HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-12 Council (Regular) Minutes~~~ County of Newell i~To.4 Council Meeting June 12, 1969 The Regular Council Meeting of the County of Newell No. 4 was held in the County Office on June 12, 1969 at 10:.30 a.m. Members present Reeve J. Hajash° Councillors G. Larsen A. Chrumka T. Musgrove- C. Andrews D. Hall T7. Tautfest~ P. Bartlett, G. Douglass Secretary-Treasurer D.N. James The minutes of the Icy 9th Council Meeting were read and v adopted. The minutes of the Msy 28th Reconven~-,c~ ?Keeting were read. and adopted. Moved by Councillor rlusgrove, that the motion of A'ay 9th regarding V the purchase of fence posts be rescinded. Carried. Moved by Councillor Tautfest that ~:e purchase our fence posts from Boca Slope Shipping Association. Carried. I~ioved by Councillor Chrumka, that t~le accept the Secretary- Treasurer's Financial Statement for the month of May. Carried. Correspondence Letter from the Medicine Hat Regional.Planning Commission regarding the refusal of application 69_N~..29 re: ~,7. Schnieder was read and ordered filed. Letter from the Duchess Arena Committee re: thank you for $500.00 donation ~:~as read and ordered filed. . . ~.F.A.A. report regarding 21-1~-4 and 21-17_4 was read and ordered filed. Letter from the Fire Commissioner re: a ppointment of local assistant was read and ordered filed. Letter from the A.A.M.D. regarding the Finance Ministers decision on Councillors fees and income tax exemption was read. Moved by Councillor Bartlett that we protest with prejudice the Ministers decision nn this matter and that we advise the association to continue in their efforts to have councillors fees exempted for income tax purposes. Carried Unanimously. t ~`' . ~- L ~~f7 -2- Account from the Alberta Fire Protection Association re: 1969 membership dues of $5.00 titi~as read. ~ Moved by Councillor Larsen that we pay the 1969 dues to this association. Carried. Request from Miss Linda Betts from Gem requesting County approval of her application for license fora Beauty Parlor operation at Gem ti;as read. ' Moved by Councillor Tautfest that U,'e approve this application subject to alI other regulations being met. Carried. Letter from the Canadian Homestead Oils Ltd. re: Flow Line Easement in Section 18_19.-11-4 was read. t Moved by Councillor Musgrove that tiae accept this easement and the sum of $27.00. Carried. Letter from the Calgary Poyrer Ltd. re: proposed. transmission line Brooks to Duchess eras read. Letter was ordered filgd pending further information as to line location and. the Brooks Airport . ' Letter from Farm Electric: Services Ltd. re: Rosemary R.E.A. application was read. Moved by Councillor Tautfest that c~re approve this application .i>~c.~«' to all other regulations being met. Carried. Letter from the Canadian ?rdestern Natural Gas Co. re: proposed line extension was read. 1 Moved by Councillor Hajash that .:'e approve this application subject to alI other regulations being met. Carried. Letter from the S.R.& B Gas Coop eras read. Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we approve one share at $1600 and y the number of meters to be decided at a later date. Carried. Adjourned for lunch 12:30 to•2:00 p.m. Committee Reports School Moved by Councillor Chrumka that we accept the School Committee report . Carried. Munici~.l Moved by Councillor Larsen, that we accept the bid from Poole Engineering Ltd. for 6 miles of soil cement for the cost of $156,329.00. Carried. Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we approve the folloz~ring road agreements: M.J. Ryan, OH 3orgensen, Frank Virovec, J. Stevens, E. Klautt, J.G. Sugden, C. Morris, D, Owen, D.R. Hall, G.E. Bodir;er. Carried. ,' ~ , ;; ~. ~ ~ ~~, -3- Moved by Councillor Larsen, that 4~e approve the purchase of van type truck from Modern Auto Service in amount of $2436.68. Carried. Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that we accept this report. Carried. Agriculture Moved by Councilor Larsen, that weed inspectors salaries be set at $375.00 per month for this year. Carried. ..~. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that''permit the A.S.B. Department to spray trees as requested on the north side of the Red Deer .Fiver. Carried. Moved by Councillor Larsen, that T~~e accept this report. Carried. Brooks Hos i~ to 1 rloved by Councillor &i.rtlett, that we accept this report. Carried. Bassano Ho~ital Moved by Councillor Hall that we accept this report. Carried. Health Unit No report Senior Citizens Home Moved by Councillor Musgrove that we accept this report. Carried. Nursing Home Moved by Councillor Hajash that we accept this report. Carried. Farm Purchase No report Regional Planning No report Industrial- Board No report Airport Committee Moved by Councillor &Zrtlett, that an offer be made to the E.T.D. on the udest ~ of 14-15_11-4 in trade for the SE of 30-13_14-4 for the sum of $1.00; also the Se of 30-19_14-4 be designated for the use of an airport. Carried. Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that we approve cheques 670-914 as per attached list for payment. Carried. ~~ . ~- ,~ tl li -5_ Moved by Councillor Chrumka, that the following personnel be classed as permanent staff in accordance with the U.I.C. regulations: A . Cyr K. Lintott f N. Serr S. Chikowski~. and that the reeve and Secretary-3~easurer sign the necessary papers for this purpose. Carried. Information on the Local Authorities Pension was presented and ~ ordered fiied until further information is obtained on this matter. . . Secretary presented information on various parcels of land ~ : which are in tax arrears; and of which the County may or will be taking title to in the near future. ~ Moved by Councillor Chrumka that the taxes in the SW 5-18_4-4 re: C. xedelback be turned over to our lawyers for collection. Carried. . . . Moved by Councillor I~artlett that we discontinue the discount on taxes effective 1st January, 1970. Carried. . . Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that bylaw 380 to rescind bylaw / 29 being 5'~ discount bylaw receive first reading. Carried. Moved by Councillor Douglass that bylaw 380 receive second reading. Carried. . . . Moved by Councillor Musgrove, that basic rate of bus drivers fl salaries be increased by $15.00 per month for the 1969-70 school year. Carried. . Moved by Councillor Bartlett, that we send a telegram to the Priebe Minister re: Consum.aer Affairs Minister $on Basford ~' Statement r egardinq beef boycott. Carried. . . Meeting adjourned 6:00 p.m. . . EE~E ~__ / / r f(~1TCN g. d AUDiI"~D ,' 3 0 m Cita~ker+~ Amesunta+tts ~~ Accounts Payable for May, 1969 No. Payable to: Amount• 670 D.N. James 45,Q0 671 Don Avery 40.00 672 County of Newell No.4 2840.71 673 M. Hoerle 63.00 674 Receiver General 771.76 675 Alberta Blue Cross 36.75 676 Mr. Paul Boa 11.40 677 James Hemsing 5.70 678 Medical Services (Alberta) Incorporated 1067.80 679 D.N. James (Petty Cash) 28.34 680 Brooks School District No. 2092 15285.72 681 A & C Propane 