HomeMy WebLinkAbout12. 8x11 P LO MB 2021 - Hamlets - 22 pagesLegend (Hamlets maps) Residences Fire Halls Campgrounds Arenas Baseball Fields Golf Courses Launches Rodeo Grounds Schools Post Offices Church Cemeteries Provincial Paved Roads Paved Roads Gravel Roads Private Gravel Roads Driveways Railroad System Canals Drains County of Newell Boundary Hamlets MapBook Page S u r r o u n d i n g C o u n t i e s Water Bodies/ Reservoirs R i v e r s Parcel Crown Municipal Rail EID - Private Lease EID - Right of Way ´ County of Newell Owner Name Crown, Provincial TR150 RR164 B o w R i v e r V U L C A N C O U N T Y590110 AB590110 ABCounty of Newell County ofNewellMathieu,E.& H.Dunning, B.& B.Palko,B.& M.Thibert, R.Arnold,M.& T.Mattern, G.Kiefaber, H. |Maitland, J.Dunning,B.& B.Palko, B.& M.Bildersheim,W.& B.Freemark, L.County of NewellGubbins,M.& L.Miller, J.Spicer, C. Spicer, C.Thibert, R.Kiefaber, H. |Maitland, J.Nickle,R.& J.Dennis, D. |Milligan, S.Hazelwood, R.Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, HERE, Garmin, INCREMENT P, USGS, METI/NASA, NGA, EPA, USDA, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 100 200 m Bow CityBow City´1:75,0000120.5 km Vit e r r a H o f e r , P. & M . Ja c o b s o n , D. & S .Bosman, J.D u r n f o r d , G. & Y . Wi e b e , G. & C . C. P . R .RR155RR154TR190 TR1 9 0 A P. 83AP. 8 3 A Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, HERE, Garmin, INCREMENT P, USGS, METI/NASA, NGA, EPA, USDA, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 175 350 m CassilsCassils´1:75,0000120.5 km C.P.R.McNeil, J. | Turner, M. Hankins, G.& D. McNeil, J. | Turner, M. Bjornson, I.& C. Martel, A. Greig, C. Viterra McNeil, J. | Turner, M. Oickle, J. | Gibson, N. Hayworth, J.TR190AP. 83Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 40 80 m Cassils Center Cassils Center ´1:75,0000120.5 km County ofNewellGrasslandsReg. Div.George, D. | Pickett, S. | Douglass, J.Krahn, C.& S.Pritchard, R. | Pickett, T. | Gillespie, D. Martens, W.& M.GrasslandsReg. Div.County of Newell McLellan, D. Van Stone, J.& S. Walde, D.& K. County of Newell Klassen, H.& J. Maruk, M.& I. Scheibner, G.& L. Scheibner, L.& K.Braun, R.& R.RR164TR232RR164HamletCurrent Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 80 160 m GemGem´1:75,0000120.5 km K300FinancialCorp.K 3 0 0 F i n a n c i a l C o r p . K300 Financial Corp. K300 Financial Corp. K300 Financ i a l Corp.K300FinancialCorp.K300FinancialCorp.K300FinancialCorp.K300FinancialCorp.K300FinancialCorp.K300FinancialCorp.K3 0 0 Fi n a n c i a l Co r p .RR145TR182 P. 85B P. 85A P. 85C Lake Newell Reservoir P. 85B P. 85AP. 85CHamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 340 680 m Lake Newell Resort Lake Newell Resort ´1:75,0000120.5 km St e p h e n s o n , K. & C .Home Suite HomeMoving & StoragePicaz o , J . | Gardu n o , A . Kle m i g , M . | O s t i , R . Sage Manufacturi n g County ofNewellShpak, D. |Kreutzer, L.N MurrayHoldingsSmit, C.629455 ABC a m p b e l l , S. & A . D a w l e y , K . & L .Ashwood, R.Seaton ,P.& M .Rasmussen,K.