HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-20 Regional Emergency Management COUNTY OF NEWELL
BYLAW NO. 1994-20
A. The County of Newell is responsible for the direction and control of its emergency
response and is required under the Emergency Management Act, Chapter E-6.8, RSA
2000, and the Local Authorities Emergency Management Regulation (203/2018) to
appoint an Emergency Advisory Committee and to establish and maintain a Municipal
Emergency Management Agency.
B. It is desirable and in the public interest, and in the interests of public safety, that such
a Committee be appointed, and such an Agency be established and maintained to
carry out Council's statutory powers and obligations under the said Emergency
Management Act.
C. It is desirable in the public interest, and in the interests of public safety that a regional
emergency management group be formed to coordinate a regional emergency
approach and programs.
D. The municipalities of the Newell Region wish to establish a Regional Emergency
Advisory Committee, a Regional Emergency Management Agency, and a Regional
Emergency Planning and Coordinating Group.
1. This Bylaw may be cited as the "Regional Emergency Management Bylaw".
2. In this Bylaw the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
(a) "Act" means the Emergency Management Act, Chapter E-6.8, RSA 2000 and
the Local Emergency Management Regulation
(b) "CAO" means a person appointed to that position by the County of Newell Council
as per section 205 of the Municipal Government Act, RSA,2000,cM-26;
(c) "Council" means the Council of County of Newell;
(d) "Deputy Director of Emergency Management" (DDEM) means the person
responsible forthe duties ofthe Director of Emergency Management(DEM)in the
absence of the DEM;
(e) "Director of Emergency Management" (DEM) means the person who occupies
the position of Rural Fire and Emergency Services Coordinator or equivalent
position for the Newell Region and by virtue of a resolution approved by each of
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the participating Local Authorities, is responsible for the Emergency Management
program throughout the Newell Region;
(f) "Disaster" means an event that results in serious harm to the safety, health or
welfare of people, or in widespread damage to property or the environment;
(g) "Emergency" means a present or imminent event that requires prompt
coordination of action or special regulation of persons or property to protect the
safety, health or welfare of people or to limit damage to property or the
(h) "Emergency Coordination Centre" (ECC) means the location (including internet
based meeting applications )that functions as a point of coordination, addressing
the needs of the municipality or the Newell Region as a whole, exercising the
authority of the local officials, as well as anticipating and supporting the needs
of one (1) or more incident sites;
(i) "Local Authority" means, where a municipality has a council within the meaning
of the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M-26, RSA 2000, that council;
(j) "Minister" means the Minister charged with administration of the Act;
(k) Newell Region means the geographic area encompassed by the boundaries
of the County of Newell and includes the Town of Bassano, the Village of
Duchess and the Village of Rosemary
(1) "Newell Regional Emergency Partnership" (NREP)means the Newell Regional
Emergency Partnership established by agreement that has been adopted and
is attached as Schedule "A" to the approving bylaws passed by the respective
municipal councils of the Parties;
(m) "Newell Regional Emergency Planning and Coordinating Group" (Planning and
Coordinating Group) means the Newell Regional Emergency Planning and
Coordinating Group as established by agreement between and the bylaws of the
respective municipal councils of the Parties;
(n) "Parties" means the County of Newell, The Town of Bassano, The Village of
Duchess, and The Village of Rosemary;
(o) "Regional Emergency Advisory Committee" (REAC) means the Advisory
Committee of the Newell Regional Emergency Partnership as established by
agreement which has been authorized through bylaws approved by the Parties
(p) " Regional Emergency Management Agency" (the Agency) means the Newell
Regional Emergency Partnership Agency as established by Agreement
between and the bylaws of the respective municipal councils of the Parties;;
(q) "Regional Emergency Management Plan" means the Newell Regional
Emergency Management Plan prepared by the Planning and Coordinating
Group for managing potential emergencies or disasters within the Newell
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(a) Council agrees in accordance with the NREP, to establish the Regional
Emergency Advisory Committee (REAC)to advise Council on the development
of emergency plans and programs. This bylaw in conjunction with other related
bylaws approved by the Parties establishes the Regional Emergency Advisory
(b) Council agrees through the NREP, to establish a Planning and Coordinating
Group whose role is to assist and provide administrative support for the REAC
in the creation, implementation and evaluation of NREP plans and programs
and setting direction for the NREP Agency and any of its sub groups. This does
not include the power to declare, renew orterminate a state of local emergency.
