HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-01-15 Council (Special) MinutesT.. ^ ~i f°+ li County of Newell No,~ 4 Special County Council January 1$~ 1964, A special Meeting of the Council of the County of Newell Noe 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks? Alberta at 2:00 p•m, on Wednesdays January 1$th? 1964, w w • • •f rr 's Members Prt~sent: Reeve Councillors Sec•ATreas. Provincial .Government Chief Bridge Engineer District Engineer Eastern Irrigation District Board Chairman Board Members General Manager Ass'~t General Manager District Engineer Brooks Bulletin N~. A. Shuttleworth Ay Chrumka Aa„ Eccles Fw Mandeville Jas,, Hajash ~ Armstrong R•~ Eastman Don Grosfield G` Douglass H. Scammell W~ Delday MLA E, Sanden Mr„ Hope 1~Q,~~ Crawford R~, Daniels S.C~. Paterson G~ Barnes M~ Ryan J,,~ Graham Car l Anderson R• Tw White D~ Dunsmore Jas.. Nesbitt The meting was called at the direction of the Reeve for the purpose of attempting to clarify the Revised Bridge Agreements as to the various responsibilities set dokn therein of the County the Bastern Irrigation District and the Provincial Government.. • . r . ,• ~ The chair was taken by the Chairman of the Municipal Committees Councillor Armstrong• • . . • • .. • The Dept,, of Highways list of bridges over irrigation canals on District Highways was reviewed and discussed It was agreed that from this list could be devised a priority roster of bridges to be repaired and replaced on which the Eastern Irrigation District could if they -- so wished apply to have the County take over the responsN ibility prior to the Statutory turn over of these bridges ` on April lst~ 196$. • i • w • w • w It was recommended that a map be produced similar to the previous one in use on the basis of the old CI'R agrees-• ment which would show thereon the Bridge File i~,mbers and the categories to apply to each bridge. • « . . ~ . . . FORM 149-P-Speeial dUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. ~2~- '~ ~ In his general remarks Mr. Daniels Chairman of the Eastern Irrigation District Board suggested that the Provincial Government accept the responsbility for all of the Bridges in the District, Mr,. Daniels read a motion that had been passed by the Bastern Irrigation District Board at their meeting earlier in the day whereby the Bastern Irrigation District will undertake to dear 1,13 of the cost of tike bridge - North and East of Bassano~ S of Sec 2+22d18.~..W¢th prov«. iding certain amendements could be made in the Bridge Agreements In view of the fact that no assurance could be given with regard to the conditions laid down in the motion the Boards position with regard to the motion was obscured • • ~ • ~ r o 0 The Ba~ttern Irrigation District Board requested that an efforts be made to control the speeds and loads of trucks on County Roads and also expressed their concern over the apparent unconcern of the County in the manner in which road construction was carried on through Bastern Irrigation District land without previous consultation and permission by the Bastern Irrigation District, o s•• v r~ r On the motion of Ms Ryan the meeting adjourned at x;00 pm. 0 o r ~ o ~• s• y ~ ~. S E ARY~TRBASURBR FORM 749-P-Special -fUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. -~. ~~~ s2~ In his general remarks Mr,,:Daniel&t~ Chairman of the Eastern Irrigation District Board suggested that the Provincial Government accept the responsbility for all of the Bridges in the District. Mrs, Daniels read a motion that had been passed by the Ba$t®rn Irrigation District Board at their meeting earlier in the day whereby the Bastern Irrigation District will undertake to dear l~3 of the cost of ti~te bridge - North and Bast of Bassano~ S of Sec 2.22~18~W4th prov.r iding certain amend~menta could be made in the Bridg® Agreements ~• w: ~~ . a ~ ~ 3 In view of the fast that no a~csurance could be given with regard to the conditions laid down in the motion the Boardts position with regard to the motion was obscured ,.