& G.629455 ABFet t i n g e r , M. & D .1240625 ABR & W Furniture 1672691 ABGambitOilfield Serv.Gro b b e l a a r , J.& T .Herman, W. |Tkachyk, R.Covenden,C.& P . Eh a l t , K . & S . Kry z a n o w s k i , E.& D .629455 ABF r i t c h e , C . |Gu im a r a e s , P . Broo k e r , D.& L . Tubing 2000 Oja la, T.& A. Co v e n d e n , C. & P .Hicks, B.& S.N MurrayHoldingsBeaton,S.& L.Lai , W . & V .Mowat, K. |Schaffer, C.Stephenson,K.& C.Stephenson,K.& C.C o v e n d e n , B . & J .Annicch ia r ico ,J.& B .1194251 ABCounty ofNewellVan DerMerwe, D.& E.Ma c N a u g h t o n , C. & S .Harris,C.& A.629455 AB County of Newell Tie g s , R . | Ki m m e l , S . County of Newell Sprunger, K.Wiest, R.& L.CharacterDevel.Kingston,B.& L.Owners :Condo. PlanNo. 9411173Nesb i t t , J.& R .Grant, M.629455 ABGri f f i n , D . Stephenson, K.& C. Su r g e n o r , D. & J . Tubing 2000 Baker, J . V a n M e t r e , B . & G .Scholz, Q.Breakell, R.Kryzanowski, K.Smith, S.Trembecki ,R.& T.Stephenson,K.& C.629455 ABLei b e l , L.& D . Pe a r s o n , R. & V .Deck, F.& K.Gr o b b e l a a r , J .& T .Laychuk, T . | Re id , J . 1672691 AB Johnson, R . |Bel lamy , C . Ow n e r s : C o n d o . Pla n N o . 9 4 1 1 1 7 3 T r em b e c k i ,R.& T . P. 85B L ak e N e w ell Re s e r voi rP. 85P. 85BP. 85C Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 50 100 m Lake Newell Resort NE Lake Newell Resort NE ´1:75,0000120.5 km Va n D e r Lin d e , E . & O . Jond r e a u , R . | Tor o k , R . Moolm a n , J.& H. Labour, L.& C. Four Lee Holdings County ofNewellFour Lee Holdings Four Lee Holdings McKay, D.& S. Kotadia, S.& S.County o fNewell King , N . |Vis te -K ing , S .Martin,D.& C.Whaley ,C.& B . S c h r a d e r , L . & B . Ward, T.& C . Tremblay, L.& K. Four Lee Holdings Four Lee Holdings 380885 AB R & W Furniture Carlson, K.& K. Kotadia, S.& S.473885 ABRivertonConstructionTedford, S. K300 Finan c i a l Corp. C o u n t y o f N e w e l l Harty, J.& E.McAl l ister,B.& R.Pudwel l , S . Yeaman, S.& T.County ofNewellR & W Furniture Tubing 2000 Tubing 2000 Tubing 2000 Tubing 2000 Tubing 2000Young R o a d Property D ev el.| 857594 Al b ert a Young Roa d Property D e v el.| 857594 Alb e rt a Lind, B. | Sangster, T. Co u n t y o f Ne w e l l County ofNewellHe a l , P .& D . H o r t o n , W. & C . Skriver, G.& L. Good Knight Ent. Four Lee Holdings Four Lee Holdings Percival And Assoc. County of Newell Tubing 2000 Sewall, W.& E.Martin Ent.Burton, C.Four Lee Holdings Rommens , M.& P.Currin,B.& C.P. 85A P. 85CL a k e N e w ell R eservoirP. 85P. 85A P. 85C Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 60 120 m Lake Newell Resort Center Lake Newell Resort Center ´1:75,0000120.5 km Jord a n , B.& C . Harrison, T.& P. Re t t i e , W. & C . N o a c k , M . Secondiak, C. Belanger, J.& V. Rousson, R.& L. Christianson, W.Smit h , S . Lab o u r , L.& C . Dunbar, S.& D. Johnson, S.& K. Milder, R. | Osadczuk, G. Eckert,M.& S. Fiset, C. & G. Bodeux, V.& D.Seibel, B. Randhawa, S.& P. Ahlstrom, B.& S. Gregory, J.& W.Hemsing,H.& C.Turner-Tchida, M.Christianson,C.