HomeMy WebLinkAbout1547-05 05 ASP 004 - Jackson Light IndustrialCOUNTY OF NEWELL NO. 4
BYLAW NO. 1547-05
October 6, 2005
Nov. 10, 2005
Nov. 10, 2005
(61.16 AC) WITHIN PT. NW 36-18-15-W4. THIS IS TO BE KNOWN AS
WHEREAS Council proposals to establish a framework for the orderly
subdivision and development of ± 24.75 ha (61.16 ac) within Pt. NW 36-18-
15-W4 located 0.8 km west of the City of Brooks.
AND WHEREAS this Plan will identify existing development and will outline
the procedures and conditions under which subdivision and development
will be allowed to proceed.
AND WHEREAS the Area Structure Plan will establish the County Of
Newell's planning policies for this area which will be used by the land
owners as well as other Government and Municipal agencies and utility
companies in the formulation of their plans and priorities for development.
NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that this Bylaw receive first reading and
that the necessary Public Hearing be held to hear comments on this Plan.
Further be it resolved that this Bylaw receive second and third reading after
the Public Hearing and that this Bylaw take effect on final passing of the
Moved by Councillor Vermeeren that Bylaw 1547-05 receive first reading.
Moved by Gouncillor Vermeeren that Bylaw 1547-05 receive second
Moved by Councillor Nesbitt that Bylaw 1547-05 receive third and final
~ ..~_
County Administrator
Light Industrial
Structure Plan
August 2005
Strom and Associates Ltd.
6. Transportation Page
6.1 Roadways ..................................................................................................................11
6.2 Transportation Impact Assessment ............................................................................11
6.3 Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation's Land Acquisition and
Development Setbacks ..............................................................................................11
6.4 Compatible with the Adjacent Provincial Highway System .....................................11
7. Servicing and Utilities
7.1 Water Supply and Distribution ..................................................................................12
7.2 Sanitary Servicing and Wastewater Collection .........................................................12
7.3 Storm Water Management .........................................................................................12
7.4 Electrical Service .......................................................................................................12
7.5 Natural Gas ................................................................................................................12
7.6 Telephone .................................................................................................................12
8. Community Services
8.1 Police Services ................................................... ........................................................13
8.2 Fire Protection .................................................... ........................................................13
8.3 Emergency Medical Services ............................. ........................................................
8.4 Solid Waste Services .......................................... ........................................................
9. Implementing the Area Structure Plan
9.1 Progress of Development ...........................................................................................14
9.2 Development Controls ...............................................................................................14
9.3 Population Projection
List of Figures
1. Location Plan
2. Existing Conditions Plan
3. Concept Plan
4. Storm Water Management Plan
!~ (iii)
1. Introduction
1.1 County of Newell No.4 (the County) Hierarchy of Area Structure Plans
As per the County's Municipal Development Plan (M.D.P.) there are three levels of Area
Structure Plans recognized.
These are:
1) Outline Plan
2) Enhanced Outline Plan
3) Concept Plan
The Jackson Light Industrial A.S.P. is a Concept Plan as defined in the M.D.P..
Section 9 -Area Structure Plans states under Policy 9.1.3:-
"CONCEPT PLAN -The Concept Plan is recognized as the most detailed area structure
plan by the County. This will include all elements required by the Municipal Government
Act in specific detail and will also include the following:
a. future land use scenario including lot design and configuration, parcel size, on and off
site visual impacts, open space connections, service strategies and compatibility with
adjacent land use;
b. a scenario for the integration of the proposed development with existing and adjacent
developments including the preservation of existing sight-lines;
c. development phasing illustrating full build-out;
d. any and all constraints to development including, but not limited to, topography,
environmentally-sensitive areas as determined by a biophysical inventory,
archeological or historical sites;
e. the availability or possibility or extension of water or sewer services to the proposed
development, and how this maybe accommodated through adequate rights-of -way, if
f. adequate soil, groundwater and percolation testing and evaluation when the developer
proposes private sewage disposal systems;
g. architectural controls to guide structural style, building materials and structural siting;
h. a Landscaping Plan;
i. a Master Drainage Plan and/or Site Implementation Plan including possible
alternatives for Best Management Practices for storm water management;
Page 1
j. the location of municipal and environmental reserve areas, if required by the County;
k. the provision of open areas for the purposes of habitat preservation, archeological or
historical sites, agricultural uses or highway interface;
a Traffic Impact Assessment that addresses the location of existing and future
transportation networks detailing impacts on the road networks detailing traffic
generation and its cumulative impacts on the road network, including necessary
m. utility servicing strategies;
n. population densities and projections;
o. input from all directly and indirectly affected landowners within and adjacent to the
conceptual scheme boundary throughout the preparation of the conceptual scheme,
including a minimum of one open house for the proposal;
p. the support of the proposed conceptual scheme by the majority of the affected
landowners; and
q. any matter deemed necessary by the County."