(c) Council agrees in accordance with the NREP, to establish the Agency to act
as the agent of Council in exercising its statutory powers and obligation under
the Act. This does not include the power to declare, renew or terminate a state
of local emergency, nor the powers contained throughout Section 9.2 of this
4.1 Council shall:
(a) by resolution, appoint one (1) of its members to serve on the REAC and at least
one (1) member as an alternate;
(b) provide for the payment of expenses of its member(s) of the REAC;
(c) ensure that emergency plans and programs are prepared to address potential
emergencies or disasters in the County of Newell and the NREP Region;
(d) approve the Regional Emergency Management Plans and Programs as they
relate to County of Newell and the NREP Region;
(e) review the status of the Regional Emergency Management Plan and related
plans and programs at least once a year;
(f) by resolution appoint as the DEM the person that occupies the position
of Rural Fire and Emergency Services Coordinator for the Newell Region, or
equivalent position as may be revised from time to time and
(g) by resolution appoint one (1) or more DDEM.
4.2 Council may:
(a) by bylaw that is not advertised, borrow, levy, appropriate and expend all sums
required for its share of the operation of the Agency; and
(b) enter into agreements with and make payments or grants, or both, to persons
or organizations for the provision of services in the development or
implementation of emergency plans or programs including mutual aid plans
and programs.
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5.1 REAC Structure:
(a) The REAC shall be comprised of municipal Councilors (preferably the Chief
Elected Official) representing each of the Parties, with each municipality
appointing one (1) primary member, each of whom shall have one (1) vote
regarding any matter coming before the REAC;
(b) Each municipality shall also appoint one (1) alternate member to the REAC
who shall be permitted to vote in the absence or in place of the primary
(c) The Chair of the REAC shall be elected annually by the members of the REAC
after the annual organizational meetings of the Parties have been held.
(d) Quorum is a minimum of three members. Decisions are based on simple
majority of members present;
(e) Meetings of the REAC may be held at the call of the chair and must be held at
least once annually.
5.2. REAC Role:
(a) Review the Regional Emergency Management Plan and related plans and
programs on a regular basis;
(b) Make the Emergency Management Plan available to the Alberta Emergency
Management Agency for review and comment;
(c) Advise Council, duly assembled, on the status of the Regional Emergency
Management Plan and related plans and programs at least once each year.
(d) Provide guidance and direction to the Agency;
(e) After emergency or disaster events and related recovery periods have passed,
the REAC shall meet to assess outcomes and recommend changes (if any)
that the Agency should consider in preparation for future events.
Council agrees that a single Agency shall be established to oversee the management
of all disaster events, regardless of whether the scope is contained within the
boundary of any one of the participating Local Authorities, or extends across the
boundary in a way that may impact more than one, or potentially all of the Local
Authorities that are a partner to this agreement.
6.1 Agency structure is intended to provide flexibility and may be adapted to manage the
needs of disaster events that range from an event contained within the boundaries of
one of the Local Authorities to larger events that may impact more than one, or all of
the Local Authorities. Members of the Agency shall include those listed in (a)through
(c) below and may include others referenced paragraph (d) below
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(a) The DEM;
(b) The individual DDEM's that have been appointed by each municipality that is
a member of NREP.
(c) If the DDEM appointed is not the CAO, then the CAO is a member of the
(d) The Agency may request that the following persons advise the Agency on
either a standing or as needed basis for each period of time that the Agency
deems appropriate:
i. The Chief Elected Official of each of the Parties;
ii. RCMP Detachment Commander or designate;
iii. Fire Chiefs or designates for department providing service for the Local
Authority or the affected area;
iv. Newell and District Emergency Medical Services Association Manager
or designate;
V. Enforcement Services Supervisor or designate;
vi. The Family and Community Support Services Director having
responsibility for the affected Local Authority or their designate;
vii. Public Works Supervisor that has responsibility for the affected Local
Authority or t he i r designate;
viii. Utility Manager that has responsibility for the affected Local Authority or
their designate;
ix. Emergency Public Information Officers that has responsibility for the
affected Local Authority or their designates;
X. Emergency Social Services Manager that has responsibility for the
affected Local Authority or their designate;
A. Alberta Health Services representatives or designates;
xii. School Superintendent or designate;
xiii. Disaster Social Services Managers or designates;
xiv. Representative(s) from adjacent municipalities or First Nations;
xv. Representatives from local business;
xvi. Representatives from local industry or industrial associations;
xvii. Representatives from Alberta Municipal Affairs;
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xviii. Representatives from local utility companies;and
xix. Anybody else who might serve a useful purpose in the preparation or
implementation of the Regional Emergency Management Plan.
