HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-06-17 Council (Regular) Minutes_ r f ~ __ County of Newell No.4 County council June 17, 1960 The postponed regular monthly meeting of the Council of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office in Brooks, Alberta, at 10:00 a.in. on Friday, June 17th, 1960. ...... Members present: Chairman Councillors Secretary-Treasurer N.A. Shuttleworth 0. Vossler P. McAleese C. Andrews Jas. Hajash, Jr. R. Eastman G. Douglas H.C. Scammell The minutes of the previous meeting of May 6th, 1960 were ~ read and adopted. Moved by Councillor Vossler that the Secretary~s monthly , reports of Recipts, Disbursements, and Monthly .Progress, for the month of May be accepted. Carried. A letter From the C.P.R. re the elimination of the right of way Fience on the Gem Spur was referred to Councillor Dbuglassto contact the roadmaster re same. A letter from Milne & Martin, re gravel survey was read and ordered filed. ~-~ An application for donation by ProvidBx~.ce Creche was refused. An application for donation by Farmers Union of Alberta was i refused . FORM 149-P-Speetal MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. A letter from the Alberta Assn. of Municipal Districts re the coverage of Councillors by Workmens Compensation Board was read and ordered filed. ~ ... . A letter from the Board of Transport Commission re the re- moval of the Caretaker at Alderson was read and ordered filed. .... A request for a donation towards an electric stove by the Duchess Home & School was refused. ~ ..... An application to purchase land in Township 1$, Range 11 and Township 21~., Range 16, by the 7-L-7 Ranches Ltd. TgTas ordered ~, held pending reference to the Eastern Irrigation District. An application to purchase 7.3 acres at the old Lathom Township by Joe Bodenko was held pending inspection. /'~ ,~ Hu-~c;~ / (/~ Z Pv°j~~~ c: ~ ~ 3 rl .. S ~ ~ mattered pccou~,+,::a~ ,1r~ ~ ~~ -.~ -z- _- _ _v~ The bid of Coleman Plumbing for the Exhaust System at the County ~, shop was directed to be held awaiting the bid of Newell Plumbing .... Advice was received that Fermi.t had been given Shell Oil to Build a Service Station and Coffee Shop on the Trans-Canada, West of Esso Service. Authority was given for the signing of the Dept, of Highways Preliminary Agreements for the widening of the Rainier Access Road to the new Highway 3b ~s it affects the school property ~ and the lots adjacent. A letter from the Village of Tilley protesting the ever increasing cost of education was read and the Secretary directed ate reply. ..- Rural Electrification Plans for Gem, Tilley, Rolling Hi;l~s and One Tree R.E.A. were approved i Adjourned for lunch 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. Rep arts of Committees. ~i Municipal Coriunittee . Moved by Councillor Hajash that the report of the Municipal Committee be accepted. ..... Carried. School Committee. Moved by Councillor Vossler that the report of the School Commit- tee be accepted. ..... Carried. Moved by Councillor Vossler that the holdback on the Tilley School Addition be paid in full. ..... Carried. oved by Councillor Hajash that the order for the propane stove or the Ro~e~rsry'School be deferred pending a review of the need. ,~TC~.