•~::~s tia~~ The Bastern_Irrigation District Board r®que~tted that an efforts be made to control the ~tpeeds and loads of trucks on County Roads and alsto expressed their concern over the apparent n~neoneern of the County in .the manner in which road construction was carried on through'Bastern Irrigation District land without previou& consultation and permistsion by the Bastern Irrigation Dis~iriot* On the motion of M,,; Ryani the meeting adjourned at ~ d00 pm,i -v'i ~ t,ti~ ~.~•,p ~, ~J'~` `•' _ 3 nEB~~s %~~ A~.a ~~~t~Qi~ Y~- ASURBR FORM 149-P-Spsclal YVNICIPAL SVPPLISS LTD. A Record of Procedings Held at a Special Meeting of the County Council of Newell and the Hoard A~iembers of the ,Eastern Irrigation District in the County Board Room, January 15, 1964. Whose present were Councillors - A. Chrumka, A. Eccles, F. rlandeville, Jt~s. Hajash, R. Armstrong, R. Eastman, G. Douglass, H. Scammell, 3i~. Grosfield. Representatives of the Provincial Government were - E. Sanden, K. J. Crawford, tium. Delday, M.L.A., and NIr. Hope. Representatives of the Eastern Irrigation District were - R.T. White C. J. iinderson, D. Densmore, R. Daniels, S. Peterson, J. Graham, M. Ryan, G. Barnes. Councillor Armstrong was chairman. This meeting was called to clarify points not settled on the meeting of December 13th regarding bridges in the County. Irlr. White pointed out that the bridgelist submitted by the government to the Eastern Irrigation District giving the list of bridges on District Highways which would be the responsibility of the road t-uthority to maintain was 24 bridges short. Mr. Sanden admitted that their submitted list of bridges, being produced in an office could have certain errors owing to the difficulty of estimating the capacity of the ditch spanned by the bridge. I~Ir. Sanden stated that after April 1, 1965 the submitted list of bridges with corrE~ctions would be the County responsibility to maintain, and he suggested that the District immediately transfer to the County all bridges of questionable life on District Highways so that if possible the Government could rebuild these bridges before 1965. He also etat®d the Government or the Department of Highways would rebuild these bridges according to the County request as soon as physically poesibl®. Some discussion was held on the advantage of having a bridge map showing all bridges in the County. Mr. Sanden agreed to attempt to have their bridge map copied for District and County use. Mr. Daniels suggested that it was time the Province took over the responsibility of the construction and maintenance of all the bridges in the .District. Trustee Daniels, in discussing the Gc:m- Bassalzo bridge, presented a motion previously passed by the Eastern Irrigation District Board which stated that "Provided the Bridge Schedule was improved r"or satisfactory mutual understanding, and provided prior approval for bridge and road construction affecting the r:astern Irrigation District in the future was receivEd, the Board would contribute one-third of the cost of constructing the bridge in question on the Gem-Bassano Access Road. This poa~position was t~iscussed at length. Mr. Sanden warned that the Minister would no doubt not look with favour on E.I.D. - County ventures unless this bridge was settled without government assistance. Various County Councillors spoke on County policy of constructing roads and bridges for the benefit of County residents. Finally the E.I.D. Board agrees. to pay one-third of the Gem-Bassano bridge with the understanding that the Government would build the bridge. In answer to a question Mr. Sanden said all bridges built by the Government on District Highways are built without any extra e~epense to the County taxpayer. Mr. Sanden requested the County tb send to Edmonton, a list of bridges, according to priority of re- construction. H~ suggested that Nir. White and Mr. Scammell procure this list of bridge transfers as soon as possible for processing by his Department. T~Ir. Sanden stated that his Department woulca endeavour to construct a bridge on the District Highway sou'-h of Tilley as the number one priority for April 1964. The District Trustees spoke of necessity for regulations of truckers regarding ov~:rloading and consequent damage to bridges. District Gfficials stated County Councillors were very thought- less in their policy of constructing new roads across District o~;:mec~ lands without prior consultation with District Officials. The meeting adjournec- at Sa15.