& E.Sinclair,W.& P.Sanden,G.& J.Mulhall, G.Neis, B. Festa, G. | Gough, J. Haight, R.& J. Bea s l e y , S.& C .Elliott,P.& C.Farrell, L.Hofer, J.Hemsing,H.& C.Kloepper, A. S c h u h , G .Fe h r , L .& A .Hauck, R.& J.Van Duse n , M.& C. C h i v e r s ,W. & A . H em s i n g , K . Harty, G.& D. Elliott, P.& C. Tateson, J. Bildersheim, G. La r s e n , S. & F .Har r is ,D.& K . Ketchmark, D. Riewe, A.& W. Hegland, M.Hofer, J.Malyk, D. & C. Hemsing , H.& C. Ring, A.& K. Northern Lights DrywallLoder, R.Maxwell-Lyster,J.& T.Simpson, E. S c hm i t k e , E . & M . K a t e r , G . & C . Snell, D. & S.Pastachak,J.& T.Kam, R.& B. Heal, G. Mossing, T.& A. Jo r d a n , B. & C .Urzada ,B.& E .& M . Northern Lights Drywall Blake, P.& M.Hemsing,H.& C.Bonk, J.& T.Louey, D. & C. Pi g o t t , J. & H . Diaz, R. | Chavez, N. Burns, J.& D.Kinniburgh,J.& K.McLay, S. |Higgins, J.Edey, T. Wolf, J. | Calonog, F. Hemsin g , D . & T.& M. Jo h n s o n , C .K300FinancialCorp.G S L De v .McC le l land ,S.& K . G S L D e v .Zadi Inv.LNR-SandpiperEstatesYeaman,S.& T.Owners :Condo. PlanNo. 9411176Kulyk, K.Stie f , J . |Pete rson ,C.& J .Buteau, C.Iwaasa, S. Keenan, K.& D.Pie te r sma ,S.& T .Loo, R .& R .Zadi Inv.Neigum ,S.& B .Lachape l le ,S.& L .Hafso , B .& H .County ofNewellO w n e r s : Co n d o . P l a n No . 9 4 1 1 1 7 6 Northern Lights Dry w all Dovichak, D.Tetford, J. |Jensen, S.& D.Ibechi, B.Lockard, D.McIver, D.Kilani,H.& N.Ian Phelps Prof. Corp.Wong, J.Kilani,H.& N.Materi,M.& T.Jourd in ,M.& A .Reid , M .& B .Asare , E .& S .Wong, J . | S iu , C .Ender sb y ,W.& S . Gette, R. & K.Flieger, M. |Rodas-Reyes, R.Shmyr, E.Hugill, E.& A.Wickenheiser,D.& J.Dyrland, D.& K.& J. County of NewellDonald son ,D.& H .Zadi In v .G S L Dev.Bates, D.& S.Hafso , B .& H .G S L De v . Owners : Condo. Plan No. 9411176 Owners : Condo. Plan No. 9411176 Owners :Condo. PlanNo. 9411176P. 85 P. 85B L a k e N e w e llR eservoirP. 85 P. 85B P. 85AHamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 60 120 m Lake Newell Resort SW Lake Newell Resort SW ´1:75,0000120.5 km Charlton, T.Noronha, A.Charlton, T.Charlton, T.Charlton, T.TR203A Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 25 50 m MillicentMillicent´1:75,0000120.5 km County of NewellCounty ofNewellCounty ofNewellMorris,B.& C.County ofNewellByers, H.& B.Armstrong,L.& S.Morris,B.& C.Stuart,J.& S.Skinner, C. County of Newell County of Newell Torkelson, R.| Martin, M.TR203 PR 130P. 87AP. 87AHamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 150 300 m PatriciaPatricia´1:75,0000120.5 km Labadie, M.& T. Edington, K. Adams, B. Gibbs, R.Martin, M.Tryhorn, R.& J. C & H Concrete Forming Systems Elgersman, S. Henrickson, F. Henrickson, F. County ofNewell Stuart, J.& S.Torkelson, R.| Martin, M.Hughes, L.& D.McGonigal, J. Chuchmuch, J. Elgersman, S. Berger, C. Sander, P.Rice, R.Twa, M.& M. Stuart, J.& S. Wortel, P. Martens, J.& M.Stanton,R.& J.Marku, K. Anderson, P. Rohl, K. | Maisonneuve, B. Klein, V. Armstrong, L.& S. Bodnar, W.& A.County ofNewellSander, P. Giesbrecht, B.