HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-PPW-039 Community Identification COUNTY OF NEWELL - POLICY HANDBOOK POLICY NO: 2014-PPW-039 TITLE: COMMUNITY IDENTIFICATION ADOPTED: SUPERCEDES NO: 2011-PPW-039 January 23, 2014 (C-36/14) TO BE REVIEWED: PAGE NO: 1 of 3 POLICY STATEMENT: The County of Newell wishes to establish and maintain an orderly system to set out and establish names and addresses in new subdivisions. POLICY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this policy is to: 1.Establish a sense of identity for new subdivisions 2.Ensure ease of locating new streets and subdivisions. 3.Provide a classification system for road naming and identification. GENERAL: 1. Responsibilities 1.1 Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) 1.1.1 Provide input into the names of subdivisions or streets, when requested by a developer; 1.1.2 Approve standards for Community Identification Signage. 1.2Planning & Development 1.2.1 Prepare an index of all street and subdivision names with explanations about the origin of the name and why it was used; 1.2.2 Ensure that the developer understands his responsibility to purchase and install all required signs within the subdivision through the Development Agreement. 1.3 Municipal Services 1.3.1 Prepare standards for Community Identification Signage; 1.3.2Ensure that all required signs in the subdivision are installed according to County requirements. 2. Procedures/General Provisions/Terms of Reference 2.1Subdivision Names The name associated with a subdivision has a great deal of significance in providing identity. While the selection of the subdivision name is the responsibility of the developer, the following guidelines should be used so that a suitable name is selected. COUNTY OF NEWELL - POLICY HANDBOOK POLICY NO: 2014-PPW-039 TITLE: COMMUNITY IDENTIFICATION ADOPTED: SUPERCEDES NO: 2011-PPW-039 January 23, 2014 (C-36/14) TO BE REVIEWED: PAGE NO: 2 of 3 i.Each subdivision must have a distinctive name, not used by another subdivision, hamlet, street, or elsewhere in the County; ii.Consider names which relate to natural and/or man-made features in the area; iii.Consider names that give recognition to significant historical events, persons or uses in the area. 2.1.1 Subdivision streets will not be named, rather identified according to the Addressing Bylaw. 2.2 Street Names The classification and general information below should be used to provide consistency in naming streets. 2.2.1. Classifications: i. Boulevard – Major arterial road divided by a landscaped center island ii. Drive – Secondary arterial road (collector) iii. Road – Collector which may run in any direction iv. Way – Minor road that changes direction or begins and ends on the same street v. Hill or Rise – Road built with slope for most of its length vi. Gate – Short road which gives access to a subdivision from a major street vii. Crescent – “U” shaped minor road that begins and ends on the same street viii. Place – Cul-de-sac ix. Bay – Short cul-de-sac x. Green or Garden – Crescent with internal open space or park xi. Close – “P” shaped minor road with one (1) means of entry xii. Avenue – Road with an east-west orientation in a grid system xiii. Street – Minor road 2.2.2. General: i.No street names may be identical or similar sounding. COUNTY OF NEWELL - POLICY HANDBOOK POLICY NO: 2014-PPW-039 TITLE: COMMUNITY IDENTIFICATION ADOPTED: SUPERCEDES NO: 2011-PPW-039 January 23, 2014 (C-36/14) TO BE REVIEWED: PAGE NO: 3 of 3 ii.Continuous streets should have one (1) name, unless a bend in the street sharper than 110 degrees makes a change in name practical and/or desirable. iii.Names must not be difficult to pronounce or spell, and must be culturally acceptable. 2.2.3 Selection of street names is the responsibility of the developer, the following guidelines should be used so that suitable names are selected. i.Each street must have a distinctive name, not used by another subdivision, hamlet, street, or elsewhere in the County; ii.Consider names which relate to natural and/or man-made features in the area; iii.Consider names that give recognition to significant historical events, persons or uses in the area. 2.3 Lot and House Numbers Lot and block numbers are determined as per standard subdivision drawing practices by the developer. House numbers and rural addresses shall be set out according to the County of Newell Addressing Bylaw.