!"` 1.2 Framework for the Jackson Light Industrial Area Structure Plan
The Jackson Light Industrial Area Structure Plan has been prepared pursuant to Section
633(1) of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and is in accordance with the
requirements of the County of Newell's Municipal Development Plan and the existing
Highway 542 Area Structure Plan. As required, the County of Newell and the Town of
Brooks Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) was taken into consideration.
This ASP has a greater amount of detail than the County of Newell's MDP, and is
intended to act as a guide for future subdivision and development in the Jackson Light
Industrial Area Structure Plan area. In accordance with Section 633(1) of the MGA, a
Council may, by bylaw, adopt an Area Structure Plan as a statutory plan.
1.3 Background to the Area Structure Plan
• To ensure that the review of any subdivision and/or development proposal is
conducted on the basis of approved policies and guidelines for the Area Structure
Plan area.
• To define a land use strategy that is in conformity with the overall principles of
the County of Newell's MDP, Highway 542 ASP, the Land Use Bylaw (LUB)
and the Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP).
• To conform to the provisions of the MGA and the Subdivision and Development
Regulation (AR 212/95 or amendments thereto) as well as other Provincial
legislation or Municipal standards.
~ Page 2
1.4 The Approval Process
Under Section 4.7.1 of the County of Newell's MDP, the County requires the
preparation and adoption of an ASP to provide a framework for subsequent subdivision
and development for areas of major highway commercial and industrial development.
Further, the Highway 542 ASP, which covers an area much larger than the subject site,
requires a detailed Concept plan be prepared prior to development or subdivision within
the Highway 542 Area Structure Plan area. Therefore, this Jackson Light Industrial Area
Structure Plan has been prepared.
The proponent has retained land use planning and technical consultants to prepare and
facilitate the Area Structure Plan Approval. This approval encompasses the circulation
and review by municipal departments and various external approving agencies. The
statutory public hearing allows for input from neighbouring land owners and other
affected parties.
1.5 Plan Implementation
The Jackson Light Industrial Area Structure Plan, adopted as a Bylaw in accordance with
Section 633(1) of the Municipal Government Act, shall be a statutory document in the
County of Newell.
Pursuant to Section 629(1) of the Municipal Government Act, a Public Hearing with
respect to the Bylaw is held by Council.
The Jackson Light Industrial Area Structure Plan does not supersede, replace, repeal,
regulate or otherwise diminish any statutory plan in effect in the Plan area, in particular
the existing Highway 542 ASP. The proposed Jackson Light Industrial Area Structure
Plan builds upon those policies and where not contained herein, it is assumed that they
remain applicable.
1.6 Plan review and Amendment
This ASP is designed to establish long term growth management in the Plan area.
However, changes in the economy, social fabric and environmental conditions may alter
the sequence or the relevance of the policies set forth in this ASP. It is prudent to review
this document every five years or as deemed necessary by Council, to ensure it is
current. Although notification to the public and the public hearings is not mandatory
when amending a statutory plan, the County will provide a consultation process.