& M. Rohl, K. | Maisonneuve, B. Beasley, B. Henrickson, F. Pierson, R.Johnson, B.Brown-John, D. | Turner, C. Palech, D.& C. Jacobs, R. Bonney, W.& A.Henrickson, F. Giesbrecht, B.& M.County ofNewellCounty of Newell Labadie, M.& T. Meier, J. Gibbs, R.& M. Martin, C. Martens, J.& M. Davis, L.& E.Sletvold,G.& G.Labadie, M.& T. Kalman, J.& L. Patricia Com. Hall Assoc. Sander, P. Enns, C.Patricia Com. Hall Assoc. Elgersman, S. Johnson, T. Newman, D. Lee, C.& L.PrimaryContractingCounty ofNewellWiebe, D.& B.Bonney, W.& A.County ofNewellSt. Peter, E.& E. Harder, G. County of Newell West, J.& M. Rogers, D. Tryhorn, R.& J. West, M. C & H Concrete Forming Systems Adams, B.County of NewellSander, P. Wortel, P. Henrickson, F.County ofNewellHudilin, V.Hughes, L.& D. Rohl, K. | Maisonneuve, B. Henrickson, F. Primary Contracting Navratil, L.PatriciaHotel (1978)Sander, P.Stuart,J.& S.Weir, N.& C.& S. Bodnar, W.& A. TR203 P. 87 Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 50 100 m Patricia Center Patricia Center ´1:75,0000120.5 km Grasslands Reg. Div.County ofNewellRainier Community ClubRenaud, J.RainierCommunity ClubCounty ofNewellWisse, R. | VanDer Kraan, P. |Wildeboer, J.McAulay, D.& L. Alcock, G.& S.Loewen,J.& H.Graham, R.Renaud, J.Neumann,M.& U.Sparrow,C.& S.Zawadzki, W. |Lundquist, L.Robinson, K.RR161Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 100 200 m RainierRainier´1:75,0000120.5 km Pollo, D.Tucker, K.Shaw, M.& S.Butkiewicz,J.& W.Hirch, L. | Fiset, R.Skuban, R.Fast, M.Vermee, B.Lester, A.Eastwood Farms Rolling Hills Agri. Soc.Meyer FarmsWall, C.County of Newell Lester, S.Lester,C.& A.Christie, W. | Ogle, K. Versteegen, E.& C. County of Newell Vermee,B.& P.County of Newell Daniels, T.& M.Melnychuk, M.Daniels, T.& M.Tompkins, M.County of Newell AB Brown Memorial Athletic Assoc. The Faith Evan. Luth. Church Rolling Hills Pivot SpiritsWiebe, A.& N.Wall, C.& H.Brown, D.Sutherland, R.Hillmer,K.& T.Wallace, D.& S.Wilson,F.& L.County of Newell Big SkyFencingKrause,H.& C.County of Newell County ofNewellMeyerFarmsHemsing, J.& E.Com. Hall ClubRolling HillsKerr, K.Green,H.& C.GrasslandsReg. Div.Laubenstein,I.& P.Ruijter,D.& D.Tirol GasCo-OpDafoe, D. |Williamson, K.Rolling HillsCemetery Co.Wardrop, B.McNeil, R. |Anderson, D.Tucker, K.Seitz, D.& H.Ferris, B.& C.Lester,A.& D.Demers, M.County of Newell Wilson,L.& C.Klassen, C. |Neudorf, P.Versteegen, E.& C.County ofNewellRempel, K.& K.Lester, A.& J.Redecop, J.& M.Holshire Farms Nielsen, M.County of Newell Waalkens, W.County ofNewellTR150 P. 89A P. 89BP. 89A P. 89B Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 110 220 m Rolling HillsRolling Hills´1:75,0000120.5 km Volk, A. Hi r c h , S .Peters,P.& S.Giesbrecht, P. | Berg, M.Thormoset, G.Reed, T. | Lohnes, B.MacKinnon,J.& S.Reed, T.Porkristl, A.Stabbler, D.& B.Johann, W.Hirch, D. | Lethbridge, V.County ofNewellLethbridge, D.& V. County of Newell Daniels, T.& M. MacGarva, J.& S.Davidson, K.Nygard, B.Thomsen, E.Thomsen,R.& C.Fulmer, W.Fulmer, W.Holt, K. Volk, A.County ofNewellSmit, P. Reed, T. | Lohnes, B. Reed, T. | Lohnes, B.Osborn, D.Sandau, G.Lester, W.