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04. 11x17 Emergency services Map
w N s E WHEATLAND COUNTY TOWN OF BASSANO tJ Gem Gem VULCAN COUNTY Legend © Hospitals Police Rosemary Wor VILLAGE OF ROSEMARY Fire Halls Highway 1 Highway 36 Other Highways Fire Protection Areas Urban Areas Surrounding Counties %, Provincial Parks Local Parks L j Siksika First Nations 1:350,000 2018 Emergency Services SPECIAL AREAS BOARD (AREA NO. 2) VILLAGE OF DUCHESS DUss Millicent Cassils Brooks Bow City Rainier km Water Bodies 0 5 10 Scandia CITY OF BROOKS Lake Newell Resort s Patricia Patricia b' / I Tilley Tilley Rolling Hills Rolling Hills CYPRESS COUNTY Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N This map is intended for advisory purposes only. It is based upon data sources deemed reliable but the County of Newell is not responsible for errors or omissions.