1.7 Terms
In this plan:
a) "CLI" means Canadian Land Inventory;
b) "Council" means the Council of the County of Newell No. 4;
c) "Development Approving Authority" means the approving body for
development applications in the County of Newell;
d) "IMDP" means the Intermunicipal Development Plan.
e} "LUB" means the County of Newell No. 4 Land Use Bylaw # 1443-03;
Page 3
f) "Land Use Amendment" means a change in the land use or designation;
g) "MDP" means a Municipal Development Plan;
h) "MDS" means a Minimum Distance Separation;
i) "MGA" means the Province of Alberta Municipal Government Act;
j) "MPC" means the County of Newell Municipal Planning Commission;
k) "Plan Area" means the Jackson Light Industrial Area Structure Plan;
m) "Rare Plant Species" is any native plant that, because of its biological
characteristics or because it occurs at the fringe of its range or for some other
reason, exists in low numbers or in very restricted areas.
n) "Subdivision Approving Authority" means the approving body for
subdivisions in the County of Newell;
o) "Town" means the Town of Brooks;
p) "Urban Referral Area" means area surrounding an urban centre where the
adjoining municipalities have determined the urban centre, as a stakeholder
should be circulated all development proposals for comment.
1.8 Legislative Framework
1.8.1 The Municipal Government Act
The Municipal Government Act, as amended to this date, sets out the requirements for
and Area Structure Plan in Section 633(2) as follows:
i'' "An Area Structure Plan
(a) must describe
i) the sequence of development proposed for the area,
ii) the land uses proposed for the area, either generally or with respect
to specific parts or the area, and
iii) the density of population proposed for the area either generally or
with respect of specific parts of the area, and
iv) the general location of the major transportation routes and public
utilities, and
(b) may contain any other matters as council considers necessary."
1.8.2 The Municipal Development Plan
The County of Newell Municipal Development Plan, adopted by Council, is a statutory
planning document affecting land use within the municipality. The MDP establishes the
development goals and objectives including the areas of residential, agricultural and
industrial use. In particular, the MDP establishes a set of objectives and related policies
to guide and regulate future industrial development within the County. The Subject site
conforms to the goals and objectives outlined in the M.D.P.
/'~ Page 4
1.8.3 The Highway 542 Area Structure Plan
The Highway 542 ASP, adopted by Council, is a statutory planning document providing
a framework for subdivision and development, as well as land use, for the area located
around Jackson Light Industrial Area Structure Plan. Specific objectives and regulations
are established for industrial development to occur in the ASP area. This ASP falls
within the Highway 542 ASP and conforms to the goals and objectives found within the
Highway 542 ASP.
1.8.4 The Land Use Bylaw
The Land Use Bylaw of the County of Newell No.4 is the vehicle that designates the
land use for the subject property including permitted and discretionary uses, lot sizes and
miscellaneous site restrictions.
Page 5
2 The Site
2.1 Location (See Appendix, Figure 1, Location Plan)
The site is located west of the Town of Brooks within the County of Newell No. 4.
The site is approximately 2.4 kilometres (1.5 miles) from the west boundary of the Town
of Brooks and on the south side of Highway 542 (Cassils Road).
The site is in the Urban Referral Area.
2.2 Land Ownership
The current landowners are the Jackson Cattle Company.
2.3 Site Description (See Appendix, Figure 2, Existing Conditions Plan)
The site is roughly rectangular with an area of 24.75+/- hectares or 61.16 acres bounded
on the south by the C.P.R. tracks and an E.I.D. canal and on the north by Highway 542
(Cassils Road).
The site has been used for agricultural pursuits mainly pasture and irrigation. There is an
irrigation ditch going across the property. There are some low, poorly drained areas.
2.4 Natural Constraints to Development
There are no significant constraints to development.
~" 2.5 Existing Land Use.
Light Industrial District.
2.6 Adjacent Land Uses
Agricultural and Light Industrial Districts to the west.
Agricultural and Residential Districts to the east.
Agricultural District to the south.
Agricultural and Residential Districts to the north.
~` Page 6
3.1 Topography and Drainage (See Appendix, Figure 2, Existing Conditions)
The site is fairly flat. The site is poor pasture to not arable and has been disturbed for
agricultural purposes including irrigation. The site is poorly drained with seasonal
ponding and will have to be graded for development. The irrigation ditch will have to be
The range of elevations across the site is 3 metres or 10 feet.
3.2 Historical Resource Overview
The site consists of poor pasture with some saturated salt affected soils. The disturbed
nature of the site allowed for the conclusion that there is no historical significance.
3.3 Geotechnical Report
Five test holes where drilled at representative locations on the site. Two of the test holes
showed no topsoil at all with others showing topsoil ranging from 0.15 to 0.30 metres.
