HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-05-11 Council (Regular) Minutes~t?~ County of Newell No• 4 _ ~ E' e" County Council Maw 11th, 1862 The regular meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks Alberta at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, May llth~ 1862, • • • • A • • Members present, Chairman Councillors Secretary«.Treas • f • • A • N.A• Shuttleworth A• Chrumka Aw Eccles F. Mandeville Jas. Hajash R. Armstrong R. Eastman Ben Plumer G. Douglass H. Scammell The minutes of the previous meeting of April 13th 1862 were read and adoptedw f • • • • • Councillors Hajash and Chrumka reported with regard to the contested Wecko damage claim by Ford Kerr and subs muted their recommendation that the claim of X45.00 by Weicko is excessive and should be reduced to $$.00,-- s • • • w • The Council concurred in the committees findings and dir- ected the Secretary to act accordingly• . • . . Moved by Councillor Chrumka that the Secretary's report of Receipts ~ Payments for the month of April be accepted. • • . Carried. Mr, Jack Edworthy of U.G.G. Insurance Divisions Calgary? met the Council to discuss several features of the County Insurance,. . • . . . . Moved by Councillor Plumer? that all Fuse Boxes in Schools be replaced by Circuit Breakers and that the Schools and Equipment be insured for the full replacement value, Carried. • • • M • • Moved by Councillor Douglass that U.G.G• Insurance be directed to have an appraisal made of all the insurable County property at and for the sum of approximately $300.00. Carriedw • t r . • Revision of Power Lines by Farm Electric Services were reviewed by the Councillors concerned and were approved as follows: Cassils R.E.A. moved by Councillor Hajash. .---~ '""~~ ' Tilley R.E.A, moved by Councillor Chrumka. -~ ~ ~ ,'%' . Rosemary R.E.A• moved by Councillor Eastman. - ,, ~ c~ ~ ~~ Carried. 1 ~, ,~,,;,~°=°'`;~.---~"` `~ Moved by Councillor Hajash that the proposed extension ,,,~' by the Calgary Power Go to service an irrigation pump at Cassils be approved. Carried„ • • R # w • Moved by Councillor Plumers that the offer of John Proc to purchase Parcel ~~A~i Duchess Plan 5754G for $100,00 be ; accepted., Carried, • ! • f • R Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that the resolutions with regard to participation in the new plan of superannuation for employees under the Public Service Pension Board attached to and forming part of the minutes of this ~ meeting be passed„ Carried. . . • . P•F.A.A• report No. 12 was read and ordered filed. { • M • • FORM 149-R-Special MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTll. - 2 - w ,? ~. Moved by Councillor Hajash that the subdivision of S E6~19-•14••4 (Sekura} be approved subject to a legal survey of the parcel being made, Carried, . . , . . . Adjourned for lunch 1:00 to 2:30 p,m, . . . . . Reports of Committees Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the Municipal Committee be aceepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor Armstronga that Bylaw No. 234 to purchase a D56$ Champion Motor Grader forthe sum of approximately $23000,00 be given lst~ 2nd 3rd readings and finally passed. Carried Unanimously ^I~ --~'"~ q ~. r_. e • • • • • A School Committee Moved by Councillor Plumer~ that the report of the School Committee be accepted, f' J~~~ Carried. Moved by Councillor r~ that a delegation journey to Edmonton to prevail upon the provincial government to revise the existing Foundation Plan to provide more revenue to the Gounty for Education purposes. Delegation to consist of: Ben Plumer R. Eastman N,A. Shuttleworth s • • s • s Agricultural Service Board Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the Agric«-• ultural Service Board be accepted. Carried.. . . . . . Moved by Councillor Eastman that 25 bus. Barley and $0 bus. of Oats for seed be furnished to Paul SkubanJ Rolling Hi11s for seeding SE 14.