HomeMy WebLinkAbout15. 8x11 P LO MB 2022 - Subdivisions - 61 pagesSubdivisions Page 92B Legend (Subdivisions maps) Residences Railroad System Name Current HWY1 0 Subdivision Bassano Airport 0 (Detailed map Boundary) -qr Urban Areas 0 Hamlets O; Canals Drains O Water Bodies/Reservoirs v y HWY36 Provincial Paved Roads Paved Roads - - Gravel Roads Private Gravel Roads Driveways Legend (Subdivisions Inset maps) Current Page Current Subdivision r-1p MapBook Page lQNCOUNTY OF CELL o��Tyo Newell 'O Parcel Municipal Crown O Rail W EID - Private Lease O EID - Community Pasture O EID - Right of Way W01banAreas W, F .km 0 0.5 1 N 1:50,000 Aimoto 1 Aim •to 2 �� 0 190 380 m z COUNTY OF C � NEWELL HWY550 �l MY550 ,---- fi------ - - --- -------- - - - O O I - -- T-3 Quest, G. Lakatos, A& K. I Unruh, H. Unruh, W.& E. Xle,A. O O ¢_ a a Schaffer, D. Miller, O I Q Unger, PA E. Blair�P.& S. I O Marion, O Bit I O x m BA SA R. E — O CA C. Fingler, G D& H. Wigemyr, B. Neufeld, I rd I O G.&A. I I I Peters, P. I Dyck, HA K. Siadto, E I Bremault, C. BremAult, C. Bremault, C. Sie�n Sieben I I Cashman, O I Holdings Holdings "r I R.&rP. I Harding, M. - Xu, Z. O 1 f Miller, Dobson, I B.&S.&R. GAG O I I _ _ _ _ _ JI / Webber, J&4 Giest, LA J. Bailer M,,,K&,pP ll,OC�M.& n J f _ _ __ — Rabby, R.& E. T. H&%1 E O'Neill, S. Hrymack, E. Young, G.& S. son, Wilson, Pearce, OClarke, . L'L KA L. EA L. S & K. Smith, DA B. Young, G �. wo I I I I I I I I I I I O I o O^ \\\ ce O Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions - - - .km \ 0 0.5 1 N Aimoto 1 I O �_ I S 1:50f000 X Aimoto 2 100 200 m Faig(p 94 Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 0 C O S A km 1:50f000 0 0.5 1 ni Apogean Acres 50 100 m x z COl1NTV OF Y�� _ NEWELL UDgjg(p Q)O Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 �42--Taxnahlpftoatl-191- N OSagebrush' OO I Estates P.198, — ma z— o �TwrnsRip RoaO.150 Q M '00 � r r � r r r r 16 A A r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ---—- - - - - -- —- IBaksa 0 80 160 m z y COUNTY OF NEWE LL F ti pglu@ nU Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions — km 1:50,000 c 0 0.5 1 N 1 O 14--k �_ `^ TuvnsFip 00 Roatl 7 � Bantry Bay 25 50 m Faig(p QT Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000A �° -05 Bar 0 N g 00 00 a 00 0 75 150 p��@ , o m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions OR km i:so,0oo N ° -05 Bassano Airport MOM \� 0 Or( 420 ■m x =j ('i Ol1NTV OF NEWELL Faig(p 09) Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50f000 -� ° - 0.5 ' Bassano N kl;im Airport T (Detailed) 0 40 80 m Town of Bassano Kaupp,P. Town of Bassano D.R.Wcfarms Town of Bassano Town of Bassano D.R.W. Farms Town of Bassano Town of Town of D.R.W. Farms Bassano Bassano Town of Bassano Town of Bassano Gibpau, B. Cpeau, B.& K. Gibeau, B.& K. Schmit, D. Jim Hrymack Air Shows Town of Bassano 0 Day, R. Smillie Farms Town of Town of Bassano Bassano Smillie Farms Town of Bassano Armstrong, Hitchcock, G.&PJ. R. I Nasse, S.& W. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000� 0 0.5 1 N O IA - m 0 100 200 m I This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 1:50,000 Bend 1 x z COUNTY OF NE WE 0 50 100 EP910,1G m M 00 3 x Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 0 05 1 �U o�N � _ m D D_aFil' Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N \ Entz, J.& N. 0 Banman, A.& A. Entz, J. Bend 21 z COUNTY OF C � NEWELL F ti 110 220 m 1 ^ I County of Slade, H.& C. Dumonceau, D. Newell ° \ I Wagner, L. ° Plumer, I. \ \ I \ Grove, S.