55.60 682 Al's Delivery 13.75 683 Alberta Book & Novelty Ltd. 462,37 684 Alberta Electrical Supplies 6.05 685 A lberta Gov't. Telephones 26.55 686 Mr. C.R. Andrews 75.62 687 R. Angus 76.46 688 R. Angus 1350.00 689 B.H. Farms Sales Ltd. 2.I5 690 John Banek 10.40 69I Mr. P. Bartlett 109.40 692 Harold S. Beattie 98.75 693 George Bell 45.00 694 Dr. J.J. Bergen Director 240.00 695 T. Betts 20.00 696 Harold Beattie 10.00 697 The Bobbs_Merrill Co. Inc. 6.81 698 Brooks Bulletin 18.58 699 Cancelled 700 Brooks Pharmacy 11.80 701 Brooks Radiator Shop 33.00 702 Brooks Stationers 5.04 703 Brooks Tom Boy Store 7.52 704 Brooks North East Mutua 1 Tel. 414.06 705 Brake Drome 7.94 706 Bow Slope Mutual Tel. 12.35 707 Cal & Lloyd Tra nsport 6.50 708 Calgary Herald 20.72 709 Canadian Liquid Air 14.57 710 Canadian Pacific Railway 260.15 711 Ce~~e~t~ia~_Se~~ciae Cancelled .~~9~ 712 Centennial Service 7.00 713 Cert Company 5.75 714 Gloria Charlton 50.00 715 Alex Chrumka 326.34 716 Co-operative Book Centre of Can. 90.39 717 Ray T. Cotton 50.00 718 County of Newell No .4 100.00 719 Coutts Machinery Co. Ltd. 544.20 720 Crown Lumber Co. Ltd. 6.80 721 Deans Radio & T.V. 6.45 722 Deldays Brooks Transport 51.67 723 Roy Dennis 50.00 724 Dinnys Restaurant 20.25 725 Dinosaur Broadcasting 20.00 726 Downey Supplies Ltd. g6.g0 727 Village of Duchess 95.63 728 Duchess Gtarage 95.62 729 E.I.D. 3391.31 730 Educational Film Distributors Ltd. 29.25 ~~:~ti 731 Evergreen Implement Co. 12.50 732 Nick Fakas 125.00 ?33 Farmers Union Local 1308 250.00 734 John Fladhamer 50.00 735 Flanagan's 2.06 736 Franklans Tires Ltd. 223.40 737 W.J. Gage Ltd. 7.60 738 Gem General Store 208.62 739 John Girduckis 30.00 740 Jim Gold 50.00 741 W.E. Greer 761.33 742 Grolier Enterprises 7.55 743 Joseph Gugyelka 50.00 744 Mr. Jim Hajash 321.96 745 Mr. David R. Hall 226.28 74.6 Peter Harder 77.58 747 Alex Hellmer 50.00 748 Marvin F. Hellmer 50.00 749 James Hemsing 45,60 ?50 Sonya Hendrickson 46.10 751 Gerhard Hierholzer 50.00 752 The Hughes_Owen Co. 6.13 753 Hutton's Ltd. 1.85 754 I.E.M. Hardware Ltd. 1.98 755 Imperial Oil Ltd. 9.97.21 756 Imperial Oil Ltd. 37.05 X57 Industrial Road Equipment Ltd. 33.00 758 Ingxams Pro Hardware 3.45 75y International Harvester Co. 88.27 760 D.N. James 125.00 761 JH Jeffrey 15.65 762 Jubilee Insurance Agencies Ltd. 187.50 763 Ken's Plubming & Heating 127.68 764 D.W. Kinniburgh 5.00 765 Kleenbrin Collieries Ltd. 14.35 766 Klemm Electric Ltd. 76.00 767 Rinze Kuipers 50.00 768 L & G Service 25.00 769 Stanley R. Larson 50.00 770 Lee Little 6.00 771 Lowe Martin Co. Ltd. 186.50 772 Macleods 33.76 773 Magra~T Industries 187.65 774 Marshall Wells Stores 76.95 775 Marshall Wel~.s Store 41.22 776 Marshalls Book Store 65.80 777 J.W. Ratzlaff 10.00 778 Medicine Hat School for Retarded Children 15.75 779 C.I.P. Mid West Ltd. 219.20 780 Mr. M. Miller 60.00 ?81 Minnesota Mining & Mfg, of Canada 22.68 782 Modern Auto Service Ltd. 68.01 783 Dick Motokado 50.00 784 Moyer Division 51.62 785 D.F. Murray & Sons Machinery 28.20 786 Thomas Musgrove 290.30 787 Juzo Nakamura 50.00 788 Arthur C. Nichols SODO 789 Nilsson's Service (1969) 12.00 790 North American Dist. Ltd. 17.25 791 North American Dist. Ltd. 54.50 792 Jean F. Norton 50.00 793 Oasis Service 5.45 794 Olsons Service 32.15 795 Oxford University Press 9,30 796 Park Sales & Service 93.15 797 Lyle C. Parker 50.00 798 Eric Pederson 49.20 799 Peter N. Penner 50.00 800 Henry Peters 50,00 :~ 1 ~~ 801 Pheasant Sales Ltd. 410.64 802 Premier Sports 90.60 803 R & B Wheel Alignment 5.00 804 J.L. Rawleigh & Sons 36.95 805 Revelstoke Building Materials 8.68 806 Village of Rosemary 125.00 807 Mrs. S. Rust 157.00 808 Adolph Sass 27.60 809 Walter Schneider 144.00 X10 Sharp's Theatre Supplies 64.00 811 The Sharp Shop 30.15 812 Sickle Farms Ltd. 51.00 813 Doug Siefried 3.20 814 Silver Automotive 341.78 815 Simpson_Sears Ltd. 7.18 816 Sinclair Service 39.48 817 Sisco Scientific Ltd. 258.35 818 Raymond S, Smith 50.00 819 Sports Equipment of Toronto 87.58 820 Stark Insurance Assoc. Ltd. 2182.00 821 J.C. Stauffer 4.00 822 Stiles "The Druggest" Ltd. 12.71 823 Mr. N.V. Tautfest 193.22 824 Taylor Pearson & Carson Ltd. 369:.36 82 Thomas Nelson & Sons 6.93 826 John Ti11 >0.00 827 Village of Tilley 109.00 828 Tilley Gas Co. Ltd. 81.10 829 Tilley Welding 324.00 830 Ben Torkelson ;;0.00 831 Tunney's Body Shop 127.18 832 United Grain Growers Ltd. 2.50 833 Universal Bindery Ltd. 108.1: 834. Unsers Tire Service 30.87 835 Valley Lumber Ltd, 13.06 836 Cornelius Verschoor 50.00 837 Gdaterous G.M. Diesel Ltd. 536.00 838 West brooks Sand & Gravel 87. 0 839 Western Supplies Ltd. 12.72 840 Willo.~ Creek Sand & Gravel 13302.30 841 E . Wi l lams 20.00 842 bJillson Stationers Ltd. 32.47 843 John P. tidittig 17.05 844 Patricia Wittiq 8.10 84=; Wyton's Service 6.00 846 Paul Zalapski 19.:;0 847 Central Sales & Service 10.79 848 Brooks Salvage 29.27 849 Bo-.~- Slope Shipping Ass 'n. Ltd. 11.42 850 Al's Delivery 8.,25 851 Revelstoke Building Materials 313.49 852 Carlson Cartage 12.00 8`>3 Postmaster 9:.00 ~~l 8~4 Crerar, Lutes & Noonan 78.00 855 R.S. Kristianson 25.00 856 County of Newell No.4 358,99 85? M.S.I. 1065.90 858 County of Newell No. 4 Payroll x,7749.5 859 Receiver General of Canada x:87.70 860 Receiver General 13282.58 861 Alberta Teachers Association 659.48 862 Board of Administration 2293.64 863 Bank of Nova Scotia N. Dueck 425.00 864 Bank of Nova Scotia A. Lepp 450.00 865 M. Miedinger 1500.00 866 Bank of Nova Scotia 466.00 867 Treasury Branch 500.00 868 Treasury Branch K. Torkelson 420.00 869 Bank iof Nova Scotia 565.00 870 Brooks Savings & Credit Union 100.00 871 Rolling Hills Savings & Credit Union 25.00 872 Rolling Hills Savings & Credit Union 70.00 873 Rolling Hills Savings & Credit Union ~~5.00 874 Receiver General of Canada 35.00 87:. Roya 1 Bank of Canada L.E . Christianson 90.00 876 Provincial Treasurer 152.74 877 Ackiand's Ltd. 102.99 878 .Al`s Delivery 11.52 879 Alberta Association of M.D.'s 9293.57 880 Bow Slope Mutual Telephone 12.56 881 Brooks Co-op Assoc. Ltd. 1049.84 882 Budd's Royalite 16.50 883 Canadian laboratory Supplies Ltd. 103.33 884 Canadian Pacific 18.40 886 Canadian Propane Consolidated 3.85 886 Central Scientfic Co. of Canada 47.12 887 F.L. Charlton 37.00 888 Coleman Plumbing & Heating 788.78 889 Costello Equipment 80.12 890 D.N.James Petty Cash 54.93 891 Iwaasa Insiustries 164.15 892 Kost Fire Equipment 182.30 893 L.G. Service 6.00 894 Lethbridge Herald 16.64 89;> L.F. Marc~r 10.00 896 Mathison's Cleaning Supplies 23.40 897 G.Yd. l~xted 5.00 898 Moyer Division 15.01 899 Joan Niewkerk 8.10 900 Noble Cultivators Ltd. 432.39 901 North American Distributors 87.55 902 Mr. B.L. Perry 7.85 903 Provincial Treasurer 1~~.30 904 Joan Rawleigh 9.10 90~ Tony Rommens 69.60 906 Science Research Assoc. 60.70 907 Mildred Seitz 50.00 908 Sharp's Theatre Supplies 575.80 909 Sisco Scientifc Ltd. 116.45 910 Texaco Canada Harris 3055.18 911 Texaco Canada 219.96 912 Welders Supplies 270.26 913 Vic Zacharias 35.00 914 Paul Za lapski 15.00