All of the test holes showed mostly sandy soils 63.2% to 93.0 % with some silt and small
amounts of clay. The underlying bedrock was shown to be shale at about 9.5 metres
beneath the surface.
Because of the high water table it was determined that conventional septic field systems
could not be used. Pump out tanks will be used on the site.
3.4 Flora /Fauna
3.4.1 Flora
Flora identified at the site include common wild rose, foxtail barley, spear grass, western
wheat grass, pasture and prairie sages, redtop, western dock, mountain and Canada
goldenrod and yellow sweet clover.
3.4.1 Fauna
Various species of birds were seen in and around the site with the Western Meadowlark
probably nesting there. Richardson Ground Squirrels (Gophers) were seen on the access
trail east of the site. AWhite-Tailed Jack Rabbit was seen moving through the site.
Larger burrow holes, probably Badger holes, where observed on the western side of the
3.5 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) -Phase 1
An Environmental Site Assessment -Phase 1 was done at the site. The E.S.A. showed
that the site historically had been used for agricultural pursuits. No contamination of any
kind was found at the site and no further E.S.A's are required.
Page 7
4.1 The Planning Area
The area referred to throughout this Plan as the Jackson Light Industrial Area Structure
Plan is comprised of a 24.74 ha. (61.16 acre) portion of the NW 36-18-15 W4M in the
County of Newell No. 4. The site is bounded on the north by the Highway 542 (Cassils
Road) and on the south by an E.I.D. canal and CPR tracks. Agricultural and Residential
alight Industrial District (LI) District surrounds the subject property on all sides. The
entire site is within the Highway 542 ASP. (See Appendix, Figure 2, Existing
4.2 Goals and Objectives
The Developer has initiated the development of the site to satisfy a latent demand for
light industrial lots of varying sizes. As part of the Highway 542 ASP this site has been
identified for light industrial development. This area is preferred due to its proximity to
the Town of Brooks and its functional location next to a truck route, acting as a east /
west connector between Highway 36 and Brooks. Highway 36 provides access to the
Trans Canada Highway to the north.
The objective of the Jackson Light Industrial Area Structure Plan is to provide a
comprehensive document to guide development in the subject area. This development
plan will respect the current constraints of the site. Specific goals of the plan include:
i) To plan an industrial development which encompasses lots ranging in size
from 0.5 ha. (1.24 acres) to 3.78 ha. (9.34 acres), achieving the highest
design aesthetic and environmental standards and in conformance with
existing provincial and municipal policy documents.
ii) To act as a guide under which the County may review and evaluate future
development or subdivision proposals.
iii) To provide a framework for subsequent subdivision and development
iv) To establish policies which will direct proposed land use, location of
transportation routes, location and methods of utility servicing,
phasing of development and other such matters as Council deems
4.3 Design Concept and Development Policies
This Plan has been prepared based upon a light industrial lotting scheme. These lots vary
in size providing flexibility for the potential lot owners. Access will be provided from an
access road that accesses highway 542 (Cassils Road). Smaller lots will be located at the
north end of the study area with larger lots to the south, east and west. (See Appendix,
Figure 3, Concept Plan)
!''~ Page 8
The major objectives of development are as follows:
• To ensure all development is in accordance with current statutory policy and
municipal and provincial standards.
• To provide for light industrial land uses in a manner that is sensitive to the rural
surroundings and environment.
• To provide high quality design and development for the light industrial land use
component within the Plan area.
• To maintain and respect the list of Permitted and Discretionary Uses established
within the Land Use Bylaw for the Light Industrial District.
• To establish road access requirements that will provide for the safe and efficient
movement of traffic in accordance with the long-term goals of the County of
Newell's Public Works Department and Alberta Transportation.
• To develop an efficient internal roadway.
• The lot sizing meets the requirements as established within the Land Use Bylaw
for the Light Industrial District.
• To respect and adhere to the setback requirements as established within the Land
Use Bylaw for the Light Industrial District.
• To ensure that any subdivision and development plan recognizes the
topographical constraints, and ensures that natural drainage courses are protected
and capable of accommodating the development runoff considerations.