& C. \ 1 \ 1 1 \ Plumer, B. / \ Silvis, K. 1 1 \ Plumer, I. 0 1 Stead, CA D. \ I / I ° I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I Plumer, B. Silvis, K. 0M 1 I I I � 7 I I I I r � 1 � I 0 1 I I I I I I I I I I I�1 This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 0 C O S A km 11:50,000 A 0 0.5 1 Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N Bend 31 z Ci OUNTV OF C � NEWELL F ti 40 80 p��Q 03 m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _I 1 I I I I I I I I I I This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions \ — • km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 N F J N '� Y COIINTV OF Black NEWELL 0 40 80 m F ti Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions .km 0 0.5 1 N 00 �o �wnship Roatl 194 1:50,000 Brooks Airport 0 50 Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 1:50f000 a C O 11� \a - - . km \0 0.5 1 r 3 0 Cavalier z COUNTY OF C � NEWELL F ti 40 80 p��Q @'UPO' m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions . km 1:50,000 / \ D 0.5 1 TrnvrsMP Roatl 192 - C /N O IA - lll� Charles z n COUNTY OF NEWEL, 0 100 200 m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 0 C O till" U — • 0 — 0.5 1 krn 1:50,000 Currie wN F Smith (P.143) o Nqe c ° e o_11 w =�iu ohnson- ■ / I "atesJ2 - - 7 (P-1T3) - - - - Hajash_ (P� 117) 0 County of Newell County of Newell 100 200 m Hemsing, Penner, G. J.& K. Pasos, C. Currie Land & Properties Lawrence, DA R. Sprunger, J.& P. i County c Newell Currie, A.& L. I Currie, — I A.& L. Trener .&J _I I Currie, Currie, A.& L. A.& L. \I I \lTRIM COUNTY OF eYY` NEWELL F ti 0 0 Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 0 C 0 A .km 0 0.5 1 N 1:50,000 � D.A. 0 40 80 p��Q o2J m ------------------- - - - - -- .,-------------------------- Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions \ km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 Uo P eah A e IIIIIIIII. / R-N6SEEM « S r 'a �A z 1 COuw OF NEWELL 0 100 200 m Ysso I I I I I r I- I I I I ackett, Adams, Christman, L Enns, l.& S. Bergman, t S.& N. C.B�K. gyp& S. Dahl, S.&� ahl, C.& D. 0 Wi s, D. A.& K. I 00 Stroud, �� ----- ------ `1 / S-&S. Torkelson, Dahl, S.& Burton, D. Tho son, Mand , J. ouglas, I A.&Ao Miller, D. Tor4lson, Schreiber, L. J.& J. Andr cin, W. E.". � \ o A.&A. I — — � I, Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N ,I I, I Il I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions . km 0 0.5 1 N OSagebrush Estates rmmsnip Rope. rso Ile= 1:50f000 Deer Run Y= COUNTY OF NEWELL 0 70 140 p��Q m O Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions ,— — — km 1:50f000 05 N Dennis 0 100 200 p��Q m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 -71�1 -�° -05 N Dixon -- O oe Dim LJ 0 110 220 p��Q m Johnson Lake Ferrigag, D. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 Smids, MA L. o -- 0 Davis, CA J. De Jong, De Jong, Davies, Bildersheim, R. Tg P. T.& P. T.& M. 0 — — — — — — - This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions — km 1:50,000 0 0.5I 1 N O U J � 7Sak Es -- - r _Ares res Stafford Acres (150)Swenson, P 145 -1fn!d (P. 146) �f I Elwood � , CouNry o e � NEWELL Ftl 0 60 120 p��Q m o_ 629455AB Baker, J. Janke, RA E. 3 0 N oz U '0 629455AB 11q lid 1 — Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions .km 0 0.5 1 N 1:50,000 Evergreen dm 0 60 120 --------------------r--- Imo'-------F- ENV �. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 0 C O R km 1:50f000 0 0.5 1 Fleury/ Boswell 0 110 220 p��Q m I Kuiper, 0 B.& R. I Shell-Ryn ShelARyn M and D North i Holdings Holdings 1 Juss, L.& V. 0 Paddock Holdings 9 Ventures /� Juss, L.