~.Li~C~ f~itzr ..... harried. ~ Agricultural Service Board. NToved by Councillor Eastii~.n, that the report of the Agricultural Service Board be accepted. ..... Carried. Hospital Committee. Moved by Councillor Eastman, that the report of the Hospital Coiimiittee be accepted. Carried. Civil Defence Comr~Li.ttee. Moved by Councillor Andrews that the report of the Civil Defence Connnittee be accepted. ..... Carried. Farr. Purchase Board. Moved by Councillor Hajash, that the report of the Farm Purchase Board be accepted. ..... Carried. FORM 7b9-P-Special INUNfCIPAL SUPPLtES LTD. ,,i r} "J cH ~° z A~o~~° o "Ip~ a~e~ea P~~ ~ .. r. c 4 -3 - The application contained in the minutes of the Farm Purchase Board e approved with the exception of the Karmapke purchase from ogofsky wltl~l'appears to be overvalued and the purchaser apparently interested/ .... d by Councillor Vossler that the following accounts be passed payment: FORM 149-P--Spaolai MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD, 6557 Coun y of Newell 17.2$ t 655$ Mrs. L. Dunbar 40.00 t 6559 Calg ry Power ltd. 7.23 t 6560 W.E. Greer Ltd. 35.00 t 6561 Russ ~1 Oasselin 222.00{ 6562 Dana Texaco Garage ;~4b.03 t 6563 Unio Tr ctor Ltd. 60.b4 t 6564 F.H. Bey 446$.50 ~ .6565 ~~ ~Sauor Pain7& Wallpaper ~-0469 t 6566. A.G. 15.40 t 6567 Mr, chanan 50.00 t 656$ Atla Lumber Co. Ltd. 3,7..2.17 t 65bq E.I. 157.27 t 6570 Enc 1. Brit. 10.601 6571 Med. Hat & Dist. Assn. 100.00E 6572 Gem umber Yard 2.05{, 573 Roc Mountain Ltd. Ee~uip. 7200.00 t 574 Crui kshank/Richardson Equip. 36.00 f 575 ~~ ial Oil Ltd. 532.701 576 M.S. 591.00} 577 Coun of Newell 13.09 {' 57$ A.G. 101..45 f 579 Patr' cia Garage 21x.5 , b4 f 5$0 Beav Lumber Ltd. IO710.27 f 6581 Alta. Pacific Grain Co. 1,3.86E 582 Duche s Garage 160.22 t 583 Fred tton 25.00 t 5$4 H. B omquist b2.22 t 585 The C 11ege Bookbindery 31.151 5$6 Alta. Blue Cross Plan 3$.00{' 587 Wyant & Co. Ltd. 1.00 } 588 Mrs. asel Roen 48.00 f 589 Mrs, cheuerman 12.00 f 590 Mrs. ice George 24.00 t 591 Robe Redelbach 3.50{. 92 B.N.S Charlton & Sons $6.$0 t 93 R.H.C U./G.Timko 25.00 f 94 B.&T. G. Varady 25,00E 95 T.B. Korithoski. 210.00 f 96 E.R. illiamson 60.00 + 9"( Ross cKay 312.00 E 9$ M. Me dinger 1000.00 { 99 Vic chariias 372.00 f 00 ~ T.B./ Alvin Lepp 500.00 + ' 01 T.B./ .F. Seely '750.00+ 02 ' Wm. ui~er 230.00 } 03 B.o.N S./ Paetkau 00 t 462 04 ~~ / N. Dueck , 415•00f 05 " / Purcell ?1~g.43 f 6 John reybohm 2000 t 7 D.N. ames 22.00 t $ NIrs . 'bell 12,00 } 09 Mrs . lance $0 ~ 00 ~ 10 Mr . chanan 50.00 t 11 Glad Van Oene " 15.00E 12 ~.G.T 20,b5 f 13 H.C. cammell 82.30 {~ 11~. Scan ' a H&S 300,00 f 15 R.H.C ./Kristianson 20,00 t 16 Payro 3621+6,84 { V~~~ N ~ 2 P JO`.