• To identify and enforce the need for site-specific storm water management
techniques and/or review at the point of Development Permit for uses deemed to
pose a possible storm water contamination threat.
Page 9
5.1 Light Industrial Development
The Jackson Light Industrial Development proposal will consist of light industrial lots
ranging in size from 0.5 to 3.78 ha. (1.23 to 9.34 acres), dependent upon market
demand. The concept plan has been designed so that larger or smaller lots can easily be
provided to meet the needs of specific users.
Access to the site is limited to one point off of Secondary Highway 542 (Cassils Road).
The internal subdivision road will access Highway 542 (Cassils Road), at one point, on
the north side of the site .The internal subdivision road runs through the site forming a
loop to provide internal site access.
Higher density development will occur at the north end of the study area adjacent to
Secondary Highway 542 (Cassils Road) in order to provide better visibility and
accessibility to Highway 542 (Cassils Road). Further, as building lot coverage on these
lots will be greater, the larger, land intensive operations will be located to the south of
the study area, somewhat screened from Secondary Highway 542 (Cassils Road).
Municipal reserve will be dedicated in the form of cash-in-lieu and will be provided in
accordance with the Municipal Government Act and the County of Newell Municipal
Development Plan.
~ 5.2 Density and Statistics
Develo able Land HECTARES
24.75 +/- ACRES
61.16 +/- PERCENTAGE
Less 0
Develo able Land
24.75 +/-
61.16 +/-
Li t Industrial 22.94 +/- 56.69 +/- 92,7
Fire Du out Unknown unknown unknown
Roads 1.81 +/- 4.47 +/- o
7.3 /o
~^ Page 10
6.1 Roadways (See Appendix, Figure 3, Concept Plan)
Access to the site is limited to one point from Secondary Highway 542 (Cassils Road)
The internal subdivision road then runs south into the site forming a loop road to access
all lots contemplated. The internal subdivision road 20 metre rights-of -way 10 metre
gravel carriageway width and a 3% crown as per the County of Newell standards.
As this is a rural light industrial subdivision there is not a significant traffic impact
predicted. Therefore, no major improvements are recommended to the existing
infrastructure at this time. There will, however, be a 30 metre road widening dedication
as required by Alberta Transportation and as stated in the Highway 542 Area Structure
Signage is recommended in accordance with generally accepted traffic control standards.
6.2 Traffic Impact Assessment (T.I.A.)
A Traffic Impact Assessment (T.I.A.) will be prepared by a qualified professional and
reviewed by Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation. The T.I.A. will provide
information regarding the traffic that could be generated by the proposed subdivision and
will identify any standard of the new public road intersection with Highway 542.
6.3 Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation's Land Acquisition and
Development Setbacks
Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation's long term plan for Highway 542 include
multi-laning and right of way acquisition; therefore up to 80 metres of extra land maybe
required from the subject property for this purpose. Alberta Infrastructure and
Transportation, however, is not prepared to acquire the land required for improvements
at this time. This area, therefore, will be protected using increased development setbacks
of 3U to 50-metres dependent on circulation comments received by Alberta
Transportation and [nfrastructure at the development permit stage. At this time,
developers will also be required to obtain roadside Development Permits from Alberta
Infrastructure and Transportation.
6.4 Compatibility with the Adjacent Provincial Highway System
The site should also include adequate physical features to ensure that the proposed
subdivision !development are compatible with the adjacent provincial highway system.
Some of these features might, for example, include landscaping and/or berming, to
provide visual screening from the highway.
Landscaping will be required along the north, east and west side of the development
boundaries. This will be addressed at the development permit stage.
Page 11
7.1 Water Supply and Distribution
The method of potable water supply in this area is through the use of cisterns, where
water is delivered to the site on a fee basis. Installation of the water cisterns will be the
responsibility of each individual lot owner.
Non-potable water for the purposes of fire protection will be supplied by a dugout
located on the subject property. The dugout will be constructed with adequate volume to
provide fire protection year round. All construction will be the responsibility of the
developer. As the dugout does not serve a storm water management function, it will be
bermed to direct drainage away from it.
7.2 Sanitary Servicing and Wastewater Collection
It has been determined by the geotechnical investigation that conventional septic
disposal fields cannot be used due to the presence of a high water table. A septic tank
disposal system or other similar containment system will be required.