& V. es Shell-Ryn Shell-Ryn Holdings Holdings I Outvesther Outvesther Holdings I Holdings 0 I 1717868AB 1717868AB� I 1717875 AB 1717875 AB I M I I � 7 Tyler V W Chemicals 844193AB 0 I Brooks I Brooks Alfalfa D.A. Welding Alfap Sales Sales Davidson o. ( Equities m C Herbst, R.& L. D.A. Welding 0 00 0 0 638864 AB 0 L Juss, D. Juss, D. U.F.A. CotOp. 638864AB 0 D I MO�sh'ta, E^dersbY kman, M 0000 O. I EndersbY -bee EndersbY LYvan e S. I 0 Stroud Li 1388842AB Oilfield — C6 Serv. nBoswell, T. 1575137AB E in Crown, Provincial L (P. 115) Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions — — — km 1:50f000 co 0.5 1 562—Township Roatl 191 1 W N O � m 00 O rrnm;mp Roaa OEM Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N Hajash 0 75 5 Co.., OF C � NEWELL F ti 150 p��Q ■m EJa J AO This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions • km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 m LL 0 R LL Smith (P. 143) Ta Tp -oo 0 Heinrich Estates x YY=COUNTY OF NEWELL 40 80 m Smith (P. 143) Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km ' 1:50,000 to 24 0 05 1 L N - O - �r ll� Holtman z COUNTV OF ` NEWELL F ti 0 80 160 p��Q m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km '1:50 000 tep� O 0.5 1 _ '' (P.139) -Elwood vVV Sm INI tv.1ith a)1 O Westland Acres (P St Stafford' Swenson (P. 145) 146) (P. 00 LL^�� VVVVVV 0 Jackson) 70 140 m l-I HWY542 HWY542 i 1 Jackson Shadar S Jackson Cattle Co. Cabinets Ca Cattle Co. / �— / 1��`--------- 1 Clizbe ' Diesel Jackson Power I I I Cattle Co. Jackson I I Cattle Co. Jackson I Cattle Co. I � --- —— — -- — —— Jackson Cattle Co. Jack Cattle 4-4_-*-. . -k=t= Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions N— — — km 1:50,000 -, N 05 Jo -Ann �EwEu Trucking o�Ralore OO �n U 0 100 200 p��Q m Hai Hold Apach Oil S Cou NE Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions — km 1:50fo00 0 0.5 1 C `N O t H ' Smith 't �_ RE is-� John n a i. Ui Es es 2 alp Baksa I(F. LJV OEM` Hajasfi— �, iiq Johnson Estates 1 x Y=COUNTY OF NEWELL 01 0 90 180 m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions knn 1:50f000 �1. C - °sOW N Johnson �EwE� ° Estates 2 Smith ' 2 w K t71-1 p��@�]�3 0 40 80 z, m Fehr, P. I Lemire, M. I I 0 Muller, Martin, T. Nordholm, K. Rath, L. lampen, J. M.& L. Anstey-Martin, D. Clyne, J. 0 0 0 0 Traversano, V.& D. 0 I / I � I \ Kurtz, J.& G. Fehr, G.& S. I I \ McCarthy, Albers, J. D.& S. 0 0 0 Nevison, Leader, J. 0 I& R. Klein, J.& L. Dixon, P.& J. I 0 Loewen, P. Bennett, Collett, M. I I I I I I P.& T. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 -, -�° - 05 Kaufman WINN N 00 00 U 0 60 120 m - - '� - - T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 -�° - 05 Knutson N 00 o� 00 U 0 40 80 m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 COUNTY OF 2A" N \' IEWEJU MM - - —' rown.nio aoaa 190 IJ �+ 0 80 160�U m -------an•w u•n� _-- _ ra.. Rose,JA K. Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 11:50,000 km 0 0.5 1 S N Leavittz y C.Ol1NTV OF r � NEWELL Ftl 0 25 50 m CITY OF BROOKS I This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 twv NLlee O Ud o N 00 - Lf or-1 R,ng� i-:,... A 0 .I Celticgride 1153321 AB Welding & Fab. RMCC Inv. - — — — — — — — — — — — I I I I I o Burg, C. Three Two McAllister, B. Heal Ventures One Inv. C I I MacNaughton, C. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Oscar Investments Burton, C. 1736304AB I Hemsing, D. McAllister, B. o Harbinson, C. MacNaughton, C. B.R. Arctech Welding I o I -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— - 0 0 0 Freeland Tank Tech Tank Tech Holdings Envirosort Oilfield Oilfield rv. Serv. Martin ._ Industrial 100 200 m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions • km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 N ru ol� IE WeS�9e ` a I oidl .1A8) 1P. 151) o ' Osborne 133) Jackson Meyers 0 100 200 m ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° O ° � 0 ° H WY542 I H WY542 I -- — — — — — — — --- — — — — — I ° ° m 7Jones, J.