~~p o s 3 ~~s 7~ teCea ~cc~~~ta G`~a'~.i 6617 A•T-A• 373.00} 6618 T.R.F. 1734.35 } 6619 ~T/Kristi~anson 1000,00} 6b20 County of Newe11 6165.39{" 6621 P• Larochelle 100.001 6622 Rec General 4649.251 6623 U.I.C. 323.361 6624 White i S L00.00 '~ 6625 Tilley Gas Co. gp,00 { bb2b D.N, James 75.00 } 6627 Postmaster 95.00 t 662$ Premier Cycle/Sports $$,09 t 662y Calgary Herald 10.50 } 6630 Town of Brooks 25.471 6631 Land Titles Office 110.75{ 6632 County Petty Cash 48,58 f 6633 Can, West. Nat. Gas. 6.301 6634 A.G.T. 11.10 ~ 6635 Smalleyts Radio Ltd. 67.25E 6636 H.C. Scammell 148,30{ 6637 C.L. Kadey 100.00{ 663$ C.of Newell/Petty Casiy 13,1{.$ { 6639 M.S.I. 609.00 t b640 A.G.T. 102.10 } 661,1 D. Ackland & Son Ltd. 49,65 } 6642 Dept. Agriculture 418.50} 6643 A.A. of M.D.S. 33184.65E 6644 The Alta. List 3.33} 6645 Alta. Sch. Trust. Eo,5 100,001 6646 A1~s Texaco Service 4.50{ 6647 Atlas Lumber Co. 279,41E 664$ Atals Lumber Co. 12.OOt 6649 Mrs. J. Barlow 6.00E 6650 Beieler Alf 10,40 {. 6651 B~i:~l~r& Winter 988.04 t ~~52 BBerry F.H. 3$2.13 t 6653 Betton, Fred 25.00E 6654 Bishel R. 42.98E 6655 Brooks Coop Asstn 3287.48f 6656 Brooks Garage 5.Sbf 6657 Brooks H.F. ~ 11x,9,34 E 665$ Brooks Pharmacy 1.50{" 6659 Brooks Tire Service 16.001" 6660 Brown Owen 10.89{• 6661 Bruce Robinson Elect. 12.79{ 6662 C. L. A. co. .~ 9.70.x' 6663 Central Sales & Service 449.43 t 666. &hapman Electric 2,07 } 666 5 G~'leman Plumbing 20 , 26 t 6666 Conners Wm. 32,00E 6667 Crown Lumber Co. Ltd. 250,001. 6668 Cummins Diesel Power 105.73 E 6669 Deldayt s Brroks Trans. 30,37 1~ 66~o J.M~ Dent & Sons D 21.35 ~~ 6671 unbar Mrs. 27.801. 6672 E.I.D. 11.75.{' 6673 D.of Education 12,Op{ 6674 Ri.ghway Traffic Board 87,001. 6675 Electric Equipt. Ltd. 22,601 6676 Enslen Mrs. A. 33.00' 6677 Evans Mrs. B. u3~25E r ^ r, 6678 Finl. y; s Store 108.59 t 6725 Patricia:. Garage 91.90 t 6679 gan Brothers Ltd. 6.45 t b726 Philpott G.W. 100.4.0 {~ b680 Foot s Construction Co. 720.37 + 6727 Porter, Mrs. Nora 24.00 } b681 Gabe E.H. 141.80 t 6728 Precision Machine 151.93 t 6682 Gem umber Yard 1+1+•80 } 6729 The Provincial Train Sch. 15.501 6683 Lest tner Canada Ltd. 149.10 t 6730 Rasmussen Hans 46.661 bb84 Ginn and Co. 9.24 t 6731 Ressler Motors 7.20E 6685 Gold n Arrow Sprayers 156.37 } 6732 Rocky Mountain Eguip. 76.05 t b686 Wes. Greer Ltd. 98,90 ~' 6733 Roen Mrs. H. 6.00 t 6687 The Typhon Press 23,24t~ 6734 Rooke J.T. 36.OOt 6688 Ha sworth, Eaxle K. 8.75 t 6735 Royal Lumber Yards 6.10 t 6689 Hect rs Ltd. 76.65.1 .6736 Rust, Mrs. Sylvia F. 93.301 6690 He ,.Mrs. Sylvia 12.OOt 6737 Scheuerma,nn Mrs. 12.OOt 6691. Hen is Service ,75 } 6738 School Book Branch 259.38 1 6692 Hopf -, H.B. 1.00 6739 Sharpts Theatre Supp. 4.67 t 6693 Impe ial Motors - 143.881 6740 Sheldrake Wm. 85.301 6694 Impe ial Oil Ltd. 491.67 } 6741 Smalley~s RaBio Ltd. 93.571 6695 Jack Hood Sch. Supplies 36.40 ~ 6742 Snap-On-Tools of Can. 10.78 f 6696 Jaco sen, P.B. 21x,.00 } 6743 Special Areas Board 20.00 ?