& I.Osborn, D.Jalbert, N.& J.Cooley, R.Williamson, G.Stewart, C.Dyck, J.& H.Brown, D.Stevens,R.& K.Green,H.& C.Grasslands Reg. Div.Rolling HillsCemetery Co.Hamm, G.& H. Holmes, S. Holmes, S. Fletcher, B.& K. Wardrop, B. Skuban, R. | Richards, A.Oslie, C.& A.Friesen, H.& E.County ofNewellOslie, C.& A.County of Newell Lethbridge, D.& V. Lester, W.& I. Rempel, K.& K.Peters,P.& S.Hemsing, D. Klassen, A.& E. Goertzen, P.& A. Holt, K. Piros, P. Volk, A.Stevens,R.& K.Reed, T.Hough, C. | Stotz, R. Hemsing, G.& S.Thormoset, G.Thomsen,R.& C.P. 89 P. 89BP. 89 P. 89BHamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 40 80 m Rolling Hills SW Rolling Hills SW ´1:75,0000120.5 km Cooley, R.Telus Comm.Lester, A.Melnychuk, M.Paiaro, S.Kerr, K.Giesbrecht, P. | Berg, M.Big SkyFencingDenny, P.& C.Redecop,J.& M.Hamm, G.&H.& J.& M.Marzolf,D.& E.Panasuik,G.& M.Sutherland, R.MacKinnon, J.& S.Smith, K. |MacKinnon, P.Tucker, K.Lester,C.& A.Rempel,K.& K.Lisicki, R.Dafoe, D. |Williamson, K.Daniels, T.& M.Tompkins, M.Kohlman,D.& C.Kohlman,D.& C.Christie, W. | Ogle, K. The Faith Evan. Luth. Church Rolling Hills Perry, C.& S.Daniels,T.& M.Panasuik, G.& M.Hemsing,J.& E.Wiebe, A.& N.Enns, C.Wardrop, B.McKinnon, S.Penner,H.& A.Marzolf,D.& E.Klassen, C. |Neudorf, P.County of Newell Com. HallClub Rolling HillsWall, C.County ofNewellGreen, H.& C.Nielsen, M.Hillmer,K.& T.County of Newell Krause,H.& C.Seitz, D.& H.County of Newell Wallace, D.& S.Wilson,F.& L.Laubenstein,I.& P.Vermee,B.& P.Tompkins, M.1630523 ABKing, K.& J.Thormoset, G.Thormoset, G.Johnson, R.Demers, M.Hough, C. |Stotz, R.Rafuse, V.Wall, C.& H.Peters, J.Tucker, K.Waalkens, W.Ham, H.& M.Pollo, D.Krahn, B.Cleaver,H.& M.County of NewellAB Brown MemorialAthletic Assoc.County ofNewellDyck, A.& V.Vermee, B.1630523 ABMacKinnon,L.& D.Shaw, M.& S.Maldaner,B.& B.Enns, J.& H.Reimer,J.& A.Lester,A.& J.Neufeld,D.& E.Brown, D.Cleaver, H.& M.Ferris,B.& C.County of Newell Friesen, H.& E.Hansen, G.Butkiewicz,J.& W.Wilson,L.& C.RollingHills Sen.Citizens ClubSkuban, R.County of NewellLester, S.Daniels,T.& M.Dafoe, D. |Williamson, K.Ruijter,D.& D.GrasslandsReg. Div.Bundschuh, B.Fehr, J.& H.County of NewellBrown, D.Fast, M.Church of God Rolling Hills Church of GodRolling HillsKlassen, A.& E. P. 89 P. 89A P. 89P. 89A Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 75 150 m Rolling Hills Center and SE Rolling Hills Center and SE ´1:75,0000120.5 km C h a n d l e r , R . & E . County of Newell Froese, P. | Braun, K.Scandia HoneyCorporation.Tashi KinjoProf. Corp.Wie b e , J . & A . County of Newell Neufeld, I.& H. C o u n t y o f N e w e l l C o u n t y o f N e w e l l County ofNewellChandler,R.& E.C o u n t y o f N e w e l l RR155TR154 P. 9 0A P . 9 0 B P. 90 AP. 90 B Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 100 200 m ScandiaScandia´1:75,0000120.5 km Johnston, R.Van Hall, K. | Blandford, J.Chandler,R.& E.Willms HoneyProducersT h i e s s e n ,P. & S .Goff, D.Kanegawa, S.Schmidt,T.& S.Axelson, D.