& L. Bonora, Dodman, ° O R.& P. R.& L. Lohmann, 0 • • E.& M. Low -Land Cons9J Holdings I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 -�0 - 05 ' Mortensen N 00 �` 00 873 0 100 200 PamQ �O m (' n I a:� i �Y ci� Warren, R. County of Newell I I Wenzel, ounty of SA R. Newell e7 � I I I Presley, C. o Heringer, RA I I Cosgrove, C. I Daniels, G. oD. Smith, DA L. � m0 = L McRae, KA S. o Koza, M. I -- — ——--————— — — — — —— Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions — . km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 N 0 & 'Dr — [I] Oasis z COUNTY OF e � NEWELL 100 200 EP910'1@01 � � 11 m Oshner Holdings Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 1:50,000 km 0 0.5 1 N I I Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N Ohama z z COl1NTV OF �a� � NEWELL ti 0 50 100 p��Q m 132 This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 -� ° - 05 Osborne N wEu 00 _ 00 00 (rl 0 100 200 m o• Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions • km 1:50f000 0 0.5 1 6 N 00 00 v 00 i� � -A - Perini 0 140 280 �m z COUNTY OF ` NEWELL F ti Faigo 9,%34 H WY542 This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N km 1:50f000 0 0.5 1 N O w �I 09 ) a� Troldl- a idge l; W Stafford S I ia9) (P. 51) Osborne ._. (P. 133) .--- Swenson Place Jackson (P 146) ' fP?col 1.�, L W ridge51) 0 0 HWY tM Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N Prins Acres 0 70 140 m I This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50f000 0 0.5 1 N 00 �' Jo -Ann i�Truckinc I(P.121; 0 T Down Trailers Albers Family �,,,,�� Holding oviM • Coleterra Properties Ralore 0 100 200 p��Q �,%Mo m 0 I I I I H.E. Trucking 0 I I I j U.F.A. Co -Op. H.E. Trucking Rice Holdings I I I 1216721 AB I 0 1216053 AB 0 t I 0 0 1781081 AB Flex Holdings Richardson Bros (Olds) Precision Rice Holdings Drilling r. Bothi, E. Precision Drilling Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,00f 0 0.5 1 N „. 00 ■ 00 T 00 �?4 sNp Raatl 180 i COUNTY OF I] T '„.. NEWELL F ti 0 100 200 Faxon�) �,%37 m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 0 C O S A �A km �A - 0 0.5 1 T"-hip-R1 -1" : 1:s0,000A Sagebrush wEu Estates 0 75 150 m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 0 • km 0.5 1 1:50,000 N Oo _ Elwood & -Westl OO re �ta'fforclA-1S, o f pre so "195) HEMo� oo _V (P. 146) F Salonka Estates 0 100 200 Faxon�) �,%39) m Elwood Smith (F- 114) °\° 10 I ° ° + 0 n @9 SWe U?RaceHWY542OF Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions — — — • km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 Sanctuary Estates NNTV OF xen_` E WELLL 100 200 m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 -CO 00 00 00 U Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N 0 Lassiter KA N. Gauthier, D. Gaut t er R.& . Entz, R. Dreger, R. Jackson, S. Dickinson, I.& K. McNamara,o D.& J. Schuett° R.& M. Schuett Homes Const. Amundson, R.& D. Schuett COUNTY OF NEWELL F ti 100 200 L.r ��@ 4 ■ m AmundsonO R.