HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-22 Council (Regular) MinutesCOUNTY OF NEWELL MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL June 22, 2023 The regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell was held in the County Office and livestreamed to the public via Lifesize on Thursday, June 22, 2023 commencing at 10:32 a.m. Notice was posted at the front entrance advising the public of the meeting. MEMBERS A. Doerksen, Reeve PRESENT: COUNCILLORS: D. Short (via Lifesize) A. Skanderup L. Kopp H.Johnson G. Skriver K. Christman E. Unruh A. Philpott N.Johnson ABSENT: STAFF: M. Fenske, Chief Administrative Officer L. Johnson, Director of Corporate Services T. Green, Director of Agricultural Services G. Tiffin, Manager of Planning, Development and Engineering C. Siakaluk, Communications Officer (Moderator) A. Nielsen, Executive Assistant OTHERS IN S. Stanway, Brooks Bulletin ATTENDANCE: M. Iwaasa, Economic Development Officer (City of Brooks) V. Muhlbeier, Grasslands Regional FCSS K. Peterson, Grasslands Regional FCSS L. Pye-Matheson, Grasslands Regional FCSS 1 County Ratepayer 1. 2. 3. C-217/23 CALL TO ORDER Reeve A. Doerksen called the meeting to order at 10:32 a.m. EXCUSED FROM MEETING All members were in attendance at this meeting. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3.1 Minutes - Council (June 8, 2023) MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that the June 8, 2023 Council Meeting minutes be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED Regular Council June 22, 2023 4. CALL FOR POST AGENDA ITEMS Reeve A. Doerksen called for post agenda items. 5. ADOPTION OF AGENDA C-218/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that the agenda be adopted as amended. MOTION CARRIED 6. QUESTION PERIOD/NOTICE OF MOTION A question period and notice of motion was held. The moderator indicated that there were no questions from the public. 7. BYLAWS 7.1 Bylaw 2045-23 Non -Residential Tax Incentive The Chief Administrative Officer provided background information on this item and gave an overview of the amendments made as a result of recommendations resulting from a legal review of the proposed bylaw. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. The Chief Administrative Officer provided information comparing the County's non-residential tax rates and incentives to those of neighbouring municipalities. He also gave an overview of feedback received from solar development companies. C-219/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that Bylaw 2045-23, being a bylaw for the purpose of providing a municipal property tax exemption for non-residential development or expansions, be given THIRD and FINAL reading as amended. MOTION CARRIED 9. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES BUSINESS 9.1 Rural Beautification Awards - Review Policy POL-025-23 & Assign Council Judge The Director of Agricultural Services provided background information on this item and responded to questions from Council. C-220123 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LYNETTE KOPP that Policy POL-025-23 (Rural Beautification Awards) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED Discussion followed. C-221/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that Councillor A. Skanderup be appointed as the Council judge of the 2023 Rural Beautification Awards. MOTION CARRIED Page 2 of 8 Regular Council June 22, 2023 LEFT THE MEETING T. Green left the meeting at 10:47 a.m. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 10.1 Policy Review - POL-023-23 Art & Visual Displays in the County Building The Director of Corporate Services provided background information on this item, including an overview of significant changes. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. C-222/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that Policy POL-023-23 (Art & Visual Displays in the County Building) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED 10.2 Policy Review - POL-024-23 Staff Membership on External Agencies, Boards & Committees The Director of Corporate Services provided background information on this item, including an overview of significant changes, and responded to questions from Council. Discussion followed. C-223/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that Policy POL-024-23 (Staff Membership on External Agencies, Boards & Committees) be adopted as presented. MOTION CARRIED LEFT THE MEETING L. Johnson left the meeting at 10:53 a.m. ARRIVED AT MEETING M. Iwaasa arrived at 10:54 a.m. 13. POST AGENDA ITEMS 13.1 International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) Congress M. Iwaasa provided details on the upcoming IFAJ Congress and tour June 27 - July 3, 2023. ARRIVED AT MEETING V. Muhlbeier, K. Peterson, and L. Pye-Matheson arrived at 10:59 a.m. M. Iwaasa provided additional details regarding the event. The County has partnered with the City of Brooks and the Eastern Irrigation District in an event sponsorship that includes a presentation and a hospitality suite. He provided examples of promotional materials that would be distributed. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. Council provided suggestions for the "Ag Stories Page 3 of 8 Regular Council June 22, 2023 Worth Telling" submissions, including oil and gas, solar development, the colonies, and BNR Farms. M. lwaasa responded to questions regarding the event, indicating that representatives from Brooks, Bassano, the County, and the EID will be attending. All Council is welcome to attend the presentation on June 28, 2023. LEFT THE MEETING M. Iwaasa left the meeting at 11:14 a.m. 8. DELEGATIONS 8.1 Grasslands Regional FCSS Quality of Life Survey Results V. Muhlbeier provided background information on the survey and thanked Council and staff for their assistance in its distribution and collection. K. Peterson explained the purpose of the Quality of Life Survey, which gathers feedback from residents in nine different categories. He provided an overview of the key findings and compared the results with those of the previous survey. 381 responses were received from the County of Newell and 80.8% of these indicated that they are satisfied with the community. Both responses and overall satisfaction have increased since the 2017 survey. Health is once again the highest priority for all age groups. K. Peterson provided an overview of the findings. The full Quality of Life Survey documents will be released on June 30, 2023 via the Grasslands Regional FCSS website: www..qrasslandsre.gionalfcss. com. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. L. Pye-Matheson indicated that questions specific to recreation were asked during the pre -testing but did not arise during the forums. The Chief Administrative Officer indicated that recreation facilities are included in the Quality of Place category. K. Peterson responded to questions regarding the responses expressing a need for more services for specific age groups, indicating that specific services were not mentioned. L. Pye- Matheson responded to questions regarding uses for the survey results. Grasslands Regional FCSS considers the reports when making decisions, but the reports are also meant to showcase communities to potential residents. LEFT THE MEETING V. Muhlbeier, K. Peterson, and L. Pye-Matheson left the meeting at 11:48 a.m. 11. MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUSINESS 11.1 Tender Award - County of Newell Water Project (CNWP) Phase 2 Contract 2 The Manager of Planning, Development & Engineering provided background information on this item. He responded to questions from Council regarding the difference in the total project cost between the study estimate and the engineer's estimate, noting that two of the bids received were very competitive. A forecasting budget to take inflation into account is being discussed with the engineer. The Manager of Planning, Development & Engineering responded to further questions regarding how the contracts were broken up for phase 2 as compared with phase 1, indicating that the goal is to tender the Gem, Rosemary, and Bassano contract Page 4 of 8 Regular Council June 22, 2023 in late July, but this is dependent on the number of easements signed. He responded to further costs regarding the average cost of construction per residence. LEFT THE MEETING Councillor H. Johnson left the meeting at 12:01 p.m. C-224/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ADENA SKANDERUP that Council awards the tender for the construction of the County of Newell Water Project (CNWP) Phase 2 - Contract 2 to Syn- Core Directional Drilling Ltd. in the amount of $4,138,207.50. MOTION CARRIED LEFT THE MEETING G. Tiffin and Councillor D. Short left the meeting at 12:02 p.m. LUNCH Council RECESSED for lunch at 12:02 p.m. and RECONVENED at 12:50 p.m. ARRIVED AT MEETING Councillor H. Johnson returned at 12:50 p.m. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS — continued 10.3 Letter of Support for Innovative Housing Initiative The Chief Administrative Officer provided a summary of a recent meeting between the County, Bassano, Newell Housing Foundation, and John Brown Architect regarding a small care home in Bassano. All participants are agreeable to working together to further his project and each Council and board will be asked to approve a joint letter of support. The Chief Administrative Officer outlined the next steps and provided information on the Continuing Care Capital Program for grant funding. Council was given the opportunity to ask questions. Discussion followed. C-225/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR GREG SKRIVER that Council APPROVES a letter supporting collaborative efforts between the County of Newell, Town of Bassano, John Brown Architect, Brenda Strafford Foundation, and Newell Housing Foundation to draft and apply to the Continuing Care Capital program for a localized Small Care Home Model Pilot Project. MOTION CARRIED 10.4 Councillor Payment Sheets (May 2023) Discussion followed. Page 5 of 8 Regular Council June 22, 2023 C-226/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that the May 2023 Councillor Payment Sheets be accepted with the amendments recommended by the Councillor Compensation Review Committee. MOTION CARRIED 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1 City of Brooks Parks & Recreation Board Councillor G. Skriver reported that the City of Brooks Parks & Recreation Board reviewed a proposed design for the new dog park. He responded to questions regarding the location. 