6.2 Agency Role is as follows:
(a) The Agency shall meet a minimum of once per year for the purpose of reviewing
emergency management plans and providing an update on the Agencies
(b) The Agency shall ensure that the command, control and coordination system
prescribed by the Managing Director of the Alberta Emergency Management
Agency will be used by the local authority's Agency in the event of an
(c) The Agency shall make the emergency plan available to the Alberta Emergency
Management Agency for review and comment annually.
7.1 The NREP Planning and Coordinating Group shall:
(a) Consist of the DEM, the DDEM appointed by each of the individual Parties, and the
Administrative staff member or CAO who provides administrative oversight for the
Emergency Management Function. Despite a vacancy in any of these positions
from time to time, the Planning and Coordinating Group shall continue to exist;
(b) Provide administrative support for and assist the REAC with the creation,
implementation and evaluation of Regional Emergency Management Plans and
programs for the NREP Region;
(c) Determine the direction of the Agency and any of its sub groups;
(d) Coordinate all emergency services and other resources used in an emergency;
(e) Ensure that in the event of an emergency, an individual or group of individuals is
designated under the Regional Emergency Management Plan to act, on behalf of
the Agency. The designation of an individual or group of individuals to act on behalf
of the Agency shall be guided by thefollowing:
i. once an ECC has been activated, the DEM or any one of the DDEMs that
are members of the Agency may serve as DEM for the incident. Whenever
possible, the DEM or DDEM from the impacted municipality shall fill that
role. The intent is to ensure that there is leadership in the ECC while the
DEM may be on route to the ECC, or the DEM is away or not available for
whatever reason;
ii. in the event of an Emergency within the NREP Region, the first DEM or
DDEM to the ECC will serve as DEM for the incident. As other DEMs arrive
at the ECC, they will jointly decide who will take the lead role. DEM and
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DDEMs from the Agency may rotate through the role of DEM for the ECC;
(f) Ensure someone is designated to discharge the responsibilities specified in
paragraphs b, c, d, and e.
8.1. In the event of an Emergency within the Newell Region, the authority and powers to
declare or renew a state of local emergency under the Act, the authority and powers
specified throughout Section 9.2 of this Bylaw, and the requirements specified throughout
Section 9.1 and in section 9.5 of this Bylaw are hereby delegated to the REAC. The REAC
may at any time when it is satisfied that an emergency exists or may exist, by resolution,
make a declaration of a state of local emergency. Whenever possible, this resolution
should be made by the REAC which includes at least one (1) member or alternate from
each municipality affected.
8.2 In the event of an emergency entirely within the boundaries of and affecting only the
County of Newell and the REAC cannot be reached or convened in a timely manner, the
authority and power to declare or renew a state of local emergency under the Act; the
authority and powers specified throughout Section 9.2 of this Bylaw; and the requirements
specified throughout Section 9.1 and in section 9.5 of this Bylaw are hereby delegated to
a local municipal committee that is comprised of the Reeve, or any two (2) or more
Councilors of the affected municipality. The local municipal committee may, at any time
when it is satisfied that an emergency exists or may exist, by resolution, make a
declaration of a state of local emergency that is limited to that municipality.
9.1. When a state of local emergency is declared, the REAC or the Local Authority making
the declaration shall:
(a) ensure that the declaration identifies the nature of the emergency and the area
in which it exists;
(b) cause the details of the declaration to be published immediately by such
means of communication considered most likely to notify the population of the
area affected; and
(c) forward a copy of the declaration to the Minister forthwith.