& D. Bar g , D . Thi e s s e n , C. & H .Scandia HoneyCorporation.Willms HoneyProducersCounty ofNewellCounty of Newell County ofNewellThiessen, J.Scandia HoneyCorporation.Neufeld, C.& H.Sawatzky,G.& A.County ofNewellMa r t e n s , P.& A . Scandia Honey Corporation.Salem Evan.Luth. ChurchScandiaThiessen,P.& S.Pfeifer, R. Salem Evan. Luth. Church ScandiaNeufeld,J.& A.Re n a u d , R .Willms HoneyProducersPe d e r s e n , B.& M .Chandler,R.& E.Tateson, L.Scandia HoneyCorporation.RR155P. 90P. 90B P. 90P. 90 B Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 50 100 m Scandia EastScandia East´1:75,0000120.5 km Scattergood, B. | Baskin, J.Martens,A.& E.Fehr, F. Sle n d e r s , W. & B . County of Newell Anderson,R.& J.Schmidt, T.& S. Knutson, K.Loewen, A.Loewen, H. Giesbrecht, A.& A. Corbel, F.& M. Knutson, K.Galbraith,D.& N.Klassen,J.& A.Cheater, D. | Wade-Cheater, B. Joh n s t o n , R . Giesbrecht, A.& A. County of Newell Kinjo, T. Guttman, B.& C.Klassen,A.& S.Anderson, R.& J.Count y o f Newell Mc N i v e n , I.& M . Rempel, J. Vandyk, P. Co u n t y o f Ne w e l lThiessen,P.& K.Fehr, W.Anderson, R.& J. Fisk, R.& S. Count y o f Newell C. O. Johnson & Sons Ranch. Thiesse n , F . | Zachari a s , M . Loewen, I.& K. Va n H a l l , K . | Bla n d f o r d , J .Willms HoneyProducersT h i e s s e n , P .& S .Goff, D.Kanegawa, S.Schmidt,T.& S.Fro e s e , P . | Br a u n , K . Bar g , D . Thi e s s e n , C. & H . Tashi Kinjo Prof. Corp.Scandia HoneyCorporation.Willms HoneyProducersCounty ofNewellNe u f e l d , I.& H . County of Newell County of Newell Thiessen, J.Ne u f e l d , C. & H .Sawatzky,G.& A.Ma r t e n s , P.& A . Salem Evan. Luth. Church Scandia Thiessen,P.& S.Pfeifer, R. Salem Evan. Luth. Church ScandiaCounty ofNewellNeufeld,J.& A.Re n a u d , R . Co u n t y o f Ne w e l l Willms HoneyProducersPe d e r s e n , B.& M .Chandler,R.& E.Wiebe, J.& A.RR155TR 1 5 4 P. 9 0 P. 90A P. 90 P. 90 A Hamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 50 100 m Scandia NEScandia NE´1:75,0000120.5 km County ofNewellCro w n , P r o v i n c i a l County ofNewellCounty of Newell Co u n t y o f Ne w e l l County ofNewellGrasslandsReg. Div.Co u n t y o f Ne w e l l Cro w n , P r o v i n c i a l Co u n t y o f Ne w e l l Sul e k , E.& L . Co u n t y o f Ne w e l lCounty ofNewellMcIv o r , D.& A .RR130ATR174 TR 1 7 4P. 91AP. 91BP. 9 1 A P. 91BHamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 150 300 m TilleyTilley´1:75,0000120.5 km Dyck, J. |Laverdiere,T.& M.Iron A Welding These, A.& M.Virovec, D. Gray Graphics County of NewellStedel,H.& C.Ketch, J.& N.Duncan, D.AlbertaSocialHousing Corp.Webber,J.& M.AdventureEnterprisesKallen,H.& K.McIvor, S. | Jackson, S.Hebert, L.McIvor, D.& A.Villeneuve, R.| Nichols, E.Beirnes, B.& D.Hasper,W.& M.Amaya, J.& F.Alberta SocialHousing Corp.Onda, D.& C.Tilley Seniors Soc.Mullins, M.3 Triangle Land And LivestockWebster, D.Warnock,T.& C.Cyr, S. Hendricksen, W.Morgan, A.Jackson, S.Villeneuve, R.McIvor,D.& A.Hebert,R.& L.Robinson, C.Turner,T.& J.Wester,L.& S.Westcan RailZahn, S.& J.Virovec, D.Moch, D.& B.Doling, B. |Strawford, D.Little, K.