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10. Appendix A - Hamlets Index + Hamlets Index map - Pages 81 - 81A
Appendix A— Hamlets Page 81 Index Order Name Page 1 Bow City 82 2 Cassils 83-83A 3 Gem 84 4 Lake Newell Resort 85-85C 5 Millicent 86 6 Patricia 87-87A 7 Rainier 88 8 Rolling Hills 89-89B 9 Scandia 90-90B 10 Tilley 90-91B Index Order 1 Hamlet Name 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bow City Cassils Gem Lake Newell Resort Millicent Patricia Rainier Rolling Hills Scandia Tilley County of Newell NHamlets n^N WE • Gem 4Wie 84) Mapbook Page 82 0 4 � Legend Hamlets HWY1 HWY36 Other HWY Other Roads Railroad System Water Bodies County Of Newell Urban Areas Bow City/r (Page 82)/ 5 Millicent \ (Page 86) I1 Cassils,,, ()Pages 83, 83A) Rainier (Page 88 *Patricia (Pages 87, 87A) Lake Newell Resort ()Pages 85, 85A, 85B, 85C Tilley , (Pages 9i1�, 91A, p113) Scandia ;0Pages 90, 90A, 90B) 46. • Rolling Hills (Pages 89, 89A, 89B) 10 1:500,000 20 km Projection: NAD83 UTM 12N I 1 Page 81A