9.2. Subject to Section 9.1, when the REAC or Local Authority has declared a state of local
emergency, the REAC or Local Authority may, for the duration of that State of Local
Emergency, do all acts and take all necessary proceedings including the following:
(a) cause the Regional Emergency Management Plan or any related plans or
programs to be put into operation;
(b) acquire or utilize any real or personal property considered necessary to
prevent, combat or alleviate the effects of an emergency or disaster;
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(c) authorize or require any qualified person to render aid of a type the person is
qualified to provide;
(d) control or prohibit travel to or from any area of County of Newell;
(e) provide for the restoration of essential facilities and the distribution of essential
supplies and provide, maintain and coordinate emergency medical, welfare
and other essential services in any part of County of Newell;
(f) cause the evacuation of persons and the removal of livestock and personal
property from any of County of Newell that is or may be affected by a disaster
and make arrangements for the adequate care and protection of those persons
or livestock and of the personal property;
(g) authorize the entry into any buildings or any land, without warrant, by any
person in the course of implementing an emergency plan or program;
(h) cause the demolition of removal of any trees, structures or crops if the
demolition or removal is necessary or appropriate in order to reach the scene
of a disaster, or to attempt to forestall its occurrence or to combat its progress;
(i) procure or fix prices for food, clothing, fuel, equipment, medical supplies or
other essential supplies and the use of any property, services, resources or
equipment within County of Newell for the during of the state of local
(j) authorize the conscription of persons needed to meet an emergency; and
(k) authorize any persons at any time to exercise, in the operation of the Regional
Emergency Management Plan and related plans or programs, any power
specified in paragraphs 9.2(a) through 9.20) of this Section in relation to any
part of the municipality affected by a declaration of a state of local emergency
including as part of a Regional Emergency affecting more than one (1)
municipality for which a declaration of State of Local Emergency was made
under Sections 8.1 or 8.2.
9.3 When a State of Local Emergency has been declared and the impact of an event is
contained within the boundaries of one Local Authority, all costs incurred that are outside
the scope of the approved budget for the Local Authority will be funded by the Local
Authority where the event occurred. In cases where an event spreads beyond the Local
Authority's boundary to encompass areas beyond, costs incurred will be shared on a
proportionate basis that shall be determined by the REAC. The basis for the cost sharing
determined by the REAC may include; proportionate share of total geographic area
involved, proportionate share of population impacted, proportionate share of the assessed
value of property impacted, or some other to be determined factor or combination of
factors agreed upon by the REAC.
9.4 In accordance with Section 28 of the Act, no action lies against a Local Authority or
person acting under the Local Authority's direction or authorization for anything done
or omitted to be done in good faith while carry out a power or duty under this Act or in
the regulations during a state of local emergency.
9.5 In accordance with Section 535(2) of the Municipal Government Act, Councilors,
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Council committee members, municipal officers and volunteer workers are not liable for
loss or damage caused by anything said or done or omitted to be done in good faith
in the performance or intended performance of their functions, duties, or powers under
the Municipal Government Act or any other enactment.
9.6 When in the opinion of the Local Authority in which the state of local emergency was
declared, or the REAC, as the case may be, an emergency no longer exists, the Local
Authority or the REAC shall, by resolution, terminate thedeclaration.
9.7 A declaration of a state of local emergency is considered terminated and ceases to be of
any force or effect when:
(a) a resolution is passed under Section 9.5;
(b) a period of seven days has lapsed since it was declared, unless it is renewed by
(c) the Lieutenant Governor in Council makes an orderfor a state of emergency for the
same area; or
(d) the Minister cancels the state of local emergency for the affected area.
9.8 When a declaration of a state of local emergency has been terminated, the REAC or the
Local Authority who made the declaration shall cause the details of the termination to be
published immediately by such means of communication considered most likely to notify
the population of the area affected.
10.1 The REAC is delegated the authority to enter into an Emergency Management Mutual Aid
Agreement with another regional group or single municipality. The decision for the REAC
to enter into a mutual aid agreement must be approved by unanimous vote of all members
of the REAC. The Parties shall be permitted to vote in person or by way of fax, conference
call, email, or an online meeting system.
10.2 The REAC is delegated the authority to create policies relating to the emergency
preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery and the operation of the Regional
Emergency Partnership and the Agency.
If any section or sections of this Bylaw or parts thereof are found in any court or law to be
illegal or beyond the power of Council to enact, such Section or Sections or parts thereof
shall be deemed to be severable and all other Sections or parts of the Bylaw shall be
deemed separate and independent therefrom and to be enacted as such.
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This Bylaw hereby rescinds Bylaw 1961-19 and shall come into force and effect upon third
and final reading.
June 11, 2020 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR TRACY FYFE that Bylaw 1994-20 receive FIRST
August 6, 2020 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR BRIAN DE JONG that Bylaw 1994-20 receive
SECOND reading as amended.
September 24, 2020 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR WAYNE HAMMERGREN that Bylaw 1994-20
receive THIRD and FINAL reading.
Reeve— Molly Douglass
Chief Administrative Officer— Kevin Stephenson