~14~13.~W4 under the provisions of the Agricultural Relief Advances Act. Carried, .. Hospital Committee Moved by Councillor Eastman that the report of the Hospital Committee be accepted. Civil Defence No Report. Farm Purchase Board Moved by Councillor Hajash~ Purchase Board be accepted. Moved by Councillor Hajash~ W„ Ly~ert for a loan to pur be approved. Newell Foundation No Report. that the report of the Farm Carried. that the application of Carl chase the SW 16821»16.~W4 Carried* . ~ . • ~ • . • • . • "ORM 149-P-Special UNICIPAL SUPPLI1s5 I.TP. r~~,~ ~; f -- 3 Moved by Councillor Mandeville that the following accounts be passed for payment: 989 Waterous Equipment 3435.00:' 990 Mrs. Jean Wester 60.00 991 Mrs. Benci~.Cancelled 992 Sports Equip of Toro nto60,00 993 Bartletts General 17.56' 994 Coop Book Centre of C 70,50 995 Mrs. S.H, Hellman 60,00 996 Alberta Wheat Pool 1259.03 997 Alberta Govt Tele 100,65 998 Revelstoke Building Mat 5.40 999 M.S.I• 603.00 1000 Tunney'~a Body Shop 124.12 1001 Elliks Jewellery 2.75 1002 County of Newell 34.16. 1003 J,A, Olson 1.00 1004 The City of Edmonton 203,15 1005 Alberta Wheat Pool 1194.87 1006 Mrs. J,J, White 50.00- 1007 L,J, Shields 6.45 1008 Beaver Lumber Co 64.36 1009 Gem Home F~ School 225.00 1010 Office of ~ueen~s Pr 11,30 1011 Calgary Power Ltd 13.65 1012 County of Newell 45.00 1013 Leo Smith 32,22 1014 County of Newell 15,00 101$ R.H, Sav F~ Cr Union 20.00 1016 Royal B of Canada 70.00 1017 Brks Sav ~ Cr Union 100,00 1018 R.H. Sav ~ Cr Union 25.00 1019 Can Imp Bk of Commer ce 46.00 1020 D,C, Grerar 70.00 1021 B.W. Tibbitt 25.00 1022 Atlas Lumber Co 20,00 1023 County of Newell 25.00 1024 County of Newell 38022.04 1025 Alta Teachers Assn 390.50 X026 Bd of Administrators 1876.67 1027 Mrs. E, Creybohn 25,00 1028 Mrs. L~ Miscekas 35.00 1029 Mr. Me Miedinger 1250,00 1030 Mr, Vic Zacharias 372.00 1031 Bk of N.S.Cr A.Lepp 50000 1032 Pr Tr Br Cr.D,F,Seel y 750,,.00 1033 B N,S.Cr, H. Neufeld 462,00 1034 B N,S,Cr,J,K,Purcell 248.43 1035 Mr. Wm. Lauver 351.00 1036 B N,S, Cr. N,Dueck ,415.00.. 1037 PrTrBr Cr,M, Koritho s1~i50,00 1038 Mrs. G, Van Oene 1$,00 1039 Mrs, I. Zibell 12„00 1040 Mr„ Henry Berg 130.57 1041 Alberta Govt Tele 68.35 1042 Mr. C, L„ Kadey 100.00 1043 G.A. Winter 20.10 1044 H.C, Scan~rnell 56.60 ' 1045 Brunsden Agencies 60,43 1046 Postmaster 95•.00 1047 Mrs. Betty Neufeld 11.00 1048 Mrs. M. Friesen 25.00 1049 Mrs. K. Wallace 60.00 1050 Cancelled 1051 Prov Treasurer 1600.00- 1052 E,I,D. 654.47- 1053 McNarland Plumbing 360.00 1054 Alta Wheat Pool 2727.44 1055 Receiver General 296.14 1056 County of Newell 4256.63 1057 Receiver General 4857.15 1058 Tilley Gas Co 90.70 1059 The School Book Br 272.12 1060 Acklands Limited 63.92 1061 Alberta Assn of M.D. 2298.07 1062 Alberta Blue Gross 50x65 1063 Alberta Govt Tele 9.85 ~ORM149-P-Special [UNICIPAL SVPPL7L5 I.TD. 1064 The Alberta Pacific Gr 4.85 1065 Alberta Wheat Pool 3994.98 1066 Geo V, Anderson 10.00' 1067 Attridge ~ Miller Mach 26.23 1068 Bassano Sand F~ Gravel 446.00 1069 D.M. Best ~ C'~ 45.00 1070 Mr, Fred Batton 14$,80 1071 Ralph Bishel 62.39 1072 H.A. Bloomquist 76.23 1073 Bow Slope Mut Tele 48.80 1074 Bow Slope Shipping Ass n 9,11 1075 Brojnstein Floor Cover 1.35 1076 Brooks Coop Assn 2 352.47 1077 Brooks Pharmacy 4.45' 1078 Brooks Home Furnishing 597.78 1079 Brooks Tire Service 4.50 1080 Budd~s Farm Equip 2,00 1081 B~Wys Nissen Sales 24.50 1082 Calgary Power Ltd 8,78 108a Campbell Bros 106«39 1084 Can Gen Elec 9.24- 1085 Can Pacific Railways 2.40. 1086 Can Propane Gonsolid 56.00 1087 Central Sales ~ Serv 527.96 1088 Central Scientific 6.64 1088 Mr, H, Christensen 100.00 1090 Clarke Irwin & Co 5.75 1091 The College Bookbind 136.75 1092 Copp Clark Publishing 36.62 1093 Coleman Plumbing £~ Ht 27.55 1094 Crown Lumber Co 575.38 1095 Axel A Dahl 49.35 1096 Deldays Brooks Trans 45.44 1097 J,M, Dent F~ Sons 13.85 1098 0, Dugstad 70.40 1099 Village of Duchess 39.70 1100 Mrs. L, Dunbar 56.55 1@Ol E~I.D. 38,10 1102 T. Eaton Co Ltd 80.94 1103 Electric Equip 17.33 1104 C.Fleury ~ Son 10.00 1@05 Friendly Stores Ltd 89.94 1106 General Biological Supp 9,91 1107 Gillum Book Co 12.50 1108 Gem Lumber Yards 196.85- 1109 W,E. Greer Ltd 31$.00 1110 Mrs. 5,~. Hellman 12.00 1111 Hollinger House 3,76 1112 R. Huistel 60.00 1113 Imperial Oil Ltd 69.20 1114 Industrial ~ Road Equ 431.46 1115 International Harvester68,74 1116 Irrigano Publishers 25.23 1117 P. Janko 72,00 1118 Jaffary'=s Sporting Gds 15.00 1119 Kleen Limited 1q:,60 1120 The Kleenbirn Coll 126,55 1121 E.S. Kloepper 5 00 1122 Lake Motor Service 194.86 1123 J.M. Lester 24.00 1124 Macleodas Ltd 84.15 1125 L,F, Marcy 10,00 1126 Marshall•»Wells 6.00 1127 Marshall's Book Store 11.85 1128 Mrs, R.M. McMillan 24.00 1129 M,H,~ Dis Asn for R,C, 64.00 1130 Mid»West Paper 656.84 1131 Mine Safety Appliances 40.13 1132 Modern Auto Service 57.60 1133 Motor Gar Supply Co 603.67 1134 Municipal Supplies 5.73 1135 Mr. Jack Murphy 20.00 1136 Miss P. Nawolsky $0.00 1137 Nesbitt Publishing Co 10.00 1138 Newell Vet Clinic 538.40 1139 O,K, Rubber Welders 104,00 1140 Mr. J.H. Olson 120.00 1141 Mrs. M, Olson 42,00 1142 Olson~s Service 177.15 1143 F.E, Osborne 3.89 1144 Oxford University Pr 2„79 1145 Patricia Garage 116.52 1146 Petty Cash 26..76 1147 Peyton R.C. 20,00 1148 Pheasant Sales 14.76 1149 G.W. Philpott 119,60 1150 Psycan Psychological 3.02 1151 Office of Queens Pr 1.20 1152 Rawleighss B,A. 89,86 11$3 J,L. Rawleigh ~ Son 34«60 1154 W.J. Rawleigh 30.00 1155 Revelstoke Bldg Mat 24.04 1156 Rod Hopkins Electronic 12.00 1157 Village of Rosemary 119.50 1158 Rosemary Lum ~ Gen 362.03 1159 Royal Lumber Yards 51.79 1160 Service Garage 41.60 ~ 4.. 1161 Scandia Gen Store 31.95 1162 Sharp's Theatre Sup p 1.25 1163 Wm, Sheldrake 86,10 1164 Smalleys Radio 8.14 1165 Smith Davidson ~ Le c 19,15 1166 Street~Robbins~-•Mor 1048,48 1167 Tilley Motors 44.96 1168 Suffield Gas Distr 4.70 1169 D.G, Tarney 2,06 1170 Taylor, Pearson 0 1032.67 1171 Village of Tilley 121„00 1172 Tunneyss Body Shop 8,88 1173 Welders Supplies 9.92 1174 Jeannie Wester 24.80 1175 William Wheeler 20,00 1176 Earl Williamson 20.00 1177 The Willson Stat Co 36,45 1178 Fra>~k Winter Weld 128.80' 1179 Wyant ~ Co 180.$8 1180 Svend Christiansen 2.30 Carried. e • . s s • Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that the resolution with regard to the control of antelope in the Gounty attached to and forming part of the minutes of this meeting be passed. Carried. « . . . . , Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that where required surveys of road allowances be made at the earliest oppor«. tunity. Carried,. « « . « . Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that the following school busses be ordered from Pheasant Sales:-. 4 fifty four passenger busses and 1 forty*.eight passenger bus, Carried, . . « « . Moved by Councillor Shuttleworth~ that Fire Guardians for the County be appointed as follows: Division 1 Councillor N.A. Shuttlrrworth Rolling Hi11s 2 Councillor A, Chrumka Tilley 3 Councillor A. Eccles Patricia 4 Councillor F, Mandeville Rainier 5 Councillor Jas. Hajash Brooks 6 Councillor R, Armstrong Bassano 7 Councillor R. Eastman Rosemary 8 Councillor Ben Plumer Duchess 9 Councillor G. Douglass Gem Secretary.-»Treasurer H. Scammell~ Brooks with authority to issue Fire Permits, Carried. . . . . . Adjourned at 5:30 p,m, w • e • « • -_ ` airman /,J..~~~'~ /t'~r-sue.-~ _ L~ SecryR»Treasurer d t; r~'~~ "ORM 149-P-Special NNICIPAL SUPYLIISS LTll. ~ir~ COUNTY OF NEWELL N0. 4 RESOLUTION A resolution of the County of Newell to provide for the control of antelope in the County by methods other than public use of High Power Rif les, Whereas, it would appear that there is a possibility that the hunting of antelope in the County of Newell No. 4 will be permitted this year. and whereas, the Council of the Count of Newell is of the opinion that careful supervision of this is very necessary to protect and assure the safety of the people in the County. Therefore be it resolved, that the Government of the Province of Alberta be requested to consider having the regulations prohibit the use of High Powered Rifles in the County of Newell No. 4. Done and passed at a regular meeting of the County Council this 11th day of May 1962. 1 Z, Chairm n ~° ~ r Secretary~Treasurer.._...- -- FORM 149-P-Special dUNICIFAL SUPI'LILS LTD. a*2 COUNTY OF NEWELL N0. 4 ~r RESOLUTION A resolution of the County of Newell No. 4, to provide for the inclusion of the County employees in the pension plan of the Local Authorities Pension Act, Be it resolved, that the Council of County of Newell No, 4 apply to the Public Service Pension Board to have the employee benefits of employees presently subject to the provisions of the Alberta Municipal Districts Employees Superannuation Act transfered and made subject to the provisions of the Local Authorities Pension Act. And further be it resolved, That the Alberta Municipal Districts Employees Superan.-. nuation Board be and is hereby authorized to act as agent for and on behalf of the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 to negotiate and arrange for the terms under which the employees of the said County, who are presently subject to the provisions of the Municipal Districts Employees Superannuation Act, may be brought under the pension plan of the Local Authorities Pension Act. Done and passed this 11th day of May 1962. / Ch rman ~ ~'~ ~ ,1-= _,. - ti.. " :..-°~-7 7--a---~ .,. a ~/",- . Secretary.-Treasurer - Certified a true copy of the resolution passed by full Council at its meeting this 11th day of May 1962. Secretary.-. reasurer --~_ ~~ ~ RM 749-P-Special INICIPAL SUPPL7[:S LTD. Approved by the Department of Municipal Affairs-1962 NUNICIrAL SV2TI.[ES LTD.-EDd10NTON AND CALGARY Estiar~ates Form County (or) Municipal District of N~I~> ~ No. 4 - Year 19 6 2 Estimates as required by Section 331 of The Municipal District Act, R.S.A., 1955 (Revised February, 1962) INSTRUCTIONS The Estimates herein are to be based on the principle that Estimated Expenditures for the Current Year be met from Estimated Revenues of the Current Year only. This Estimate form is entirely for.. the purpose of establishing the various Mill Rates required for taxation to meet the current year's requirements. Please note -that the terms Revenue and Expenditure are not synonymous with the terms Receipts and Payments. Unpaid Accounts from previous years are to be liquidated from collection of arrears of taxes and revenues other than for the current year. That is to say:-liabilities already having been provided for in previous years budgets, should only be paid from previous years revenues. For example:-bank loans outstanding should be met from revenues of previous years. Principal payments on loans should not be budgeted for. Ix is assumed that the County or Municipal District will desire to establish a Reserve Fund; conse- quently, only that part of the SURPLUS Cash Funds should be included in the Reveijue Estimates, which the Council feel should be used to reduce the tax levy after due consideration is given to the question as to whether or not the Surplus Cash Fund should be reduced. Certified a True and Correct Copy of Estimates finally Approved at Council Meeting of_________7th__June____________________1~.~2__ • _ _ r. ~G -~~ __ _- ---._ ~~_ ____~_ _ __ . 7__ CHAIRMAN ~OR~ REEVE ~SEC_~ S.L-- -'~__._ -.. . By-law No.____~36____________authorizing mill rates for the current year finally passed at Council Meeting of -------------June---7th-----~--------------------------19 6~--• REVENUE Actual Revenue Estimated Revenue For Previous Year For Current Year SURPLUS CASH FUNDS Portion t.o be used iii Current Year_____..___________________________________Sub-Total: LICENSES AND PERMITS ~ ` Professional and Business------------•-------------------------•----------------------------------•------------ ---------•-------------------- ------------------------------ Building 1'ermits-----------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Mobile Homes--------•------------------------------------------------------------------•--•---•---------------------- ------~-0-0-2-9-0.28-- -----•------------------------ Mobile Equipmen ,L'ce in A t----~- - -- -- ----- -------•--------------------------•---------- ------------ --------------- ------------------------------ Other (SpecifY)---~i~___-~~--el~l_.~r~ling--~ax_-=•------------------`--•---~----=--~--- ~ 1s812. 59 RENTS, CONCESSIONS AND FRANCHISES Sundry Rentals---•----•-----------------------------------------------~ Concessions and Franchises__________________________________. Other (Specify)------------------------------------- -------------------- FI NES__ INTEREST, TAX PENALTIES, ETC. Ic~terest and Exchange----------------------------------------------------- Penalties and Costs pt~ Tax Arrears_____________________________ Tax Sale Surplus Transferred to General Account..__. Other (Specify)._-=--'---------=----------------------•---------•-~------------ SERVICE CHARGES Sub-Total :-~ 2 ~ 8 41.8 7 --------------------------- ------1, ~ ~-$-*- 0 0 - ------------------------------ Sub-Total :- _l.} O O S_ 0 0 Sub-Total: nn~j [[ --------------------------- ------7__,_7.32..._2 4-- ------~ ,-5 Q-O-•-------- Sub-Total :- 11.0 :~ 8 . ~ 4 11.0 0 0 . Commissions----------------------------------•---------•--------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Certificates and Search Fees---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------110„-2-$-- ------------------------------ Sanitary Charges-------•-••-------------Sewer Service Charges---------------------------•------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------.. Custom Work------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•--------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Other (Specify)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total: 110.2 5 RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Recreation--------------------------------Community----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ - Other S ecif --•-•----------------•------- (P Y)--------------------------------•----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total :- CONTRIBUTIONS,`GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES Dominion Government -1~Vinter Works--------------------•--------------•-•---------------------- -----1-~- 918-~-7-2-- - -- -.. -..--------1-------- Other (Dominion)--r ------------------------------------------------------------------•---------------------------- ----•-----------•------------- ---------------- - --- Provi~icial Government -Winter Works-------------------------------------------------------- - -- - ------- - Munlcipalities Assistance Act------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ------- ---------- 160-s ~03-„_2$-- ------------------------------ d-Shy-O.O~Q.-------- Homes For Aged and Infirm Act------------------------------------------------------•------------------• ----•--- ------ , Public Welfare Assistance Act------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - ------4-5-~---1 e.7-7-- - - -----------------_ ------~-~-O-Q Q-•-------- Road Grant-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,1$_}_0 $ $-=._Q-0_- 1!J f) t-Q-O-Q•-------- Agricultt~ral Service Board------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lands and Forests Leases-_-f:2ar 6,_2.2____.Crown Prop. Grant____________________________ --------3-s-- -- ~-- -- -- ____________~~ ~_'~'~_- ------~3 (~-4~} - __-___________________________ Other Provincial Grants (Specify)_Bru~e_~1QS~L-~-----------------------•--------------- ---~3.367---~-~-0-- ---~-2-~-0-QQ---------- $~~ar_d~ed__$-chnnl.__ Chi1d.~-en---~-3-t3 5-.-4Q---------------------------------------- ------------3~:~.-0-0-- ------------------------------ Own A'Iunicipality - In Lieu of Taxes-------------------------------------------------------------- ------- - Other - (Private Individuals, etc.) (Specify)__________________________________________•__-_____- --- ------------------- ------------------------------ Sub-Total:- 300 , 430.22 267.OOT 0 M~,SCELLLANEO~S RE~/ENUE (Specify) arm o a n o r a ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 6 3 _ ~ ~ Pound _ -------- --- _ - -- ------------------------------ 1'r o v.s____ Tr a- ri n~._~ ~1~ 4 4 ~,.__---------------------------------------------------------------------- - ~~ 4 ~ ~ Land-__~xchange__with---TQ-~---Q~__~x'AQks--------------------------------------- ------------- - - -- ------~-o--242.-1b-- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ~unclfiY--------------------•-------------------------•------•------------------•----------------------------------------- --------------41x_10-- ------------------------------ Sub-Total :- 1, 6 2 9.31 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN FROM CURRENT TAXES______________ 317 ~ 0$4.99 278, 000. BALANCE REQUIRED FROM CURRENT TAXES Real Property (Land, Buildings and Improvements)---------------------------------------- 48.9-~. ~~ 1.14_- $$_9-~_9 ~ $ ~____-___ Locat Improvements----------------•--------------------------------•-------------------------------------------- - ---------------------•------- - --------------------------•-- Frontage-------------------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • -----•----------------------- - ------------------------ ---- Electric Light and Power-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------- - - -----------•----------------- Pipe Line----------------------------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------- - ------•--------------------- ` - Sub-Total :- 4 8 9 0 31,14 5 S 9.9 6, 8 TOTAL:- 806;,086.13 837,968_ DEFICIT:- GRAND TOTAL:- , (806,086.13 837,968. Actual Estimated EXPENDITURE Expenditure for Expenditure for Previous Year Current Year GENERAL GOVERNMENT 0440. 1 Salaries-Sec.-Treas.__.___~.._.__. Assistantsl______________ ~ssessor_.661,_3.3_____ ___17,,_10], _4.3_. ~_______12.,_Qoo-___ Audit Fee----------~$-0-a------------------- Councillors' Fees__A.1.~.3.-Q-Q--------•---------- ' _ -- ---q-~-6_~ !J D 1 Q~ ~ =-------- -4~-8-0-Q---- . Postage, Telephone__A.3~_gg~l__ Printing, Stationery, Supplies-~.73~ -$_.-._ 3 ~ 2 4 4 _ _-__.- ~_2_ _•.3. i-- QO 45 9 °___--_--._-1,.5_QQ__-_ Q9 5 Bond, Insurance.___. _ .r.. _4-____ Legal, Tax Recovery, L.T.O.__ _____ .2 _. _ ____________ _.. _. . -__.______.____.._ _ __._ Elections, Plebiscites, Votes____47..a_~-3___._-Deleggates---5.32_•_a-.Q---------------------- •------ ----X22.3.._2.3- '----------------~-QQ---- Rent, Office Utilities, Caretaking, etc..._2_,_2.2_b__~$5__________________ _ _. _ 2~,.22C2~$.5 _ Z~_S.QQ._._ Association Fees-----16 0 -•-~-~-------Superannuation---.-3.25_ ~ Q---- -------------------- ` ------------------------------ l 8 ------------ -- ---------------- l Sundry_M?loa~~_,UIG~Adyel_t_,_'NiC$F_.~~Indx~y__--=--= -- -•-•=~------------------- i-~?~,;, d. ? S00 282.09 22.10 52.90 245.66 34.73 Sub-Total: 21,607.35 23,500 ' PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY Fire---------------------------=------------Police------------------.._..-----•-•---•--------------------------------------- Street Lighting------ --- ----------------------•----------------------•-•---------........_......_.._...---•---------- ------------•----- t-------- •--- -------7-5 ~_,_ 0 0 - -----•------------ ----_----- -= -------------- $ 0 0.--- Pests and Weeds----3-$-~1-•-63-----------------Pound--•------.._...._.._._..----•-----------•--------- ----_..~~_~-1.1..0.6 - l Q 4~_Q_Q.q---- - - -=---- --- -- Q Q Agricultural Service Board____________________________________ ._..- - - --- Sundry (Specify)_Magpe__Bounty__~_3_.2_~_._Bruce.--1.-__:b2$4,:__:: __ _,_ _ _ _. - - - 1 _::__.___ ,. . .Q____ - 1 .200 Sub-Total :- 2 9, 9 4 3.10 3 0, 0 0 0 *PUBLIC WORKS Labour-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-- --- 6 8 ~-~-4-9-9-1Q - ----------7 0,_0 0 0..._ Machinery Regairs---~---Fuel-------------------------------------------•-------------------------------------49~-~-5-9-0.~~-----------$4a-~-Q~---- Material__469 ~_•.4_~_______VVorkmen's Compensation Board.._7 6.3.x.$2__________ ______5. ~_. _5.9.Q~. __ ._._.__._.__.~ ~.5.Q.Q.._. ~uxc~---Q-~---RQ_a.~,._.A11~.e_}---~Qtaxi~~..~.._k'e~;a---~---~~xp~.~ya.sa-n ------3,-~_4-4_a94--------------8-,-$-4_Q.--- Hi r e-- ° f---M~~hy-~--~ Mi 1 e ~ge,_._ Cu lve r~,~,----------------------------=-~----•--- ----2 9-,-33.7_-w_35.- ----------~ R-,-Q Q-Q----' small---1'Dols,-~= -S~.~p_:_E~c~~nse-r---~suran.ce--------------------------- ------ -~- -Z_9-.2$. ~O.Q___.. '-u00 ~r__a y~ llixig-,----US.G-r,--Brisigas,---Sundr 3'-r---S.ur vsY s--------------- Sub-Total : 2 31, 8 21.4 8 2 4 3, 8 0 0 ' SANITATION AND~WASTE REMOVAL_____________________________Sub-Total:- HEALTH Public Health, Clinics, M.H.O., etc--------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 1~'Iedical, Dental, Nursing, Drugs, etc. (Include Indigents)____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Indigent Hospital Care________________ Control of Common. Diseases.._____...__________ Sub-Total : 13 3.5 0 1, 5 0 0 SOCIAL WELFARE Child Welfare 254.79 Aid to Aged and Infirm (Maintenance)----•--------------------------------------------------------- Aid to Unemployed Employable (Exclude Health) __________________________________________ ------------- - - 87 i t 6i- _______4_x - ------- ----- -------~-~--~ ~ ~---- .__ ._______ Others (Specify).---------------------------____-- Grants (Specify) - t- - ------------------- $2 5.Ob l~ 000 ---- .---- - - - Sub-Total :- $., Q~...q n _ h ~ ,~ n $EDUCATION -SCHOOL RE~JISITIONS Sub-Total:- 284, 395.00 436.168 :y RECREATION AND, COMMUNITY SERVICES ----.-..------- F ------------------ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -. .Sub-Total: DEBT CHARGES Temporary Debt Charges (Interest and Exchange)__________________________________________ __________________7..x_3.2. __._.__________.__._..__.___._ Debenture Debt Charges (include Sewer) (Exclude Utilities)_________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Sub-Total : 1. 3 2 UTILITIES AND OTHER MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES Deficits Provided =Electric Light------------------------Waterworks------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Municipal Levies (Water Frontage Tax)------------------------------------------------------------ --------------~-------------- ------------------------------ Other (SpecifY)------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-Total :- PROVISION FOR RESERVES Uncollectable Taxes__3.4_,~_4.44 ~_2.2_Accounts Receivable________________________________ ____34-t-4~1~-0.2.2_ _________.___5_,_QQU___ Future Expenditures encies _ Contin ____._.._____._________..___.._ ___________________________ ___________ g - Sub-Total :- 5 , 0 0 0 CONTRIBUTIONS TO RESERVE FUNDS Sub-Total: tCONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND ~~~.. n3 23, nnn Sub-Total :- 14 , 819.0 8 2 :~ ~ 0 0 0 ' JOINT OR SPECIAL EXPENDITURES Alberta Hospitals Act Requisition---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----35-3-~~4a- .8- ----------40-rQQO--- Hospital Requisition------- --------------------------------------------------- ~---------------------------------- He<alth Unit Requisixion6o.9.4_s_25E-Iomes for the Aged Act Req.g75_a53_ 0 -------4-~-Q~Q'--- ~- -------7-~-O~i~_~-7.8- ------------------------------ -------------7-S-st~4--. if (S ) Oth pec y er ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•---------------- Sub-Total: 46 ; 709.26 d7 ~ 500 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES Discount on Current Taxes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----l~-s-3069-4-2- ----------2.1.~Q00.--- Trade and Industrial Development---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Carno~l Other lat~41? il D f Ci '~ h ~ ~ no , e v ence------------------------------------ --- - --------------------- - Sub-Total :- 19,919.44 21,000 ~ DEFICITS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS Sub-Total: TOTAL EXPENDITURE:- 689; 745.15 8:~7~,968 * Capital.Expenditrires on Roads shall be deemed to in- 1 d ) I\r C nstruction (b) Ac uisition of Land SURPLUS •- 1 l h _ 2 n _ a R ---,-. c u e. (a ew o q and Rights-of-Way, (c) Major Improvements such as Surfacing. Widening, etc., and should be included in GRAND TOTAL:- 806 ~ 086 • 13 837, 968, Contributions to General Capital and Loan Fund Classi- fication. $ Education-For Details See Back Page. j' Capital Expenditure-For Details See Back Page. DETAILS Of AMALGAMATED TAX LEVY Expendin~rc or Assessed Mill Estimated Revenue Rc~duisition 1'or I ~'alUaUons I Rates From Tax Levy Current fear (Dollars Only) For Current Ycar $ EDUCATION The School Foundation Program__._ County, School Div. or District No. Name 4 Newell ---~-Q-}~3~}_3 9r~--- ----------3~Z_,_4_fl 4A-------- 130, b65 _ __ .-$, 597, 334 HEALTH Alberta Hospitals Act-------------------------------- ----------3 8-s 187--------- Hospitai District No. Name Brooks -• Bassano Auxiliary Hospital District No. Name 0,_2_~ 1 ~~s 4 ---I---- ~---------I--------------4_0_,_~.~s---------- Medical Contract---•------------------------------------ -----------------•------------------ ------------------------------------ ----------.----- =--------------------------------------- Health Unit---Me_di~in.e_--~~------------ -----•-------7-r2D 0_...--•--- ----1-0-s-2,3~-,-3-94---- ----1--- ----- ---------•---1-0-,-33-x ---------- Nursing Service-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ---------------- ---------------------------------------- MUNICIPAL M un icipal-General------------------------=----------- ----------7 8,-4 ~ 3---------- ----~R_,_~3.~.3.3 9 4---- ----~-=----- ----------~3 ~-4-7-0----------- Debenture Debt Service---------------------------- -------------=---------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------=----- ---------------------------------------- Civil Defence-------------------•------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ---------------- ---------------------------------------- TOTALS-------------------------------------- 5 5 9, 9 6 8 5 3 2, 0 3 0 -~ DETAILS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL FIXED ASSETS AMOUNT General Government (Specify)_______________________________________ Protection to Persons and Property (Specify)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Public Works (SpecifY)________Motor__Gr~der_________________ _ __________2.3-a_QQO____.______ ------------------------------------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------=------------------ Health, Social Welfare (Specify)_____________________________________________________________ Recreation and Community Services (Specify)_________________________________ Miscellaneous (Specify) ------•-----------------------•---------------------------------------------- TOTAL EXPENDITURE___ 239000