12.2 County of Newell Library Board Councillor L. Kopp reported that annual funding has been distributed. The County of Newell Library Board is still looking for representatives for Division 5 & 10 and Division 8. 12.3 Shortgrass Library Board Councillor L. Kopp reported that Public Library Services hosted a learning session yesterday on the role of boards. 12.4 Newell Recycling Association Councillor L. Kopp reported that the Newell Recycling Association had discussed the Recycling Council of Alberta conference. No members will be attending this conference as topics of interest have been covered at the Alberta CARE Conference. 12.5 Medicine Hat College Convocation Councillor L. Kopp attended the Medicine Hat College Convocation on June 9, 2023. 12.6 Joint Services Committee Councillor G. Skriver reported that the Joint Services Committee had received presentations from the Christ the Redeemer and Francophone school districts and an Economic Development update. 12.7 Newell Regional Solid Waste Management Authority Councillor N. Johnson reported that the Newell Regional Landfill does not accept pesticide/herbicide containers under the CleanFarms program. These must be returned to retailers. Discussion followed and Council suggested that the landfill be registered as a pickup location. Councillor N. Johnson responded to questions from Council and suggested further discussion to resolve this issue for next season. Page 6 of 8 Regular Council June 22, 2023 12.8 Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association Councillor N. Johnson reported that the Southern Alberta Energy from Waste Association is considering hiring professional lobbyists to advance the energy - from -waste facility project. Discussion followed. Council indicated that the lobbying should continue to be done by local elected officials. 12.9 Bow River Basin Council Councillor N. Johnson attended the Bow River Basin Council Quarterly Forum and Annual General Meeting on June 14, 2023 on behalf of Reeve A. Doerksen. He indicated that it was a very technical committee, but the Bow River is very important to the County, and we should continue to send representatives to BRBC meetings. 12.10 Mayors & Reeves Association of Southeast & Southwest Alberta Councillor H. Johnson attended the most recent meeting of the Southeast and Southwest Alberta Mayors & Reeves Association. There were four MLAs in attendance at this meeting that provided information from the province. A recommendation for Municipal Development Plans was to specify the quality of land for solar development. Discussion followed regarding the upcoming Alberta Municipalities 2023 Convention and the Chief Administrative Officer indicated that details on this event will be discussed during an upcoming Council meeting. 12.11 Newell Regional Tourism Association Councillor A. Skanderup passed on a thank you from Piston Broke for the use of the County BBQ for their first rodeo pancake breakfast. Grant funding received from Travel Alberta will be used to improve the website and develop promotional videos. Experience Development funding has been allocated. Councillor A. Skanderup reported that, if a hockey tournament is booked in one of the smaller municipalities at the same time a tournament is being held in Brooks, there are often not enough hotel rooms for all the participants. 12.12 Palliser Economic Partnership Councillor H. Johnson reported that she and Councillor D. Short attended the Palliser Economic Partnership Annual General Meeting. She provided an overview of the board election results. 12.13 Alberta 55+ Summer Games Councillor G. Skriver provided an update, indicating that preparations for the games are going well. He encouraged anyone that is available to volunteer to help out with the games. Page 7 of 8 Regular Council June 22, 2023 14. INFORMATION ITEMS 14.1 Mini Bus Monthly Report (May 2023) This item was accepted as information. 14.2 Strategic Priorities Chart This item was accepted as information. 14.3 Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) Quasi -Judicial Agency Review Survey This item was accepted as information. 15. IN CAMERA C-227/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR HOLLY JOHNSON that we move in camera at 1:28 p.m. to discuss the following matters: • Intergovernmental Relations — FO/PPAct Section 21. MOTION CARRIED C-228/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR NEIL JOHNSON that we move out of camera at 2:15 p.m. MOTION CARRIED C-229/23 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR KELLY CHRISTMAN that any Councillor be permitted to attend International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) Congress events on June 26 - July 3, 2023 as a function of Council. MOTION CARRIED 16. ADJOURN Being that the agenda matters have been concluded, the meeting adjourned at 2:18 p.m. Signed this Aav of �V 2023 4eve County Administrator Page 8 of 8