° 6697 John on Controls Ltd. 1.50 } 674.4 Stlsont s Service 52.61 t 6698 Jub' ee Insurance Ltd. 37.38 t 6745 Street-Robbins-Morrow 60b.63?~ 6699 Kits ever Rrinting. Service 139.50.} 671+6 Sturdie Propane Ltd. 37.721 6700 Kori hoski. Mrs. M 36..00 f 6747 Taylor Pearson & Carson 23.531 .6701 Lake otor Service 242.58 ~ 6748 The T. Eaton Co. 272.801 6702 Lest r Mrs. Joan 21,,00 } 671+9 Tilley NIotors 11.50 t 6703 Lino t Kenneth 16.00 } 6750 Town of Bassano 369.661 6704 Lon =s Green & Co. 2,6$ } 6751 Town of Brooks 215.441 6705 Macl ods Ltd. 16.16 } 6752 Underwood Ltd. 4.00 1 670b Mal er,- Jack 17.901 67.3 United Grain Growers 1350.00 1 6707 Mars Wells Stores 17.96 } 6754 University of Toronto 3.45 } 67og The" in Senour Paint Co. 431.791 6755 C.o.N. forR.Van-Gene .591 6709 McCa a Grain Co. Ltd. 4.80 1 6756 Van-Gene Roy 3$.41?~ 6710 M.J. cKenzie 574.72 t 6757 Vasselin Russell 12.00 1 6711 Med. Hat & District Assn. 50.00 + 675g Village of Duchess 39.70 1 6712 Mid- est Paper Ltd. 190,49} 6759 Village of Rosemary 116.50E 6713 Mine afety Appliances 9201 6760 Welders Supplies 5.45 1 6714 Mode Auto Service 187.56 } 6761 Western Municipal News 7.50 } 6715 Moye School Supplies 30.191 6762 Wilson Builders Supp. 15.$2 } 6716 Muni ipal Supplies Ltd. 56.90+ 6763 Willson Stationery Co. 22.28 1 6717 Murr .Gordon Motors g,25i. 6764 Winter Frank.G. 155.85 1 6718 Th s Nelson & Sons 21.21,1 6765 Winter G.A. 66.20 1 6719 Nesb' t Publishing Co. 188.101 6766 Wittigq J.P. 5,34 f 6720 A.J. ystrom & Co. 23.291 6767 Johmsdn Construction 4518.641 6721 Ofre Caxidda Ltd. 266.141 6768 District Court of S. A1ta.115.92~ 6722 Fes:' sborne Ltd. 51921 Judicial District of Med. Hat. 6723 Park akes & Service u,~20 } 6721x. Patt son, Mrs. A~I,yrtle y~,,00} _, ,t:...... Adjourned at 4:30 p.m. _-~ ~, ~'~ ' ~~~ ~~° 2 PJ~\ 3 Jet ~~s ~._f a 6- ,o ~~ a a~ ~e G ~t e Se re =T asurer --- - ~_,,,,._...._...t~,.__ .___.~._.. _ _... ..... . FORM 749-P-Sp.cia~ MUNICIPAL SUPPLI85 LTD. r> County of Newell No . 4 e,i ~ . Resolution A resolution of the Council of the County of Newell PJo. ~. to authorize the cancellation of Road Diver- sion Plan No . 101,.63 in the V!~ 2~'-16-15- l+.. ...... WHEREAS: the building of the access road from the Hamlet of Rainier to the new Highway 36, e]..irriinates the effective use of the road diversion No. lOt~63 in the W~ of Sec . 2$-16-15 4 ...... AND TrJHrREAS: it now appears there will be no further use made of the said road diversion. ...... THEREFORE: be it resolved that the Council of the County of Newell No. ~ hereby authorize the can- cellation of road lan P1o. lOt~63 covering tYiP road diversion in the W'~ of Section 2$ Township 16 Range 15 ~Jt,.th. . • • • • s Done and passed. this ]..7th day of Juno 1960. ........ / ~' , airman _cr , ar -Treasurer -- FORM 149-P-Special Mi7IQICIPAL SUPPLIES LI'A.