In keeping with the County policy, rather than require each site to undertake extensive
testing, septic disposal will be accommodated septic tanks or other approved similar
containment systems. Each tank will be constructed and installed in conformance with
Alberta Environment's Standards and Guidelines for Municipal Wastewater Systems,
1997; and the Safety Codes Council Alberta Private Sewage System Standard of
~' Practice, 1999; and good engineering practice. Each individual lot owner will be
responsible for tank installation and ongoing maintenance.
7.3 Storm Water Management (See Appendix, Figure 4, Storm Water
Management Plan)
The topography in the plan area is fairly flat with seasonal ponding on the north and
south sides of the site. The undeveloped site generally slopes from the north to the south.
There is a drain that goes through the easterly side of the site to the Eastern Irrigation
District (E.I.D.) canal. The site will continue to drain to the E.I.D. canal with on-site
treatment of stormwater through a grassed Swale as specified by Alberta Environment.
7.4 Electrical Service
Electrical services will be provided by Fortis by overhead power poles in the roadway in
the front of the lots.
7.5 Natural Gas
Atco Gas will provide gas service in a 9.5 metre joint easement in the front of the lots.
7.6 Telephone
Services for telephone will be provided in this same easement at the front of the lots.
r^~ Page 12
8.1 Police Services
Policing will be provided from the R.C.M.P. detachment located in Brooks.
8.2 Fire Protection
Fire protection will be provided through a pump structure constructed in a dugout
located in the subdivision see Figures 3 & 4. The static water supply will supplement the
capacity of the pumper truck, if required. The exact servicing alignment and minimum
volume requirements will be determined prior to subdivision approval during the course
of the detailed engineering design for the development .
8.3 Emergency Medical Services
The Palliser Regional Health Authority provides hospital and emergency medical
services from its facility in the Town of Brooks.
8.4 Solid Waste Services
Presently, residents of the County of Newell No. 4 dispose of their solid wastes to the
regional landfill site. This practice would be extended to the propose development
Page 13
9.1 Progress of Development
The development will progress through a single buildout to take advantage of servicing
opportunities and the cost efficencies of a single construction mobilization event.
9.2 Development Controls
The development controls for this proposal will follow the County of Newell No.4 Land
Use Bylaw and acknowledge the required minimum setbacks set forth under the Light
Industrial (LI) land use regulations. During the on-site individual development
approvals, regard must also be given to the following issues:
• Users on the perimeter of the site area should provide fencing to limit access
to adjacent agricultural lands.
• Landscaping will be required as per section 6.4.
• Individual site users should demonstrate appropriate dust control measures.
Development Approval shall be conditional upon subdivision. All utilities and roads shall
be provided by the developer satisfactory to municipal and provincial standards as
• Individual septic tank or similar containment systems shall comply with the
Provincial Standards. Each lot owner shall be responsible for providing to the
Development Authority at the time of submission of a development
~^ application satisfactory written evidence from a person qualified in the
installation of individual septic tank that the proposed tank is suitable for that
lot. The septic tank installation and maintenance of the same shall be the
responsibility of the individual lot owner.
• All approaches should be a minimum of 10 metres wide with the exception of
common approaches which should be 10x2 = 20 metres wide. All
approaches should have an approach radius of 6 metres or greater. Access
road shall be designed in accordance with County standards and shall be
approved by the County's Public Works Department.
• Installation of power, gas, and telephone services shall be completed at the
developer's expense to all lots in accordance with the franchised utility
company's design and standards. Franchise utilities shall be located within
easements at the front of lots to the satisfaction of the County of Newell.
The County shall provide a lot numbering system in accordance with
County policy for the proposed subdivisions within the Jackson Light
Industrial Plan Area. This issue will be addressed through the Development
Permit process.
• Developer will be required to enter into a Developer's Agreement as per
section 655(1) of the MGA.
9.3 Population Projections
As this is a light industrial development there will be no permanent residence on the site.
Page 14
Fi ures:
1 -Location Plan
2 -Existing Conditions Plan
3 -Concept Plan
4 -Storm Water Management Plan
Figure 7 -Location Pian
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