& D.IntegrityPainting &ConstructionCarl'sWeldingKitchen, R.& E.Iron AWeldingCounty of Newell Darago,G.& G.Pontarolo, K.Iron AWeldingGoulet, G.County ofNewellWolkowski,D.& V.Virovec, D .County ofNewellKeith, R.& C.892118 ABCounty of Newell Iron AWeldingTrim, G.De Lanauze, J.Clark, J.County ofNewellElder, S.& L.Cameron, R.MacDonald,S.& A.Alvarez, C. Crown, Provincial Thorlakson, T.& S.Goulet, G.C.P.R. Neal, G.& L.McElroy, B.Hein, D. Tilley Hotel (1999)Robinson, C.Groom, M.Onda, D.& C.McIvor, D.& A.1575127 ABMorrison, L.VanRyckeghem,C.& K.Hofmann, D.& A.Iron AWeldingClark, J.Webster, D.Charlton, B.McIvor, A.Fukuda, E.Stasko,Z.& K.Simo, D.& K.Dyck, J. |Laverdiere,T.& M.Iron AWeldingTelus Comm.Charlton, M.& C.Peesker,P.& D.Vir o v e c , D . McIvor, C.Zahn, S.& J.Urlacher, D.Mason, R.Dovichak, C.Dovichak, A.& J.Kadco Inv. Gray GraphicsBonthoux, D. |Gjaltema, R.Webber,J.& M.AdventureEnterprisesBurton, C.& T.& D.Rempel, J.Baker, L.County of Newell Kinley, D.& F. Bignell, P.Dyck, J. |Laverdiere,T.& M.Onda, D .& C .Loewen, C.Archer, K.Groom, M.Darago, G.Rouble, V. |Fontaine, C.Alberta Social Housing Corp.1575127 ABCounty of Newell Crown,ProvincialProctor, S.Elder, S.& L.Ackerley, C.Teliske, C.Roberts, S. |Pontarolo, M.Czuchro, D.Barteaux, C.Virovec, D.Robinson, C.Ketch, J.& N. Gray, D. Elder, S.& L.VanRyckeghem,C.& K.McAllister, T.Iron AWeldingBreen, V. Giest, L.& J.Foote, M.& J.AdventureEnterprisesMullings,B.& B.Dovichak, A.& J.RR1 3 0 A P. 91BP. 91 P. 91BHamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 50 100 m Tilley WestTilley West´1:75,0000120.5 km County of Newell Gray Graphics French,D.& C.Farber,K.& T.Lawrence, S.Elder, S.& L.Williams, M.& D. McIvor, S. | Jackson, S.Darago, H.County of Newell Schroeder, B.Weatherby,E.& W.Cyr, J.Gray, C.Terris,I.& E.Meadows, N.Sulek, E.& L. Cyr, S. Neufeld, D.Shepherd,L.& N.Cyr, S. Baisley, S.& M.Jackson, S.McIvor, D.& A. Bogda, C.& B.Stenger,W.& C.Mullings, S. |Bernier-Lacasse, M.Wester, L.& S.Cyr, S.Patterson, B.Stenger, W. Stevens, J.& M. County of Newell Taggart, A.Van Oene, W.Irwin, N.Turner, S.Stroeder,D.& D.Rath, D.Patterson, B.Mills, D.& A.Ralph, P.& J.Leduc, E.& T.Timko The Younger,J. | Timko, P.Williams, M.& D.Moorhouse, D.| Summers, E.McIvor, D.& A. Morrison, L.GrasslandsReg. Div.Oelke, A.Lasante, A.Foote, D.Suchy, A.& S.McIvor, A. Parkin, S. Kadco Inv.Wiebe, J.& C.Williams, M.& D. Gray Graphics County ofNewellBurton, C.& T.& D.Kipnik, J.Yanke, J.Cyr, J.County ofNewellMcGuire, P.Braconnier, C.Dunne, D. |Ohama, E.Neudorf,A.& C.Stevens, J.& M.Tilley AndDistrictAgri. Soc.Coombs, J.& J. Crown, ProvincialCochran,J.& T.& A.Hayes, M.& L. Ackerley, C.& D.Brandt, B.Van Oene,R.& W.Bachand, D.Mills, D.& A.Torkelson, D.Mullings,B.& B.Turner, S. Sorensen, T.& S.Sushelnicki, G.P. 91AP. 91 P. 91AHamlet Current Page MapBook Page Province of Alberta, Esri Canada, Esri, © OpenStreetMap contributors, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS, AAFC, NRCan This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 40 80 m Tilley EastTilley East´1:75,0000120.5 km