& D. I 0 I I This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 0 C O A Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N . km 1:50,000 0.5 1 an Sewall z COUNTY OF C � NEWELL 0 60 120 m This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 u0 0.5 1 mr Inter Lake Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N w a ,1+ 15ohnson U�� Estates 2 "" 777 111 III(p�23)— s F�� 0 100 200 Faig@ �4,%3 m .J WilsM, D. I Ensign Drilling Whallgy, A. Grosfield, i EA NY Bouchard, S. I I I Ensign I Drilling Orval B. Shantz Prof. I I `Shantz, I I Ensign OA L. I Drilling I I Winchester I Holdings Ensign Drilling Winchester I ° Holdings I i Ensign Drilling ° Smith, RA L. I I I Stroud 1720961 AB 1720961 AB 1720961 AB 6field I Se - r------------------- I I 1720961 AB 1720961 AB 1720961 AB I 1720961 AB 1864101 AB 1720961 AB 1720961 AB i 1720961 AB 1720961 AB BrooksAsphalt Aggregate ° 1720961 AB 1720961 AB BrooksAspmalt F This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 0 0.5 1 N 00 IND S 1:50,000 Snyders x z COUNTY OF ` NEWELL F ti 0 80 160 m -H WY54:: H WY-542 r-------- -------- - -- - -- ---------------- I . Dallaire, V. I Brough, Huber, T& M. k.& C. Luedtke, Sieberer, 0 I Doble, CA E. RA� �- Clark, C.& L. Huhreys, mE I RA M. I SchJett, P. R.& M. I Coston, K�& A. 0 CC.O.11, I Patterson, A.& T. 0 Sanders, (E. I I Hovde, R& M. McCallumoc- Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 �, N - 05 Stafford � �a N �_ Op EIII woad"Smith �lon �a (Ptt' OO (P. 139) We, Acres (P. nso) Swenso �ol)t LPlace Jackson (P. 1,W) i - 0 100 200 m \ 0 0 0 ° O d ° 1 - - -_—J 0 0 0 0 011 ........ .. I I --� I ° I I° o - 0 1 o 0 10 I° ;/0 d ° 01 ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I � 1 Lukye, Lukye, E.& C. EA C. I I — LL LL y o Hiebert, D. Harink, � Shanks, MacKinnon, W. Drake, Lukye, 0 E d C.&A. Schimmel, = = Mrakava, J. W,& g. o o T.& P. K.& M. Lukye, E.& C. EA C. Dahler-Abbuhl, S.& M. ° o a Lye, ° 0 0 E C 0 0 o n 0 ..-L- 1111"IFY542 CITY OF BROOKS Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 31^50,000 ° -05 1 _ P. tsso) Swenson —Elwood"mih Salon'a (P. 1 taEtesOc WsAcre Place Stafrd --.P. ,as) ( so, Meyers (P:1zs) Jackson El P. 120) ap -oo 44 0 30 60 m H WY542 x =j Ci Ol1NTV OF NEWELL Dn�7o 94C� HWY542 Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions 1:50,000 Tre m b e c k i 1 x z COUNTY OF ` NEWELL F ti 0 130 260 m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50f000 0 0.5 1 N 00 I Tn -hbeckiI " S 0 ■ Trem becki 2 80 160 m H WY544 x` YY"z COUNTY OF s„ NEWELL Mlls F ti Fdxon�) �40 Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 N 00 ' stndge N _I Jere OO ' Jackson I� 0 40 80 p��Q �� m I Osborne H WY542 -HWY542 Meyers (P. 229) Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 1:50,000 -05 -, N ° � _ Westland �EwEu O......_.. -. J. a _ ^ Acres OO Iwood'S'mith Sa tes . 39) 100 Staffdfd � Swenso __ (P., 45)__- Place `✓ �p1 Jackson (P 120) : (P. 146) OEM 0 80 160 m (Pon Ka Schuh, S.& S. O o — o z U /— — — — — — — -- T — — -- — — I French,° 1"rews, Diep, T&I Janke, .& S. Harink, Cockerill,bMedway, B. ShTLeggatt, B. Hus , L. Wester, I DA T. A.& S. I o K.& D. Y' DA C. o� I T a DA J. Briggs, Seifried, I Fontaine New II a I ci z gg Mrazek, L.-a Austman, I K nnedy, R. I White, Sturch, Perini, c olais, J. K.& L. I D. di.& S. ° �& TMcGregor, J. PA N. K.&D.& M. ° o Deunk, J.& V. Davidson, Gerrard,0 Hanson, Bettep Watson, Hei�liller, Jackson, o Jacobson, J.& g- S.& S. Woods, L. Graves, R. T& C. Bragg' J. C.& S. K.& C. I.& M. T& C. DA D. N0e*cf weell i DO czanowski, Hobart, Rusnak, immons, Delda , Y Weatherhead, Brkich, K.&�. M.& L. R.& U.K.& C. J � K Braun, Ro E. Dunne, L.& E. Janke, �. R � Cyb J. NA C. O O O Stafforcd o ° Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions O Stafforcd o ° Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions km 0 0.5 1 N N U Troid _ (7. 1991 —a.t 0 H WY542 WSMl 1:50,000 it U a_ Jackson I 3 V7 zlf CONNTV OF e d g e ~n;Y Y~�" NEWELL F ti 0 40 80 p��Q m Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions