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1961-12-08 Council (Regular) Minutes
ra County of Newell No. 4 ~ ;;? County Gouncil Meeting December 8th, 1961 The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell Noa 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta at 10:00 a+m„ on Friday, December 8th, 1961. • • • • w i Members present Chairman Councillors Assist. Sec..Treas . . • « N.A. Shuttleworth R. Eastman F. Mandeville G. Douglass P. McAleese R. A mstrong A. C~irumka J. Hajash, Jr. Ben E. Plumer D.N. James Minutes of the previous meeting of November 10th, 1961 were read and adopted. R . • • • • • Inspector Garmickael of Highway Traffic Board met with the Council to discuss his recent bus inspection, ~ ! • • ~ . 4 ~ Moved by Councillor McAleese that the statements of /,~ '~ receipts and disbursements for the month of November be '' approved. ~ f~` ~ ;^' ~ Carried. J\ . . . . . i Municipal Inspectors report was read and ordered filed,. • .. Letter from B. W. Tibbitt re application for Auto Wrecking Yard for W. Olson was read Moved by Councillor Hajash that we approve this application with the conditions that all other regulations have been met. Carried. . . . Letter from C~P.R. re an abandonment of Cassils•»Scandia line was read.- It was the decision of Council to object to this application until a further survey has been made with the F.U.A. Local and C.P.R. . . . Adjourned for lunch 12:30 -- 2100 p.m. •,. . Progress report re P.F.A.A. was read and ordered filed. . . . , Letter from Department of Lands ~ Forest re cancellation of W. R. Leathorne Kinbrook lease was read and ordered filed. • . • w • • Letter from Canadian Mental Health Association re request for grant was read and ordered filed. . . • . FORM td9-P-Special MUNICIPAL SUPPLIT?S LTll. Letter from Medicine Hat School District No. 76 re Vocational Training meeting was read. Councillors Eastman and Plumer advised that they would attend this meeting. • • s t • • Application from Town ~ Rural Planning re Nuisance Grounds at Gem was read. Moved by Councillor Douglass that this application be approved. Carried. . . . . Application from Town ~ Rural Planning re Sale of Land by Lester Beck, to be returned. . . . A Delegation from Cassils Community met with the Council to discuss payment on Cassils Schoo.~, and discount if paid in full. Moved by Councillor Hajash that we accept their offer of $100.00 reduction for full payment on school. Carried. . . Committee Re,~orts '4 ,/~ ~~ -~~ ~ School Committee ~I"' Moved by Councillor Plumer that the report of the School Committee be accepted. -Carried. . . . . . Municipal Committee Moved by Councillor Armstrong that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepteds Carried. s • • • • • Agricultural Service Board Nil. . . . Farm Purchase Board Nil. • ~ . Hospital Board Councillor Eastman reported on Bassano and Brooks Hospitals and Nurses Residence. • • • • • Newell Foundation Councillor Hajash reported on hiring of a new Matron, and general operation of the home. . . . . . Civil Defence Councillor Mandeville reported on Civil Defence Convention at Calgary• Moved by Councillor Mandeville that a Civil Defence by~»~.aw be drawn up if we do not have one. Carried. w • + w • • FORM t49-h-Special MUNICIPAL SUPFL7IiS LTD, ,~~ `f` i l ~~~ ,~ 3 .. Moved by Councillor Eastman that the following acco unts be passed for payment: 9963 Robert E Lee 15.00, 37 Schelske~s Welding 15.50° 8864 W. J* Rawleigh 18.00 38 C o N Cr T„Tucherer 14.35`<' 9965 D. L. Rawleigh 9«00 39 C o N Payroll 3 7957.05 996b Mrs.., Bannick 2.79 40 Helen Kraus 12.00. 9967 Petty Cash 36.53 41 Mrs B. J. Tarney 12.00 9968 W. J. Zender 2 848.05'- 42 Alberta Govt Te1e 6.20 9969 Farm Cr office 3 541.84 43 Bd of Administrators 1863.00 9970 County of Newell #4 343.00 44 Alta Teahhers Assoc 393.25 9971 G. W. Philpott 75.80 45 School Book Branch 1885.30 9972 W. Sheldrake 47.50' 46 Rec Gen of Canada 308„56._ 9973 A. Richter 25:00~ 47 County of Newell #4 5b54.38~ 9974 Mrs L Dunbar 35.82 48 Rec Gen of Canada 5038.84 9975 Schelske Welding Shop 1.50 49 Nick Linden Const 2 1237.36 9976 East Irrig Dist 433.71 °- 50 Eilert Rebne 361..92 ~` 9977 Western Municipal News 15.00' S1 Nick Linden Const 9143.43° 9978 Alberta Blue Cross 42.,75 52 Farm Cr Office 280.08' 9979 Mrs Joan Lester 72.00,_. 53 Tilley Gas Co 146.15 9980 Norma Sharp 12.00 54 John Zahenaiko 187.08"'- 9981 Mid-West Paper 243.43 5S Alta Ass Mun Dist 3892.73•- 9982 Postmaster 95.00 56 Alberta Wheat Pool 248.15,.E 9983 Nick Linden Const 22502.71 57 Atlas Lumber Co 24.49' 9984 George Neely 6.20 58 Mr E, Axelson 96.50' 9985 M.S.(A)I. 609,00 59 Bassano Mun Hospital 1363.34 9986 County of Newell #4 15.00 60 A. Baumann 5.50 9987 R H, Cr ~ Sav Union 20,00 61 T. R, Baxter Const 990.00 9988 Royal Bank of Can 70.00 62 Alf Beieler 155.90' 9989 Brooks Sav ~ Cr Union 100,.00 ~3 Fred Betton 102.90 9990 R H. Cr ~ Sav Union 25.00:" 64 R, Bishel 79..16 9997- D. C. Crerar 70.00 65 H. A. Bloomquist '1$2,80- 9992 B• W. Tibbitt 25.00 66 Town of Ba~~~-mss ~ 25.00_~~= 9993 Atlas Lumber Co 20.00 67 Brooks Co--op Assoc 1350,10 ~ 9994 County o N CrG.Varady 25.00 68 Brooks Electric 4.20 9995 Alta Govt Telephones 120.65 6g Brooks Home Furn 333.65= 9996 Mrs S. H. Hellman 48.00 70 Brooks News ~ Tobacco 134+23' 9997 Med Hat Ass f Retarded 6¢.00 71 Brooks Tire Service 1.50 9998 Newell Vet Clinic 138.80_. 72 Budds 99 Service 21«50 9999 The Kleenbirn Go11 458.55',-- 73 Buds Service (1g60~ 2.95 10000 Finleys Store 223.7-2 an 74 B..Wys Nissen Sales 334+80 1 Patricia Garage 111.28~~~ 75 Campbell Bros 155.04 2 F, Wahl Const 10441„60- 76 Can General E1ec 7.50 3 Superior Electric 94.50 77 Gan Liquid Air 7.11 4 Miss Fay Jewett 225.00 78 Can Pacific Railway 1„00 $ George Little 225.00 79 Can Propane Consol 74.18 6 Calgary Power Ltd 6.40 80 Can Western Nat Gas 8.96 7 D. C. Crerar 1$.,00 81 Central Sales ~ Serv 28121 8 City of Med Hat 10,00 82 Central Scientific Co 312.45 g Can Union College 77.90'^ 83 Mr H. Christensen 17.70, 10 Simpson~s 39.88 84 Clarke Irwin ~ Co. 2.34 11 Farmers Union 350.00 g5 Coleman Plumbing ~ Hea 47.19 12 Ida Zibell 12.00,. 