councillor Stobbs, Diu. 7 -Councillor
Loewen, Diu. 8 • Councillor Scheuerman & Div. 10 -Councillor Baksa. Those opposed to the
motion: Div. 5 -Councillor Harbinson, Div. 6 -Councillor Baxter & Div. 9 -Councillor Douglass.
Absent • Div. 1 -Councillor Daniels. Motion • Carried.
Moved by Councillor Baxter that all regular meetings adjourn at 4:00 p.m., with one hour for
lunch. Moved by Councillor Loewen that we amend this motion to read: "no later than 4:30
p.m." Vote on the amendment • Carried. Uote on the amended motion -Carried.
37. Travel Rates
Moved by Councillor Loewen that the travel rates remain at 31 ~Ikm. Carried.
38. Subsistence Allowance Rates
Moved by Councillor Harbinson that each Council member pay for their own meals at regular
meetings. Councillor Baxter requested a recorded vote. Those in favour of the motion: Div. 5 -
Councillor Harbinson, Diu. 6 -Councillor Baxter & Div. 9 -Councillor Douglass. Those opposed
to the motion: Div. 2 -Councillor Fabian, Div. 3 -Councillor Berg, Diu. 4 -Councillor Stobbs, Diu.
7 -Councillor Loewen, Div. 8 • Councillor Scheuerman & Div. 10 -Councillor Baksa. Absent -
Div. 1 -Councillor Daniels. Motion lost.
Moved by Councillor Loewen that the subsistence allowance rates remain at $30.00 per day.
39. Ad'ourn
Moved by Councillor Stobbs that the meeting adjourn at 1:50 p.m. Carried.