86 Crown Lumber 490.67- 13 G, Van Oene 15.00' 87 Deldays Brooks Tr 34.45 l4 Mrs E. Creybohn 25.00 88 Dept of Education 8.10"` ' 15 Mrs L. Miscekas 35.00"-' 8g Duchess Garage 72.70 ` 16 Tr Br Cr M.Korithoski 220.00 g0 Village of Duchess 39.70 17 M. Miedinger 1250.00- gl Electric Equip 114.52 18 Vic Zacharias 372,00 92 Encyclopedia Brit 19.85 19 N Sc Cr A. Lepp 500.00 93 Farmers Union of Alt a 80.00 20 Tr Br Gr F, Seely 750.00 94 Finnegan Farming Co 180.00.~~ 21 N Sc Cr H.D+Neufeld 462,00 95 Friendly Stores Ltd 3,10 22 3~ Sc Cr N. Dueck 415.00 ~ 96 B. J. Gellings 47.4 0 23 N Sc Cr J.K.Purcell 248.43`~~ 97 Gem--Countess Mutual 13.25 '` 24 Wm Lauver 351.00_. gg Gem Lumber Yard 70.39 25 Deputy Att General 2.00 99 Gen Biological Suppl y 13.47," 26 G, W. Philpott 100.00 100 C, Clock 4.20 v 27 Prov Treasurer 32,00 101 W, E. Greer Ltd 129.75 28 Lake Motor Service 261.69 102 Hollinger House 8,81:..: 29 Richmans Foods 80.93 103 Giant Battery Co 53.42- 30 Eastern Irrig Dis 168,07 104 Imperial Oil Ltd 6.60 31 Alberta Govt Telephon e 20.55` 105 Imperial Oil Ltd 416.36 32 Eastern Irrig Dis 12.25 106 Joe~s Blacksmith 6.00 33 Rainier F.U*A. X1306 20.00` 107 Johnson Controls Ltd 147-.01 34 Mrs J. Avery 64.03 108 Jubilee Ins Agencies 53.85-- 35 Don Whittaker 22.30 108 Kirks Heating Ltd 660.45- 36 X»L Feed ~ Supply 207.75 110 Kleenbirn Coll 546.95- FORM 749-P-Special MUNiC{PAL SUPPLI F,S LTll. 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 4 V„ H, Lawrence 125 034 M 136 Lake Motor Service . 305010 w 137 V* H* Lawrence 2200.00 w 138 Ken ; Lintott g 38..20 w139 Lon ns Cenada Ltd 15...78 w 140 Mac ends Ltd 158.85 w 141 Ma illan Co of Can 74.9 ast142 Mar hall Wells Store 1841x.8 ~ 143 Mar halls Book Stores 22.00 'a 144 So . Mathieson Ag 134049 ~ 145 McC b_e Grain Co R. .McComb Mod rn Auto Service Mop Co Ltd Dea na Mortensen Mot r Car Supply Co Moy r Vico Ltd Ols ns Service Pre ier Cartage Pro Treasurer Pro Treasurer Pro Treasurer J„ , Rawleigh ~ Son Raw sighs B-A Serv W0 . Rawleigh 3.6 S . ~-1q.6 60,OOn 147 116.81` w 148 210.$0 w 149 23000 w 150 25.59 ~ 151 136w42~ 152 2.61 ~ 153 075 ~ 154 1.80 ~ 15S 11849a84p 156 947980©0 r 157 124,16 w 158 7800 ~ 159 27.00 ~ ~~~ Mrs. Slain Robinson 12.00 Village of Rosemary 123.50 ~ p Mrs Norma Ryan 12•.00 w Sehelske~s We ].ding l,$0 M Mrs Norma Sharp 48.00 w Sports Equip of Toron to49.3© Street bins Morrow 64,264 Mrs Swanson 23!.00 Geo a Sweep 84078p ' B tiara Tarney 108.040 t~ fiaylor Pearson & Car 188•.25 r'' Thomas Nelson €~ Sons 62.11 w Tilley Motors 101,.53 w James Thomsen 347 ~ University of Toron Pres2.31 w Mrs F0 Vanstone 54.00 d Kris Vikedal 8.20 ~ Welders Supplies Ltd 14065 ua Western School Furn 57.75 p Mrs J,J. White 50000 w Wilson Builders Supp 16.29 w F, Ga Winter 17.82 w G, A! Winter 87„30 m Wittigs of Rosemary 9.92 ~ Carried, Moved by Councillor Mandeville that by..law 225 be given firsts. seconds. and by unanimous contaent of gouncillors presents a third reading and finally passed0 Carried Unanimously. . . « . . Moved by Councilor Plumer that by-law 226 be given firsts seconds. and by unanimous consent of Councillors present} a third reading and finally passed0 Carried Unanimously. o a e #~ • • Meeting adjourned at 4s30 p0m. e • a: . :! ~ 4' ~~ ~V, ~~ F ~ 4~; w ~,~~. \~ ~ ~,,, a+'i ~zc~ i- al ~'-1` Seer tary+~.Treaaurer 748-P-Sp~cisl Ai. SUPPLt6B LiD.